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Low Priest said:
What do I study to be able to understand this
"The following meditation must be performed during a powerful waxing full Moon. The Moon should not be debilitated or in its sign of detriment [Capricorn] or fall [Scorpio]. This meditation is most powerful when performed with a powerful full Moon, when the moon is in its home sign of Cancer or when it is exalted in the sign of Taurus..."

I don't understand when the moon would be 'waxing', when it's in it's fall or detriment, I know the moon phases...but I don't know when it would be in it's home sign or what that even means......can you direct me to books&video links please
It tells you right there it's best in Cancer (its home) or Taurus (when it's exalted). And do not do it when the moon is Capricorn or Scorpio. It tells you right there, so you don't need to already know.

Waxing is when it's getting bigger, from new to full. Waning is when it's getting smaller, from full to new. Remember waxing like making a candle, every time you dip it in the melted wax, it builds up a new layer on top and makes it get bigger.
Peter said:
I would have a pretty sensitive question, but for me, it's very, very important now.

I don't know if there is a Satanist who has clairvoyance and can help me.

I want to find out about a certain person, but that is only possible if we look into his soul. This thing is quite intimate, confidential.

Anyone who can help me for free, please write private.

Thank you very much!
If one of us agrees to do this for you, how do you know that they aren't just telling a lie? Or just making up a story? Or maybe that they are really trying to do it right, but their vision is unclear or untrue?

The real ones here, we would never try to lie to you. But the enemy is also here with us, hiding in the shadows like rats. The enemy would love to pretend to be one of us, and "agree to help you" but really just try to make a problem for you.

I think you should ask Satan for a sign, or if he can send someone to you to give you a sign or an idea of what the truth is. There are no mediators here, you can do this yourself. And if you can't do it yet, you will get stronger so that you now can do it.
astrally flame said:
Casian said:
If I'm a satanist and my mom it's a very religious person and she believe in god , what happens to her soul after death , her whole life she gave her best it is any chance to idk , happen sm different ? I mean I respect her decision and I don't want to have any effect upon her and what's happening , you know ?
your mother is 100% under satan protection..the xianity god is truely a joke he has nothing to do with human's he's just using them when death comes they became useless to them (aliens),and people find out the truth when they are death and now it too late for them to gain spiritual abilities (power) to fight back,that is why they need us here in the phsical world to assist them,especially those who have potential..i definetly know this for sure as i have see my family members who passed away being protected in satan place but when they were phsical living they were strong xians.

I think it depends. There are some xians who are hardcore "spiritual warriors for jewsus" and really curse Satan, Satanists, and are prayer warriors and do a lot of harassment to non-xians. They curse and blame Satan in the same breath during prayer circles or meetings out loud and in their heart.

Sure, some come from that background, wake up from the lies of xianity, and come to Satan and Satanism. If they are sincere, honest, and regret their past mistakes, do the dedication ritual sincerely, and won't do it again now that they know better, I believe Satan accepts them into his family.

Not everyone knows what their family members are truly like. Everyone has their faces for different people.
Some people have a secret life and their own intent in their heart and mind.

Many xians don't bother to study and read outside of xianity, but believe everything their priest/pastor/reverend whatever shove down their throats and because these are "authority" figures "serving and close to gawd". Then they pass on this stupid ignorance to others simply because their pastor/priest "said so."

The Gods and Goddesses of Hell all see and know the hearts and minds and souls of all people. They know if these xians have actively been working against Satan physically or hate him in their heart, whether they have expressed it or acted upon it.

That if there's a chance to come to him, if they knew the truth, if they would come to him honestly. If they would stay with him. The Demons/Demonesses of Hell know all this.

I asked Satan, twice, or three times, throughout the past ten years, to please look into my aunt's heart (my father's younger sister) and that if he deemed her worth saving from the enemy, and that she be brought to Hell and later reincarnated to come to him in a future lifetime, to please do so. I trust his judgment. I don't know her as well as I think I do.

I see her once to three times a week, for half a day or at least several hours, but I don't know her life and mind and attitude outside of how she acts with me and our family. She goes to bible study once a week. I know she prays and reads xian literature.

But she is respectful that I am not an xian, and once asked me what I believed. I told her I believe and honor pre-Christian deities. She asked a bit about that, and was curious and not condescending.

She is supportive, loving, helpful to me and does not sugar-coat things but says it as kindly as possible. I appreciate this a lot.

Once she was dying in the hospital. It was a rapid descent of her physical health that slowly built up because of a health issue she has and she was not eating well or enough, and she went into the Intensive Care Unit. She was comatose and it didn't look good. At all.

I wasn't sure what to do. She had like, 14-20 IVs hooked up to her and two nurses watching her around the clock.

I was told to ask Satan to intervene and save her life. He did. I was guided as to what to do to help her recover. I did this too, daily.

I owe Satan a huge debt for saving her life. I am thankful because I know he did this for me, and for her.

I just had to write all this out. I haven't really thought about it since it happened. This happened under 1.5-2 years ago.

I know Satan protects his dedicated ones and their loved ones (family for sure, in my experience) but I personally think it's on an individual basis. I might be wrong though.
I really need help with my parents. Before I start I just want to say that I'm still in the beginner stage so I'm not really open enough. To the point. I would love to know is there a working, spell, meditation, ritual or whatever to help my parents to stop arguing and fighting each other. I started hating them because of that, can't focus on my work and each time they're fighting makes my day bad. I love them and I don't want anything bad to them, AAANNDD, I seriously don't want them to divorce or whatever after almost 16 years together. But how they're fighting it might happen any time. Any help would be appreciated.
Mothskull said:
Hi, I was wondering what it's like to see an aura? I have been meditating for over half a year and I focus on observing the aura of people around me (usually teachers at school).

To date, I see a delicate, glowing glow around the body, but I do not see layers or expressive colors. What I see is usually white, blue, green or indigo, and it blurs and follows every movement of the body.

I wonder if what I see can really be an aura, and if so, will I ever be able to see it more accurately?

In addition, since then I probably have eye problems because I am becoming more and more aware of the space around me. I see the aura not only in people, but also in objects, and when I move my eyes to another place, I see strange colors and lights that sometimes disturb me.
Do you have it too?
How does karma work?

The traditional thought is you reap what you sow, if you kill someone in one life you may have bad karma related to murder in your next life. Is this true?
Taurus said:
How does karma work?

The traditional thought is you reap what you sow, if you kill someone in one life you may have bad karma related to murder in your next life. Is this true?
I guess I'd explain it like, karma is the energies that stuck to your soul from previous lives. There is good karma and bad karma. For example, if you were in some kind of extremely bad situation in a past life where there was barely food and water, with anarchistic rules (middle ages), then you may have some karma from this life that makes you a lot more ruthless and more fanatic about base values like keeping food and water. It may also make you think about killing people at times simply because back then this was not too extraordinary.

Another example, if food and water were scarce back then, you may have been used to starving yourself and not paying attention to the needs of your body. This can manifest in the current life as a neglect of your body, eating a shitty diet or not eating enough, and overall just putting low importance on keeping your body healthy.

If we do not free ourselves from bad past-life karma, we are bound to keep repeating the mistakes we have made in past lives, over and over again. So karma is not as much about what you do to others, but rather about how you lived your life in general and what core values/issues/hangups you had.
It's now Nov I may be too late?
Well I have a question, what is Abdul Alhazred???
BAD OR GOOD :?: :|
How do I get the password to download apps from the JoS market?
Taurus said:
How does karma work?

The traditional thought is you reap what you sow, if you kill someone in one life you may have bad karma related to murder in your next life. Is this true?
Go in Satan’s library and use the search function (ctrl+f) to find the word karma and read the sermons.
A little late, but thanks for the answer to my previous question!

The question now for me is whether I can have a new incarnation. My life now is a mess, I don't really get ahead, just back.

All I want to know is that Satan would understand. I just want a new incarnation, and the current one to forget. I had a lot of pain that I can't handle.

I know I would take the problems I have with me in my next life, but I see no other way out in this case.

i'm now a couple months further after dedication and ive seen that, by accident i did my dedication ritual during a void of course moon...i started my 40 day program the day after when the moon wasnt void of course but now im thinking i messed up...but we can only do the ritual once...am i ok >.<?
Shael said:
Louis Cyphre said:
Is 1 August(Lammas day) a good day to dedicate? It's also full moon, I think.
Dedicate as soon as you can. Since it is tomorrow, it is indeed a viable date to dedicate, though it would just as well work to dedicate right away today instead. Any day is fine, just make sure to avoid the Void of Course Moon with your dedication. You can check for it in our SS Calendar.
i just saw being a few months later now my dedication was during voc, but my 40 day working officially started after voc...do i just kiss everything up till now good bye or am i ok? thanks
Can I do the final RTR & listening to the mp3 file?

For example, listening to the mp3 by parts and vibrating them then going back to Mark the letters with red.
Ardgion said:
I really need help with my parents. Before I start I just want to say that I'm still in the beginner stage so I'm not really open enough. To the point. I would love to know is there a working, spell, meditation, ritual or whatever to help my parents to stop arguing and fighting each other. I started hating them because of that, can't focus on my work and each time they're fighting makes my day bad. I love them and I don't want anything bad to them, AAANNDD, I seriously don't want them to divorce or whatever after almost 16 years together. But how they're fighting it might happen any time. Any help would be appreciated.

Not everything needs to be solved through magic, though it seems like a perfect go-to. If you're in the beginners stage of everything then your influences and abilities might not be substantial enough yet to do anything super significant, and you'd need to expend a lot of energy which I personally believe you should use in order to further advance yourself instead. Try sitting both of your parents down and having a serious discussion, talk to them and tell them that you're afraid of them splitting up and that their fighting is scaring and upsetting you.

However... if you really want to, I suppose with your level of beginner what you can certainly do magic-wise is clean their auras. Just whenever you have time, visualize both of your parents one at a time in your mind, focus on this visualization and imagine a white-gold light engulfing them and cleaning away any and all negativity out of their soul. Essentially clean their auras for them just like you clean your own. Fighting and arguing can occur due to stresses, frustrations or negativity in the soul that each of them is dealing with, and when they fight with each other they are only feeding each other more negativity which furthers the bad energy to build upon them and thus furthers the fighting and it becomes a vicious cycle that worsens. If you can put aside 5 to 10 minutes of every day to clean their auras thoroughly, then with time and determination you might be able to break their cycle of negativity and the fighting may end.

However if the source(s) of their stresses and frustrations continue then the fighting will not truly end and you will find yourself constantly having to clean their auras every day for possibly months or years. So in the mean time to potentially prevent a divorce or break-up of sorts keep cleaning their auras to hopefully quell the fighting, but in addition you should also be finding a way to fix the source of their frustrations, figure out what's wrong and try to have the issue resolved. I still want you to talk to them though if possible.

Shadowcat said:
i'm now a couple months further after dedication and ive seen that, by accident i did my dedication ritual during a void of course moon...i started my 40 day program the day after when the moon wasnt void of course but now im thinking i messed up...but we can only do the ritual once...am i ok >.<?

The dedication is valid and you are fine. The ritual can be done more than once if you really want to just for the satisfaction of a more formal or proper ritual if it was kind of messy or rushed the first time around, but the first one is 100% valid and there's no real point of doing another one other than just for perfectionistic satisfaction. The only most important thing is the paper/prayer and the signing of your name in blood, if you can't help other certain factors then that's perfectly okay.

Peter said:
A little late, but thanks for the answer to my previous question!

The question now for me is whether I can have a new incarnation. My life now is a mess, I don't really get ahead, just back.

All I want to know is that Satan would understand. I just want a new incarnation, and the current one to forget. I had a lot of pain that I can't handle.

I know I would take the problems I have with me in my next life, but I see no other way out in this case.


This is only a waste of time as it can take up to 10, 50 or even way more years to reincarnate based on the health and power of your soul, and if your soul is really sickly and weak then you won't reincarnate ever at all. Not to mention you still carry the negativity in your soul to the next life and thus the same old problems will still occur. What you need to do is break the cycle in this life and that's going to require effort just as it did for me and many others who had horrible starts/events/happenings in their life. Suicide is the absolute most ABSOLUTE last, last, LAST resort to anything EVER, I'm talking at the helms of imminent and inescapable life-time torture in some dank dungeon. Suicide is extremely discouraged here even by Satan, especially if the issue is perfectly resolvable and especially in this time when we need people like you in the turning to the age of Aquarius.

You need to clean your aura thoroughly every day and build an aura of white-gold in and around yourself every day, increasing it's potency more and more with each breath each day. Do this and keep doing this until the aura is strong enough to start influencing good things and fortune to happen to you and to start helping you out and providing you opportunities to escape and free yourself out of whatever is causing you suffering. The energy will passively work on it's own to help bring things to you that you need and that will help you through and out of whatever strife you're dealing with, but you need to put in the work and effort to build upon this energy every single day.

Every day breathe in white-gold light and expand this upon yourself just like you do with the Aura of Protection meditation but without the affirmation, though adding an affirmation to give the energy a specific task will produce more solid results. A good affirmation would be something like "In a safe, healthy and positive way for me this aura is bringing and giving me everything I need to be happy", say this affirmation into the aura at least 10 times or a multiple of 10. Do this many, many, many times, 10 to 30 minutes of doing this once in the morning and once before bed every day should be good for the first week to kick-start it and then just keep empowering it every day making it stronger and stronger. You can listen to music while doing this so long as it doesn't distract you, and it's better to listen to music without lyrics. You can even recite and vibrate SOWILO, the rune of the sun, into this aura to further empower the energy, do so as many times as you want but at the VERY least do it 10 times and make sure you are vibrating it 'into' your aura. You should be visualizing the white-gold aura becoming more powerful, brighter and stronger with each breath and vibration into it.

Depending on how much effort and energy you put into this, within 2 weeks or so of consistently doing this twice a day you should start seeing positive changes. They'll start small but eventually opportunities will start coming to you, you'll find yourself getting very lucky with things and you'll find people will suddenly start doing nice things for you. I will tell you right now though from experience that you MUST be consistent and keep going no matter what, you can't let yourself get lazy or slack off on building this aura, and if you see a positive opportunity don't think that you're doing okay now and don't need it yet, don't procrastinate or wait for things to get worse enough to want it, take it as soon as possible if it will help you out even in the slightest because greater things can be influenced by the energy of the white-gold aura you build around yourself to come from even the smallest of things. Clean your aura and do the aura of protection every day in addition to this for better results (You should be doing them every day anyways.) and eventually you will start seeing yourself moving forward to better things.

I hope for your sake you will take my advice and do as I've suggested, and make sure that you do not start the working on a Void of Course Moon. You're not the only who has thought that reincarnation was the better option... I know personally and have since changed my mind for the better a long, long time ago.
Code333 said:
Can I do the final RTR & listening to the mp3 file?

For example, listening to the mp3 by parts and vibrating them then going back to Mark the letters with red.

Yes, this will work. In time you will get the hang of it and won't even need to repeatedly listen to the mp3s anymore to make sure you're vibrating everything correctly. I myself am to the point where I don't need the mp3s at all and just vibrate everything from memory.
Hi everyone. Thank you to the mods for providing this invaluable resource. I feel I was guided here by Satan and I want to dedicate my life to his service and the betterment of humanity. I have a couple questions before doing my dedication to Satan.

1. Is everything I need to study on the JoS website? Do I need to visit this forum for updates? Also once I start on my meditations and energy-work, will knowledge on what to do next come intuitively?

2. When the pagans were killed and persecuted, why weren't they protected by their gods?

3. What's the next step in defeating the enemy and advancing humanity?

4. Will Satan help guide me to a fulfilling and beneficial lifepath?
Shadowcat said:
i just saw being a few months later now my dedication was during voc, but my 40 day working officially started after voc...do i just kiss everything up till now good bye or am i ok? thanks
You should be fine, but just in case if you want to make sure you can do it again outside of the VoC. I was unsure after my first one because I used "Shael" instead of my real name (since I identify with this one), so I did it again a few months after with my irl name. This is most likely not necessary at all, but still if it gives you peace of mind then why not. :)
Where is the pdf of the money spells?because i want to start making money
sesame said:
Hi everyone. Thank you to the mods for providing this invaluable resource. I feel I was guided here by Satan and I want to dedicate my life to his service and the betterment of humanity. I have a couple questions before doing my dedication to Satan.

1. Is everything I need to study on the JoS website? Do I need to visit this forum for updates? Also once I start on my meditations and energy-work, will knowledge on what to do next come intuitively?

2. When the pagans were killed and persecuted, why weren't they protected by their gods?

3. What's the next step in defeating the enemy and advancing humanity?

4. Will Satan help guide me to a fulfilling and beneficial lifepath?

1. Most everything you'll need to advance will be on our website yes. Once you really advance and open up communication with the gods they will be able to guide you further beyond what the website has to offer, but for a very long time you'll be relying on the website as well as information here on the forums and our High Priests/Priestesses. Updates on the forum are usually in regards to new information and updates around the world and what the enemy is doing, but there will also be the occasional working and ritual to be done.

2. The gods were bound by the enemy for a very long time and prevented from having any real access or ability to communicate and help their people on Earth, it has only been in the past 15 years or so that the gods were freed with the help of High Priestess Maxine and a few others. They have a much easier time now assisting us on the astral and ensuring our safety.

3. There's lifetimes of work to be done in fixing and repairing everything the enemy has done to humanity and the planet, there will be many 'next steps' but for now our focus is on the RTRs and holding our ground until the gods return to Earth.

4. Yes and more but you must make effort on your part to help yourself. Satan wants us to become independent and able to solve our own problems, he can guide you but in the end it is your own actions that will determine any and all results. The gods are not our babysitters and will not hold our hands through every little thing.

Shael said:
Shadowcat said:
i just saw being a few months later now my dedication was during voc, but my 40 day working officially started after voc...do i just kiss everything up till now good bye or am i ok? thanks

You should be fine, but just in case if you want to make sure you can do it again outside of the VoC. I was unsure after my first one because I used "Shael" instead of my real name (since I identify with this one), so I did it again a few months after with my irl name. This is most likely not necessary at all, but still if it gives you peace of mind then why not. :)

That's funny because I didn't use my real name either. In the end it's the blood that really matters, it was still valid for me and 8 years later I still haven't 'corrected' it.
Ghost in the Machine said:
That's funny because I didn't use my real name either. In the end it's the blood that really matters, it was still valid for me and 8 years later I still haven't 'corrected' it.
Yeah, what matters is the blood and the intention you have when doing it. I was a new member at the time (of course), and when I asked about it someone told me it could be invalid. So I did it again to be safe.
Shael said:
Shadowcat said:
i just saw being a few months later now my dedication was during voc, but my 40 day working officially started after voc...do i just kiss everything up till now good bye or am i ok? thanks
You should be fine, but just in case if you want to make sure you can do it again outside of the VoC. I was unsure after my first one because I used "Shael" instead of my real name (since I identify with this one), so I did it again a few months after with my irl name. This is most likely not necessary at all, but still if it gives you peace of mind then why not. :)[/quote
Thanks appreciate it :)
At the beginning I wanted to warn you that deciphering my English can be difficult and you can even get depressed ...
If you're still reading this, thank you with your courage :lol:

Soo I delayed it for a long time, but something gives me no peace. I have been dedicated for 4 months and like every new one, I wanted to know if I have a guardian demon. I was meditating, I used a blackboard and a pendulum, but I didn't get the answer because I am probably not open enough.
After reading one of the forum posts that someone had found his guardian demon after seeing a tiger in my thoughts, I thought I'd give it a try.
Immediately the image of a huge, beautiful elephant appeared in my head and it surprised me a bit because it was very expressive. I thought I would trust intuition and look for something on the Internet, because I had a lot of time. My first result was Galapatii, Ganesh, Ganesha, Ganeś.
I looked for more information on our website and from what I found Galapatii is just an ALLEGORY and I came across a dead end.
However, something was still bothering me. The next day, as I was making breakfast and thinking about Galapatii, I had a strong thought to go watch something anime and there is my answer. (I have no idea how I came up with it) So I did it too. I turned on the anime (it wasn't my favorite but I felt I should watch it) and there in the second minute one character with an elephant mask on his face screams "I'm Ganesha!" I was stunned and I immediately thought it was an accident, but the other, more irrational side of me, suggested that I couldn't get a more expressive sign. I decided to conduct my own investigation, from which I did not know too much. So I tried another method. I asked him to give me a few more characters if it really was him. From that day on, I saw so many figurines and posters with his image in the least expected places that it overwhelmed me.

The point is, I'm not desperate to meet my guardian demon as soon as possible because I know everything is happening in its time.

 But my problem is that I am asking for signs and getting them but I am beginning to downplay them and tell myself that this is just a coincidence, which (if the signs are true) is a terrible ignorance and a waste of time and effort of our Gods.

On the other hand, it can also be only my imagination and sharpening the sense of observing the environment to find these signs. I am beginning to suppose that these may be signs from an alien being, intended to mislead me and stop me on the spiritual path. (attacks often happen to me)

 In this situation I don't know what to do. I can think soberly and analyze the situation, but now I am in a spot.
That's why I have a few questions for you:
How to distinguish real signs from cases?
How do you know that your Guardian Demon is giving you signs?
Can enemies give us false signs?
Do you know something about Ganesh that I don't know and I should?

I would be very grateful if you find 5 minutes to answer me. Thanks in advance.
This morning I performed my first RTR and I thought it went well. I am curious as to how people feel once they have finished. For example, I felt very energetic and except my foot had fallen dead asleep numb. After a few hours had passed I feel good, but like I had a good workout. Is this a normal occurrence. I must say that I felt very powerful whilst I was in the midst of it. I have only been a dedicated Satanist for about a two weeks. I am hoping that others will be willing to share their experiences. I thank you for your friendship. Hail Satan!
I have a major question. Can I create an offline app of a COPY of the JOS site?

I really have to ask before I release the app to everyone in the JOS forums. AND I'm working on it...

Why do I ask? So I can avoid hate comments or something like that. Even I made the app for offline use or when the site is being attacked again...

This app is designed for dedicated members & loyal members of Satan.
LotharMcSkippy said:
This morning I performed my first RTR and I thought it went well. I am curious as to how people feel once they have finished. For example, I felt very energetic and except my foot had fallen dead asleep numb. After a few hours had passed I feel good, but like I had a good workout. Is this a normal occurrence. I must say that I felt very powerful whilst I was in the midst of it. I have only been a dedicated Satanist for about a two weeks. I am hoping that others will be willing to share their experiences. I thank you for your friendship. Hail Satan!

Welcome to our satanic family! :D

 For example, after RTR and meditation I am always sleepy and I hear my ears rustling. For me, RTR and other rituals are energy-consuming.
Hello everyone!!

I have a question:

It's normal to feel a pressure in the middle of my eyebrows (the third eye) when I start a void meditation? It always happens, even in the very beginning.

Mothskull said:
LotharMcSkippy said:
This morning I performed my first RTR and I thought it went well. I am curious as to how people feel once they have finished. For example, I felt very energetic and except my foot had fallen dead asleep numb. After a few hours had passed I feel good, but like I had a good workout. Is this a normal occurrence. I must say that I felt very powerful whilst I was in the midst of it. I have only been a dedicated Satanist for about a two weeks. I am hoping that others will be willing to share their experiences. I thank you for your friendship. Hail Satan!

Welcome to our satanic family! :D

 For example, after RTR and meditation I am always sleepy and I hear my ears rustling. For me, RTR and other rituals are energy-consuming.

Thank you for responding. Do you struggle with the pronunciation of the different words or letters? And do you know if this is detrimental to the ritual. I ask only because I haven't been around many people performing such activities. I am of the thought that our personal intention and effort help us when we are ignorant of the proper ways. What say ye? :)
AlexElPM said:
Hello everyone!!

I have a question:

It's normal to feel a pressure in the middle of my eyebrows (the third eye) when I start a void meditation? It always happens, even in the very beginning.


I believe it is. I have not been a Satanist for long yet I have had that feeling for a awhile. I had been actively trying to open my third eye. I switched to distilled water, fluoride calcifies the pineal gland, and surprisingly that helped a lot. Truthfully all of that was magnified when I came to Satan. The pressure is intense but not painful. That being said, I think your ok. Maybe some others who are farther down the path will chime in with their experiences. Hail Satan!
AlexElPM said:
Hello everyone!!

I have a question:

It's normal to feel a pressure in the middle of my eyebrows (the third eye) when I start a void meditation? It always happens, even in the very beginning.

Yes and no. It is normal in the sense that your 3rd eye is opening but you are to focus at one point in front of you and not on year forehead when doing the void meditation. You are meditating on the 3rd eye.
LotharMcSkippy said:
Mothskull said:
LotharMcSkippy said:
This morning I performed my first RTR and I thought it went well. I am curious as to how people feel once they have finished. For example, I felt very energetic and except my foot had fallen dead asleep numb. After a few hours had passed I feel good, but like I had a good workout. Is this a normal occurrence. I must say that I felt very powerful whilst I was in the midst of it. I have only been a dedicated Satanist for about a two weeks. I am hoping that others will be willing to share their experiences. I thank you for your friendship. Hail Satan!

Welcome to our satanic family! :D

 For example, after RTR and meditation I am always sleepy and I hear my ears rustling. For me, RTR and other rituals are energy-consuming.

Thank you for responding. Do you struggle with the pronunciation of the different words or letters? And do you know if this is detrimental to the ritual. I ask only because I haven't been around many people performing such activities. I am of the thought that our personal intention and effort help us when we are ignorant of the proper ways. What say ye? :)

You're right
When you vibrate the words of power, it is very important that you feel it. I know how it sounds, I didn't understand it at first. Just stop worrying about it and focus. When the right tone comes, you'll know it. It is important that you stop wondering if you do it right or wrong because you lose concentration, which can weaken your ritual.
Even if you don't pronounce everything correctly, it still has a strong effect, because you continue to direct energy through desire and it works.

My advice: trust your intuition, if you feel that you should vibrate in a different way, then do it.
Jax911 said:
AlexElPM said:
Hello everyone!!

I have a question:

It's normal to feel a pressure in the middle of my eyebrows (the third eye) when I start a void meditation? It always happens, even in the very beginning.

Yes and no. It is normal in the sense that your 3rd eye is opening but you are to focus at one point in front of you and not on year forehead when doing the void meditation. You are meditating on the 3rd eye.

Well, I'm improving it, so thanks :)

For now, it seems difficult to me to get another point of attention. Even if I'm doing the void meditation concentrating in a small point of my t-shirt (for example), my eyes just being to point up in direction to my third eye. It's weird.
The new JoS encyclopedia features this notorious quote multiple times:
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson said:
Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.
What exactly are these 3 satanic spheres, could they represent the 3 main gentile races( African, Asian, European)?
This has already been asked once, but I think it's a good one for this thread.
Hello I am trying to contact people near santa cruz, who know KING SATAN, please ask him from the astral this is a legitimate message important message. HAIL KING.
What is the best way to balance one's lower and upper chakras? Lately, I have felt that far too much of my bio-electricity is concentrated in my head, and that my upper chakras are imbalanced with my lower chakras, which have far less energy going through them overall. Is there any specific breathing exercise that's designed for solving this, or simply a type of yoga that fixes the problem?
Redmoon4 said:
Hello I am trying to contact people near santa cruz, who know KING SATAN, please ask him from the astral this is a legitimate message important message. HAIL KING.
Read joyofsatan.com nobody is gonna meet with you.
AlexElPM said:
I need help:

There are mantras to remove laziness??

Apparently Nauthiz can help there, if your laziness comes from a lack of motivation and/or hopelessness.

If you just have an overall low energy due to stuff like bad circulation and/or overall shitty health, then using Surya/Suryae, or the full Sun mantra, may also help. :)
AlexElPM said:
I need help:

There are mantras to remove laziness??


I thought about it for a long time. Sometimes I sit at school and I think I have so much energy that when I get home I will use it well. And here whenever I get home and enter my room, all energy leaves me and I usually go to sleep or just lie on the bed without the sense of life. I am very angry with myself that I am so lazy and I can't drag myself out of bed. And then it dawned on me. It happened because whenever I was to get up I would say "I don't feel like" and "I want to sleep". It's like setting a trap for yourself. I repeated it so many times in my mind and out loud that negative thought forms arose out of it, which at all times fed on my energy and caused that I was unable to do anything.
When I realized how it works, I started to remove them and destroy them with positive affirmations. Change your thinking and laziness will also disappear.

And if that doesn't really help, then I recommend sound meditation with Tibetan bowls. They work very energetically on me and nothing has ever given me so much energy to act like this meditation. Maybe they'll help you too.

Forgive me that this is not exactly the answer you wanted to get :lol:
Shael said:
AlexElPM said:
I need help:

There are mantras to remove laziness??

Apparently Nauthiz can help there, if your laziness comes from a lack of motivation and/or hopelessness.

If you just have an overall low energy due to stuff like bad circulation and/or overall shitty health, then using Surya/Suryae, or the full Sun mantra, may also help. :)
Small addition to this since it seems there's also other members who may have these issues.

I have talked about this with one of my friends who's very good with runes, and a good combination would be Nauthiz, Wunjo, and either Sowilo or Uruz. I'm actually using this now myself, because I am not as productive as I would like to be.

If anyone wants to know the affirmations I use in mine, let me know and I will share.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
