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For summoning rituals, what type of incense would be better? Floral smells or maybe tibetan style herbal incenses made with herbs like myrrh, frankincense or juniper? Any thoughts?
Shittu Ur said:
That's all I needed to know man, wether or not it really mattered. Thanks a bunch.
What name you use in your natal chart does not affect anything. You can use a random sequence of numbers and it will work just the same.

However, your name does have significance in a general way. HP Hoodedcobra666 offers a Name Numerology service in which he analyzes the numerological properties of your name, and what it says about you. If you are interested in learning more about your name, you can order one on his website. https://josmarket.org.
Hey I'm a returning member from the Yahoo groups. Couple questions, since there were changes on the mantras used for opening the Chakras is the full chakra meditation still viable or would it be best to stick to how it is on the tuning Chakras page?

Also for the crown chakra part
1. Align [visualize] your seventh chakra point down as shown at the top of this page.

2. Breathe in, focus upon, and feel your seventh chakra and on the exhale, vibrate your selected word of power from the above.

3. Breathe in, focus upon, and feel your seventh chakra and on the exhale, vibrate your selected word of power several times.

4. Remain still, focusing upon and feeling your seventh chakra for several minutes.

Steps 2 and 3 are the same thing, does this mean I have to vibrate the mantra 8 times?
Wraith said:
Hey I'm a returning member from the Yahoo groups. Couple questions, since there were changes on the mantras used for opening the Chakras is the full chakra meditation still viable or would it be best to stick to how it is on the tuning Chakras page?

Also for the crown chakra part
1. Align [visualize] your seventh chakra point down as shown at the top of this page.

2. Breathe in, focus upon, and feel your seventh chakra and on the exhale, vibrate your selected word of power from the above.

3. Breathe in, focus upon, and feel your seventh chakra and on the exhale, vibrate your selected word of power several times.

4. Remain still, focusing upon and feeling your seventh chakra for several minutes.

Steps 2 and 3 are the same thing, does this mean I have to vibrate the mantra 8 times?
As many times as you want
Darkmyth said:
So ive been heavily cleaning my soul using the sun mantra and i just started combining that with the vishudhi mantra but I've noticed the more ive been purging my chakras and aura of negativity ive been experiencing cold like symptoms like that sick feeling you usually feel through your body right before a cold sometimes i can feel it in my throat. Are these just symptoms from my soul adjusting to the change occuring within my soul?

Keep doing what you are doing, the same thing happened to me as well from my kundalini clearing and cleaning out somethings. In a way, it is your body adjusting.

Make sure it isnt an actual cold or flu though by keeping up with your health.
14Alex88 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
14Alex88 said:
You're in the right place now. Click the picture at the top of the screen, this will bring you to the Index where you can see the subforums. Click on the Important Articles From JOS Ministry and read all of those.

Something you should know is that all of the alt right and daily stormer leadership is all 100% jewish. It's all just controlled opposition. Tell one truth and 100 lies just to confuse people. They promote evil actions and christian mental slavery mindset.

Thanks. I’ll check it out. I think the Stormer hits on a lot of good points but inevitably it turns to g00kposting and Christian garbage. I can’t go there anymore. It’s bad for my mind, body and soul. I’ve been on the bbs forums several times before getting banned. Many of their members were serious degenerates (like most Christians) and their Christianity is a cope for their past actions.

I’ll follow your directions as far as links to look at but what can I expect from this whole endeavor? I don’t believe we have much time before SHTF and I want to get everything in order before the economy and society collapses more than it has already.

I’m in good shape but I still need some sort of spirituality, something I’ve found parts for myself on my own but never have had a concrete, certain philosophy that stuck with me even through hard times.

Obviously these have been very dark and hard times and they will peak very soon. So, will I be able to have a real relationship with Satan of one on these other “demonic” gods/beings? Are you actually able to physically talk to and see these creatures/beings or is more visualization? I’m looking for something beyond just meditation and visualization - since that seems fake in a way, such that I’m not interacting with anything but merely it’s all in my head.

So in layman’s terms, is this satanic stuff something I can actually interact with beyond just mental stuff? Because my biggest problem with the new age crap, Christianity, etc. is you never see any results. It’s all just you in your own head.

If this comes across as critical or demanding, well it is, but the reason I at least was able to disregard Christianity and the other nonsense is because I’m critical and demand results for my efforts. This entire Jewish system sucks your work away and compensates you poorly for what you put in. I’m looking for something in this god-forsaken world where the juice is actually worth the squeeze.

Thanks for your reply and hope to hear from you again.

What makes Satanism different from all other paths is that we get concrete results. Meditation and visualization is paramount for spiritual advancement. Yes, it is all in your head but thats how it starts. You start to take control of your mind and begin to manifest things and work on opening your mind and psychic centers so that you are able to hear, see and communicate with the gods easily, which is why you must keep to a meditation schedule. The gods physically exist on another constellation but are able to communicate with us through their astral selves and telepathy.

Power meditation is the basis of spiritual satanism. It is scientifically proven that psychic abilities exist.

Even though you are not psychically open, the gods will still communicate with you in different ways that are obvious. This is how we all started out.

As you advance in your meditations and yoga, you will actually prove to yourself that this path is very real and that the powers of the mind and soul are very real.

Just be patient and open, and if you wany to get closer to Satan and the gods, just do rituals to them. Every dedicated Satanist has a guardian Demon that helps them spiritually advance. You find out who they are eventually.

And just to point out, we have other gentile races here in Satan and so please be respectful and refrain from pointless racial slurs out of respect. All of us here are united under Satan and working to destroy the Jewish enemy who put us in this situation to begin with. I alread responsed to you on the other thread

Thanks and Welcome.

Oh and Satan and the gods already told us many times that we will go through many natural disasters and catastrophes but we will be protected through this and that the Jews will eventually be revealed for their crimes.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Wraith said:
Hey I'm a returning member from the Yahoo groups. Couple questions, since there were changes on the mantras used for opening the Chakras is the full chakra meditation still viable or would it be best to stick to how it is on the tuning Chakras page?

Also for the crown chakra part
1. Align [visualize] your seventh chakra point down as shown at the top of this page.

2. Breathe in, focus upon, and feel your seventh chakra and on the exhale, vibrate your selected word of power from the above.

3. Breathe in, focus upon, and feel your seventh chakra and on the exhale, vibrate your selected word of power several times.

4. Remain still, focusing upon and feeling your seventh chakra for several minutes.

Steps 2 and 3 are the same thing, does this mean I have to vibrate the mantra 8 times?
As many times as you want

I mean step 2 is usually a Pranayama, either this might be a mistake or there is no yogic breathing exercise for the crown chakra?
HPS Shannon said:
As you advance in your meditations and yoga, you will actually prove to yourself that this path is very real and that the powers of the mind and soul are very real.

I think this is VERY important to keep in mind because too many members who are newer in meditation here and such always try to seek strange ways to confirm the existence of everything we state, often demanding the gods to show themselves to them or make objects move or something. OR they completely slip away from this path of truth just because it's taking them 'too long' to feel energy or feel any result of their meditations, the society the jews created for humanity means everybody is far too impatient for everything and advancement takes time, a LOT of time.

When I was new, the first 2 years were rough because I was so full of doubt and didn't seem to get any obvious results from my meditations at all and I kept looking for reasons that none of this was real, I kept going though and it took me 4 years alone just to be able to start feeling energy even a little bit. 9 years later and I can now get too over sensitized to energy, can see and feel things that others can't, can defend myself from negative energy and even utilize it as a weapon to bring misfortune and tragedy to people I target. I've dealt with the enemy a lot and have communicated with the gods multiple times in various ways.

I've seen the results of my own workings, actually completely healing things on my physical body that never went away for years no matter what medicinal remedies I tried, I used to have a debilitating anxiety disorder with panic attacks several times a day and actually healed the cause of this out of my soul, I haven't had one panic attack or taken any medication for it for years. I am so far away from the doubt I had as a kid that even the enemy no longer tries to hide themselves behind the guise of 'angels' and 'jewsus' anymore, they've shown their ugly bug-eyed faces to me in person, I've seen their ships in the sky and I've seen their 'outposts' in the astral and I've been able to attack them in defense successfully and have been protected with the large help of my guardian demon.

I can not stress enough that no matter how much you struggle to believe all of this you have to keep going no matter what, eventually you will be able to prove it all for yourself just like I have. I can never be more proud of myself today with how far I've come and that I never gave up no matter how much it seemed like the easier thing to do, because I am no longer the victim or the prey. Now I am a warrior who works to grow even stronger every day.

And you can be too, you just have to persevere.
Shael said:
Shittu Ur said:
That's all I needed to know man, wether or not it really mattered. Thanks a bunch.
What name you use in your natal chart does not affect anything. You can use a random sequence of numbers and it will work just the same.

However, your name does have significance in a general way. HP Hoodedcobra666 offers a Name Numerology service in which he analyzes the numerological properties of your name, and what it says about you. If you are interested in learning more about your name, you can order one on his website. https://josmarket.org.

Ahh, interesting, rhanks for the tip. And this is with my real name or birth name? 'Cause as I said before, I've never felt any connection to my birth name, It's always felt like a stranger's name. Thanks a bunch, I really appreciate it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Shittu Ur said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
What does your name have to do with your astrological chart, besides nothing at all? What difference does it make?

That's all I needed to know man, wether or not it really mattered. Thanks a bunch.
I meant it in a nicer way than it may have sounded like :mrgreen:

No worries, I always figure SS tends to make one more blunt, straightforward and to the point, something I enjoy greatly about it, no beating around the bush. I'm not very easily offended. Cheers.
Darkmyth said:
So ive been heavily cleaning my soul using the sun mantra and i just started combining that with the vishudhi mantra but I've noticed the more ive been purging my chakras and aura of negativity ive been experiencing cold like symptoms like that sick feeling you usually feel through your body right before a cold sometimes i can feel it in my throat. Are these just symptoms from my soul adjusting to the change occuring within my soul?
I experienced this, too. This is a side-effect of cleaning your chakras. When big chunks of dirt come out from the cleaning, this can cause illness-like symptoms to manifest. They usually never last very long though. For me it always went away again within one day.
Shittu Ur said:
Ahh, interesting, rhanks for the tip. And this is with my real name or birth name? 'Cause as I said before, I've never felt any connection to my birth name, It's always felt like a stranger's name. Thanks a bunch, I really appreciate it.
Both. I believe you can have your birth name and "real" name both analyzed in the same order, if I remember correctly. If not, you can order one for each. Even if you feel no connection to your birth name, it can still tell you a bunch of interesting things about yourself.
Shael said:
Both. I believe you can have your birth name and "real" name both analyzed in the same order, if I remember correctly. If not, you can order one for each. Even if you feel no connection to your birth name, it can still tell you a bunch of interesting things about yourself.

Thanks a bunch, much appreciated :lol:
I am asking you directly and honestly to do a testimonial as you appear to have conquered what other SS similar to you have been submerged under. This can teach them how to conquer it too.

Ghost in the Machine said:
HPS Shannon said:
As you advance in your meditations and yoga, you will actually prove to yourself that this path is very real and that the powers of the mind and soul are very real.

I think this is VERY important to keep in mind because too many members who are newer in meditation here and such always try to seek strange ways to confirm the existence of everything we state, often demanding the gods to show themselves to them or make objects move or something. OR they completely slip away from this path of truth just because it's taking them 'too long' to feel energy or feel any result of their meditations, the society the jews created for humanity means everybody is far too impatient for everything and advancement takes time, a LOT of time.

When I was new, the first 2 years were rough because I was so full of doubt and didn't seem to get any obvious results from my meditations at all and I kept looking for reasons that none of this was real, I kept going though and it took me 4 years alone just to be able to start feeling energy even a little bit. 9 years later and I can now get too over sensitized to energy, can see and feel things that others can't, can defend myself from negative energy and even utilize it as a weapon to bring misfortune and tragedy to people I target. I've dealt with the enemy a lot and have communicated with the gods multiple times in various ways.

I've seen the results of my own workings, actually completely healing things on my physical body that never went away for years no matter what medicinal remedies I tried, I used to have a debilitating anxiety disorder with panic attacks several times a day and actually healed the cause of this out of my soul, I haven't had one panic attack or taken any medication for it for years. I am so far away from the doubt I had as a kid that even the enemy no longer tries to hide themselves behind the guise of 'angels' and 'jewsus' anymore, they've shown their ugly bug-eyed faces to me in person, I've seen their ships in the sky and I've seen their 'outposts' in the astral and I've been able to attack them in defense successfully and have been protected with the large help of my guardian demon.

I can not stress enough that no matter how much you struggle to believe all of this you have to keep going no matter what, eventually you will be able to prove it all for yourself just like I have. I can never be more proud of myself today with how far I've come and that I never gave up no matter how much it seemed like the easier thing to do, because I am no longer the victim or the prey. Now I am a warrior who works to grow even stronger every day.

And you can be too, you just have to persevere.
Thank you for those who had last responded to me on my previous post in regards to the false systems i was having. I was experiencing it on and off as days went by and lately ive been feeling it less and less but more and more healthier.

I have a new question though. I did a little bit of research and came across this mantra (Suryanarayana) so far from what ive seen it translates to either "sun god" or " sun personified and lord of the sun".

Does anyone have any knowledge on this word and if it could be used as a mantra in the same sense as surya?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am asking you directly and honestly to do a testimonial as you appear to have conquered what other SS similar to you have been submerged under. This can teach them how to conquer it too.

Ghost in the Machine said:
HPS Shannon said:
As you advance in your meditations and yoga, you will actually prove to yourself that this path is very real and that the powers of the mind and soul are very real.

I think this is VERY important to keep in mind because too many members who are newer in meditation here and such always try to seek strange ways to confirm the existence of everything we state, often demanding the gods to show themselves to them or make objects move or something. OR they completely slip away from this path of truth just because it's taking them 'too long' to feel energy or feel any result of their meditations, the society the jews created for humanity means everybody is far too impatient for everything and advancement takes time, a LOT of time.

When I was new, the first 2 years were rough because I was so full of doubt and didn't seem to get any obvious results from my meditations at all and I kept looking for reasons that none of this was real, I kept going though and it took me 4 years alone just to be able to start feeling energy even a little bit. 9 years later and I can now get too over sensitized to energy, can see and feel things that others can't, can defend myself from negative energy and even utilize it as a weapon to bring misfortune and tragedy to people I target. I've dealt with the enemy a lot and have communicated with the gods multiple times in various ways.

I've seen the results of my own workings, actually completely healing things on my physical body that never went away for years no matter what medicinal remedies I tried, I used to have a debilitating anxiety disorder with panic attacks several times a day and actually healed the cause of this out of my soul, I haven't had one panic attack or taken any medication for it for years. I am so far away from the doubt I had as a kid that even the enemy no longer tries to hide themselves behind the guise of 'angels' and 'jewsus' anymore, they've shown their ugly bug-eyed faces to me in person, I've seen their ships in the sky and I've seen their 'outposts' in the astral and I've been able to attack them in defense successfully and have been protected with the large help of my guardian demon.

I can not stress enough that no matter how much you struggle to believe all of this you have to keep going no matter what, eventually you will be able to prove it all for yourself just like I have. I can never be more proud of myself today with how far I've come and that I never gave up no matter how much it seemed like the easier thing to do, because I am no longer the victim or the prey. Now I am a warrior who works to grow even stronger every day.

And you can be too, you just have to persevere.

I agree, he should. Someone close to me is experiencing the same problem when patience and perseverance is key.
HPS Shannon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am asking you directly and honestly to do a testimonial as you appear to have conquered what other SS similar to you have been submerged under. This can teach them how to conquer it too.

Ghost in the Machine said:
I think this is VERY important to keep in mind because too many members who are newer in meditation here and such always try to seek strange ways to confirm the existence of everything we state, often demanding the gods to show themselves to them or make objects move or something. OR they completely slip away from this path of truth just because it's taking them 'too long' to feel energy or feel any result of their meditations, the society the jews created for humanity means everybody is far too impatient for everything and advancement takes time, a LOT of time.

When I was new, the first 2 years were rough because I was so full of doubt and didn't seem to get any obvious results from my meditations at all and I kept looking for reasons that none of this was real, I kept going though and it took me 4 years alone just to be able to start feeling energy even a little bit. 9 years later and I can now get too over sensitized to energy, can see and feel things that others can't, can defend myself from negative energy and even utilize it as a weapon to bring misfortune and tragedy to people I target. I've dealt with the enemy a lot and have communicated with the gods multiple times in various ways.

I've seen the results of my own workings, actually completely healing things on my physical body that never went away for years no matter what medicinal remedies I tried, I used to have a debilitating anxiety disorder with panic attacks several times a day and actually healed the cause of this out of my soul, I haven't had one panic attack or taken any medication for it for years. I am so far away from the doubt I had as a kid that even the enemy no longer tries to hide themselves behind the guise of 'angels' and 'jewsus' anymore, they've shown their ugly bug-eyed faces to me in person, I've seen their ships in the sky and I've seen their 'outposts' in the astral and I've been able to attack them in defense successfully and have been protected with the large help of my guardian demon.

I can not stress enough that no matter how much you struggle to believe all of this you have to keep going no matter what, eventually you will be able to prove it all for yourself just like I have. I can never be more proud of myself today with how far I've come and that I never gave up no matter how much it seemed like the easier thing to do, because I am no longer the victim or the prey. Now I am a warrior who works to grow even stronger every day.

And you can be too, you just have to persevere.

I agree, he should. Someone close to me is experiencing the same problem when patience and perseverance is key.

I don't really think I'm that special, I've just been through a lot and time and time again endurance has proven itself to me. But I really do love informing people from not just blind assumption or words but from what I've literally experienced and done for myself. I will definitely write something in regards to this subject though if both of you encourage it, it truly does bring me despair to know we have members who think of giving up or turning away from the truth because they struggle with doubt, or they're scared or struggle more and more because they're filled with negative thoughts.
Ghost in the Machine said:
HPS Shannon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am asking you directly and honestly to do a testimonial as you appear to have conquered what other SS similar to you have been submerged under. This can teach them how to conquer it too.

I agree, he should. Someone close to me is experiencing the same problem when patience and perseverance is key.

I don't really think I'm that special, I've just been through a lot and time and time again endurance has proven itself to me. But I really do love informing people from not just blind assumption or words but from what I've literally experienced and done for myself. I will definitely write something in regards to this subject though if both of you encourage it, it truly does bring me despair to know we have members who think of giving up or turning away from the truth because they struggle with doubt, or they're scared or struggle more and more because they're filled with negative thoughts.

Not that special?
Yes, you are. Why would you think you aren't. I look forward to reading your writing.
HPS Shannon said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I don't really think I'm that special, I've just been through a lot and time and time again endurance has proven itself to me. But I really do love informing people from not just blind assumption or words but from what I've literally experienced and done for myself. I will definitely write something in regards to this subject though if both of you encourage it, it truly does bring me despair to know we have members who think of giving up or turning away from the truth because they struggle with doubt, or they're scared or struggle more and more because they're filled with negative thoughts.

Not that special?
Yes, you are. Why would you think you aren't. I look forward to reading your writing.

Aww, I'm blushing! I have created an orb of positive golden energy using the sowilo rune and have asked Lord Satan to make sure it is properly sent to you. I have been meaning to send you one for a while and hope that it will bring you some good vibes and good fortune. I really appreciate everything you do here, especially in regards to race matters and your tolerance for certain whites around here.

You're special too you know.
HPS Shannon said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
HPS Shannon said:
I agree, he should. Someone close to me is experiencing the same problem when patience and perseverance is key.

I don't really think I'm that special, I've just been through a lot and time and time again endurance has proven itself to me. But I really do love informing people from not just blind assumption or words but from what I've literally experienced and done for myself. I will definitely write something in regards to this subject though if both of you encourage it, it truly does bring me despair to know we have members who think of giving up or turning away from the truth because they struggle with doubt, or they're scared or struggle more and more because they're filled with negative thoughts.

Not that special?
Yes, you are. Why would you think you aren't. I look forward to reading your writing.
Special is a vague term, some people, the most meek ones try to think of them as special just to cheer their fragile heart, but in the real sense of the word yes, we are special, as we we are not ordinary and we are differentiate from the common people. You don’t have to feel special in the way little meek leftists want to feel, you should feel proud and confident, because we are actually saving the earth and actually work towards our and the common advancement. You’re the >1% that is actually doing something to fight the jews and prevent that the earth becomes a Jewish brought wasteland.
Ghost in the Machine said:
HPS Shannon said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I don't really think I'm that special, I've just been through a lot and time and time again endurance has proven itself to me. But I really do love informing people from not just blind assumption or words but from what I've literally experienced and done for myself. I will definitely write something in regards to this subject though if both of you encourage it, it truly does bring me despair to know we have members who think of giving up or turning away from the truth because they struggle with doubt, or they're scared or struggle more and more because they're filled with negative thoughts.

Not that special?
Yes, you are. Why would you think you aren't. I look forward to reading your writing.

Aww, I'm blushing! I have created an orb of positive golden energy using the sowilo rune and have asked Lord Satan to make sure it is properly sent to you. I have been meaning to send you one for a while and hope that it will bring you some good vibes and good fortune. I really appreciate everything you do here, especially in regards to race matters and your tolerance for certain whites around here.

You're special too you know.

Thank you Brother, you didnt have to do that. I would have prefer you send it to the gods. Youre sweet

I will prevail. It could be the enemy but sometimes I feel as if not being active on the forums because of things like that. All I want is racial peace and cooperation ( yod apex in Venus) but its difficult and discouraging. I am a pretty sensitive person, but I know that life isnt perfect and we will get people like that, both black or white, that hate or dislike eachother and this is all because of the Jews. No matter what happens, I always know who the real enemy is.

This is why I will spend most of my time on RTRs and advancing, as a temporary escape from the degeneration that makes its way into the forums or elsewhere. We need to behave more like the gods transcend all of this and be above this.
HPS Shannon said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
HPS Shannon said:
Not that special?
Yes, you are. Why would you think you aren't. I look forward to reading your writing.

Aww, I'm blushing! I have created an orb of positive golden energy using the sowilo rune and have asked Lord Satan to make sure it is properly sent to you. I have been meaning to send you one for a while and hope that it will bring you some good vibes and good fortune. I really appreciate everything you do here, especially in regards to race matters and your tolerance for certain whites around here.

You're special too you know.

Thank you Brother, you didnt have to do that. I would have prefer you send it to the gods. Youre sweet

I will prevail. It could be the enemy but sometimes I feel as if not being active on the forums because of things like that. All I want is racial peace and cooperation ( yod apex in Venus) but its difficult and discouraging. I am a pretty sensitive person, but I know that life isnt perfect and we will get people like that, both black or white, that hate or dislike eachother and this is all because of the Jews. No matter what happens, I always know who the real enemy is.

This is why I will spend most of my time on RTRs and advancing, as a temporary escape from the degeneration that makes its way into the forums or elsewhere. We need to behave more like the gods transcend all of this and be above this.

I have this feeling at times that being high priest or high priestess has a subtle pressure to put up an act of invincibility because it's part of your responsibility to be someone people can look up to for guidance. Though I definitely recognize in hierarchy terms that those chosen to be HP/S are very important and on a level higher than most, but I still know that things can still get to you guys in certain ways. It's still a ways to godhood.

Thus I think it's important for you guys to know too that just because you're here to help us that doesn't mean we're suddenly not there to help you either. We're here for you guys as well as much as you guys are for us, I would never think I'm crossing some kind of boundary or stepping out of line whenever I feel like making sure our high priests or high priestess' are all right, heck sometimes I ask Satan how he's holding up as I worry about him too sometimes even though it's ridiculous to do so. I just really do care about our family, gods and demons included.

It's just the kind of guy I am... when I'm not being an aggressive war-driven asshole, hah.
Ghost in the Machine said:
HPS Shannon said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Aww, I'm blushing! I have created an orb of positive golden energy using the sowilo rune and have asked Lord Satan to make sure it is properly sent to you. I have been meaning to send you one for a while and hope that it will bring you some good vibes and good fortune. I really appreciate everything you do here, especially in regards to race matters and your tolerance for certain whites around here.

You're special too you know.

Thank you Brother, you didnt have to do that. I would have prefer you send it to the gods. Youre sweet

I will prevail. It could be the enemy but sometimes I feel as if not being active on the forums because of things like that. All I want is racial peace and cooperation ( yod apex in Venus) but its difficult and discouraging. I am a pretty sensitive person, but I know that life isnt perfect and we will get people like that, both black or white, that hate or dislike eachother and this is all because of the Jews. No matter what happens, I always know who the real enemy is.

This is why I will spend most of my time on RTRs and advancing, as a temporary escape from the degeneration that makes its way into the forums or elsewhere. We need to behave more like the gods transcend all of this and be above this.

I have this feeling at times that being high priest or high priestess has a subtle pressure to put up an act of invincibility because it's part of your responsibility to be someone people can look up to for guidance. Though I definitely recognize in hierarchy terms that those chosen to be HP/S are very important and on a level higher than most, but I still know that things can still get to you guys in certain ways. It's still a ways to godhood.

Thus I think it's important for you guys to know too that just because you're here to help us that doesn't mean we're suddenly not there to help you either. We're here for you guys as well as much as you guys are for us, I would never think I'm crossing some kind of boundary or stepping out of line whenever I feel like making sure our high priests or high priestess' are all right, heck sometimes I ask Satan how he's holding up as I worry about him too sometimes even though it's ridiculous to do so. I just really do care about our family, gods and demons included.

It's just the kind of guy I am... when I'm not being an aggressive war-driven asshole, hah.

Thank you. <3
Ghost in the Machine said:
I have this feeling at times that being high priest or high priestess has a subtle pressure to put up an act of invincibility because it's part of your responsibility to be someone people can look up to for guidance.
Indeed. I think being a HP on the forums here has a lot of pressure to it. Think about it - everything you say will have a good amount of people taking it as an absolute truth and at face value. If you were to chime in on an argument and take sides, the other side would almost automatically lose because like 20 other people would post immediately and agree with you just because it was a HP who said it. There's a lot of pressure behind having influence like this, because if you were to go around taking sides everywhere, the losing side would likely feel isolated to a point where they may even leave the forums. There is a big difference between having another member disagree with you and having a HP disagree with you.

I wouldnt even want to be a HP, atleast not officially in name, simply because I like to express my stance on things and have discussions with people and hear their opinion, so long as it's done maturely.
Shael said:
Indeed. I think being a HP on the forums here has a lot of pressure to it. Think about it - everything you say will have a good amount of people taking it as an absolute truth and at face value. If you were to chime in on an argument and take sides, the other side would almost automatically lose because like 20 other people would post immediately and agree with you just because it was a HP who said it. There's a lot of pressure behind having influence like this, because if you were to go around taking sides everywhere, the losing side would likely feel isolated to a point where they may even leave the forums. There is a big difference between having another member disagree with you and having a HP disagree with you.

I wouldnt even want to be a HP, atleast not officially in name, simply because I like to express my stance on things and have discussions with people and hear their opinion, so long as it's done maturely.

People are chosen to be HP/s for good reasons but yes there is definitely an issue of people taking the words of a HP/s as absolute 100% truth. I never did this even on the old forums, I still remain aware that even HP/s can make mistakes, but the information shared by HP/s' has FAR more merit than your average member here, more often than not they definitely speak the truth and know what they're talking about, but even a few over the years I've been here have admitted to making a mistake here and there. These mistakes are few and years far in between but they do happen once in a long while to which it is better for them to admit and correct it as soon as they realize it than to stubbornly hold onto it.

I've thought about what it would be like to be a HP for a long time, I'm quite casual and lax in my approach to things as in I don't stress under pressure easily, so I don't see why I wouldn't be able to handle it. The thing is I never found real interest in it though at all, but thinking hard about it, I feel that if I was ever chosen for the purpose I feel I have here which is in regards to the more militant aspect of combat and spiritual warfare and teaching people how to actually fight and defend themselves, I would definitely do it with glee, especially if the gods ever wanted me to take on that role, I won't cower away.

Honestly though I wouldn't want to ever take on such a role anyways until I can properly communicate with the gods, especially with astral hearing. I've been working on my psychic centres very thoroughly recently, starting with improving my astral sight, once it's good enough to the minimum desired result, I'm going to then work on my astral hearing. I still have a ways to go with some things, but the progress is ever consistent.
14Alex88 said:
HPS Shannon said:
14Alex88 said:
Thanks. I’ll check it out. I think the Stormer hits on a lot of good points but inevitably it turns to g00kposting and Christian garbage. I can’t go there anymore. It’s bad for my mind, body and soul. I’ve been on the bbs forums several times before getting banned. Many of their members were serious degenerates (like most Christians) and their Christianity is a cope for their past actions.

I’ll follow your directions as far as links to look at but what can I expect from this whole endeavor? I don’t believe we have much time before SHTF and I want to get everything in order before the economy and society collapses more than it has already.

I’m in good shape but I still need some sort of spirituality, something I’ve found parts for myself on my own but never have had a concrete, certain philosophy that stuck with me even through hard times.

Obviously these have been very dark and hard times and they will peak very soon. So, will I be able to have a real relationship with Satan of one on these other “demonic” gods/beings? Are you actually able to physically talk to and see these creatures/beings or is more visualization? I’m looking for something beyond just meditation and visualization - since that seems fake in a way, such that I’m not interacting with anything but merely it’s all in my head.

So in layman’s terms, is this satanic stuff something I can actually interact with beyond just mental stuff? Because my biggest problem with the new age crap, Christianity, etc. is you never see any results. It’s all just you in your own head.

If this comes across as critical or demanding, well it is, but the reason I at least was able to disregard Christianity and the other nonsense is because I’m critical and demand results for my efforts. This entire Jewish system sucks your work away and compensates you poorly for what you put in. I’m looking for something in this god-forsaken world where the juice is actually worth the squeeze.

Thanks for your reply and hope to hear from you again.

What makes Satanism different from all other paths is that we get concrete results. Meditation and visualization is paramount for spiritual advancement. Yes, it is all in your head but thats how it starts. You start to take control of your mind and begin to manifest things and work on opening your mind and psychic centers so that you are able to hear, see and communicate with the gods easily, which is why you must keep to a meditation schedule. The gods physically exist on another constellation but are able to communicate with us through their astral selves and telepathy.

Power meditation is the basis of spiritual satanism. It is scientifically proven that psychic abilities exist.

Even though you are not psychically open, the gods will still communicate with you in different ways that are obvious. This is how we all started out.

As you advance in your meditations and yoga, you will actually prove to yourself that this path is very real and that the powers of the mind and soul are very real.

Just be patient and open, and if you wany to get closer to Satan and the gods, just do rituals to them. Every dedicated Satanist has a guardian Demon that helps them spiritually advance. You find out who they are eventually.

And just to point out, we have other gentile races here in Satan and so please be respectful and refrain from pointless racial slurs out of respect. All of us here are united under Satan and working to destroy the Jewish enemy who put us in this situation to begin with. I alread responsed to you on the other thread

Thanks and Welcome.

Oh and Satan and the gods already told us many times that we will go through many natural disasters and catastrophes but we will be protected through this and that the Jews will eventually be revealed for their crimes.

This is where you clearly state that the majority of this is mental, at least initially. Mediation, “noticing things”, and everything else you have mentioned relates to the mind and psychology.

You do at one point say things will “manifest” but this extremely vague. On face value it sounds exactly like the self-help nonsense that claim after enough visualization and work towards a goal, you’ll get results... Well, there’s nothing magical to that or really impressive or awe-inspiring.

Now if you’re talking about manifesting something in some sort of supernatural way, then that’s different. But your description, for a lack of a better term, satanic powers, is vague and borders on “it’s all just in your head” self-help guidance that every new age “guru” and multi-level marketer promotes.

So if there’s more to this then just mediation and if you’ve actually had results that could only objectively be seen as supernatural or impossible without some sort of extra-intervention or whatever, please explain.

I know what I meant and the response I gave you was general but it goes deeper than that. Have you read the entire joyofsatan meditation section?

I dont think I have to go into all of that if you haven't read the basics. It is both mental and supernatural/spiritual. Mental because the mind, will, and powers of the soul are essential in manifesting things. If you cant properly visualize and direct and program the energy then your magick, manifestations and conduit to access the so called supernatural will not be successful.

Has it dawned on you that these so called self help tips and exercises are the basis of working with mind and soul? But there are more advanced techniques.

What most of us here, those who have been with Satanism for many years, have experienced the spiritual, psychic, supernatural, and products of mental exercises and pursuits in terms of manifesting things through magick and mental exercises, etc.

If you want to know more about our experiences you can ask about that and open a thread in the main JoS forum.

I need to emphasize, just in case you haven't understood yet, that the Gods do physically exist, intervene, and interact with us...which is what I guess you mean by the "supernatural" or things that go beyond our visualization and within our own minds.

If you decide to dedicate yourself and actually work with the gods and your soul, you will eventually see for yourself too.
HPS Shannon said:
14Alex88 said:
HPS Shannon said:
What makes Satanism different from all other paths is that we get concrete results. Meditation and visualization is paramount for spiritual advancement. Yes, it is all in your head but thats how it starts. You start to take control of your mind and begin to manifest things and work on opening your mind and psychic centers so that you are able to hear, see and communicate with the gods easily, which is why you must keep to a meditation schedule. The gods physically exist on another constellation but are able to communicate with us through their astral selves and telepathy.

Power meditation is the basis of spiritual satanism. It is scientifically proven that psychic abilities exist.

Even though you are not psychically open, the gods will still communicate with you in different ways that are obvious. This is how we all started out.

As you advance in your meditations and yoga, you will actually prove to yourself that this path is very real and that the powers of the mind and soul are very real.

Just be patient and open, and if you wany to get closer to Satan and the gods, just do rituals to them. Every dedicated Satanist has a guardian Demon that helps them spiritually advance. You find out who they are eventually.

And just to point out, we have other gentile races here in Satan and so please be respectful and refrain from pointless racial slurs out of respect. All of us here are united under Satan and working to destroy the Jewish enemy who put us in this situation to begin with. I alread responsed to you on the other thread

Thanks and Welcome.

Oh and Satan and the gods already told us many times that we will go through many natural disasters and catastrophes but we will be protected through this and that the Jews will eventually be revealed for their crimes.

This is where you clearly state that the majority of this is mental, at least initially. Mediation, “noticing things”, and everything else you have mentioned relates to the mind and psychology.

You do at one point say things will “manifest” but this extremely vague. On face value it sounds exactly like the self-help nonsense that claim after enough visualization and work towards a goal, you’ll get results... Well, there’s nothing magical to that or really impressive or awe-inspiring.

Now if you’re talking about manifesting something in some sort of supernatural way, then that’s different. But your description, for a lack of a better term, satanic powers, is vague and borders on “it’s all just in your head” self-help guidance that every new age “guru” and multi-level marketer promotes.

So if there’s more to this then just mediation and if you’ve actually had results that could only objectively be seen as supernatural or impossible without some sort of extra-intervention or whatever, please explain.

I know what I meant and the response I gave you was general but it goes deeper than that. Have you read the entire joyofsatan meditation section?

I dont think I have to go into all of that if you haven't read the basics. It is both mental and supernatural/spiritual. Mental because the mind, will, and powers of the soul are essential in manifesting things. If you cant properly visualize and direct and program the energy then your magick, manifestations and conduit to access the so called supernatural will not be successful.

Has it dawned on you that these so called self help tips and exercises are the basis of working with mind and soul? But there are more advanced techniques.

What most of us here, those who have been with Satanism for many years, have experienced the spiritual, psychic, supernatural, and products of mental exercises and pursuits in terms of manifesting things through magick and mental exercises, etc.

If you want to know more about our experiences you can ask about that and open a thread in the main JoS forum.

I need to emphasize, just in case you haven't understood yet, that the Gods do physically exist, intervene, and interact with us...which is what I guess you mean by the "supernatural" or things that go beyond our visualization and within our own minds.

If you decide to dedicate yourself and actually work with the gods and your soul, you will eventually see for yourself too.
I think what he wants to ask is why would Satanism be better than any new-age things out there like the law of attractions, subliminal and things like this. Satanism is not only about manifesting things, of course, this is a big part of it but the main thing is to become a God, a perfect being. The meditations not only will help you develop more power so that you can manifest things more and more quickly but will help you become literally a God with powers that are called "supernatural" but are in reality the most natural thing in the entire universe. You need to study the JOS if you want to understand more and you need to try meditations for yourself, it cannot be explained in words more than this. You will not become a God in a month nor in 2 years, it takes a lot of time and patience, we are talking about many years until you will develop "supernatural" powers but it's worth it all.

About manifesting while yes there are out there things that do work we do have year a more precise and powerful system. We know how to start a spell in the right moon sign and how to use the position of the planets to increase the power of the spells so they manifest. For example, we know that starting anything during a Void of Moon will not work well and that during a Mercury retrograde there could be more problems related to electronics, travels, and communications. We have powerful methods like vibrating mantras and/or runes to manifest what we want. Others do not have these things and it may take more time for them to manifest something or they may get negative results because they do not know how to use the right affirmation or when is the right time to start a spell. Study the JOS, meditate and you will understand.
Where can I find all the stuff about my astrology that you guys are talking about all the time, like charts, houses, my weaknesses, etc.? Thanks.
Vaal said:
Where can I find all the stuff about my astrology that you guys are talking about all the time, like charts, houses, my weaknesses, etc.? Thanks.
Shael said:
Vaal said:
Where can I find all the stuff about my astrology that you guys are talking about all the time, like charts, houses, my weaknesses, etc.? Thanks.
Thanks :)
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
For summoning rituals, what type of incense would be better? Floral smells or maybe tibetan style herbal incenses made with herbs like myrrh, frankincense or juniper? Any thoughts?

Most demons have their own planetary hours, and each planetary hour has incense with a different smell. I've always tried to use it. In the chapter on demons, everything is described and there you will find the answer you are looking for. I hope this helps you. :D
Sinarstm said:
why your websites(joyofsatan,blacksun,...) have VIRUS??????!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:
please check....
Hi, it doesen’t.
My brother has been a dedicated spiritual satanist for going on 10 years now, and should be much much further advanced than me, but I feel as though i am going to surpass him. I feel kinda bad, but at the same time he meditates and does his RTRs everyday, which I have seemed to procrastinate and not fit it somewhere into my schedule (which I know is not good). I’ve been dedicated since April 2019 and I’ve only done 3 RTRs. My brother and I don’t talk as much as I’d like for us to, because he has addiction problems & is always high or drunk. I think that I’m a healer by nature because I’m a Aquarius Pisces cusp, I have sooo much empathy and pent up energy that I can direct. But being an empath also drains me so bad. Sometimes I get to where I’ll sleep basically for 2-3 days straight because of all the expended energy, just eating and working in between. I love my brother and I want to help him with his addiction problems so that he can further advance hisself, because there’s no reason for him to still not know everything he needs to know. He’s taught me a lot, he even paved my way to find out who satan really was. But what can I do for him ? I know that everyone has their own spiritual path, and everyone has to grow differently and I can’t force him to do anything he doesn’t want to, but I kinda just want to give him a peace of mind, warmth, clarity, and to be closer connected with him. Maybe even telepathic
I'm almost a year in as a SS and I've been doing the power meditations... and well, I have a TON of questions, but I realize that a lot of things will be made known to me simply when I'm ready and when I've reached some level of progress in my meditations.

With that said, there ARE things that I feel would really help me a great deal if someone could please help answer some of these questions. I had intended to ask one of the Demons or one of Satan's Gods but some of these questions are more urgent than waiting say 8 or 9 years to reach a level of attainment that would allow me to be able to communicate properly with a Demon.

1. Racial Mixing: I know this has been covered a great deal. I'd like to know WHY Racial Mixing is bad. I'd like to know WHAT is the limits of the "Race"? I'm Chinese, does that mean I can't mix with anyone other than a Chinese girl? OR does that just mean I need to only find a mate within the Asian races? Does Satan define "Race" by nationalities? OR simply by the broad definitions of continents and general skin tone? What are the limits of "race?" OR is it much broader? Just no mixing between White and Black? (Again, I'm Chinese/Asian so it doesn't help me if you say no mixing between White or Black, since I'd still need to figure out where the lines are drawn with me).

2. Morality and Ethics: I know it has been mentioned a great deal that the Xristians have really perverted the truth about morality and ethics and made it so that the "not doing anything evil" and "turning the other cheek" is their enforced code... but what is the true morality and ethics? I know it has been mentioned that we are expected to stand up for ourselves and fight back as long as it's not against each other within the SS. I don't mean I want generalized answers... and while I don't want to be "told what to believe", I DO want to get a complete picture of the SS way of viewing morality and ethics and if I could get a complete picture through reading a book, or something I'd like that... I have a vague sense that Nietzsche is likely close to the SS morality with his ideas for Will To Power? That we can do anything as long as we are responsible for our own actions?

3. With regards to dating and finding a romantic partner, ASIDE from the no race mixing rule... how are we to proceed? Should we look for another SS to date and marry? Won't that be hard when Satan asks us to keep our identities secret to protect us from the NPC's? Are we just supposed to find an NPC to marry and try to awaken them to the truth while making sure the NPC we marry is the same race?

4. I personally want to help awaken humanity to the truth about Jews and help reverse the damage they've done by brainwashing the masses. This is personal to me and a life mission and a part of something I told Satan when I first committed to him. Is it advisable to try to do so in any sort of mass media way in a subtle form? Like say a youtube channel that subtlely awakens people to the truth without stating it outright? What would Satan say to that? (I still need to develop my astral senses so I can't ask many of these questions myself)

5. What will happen when the Final RTR's do their work? What happens to the systems that the Jews put in place? How will we set ourselves free?
serpentsistaa666 said:
Do the RTR atleast once daily.

If you want to help your brother, a good idea could be to ask Satan and tell him about this. Ask him to guide your brother away from the addictions. You can do more RTRs in return to repay the favor. 3 RTRs a day should be easy to do for most people who arent super busy. One RTR a day is possible for every single person here without exception. There is no excuse to skip doing the RTR for even one day.
serpentsistaa666 said:
My brother has been a dedicated spiritual satanist for going on 10 years now, and should be much much further advanced than me, but I feel as though i am going to surpass him. I feel kinda bad, but at the same time he meditates and does his RTRs everyday, which I have seemed to procrastinate and not fit it somewhere into my schedule (which I know is not good). I’ve been dedicated since April 2019 and I’ve only done 3 RTRs. My brother and I don’t talk as much as I’d like for us to, because he has addiction problems & is always high or drunk. I think that I’m a healer by nature because I’m a Aquarius Pisces cusp, I have sooo much empathy and pent up energy that I can direct. But being an empath also drains me so bad. Sometimes I get to where I’ll sleep basically for 2-3 days straight because of all the expended energy, just eating and working in between. I love my brother and I want to help him with his addiction problems so that he can further advance hisself, because there’s no reason for him to still not know everything he needs to know. He’s taught me a lot, he even paved my way to find out who satan really was. But what can I do for him ? I know that everyone has their own spiritual path, and everyone has to grow differently and I can’t force him to do anything he doesn’t want to, but I kinda just want to give him a peace of mind, warmth, clarity, and to be closer connected with him. Maybe even telepathic
For starters, you said he should be much much advanced in the first line, and afterwards you said he has a lot of addictions, such as drugs and alcohol, this means he is in a more vegetative state, even though he has dedicated 10 years ago, it seems that he doesn t understand such simple things, as being high or drunk isn t spiritually at all, much less advanced spiritually. About the empath thing, I can t say much, but you should not be ''drained'', don t direct energy for no reason to anyone. If you love your brother you should then make sure to discipline him thoroughly and make him quit his addictions, not to ''further advance himself'' but to start,truly advancing himself. Maybe telepathy would help, but you need to start doing the meditations to be able to do telepathy, and as you are a dedicated satanist you should really start doing the final rtr, everyday, no exception, no excuse, if you lack privacy it was said you can do it in your mind, whisper, speak the letters etc. It s the duty of a spiritual satanist to do them!
serpentsistaa666 said:
My brother has been a dedicated spiritual satanist for going on 10 years now, and should be much much further advanced than me, but I feel as though i am going to surpass him. I feel kinda bad, but at the same time he meditates and does his RTRs everyday, which I have seemed to procrastinate and not fit it somewhere into my schedule (which I know is not good). I’ve been dedicated since April 2019 and I’ve only done 3 RTRs. My brother and I don’t talk as much as I’d like for us to, because he has addiction problems & is always high or drunk. I think that I’m a healer by nature because I’m a Aquarius Pisces cusp, I have sooo much empathy and pent up energy that I can direct. But being an empath also drains me so bad. Sometimes I get to where I’ll sleep basically for 2-3 days straight because of all the expended energy, just eating and working in between. I love my brother and I want to help him with his addiction problems so that he can further advance hisself, because there’s no reason for him to still not know everything he needs to know. He’s taught me a lot, he even paved my way to find out who satan really was. But what can I do for him ? I know that everyone has their own spiritual path, and everyone has to grow differently and I can’t force him to do anything he doesn’t want to, but I kinda just want to give him a peace of mind, warmth, clarity, and to be closer connected with him. Maybe even telepathic

What I've stated here on how to destroy hangups is also how you can destroy addictions. Sit somewhere where you won't be disturbed and focus on his soul and visualize it. Find the link(s) in his soul that have to do with his addictions, just turn your attention to visualize them and you will find where they are, if you need more details on how this is done and how finding them works then just say so. You need to destroy these links but this alone and by itself will not be that affective because addiction also goes into the psychic chakras such as the 6th chakra, crown chakra and third-eye, to which it causes blockages. I suspect that the negative energy links will also actually be attached to these chakras and that might be where you find them because these negative links can attach anywhere on a person's soul, even the chakras as has been evident from my own experiences. These chakras need to be cleaned VERY thoroughly every day coupled with the detachings in order to help him free himself of these addictions. He also should be doing this for himself as well, if both of you are doing this together than it will be MUCH more powerful and the positive results will show much sooner.

Things like addictions, drugs and what not can hinder someone's spiritual progress GREATLY, especially long term and considering you say it's been 10 years and you think you're going to surpass him, well then that speaks for itself. He needs to realize this and put forth the effort to healing himself too, but you can definitely help him. Incorporate the SOWILO rune into the cleanings of the chakras.
Hi All is Joy of Satan based solely in United States or is there a Group here in the U. K please
Many Thanks
serpentsistaa666 said:
My brother has been a dedicated spiritual satanist for going on 10 years now, and should be much much further advanced than me, but I feel as though i am going to surpass him. I feel kinda bad, but at the same time he meditates and does his RTRs everyday, which I have seemed to procrastinate and not fit it somewhere into my schedule (which I know is not good). I’ve been dedicated since April 2019 and I’ve only done 3 RTRs. My brother and I don’t talk as much as I’d like for us to, because he has addiction problems & is always high or drunk. I think that I’m a healer by nature because I’m a Aquarius Pisces cusp, I have sooo much empathy and pent up energy that I can direct. But being an empath also drains me so bad. Sometimes I get to where I’ll sleep basically for 2-3 days straight because of all the expended energy, just eating and working in between. I love my brother and I want to help him with his addiction problems so that he can further advance hisself, because there’s no reason for him to still not know everything he needs to know. He’s taught me a lot, he even paved my way to find out who satan really was. But what can I do for him ? I know that everyone has their own spiritual path, and everyone has to grow differently and I can’t force him to do anything he doesn’t want to, but I kinda just want to give him a peace of mind, warmth, clarity, and to be closer connected with him. Maybe even telepathic
I'm not sure you understand the situation, if this whole story is true, then your brother isn't a SS, most likely one who just uses that name, if he really was an real SS for 10 years he would not be a degenerate and be drugged and always drunk. If he couldn't help himself for 10 years I don't think you will be able to help him. Superiority is part of nature, it's just like that.
Hey guys so I found that since I have been doing the rtr's daily I've been experiencing a complete transformation in my life and many barriers in my mind have been knocked down and I feel like I finally, after two or so years of being a satanist, see the REAl truth. These walls being knocked down aren't always completely for the better though. I feel sicker than ever when I look at the state of the world and I feel full of hatred and anger and impatience. I find myself wishing I would die so I could escape this world until the gods return instead of having to suffer here any longer among sheep and j*wish scum.

Any advice? I just want it all to be over and for people to open their eyes

P.S: I'm not going to commit suicide, I won't give the enemy the satisfaction. It is making life extremely difficult to face at the moment however.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
