Do you guys think the Trump assassination attempt with Thomas Crooks was staged? I woke up today, and thought to myself, "they could do that." I think it's a big psy op to convince everybody to trust Trump and Elon. I like them too, and I think they're doing good things, but now I'm thinking we should be careful that we don't zealously follow these people into something we can't come back from. Like one day, there will be some kind of hegelian dialect situation where a lot of people are fooled into accepting or doing something.
Now Trump has vowed to release the MLk Jr. "files," which will garner him a lot of support from the black community. Most of the country is going to be loving him before his presidency ends.
The bullet missed killing him by about a 1/4 of an inch, and only because he turned at that exact moment.
The shooter was more than 100 yards away. The greatest precision you can expect to get from the average cheap ar15 rifle is about 1 MOA, 1 minute of angle. This would be very good, and realistically it would probably really be larger than this. 1 MOA at 100 yards is 1.04 inches. If I remember correctly, I think the shooter was around 130 yards. So 1 MOA would be 1.35 inches.
Meaning that under absolutely perfect theoretical conditions, even if the rifle was solidly mounted clamped in a vice so it could not move at all and was exactly perfectly aligned in the same location and alignment every shot, a series of multiple shots would be randomly arranged in a circle with a diameter of 1.35 inches. And this is under absolute perfect assumed conditions which would not exist in real life. Meaning it is not possible for there to be a plan to just shoot next to him and try not to really hit him, because the 1/4 inch that he missed by is smaller than the possible precision of the rifle. The shot could have randomly gone 1.35 inches to either side, which would have killed him.
Add in that the kid was using a red dot sight with no magnification. 130 yards is a very long shot for such a small target with no magnified optic. Center of the chest would be larger easier target, which is approximately an 18 inch square in the usual assumed size. But the target was not the chest, it was the head because a bulletproof vest doesn't cover your head, and the head is a much smaller more difficult target. How big is a face? Like 10 inches by 5 inches? That is only 3.7x7.4 MOA at that distance.
With an unmagnified red dot sight. Most red dot sights are a dot in the center that has a diameter of at least 3 MOA to begin with, which means at that distance, the dot would basically cover and block the entire width of the head, making it impossible to get a precise windage adjustment from left to right. Plus the kid had bad eyesight and glasses, he could barely see anyway and would be extremely difficult to see such a small target from that distance even with good eyesight. Plus the kid is nervous, his hands are shaking, there is wind blowing, the target is moving around.
All of these factors make the actual accuracy very bad. The accuracy with best case assumption would probably be 10-20 MOA or even worse. Combined with the rifle's intrinsic precision assumed 1 MOA. A series of multiple shots would form a circle with a diameter of more than a foot, likely multiple feet. Which is verified by how far most of his shots missed by and hit the people behind the target off to the sides.
It is physically not possible to miss on purpose by such a small amount. It is absolutely impossible by orders of magnitude. Shots falling randomly in a circle with a diameter of multiple feet, and he missed by only a 1/4 of an inch.
It was allowed to happen purposefully by the FBI and Secret Service because they were purposefully trying to assassinate him. Not only they were in on it, but it was their plan and their mission. Every step of the way, they purposefully allowed this to happen. Crooks met at the shooting range several times with somebody who's cell phone location also visited an FBI office very often suggesting that this person worked for the FBI. His entire house was physically cleaned and had everything removed before police were able to come investigate, including even removing all silverware from the kitchen. His body was taken and cremated immediately so nobody was able to test him for any drugs.
He entered that day through a private entrance only used by the Secret Service, and they saw him come in this way. It was mentioned on the radio. He was found to be carrying a range finder, which is used because your ballistics depend on knowing your exact distance. The only 2 uses for a range finder are rifle shooting and golf, and he wasn't playing golf... The only roof that was not secured was the one roof with a direct perfect shot towards the target. Security is done in a radius, meaning the secure area is shaped like a circle, except this time there was a large cut removed from the circle just so that the one unsecured place would be this roof with a direct straight shot. People in the crowd saw him carry the rifle and climb up the building, and were telling both local police and secret service, and they were ignored. One local police officer climbed up and saw him on the roof, and instead of shooting him or even telling anyone, he turned around and just ran away. There was a building right next to there with a window looking directly onto that roof, and had had 3 secret service agents in that room where if they look out the window right in front of them, the first thing they see right there is a kid with a rifle, and they did not say anything. Multiple secret service snipers were looking directly at this kid through their scopes, they saw that he had a rifle, and they did not shoot him until several minutes after spotting him. Staring at him through the scope for several minutes and not shooting him, purposefully allowing him to get off like 10-15 shots before shooting him. Every single step of the way, they purposefully allowed this to happen and purposefully allowed him to get those shots off when they could have stopped him instantly.
Did you know CNN and MSNBC were there on that day doing a live broadcast and playing the video live on TV? Did you know that CNN and MSNBC have not filmed at any of his rallies at all since I think 2016? So why were they at this one? He has done hundreds of rallies every year that they have not covered, but they were there for this one. Not only that, but they were broadcasting it live on TV. They don't play any videos of Trump speaking because when people actually hear him speak, they end up agreeing with most of what he says. So they only tell their lies and propaganda about what they want you to think he said, without actually showing him speaking and what he really said.
Not only were they showing his speach live on tv, but did you see the famous photograph where you can actually see the bullet in the air behind his head? A 55 grain bullet from a 5.56x45 is traveling about 3,200 feet per second. A regular video camera, even a high quality one for high resolution broadcast video, is almost always recording at 60 frames per second. If they used a regular camera, it would have been impossible to get a picture of the bullet in the air. They used a special high speed camera that is capable of recording at least 3,200 frames per second to be able to get one frame where the bullet is visible. These high speed cameras can not record for a long time because it takes up so much memory having thousands of frames to film just for one second, so they can only record for a few seconds at a time. Meaning he also knew when it was going to happen when to press record on the high speed camera.
FBI directly tried to assassinate him, they planned and directed this event to happen. And they told CNN and MSNBC and Jew York Times to all be there because this would happen. Not only they knew this would happen and were excited about it, but these evil sick fucks even wanted to play the assassination broadcasted on live tv to a million people. And they brought the high speed camera because they wanted to get pictures of his head exploding like the famous scene in the movie Scanners.