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You love being a degenerate and then offend a more advanced individual by telling to suicide. You just keep on keeping to dig your own grave, not wise... :roll:[/quote]

I ask a question, someone decides to bring bullshit from another post to this topic, I retaliate, I'm a degenerate?


And telling me I'm digging my own grave for not taking anyone's bullshit.. are we killing Satanists now? :lol: unless you're a Jew. Or am I supposed to lick the butthole of someone you consider more 'advanced' than me? You might as well go ahead and make me meet Father sooner :lol:[/quote]
You're a drug user, your opinion will never be valuable as much as someone who is free of drugs.
Persian said:
How can I make a new post? I don't see an option anywhere.

You have to click on a subforum first, such as the Joy of Satan 666.
How would you infuse a shungite stone or any crystal with solar energy? I wanted it to help cleanse and energize my solar plexus as well as have a strong energy to protect me from the 5G tower radiation It might emit but not sure what rune if any would be good for this? I also heard that leaving a crystal in the sun can help energize it but not sure if it’s enough or valid if the day is during a void moon? Cairification would help thanks!
You're a drug user, your opinion will never be valuable as much as someone who is free of drugs.[/quote]

Placing someone in a specific class to degrade a person's value and make yourself seem better than them.. seems to be like a very Jewish tactic you're using.
Whether my words mean anything to you or not is your problem. Your fact checking and harassment doesn't work so you then switch to your own personal subjective opinion to make yourself seem credible. I wonder if you use these forums as a platform to pick at people who you think are 'below' you :lol: probably gives you a good ego boost. Even your friend had to step in because you couldn't handle it by yourself.

You're a disgrace in my eyes :lol: may we never speak again.
After kundalini yoga fot about two week now am beginning to feel very weak and somwhere dizzy..Am i really getting positives???
Hail father satan!
Hail Volac!
You're a drug user, your opinion will never be valuable as much as someone who is free of drugs.[/quote]

Placing someone in a specific class to degrade a person's value and make yourself seem better than them.. seems to be like a very Jewish tactic you're using.
Whether my words mean anything to you or not is your problem. Your fact checking and harassment doesn't work so you then switch to your own personal subjective opinion to make yourself seem credible. I wonder if you use these forums as a platform to pick at people who you think are 'below' you :lol: probably gives you a good ego boost. Even your friend had to step in because you couldn't handle it by yourself.

You're a disgrace in my eyes :lol: may we never speak again.[/quote]
I'm just speaking from a truth point of view, your mind is clouded and affected by those drugs, the fact you told me to kill myself because I spoke the truth about you is revealing of your character and the fact that you said that you vibrate rtrs in choccolate bars(how stupid must you be :roll: ) makes it evident that you are a lower level individual.
Gigipah666 said:
Please stop posting comments on this topic. I created this topic because I want to help people, I want everyone educated, and I want everybody to have their questions answered. You can see that this topic is already very messy with the thousands of questions and answers all tangled together. We can't afford for this topic to be filled with any off-topic garbage making it into more of a mess.

I do not care if you do or don't use any drugs. I'm not here to fight over anything. If you want to fight with people about some dumb shit like that, please make your own topic and do it there. Or at least stop doing it here. I'm just asking you to be respectful, and to realize what this topic is really meant to do.

I tried reporting all those off-topic fighting worthless messages from you and everyone else who was talking to you. But it's still there at least for now. So please don't make it any worse. You do not have to reply to this message. The only reply I want to see from anybody is either a serious and important question, or an answer to someone's question.
Gigipah666 said:

What was said was harsh, but it is true that drugs delude your thinking. It is a sad reality that those who use drugs make themselves susceptible to enemy attack, because the drug use pokes holes in the aura. The implications of this are that even if you spend time doing the AOP, you could still be in a vulnerable state.

I don't know what the rest of the argument was about, but I wanted to clarify that for your own benefit. Take care.
Dragoness1998 said:
How would you infuse a shungite stone or any crystal with solar energy? I wanted it to help cleanse and energize my solar plexus as well as have a strong energy to protect me from the 5G tower radiation It might emit but not sure what rune if any would be good for this? I also heard that leaving a crystal in the sun can help energize it but not sure if it’s enough or valid if the day is during a void moon? Cairification would help thanks!

usually the sun does the Trick put them in a black bowl(just because it attracts more sunlight) place it near a window or even better outside in a place that can get direct sunlight at its highest hour.
- there are rocks that just always emit energy as well i think 'clear quartz'(google to be sure) which can be a temp replacement for the sun or an amplifier.
-you can have a crystal bowl where you can place them all together to keep the energy high but if there
-Calcite is a good rock for protection and new starts in meditation
-don't put the phone near genitals or sleep on it um kinda all i can say about 5g not really informed about it.
You're a drug user, your opinion will never be valuable as much as someone who is free of drugs.[/quote]

Placing someone in a specific class to degrade a person's value and make yourself seem better than them.. seems to be like a very Jewish tactic you're using.
Whether my words mean anything to you or not is your problem. Your fact checking and harassment doesn't work so you then switch to your own personal subjective opinion to make yourself seem credible. I wonder if you use these forums as a platform to pick at people who you think are 'below' you :lol: probably gives you a good ego boost. Even your friend had to step in because you couldn't handle it by yourself.

You're a disgrace in my eyes :lol: may we never speak again.[/quote]
Why everybody nowadays is so harassed?
Also you should read this topic Gigipah666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have stated many times that the wise person should abstain from these drugs, even weed in particular, though falsely and based on hearsay by many people to be 'harmless'. While it may be harmless, as in, let's say, clinical studies, this does not mean that something does not have specific threatening properties.
Sabazios said:
You're a drug user, your opinion will never be valuable as much as someone who is free of drugs.

Placing someone in a specific class to degrade a person's value and make yourself seem better than them.. seems to be like a very Jewish tactic you're using.
Whether my words mean anything to you or not is your problem. Your fact checking and harassment doesn't work so you then switch to your own personal subjective opinion to make yourself seem credible. I wonder if you use these forums as a platform to pick at people who you think are 'below' you :lol: probably gives you a good ego boost. Even your friend had to step in because you couldn't handle it by yourself.

You're a disgrace in my eyes :lol: may we never speak again.[/quote]
Why everybody nowadays is so harassed?
Also you should read this topic Gigipah666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have stated many times that the wise person should abstain from these drugs, even weed in particular, though falsely and based on hearsay by many people to be 'harmless'. While it may be harmless, as in, let's say, clinical studies, this does not mean that something does not have specific threatening properties.

Just have, "some weed tards are obsessive over xianity", I agree wholeheartedly, I fell for that bs before SS and was still on weed.

I read over a year ago a list of substances that is used for MK Ultra and it literally involved caffeine, tobacco, sugar, alcohol and around 100 other substances, including weed and all the other Classed drugs that have even the slightest stimulating effect on the mind.
I know Samadhi is when the serpent rises and unites with chakras, which brings us to a super-conscious state, but does anyone know what Kaivalya is more specifically? What I find online is separation, detachment, aloneness. But from what? The soul? Everything in existence but yourself? Maybe it's Atheism in essence? Or perhaps a state when the serpent is fallen? Thanks for any answers!
Hey Brothers!
I know the black aura is barrier from negative energy. But! It is the JoS suggestion to involve the enemy with a black aura. Because the black aura is good in death ritual. what is the truth?
Hace algun tiempo me he unido al satanismo, ¿Porque? por muchas razones, cada vez que rezaba a lo "divino" sentia un gran vacio en mi pecho, sentia que le rezaba a la nada.
En el mes de febrero, conoci a un chico un año mayor que yo, que adoraba a satanás, no era satanista (o al menos no se dijo asi).
Yo estaba pasando (o estoy pasando) los peores momentos de mi vida, buscaba y buscaba como solucionarlos
(muchos de aqui quiza me odien por lo que escribo, pero espero que me puedan ayudar)
el chico ese me dijo que me acercara a satanas e hiciera un pacto con el.
yo acepte, e hice dos rituales que vi en youtube
1. hice con una vela blanca, un plato, mi hoja, sangre (poquitititita) NO FUNCIONO
2. hice un ritual de iniciacion (segun youtube) donde escribi una carta al demonio donde llego a un acuerdo, deje poca sangre y queme la hoja.

un mes después seguía haciendo algunos rituales de youtube y mi madre me descubrió, llamó a gente para que rezaran, y un monton de cosas más.
me vi obligada a regresar a mi religion.
PERO A PESAR DE REZAR. seguia sintiendo vacio
la ultim vez que lo hice me senti humillada, no podia ver la imagen, me dolia, era horrible ...
le dije que me diera una señal que me alejaria de todo mal y eso....

Luego de ello, algo me hizo volver al satanismo, esta vez investigue mas, averigue mas rituales, le escribi a mucha gente con la esperanza de ser respondida.

Hace algun tiempo me he unido al satanismo, ¿Porque? por muchas razones, cada vez que rezaba a lo "divino" sentia un gran vacio en mi pecho, sentia que le rezaba a la nada.
En el mes de febrero, conoci a un chico un año mayor que yo, que adoraba a satanás, no era satanista (o al menos no se dijo asi).
Yo estaba pasando (o estoy pasando) los peores momentos de mi vida, buscaba y buscaba como solucionarlos
(muchos de aqui quiza me odien por lo que escribo, pero espero que me puedan ayudar)
el chico ese me dijo que me acercara a satanas e hiciera un pacto con el.
yo acepte, e hice dos rituales que vi en youtube
1. hice con una vela blanca, un plato, mi hoja, sangre (poquitititita) NO FUNCIONO
2. hice un ritual de iniciacion (segun youtube) donde escribi una carta al demonio donde llego a un acuerdo, deje poca sangre y queme la hoja.

un mes después seguía haciendo algunos rituales de youtube y mi madre me descubrió, llamó a gente para que rezaran, y un monton de cosas más.
me vi obligada a regresar a mi religion.
PERO A PESAR DE REZAR. seguia sintiendo vacio
la ultim vez que lo hice me senti humillada, no podia ver la imagen, me dolia, era horrible ...
le dije que me diera una señal que me alejaria de todo mal y eso....

Luego de ello, algo me hizo volver al satanismo, esta vez investigue mas, averigue mas rituales, le escribi a mucha gente con la esperanza de ser respondida.

Does anyone know about navigating the JoS site? I found some meditation while searching on my browser, yet it never appeared in the main meditations page.
Berserker said:
Hey Brothers!
I know the black aura is barrier from negative energy. But! It is the JoS suggestion to involve the enemy with a black aura. Because the black aura is good in death ritual. what is the truth?

Black usually absorbs that's why its a strong aura barrier it can also absorbs something from someone. Focusing the with already a black aura and filling it with gray is the move. But it depends on practicality.
The most dangerous aura to use in a death ritual is gray not black. In combination
My question is: Why can't people see the Order Of The Nine Angles for the false flag that it is?

According to The December 1970 issue of "THE CLOVEN HOOF" published by the so-called "Church Of Satan", Anton La Vey started that group.

Just do a search of -- Anton La Vey Jewish -------
Raptor said:
My question is: Why can't people see the Order Of The Nine Angles for the false flag that it is?

According to The December 1970 issue of "THE CLOVEN HOOF" published by the so-called "Church Of Satan", Anton La Vey started that group.

Just do a search of -- Anton La Vey Jewish -------
Most people are dumb. They believe whatever someone tells them, and they never think about what the wider situation around those words is.

Joy of Satan is the largest Satanic organization in the whole world, so the truth does get known.
Good night and greetings to all!

I don't know if a presentation is customary here, but I'll do it anyway.
I am Brazilian, woman, currently residing in Pernambuco in Brazil, but born in Sao Paulo in Brazil.
I made my commitment to our God Satan recently, but He has been with me since I was born practically because since I was a child I was attracted to demons in general.
But to sum up I had to go through many things but throughout my life I always had the company of my beloved Paimon.
Of course, at that time, I didn't know it was him, at least not by that name, I actually ran away from him, but it was precisely him who took me to my Father and creator God Satan, for which I am so very grateful.
I am a tarologist, and started in candomble Jeje - Nago, and also in Jurema Sagrada (black) which is the original Brazilian witchcraft. Can I write my story here on the forum? I think it would be an incentive for maybe newbies ... And where could I publish in which of the posts? I'm doing the 40-day power program and the final RTR in the War room about 4 to 5 times a day.
thank you for accepting me on your forum, it will help me a lot and I hope to help as well as I can. Big hug!
Hail Satan.

Hello all

Me and my Wife we stay in jhb we looking for a coven who can take us in under the wings of our Father Lucifier if someone can assist us please contact me
Raptor said:
My question is: Why can't people see the Order Of The Nine Angles for the false flag that it is?

You were answered in the other thread you created.

But I'll tell you why because these people lived "Da bible life". In other words they were bibled thumped, lived the stereotypical biblical household rebellion and when the rebellion against their parents worked or didn't work. Then they set out for greener pasture and found this organization.

Combined with a biblical mentality of reverse xtianity + occult magick from our good buddies the hannukahs + various judeo-bolshevistic en-devours(anarchy = communism) = one brainwashed person.

It's not that they don't know. I'm sure some of their members understand it's that they want to live the typical rebellious rabbi life.

They don't appreciate the slothz life. They just wish to "break shiz".

In other words they are the very same jewish mentality and worldview transmogrified for gentile consumption. While the jew constructs his world for himself and his people. They created a program of basically a reverse ritual to destroy gentiles and their world of gentiles.

Basically O9A = Reverse Gentile Ritual, not literal magick ritual more like a spell put on Gentiles to manifest the global world domination.

Basically have some schmuck useful idiots telling people what Satanism is to deliver the World unto the jews feet through maligned anti-Satanism so Gentiles are further away from their Gods and don't assert power in their lands.

It's basically O9A = Torah 101, Taqiyya against Gentiles. It's basically what the tribal warfare orders in their books and their hateful worldview.

In simplest terms O9A could be classified as an occult terrorist organization not unlike mossad or G2 or any other jewish organization. If anything the only thing not jewish about O9A is the fact they label themselves "Satanists" when in reality they should call themselves "jewish form of Satanism without delving deep into the occult of the enemy more of a hardcore, hardlined physical terrorist organization".

In other words if christianity is communism with a tinsel of metaphysics. Then O9A is a cloaked communism of Satanism with a sprinkle of metaphysics.

It also shows you O9A members don't really posses much intellect into fighting spiritually nor study the enemy propaganda for what it is i.e. anti-Gentile.

So in essence O9A = judeo-bolshevistic organization prepared for Gentile consumption.

Particularly as they get into the more bloodier forms of existence such as these Waffen organizations.
For what it’s worth here goes nothing,
X has been led here as X cannot get any help anywhere. What X is about to say may sound like Crazytalk, but it’s not, it’s all the truth.

X has had so many strange events Happen over the past 18 months in many ways X has been completely ruined by an anonymous group tormenting him on the internet in every way possible. It’s a long story X doesn’t know if anyone would understand or even want to listen never mind help me. X will cut it short for now and if X gets any response X will answer any questions truthfully and elaborate more on what has happened.

Basically x had his life ruined by an unknown person who is threatening x in ways not possible for a normal human. It’s either a serious hacker some serious undercover group of terrorist cells and it sounds daft , but they have serious technology and do certain things in certain ways that shouldn’t be possible. X is being terrorised, mocked and called the chosen one by anonymous people who know everything about x. They also know Information only X could possibly know and are saying basically X has has serious things done to him in a certain way Because x is the chosen one and it all relates to this. I don’t know who is good or bad. The new world order and Israel also Hitler is involved and pure race nordics and aryans fit in and some people trying to guide x on the right path and they have the spear of Longinus and prophecy and the bible are a massive playing factor X has no previous knowledge about any of this it’s all been told to x by harassers and anonymous people choosing to talk to x trying to make x look mad. So forgive me if it’s not factual. Two groups are following x one is good and one is bad or they are tricking x into thinking this to make x look mad because of what they have done to x so Nobody will believe it. X is just a normal person, but over the past 18 months this has all started happening after meeting a certain individual which X feels was planned somehow and a complete stitch up looking back in hindsight. I have also been having lots of deja vu and my dreams have been prophesising the future. They have all come true except one which is the destruction of new York and Egypt with nuclear warheads. X is being spoken to in strange ways that shouldn’t be possible and people seem to be undercover as tramps and riding mobility scooters doing strange things and stalking x. X also has had doctors and teachers reveal themselves as undercover spy’s and no one believes x. These people have infiltrated the whole country and are all over the place ready to rise up and apparently the queen has been swooped but no one believes x. So can anyone direct x on the right path or give x any advice?

If anyone wants x to elaborate or ask any questions please feel free.
So I was doing the 29th day of my moon square..... and I accidentally did 2 extra mantras.

I assume this is a "tough luck newb, you just wasted 29 days" situation, right? Or keep going?

If not, I'll try to do the shorter squares from now on (with full mantras, because I'm either all-in or all-out)

So was the pressure sensation I'm feeling in the middle of my brain an effect of this square? I really hope I didn't completely waste my time.
FluffyMott said:
We don't have covens. Read https://www.joyofsatan.org to learn more about real Satanism.
Invictus said:
You didn't completely waste your time, but the square itself is indeed failed now. You should almost never do the really long squares with their full mantras, unless you are very advanced and can ensure you will have both the time and focus to do the mantras properly.

For the Moon square I would actually recommend not doing it at all, and instead using the full mantra for a set number of reps every day. It will give you mostly the same results, without the risk of fucking it up so easily.
As a newbie I have some questions. I would really appreciate if someone help me with these. I'm really not trying to troll or anything. I have good faiths in this community and I'm doing my best to study all the available content. But still these questions are not answered for me:

1. Why internet resources are so limited? Even other things like Wiccan they have more content in youtube. Why Satan didn't work to spread this religion all this time while Jews were busy spreading Christianity etc?

2. I heard in some of the content said we are winning the spiritual warfare. When I look at the world, it feels like we are losing. They have literally most of the politicians, companies and popular religions. How to be hopeful about the final outcome?

3. If Satan is the most powerful God, why Jews God took over this planet earth? Is it because we as humans lost our spiritual power to help our gods?

4. Is it an option to work with the Satan and not for the Satan? I have to admit the idea of signing a pact with blood scares me that there might be something more to it that I don't understand. I'm a person who is always paranoid about everyone.
Invictus said:
So I was doing the 29th day of my moon square..... and I accidentally did 2 extra mantras.

I assume this is a "tough luck newb, you just wasted 29 days" situation, right? Or keep going?

If not, I'll try to do the shorter squares from now on (with full mantras, because I'm either all-in or all-out)

So was the pressure sensation I'm feeling in the middle of my brain an effect of this square? I really hope I didn't completely waste my time.

You fucked up. Better luck next time. I also fucked one square up, but I took some lessons from it and will succeed in other squares.

The pressure was most likely an effect from it, but now you have ruined the momentum of the square and can not use that. In addition to a square you can also choose the option of doing the mantra as a 40, 80 or 90 day working. Choose the beginning time, affirmation and repetitions wisely.

As with any working the beginning time should be most optimal for best success. Ideally (I do not follow this, but is worth trying) you should do the working same time every day or during the correct hour of the day. Use satanic calendar and chronosXP. Those are our tools for timing magick. I suppose you could use some online service for checking out the planetary hours or use the template from JoS site, but chronosXP is a handy desktop tool.

Good luck and have fun. :D
ThePropheticDreamer said:
For what it’s worth here goes nothing,
X has been led here as X cannot get any help anywhere. What X is about to say may sound like Crazytalk, but it’s not, it’s all the truth.

X has had so many strange events Happen over the past 18 months in many ways X has been completely ruined by an anonymous group tormenting him on the internet in every way possible. It’s a long story X doesn’t know if anyone would understand or even want to listen never mind help me. X will cut it short for now and if X gets any response X will answer any questions truthfully and elaborate more on what has happened.

Basically x had his life ruined by an unknown person who is threatening x in ways not possible for a normal human. It’s either a serious hacker some serious undercover group of terrorist cells and it sounds daft , but they have serious technology and do certain things in certain ways that shouldn’t be possible. X is being terrorised, mocked and called the chosen one by anonymous people who know everything about x. They also know Information only X could possibly know and are saying basically X has has serious things done to him in a certain way Because x is the chosen one and it all relates to this. I don’t know who is good or bad. The new world order and Israel also Hitler is involved and pure race nordics and aryans fit in and some people trying to guide x on the right path and they have the spear of Longinus and prophecy and the bible are a massive playing factor X has no previous knowledge about any of this it’s all been told to x by harassers and anonymous people choosing to talk to x trying to make x look mad. So forgive me if it’s not factual. Two groups are following x one is good and one is bad or they are tricking x into thinking this to make x look mad because of what they have done to x so Nobody will believe it. X is just a normal person, but over the past 18 months this has all started happening after meeting a certain individual which X feels was planned somehow and a complete stitch up looking back in hindsight. I have also been having lots of deja vu and my dreams have been prophesising the future. They have all come true except one which is the destruction of new York and Egypt with nuclear warheads. X is being spoken to in strange ways that shouldn’t be possible and people seem to be undercover as tramps and riding mobility scooters doing strange things and stalking x. X also has had doctors and teachers reveal themselves as undercover spy’s and no one believes x. These people have infiltrated the whole country and are all over the place ready to rise up and apparently the queen has been swooped but no one believes x. So can anyone direct x on the right path or give x any advice?

If anyone wants x to elaborate or ask any questions please feel free.

A right path? Read the Joy of Satan page and dedicate your soul to Satan. You will be granted protection and form there on you can use the knowledge provided to protect yourself, bind your stalkers and other stuff you probably can not even fathom yet.

The only "price" is that you need to actively do spiritual work to advance yourself and advance Satan's cause. A noble cause may I add.

All the info you need for now can be found in the following link.


If you choose not to dedicate to me it seems your torment will just keep on going. I mean what is the alternative here? Group 1 is fake good and group 2 is the same shit in different wrapping.

Your story sounds like you are someone important to Satan. Why else would you be picked on so much.

And do not stress by anyone not believeing you. No one I know would not believe me either about spiritual stuff. Maybe my parents will listen to me a bit, but thats about it. This forum is the only place I can find like minded spiritual people.

I hope I was of help.
Shael said:
FluffyMott said:
We don't have covens. Read https://www.joyofsatan.org to learn more about real Satanism.

hello Shael

I humbly say thank you for your advice however would there still be a Family that me and my wife could join that's in jhb or in Kempton would you be able to assist with something in such a manner.

thank you

Hail Satan
waterwolf said:
As a newbie I have some questions. I would really appreciate if someone help me with these. I'm really not trying to troll or anything. I have good faiths in this community and I'm doing my best to study all the available content. But still these questions are not answered for me:

1. Why internet resources are so limited? Even other things like Wiccan they have more content in youtube. Why Satan didn't work to spread this religion all this time while Jews were busy spreading Christianity etc?

2. I heard in some of the content said we are winning the spiritual warfare. When I look at the world, it feels like we are losing. They have literally most of the politicians, companies and popular religions. How to be hopeful about the final outcome?

3. If Satan is the most powerful God, why Jews God took over this planet earth? Is it because we as humans lost our spiritual power to help our gods?

4. Is it an option to work with the Satan and not for the Satan? I have to admit the idea of signing a pact with blood scares me that there might be something more to it that I don't understand. I'm a person who is always paranoid about everyone.
1)Because while jews were busy spreading xianity we Satanists were being slaughtered, this was some during the crusades. We have public internet since 1991, the JoS was founded somewhere along 2001-2002 and has been going strong till now and the future. The reason why the knowledge is limited is that not everybody wants to acknowledge it, many people on this earth are xian or of other jewish religions, and even those who aren't are programmed to be scared of Satan and the word :"Satanism". We would have a lot of content on youtube, too bad youtube is jewish-owned and every channel that we start gets banned, guess why...

2) The war has been won, what is left is a battle on this earth, compared to when we didn't have rtrs we are doing great, even if it seems bad, there's been massive pedophilia scandals going on with the vatican, there's been massive scandals about fullblown jews who were either serial rapists and pedophiles, if you look at youtube comments so many of them mention jews(of course not on all videos), jews have been exposing themselves so much and people are gradually waking up to it,nobody would have had any second thought against the jew bill gates a couple years ago, but now everybody is in someway exposed to his plans.

3)Because the Gods were outnumbered a long time ago and all the xianity bullshit and blah blah blah happened.

4)If you are unsure about anything just study more.
I have a private question I'd like to ask a High Priest. Is there a way for me to PM him/her?
Hail Satan!
I have two questions
1.What does the SaTaNaMa mantra do?
2,Why are my chakras always wanting to spin counterclockwise when i visualize them?
Aquarius said:
2) The war has been won, what is left is a battle on this earth, compared to when we didn't have rtrs we are doing great, even if it seems bad, there's been massive pedophilia scandals going on with the vatican, there's been massive scandals about fullblown jews who were either serial rapists and pedophiles, if you look at youtube comments so many of them mention jews(of course not on all videos), jews have been exposing themselves so much and people are gradually waking up to it,nobody would have had any second thought against the jew bill gates a couple years ago, but now everybody is in someway exposed to his plans.

3)Because the Gods were outnumbered a long time ago and all the xianity bullshit and blah blah blah happened.

Thanks for your explanation. I have the big picture now, may you point me to resources that I can deeply learn about these points? (No 2 and 3). I want to know what you mean by "war has been won" and how Gods were outnumbered
waterwolf said:
Aquarius said:
2) The war has been won, what is left is a battle on this earth, compared to when we didn't have rtrs we are doing great, even if it seems bad, there's been massive pedophilia scandals going on with the vatican, there's been massive scandals about fullblown jews who were either serial rapists and pedophiles, if you look at youtube comments so many of them mention jews(of course not on all videos), jews have been exposing themselves so much and people are gradually waking up to it,nobody would have had any second thought against the jew bill gates a couple years ago, but now everybody is in someway exposed to his plans.

3)Because the Gods were outnumbered a long time ago and all the xianity bullshit and blah blah blah happened.

Thanks for your explanation. I have the big picture now, may you point me to resources that I can deeply learn about these points? (No 2 and 3). I want to know what you mean by "war has been won" and how Gods were outnumbered
You're gonna have to use the search function, I can't remember where I read that, but search especially these keywords in HPS Maxine Dietrich's posts.
if i want to do a mercury square to improve my mental capabilities, should i use the spiritual vibrations/mantras or the material earthly one?
Is the Jews part of the same as us they have people who doubt the website and other things why is that

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
