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In this regard, yes. From society's perspective, some limitations can be put in place. That is why we have social, medical, and judicial systems to take care of these kinds of issues.

If you want to help a person suffering from a drug addiction, there are other methods better than coercing them to be in a relationship they do not want to be in. For example, simple energy work on them can help them. Education is another topic, and so on. And even then, if one decides to go down that kind of rabbit hole, there is nothing we can do to stop it. There will be adequate consequences to such choices naturally.

To be frank, I care not for society's perspective. I care about the spiritual laws that every being in existence must obey in order to avoid adverse consequences.

I suspect that the question in my previous response wasn't worded properly. My mistake.
How can someone know when another person's will should and shouldn't be respected? I assume the answer isn't straightforward. I still want to know the answer - if possible.

Side note. I'm asking in general and not referring to luciferianchi88's case in any manner.
Have you read the new information on this subject?

Since I asked the question today, I've continued reading the forum and the official website, and I've clarified my doubts by 95%. I just have to let the information integrate and move forward with the tool that will give me the answers to everything: meditation and direct contact with the gods!

Have a good morning, afternoon, and night, Zevists. May the gods bless you!
Side note. I'm asking in general and not referring to luciferianchi88's case in any manner.
Also I'm asking beyond drug abuse.

How may a person know when they shouldn't respect another person's free will & use spells to intervene? (In cases where intervention is a feasible option).

To be frank, I care not for society's perspective. I care about the spiritual laws that every being in existence must obey in order to avoid adverse consequences.

I suspect that the question in my previous response wasn't worded properly. My mistake.
How can someone know when another person's will should and shouldn't be respected? I assume the answer isn't straightforward. I still want to know the answer - if possible.

Side note. I'm asking in general and not referring to luciferianchi88's case in any manner.

Also I'm asking beyond drug abuse.

How may a person know when they shouldn't respect another person's free will & use spells to intervene? (In cases where intervention is a feasible option).

It is a complex answer, not something that I can iterate here in a manner you would expect, and even if I could, it would not make sense to have an essay listing all the possible scenarios.

Instead, you can start here: https://templeofzeus.org/EthicsOftheGods, and meditate on this subject under the guidance of your Guardian.
It is a complex answer, not something that I can iterate here in a manner you would expect, and even if I could, it would not make sense to have an essay listing all the possible scenarios.

Instead, you can start here: https://templeofzeus.org/EthicsOftheGods, and meditate on this subject under the guidance of your Guardian.
Thanks a million for always helping us.

I have no idea who my Guardian is. And I'm not consistent enough with meditation to get to a point where I can unlock telepathic communication.

I rely on forums for now. (Pathetic of me, I know). I'll be consistent one day.
Thanks a million for always helping us.

I have no idea who my Guardian is. And I'm not consistent enough with meditation to get to a point where I can unlock telepathic communication.

I rely on forums for now. (Pathetic of me, I know). I'll be consistent one day.
It does not matter. They will help and guide you anyway, even when you can not audibly or visibly perceive them. So you can communicate with your Guardian, and your Guardian will hear you. The perception of astral comes usually bit by bit as a result of practicing meditative practices as laid out by ToZ.
What was the reason for her leaving the relationship?

I ask this because her will has to be respected.
pardon me for my truth and blunt honesty I only explain this cause out of truth be told amongst my SS dear sacred community and family i hav no fear of honesty nothing to hide honesty matters always and forever best [policy no matter what damn shame me because ill never be a one to lose touch of abideing by the light way being that i am a warrior of the light way of from the essence of the powers of hells army shineing ones collective conscience and legions higher rank i am from old soul residual indigo soul so ill always be upon right opposed from wrong of individual moral reason moral sense stance upon from what right from wrong lines of boundaries crossing over from whats good and lines of crossing negative evil wrong losing all that is in touch of good sacred not desecrate and into rotten foul wicked wrong ill always be a god forsaken hero good guy warrior will warrior way all for the devotion of good and not ever shall not become of a deep end unforgivable scumm point of no return evil wrong... but i still highly am stupid as fuk as it gets lacking self disicipline control toward avoiding being beyond foolish dumb as fuk opposed to taking common sense knowledge applying strict with it and avoiding kicking my self in the teeth never enough it stayin of control of wise truth is my religion and i have nothing to hide even fault of my pathetic weakness sickness and worse , so honesty matters long story short to say the very upmost ;east, thank u for your time Relapse alcohal and drugs i allowed after being 8 months clean , pure full retarded as fuk as it gets on me all to say the ;least and not knowing the new property after the first of the month slumlords agency clean sober liveing place home switched up on us and switched up trying to evict notice to leave vacate illegally, we had day two later arrived from one known good elder family friend known trying to assist helping us out to the rent out residing to next mans his friend pal of his whos property is down the road from a camping resort lot space that the elder happens to rent camper n mobile rv space from off of , but yeah his pal a decent good ole fellow who owns property off reservation directly down the road from the recreational campgrounds property space elder rents location and space from .... happens to be we winded up renting a fair price space to reside n stay off temporarily a property that typical kinda shit to me should seen it broad clear as day but the property is a hotspot for supernatural paranormal highway etc spirits all sorts good bad and ugly entity location maybe so to speak a crossroads ley lines or idk something that has heavy drawn in presence of all sorts of nosey pesky presence and celestial pestilence interference , pretty much to sum it up it went bad the re following the first night n next made up all well the happened to be continued objected to and opposed to but lured to by addictive indulgence and temptation furhter relapse and haveing ugly bad morgellons heightened drug induced addictive nympho tendency addiction with porn and being completely fuckn warped brain washed zoned to that 2nd time after makeing things right after the first fuck up,, but it all along wasnt just me it takes two to tango or conflict at least cause i was she was susceptible being troubled to be hateful and vicious provoked to be provocative and , causeing issue and the lesbian porn dope induced was on me to blame after she returned to sweet heart spirit i was the one who fucked of complete stupid as fuck retard as it get zoneing in that shiyt which allowed her to get really over unrational unreasonable which took every step too me not spending the upmost sacred all due respect sentimental time i should been devote practicing remedy to her with her by her side in good in good best of loveing company but i was not because i was fuckn drug induced distracted as stupid godamn fool as fuck fuLl fucking retaRD ... SO YEAH i respect where her offense in sense of disrespected insecurity came from and offense was tooken too out of proportion from even though the first time she permitted accepted and approved of it though i winded up takeing to long towards the end no progress nonetheless on my behalf turned too pissed her of the first time and the second time she really didnt want me to only reason why it occured cause she had requested to purchase more narcotic twice i denied the second request 20$ to the middle man not o exchange or bring more because she nor i need needed it or wanted it ,, he brought it after saying he wouldnt ....... so one thing led to the next my lack of self discipline giveing into request allowing from after the first relapse on my damn shame fault behalf could not condemn or stop put an end to the next addict temptation tendancy taboo of pathetic despicable as fuk as it gets negative not natural toxic spirit dope fien straight from hell indulgence .. but yeah long story short and had i not let her get caught up in her feeling emotion and poor thang troubled lonesome sweet darling troubled thoughts and just given her the upmost simple maintenance and company attention after so little much long it woulda been all resloved prevented , and ive been with relation in the past more accepting to that shit so i didnt think she would get so utterly bothered by it cause she even admitted to me that herself once upon a time used to watch xvids and i was honest to her upon my request intent to approach such behavior after having relapseing giveing into such old fucked up developed over years atrocious ugly taboo stimulation pathetic addictive stimulations combination. , i am my own worst enemy beyond always have always been tis why i spill my blood first and for most before any all damn near hell, id put to death for such atrocious joke dishonr could never crack my skull enough I swear !! truth!!! self conflicted . its personnel always hav been,, say i praise and hail you any aql for your open minded and input incite help,, love yall and all apologies for the rant some plus some and some!! .. i would have hope she coulda handled it and understood that a honest fuck up on my behalf admitting and owning up where i was in the wrong could have prevented worst to occur, but i was not tenative enough upon god damn circumstance so i tryed to redemption pursuieth stick to it absolute n do the right thing from worse poor wrong, im still fighting to correct error fucke up of mine and change my way for the greater better control good outcome grand overall , story of my life to say the least tip of ice berg i suppose. yea . so long story short there is progress none the less small stepping stones through ought all the obstacle disrupts and fuck up,, my bad for the pathetic sad story soo,, thank u for hearing me out,, accepting to the eye sore read and story incident occurance from such a god damn fucking fool.. thank yal love yal always and forever eternal true and Comrade friend in me never the less much love yall Salutations Aum Namaste Salute Salute!! FOREVER HAIL THE POWERS OF HELLS ARMY HAIL THE FOUR CROWNS HAIL THE COLLECTIVE SHINEING ONES AND TRUE GOD AND GODDESSES INFININTE PRAISE HONOR AND GLORY TO THEIR NAMES MIGHTY INNEFABLE AND MORE POWER TO DESTRUCTION AND DEATH TO OUR ENEMIES CURSE THEIR SOULS RELENTLESSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MUCH
pardon me for my truth and blunt honesty I only explain this cause out of truth be told amongst my SS dear sacred community and family i hav no fear of honesty nothing to hide honesty matters always and forever best [policy no matter what damn shame me because ill never be a one to lose touch of abideing by the light way being that i am a warrior of the light way of from the essence of the powers of hells army shineing ones collective conscience and legions higher rank i am from old soul residual indigo soul so ill always be upon right opposed from wrong of individual moral reason moral sense stance upon from what right from wrong lines of boundaries crossing over from whats good and lines of crossing negative evil wrong losing all that is in touch of good sacred not desecrate and into rotten foul wicked wrong ill always be a god forsaken hero good guy warrior will warrior way all for the devotion of good and not ever shall not become of a deep end unforgivable scumm point of no return evil wrong... but i still highly am stupid as fuk as it gets lacking self disicipline control toward avoiding being beyond foolish dumb as fuk opposed to taking common sense knowledge applying strict with it and avoiding kicking my self in the teeth never enough it stayin of control of wise truth is my religion and i have nothing to hide even fault of my pathetic weakness sickness and worse , so honesty matters long story short to say the very upmost ;east, thank u for your time Relapse alcohal and drugs i allowed after being 8 months clean , pure full retarded as fuk as it gets on me all to say the ;least and not knowing the new property after the first of the month slumlords agency clean sober liveing place home switched up on us and switched up trying to evict notice to leave vacate illegally, we had day two later arrived from one known good elder family friend known trying to assist helping us out to the rent out residing to next mans his friend pal of his whos property is down the road from a camping resort lot space that the elder happens to rent camper n mobile rv space from off of , but yeah his pal a decent good ole fellow who owns property off reservation directly down the road from the recreational campgrounds property space elder rents location and space from .... happens to be we winded up renting a fair price space to reside n stay off temporarily a property that typical kinda shit to me should seen it broad clear as day but the property is a hotspot for supernatural paranormal highway etc spirits all sorts good bad and ugly entity location maybe so to speak a crossroads ley lines or idk something that has heavy drawn in presence of all sorts of nosey pesky presence and celestial pestilence interference , pretty much to sum it up it went bad the re following the first night n next made up all well the happened to be continued objected to and opposed to but lured to by addictive indulgence and temptation furhter relapse and haveing ugly bad morgellons heightened drug induced addictive nympho tendency addiction with porn and being completely fuckn warped brain washed zoned to that 2nd time after makeing things right after the first fuck up,, but it all along wasnt just me it takes two to tango or conflict at least cause i was she was susceptible being troubled to be hateful and vicious provoked to be provocative and , causeing issue and the lesbian porn dope induced was on me to blame after she returned to sweet heart spirit i was the one who fucked of complete stupid as fuck retard as it get zoneing in that shiyt which allowed her to get really over unrational unreasonable which took every step too me not spending the upmost sacred all due respect sentimental time i should been devote practicing remedy to her with her by her side in good in good best of loveing company but i was not because i was fuckn drug induced distracted as stupid godamn fool as fuck fuLl fucking retaRD ... SO YEAH i respect where her offense in sense of disrespected insecurity came from and offense was tooken too out of proportion from even though the first time she permitted accepted and approved of it though i winded up takeing to long towards the end no progress nonetheless on my behalf turned too pissed her of the first time and the second time she really didnt want me to only reason why it occured cause she had requested to purchase more narcotic twice i denied the second request 20$ to the middle man not o exchange or bring more because she nor i need needed it or wanted it ,, he brought it after saying he wouldnt ....... so one thing led to the next my lack of self discipline giveing into request allowing from after the first relapse on my damn shame fault behalf could not condemn or stop put an end to the next addict temptation tendancy taboo of pathetic despicable as fuk as it gets negative not natural toxic spirit dope fien straight from hell indulgence .. but yeah long story short and had i not let her get caught up in her feeling emotion and poor thang troubled lonesome sweet darling troubled thoughts and just given her the upmost simple maintenance and company attention after so little much long it woulda been all resloved prevented , and ive been with relation in the past more accepting to that shit so i didnt think she would get so utterly bothered by it cause she even admitted to me that herself once upon a time used to watch xvids and i was honest to her upon my request intent to approach such behavior after having relapseing giveing into such old fucked up developed over years atrocious ugly taboo stimulation pathetic addictive stimulations combination. , i am my own worst enemy beyond always have always been tis why i spill my blood first and for most before any all damn near hell, id put to death for such atrocious joke dishonr could never crack my skull enough I swear !! truth!!! self conflicted . its personnel always hav been,, say i praise and hail you any aql for your open minded and input incite help,, love yall and all apologies for the rant some plus some and some!! .. i would have hope she coulda handled it and understood that a honest fuck up on my behalf admitting and owning up where i was in the wrong could have prevented worst to occur, but i was not tenative enough upon god damn circumstance so i tryed to redemption pursuieth stick to it absolute n do the right thing from worse poor wrong, im still fighting to correct error fucke up of mine and change my way for the greater better control good outcome grand overall , story of my life to say the least tip of ice berg i suppose. yea . so long story short there is progress none the less small stepping stones through ought all the obstacle disrupts and fuck up,, my bad for the pathetic sad story soo,, thank u for hearing me out,, accepting to the eye sore read and story incident occurance from such a god damn fucking fool.. thank yal love yal always and forever eternal true and Comrade friend in me never the less much love yall Salutations Aum Namaste Salute Salute!! FOREVER HAIL THE POWERS OF HELLS ARMY HAIL THE FOUR CROWNS HAIL THE COLLECTIVE SHINEING ONES AND TRUE GOD AND GODDESSES INFININTE PRAISE HONOR AND GLORY TO THEIR NAMES MIGHTY INNEFABLE AND MORE POWER TO DESTRUCTION AND DEATH TO OUR ENEMIES CURSE THEIR SOULS RELENTLESSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MUCH
Thank you for explaining your situation.

Unfortunately, you are not ready for any kind of romantic relationship, and your focus should be on improving your character by breaking bad habits and improving on other areas as well. You lack stability of mind, which in turn pours into your life. A good start would be having basic needs always being met. That means any sort of housing and meals, daily. From there, you can start to work on changing habits and who you associate with and start to look into meditative practices. You mustn't be putting yourself in situations with people who are involved in drugs, for example. They will drag you down, or you will be tempted to do something stupid. Either way, it is not good. Some people say that you are the average of the closest five persons you associate with, or something along those lines. The company we keep, the thoughts we have, the food we eat, and the environment we are situated in make up large parts of ourselves. In other words, the same person in vastly different circumstances will be like another person altogether. I believe that you can make the transformation happen once you truly set your mind to it. It requires tremendous work, and the rewards are well worth it. Please seek guidance from your Guardian and follow what you are being guided towards.
Thank you for explaining your situation.

Unfortunately, you are not ready for any kind of romantic relationship, and your focus should be on improving your character by breaking bad habits and improving on other areas as well. You lack stability of mind, which in turn pours into your life. A good start would be having basic needs always being met. That means any sort of housing and meals, daily. From there, you can start to work on changing habits and who you associate with and start to look into meditative practices. You mustn't be putting yourself in situations with people who are involved in drugs, for example. They will drag you down, or you will be tempted to do something stupid. Either way, it is not good. Some people say that you are the average of the closest five persons you associate with, or something along those lines. The company we keep, the thoughts we have, the food we eat, and the environment we are situated in make up large parts of ourselves. In other words, the same person in vastly different circumstances will be like another person altogether. I believe that you can make the transformation happen once you truly set your mind to it. It requires tremendous work, and the rewards are well worth it. Please seek guidance from your Guardian and follow what you are being guided towards.
Thank u for your honest input incite and all endless and tremendous .. truth love light and universal divine blessings shower over you to your most absolute delight benefactor and prosperity brother .. I appreciate it , much love always and forever true !! FOREVER HAIL FATHER SHAIYTAHN!!!!!
Thank you for explaining your situation.

Unfortunately, you are not ready for any kind of romantic relationship, and your focus should be on improving your character by breaking bad habits and improving on other areas as well. You lack stability of mind, which in turn pours into your life. A good start would be having basic needs always being met. That means any sort of housing and meals, daily. From there, you can start to work on changing habits and who you associate with and start to look into meditative practices. You mustn't be putting yourself in situations with people who are involved in drugs, for example. They will drag you down, or you will be tempted to do something stupid. Either way, it is not good. Some people say that you are the average of the closest five persons you associate with, or something along those lines. The company we keep, the thoughts we have, the food we eat, and the environment we are situated in make up large parts of ourselves. In other words, the same person in vastly different circumstances will be like another person altogether. I believe that you can make the transformation happen once you truly set your mind to it. It requires tremendous work, and the rewards are well worth it. Please seek guidance from your Guardian and follow what you are being guided towards.
Again thanks And my bad , but my origiinal question was not exactly answered specific , please any input upon it would be greatly appreciated, tho I may already know the answer and having my origiinal question maybe hard to read cause it turned into rant my apology , but yea... and I have many guardians to be specific not sure which souley is closest always there I know they always check on me from time to time, if love to speak with them directly always, times I know when they talk to me but I have a lot of enemy thoughtform attacks upon me constantly persistent .. so it's difficult to hone I tio the proper communication at time.. idk my bad thank u for your time so much
Again thanks And my bad , but my origiinal question was not exactly answered specific , please any input upon it would be greatly appreciated, tho I may already know the answer and having my origiinal question maybe hard to read cause it turned into rant my apology , but yea... and I have many guardians to be specific not sure which souley is closest always there I know they always check on me from time to time, if love to speak with them directly always, times I know when they talk to me but I have a lot of enemy thoughtform attacks upon me constantly persistent .. so it's difficult to hone I tio the proper communication at time.. idk my bad thank u for your time so much
"does the love spell sex magic work come easier when the person attracting the other person have already had mad sexual relations and knows the others life force combined before familiar"

Love spells are usually easier to manifest with already existing astral connections. But there are other considerations to take into the whole, too.
Is the base-10 number system given to us by the Gods? Or is it arbitrary?

What base number system do the Gods use - and why?
Is the base-10 number system given to us by the Gods? Or is it arbitrary?

What base number system do the Gods use - and why?
It does not matter.
I just recently learned about ways of Joy of Satan and i am more happy than ever!I am still adapting to real magic and deprograming from enemy system.
I have may sigils with circles on and ring,should i throw all that away or just store it in some place where it will not be used?
I just recently learned about ways of Joy of Satan

You mean the Temple of Zeus. Name and everything else have been changed, all mentions of Satan been replaced by Zeus and "Spiritual Satanists" changed to "Zevists".

I have may sigils with circles on and ring,should i throw all that away or just store it in some place where it will not be used?

Throw them all away, it's enemy BS.
You mean the Temple of Zeus. Name and everything else have been changed, all mentions of Satan been replaced by Zeus and "Spiritual Satanists" changed to "Zevists".

Throw them all away, it's enemy BS.
I am still figuring things out,why did the name change and are all meditations and chakra meditations same in effect as they were with Jos or did that change to?For batter and more effective..
I am still figuring things out,why did the name change and are all meditations and chakra meditations same in effect as they were with Jos or did that change to?For batter and more effective..
Everything is the same. There are new updates and new information, and nothing has been removed. Zeus was a more popular and common name to use, and also there are not all of the brainwashed dumbass people who have a bad emotional reaction against this name.
Do you guys think the Trump assassination attempt with Thomas Crooks was staged? I woke up today, and thought to myself, "they could do that." I think it's a big psy op to convince everybody to trust Trump and Elon. I like them too, and I think they're doing good things, but now I'm thinking we should be careful that we don't zealously follow these people into something we can't come back from. Like one day, there will be some kind of hegelian dialect situation where a lot of people are fooled into accepting or doing something.

Now Trump has vowed to release the MLk Jr. "files," which will garner him a lot of support from the black community. Most of the country is going to be loving him before his presidency ends.
Do you guys think the Trump assassination attempt with Thomas Crooks was staged? I woke up today, and thought to myself, "they could do that." I think it's a big psy op to convince everybody to trust Trump and Elon. I like them too, and I think they're doing good things, but now I'm thinking we should be careful that we don't zealously follow these people into something we can't come back from. Like one day, there will be some kind of hegelian dialect situation where a lot of people are fooled into accepting or doing something.

Now Trump has vowed to release the MLk Jr. "files," which will garner him a lot of support from the black community. Most of the country is going to be loving him before his presidency ends.
The bullet missed killing him by about a 1/4 of an inch, and only because he turned at that exact moment.

The shooter was more than 100 yards away. The greatest precision you can expect to get from the average cheap ar15 rifle is about 1 MOA, 1 minute of angle. This would be very good, and realistically it would probably really be larger than this. 1 MOA at 100 yards is 1.04 inches. If I remember correctly, I think the shooter was around 130 yards. So 1 MOA would be 1.35 inches.

Meaning that under absolutely perfect theoretical conditions, even if the rifle was solidly mounted clamped in a vice so it could not move at all and was exactly perfectly aligned in the same location and alignment every shot, a series of multiple shots would be randomly arranged in a circle with a diameter of 1.35 inches. And this is under absolute perfect assumed conditions which would not exist in real life. Meaning it is not possible for there to be a plan to just shoot next to him and try not to really hit him, because the 1/4 inch that he missed by is smaller than the possible precision of the rifle. The shot could have randomly gone 1.35 inches to either side, which would have killed him.

Add in that the kid was using a red dot sight with no magnification. 130 yards is a very long shot for such a small target with no magnified optic. Center of the chest would be larger easier target, which is approximately an 18 inch square in the usual assumed size. But the target was not the chest, it was the head because a bulletproof vest doesn't cover your head, and the head is a much smaller more difficult target. How big is a face? Like 10 inches by 5 inches? That is only 3.7x7.4 MOA at that distance.

With an unmagnified red dot sight. Most red dot sights are a dot in the center that has a diameter of at least 3 MOA to begin with, which means at that distance, the dot would basically cover and block the entire width of the head, making it impossible to get a precise windage adjustment from left to right. Plus the kid had bad eyesight and glasses, he could barely see anyway and would be extremely difficult to see such a small target from that distance even with good eyesight. Plus the kid is nervous, his hands are shaking, there is wind blowing, the target is moving around.

All of these factors make the actual accuracy very bad. The accuracy with best case assumption would probably be 10-20 MOA or even worse. Combined with the rifle's intrinsic precision assumed 1 MOA. A series of multiple shots would form a circle with a diameter of more than a foot, likely multiple feet. Which is verified by how far most of his shots missed by and hit the people behind the target off to the sides.

It is physically not possible to miss on purpose by such a small amount. It is absolutely impossible by orders of magnitude. Shots falling randomly in a circle with a diameter of multiple feet, and he missed by only a 1/4 of an inch.

It was allowed to happen purposefully by the FBI and Secret Service because they were purposefully trying to assassinate him. Not only they were in on it, but it was their plan and their mission. Every step of the way, they purposefully allowed this to happen. Crooks met at the shooting range several times with somebody who's cell phone location also visited an FBI office very often suggesting that this person worked for the FBI. His entire house was physically cleaned and had everything removed before police were able to come investigate, including even removing all silverware from the kitchen. His body was taken and cremated immediately so nobody was able to test him for any drugs.

He entered that day through a private entrance only used by the Secret Service, and they saw him come in this way. It was mentioned on the radio. He was found to be carrying a range finder, which is used because your ballistics depend on knowing your exact distance. The only 2 uses for a range finder are rifle shooting and golf, and he wasn't playing golf... The only roof that was not secured was the one roof with a direct perfect shot towards the target. Security is done in a radius, meaning the secure area is shaped like a circle, except this time there was a large cut removed from the circle just so that the one unsecured place would be this roof with a direct straight shot. People in the crowd saw him carry the rifle and climb up the building, and were telling both local police and secret service, and they were ignored. One local police officer climbed up and saw him on the roof, and instead of shooting him or even telling anyone, he turned around and just ran away. There was a building right next to there with a window looking directly onto that roof, and had had 3 secret service agents in that room where if they look out the window right in front of them, the first thing they see right there is a kid with a rifle, and they did not say anything. Multiple secret service snipers were looking directly at this kid through their scopes, they saw that he had a rifle, and they did not shoot him until several minutes after spotting him. Staring at him through the scope for several minutes and not shooting him, purposefully allowing him to get off like 10-15 shots before shooting him. Every single step of the way, they purposefully allowed this to happen and purposefully allowed him to get those shots off when they could have stopped him instantly.

Did you know CNN and MSNBC were there on that day doing a live broadcast and playing the video live on TV? Did you know that CNN and MSNBC have not filmed at any of his rallies at all since I think 2016? So why were they at this one? He has done hundreds of rallies every year that they have not covered, but they were there for this one. Not only that, but they were broadcasting it live on TV. They don't play any videos of Trump speaking because when people actually hear him speak, they end up agreeing with most of what he says. So they only tell their lies and propaganda about what they want you to think he said, without actually showing him speaking and what he really said.

Not only were they showing his speach live on tv, but did you see the famous photograph where you can actually see the bullet in the air behind his head? A 55 grain bullet from a 5.56x45 is traveling about 3,200 feet per second. A regular video camera, even a high quality one for high resolution broadcast video, is almost always recording at 60 frames per second. If they used a regular camera, it would have been impossible to get a picture of the bullet in the air. They used a special high speed camera that is capable of recording at least 3,200 frames per second to be able to get one frame where the bullet is visible. These high speed cameras can not record for a long time because it takes up so much memory having thousands of frames to film just for one second, so they can only record for a few seconds at a time. Meaning he also knew when it was going to happen when to press record on the high speed camera.

FBI directly tried to assassinate him, they planned and directed this event to happen. And they told CNN and MSNBC and Jew York Times to all be there because this would happen. Not only they knew this would happen and were excited about it, but these evil sick fucks even wanted to play the assassination broadcasted on live tv to a million people. And they brought the high speed camera because they wanted to get pictures of his head exploding like the famous scene in the movie Scanners.
Thank you for all of this information you have taken the time and effort to share. The high-speed camera is very interesting. I'm going to just keep thinking. My questions I will try to answer myself, rather than take more of your time. You have definitely enhanced my perspective. Thanks again, brother.
Mandem. Gangs are targetting my loved one. The gangs want to harm my loved one. How may I stop them from harming my loved one once & for all? Is it merely a matter of vibrating algis everyday? Asking gods to protect the loved one?What guarantees my love
The bullet missed killing him by about a 1/4 of an inch, and only because he turned at that exact moment.

The shooter was more than 100 yards away. The greatest precision you can expect to get from the average cheap ar15 rifle is about 1 MOA, 1 minute of angle. This would be very good, and realistically it would probably really be larger than this. 1 MOA at 100 yards is 1.04 inches. If I remember correctly, I think the shooter was around 130 yards. So 1 MOA would be 1.35 inches.

Meaning that under absolutely perfect theoretical conditions, even if the rifle was solidly mounted clamped in a vice so it could not move at all and was exactly perfectly aligned in the same location and alignment every shot, a series of multiple shots would be randomly arranged in a circle with a diameter of 1.35 inches. And this is under absolute perfect assumed conditions which would not exist in real life. Meaning it is not possible for there to be a plan to just shoot next to him and try not to really hit him, because the 1/4 inch that he missed by is smaller than the possible precision of the rifle. The shot could have randomly gone 1.35 inches to either side, which would have killed him.

Add in that the kid was using a red dot sight with no magnification. 130 yards is a very long shot for such a small target with no magnified optic. Center of the chest would be larger easier target, which is approximately an 18 inch square in the usual assumed size. But the target was not the chest, it was the head because a bulletproof vest doesn't cover your head, and the head is a much smaller more difficult target. How big is a face? Like 10 inches by 5 inches? That is only 3.7x7.4 MOA at that distance.

With an unmagnified red dot sight. Most red dot sights are a dot in the center that has a diameter of at least 3 MOA to begin with, which means at that distance, the dot would basically cover and block the entire width of the head, making it impossible to get a precise windage adjustment from left to right. Plus the kid had bad eyesight and glasses, he could barely see anyway and would be extremely difficult to see such a small target from that distance even with good eyesight. Plus the kid is nervous, his hands are shaking, there is wind blowing, the target is moving around.

All of these factors make the actual accuracy very bad. The accuracy with best case assumption would probably be 10-20 MOA or even worse. Combined with the rifle's intrinsic precision assumed 1 MOA. A series of multiple shots would form a circle with a diameter of more than a foot, likely multiple feet. Which is verified by how far most of his shots missed by and hit the people behind the target off to the sides.

It is physically not possible to miss on purpose by such a small amount. It is absolutely impossible by orders of magnitude. Shots falling randomly in a circle with a diameter of multiple feet, and he missed by only a 1/4 of an inch.

It was allowed to happen purposefully by the FBI and Secret Service because they were purposefully trying to assassinate him. Not only they were in on it, but it was their plan and their mission. Every step of the way, they purposefully allowed this to happen. Crooks met at the shooting range several times with somebody who's cell phone location also visited an FBI office very often suggesting that this person worked for the FBI. His entire house was physically cleaned and had everything removed before police were able to come investigate, including even removing all silverware from the kitchen. His body was taken and cremated immediately so nobody was able to test him for any drugs.

He entered that day through a private entrance only used by the Secret Service, and they saw him come in this way. It was mentioned on the radio. He was found to be carrying a range finder, which is used because your ballistics depend on knowing your exact distance. The only 2 uses for a range finder are rifle shooting and golf, and he wasn't playing golf... The only roof that was not secured was the one roof with a direct perfect shot towards the target. Security is done in a radius, meaning the secure area is shaped like a circle, except this time there was a large cut removed from the circle just so that the one unsecured place would be this roof with a direct straight shot. People in the crowd saw him carry the rifle and climb up the building, and were telling both local police and secret service, and they were ignored. One local police officer climbed up and saw him on the roof, and instead of shooting him or even telling anyone, he turned around and just ran away. There was a building right next to there with a window looking directly onto that roof, and had had 3 secret service agents in that room where if they look out the window right in front of them, the first thing they see right there is a kid with a rifle, and they did not say anything. Multiple secret service snipers were looking directly at this kid through their scopes, they saw that he had a rifle, and they did not shoot him until several minutes after spotting him. Staring at him through the scope for several minutes and not shooting him, purposefully allowing him to get off like 10-15 shots before shooting him. Every single step of the way, they purposefully allowed this to happen and purposefully allowed him to get those shots off when they could have stopped him instantly.

Did you know CNN and MSNBC were there on that day doing a live broadcast and playing the video live on TV? Did you know that CNN and MSNBC have not filmed at any of his rallies at all since I think 2016? So why were they at this one? He has done hundreds of rallies every year that they have not covered, but they were there for this one. Not only that, but they were broadcasting it live on TV. They don't play any videos of Trump speaking because when people actually hear him speak, they end up agreeing with most of what he says. So they only tell their lies and propaganda about what they want you to think he said, without actually showing him speaking and what he really said.

Not only were they showing his speach live on tv, but did you see the famous photograph where you can actually see the bullet in the air behind his head? A 55 grain bullet from a 5.56x45 is traveling about 3,200 feet per second. A regular video camera, even a high quality one for high resolution broadcast video, is almost always recording at 60 frames per second. If they used a regular camera, it would have been impossible to get a picture of the bullet in the air. They used a special high speed camera that is capable of recording at least 3,200 frames per second to be able to get one frame where the bullet is visible. These high speed cameras can not record for a long time because it takes up so much memory having thousands of frames to film just for one second, so they can only record for a few seconds at a time. Meaning he also knew when it was going to happen when to press record on the high speed camera.

FBI directly tried to assassinate him, they planned and directed this event to happen. And they told CNN and MSNBC and Jew York Times to all be there because this would happen. Not only they knew this would happen and were excited about it, but these evil sick fucks even wanted to play the assassination broadcasted on live tv to a million people. And they brought the high speed camera because they wanted to get pictures of his head exploding like the famous scene in the movie Scanners.
Is Trump being dead a good thing or a bad thing? Did Secret Service want him to die? Or did they only want it to look like he was close to dying?
Is Trump being dead a good thing or a bad thing? Did Secret Service want him to die? Or did they only want it to look like he was close to dying?
The evil jews who try to enslave and extinct all of humanity tried to get rid of Trump. Because he is the most important and most effective person to save humanity by ending and erasing all of the jewish plans and working to bring freedom, safety, and prosperity to humanity.
The evil jews who try to enslave and extinct all of humanity tried to get rid of Trump. Because he is the most important and most effective person to save humanity by ending and erasing all of the jewish plans and working to bring freedom, safety, and prosperity to humanity.
I thought he works for the evil jews. Has a deity informed you that he's actually working against the evil jews?

I don't think Secret Service are that incompetent at assassinating targets. If they want a target dead; they will get it done. Jews/Secret Service would use physical means (poison, bullets, vehicle sabotage, explosives, etc) and/or spiritual means to assassinate targets (black magic death spells, invoking an overload of fire element into the target's soul & boiling their blood to death, etc).

If the jews/secret service wanted him dead, they would not have hired an untrained person with a sub-par gun to take the shot. Jews/SS aren't broke. They have money to spare on trained marksmen & high-spec weapons.
Trump was in on this theatrical stage/stunt the whole time. The cameras were there to photograph the bullet being near him but not killing him. The shooter's intended target was somewhere near trump, but not trump himself. The shooter was told to aim for the wall behind him, but the shot unintentionally grazed trump instead. Trump works for the jews and was never intended to be killed. This was all a publicty stunt to boost his image and/or be used as an example to pass some new law in favor of jews.

Either that, or he was intended to be killed but has an incredibly strong aura of protection someway somehow. But then again, why hire an untrained kid with a shit gun to do the job then? jews/ss arent broke.
And if jews/ss wanted him dead but failed that day; they would just keep trying again & again on other days. Jews/ss arent the typa lads to fail at something once then call it quits. Theyd keep persisting. Theyd keep making more & more assassination attemps.

They obviously havent done that so I'm sure (unless a Deity says otherwise) they never wanted him dead to begin with.
I thought he works for the evil jews. Has a deity informed you that he's actually working against the evil jews?

I don't think Secret Service are that incompetent at assassinating targets. If they want a target dead; they will get it done. Jews/Secret Service would use physical means (poison, bullets, vehicle sabotage, explosives, etc) and/or spiritual means to assassinate targets (black magic death spells, invoking an overload of fire element into the target's soul & boiling their blood to death, etc).

If the jews/secret service wanted him dead, they would not have hired an untrained person with a sub-par gun to take the shot. Jews/SS aren't broke. They have money to spare on trained marksmen & high-spec weapons.
Trump was in on this theatrical stage/stunt the whole time. The cameras were there to photograph the bullet being near him but not killing him. The shooter's intended target was somewhere near trump, but not trump himself. The shooter was told to aim for the wall behind him, but the shot unintentionally grazed trump instead. Trump works for the jews and was never intended to be killed. This was all a publicty stunt to boost his image and/or be used as an example to pass some new law in favor of jews.

Either that, or he was intended to be killed but has an incredibly strong aura of protection someway somehow. But then again, why hire an untrained kid with a shit gun to do the job then? jews/ss arent broke.
You have not read what I wrote. I already explained how ballistics work and how it is absolutely physically impossible for it to have been trying to miss on purpose. Missing by a quarter inch and only because he slightly turned his head at that exact moment. This if the combined accuracy and precision tolerances would lead shots to land randomly anywhere within a 25 inch diameter circle, and the distance he missed by was 100 times less than this.

The point of getting some dumb kid to do it is because the government would lose all public trust and credibility when everybody knows that the government did this to the president. They use a dumb kid so they can pretend it is all his fault and they aren't involved.

Trump is a public figure who is loved by tens of millions of people. And he has tens of millions of people praying for his safety and security. These people are unknowingly doing a real psychic working to build and strengthen his aura of protection, as this is what many people are pouring their will and intention into. The jews are also now powerless and defeated after the work we have done to erase their entire structure of workings and energies.
The point of getting some dumb kid to do it is because the government would lose all public trust and credibility when everybody knows that the government did this to the president. They use a dumb kid so they can pretend it is all his fault and they aren't involved.
The US has a history with the MKUltra mind control program and every other program that followed it. That shooter and the other one who attempted assassination at the other venue have had visits to military bases. The US has had many, too many to count, events that are related to these mind control programs. The why is pretty sinister. The idea behind this is to directly influence public discourse with these events along with pushing certain types of legislation that are in direct contrast to what the US was founded upon. Plausible deniability is a huge thing, and thus, these seemingly random people do these things. Other than that, we have been dealing with a massive vortex of enemy energy that has been used to instigate mass murderers into action and other similar seemingly senseless acts. There's always a deeper layer to these events.
The US has a history with the MKUltra mind control program and every other program that followed it. That shooter and the other one who attempted assassination at the other venue have had visits to military bases. The US has had many, too many to count, events that are related to these mind control programs. The why is pretty sinister. The idea behind this is to directly influence public discourse with these events along with pushing certain types of legislation that are in direct contrast to what the US was founded upon. Plausible deniability is a huge thing, and thus, these seemingly random people do these things. Other than that, we have been dealing with a massive vortex of enemy energy that has been used to instigate mass murderers into action and other similar seemingly senseless acts. There's always a deeper layer to these events.
Exactly. Our government has murdered President Kennedy, his brother RFK, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcom X, John Lennon, attempted assassination on Ronald Reagan that luckily he survived. And this is just some of the most famous ones. Done by CIA and FBI working together. And in every case, they get a drugged person to do it to try to hide the blame from themselves.

The CIA was created largely for the purpose of assassinating important people and leaders all over the world, and also within USA. That is a large part of their job.

Lee Harvey Oswald was a drugged up person who was experimented on in the MK Ultra program, and so was Jack Rubenstein who changed his name to Ruby to try to hide the jew name. Rubenstein cleaned up the evidence by getting rid of Oswald so he wouldn't be able to tell people what happened. Then very soon after, Rubenstein was dosed with an extremely high amount of drugs to destroy his mind and make him insane so that he also would not be able to tell what happened. Or if he did tell, he wouldn't be believed.

The majority of large events like this, almost all of them, are done by drugged up insane young people who were not only known that they were about to do these things, but they are usually helped and supported and supplied by our government. I'm talking about the bad events that were done in schools, and similar events. The one at the school in Uvalde Texas, the young guy who did it was from a poor family and never had any money. Right before he did this, he was given enough money to buy a new truck more than $40,000, two Daniel Defense brand AR15 rifles that he used, and hundreds of rounds of ammo. Daniel Defense is the most expensive brand of AR15 that cost $4,000-$5,000 each. How could a kid with no money afford all of these things? Instead of using a rifle that is $400-$500 instead. He was given at least $50,000 as payment to do this crime. And this money most likely originally came from USAID payments after being laundered through multiple fake NGOs.

Not all, but most of these events are purposefully done, and are allowed, assisted, and funded by corrupt criminal jews within our government to try to force public political opinions and political control into the way that they want it to go. They want to leave all Americans disarmed and with no ability to defend ourselves and our families, and for evil jews, they will trade the lives of innocent people to try to get these goals accomplished.

Look at the whole story of the 3 guys planning to kidnap governor Gretchen Whitmer. They had to change the story to say 2 guys when it became publicly known that the 3rd guy was working for the FBI so they had to hide that by ignoring him. And the whole case was thrown out of court because it became known that it was an operation of 15 or 16 FBI agents who created this story to try to frame and entrap the 2 innocent men.

Another one. MK Ultra experiments were mostly done on both homeless people and prisoners because nobody would care what happens to them. Alcatraz was one of the main prisons where this was being done. The people who were experimented by MK Ultra drugs and mind control experiments to try to turn them into programmed assassins while imprisoned in Alcatraz include Jack Rubenstein, Al Capone, Charles Manson, and Whitey Bulger.

Charles Manson was not only turned into an assassin this way, but he was given further training on how to program other people in this way through drugs and psychic mental conditioning and his whole cult of girls are people who he created by using the MK Ultra techniques.

Same story with Whitey Bulger who was the leader of the Irish gang in Boston, which was one of the most dangerous and murderous gangs. He was drugged and mind controlled and created as an MK Ultra slave. It is also known that he was directly working for the FBI the whole time while running his gang, and the FBI allowed them to do all of their crimes and did nothing to stop them in exchange for receiving some information and evidence about the Italian gang. The movie Black Mass with Johnny Depp is about Whitey Bulger's life and is mostly a true story.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
