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I'd like to get an opinion on information contained in a link I'm about to share. Some of it is written from a xian point of view but the parts regarding magic bare contain neutral information that has nothing to do with religious beliefs.. I've been dying to get this out but I always write a big post and then delete it. This site was taken down recently but there's still caches in google from it.

This information coincides with a strange worldview I've been developing and a lot of things I've experienced in life make more sense. Not events, but just feelings and perceptions that have always been temporary and get washed away by.. whatever it is.


I will have great respect for anyone that actually reads this and responds. I figured this is the right place to share it.. can't think of a better platform.. I know it's tough work engaging people on here - reading posts, checking links and info out, basically taking care of the community. A lot of people here (myself included) are at times needy and basically asking to be taken care or or to have help given to us. I try to provide when I can, and I know it's not easy and honestly whoever reads this post I'm writing, not the link I've shared, should know that there are people out there who are grateful for the contributions you make around here. Gratitude is something you feel.. it's not necessarily something that's going to be communicated in speech or text every time.
retrograde said:
I've been dying to get this out but I always write a big post and then delete it.

Sounds like you have self-confidence issues. Self-confidence issues can be caused by several things:

1. Weak solar chakra

The power of your solar chakra directly influences your self-confidence. A weak solar chakra causes low self-confidence and low vitality. You can empower your solar chakra by:

(a) Use the "Solar Chakra Meditation"

Solar Chakra Meditation

(b) Invoke energy from the sun and direct the energy into your solar chakra.

(c) Do a sun square or just vibrate the mantra from the sun square. You can use the sun mantra without doing a sun square. A good affirmation is, "My self-confidence is permanently increasing in a healthy and positive manner for me."

Satan's Magickal Squares

2. Mental hangups

You will need to sit down and meditate on why you are blocking yourself from doing certain things. Are you concerned you will be wrong? Are you worried people will think you are stupid? Do you think the thing you want to post doesn't "fit in" and you will be rejected from the group? Once you find the root cause of the problem you can eliminate it and free yourself. For example if you are afraid of someone rejecting you, you can go into a deep trance and affirm to yourself "In a healthy and positive manner for me I am always free to express myself without fear of rejection." You are reprogramming your mind using the affirmations to free yourself from the hangup.

retrograde said:
This information coincides with a strange worldview I've been developing and a lot of things I've experienced in life make more sense. Not events, but just feelings and perceptions that have always been temporary and get washed away by.. whatever it is.

https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/ ... clnk&gl=us

This is like most other occult resources. It is a bunch of esoteric sounding stuff mashed together with the occasional sentence containing a grain of truth. Yes, sound/vibration is important. No, English words that rhyme do not all have a similar hidden meaning (such as "ust" in bust, rust, and dust). English words do not have power. Sanskrit words do. You can test this yourself. The Sanskrit word for doctor is Bhishag-ya. You can vibrate Bhishag-ya and "doctor" and feel which generates more healing power. Bhishag-ya is vibrated BBB-AAHH-HHEEE-SHSHSH-AAHH-GGG-YYY-AAA.

There is not a "prime creator" in charge of the universe that is waiting to hit people on the head for violating his personal list of laws. We live in a vast, uncaring universe that has certain natural laws that govern it (gravity, spinning a magnetic field generates electricity, etc). Satan and his Demons understand these laws far better than we do and they use this knowledge to do things considered "magic" by our standards.

The good news is that you can develop your intuition through meditation so you can tell immediately if something is true, partial bullshit, or complete bullshit. You will need to open and empower your 6th chakra and 3rd eye. The mantra AIM is also good for improving your intuition.
Nguyen said:
How can I learn from the Demons?

For example, would I like to study geography at a high level, how does this work in practice?

Thank you.

You are going to need to open and empower your 6th chakra and its extensions (3rd eye, etc.) so you can see and hear Demons. You won't learn much if you can't see or hear the Demon who is trying to help you.

6th Chakra Meditation

Once you have opened your psychic senses enough that you can see/hear astral entities and manipulate energy then you can summon a Demon. Instructions are on the Joy of Satan website. Be EXTREMELY careful of any astral entity that approaches you outside of a ritual. 99% of the time it is NOT a Demon. These entities will tell you what you want to hear, give you bad information, try to set up a parasitic relationship and then get aggressive when you cut off the relationship, and in general do their best to screw you over.

Demons are busy. They have a life and you need to give them something in exchange for their time spent helping you. Demons don't want useless junk like engraving their name on a piece of metal. They want useful things like work. What you give in exchange for their help should be worked out between you and the Demon you summoned.
homeraee said:
I asked for incubi before.I said it is a love relationship because my understanding was love relationship contains sex.Does a love relationship contains sex?

Demons aren't stupid. They know what you meant by a "love relationship."

If you can't see energy or hear astral entities then that is going to make it extremely difficult to have any sort of relationship with an incubus, let alone a loving one. You need to open and empower your 6th chakra and its extensions (3rd eye, temple chakras).

6th Chakra Meditation

Be EXTREMELY careful of any astral entity that approaches you. 99% of the time it is NOT a Demon. They will pretend to be your Demon lover so they can give you bad information, get you to do something stupid, steal your energy, and in general try their hardest to screw you over.
Could someone tell me why Santa is just anagram for Satan? Like who thought of this?(I know that Santa clause is Odin in pagan traditions, I think). How this came into English language? Thanks
I've been doing various forms of meditation for years. I've felt almost everything JOS describes when a person is raising their Kundalini. Lately, I've felt pressure along the middle of my spine, and even up around my neck. Does this mean that I've almost raised it completely, or can the tension be misleading?
I've experienced Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, both, and I know what the inner unity of making the two one means on an spiritual level, not just a philosophical one. I'm mostly wondering what else there is to do, once a person has attained that level of wisdom. How do you know that you've become immortal?
johnson_akemi said:

It is a problem of self-certainty and it comes from a damaged personality. I'm in just the right "mood" to tell you that I believe I'm a victim of what I guess is called "trauma based mind control." Not for the sake of being special or having a grand story to bullshit people with online. I literally post here through proxies only. The problem is that I have what I'm kind of not certain but tend to somewhere in my mind agree are "alters." Having knowledge of this doesn't really solve the problem because what it actually in effect is, is radical changes in thought and feelings. I started to notice this when I was in highschool but didn't think much of it.. then about 4 years ago I started to remember things. Without an introduction or a lot of backstory I don't really know what is effective to say here. It's whatever - it's what I deal with. There's pros and cons to everything. There is a trick though, that I can do, where through uncomfortable experiences, I have learned to retain certain information about what I should and should not do. How I should and should not express myself. I can retain this memory and sometimes whittle my way into suppressing certain things so that I don't regret them later on. It doesn't always work because like, for instance right now I'm convinced it's a good idea to post this. I could scrap this like I've done a hundred other posts, and plan to come back at a better time, in a different state of mind, and maybe be more effective. Right now I feel a lot of love and have a strong ability to express myself. When I wake up I'll probably be mortified about having written this. I'm not the center of the universe - believe me I know this, and I'm not trying to be. You've offered me something, from what seems like reasonably-good will, so maybe you can take something away from what I'm saying, and benefit somehow. I don't know what you're going to be able to perceive. Hopefully this turns out mutually beneficial because I feel pretty good right now about expressing myself here. I've thought maybe it's possible, if having "alters" or a "split personality" or "dissociative identity disorder" or whatever, is actually more real than in a way figurative, that it could be possible to re integrate one's self. Which I've actually done with little bits and pieces of emotion and character, I've managed to bleed some of them out into the other modes that I enter into. Don't know, it's not a main focus because life is cumbersome and leisure is important in life..

Hangups.. every day I put thought into where a lot of my thoughts, feelings and reactions come from. Even without knowing precisely where I can kind of faintly identify broad, generalized sources and make a choice of whether or not whatever in question is something I should seek to change. I'm quite spiritual and I use affirmations every day, clean my aura, breathe a minimal amount of energy into my third eye, I can sometimes feel my 6th and 7th chakras and maybe my 1st but have never felt the rest. I find strange combinations of very distant mental imagery and feelings I can't otherwise generate, associated with certain words and images and whatever else.

For the first time in my life I have a sense of direction. I have goals, things I want to reach before I die. Things that if I were to reach I could die feeling successful. There's two of them. The outcome could be that one happens, the other happens, or they both happen. To be quite honest, as offensive as it may sound coming from the stranger online, I'm pretty sure that I'm supposed to kill people. I'm supposed to "go off," and it basically happened already once and I ended up in jail with 6 charges, a violent felony still pending against me.. I've written about it in a different thread. I kind of would like to talk about this stuff. When I started to remember things I was writing into a text file for hours on end every day and eventually became embarrassed of the file on my computer that nobody else was ever going to see, and I deleted it and for I think over 3 years now I've not kept any type of a log. I've pretty much remembered everything now. I have a timeline filled in with events, places, and faces. I know that there was a lot of effort put into trying to make me crazy. In fact when I started to remember things I was acting bizarrely for a long time and slowly managed to survive it and "check" myself.. there are times when I'm afraid of everything and there are times when I'm afraid of almost nothing. Over the past four years I went from being a kid that never left the house, to someone that's fairly normal and functions in society.. I've done all this crazy stuff trying to feel like what I thought being a man should feel like. I've had guns aimed at me, I've been locked up, I've received many death threats, gotten into fights, started doing graffiti, damaging property (usually of people I didn't like), started some fires.. got my first jobs, started going to college, got my first girlfriend, made a bunch of friends.. a lot of things changed for me in the past few years.

I'm running out of steam here. Generally speaking I don't communicate about what's on my mind. I usually feel like I am adept at seeing things from many different points of view, so I can produce what I feel is most of the input that I could possibly receive from other people. And most people don't really know much about what I'm going through anyway. There's no substitute for human connection.. but, anyway, as far as "mind control" goes, there's very limited information online. The report Fritz Springmier produced, I in my mind am completely sure was derived from an actual blueprint or a series of documents that were/are actually used to induct someone into mind control. I don't know what all of this does for you - but I've written it and maybe you or someone else will have something interesting or helpful to say about it. Maybe it will help you somehow in sharpening your perception of what's really going on in the world. I'm not really worried about exactly what way that could happen, I understand my position isn't very credible and there is a very powerful notion in the world that "some people are just nuts". I'm not looking for someone to believe me. If people believe that I believe what I'm saying then that's enough. I wonder if I'm crazy like every day but, to go a bit further, I occasionally have dreams where the people I remember having done what was mostly a bunch of terrible stuff to me, are present and are communicating with me. It seems unlikely to me that if I'm crazy I'd be able to create with my imagination a bunch of blurry "crypto amnesiac" memories, re occurring figures that fill them, and to then have these people talking to me in my dreams on a semi regular basis. There's like 3 possibilities and I think I'm in a good position to decide which of the three is most likely. I know where it started and I know where it ended.

Back to the article though.. I don't share the same exact views as whoever wrote the article. I think Satan is a real being, I guess you could call him the prime creator. If affirmations have power then spoken words do as well, just by intent. However, it's very relative, but also spoken words I'd speculate can have power not intended by the speaker, depending on what is observing them. Perhaps another person and the feelings and thoughts they end up having as a reaction to the speech in question. Maybe the universe itself, with residual energy, gives some power to certain vibrations (words) on it's own, too.

Hopefully you gain more from this exchange than you planned. Be well dude, it's always good to see someone around here trying to make some amount of difference by putting in work and interacting with the community.
I don't want to make a new thread and clutter the forum, so I'll ask here, like I've always been doing.


Ansuz incites freedom. Though I want to use it as a working to get rid of all blockages, would this rune by itself suffice?
I performed the dedication ritual as a 16 year old and i am almost 24 now. I was very consistent as a teen and was able to express my allegiance openly. However, now i fear its my fault i havent been anywhere near as consistent and i am new to the forums. In one of the audio sermons i heard there was more than one dedication performed. If there is no need to do so i will not, i just wish to "get back on the saddle" so to speak. Is it as easy as beginning my meditations again?
I'm new to not only JoS but Satanism as a whole, the main website has tons of links and all and I'm not entirely sure where I should start. I don't want to be completely handheld through this process but some help would be nice.
johnson_akemi said:
homeraee said:
I asked for incubi before.I said it is a love relationship because my understanding was love relationship contains sex.Does a love relationship contains sex?

Demons aren't stupid. They know what you meant by a "love relationship."

If you can't see energy or hear astral entities then that is going to make it extremely difficult to have any sort of relationship with an incubus, let alone a loving one. You need to open and empower your 6th chakra and its extensions (3rd eye, temple chakras).

6th Chakra Meditation

Be EXTREMELY careful of any astral entity that approaches you. 99% of the time it is NOT a Demon. They will pretend to be your Demon lover so they can give you bad information, get you to do something stupid, steal your energy, and in general try their hardest to screw you over.
how do entity steal energy? How to prevent from being stolen energy
94n said:
I don't want to make a new thread and clutter the forum, so I'll ask here, like I've always been doing.


Ansuz incites freedom. Though I want to use it as a working to get rid of all blockages, would this rune by itself suffice?
Raum is the preferred means of cleansing overall and in a general sense, I think. Ansuz may work also. But it's generally not the best idea to try and address all issues at once in my opinion, as the energies may become diluted and not attain much in the end. It could be better to focus on them one at a time.
whistlinginthebreeze said:
I'm new to not only JoS but Satanism as a whole, the main website has tons of links and all and I'm not entirely sure where I should start. I don't want to be completely handheld through this process but some help would be nice.
For starters read
And all within it
Afterwards all the links from here
Hope it helps brother
homeraee said:
how do entity steal energy? How to prevent from being stolen energy

Astral entities can manipulate energy like you can. This includes ripping someone's life force out of their soul.

Energy Ripping

You prevent your energy from being stolen by building a strong aura of protection and banishing any malicious entities out of your house.

1. You can use SURYAE, ALGIZ, BERKANO, SOWILO (SAULO is the more powerful version), SATANAS, solar energy, or some other method to strengthen your aura of protection.

How to Clean Your Aura

Aura of Protection

You can also absorb energy from the sun or visualize yourself in a golden aura and affirm “I am always safe, secure, protected, and healthy in every way.” The protection working can be done multiple times a day.

2. Use VINASA (VEE-NAH-SAH) to banish the malicious entities. You can also visualize Satanic electric-blue fire filling your room/house and forming a protective barrier that keeps out malicious entities.

Banishing Ritual
johnson_akemi said:
homeraee said:
how do entity steal energy? How to prevent from being stolen energy

Astral entities can manipulate energy like you can. This includes ripping someone's life force out of their soul.

Energy Ripping

You prevent your energy from being stolen by building a strong aura of protection and banishing any malicious entities out of your house.

1. You can use SURYAE, ALGIZ, BERKANO, SOWILO (SAULO is the more powerful version), SATANAS, solar energy, or some other method to strengthen your aura of protection.

How to Clean Your Aura

Aura of Protection

You can also absorb energy from the sun or visualize yourself in a golden aura and affirm “I am always safe, secure, protected, and healthy in every way.” The protection working can be done multiple times a day.

2. Use VINASA (VEE-NAH-SAH) to banish the malicious entities. You can also visualize Satanic electric-blue fire filling your room/house and forming a protective barrier that keeps out malicious entities.

Banishing Ritual
thank you so much!
Shael said:
94n said:
I don't want to make a new thread and clutter the forum, so I'll ask here, like I've always been doing.


Ansuz incites freedom. Though I want to use it as a working to get rid of all blockages, would this rune by itself suffice?
Raum is the preferred means of cleansing overall and in a general sense, I think. Ansuz may work also. But it's generally not the best idea to try and address all issues at once in my opinion, as the energies may become diluted and not attain much in the end. It could be better to focus on them one at a time.

I was asking, because I was a little hesitant to start a Raum working, a generally solar mantra, while the Sun is in Aquarius. I suppose I can wait for three more days when the Sun enters Pisces. :lol:

Thank you for answering. I'll do a mixture of Ansuz and Raum to tackle the same, more specific, issues then.
I am student at the moment and in a few years I will be an architect.

I was wondering, if anybody could recommend me some trustworthy books on ancient satanic architecture, satanic symbolism, numerology, and occult art in general. I am new to satanism and it is very hard to gather trustworthy information on this subject. The JOS website does not provide a lot of information on this specific topic, and google is just littered with misinformation.

If anybody knows any sources I would very much appreciate it. This will help me a lot in developing my own an architectural vision.
Thank you in advance!

Hail Satan!
lealok said:

is it possible to change my username? I tried but I didn't find that option.
I would feel safer to comment here on the site with a different username, because with this username I could eventually be identified.
If it is possible to change, I will be grateful, if not, I will make another account with a different username.
The name: "inimigo99", would be great, but it can be any name other than the current one ...

I know that I could have predicted this whole situation before and made a different username, but when I created the account I didn't expect to be so involved in the site.

Given there is some serious reason and not a vanity one, that is possible. However there is a limit for this on one time.

You can now login as "inimigo99" with the same password. If you want to re-change then you'd need to make another account.
I want to do sound meditation.But how can I avoid jewish songs when i dont know if the singer is jewish or the song contains jewish crap secretly.
Can i do other meditation when i do "Spiritual Warfare Training Program for Satanists"?AS I am opening my chakra but also want to do Spiritual Warfare Training Program for Satanists. Besides, some links fail, like 'image' in first month.
in 'Spiritual Warfare Training Program for Satanists'.It says 'It is important to follow the instructions for each day and only do the meditations given.'. BUT it does not contain aoc and aop. so what should i do
for a healing program with rune, like eyesight, does it matter whether on waxing moon or waning moon?
homeraee said:
for a healing program with rune, like eyesight, does it matter whether on waxing moon or waning moon?
Waxing adds more power for building something up. And waning adds more power for removing something. So if you are removing a problem, or building up more strength, you would match your work with the moon's action to help it work better.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
homeraee said:
for a healing program with rune, like eyesight, does it matter whether on waxing moon or waning moon?
Waxing adds more power for building something up. And waning adds more power for removing something. So if you are removing a problem, or building up more strength, you would match your work with the moon's action to help it work better.
thank you! but i still not sure.
for example i want to improve eyesight. It seems to be on waxing moon as i want to 'improve it'. but in other word,it is to remove any disease of my eye,which seems to be on waning moon. Which should I choose?
homeraee said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
homeraee said:
for a healing program with rune, like eyesight, does it matter whether on waxing moon or waning moon?
Waxing adds more power for building something up. And waning adds more power for removing something. So if you are removing a problem, or building up more strength, you would match your work with the moon's action to help it work better.
thank you! but i still not sure.
for example i want to improve eyesight. It seems to be on waxing moon as i want to 'improve it'. but in other word,it is to remove any disease of my eye,which seems to be on waning moon. Which should I choose?
I think you should use waxing to build up more strength.
Hello everyone, I'm a little bit confused so I had a question regarding my name. My name is 'Cristian' , I've been on the occult side for quite a while and just right now, when I was planning to do the formal and official commitment to Satan, even though I am and was committed and devoted to Him fully, when I do this, I will know that it will be permanent and nothing ever will be able to influence it. I am still confused what I should do regarding my name, I know, it literally is 'Cristian', and I've hated it my whole life, but what can I do about it? Should I legally get it changed and then do the formal commitment ritual, or is it okay if I use it or not write my name at all?
Baolan666 said:
Hello everyone, I'm a little bit confused so I had a question regarding my name. My name is 'Cristian' , I've been on the occult side for quite a while and just right now, when I was planning to do the formal and official commitment to Satan, even though I am and was committed and devoted to Him fully, when I do this, I will know that it will be permanent and nothing ever will be able to influence it. I am still confused what I should do regarding my name, I know, it literally is 'Cristian', and I've hated it my whole life, but what can I do about it? Should I legally get it changed and then do the formal commitment ritual, or is it okay if I use it or not write my name at all?
You didn't pick your name, and you won't be punished for it. You can do the dedication before or after, and it doesn't matter what name you write down. All that matters is you mean it. Change the name if you don't like it. It's yourself, so it should be one you like.
This is just a worldly name so don't sweat that one. You do not have to change any legal names.

Satan understands our heart and not frivolous labels.

Baolan666 said:
Hello everyone, I'm a little bit confused so I had a question regarding my name. My name is 'Cristian' , I've been on the occult side for quite a while and just right now, when I was planning to do the formal and official commitment to Satan, even though I am and was committed and devoted to Him fully, when I do this, I will know that it will be permanent and nothing ever will be able to influence it. I am still confused what I should do regarding my name, I know, it literally is 'Cristian', and I've hated it my whole life, but what can I do about it? Should I legally get it changed and then do the formal commitment ritual, or is it okay if I use it or not write my name at all?
homeraee said:
I want to do sound meditation.But how can I avoid jewish songs when i dont know if the singer is jewish or the song contains jewish crap secretly.

Popular songs will likely be Jewey. As far as actual sound meditation, a consistent sound, as opposed to a varying melody, would be easier to meditate upon. Just type like "meditation sounds" into youtube, something like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySL3NllIhfA

homeraee said:
Can i do other meditation when i do "Spiritual Warfare Training Program for Satanists"?AS I am opening my chakra but also want to do Spiritual Warfare Training Program for Satanists. Besides, some links fail, like 'image' in first month.

Yes you can do other meditations at the same time. The limit for most people is usually time, so do as much as you feel comfortable. Yes, some links were taken down, try to put the link into wayback machine (https://archive.org/web/) and you might be able to find an archived copy.

homeraee said:
in 'Spiritual Warfare Training Program for Satanists'.It says 'It is important to follow the instructions for each day and only do the meditations given.'. BUT it does not contain aoc and aop. so what should i do

Do aop and aoc, they are essential.
ksco said:
Would thinking and talking with myself in Sanskrit have any spiritual effect? Can I create my own mantras?

If I had to guess, I doubt it would be of any significance on its own. You may be able to create your own mantras, but they would still be based off already existing concepts or dieties. I don't think that would require you to learn the entire language prior.
Code333 said:
Hey everyone, I'm not new but I have a question!

Have any of you had experience with the dark tall figures? I have heard that they may harm you. But the one I have won't do that... I find that odd idk why. BUT he/she idk, only watches me sleep and gets mad at me that's all... It's kind of boring.... Idk why I find it boring...

Thanks for reading this hope to get some replies.



They get mad at you? Doesn't sound very benevolent at all. You should dedicate to Satan and get your Aura of Protection up and running ASAP. Don't let that fucking retard watch you sleep. If they are more advanced than you, they are going to just clue you in that they are harming you. He/She is there for a reason, so please proceed with caution, not apathy!
homeraee said:
I am kind of new here,though I knew jos a few years ago,I wasn’t very consistent.I have performed 40days program and didn’t feel much different.
I did 3rd eye open meditation,but didn’t open my 3rd as I didn’t see anything different.Do I need to do the 3rd eye opening meditation again?Basically,I don’t feel my chakra opening though I did the opening meditation.And with the chakra spanning,I really find it hard to span and just didn’t get the key.
I asked for incubi before.It is monogamous.I don’t feel him and see him when I masturbate.So do I have incubi now?
It is just a little frustrated for me not to see any result. I always wonder if I am doing the meditation right and if it is working.
I need some guidance.Can I get some advice?

If you don't feel anything, you need to do it again and stay at it. Even once open, they require consistent training. For the 3rd eye, the mantra is to direct energy to the chakra, but the subsequent meditation is to start to train your being to make use of it. It is not enough to merely empower it. Everyone is different, however you should start to see colors and varied shifts in your vision after a few sessions. When you meditate, imagine you are looking through the pressure in your forehead. Look into the void, and try and sense through it. That is the best way I can describe what worked for me.

Do the visualization exercises in the 6 month hell's army guide to aid your chakra spinning. Opening the 3rd eye also helps visualization. Visualization is a skill of its own, so don't frett, but do practice it.

Hard to say about the incubi. I would just forget about it, for now, until you can advance a little more. From there, either it will come to you, or you simply ask again. Don't badger the Gods though, the incubi doesn't own you a relationship.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Regarding the dedication ritual. I just did it about 30 minutes ago but I messed up and used a razor way sharper than what I thought and cut deep and got blood everywhere. It distracted me but I managed to say the ritual in my head and sign the paper and burn it in the candle with blood all over it :D. I felt it was very sloppy and I rushed it because I wanted to do it before my birthday ended. Should I re-do it another time or is this good enough? I’ll be asking Satan to show me a sign that he’s with me before I go to sleep and will start meditations and RTRS tomorrow. Thanks everyone on this forum.

It's fine. The intent is what counts.
homeraee said:
I am doing 3rd eye opening.I vibrated Thaum for like thirty minutes but just couldn’t feel it vibrate in my 3rd eye.Why?

You need to focus on the 3rd eye area while doing the vibration. Wherever you focus is where the energy goes. It should feel like a pressure in your forehead. The meditation that you do next uses that energy to assist the atrophied 3rd eye while it trains.
JulianTheGod said:
I performed the dedication ritual as a 16 year old and i am almost 24 now. I was very consistent as a teen and was able to express my allegiance openly. However, now i fear its my fault i havent been anywhere near as consistent and i am new to the forums. In one of the audio sermons i heard there was more than one dedication performed. If there is no need to do so i will not, i just wish to "get back on the saddle" so to speak. Is it as easy as beginning my meditations again?

Yeah, get started bro. The Gods aren't like sadistic dictators, more like parents. They don't want you to grovel, they want you to start improving.
whistlinginthebreeze said:
I'm new to not only JoS but Satanism as a whole, the main website has tons of links and all and I'm not entirely sure where I should start. I don't want to be completely handheld through this process but some help would be nice.

I posted this to another user, but it will benefit you as well.

You want to study the basics here: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/index.html

Then begin a meditation program, using the power meditations website as a guide, found here: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanic_Meditation.html

A good beginner routine is the 40 day meditation program, found here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=18847

You want to implement yoga as well, which will work on the physical side of your being to increase your bioenergy, thus aiding workings. Here is the hatha yoga guide: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w2yd6kb6zwf0qe5/KUNDALINI%20%26%20HATHA%20YOGA%20ROUTINE.zip?dl=1

Lastly, but most importantly, you will need to do the Final Reverse Torah Ritual (RTR), found here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=11506

The F-RTR is the most important tool for fighting the Jews spiritually, and it will also clear your being of the centuries of Hebrew curses placed upon you. In other words, it is essential, so begin soon!

Hope that helps.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
