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Ascended Extra Terrestrials Gave Humanity The Light Body Teachings

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Ascended Extra Terrestrials Gave Humanity The Light Body Teachings


The Tibetan Lama's state that they received the teachings of the "Great Perfection" from Extra Terrestrials who live in other star systems[1]. They also mentioned these beings are tall Nordic beings who gave them such teachings. The teachings are based on using the five elements of the soul and the serpent energies to transform the individual into the ascended state. The serpent energy in Tibet is shown as the Goddess Cundi who's name means Supreme Purity. This is the Goddess Kunda in Hinduism and Kundry in the western grail tradition. The ascension teachings are from Bon, not Buddhism. Some of it became assimilated but much was lost due to repression of Bon by Buddhism. If one studies the history of Tibet the amount of highly ascended beings starts to vanish once Buddhism becomes dominate.The Kala Charka was the source of Bon and its based on the Magnum Opus and its main God is Shiva-Rudra. The Tibetans state they received such from Mura which is Amonra around twenty thousand years ago. Amon is a major God in the Far East, He is also known as Mon in China and Amon in Japan. Note Mon is another name of Bon. Its from Amon who was also a major God to the Egyptians and Greeks.

The Tibetans have Termas some of which are also spiritual texts that were channelled to them by Extra Terrestrials. The Tibetans who master this can read a text perfectly from anywhere by their psychic abilities. The masters will hide a text the individual has never read and the individual has to tune into it with their mind and then read it from the hidden location perfectly. That is the level of qualification to work and channel such information. This is a major reason the enemy wants to remove such knowledge from humanity so we can't get back into contact with our Gods. They show anything to do with opening the mind as negative and scary in their media all the time as well. When they took over Russia with Communism the spiritualists groups who were trying to develop themselves and get into contract with ascended Extra terrestrials were all shot by the Communists. When the Communists invaded Tibet they worked to destroy any remaining ascension teachings. No different then the Catholic Church or Islam. All programs of the enemy to descend humanity and enslave us.

In the ancient Hindu temples they show the real Vimana's which are literal UFO style, flying disc's not the fancy chariots or flying palaces. Literal flying saucers, the actual drawings made by an engineer of the Vimana from the Hindu, Vimana Shastra from the descriptions given within the Shastra are the same image of the actual Vimana from the ancient Hindu temple[2]. In ancient Hindu images it shows the God Shiva sitting within a literal Vimana giving instructions to humans[3].

Many Hindu temples shows our Gods emerging from Vimana's to teach humanity.

The ancient histories openly state our Gods who are fully ascended Extra Terrestrials gave us the spiritual teachings of the Light Body, the goal of being human is to fully ascend to this state and reach their level. Many of our Gods are also humans who ascended in the golden age with these teachings. This is the goal of humanity and the entire original Orion culture that was on this planet in the golden age as the histories state, came from our Gods. The goal of such is humans ascending. Humanity must turn back to the Orion ascension culture and embrace our ascended ancestors who live and work eternally to help us to return to the Truth. They want us rise up to their level and greet them as fellow ascended beings.

The Egyptians stated when the Pharaoh would ascend he will return to Orion as an ascended being to dwell amongst the ascended beings in the Milky Way galaxy which is called Tula in Sanskrit and the Tuat to the Egyptians and Thule to the Greeks. This was literal and symbolic so we will never forget where we come from.

Works of William Henry[1]
Vimana: Flying Machines of the Ancients, David Hatcher Childress[2]
The Phallus, Alain Daniélou[3]
Love it HP.

Himmler also went on a we search to Tibet ;)
A member shared this picture before -


I found it on https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vimanas/esp_vimanas_9.htm
Awesome sermon.
FancyMancy said:
A member shared this picture before -


I found it on https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vimanas/esp_vimanas_9.htm

I have seen this going around a lot and a few others, have no reason to doubt it's validity.

The website itself that you link is filled with hardcore disinformation, people need a disclaimer here.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
A member shared this picture before -


I found it on https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vimanas/esp_vimanas_9.htm

I have seen this going around a lot and a few others, have no reason to doubt it's validity.

The website itself that you link is filled with hardcore disinformation, people need a disclaimer here.
Oh, thanks.
The gods were here to ascend humanity to acheive the light body
This Zachariah sitchins theory is very wrong.
For one Nebiru means the crossing point were one achieves this light body and becomes a god
The sumerians never stated anything about mining for gold or that humanity was created as slaves,its all a fabrication
Is it fine if i share this one in faxebook¿
Note the Jews went on a rampage though China and Tibet with Communism removing this knowledge. The Communists in China made it the death penalty to practice spiritual knowledge. The Jews who ran Mao's regime such as Cohen, Epstein and Sharpio created the cultural revolution in China to wipe out the Chinese culture which was ascension based. They also murdered up to eighty plus million Chinese People to steal all their wealth and enslave them as golem workers in the planation of Communism run by Jews. This is the same reason the Jews wrote the Bible.

EnkiUK3 said:
Love it HP.

Himmler also went on a we search to Tibet ;)
There are tibetan NDEs with our dieties lasting days where they visit out god's abodes known as pureland.for example those of dawa drolma and shugsep jetsun in recent times.there are also 11 thai ndes lasting days where theyre dead and they meet lord yama or visit brahma's paradise.the vedic pantheon is simply truth.Buddhism is also a satanic religion especially Tantric buddhism.all the buddhas with their dakini consort are our gods.

buddha was a hindu and didnt preach anything different.look up koenraad elst he proves buddha was a vedic casteist who believed in the vedas.Buddha also admired the Rishis before him and praised them in the pali suttas

manjushri Buddha states in one tantra that the vedas were revealed by him and that all the hindu tantras were revealed by him!buddhas are our gods and vice versa.theravada sucks but tantric buddhism is legit.
Buddhism is corrupt and was forced on the population by force under the Indian Emperor it was to remove spiritual knowledge by force. The Rainbow body teachings are from Bon which Buddhism tried to remove. What has millions of Buddhist's accomplished.... The Indian Emperor who forced Buddhism was also close to Jews in the west and funded the Jews in Alexandria. Because the Jews were involved in his regime, who else benefits from destroying the ascension knowledge, removing Gentiles away from our Gods and promoting proto-Christian materialist [without spiritual knowledge] ideology.

Buddhism was forced on Tibet by the sword, same with India, the Buddhists also destroyed libraries.
Each light color of the the light spectrum has a different speed. "The speed of lihght" is why i never meditate. your funny websites always like "chakras at the speed of light" not trying to be disrespectfull. I love joy of satan.
And lets also start letting me know and pointing things out before sending me subliminal messages.
The fastest running man is african
HP Mageson666 said:
Buddhism is corrupt and was forced on the population by force under the Indian Emperor it was to remove spiritual knowledge by force. The Rainbow body teachings are from Bon which Buddhism tried to remove. What has millions of Buddhist's accomplished.... The Indian Emperor who forced Buddhism was also close to Jews in the west and funded the Jews in Alexandria. Because the Jews were involved in his regime, who else benefits from destroying the ascension knowledge, removing Gentiles away from our Gods and promoting proto-Christian materialist [without spiritual knowledge] ideology.

Buddhism was forced on Tibet by the sword, same with India, the Buddhists also destroyed libraries.

Bon is pretty much Buddhist and worships buddhist dieties.the bon state that their teachings were revealed by previous buddhas before shakyamuni,I HIGHLY respect you but I do believe that TANTRIC buddhism is SATANIC.not theravada.not mahayana but Vajrayana.

Theravada is an evil religion but tantric buddhism is satanic in my humble opinion.hindu and buddhist is no discrepancy.I follow the tibetan master dolpopa and his yogacara views of a eternal true self.I follow rime movement too and I accept Shiva as a emanation of avalokiteshwara as are 9 of the 33 devas according to the karandavyuha sutra.Shiva is a yidam diety and dharmapala in the nyingma school.Saraswati is a 8th bhumi bodhisattva according to various sutras.Vishnu is seen as avalokiteshwara aswell.Saraswati is the buddha mother of amitabha and manjushri!!!the place with the most temples to her is japan due to Shingon tantra being popular there,Saraswati is also praised in the vairocana tantra that Shingon is based on.Tibetan lamas give saraswati empowermentsand Sadhanas all the time.

the vashnavite,shaivite and garuda tantras were revealed by manjusri and manjughosa Buddha according to one tantra.this tantra goes so far in saying that EVERYTHING attributed to the ''wise shiva''was a teaching of manjusri.the VEDAS were also revealed by both manjusri and kasyalpa Buddha.Buddha praised the vedas in the pali texts.the lalatisvara sutra says bodhisattvas only come from ksatriya and brahmin castes.Buddha praised the Rishis aswell in the pali canon.Buddha said the best sacrifrice is fire sacrifice and that the best mantra is the Gayatri mantra.the Buddha merely rejected the vedas of his time because he stated that though it was revealed by kasyalpa buddha to the Rishis,it has had some alterations to promote animal sacrifice.

Sure,Buddha rejected that Ishwara existed but he did not reject the purusha as seen by the Samkhya and Yoga schools of orthodox hindu beliefs,a kind of cosmic panentheism.Shentong and yogacara is the exact same doctrine as samkhya.and Buddhists believe the Devas(Not Devatas) are enlightened to a certain extant(there are 10 Bhumis !!!!)and have attained moksha;to a certain extant(the 33 are emanations of the buddha lokeshwara).Samkhya follows the Rigveda wich said that all the gods came into being after the creation of the universe.thats what buddhists believe too.So no buddhism is not compatible with Vedanta sects but it is with samkhya and Yoga schools.Even so,shentong is criticized by some buddhists as being ''neoadvaita''....

in one Sutra tripitaka Buddha says that he is kapila the Rishi!!!!the founder of sangkhya.He was also Rama in a previous lifetime.
I am a proud hindu that wears a bindi and I am a Tantric Buddhist.this is how they do it in nepal.nepal mixes Tibetan type buddhist beliefs with Shaiva doctrines and tantras.its a beautiful mix.the original founders of both shaiva and bauddha tantra mixed the too.im talking about the Mahasiddhas in Oddiyana.

I do not see the vedas as self originated but it WAS revealed by 2 buddhas and it is an excellant book praised by buddha.Buddha was NOT a ''nastika''heretic ...he was a samkhya follower of the Rishi Kapila(He actually was Kapila in a previous life).Buddhism properly understood is ORTHODOX Hinduism.properly comprehended of course.the Bhagavad Gita is much more antiveda than any buddhist text!!yet they are seen as orthodox sanatana dharma followers?

Vedas in teachings of Mahatma Buddha

3. In Sutta Nipat 192, Mahatma Buddha says that:

Vidwa Cha Vedehi Samechcha Dhammam Na Uchchavacham Gachhati Bhooripanjo.

People allow sense-organs to dominate and keep shuffling between high and low positions. But the scholar who understands Vedas understands Dharma and does not waver.

4. Sutta Nipat 503:

Yo Vedagu Gyanarato Sateema …….

One should support a person who is master of Vedas, contemplative, intelligent, helpful if you desire to inculcate similar traits.

5. Sutta Nipat 1059:

Yam Brahmanam Vedagum Abhijanjya Akinchanam Kamabhave Asattam……

One gets free from worldly pains if he is able to understand a Vedic Scholar who has no wealth and free from attraction towards worldly things.

6. Sutta Nipat 1060:

Vidwa Cha So Vedagu Naro Idha Bhavabhave Sangam Imam Visajja…..

I state that one who understands the Vedas rejects attraction towards the world and becomes free from sins.

7. Sutta Nipat 846:

Na Vedagu Diththia Na Mutiya Sa Manameti Nahi Tanmayoso….

One who knows Vedas does not acquire false ego. He is not affected by hearsay and delusions.

8. Sutta Nipat 458:

Yadantagu Vedagu Yanjakaale Yassahuti Labhe Taras Ijjeti Broomi

I state that one who acquires Ahuti in Havan of a Vedic scholar gets success.


The Vasettha Sutta also praises the rishis as pious realized men!!!Do not Tell me Im not a True Hindu or satanist.Buddhism is a ORTHODOX hindu sect.the buddha told people to revere their ancestral gods and make pilgrimages.He NEVER divorced from Hinduism or the Vedas.EVER.He taught nothing that kalipa didn't teach.Theravada is evil shit as I said ,its so divorced from buddha's true teachings in the pali texts!!Buddha taught the way to brahman.he was a samkhya orthodox hindu casteist and Vedicist Rishi.

This guy is the webmaster of aryanbuddhism wich is defunct now but he was a Neoplatonist and Advaita Vedantist that proved Buddha in the pali texts was a Hindu through and through please consider his videos

I respect you greatly and your knowledge,pls dont take my humble disagreement the wrong way I just believe that

1.Tantric buddhism is satanic(not theravada or mahayana only tantric)

2.Buddha was a Hindu through and through

3.Theravada is BS wich contradicts the pali nikayas wich teach hinduism
You understand that Buddha is actually a concept and that all Buddhists know this too, do you?

He was not a real person and this is at least more honest than xianity that says the claimed egregore was some sort of cultic focal point that never existed.

Buddha is a concept of the symbolized Buddhi or Yogic mind. As such he leads to "Brahman", moves one away of "Salvation" and so forth.
norwich said:
Do not Tell me Im not a True Hindu or Satanist...He NEVER divorced from Hinduism

You remind me of my past self, when I first came to Jos, I used to push very similar comments with similar Hindu sentiments and share Hindu teachings. JoS is not Hinduism.

You are new, when you found JoS and read it, some parts of JoS may have made you feel comfortable and at home (specially "Satan" page), so you hopped in. But JoS is not about being true hindu nor does that amount to becoming a Satanist, you have not transitioned into one.

You might even be offended at the beginning stages from the posts you read here, feelings like "how dare this FOREIGNER teach ME about MY RELIGION??" may arise, but the truth is much deeper than that, you will eventually understand it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You understand that Buddha is actually a concept and that all Buddhists know this too, do you?

He was not a real person and this is at least more honest than xianity that says the claimed egregore was some sort of cultic focal point that never existed.

Buddha is a concept of the symbolized Buddhi or Yogic mind. As such he leads to "Brahman", moves one away of "Salvation" and so forth.
youre legit my fav high priest.but I respect all of your opinions.I am first and foremost a satanist.then a tantric buddhist.then a samkhya hindu.I do not believe theravada and tantric buddhism have anything in common.in nepal tantric buddhism is mixed with Shaiva beliefs.Shiva is the greatest being in trailokya,he is also Satan.

Bon is an interesting thing,they say that shakyamuni taught the zhang zhung people bon before shakyamuni existed,so he did this as a bodhisattva.Actually all buddhas attain enlightenement in akanishta heaven and their displays of ''becoming enlightened''are just theatrical shows of skillful means.the Rime movement wich I follow in tibet,holds that Bon is a fully acceptable way to getting enlightned.not ALL buddhists persecuted the Bon,it was ,mainly the gelugpas and they also wiped out the Jonang school of dolpopa wich advocated a true self in line with the pali canon and tathagatagarbha sutras.gelugpas(follower sof dalai lama) are nasty people,but even then they still have interesting teachings.not all of them are''bad''.

Tantrist Buddhism/Satanism/Hinduism both have means to enlightened becoming and becoming a MahaSiddha.

thank you for your reply
norwich said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You understand that Buddha is actually a concept and that all Buddhists know this too, do you?

He was not a real person and this is at least more honest than xianity that says the claimed egregore was some sort of cultic focal point that never existed.

Buddha is a concept of the symbolized Buddhi or Yogic mind. As such he leads to "Brahman", moves one away of "Salvation" and so forth.

youre legit my fav high priest.but I respect all of your opinions.I am first and foremost a satanist.then a tantric buddhist.then a samkhya hindu.I do not believe theravada and tantric buddhism have anything in common.in nepal tantric buddhism is mixed with Shaiva beliefs.Shiva is the greatest being in trailokya,he is also Satan.

Bon is an interesting thing,they say that shakyamuni taught the zhang zhung people bon before shakyamuni existed,so he did this as a bodhisattva.Actually all buddhas attain enlightenement in akanishta heaven and their displays of ''becoming enlightened''are just theatrical shows of skillful means.the Rime movement wich I follow in tibet,holds that Bon is a fully acceptable way to getting enlightned.not ALL buddhists persecuted the Bon,it was ,mainly the gelugpas and they also wiped out the Jonang school of dolpopa wich advocated a true self in line with the pali canon and tathagatagarbha sutras.gelugpas(follower sof dalai lama) are nasty people,but even then they still have interesting teachings.not all of them are''bad''.

Tantrist Buddhism/Satanism/Hinduism both have means to enlightened becoming and becoming a MahaSiddha.

thank you for your reply

There are definitely some "things" that are correct in just about anything, but I would recommend focusing here. Why? Because there is no vanity or cluttering of ideology. You will notice as you go the "Devas" or Gods do take the Satanists who follow through more seriously.

Enlightenment is a really vague term, if that makes sense. For example, some sects believe one is "enlightened" when one is dissipated back to non existing.

There are states of mind such as meditations that give a perception of the most basic functions of the mind which are deified because they lead to states of non-existence even temporarily. That we can call stupid really.

There are differences and discrepancies in how people see these terms and their meanings over the years. Buddhism today has been turned into a form of Communism.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
norwich said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You understand that Buddha is actually a concept and that all Buddhists know this too, do you?

He was not a real person and this is at least more honest than xianity that says the claimed egregore was some sort of cultic focal point that never existed.

Buddha is a concept of the symbolized Buddhi or Yogic mind. As such he leads to "Brahman", moves one away of "Salvation" and so forth.

youre legit my fav high priest.but I respect all of your opinions.I am first and foremost a satanist.then a tantric buddhist.then a samkhya hindu.I do not believe theravada and tantric buddhism have anything in common.in nepal tantric buddhism is mixed with Shaiva beliefs.Shiva is the greatest being in trailokya,he is also Satan.

Bon is an interesting thing,they say that shakyamuni taught the zhang zhung people bon before shakyamuni existed,so he did this as a bodhisattva.Actually all buddhas attain enlightenement in akanishta heaven and their displays of ''becoming enlightened''are just theatrical shows of skillful means.the Rime movement wich I follow in tibet,holds that Bon is a fully acceptable way to getting enlightned.not ALL buddhists persecuted the Bon,it was ,mainly the gelugpas and they also wiped out the Jonang school of dolpopa wich advocated a true self in line with the pali canon and tathagatagarbha sutras.gelugpas(follower sof dalai lama) are nasty people,but even then they still have interesting teachings.not all of them are''bad''.

Tantrist Buddhism/Satanism/Hinduism both have means to enlightened becoming and becoming a MahaSiddha.

thank you for your reply

There are definitely some "things" that are correct in just about anything, but I would recommend focusing here. Why? Because there is no vanity or cluttering of ideology. You will notice as you go the "Devas" or Gods do take the Satanists who follow through more seriously.

Enlightenment is a really vague term, if that makes sense. For example, some sects believe one is "enlightened" when one is dissipated back to non existing.

There are states of mind such as meditations that give a perception of the most basic functions of the mind which are deified because they lead to states of non-existence even temporarily. That we can call stupid really.

There are differences and discrepancies in how people see these terms and their meanings over the years. Buddhism today has been turned into a form of Communism.
Modern Buddhism is a cult for atheists.but Shentongpas and Yogacara(theyre based on one another)do NOT believe that moksha is becoming nonexistant.they believe that its the true self and follow advaita vedanta like beliefs as expounded by shakyamuni in the diga nikayas(read the aryan-buddhism.blogspot.com on wayback site).

I agree that buddhism today is a useless cult.but I believe that Shakyamuni himself was a Rishi and enlightened and that shentong and yogacara (the tathagatagarbha sutras say this )is satanic.catch my drift?I am not saying modern buddhism is correct,i am saying that one form of buddhism and original shakyamuni teachings are hindu teachings.

I believe that all tantric buddhism even the rangtong nihilists can still make you a Siddha thru yogic practices like the 6 yogas of Naropa.I believe that tantra and buddhist yoga came from Oddiyana in india and the eighty four mahasiddhas in oddiyana.the reason Bon is so much like tibetan buddhism is that the Bon say that they were taught buddhism by a previous Tathagata in the zhang zhung period.thats the only reason.to say tibetan buddhism is a copy of Bon betrays ignorance of the vast yogic and tantric practices of the 84 mahasiddhas like Biwawa who was also a mahasiddha.

Buddhism in Tibet is stolen and corrupted from Bon, the remaining followers of Bon, call the period of Buddhist rule the age of persecution when the first Dalai Lama came to power in the late 14th century he ordered all followers of Bon executed or converted. There were hidden Lama schools that pretended to be Buddhist to avoid persecution from the authorities. The Rainbow body teachings come from Bon, and only started to come back when Buddhist ascetics started to find the remaining Bon adepts and learn from them.

However much of this has been also corrupted by the Buddhists as well. Vajrayana is part of Mahayana. The Tantric series comes from the cultural rebirth of the Shivaite culture in India that spread in the wake of the fall of centuries of Buddhism. The Vajrayana tantra's are full of sectarianism of Buddhism and attacks on Hinduism are within them as well, despite major Vajrayana tantra's coming from India.

Tibetan Buddhism claims Sakyamuni as the Buddha. And still have the same teachings as Theravada which is based on the teachings of Sakyamuni. This conflict is as meaningless as Gnostic Christian vs Biblical Christian.

The mixing of Buddism with Hinduism and Bon have corrupted Hinduism and Bon. Buddhism was never really wanted in Japan as well.

norwich said:
Bon is pretty much Buddhist and worships buddhist dieties.the bon state that their teachings were revealed by previous buddhas before shakyamuni,I HIGHLY respect you but I do believe that TANTRIC buddhism is SATANIC.not theravada.not mahayana but Vajrayana.

Theravada is an evil religion but tantric buddhism is satanic in my humble opinion.hindu and buddhist is no discrepancy.I follow the tibetan master dolpopa and his yogacara views of a eternal true self.I follow rime movement too and I accept Shiva as a emanation of avalokiteshwara as are 9 of the 33 devas according to the karandavyuha sutra.Shiva is a yidam diety and dharmapala in the nyingma school.Saraswati is a 8th bhumi bodhisattva according to various sutras.Vishnu is seen as avalokiteshwara aswell.Saraswati is the buddha mother of amitabha and manjushri!!!the place with the most temples to her is japan due to Shingon tantra being popular there,Saraswati is also praised in the vairocana tantra that Shingon is based on.Tibetan lamas give saraswati empowermentsand Sadhanas all the time.
Buddhism was created to be a sectarian weapon to corrupt and remove the actual ascension teachings of the Gods, I have numerous articles on this subject. Norwich's argument is because Buddhism didn't fully succeed in this, its somehow different.

Playing semantics over the meaning of Buddha is also of no importance as the path to the concept is a religious lie that was inserted into the world to remove the actual ascension teachings to replace the gold with false gold. This is why Buddhism from the start was sectarian and a polemic against the original culture and an attempt to overthrow it and replace it as the only true way and was forced on the population by violence by the Emperor of India who was a mass murdering psychopath. This is the same strategy Christianity used. Its a Jewish tactic to subvert the Gentile culture and remove the spiritual teachings of the Gods and replace it with Communism with a wrapping of fake spirituality and altered spiritual practises that go nowhere and are dangerous.

The population in India overthrew the Buddhist religion and buried the Buddhist temples in rubbish heaps and destroyed as much of it as they could.
HP Mageson666 said:
Buddhism in Tibet is stolen and corrupted from Bon, the remaining followers of Bon, call the period of Buddhist rule the age of persecution when the first Dalai Lama came to power in the late 14th century he ordered all followers of Bon executed or converted. There were hidden Lama schools that pretended to be Buddhist to avoid persecution from the authorities. The Rainbow body teachings come from Bon, and only started to come back when Buddhist ascetics started to find the remaining Bon adepts and learn from them.

However much of this has been also corrupted by the Buddhists as well. Vajrayana is part of Mahayana. The Tantric series comes from the cultural rebirth of the Shivaite culture in India that spread in the wake of the fall of centuries of Buddhism. The Vajrayana tantra's are full of sectarianism of Buddhism and attacks on Hinduism are within them as well, despite major Vajrayana tantra's coming from India.

Tibetan Buddhism claims Sakyamuni as the Buddha. And still have the same teachings as Theravada which is based on the teachings of Sakyamuni. This conflict is as meaningless as Gnostic Christian vs Biblical Christian.

The mixing of Buddism with Hinduism and Bon have corrupted Hinduism and Bon. Buddhism was never really wanted in Japan as well.

norwich said:
Bon is pretty much Buddhist and worships buddhist dieties.the bon state that their teachings were revealed by previous buddhas before shakyamuni,I HIGHLY respect you but I do believe that TANTRIC buddhism is SATANIC.not theravada.not mahayana but Vajrayana.

Theravada is an evil religion but tantric buddhism is satanic in my humble opinion.hindu and buddhist is no discrepancy.I follow the tibetan master dolpopa and his yogacara views of a eternal true self.I follow rime movement too and I accept Shiva as a emanation of avalokiteshwara as are 9 of the 33 devas according to the karandavyuha sutra.Shiva is a yidam diety and dharmapala in the nyingma school.Saraswati is a 8th bhumi bodhisattva according to various sutras.Vishnu is seen as avalokiteshwara aswell.Saraswati is the buddha mother of amitabha and manjushri!!!the place with the most temples to her is japan due to Shingon tantra being popular there,Saraswati is also praised in the vairocana tantra that Shingon is based on.Tibetan lamas give saraswati empowermentsand Sadhanas all the time.
I can agree with you that Vajrayana is maybe derived from shaivite Tantra.if so,how is it not at its core Satanic?

I cannpot believe that BUDDHA GAUTAMA taught anything other than

1.adoration of the rishis and Vedas
2.Hindu Metaphysics of advaita Vedanta

this is even if you think mahayana sutras are fabrications and that only the diga nikayas are authentic teachings of buddha.

so if Buddha siddharta was a Satanist and Hindu how can you say original buddhism is evil?YES,Sarvastavadin BS is evil and thats what Ashoka promoted,maybe the Jews infiltrated it.Ashoka is from 100 BCE.Buddha said in one verse in the THERAVADA (theravada came later and the chinese buddhist agamas are parallel to the diga nikayas but you get what I mean)diga nikayas that his trachings would only last 500 YRs because women were admitted toi his sangha otherwise it would last 1000 yrs...so the buddhism of Ashoka is not the terachings of gautama.,gautama was a Rishi that believed in Vedas,worshipped the gods and held advaita vedanta beliefs!!!

So I can agree with you that mahayana and theravada are crap but you know yourself that the 84 mahasiddhas were BOTH shaivite and Vajrayana just like nepalis are today(Both vajrayana and shaivite).

the tantras say that the vedas are revealed by manjusri so how is vajrayana against hinduism?hinduism is vedas.

I respect you once again,but I just cant see how you can say that vajrayana is bad when it derived from shaivism and that buddha was bad when he was a advaita vedantist and Vedicist that worshipped our gods!!!

is theravada evil?Yes.was ashoka evil?yes but theravada came 100s of yrs after the buddha.both mahayana and theravada arose from the original schools after buddha died.its actually a myth that mahayana came later or is less authentic.

Blessings and thanks for your reply
Im going to stop calling myself a Buddhist even though Im a shentongpa.Im joining the Nath siddhas.I believe that Buddha taught union with atman and that the vedas were true and divinely inspired so how can I be a buddhist?its not that following all forms of buddhism is bad,its just that ''buddhism is famous for everything it didnt originally teach''as one scholar put it.

the 84 siddhas of indian buddhist tantra are also seen as nath siddhas and 2 of the 84 were the founders of nath hinuism.

u can say that theravada ,mahayana and ashoka were evil but to find gautama ''evil''is just sad to my opinions.gautama was a advaita vedantist samkhya rishi that was even the founder of samkhya in a previous lifetime,Rama in a previous lifetime and encouraged people to worship our gods and believe in vedas.buddha was a complete satanist.

pls dont throw the baby out with the water.thats what youre doing in my opinion.

anyway i am just going to call myself hindu even though I might get Vajrayogini empowerments,tantric sexual enpowerments and dzogechen empowerments because these give you moksha in one life and if not you become a buddha in the Bardos if u have dzogchen empowerment.

but I will become a Nath Yogi and try to find my moksha there thru.

darksky666 said:
norwich said:
Do not Tell me Im not a True Hindu or Satanist...He NEVER divorced from Hinduism

You remind me of my past self, when I first came to Jos, I used to push very similar comments with similar Hindu sentiments and share Hindu teachings. JoS is not Hinduism.

You are new, when you found JoS and read it, some parts of JoS may have made you feel comfortable and at home (specially "Satan" page), so you hopped in. But JoS is not about being true hindu nor does that amount to becoming a Satanist, you have not transitioned into one.

You might even be offended at the beginning stages from the posts you read here, feelings like "how dare this FOREIGNER teach ME about MY RELIGION??" may arise, but the truth is much deeper than that, you will eventually understand it.

Well spoken, it's time for them to wake up.
Buddha didn't teach anything, he never existed this program was created at the Third council by the Indian Emperor who was working with Jewish shekel globin barons to create a regime that equals out to a plantation state. Same with Christianity. There are entire books showing Buddha is not a real individual but a creation. Its propaganda of the enemy to subvert humanity.
Quietlysings666 said:
Each light color of the the light spectrum has a different speed. "The speed of lihght" is why i never meditate. your funny websites always like "chakras at the speed of light" not trying to be disrespectfull. I love joy of satan.
And lets also start letting me know and pointing things out before sending me subliminal messages.
The fastest running man is african

IM apologizing as hard as i can my bad attitude is being fixed. i am discaplining myself.
Nazi soldier

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
