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Ludden174 said:
Ludden174 said:
Unrelated question,

Due to covid 19, I had to take a smaller but still sufficiently paying job but, I have been feeling desperate because of rumors implying that new management (at my current job) is considering mandating vaccines to all employees and due to the weaponized science that went into the vaxx, I wish to become a hacker to gain agility and not to mention the profit from doing rather questionable things but I have literally zero skill at it so if anyone can give me link/s to hacking classes I will be more than happy to look at them. (I'm not a mentally insane person but I do feel rather weary from the prospect of being pushed around by international jewry and their goons, so I feel that making money from black market is a better alternative than being some hopeless drifter subject to subversive law)

Please excuse that little display of near paranoia but to update you on my current situation, my job hasn't done anything major with the vax for some reason (thank the gods for that).

Aside from doing my best to make things better in general (Been doing soul cleaning, AoP, void meditation, chakra spinning), I would like to receive input on what I should do next.

If you have zero skill in it, make sure it is worth the time to invest in that. As the world's economy changes, some jobs or skills will be more or less valuable. Wealth workings can be used to find you decent careers regardless. However, what is better than wealth is TIME. Time to advance both your soul and standing within Satan's empire.

You cannot have free time without wealth and resources of course, but gaining time would also sort out your obligations to others. Anything not healthy should be pruned out, including jobs that are not relevant to what Satan wishes you to fulfill. When I do workings for free time, I program it for free time to advance my Satanic "career", which to me means time to advance my soul and better serve Satan through my role on earth and through warfare.


What you are doing with your spiritual routine is relevant to you, to some degree, although the basics include cleaning, empowerment, yoga/asanas, astral senses, void and other mental training, removing negative karma, workings to improve/balance self, then physical health.

So you want a basic, consistent routine set up around void and training your brain and senses. Yoga may also be relatively consistent and should include hatha and kundalini yoga. Empowerment beyond spinning can include the full chakra meditation (using mantras), raum exercise, merkaba, and similar exercises.

Cleaning should go beyond aura cleaning to include deep cleanings of the soul through larger visuddhi or surya workings. This has the dual function of granting stable power as well.

AOP can be upgraded if you feel able to handle more work. For example, this can include large reps of Algiz or Saulo.

Similarly, removing negative karma ensures you aren't empowering negative aspects of yourself or karma from past life times. You can look at your astrology chart and notice bad degrees/personal traits, or start removing negative Saturn aspects, or other things in your life that are not going well. Then, do Munka workings to remove this.

Additive workings help fill in missing parts of your soul. For example, if you have low air, then you can do workings with Ansuz, Mannaz, or Ehwaz, or Mercury squares. This would help your cognition, communication, adaptability, physical speed, and so on. The same goes for the other elements of fire, water, and earth. Look at your chart and also ponder how you act; ask yourself what you are good at and not good at.

Physical health includes physical exercise, such as 30 minutes of cardio, and keeping a good diet. This is not always feasible on top of everything else, but still important in general to support your advancement. If you are severely lacking here, it may be worth spending some time to plan out where you can improve, such as organizing better meal prepping.

It can be difficult balancing everything and figuring out priorities but just try your best. You can post your specific routine and see what people say.
Taurus said:
Whats the best way to incite passion about somthing for myself? mars square? or could just a affirmation do it with a rune?

Both, but Squares are very powerful. Similar to how your natal Mars and Sun show what you are driven to do, so can you create this same thing with a Square. Your natal Pluto does a similar thing by creating deep focus, however, you should not ever do pluto squares or mantras. Instead, use Eihwhaz, Aum Yamaya Svaha, or do Squares of the Sun/Mars or others when in Scorpio (except when Scorpio is a bad sign for the planet).
How do i get into trance?? i have tried many times to meditate into a trance state but a always fail to get there, is there something im missing? Please help.
thank you and HAIL SATAN
From 6 month program (https://www.joyofsatan.org/hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire.com/First_Month.html):

To get into a trance state takes practice. Remember, each of us is individual and some may find this easier than others. The important thing is to be persistent and patient with yourself. Persistence and consistency are everything here.

Performing breathing exercises before trance is highly recommended, as this will naturally calm the nervous system.

1. Sit comfortably. Do not lie down because you might fall asleep.

2. Breathe in for a count of six, hold for a count of six and then exhale for a count of six. Do this breathing until you are completely relaxed. Ideally, you should no longer be able to feel your body.

3. Imagine you are climbing down a ladder in the dark. Don’t visualize a ladder; just imagine you can feel yourself doing it. On the exhale, feel yourself climbing a step or two down the ladder. On the inhale, feel yourself holding still on the ladder.

4. Now, let go of the ladder and free fall backwards. If you get dizzy or disoriented, just bring your attention to the front of your body and this will stop. This mental falling effect, when combined with deep relaxation and mental calmness, will cause you to enter the trance state.

What is needed is a mental falling effect inside your mind. This changes the level of brain wave activity from the awake level (Beta) to the asleep level (Alpha) or the deep sleep level (Theta). Once your level of brain wave activity reaches Alpha you will enter a trance. Once you get the heavy feeling, stop the mental falling exercise. If you don’t like the ladder, imagine you are in a lift [elevator], feel yourself falling on the exhale and holding on the inhale. Or, Imagine you are a feather, feel yourself floating down on the exhale and holding still on the inhale. You need a mental falling effect to lower your level of brain wave activity.

5. Keep doing this for as long as it takes. The time it takes to enter trance will vary, depending on your experience with deep relaxation and mental calmness.

A trance feels like: Everything gets quieter and you feel like you are in a much bigger place. There is a very slight humming feeling in your body. Everything feels different. It feels a bit like putting a cardboard box over your head in the dark, you can feel the atmosphere change. It’s like everything goes fuzzy or slightly blurred. Any sharp noises, while in trance are painful.

6. To bring yourself out of the trance:
Concentrate on moving your fingers or toes. Once you can move a finger or toe, flex your hands, move your arms, shake your head, i.e., reanimate your body; and get up and walk around for a few minutes.

You might want to use search on forums to look up what others have had to say about this over time.
Hello, i was always deeply connected with Lucifer. I was struggling for years and now im in need of assistance, i was here before but i was just an observer, i would like to participate this time. I was told that awakening the kundalini would kill one's spirit, and that immediately you become enslaved to some force. I don't know, but i'd like to try and see for myself, there was this ridiculous cult that i was in for years where they wanted me to kill my soul so my spirit can be liberated, in all that darkness i fell to my lowest and was a walking corpse,zombie, i wondered is this really the goal? How can spirit be freed once you start to hate the world? i wondered, what kind of life would that be ? what is there to hate ? the world is beatiful, pagan gods are wonderful, there is no good and bad in nature, everything serves it's purpose in the neverending circle of the serpent. So i have come once more, to try and see what there is to kundalini.
Hey so yeah, I been meditating and drinking hydrogen peroxide and good news seems to be that the anxiety really seems to be calming down.

Although now I have another issue with intrusive thoughts, I still get really weird thoughts in my head and I want my guardian demon and Satan to know that I really don't mean the thoughts at all, like at all and the intrusive thoughts with OCD are really weird and bad and I don't want them

And like when visualizing energy for breathing, even though I want to visualize black or gold energy for breathing, my brain makes me visualize grey energy and I am afraid of grey death energy, so could someone please help me ty

I practice void meditation too. And aura cleaning.
Hey how does shape-shifting work? I read in Greek myths that Gods can change themselves into all sorts of different animals, can they change into aliens of different species too?
KingSatanForever said:
Hello, i was always deeply connected with Lucifer. I was struggling for years and now im in need of assistance, i was here before but i was just an observer, i would like to participate this time. I was told that awakening the kundalini would kill one's spirit, and that immediately you become enslaved to some force. I don't know, but i'd like to try and see for myself, there was this ridiculous cult that i was in for years where they wanted me to kill my soul so my spirit can be liberated, in all that darkness i fell to my lowest and was a walking corpse,zombie, i wondered is this really the goal? How can spirit be freed once you start to hate the world? i wondered, what kind of life would that be ? what is there to hate ? the world is beatiful, pagan gods are wonderful, there is no good and bad in nature, everything serves it's purpose in the neverending circle of the serpent. So i have come once more, to try and see what there is to kundalini.
You have been part of some jewish scheme that aims to destroy Humans. Nothing spiritual about that, and what you describe is just pure insanity.

You have found a better place. Feel free to study and to learn from here and of course from every site that satanisgod.org has to offer. Once you start to grow and heal, you'll understand.
BrightSpace666 said:
How do i get into trance?? i have tried many times to meditate into a trance state but a always fail to get there, is there something im missing? Please help.
thank you and HAIL SATAN


First of all, don't be nervous! The place/time of Trans entry varies from person to person. To get there, you need a full level of relaxation. Breathe in for 6 counts, hold your breath for 6 counts, breathe out for 6 counts. That's pretty much it. Many people who start meditating get into a trance. You have to relax completely.

Once you're relaxed, you can go into trance. You won't even notice it, and you're in a trance. Good luck!

This technique is of great help and I use it several times, but apart from this I advise you to try to detach yourself from the current world, enter another dimension (your meditation place must be dark to help you, then with the practice it will not have very important), imagine that with each breath you go into this darkness, do not think about anything else but this, but do not forget that you have to reach a state of maximum calm
Henu the Great said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
Hey how long did it take for you guys to open your chakras
This is personal. Don't worry too much, just work on yourself and things will fall in place.

Thx, my only problems are anxiety, intrusive weird thoughts, phobias and depression, I hope I get rid of them soon.
This is not how I anticipated gaining supernatural powers, by being mentally unstable :(

Btw I heard someone say that the Gods are coming here in 20 years or something? That true?
The Phantom Stranger said:
Thx, my only problems are anxiety, intrusive weird thoughts, phobias and depression, I hope I get rid of them soon.
This is not how I anticipated gaining supernatural powers, by being mentally unstable :(

Btw I heard someone say that the Gods are coming here in 20 years or something? That true?
It is true that one has to master the control of the mind first and foremost. What use is of the power when the power goes all over the place. In your case void meditation, cleaning and increasing bioelectricity should fix your issues. Maybe add a freeing of the soul working in the mix. One can never go wrong with them when the problem is known, the correct measure can be used to counter it.

I do not know if they will be here physically, but their will would be strongly present in the coming Satanic Age. We need to grow, fight and rid this planet of the enemy first!
How do I protect my dreams?

The enemy often attacks in dreams with threats and nightmares, especially when I raise the fervor of my rituals, today they tried to convince me that I'm doing FRRT wrong and Satan will punish me for it, there was a lot of crap before that too.
I do void meditation, aura of protection, tried saying before I go to sleep that I am protected and intact, but still sometimes they seep into my dreams, how can these pathetic entities access them, and what are the ways to cut them off?
Recycler1337 said:
How do I protect my dreams?

The enemy often attacks in dreams with threats and nightmares, especially when I raise the fervor of my rituals, today they tried to convince me that I'm doing FRRT wrong and Satan will punish me for it, there was a lot of crap before that too.
I do void meditation, aura of protection, tried saying before I go to sleep that I am protected and intact, but still sometimes they seep into my dreams, how can these pathetic entities access them, and what are the ways to cut them off?
By growing stronger. Keep in mind that Satan does not let anything that you can not handle or to learn a lesson from to happen for a SS.
Henu the Great said:
Recycler1337 said:
How do I protect my dreams?

The enemy often attacks in dreams with threats and nightmares, especially when I raise the fervor of my rituals, today they tried to convince me that I'm doing FRRT wrong and Satan will punish me for it, there was a lot of crap before that too.
I do void meditation, aura of protection, tried saying before I go to sleep that I am protected and intact, but still sometimes they seep into my dreams, how can these pathetic entities access them, and what are the ways to cut them off?
By growing stronger. Keep in mind that Satan does not let anything that you can not handle or to learn a lesson from to happen for a SS.
I do this every day, but thank you
Recycler1337 said:
How do I protect my dreams?

The enemy often attacks in dreams with threats and nightmares, especially when I raise the fervor of my rituals, today they tried to convince me that I'm doing FRRT wrong and Satan will punish me for it, there was a lot of crap before that too.
I do void meditation, aura of protection, tried saying before I go to sleep that I am protected and intact, but still sometimes they seep into my dreams, how can these pathetic entities access them, and what are the ways to cut them off?

It takes time to build sufficient protection to where the enemy is unable to act upon you at all.

Even I sometimes still get attacked in dreams, like a few days ago where I suddenly woke up to a loud phantom sound next to my head of something yelling full force into my ear.

There was nothing of course, just a phantom sound, or in other words, spiritual attack of some kind.

Generally almost all attacks cease to affect you after you build AoP for close to a year, only rarely, such as during the enemy holidays where they curse us relentlessly, do attacks amplify and get through after that.

In case of bad or persistent attacks, you can always ask Satan to send a Demon to you to keep you safe from these things, or to help remove the entity or energy that is causing it.

Back in my early days as an SS I had a few nights where I kept getting attacked and my own efforts didn't seem to be effective at dealing with it, so I asked Satan if he could give me extra protection that night so I could get a good sleep which I hadn't had in a few days.

I got help and slept sound like a baby in his mothers arms that night. Best sleep I had had in years.

Of course, the Gods expect you to take care of yourself and protect yourself as best you can, and to rely on yourself as much as possible, but sometimes things may be too much for you, in which case you can ask for help and you should receive it (so long one doesn't ask for things all te time).

A few things you can try yourself are:

Do a cleaning of your room before going to sleep. Clean the room same as you would clean your aura with Aum Suryae. Instead of invoking the energy, you evoke it into the environment and clean the energy of the room out completely.

Then do an AoP on your room as well. You vibrate Algiz, say 30 times, into each wall and into the floor and ceiling. Visualize the walls bright gold and very solid, impenetrable, then affirm for example:

"My room is protected by the powerful energy of Algiz, the walls, ceiling and floor are completely impenetrable and fully protected against any negative entities, energies, thoughtforms and intents directed at me or my room."

Affirm this 10 times. Do this for upwards of 40 days if necessary. For me I only had to do this a few times for it to have a mostly permanent effect.

Then you can also do a banishing ritual, either before sleep or just daily whenever you have time for a while. I wouldn't do it longer than 7 days, since the banishing ritual is very intensive and the energy is indiscriminate.

I'd suggest you do the banishing through your whole house once if you have never done it, to clean it from any negative influence and energy.

Go from room to room, and in each room vibrate Vinasa 8 times. Be very careful to evoke the energy and not invoke it.

After vibrating, affirm 3 times (can do 10 as well, but 3 is usually fine):

Any negative entities, thoughtforms, energies, curses, bindings and intents directed at me or this room are completely banished now and forever.

Visualize the energy of Vinasa sweep through the room and completely flush everything out. Absolutely everything.

Vinasa doesn't discriminate against any energy, so it will void positive things and negative things alike. It's like a total pesticide that annihilates everything in there.

Therefore, do the Vinasa banishing when you are alone and move any pets from the room first, then do the cleaning with Aum Suryae and the Algiz room protection working afterwards to fill it with positive energy.

The Vinasa can be done daily for a short while, a week at most, to get rid of any persistent things.

After that it is something you can use periodically in case you are attacked during your sleep again, or say, during the enemy holidays where they curse us incessantly, to clean up whatever comes through.

For a quick daily cleaning if one doesn't have much time, visualize powerful blue flames filling the whole room, burning on the walls, floor and ceiling. Breathe energy while you do this, and send the energy out into the flames as powerful blue light (the color of the energy and the flames should be like a black light).

Let the flames sweep through the room, and clean any negative entity and energy out.

Affirm while you do this:

"The powerful Satanic blue flames burn away any negative entity, thoughtforms, energy, curses, bindings and intents directed at me and my room, now and forever."

Focus intently on this. The room should begin to feel cool, very calm and pleasant to be in, as if a blanket was placed over you by a loving parent.

After say a few minutes of this, relax the mind and stop the visualization. To conclude the working, vibrate Aum once.

If you see things crop up while you do this, such as shadows, strange shapes, entities, etc, focus the flames on this thing and burn it away totally under a relentless torrent of Satanic blue fire until it is completely annihilated.

You can affirm our loud toward this sort of thing that is is gone now. Or that it is destroyed in Satan's name, etc.

I always have a lot of fun annihilating a negative thing that has the audacity to enter my room.

It doesn't happen often anymore, so I always take great pleasure in burning away anything malicious if it ever dares to appear before me.

Another thing you can try, is bless your house in Satan's name.

Raise your energy, then go from room to room, and call on Satan and your GD if you know who they are.

Let powerful Satanic energy flood the room. This energy should feel similar to the Satanic blue fire.

You can vibrate SATANAS to raise as much energy as possible.

In the first room (best if it's the center room of your house, either the literal center room, or the room you consider most important, or the room you usually do your meditations in), do a standard ritual to Satan after you have raised your energy as high as you can, then also do the invocation to Satan.

Then affirm:

"This room is now blessed in Satan's name!

Any entities who are enemies to Satan are never allowed to enter this place here, and any who dare intrude upon this place of Satan be destroyed!

Only Satanic energies and beings loyal to Satan and the Gods are free to enter this room as I deem fit!

Any other beings are only allowed to enter with my personal permission, so long these do not intent upon me or this place any harm, lest they too be destroyed in Satan's name!"

Go from room to room, and do this ritual in any room you feel it is fitting or necessary.

Personally I only limited this to my bedrooms, living room, kitchen area (which is connected to my living room), and main bathroom of the house (where the shower, etc, is).

Other rooms (such as the toilet), I did not do this in, since they didn't feel worthy to be blessed in Satan's name.

In those smaller or less important rooms, or those who I felt were inappropriate to bless in Satan's name, I just did the regular cleaning and blessing with Satanic energies to prevent anything from manifesting in there.

At the end of going through all the important rooms, or rooms you feel need and deserve this blessing, stand back in the center room where you started this ritual and affirm:

"Let my house be blessed in Satan's name!

Now this house is a house of Satan! A house of Hell!"

You can add any things to there that you want or adjust and personalize this affirmation in ways that seem fit. It's a personal ritual, so do what you feel is best and most suitable to you.

I for example added on that:

"Any Gods and demons loyal to Satan are welcome in my home at any time. The doors of my home are open to them as they see fit, and they are free to come and go as they please.

Other entities not loyal to Satan and the Gods can never enter my home without my permission. Those who do, are treated as my enemies, and by extension, as enemies of Satan, until I deem otherwise."

Then I made a small list of people who I allow to enter my home and who have my permission to come and go as they please, to be exempted from the restrictions placed upon my home.

I then affirmed:

"The people named on this list, have my permission to enter this house of Satan and can come and go with my permission so long they follow the rules of my house."

I burned the list of people in a candle fire, then thanked Satan and my GD, and closed the ritual with Aum and a big hail Satan.

If one isn't comfortable affirming that the Gods are free to come and go as they please, this is all up to them to deliberately include or not.

Though I will say that it is inappropriate to affirm the Gods can only enter with your permission, since they can come and go as they please, wherever they please anyway.

They do not invade privacy anyway, so there is no real need to include them in the exclusions you place upon your house.

Just think about what feels appropriate to you, and if you are uncertain what exactly to affirm, ask Satan or your GD for help before starting the ritual.

Ever since I did that Satanic blessing upon my home it has been very well protected, and very secure. I also felt more at home than ever, as if I truly left a permanent imprint there and am always secure at this place.

Those are the things you can do beyond personal protection and consistent effort to further protect your home against any negative influences, entities, spiritual attacks, etc.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Recycler1337 said:
How do I protect my dreams?

The enemy often attacks in dreams with threats and nightmares, especially when I raise the fervor of my rituals, today they tried to convince me that I'm doing FRRT wrong and Satan will punish me for it, there was a lot of crap before that too.
I do void meditation, aura of protection, tried saying before I go to sleep that I am protected and intact, but still sometimes they seep into my dreams, how can these pathetic entities access them, and what are the ways to cut them off?

It takes time to build sufficient protection to where the enemy is unable to act upon you at all.

Even I sometimes still get attacked in dreams, like a few days ago where I suddenly woke up to a loud phantom sound next to my head of something yelling full force into my ear.

There was nothing of course, just a phantom sound, or in other words, spiritual attack of some kind.

Generally almost all attacks cease to affect you after you build AoP for close to a year, only rarely, such as during the enemy holidays where they curse us relentlessly, do attacks amplify and get through after that.

In case of bad or persistent attacks, you can always ask Satan to send a Demon to you to keep you safe from these things, or to help remove the entity or energy that is causing it.

Back in my early days as an SS I had a few nights where I kept getting attacked and my own efforts didn't seem to be effective at dealing with it, so I asked Satan if he could give me extra protection that night so I could get a good sleep which I hadn't had in a few days.

I got help and slept sound like a baby in his mothers arms that night. Best sleep I had had in years.

Of course, the Gods expect you to take care of yourself and protect yourself as best you can, and to rely on yourself as much as possible, but sometimes things may be too much for you, in which case you can ask for help and you should receive it (so long one doesn't ask for things all te time).

A few things you can try yourself are:

Do a cleaning of your room before going to sleep. Clean the room same as you would clean your aura with Aum Suryae. Instead of invoking the energy, you evoke it into the environment and clean the energy of the room out completely.

Then do an AoP on your room as well. You vibrate Algiz, say 30 times, into each wall and into the floor and ceiling. Visualize the walls bright gold and very solid, impenetrable, then affirm for example:

"My room is protected by the powerful energy of Algiz, the walls, ceiling and floor are completely impenetrable and fully protected against any negative entities, energies, thoughtforms and intents directed at me or my room."

Affirm this 10 times. Do this for upwards of 40 days if necessary. For me I only had to do this a few times for it to have a mostly permanent effect.

Then you can also do a banishing ritual, either before sleep or just daily whenever you have time for a while. I wouldn't do it longer than 7 days, since the banishing ritual is very intensive and the energy is indiscriminate.

I'd suggest you do the banishing through your whole house once if you have never done it, to clean it from any negative influence and energy.

Go from room to room, and in each room vibrate Vinasa 8 times. Be very careful to evoke the energy and not invoke it.

After vibrating, affirm 3 times (can do 10 as well, but 3 is usually fine):

Any negative entities, thoughtforms, energies, curses, bindings and intents directed at me or this room are completely banished now and forever.

Visualize the energy of Vinasa sweep through the room and completely flush everything out. Absolutely everything.

Vinasa doesn't discriminate against any energy, so it will void positive things and negative things alike. It's like a total pesticide that annihilates everything in there.

Therefore, do the Vinasa banishing when you are alone and move any pets from the room first, then do the cleaning with Aum Suryae and the Algiz room protection working afterwards to fill it with positive energy.

The Vinasa can be done daily for a short while, a week at most, to get rid of any persistent things.

After that it is something you can use periodically in case you are attacked during your sleep again, or say, during the enemy holidays where they curse us incessantly, to clean up whatever comes through.

For a quick daily cleaning if one doesn't have much time, visualize powerful blue flames filling the whole room, burning on the walls, floor and ceiling. Breathe energy while you do this, and send the energy out into the flames as powerful blue light (the color of the energy and the flames should be like a black light).

Let the flames sweep through the room, and clean any negative entity and energy out.

Affirm while you do this:

"The powerful Satanic blue flames burn away any negative entity, thoughtforms, energy, curses, bindings and intents directed at me and my room, now and forever."

Focus intently on this. The room should begin to feel cool, very calm and pleasant to be in, as if a blanket was placed over you by a loving parent.

After say a few minutes of this, relax the mind and stop the visualization. To conclude the working, vibrate Aum once.

If you see things crop up while you do this, such as shadows, strange shapes, entities, etc, focus the flames on this thing and burn it away totally under a relentless torrent of Satanic blue fire until it is completely annihilated.

You can affirm our loud toward this sort of thing that is is gone now. Or that it is destroyed in Satan's name, etc.

I always have a lot of fun annihilating a negative thing that has the audacity to enter my room.

It doesn't happen often anymore, so I always take great pleasure in burning away anything malicious if it ever dares to appear before me.

Another thing you can try, is bless your house in Satan's name.

Raise your energy, then go from room to room, and call on Satan and your GD if you know who they are.

Let powerful Satanic energy flood the room. This energy should feel similar to the Satanic blue fire.

You can vibrate SATANAS to raise as much energy as possible.

In the first room (best if it's the center room of your house, either the literal center room, or the room you consider most important, or the room you usually do your meditations in), do a standard ritual to Satan after you have raised your energy as high as you can, then also do the invocation to Satan.

Then affirm:

"This room is now blessed in Satan's name!

Any entities who are enemies to Satan are never allowed to enter this place here, and any who dare intrude upon this place of Satan be destroyed!

Only Satanic energies and beings loyal to Satan and the Gods are free to enter this room as I deem fit!

Any other beings are only allowed to enter with my personal permission, so long these do not intent upon me or this place any harm, lest they too be destroyed in Satan's name!"

Go from room to room, and do this ritual in any room you feel it is fitting or necessary.

Personally I only limited this to my bedrooms, living room, kitchen area (which is connected to my living room), and main bathroom of the house (where the shower, etc, is).

Other rooms (such as the toilet), I did not do this in, since they didn't feel worthy to be blessed in Satan's name.

In those smaller or less important rooms, or those who I felt were inappropriate to bless in Satan's name, I just did the regular cleaning and blessing with Satanic energies to prevent anything from manifesting in there.

At the end of going through all the important rooms, or rooms you feel need and deserve this blessing, stand back in the center room where you started this ritual and affirm:

"Let my house be blessed in Satan's name!

Now this house is a house of Satan! A house of Hell!"

You can add any things to there that you want or adjust and personalize this affirmation in ways that seem fit. It's a personal ritual, so do what you feel is best and most suitable to you.

I for example added on that:

"Any Gods and demons loyal to Satan are welcome in my home at any time. The doors of my home are open to them as they see fit, and they are free to come and go as they please.

Other entities not loyal to Satan and the Gods can never enter my home without my permission. Those who do, are treated as my enemies, and by extension, as enemies of Satan, until I deem otherwise."

Then I made a small list of people who I allow to enter my home and who have my permission to come and go as they please, to be exempted from the restrictions placed upon my home.

I then affirmed:

"The people named on this list, have my permission to enter this house of Satan and can come and go with my permission so long they follow the rules of my house."

I burned the list of people in a candle fire, then thanked Satan and my GD, and closed the ritual with Aum and a big hail Satan.

If one isn't comfortable affirming that the Gods are free to come and go as they please, this is all up to them to deliberately include or not.

Though I will say that it is inappropriate to affirm the Gods can only enter with your permission, since they can come and go as they please, wherever they please anyway.

They do not invade privacy anyway, so there is no real need to include them in the exclusions you place upon your house.

Just think about what feels appropriate to you, and if you are uncertain what exactly to affirm, ask Satan or your GD for help before starting the ritual.

Ever since I did that Satanic blessing upon my home it has been very well protected, and very secure. I also felt more at home than ever, as if I truly left a permanent imprint there and am always secure at this place.

Those are the things you can do beyond personal protection and consistent effort to further protect your home against any negative influences, entities, spiritual attacks, etc.

Hail Satan!

Thank you so much, what an informative and helpful post, I will save it and do it as much as possible when I am home alone.
Recently, during my meditation and spiritual workings, I feel a lot pressure on my right brain and right nostril. Why is that? I try to be as relaxed as possible but the pressure is strong.
homeraee said:
Recently, during my meditation and spiritual workings, I feel a lot pressure on my right brain and right nostril. Why is that? I try to be as relaxed as possible but the pressure is strong.

Could you explain more of what you feel? Is it a tension like pressure, is it painful? Do you only feel it on your head, or also other places on the body?

Is there a feeling of pressure externally, or internally?

Lastly, during what meditations do you often feel this?
i have a question about the goals i have and i made up some new ones cause why not.
the goals are:

get a girlfriend/boyfriend(old goal)

make pottery(art)(new goal)

lose my virginity(old goal)

get a foreskin(regeneration)(old goal)

lose weight and become muscular(new goal)

eat healthy(no junk food balanced diet etc.)(new goal)

get a 1 bedroom apartment to rent(new goal)

go to a tropical country for vacation(new goal)

feel more positive emotions or just emotions in general(not sure whats causing this though)(new goal)

make paintings(art)(new goal)

gain siddhis(new goal)

make more friends(already have seven but more is better cause why not)(old goal)

get over fear of driving and just do it(old goal)

go on dates(have tinder got 54 matches so yeah people like me in the romantic/sexual sense just gotta seek it out now :D :D :D :D )(new goal)

master visualization(new goal)

exercise MOAR(i go on walks and the random yoga for now but i want MOAR)(new goal)

somehow develop love for someone(not sure if love is real but if it is i'd like it instead of feeling neutral to everyone including friends and family)(new goal)

learn how to cook better(new goal)

thats what i have for now i'm sure more goals will come to my mind in time this is mostly recent stuff though
VoiceofEnki said:
homeraee said:
Recently, during my meditation and spiritual workings, I feel a lot pressure on my right brain and right nostril. Why is that? I try to be as relaxed as possible but the pressure is strong.

Could you explain more of what you feel? Is it a tension like pressure, is it painful? Do you only feel it on your head, or also other places on the body?

Is there a feeling of pressure externally, or internally?

Lastly, during what meditations do you often feel this?

It’s a tension like pressure and painful. I feel it in my right head and right nostril. It’s from internal.

It only started like a couple of days ago and continued each time. I do feel a bit nervous to do meditation but I don’t think it is the cause of the pressure. I recently pay more attention to my breath. One change was that I held breath after breathing which I neglected before.

It’s when I need to concentrate(meditation) that I feel it. So during most of meditations(like chakra spin), I can feel it. In physical world it is fine as long as I don’t think to be concentrated.

I do alternative nostril breathing after each meditation.
homeraee said:
It’s a tension like pressure and painful. I feel it in my right head and right nostril. It’s from internal.

It only started like a couple of days ago and continued each time. I do feel a bit nervous to do meditation but I don’t think it is the cause of the pressure. I recently pay more attention to my breath. One change was that I held breath after breathing which I neglected before.

It’s when I need to concentrate(meditation) that I feel it. So during most of meditations(like chakra spin), I can feel it. In physical world it is fine as long as I don’t think to be concentrated.

I do alternative nostril breathing after each meditation.

There's a few spiritual things you can try.

First one, when you meditate and begin to feel that pain, stop what you are doing and bring your focus to the area where the pain and tension is felt.

Breathe in white gold energy, and direct it to the area where you feel the tension. Let the whole gold energy flood that whole area, and flush the tension out, widening the area and creating space. Be as relaxed as possible while doing this, do not force it either, just breathe in the white gold energy and let it flow through the tense area, flushing out the tension and relieving the pain.

Then let the white gold energy expand outwards, radiating outwards, filling that whole area of your body with white gold light shining out from within the part which felt painful before.

If you feel pain while trying this, relax even more, take deep, slow breathe, and completely calm your mind, as if entering trance, then do it again, slowly, letting the energy flow in the are where the tension is, akin to water flowing into a channel dug through dry earth.

Start from the nostril and let the energy flow up to the part of your brain where the pain is felt, widening this channel and filling it with white gold light.

Another thing you can try, is the EA meditation:

You focus on the left side of your body and vibrate E (EEEYY) then focus on the right side of your body and vibrate A (AAAHH), do this back and forth, sending all the energy of your right side body into your left when vibrating E, then all the energy of your left side body into your right when vibrating A.

This should create a cascading effect, and give a magnetic feeling between the left and right side body. The more you do this, the more the left and right side body should feel like they are expanding.

When doing this, be relaxed, let the energy flow and focus on the side of the body you are vibrating for. The vibrations should be relatively quick, a few seconds at most for each.

This meditations strengthens the connection between the left and right side of the being, and balances the flow of energy as well as the openness of the soul on the left and right sides of the body, while also expanding the aura and flow of energy as a whole, which helps improve openness and remove any sort of blockage.

It pairs very well with the alternate nostril breath (which is to be done after).

There's also this meditation from the Joy of Satan:


When done right, it has the same function as the first technique I gave you, but it is more expansive and includes the whole aura.

You can try this in combination with the first technique. First do the aura empowering meditation, and then direct white gold energy to the place that was hurting and had tension in it.

With the empowered aura, the effects should improve.

Tension like that is in my experience either caused by a blockage in the energy flow, or a lack of energy flow in certain areas, similar to a hole in the aura.

Increasing the strength and vibrancy of the aura as a whole goes a long way in fixing this. As well as breathing energy into the places that have this tension and pressure, to open them and expand them, so the tension is released as there us now room for the energy to flow.

Even if this may be a physical issue, it is very likely that these methods can solve it, as a powerful aura also supplements the health of the physical body.

However, if there is no improvement at all after trying these things, then perhaps it may be a health issue that should be looked at by a doctor, though personally I believe you can fix it with energy work alone, as I've had similar symptoms and this sort of energy work was always enough for me to heal it.

Let us know how it goes, and if anything else comes up, I'll do my best to advice you on it.
These mega files don't work :(

What RTR stands for?

Ol argedco luciftias said:
This article, The House of Satan, shows what we are all about here :D

Here is a 6 month meditation program, similar to the 40 day one

Here is a PDF version of the Joy of Satan website. To make it easier to read the whole thing. But this pdf is old, there is more information on the website that has been updated

Here is a copy of the page for doing the Final RTR

Here is instructions for Kundalini Yoga
And instructions for Hatha Yoga

Here is the Chronos XP Planetary Hours program. So you accurately know when to plan your workings according to planet influences.

:D :D :D
What RTR stands for?

You made your account januari 2019, and don't know what RTR stands for?

What have you been doing since coming here?
Being busy getting back on my feet for the last 10 years after some heavy backstabbers " ex
1st best friend " in my life almost ruined my life after stup^dly trusting him with credit after he got divorced, lost everything lived in parks during summer and winters and he knew i was SS. Then i had to stop meditating because each time i restarted, things just got worse in my life. Car accidents, people around me turned their back on me, hated me, people at work got angry at me randomly..like if some type of entity controlling them to stop me from advancing. And when i stopped meditating, people got normal and nicer.

Basically that's pretty much a shortened resume for you.
I have followed JoS off and on for roughly 7 years. It's been a spiritual tug of war, but I've now come full circle through life experience and seeing everything taking place in the world. Someone who's helped me come back around is Adam Green and his channel Know More News. His episodes with Christopher Jon Bjerknes are top notch, and they expose Kabbalah, Gnosticism, and the manipulation of Gentiles through Christianity.

My first question is how do you feel about Christopher Jon Bjerknes? He's a bit of an autist so his personality can rub people wrong, but the man is an encyclopedia of spiritual knowledge.

My second question is are there backups, downloaded files for all of the sites and information that JoS has put out? This really is the modern day Alexandrian Library, but with censorship ramping up I'd hate for it to be lost one day
If I miss a couple days of meditation, shouldI start the 40 day program over or can I pick up where I left off?
Hi fellow SS :) If i wanted to hex or bless someone on the internet how would one do that? as an example, i want to heal a twitch streamer from the vaccine since he’s having major heart problems now.
Rational Satanist said:
EnergyGem said:
What is your opinion on the google play logo? you guys say the freemasons in charge are supposed to be against satan not for him. so why did they put his sigil in their logo.

Are you christarded or something? They are different. This is the jewgle play store logo:

And this is the first of the two Satan's sigils:


Just because the upper part of the sigil is similar to the play store logo doesn't make them the same. It's not even very similar because on the actual sigil the two diagonal lines cross past the outer sides of the triangle while in the play store logo they don't. The lower part of Satan's sigil isn missing from the play store logo, and the upper part is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise on the store logo. This upper part exists in hundreds of other geometrical designs, so by itself it isn't Satan's sigil.

And yes, to be Satan's sigil it has to be exactly the same. Especially the sigils of the Gods are very sensitive, even a small part missing gives off a different energy. If you have done meditation on Satan's sigil and on the jewgle play store you will see they give off a completely different energy.

What you are saying is as dumb as saying that a company using a right-angled "V" as a logo is a christian company because it uses a cross as a symbol.

Thanks for the well-written, yet well thought out response rational. It would make sense that the jews are trying to mock satan because he is going against them .
Hello brothers and sisters. I am approaching the 40 day mark of my current working and have a question that I feel might be common knowledge but I am ignorant about. Assuming the astrological timing is adequate in all cases would it be more beneficial to do two 40 day workings or one 80 day working? The one I am currently doing will be 90 days but wanted to know for future ones.

Hail Satan!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Casian said:
I need help, I think I'm losing my mind , I can't eat or sleep , so I just feel so guilty I want everything to end , so today two man stopped me and they said they are from some company and they asked me about supermarkets and shopping , then they asked me my name my phone number a, I told them my name , gave them an old number and they asked where I live , and me being a Stupiddd I told my address was instinctively , and if they weren't real ,if they are bad, my mind is going crazy , I think I need help , if I would tell my mom it would only get worse , but I'm planning to and I need your help , you are the only ones who I can talk to , so please helpp me ...
This is very common for companies like supermarkets and stores to do surveys of what customers like. So the company knows what choices to make about how to attract more customers. Companies do this all the time every day, so they can know how to make the most money.

Why would you be worried about that? You are acting like you think you saw an alien. They probably signed your address up so you will get their advertisements and coupons in the mail. All they want is for you to buy stuff from their store.

Hello brother, can you send me a mail over ProtonMail please?
I would like to discuss something with you in private.

[email protected]

Confirm that you mailed me please.
2 silly questions.
1- can u start the rtr schedule at anytime in it? like lets say you had a busy personal life and you saw it midway that theres a new schedule, can you just start in the middle?
2- can an aura be so strong and big that people with closed third eyes can still see it?
Someone.something_ said:
2 silly questions.
1- can u start the rtr schedule at anytime in it? like lets say you had a busy personal life and you saw it midway that theres a new schedule, can you just start in the middle?
2- can an aura be so strong and big that people with closed third eyes can still see it?

1. Yes of course.

2. Basically yes. They may not see what it looks like, but they will feel that it is there and feel the influence from it. Enough to be aware of it.
NinRick said:
I do not like to send any emails. If anybody sends an email to anybody and it is claiming to be from me, you can be sure that it is some kind of trap from some impersonator. It has nothing to do with me, and I don't know about it. I have only ever sent a very small number of emails to Cobra and Lydia, and to one girl who had an account years ago. All of these were years ago.

I am happy to help NinRick. If you try to be sneaky, I will call you Slick Rick.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
