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Are white men naturally attracted to asian women or is it brainwashing?


New member
Jan 7, 2020
I have been wondering for awhile if white men are naturally attracted to asian women or if it's from brainwashing just like white women that think they are attracted to black men. There is so much on the internet of white men praising asians and how they are the most desirable. On a youtube video I saw today explaining how china owns a lot of America. Many irrelevant comments were about how zuckerberg is married to a chinese american and the replies are literally saying what great taste he has, how white boys love the asians and some even went as far to say "asian women are the true beauty of this world" with many thumbs up. Does this mean white men actually prefer asians over white women?? Maybe its not a majority of white men in real life, but still it is everywhere.
It's brainwashing for the most part, on all sides. It's typical propaganda.

One part about this is that in the East, femininity values are maintained to some extent, while in the West, women are kept in secret about this capability and potential, so they remain in confusion.
White women have abandoned us so the men have moved on to other races that are "Easy prey". Also many asian women hate asian men and worship white guys. Don't worry I think they are gross and would never be with one. Also most of the guys with these asians are nerd losers to begin with. It is the same reason coal burners exist.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
White women have abandoned us so the men have moved on to other races that are "Easy prey". Also many asian women hate asian men and worship white guys. Don't worry I think they are gross and would never be with one. Also most of the guys with these asians are nerd losers to begin with. It is the same reason coal burners exist.

I had a friend who basically just started dating Philippino women. He would had been offended if I ever called him out on this, but it seemed obvious to me that he did it so he could sort of “mold” them. And he kept falling for the married ones with husbands back in the Philippines.
Looking at the types of men who do this, the answer should be pretty obvious. I have an associate into this who got fucked over big time by a long term White partner he had since childhood and developed a weird fetish afterwards. He only talks to Asian women in Asian countries [Asian-American women are too 'trashy' and 'westernized' for him], they always brush him off and find his attentions extremely weird.

My question is why so many fresh off the boat Asian women do the opposite and immediately go with White men. This element, I do not understand in any way whatsoever. Their attitude towards Asian men is completely dismal and the rapport is nonexistent. I do note that a lot of them internally hate White people and they know hapa children will be Asian.

However they fuck up big time when they go with a reptile and assume the spawn produced is 'theirs'. ((Elliot)) was not Asian in any way whatsoever and it shows.
True romantic and sexual love cannot be experienced toward other races. What you can experience is lust at most. However, brainwashing can make you delirious and mimick something that doesn't exist in the same way hypnosis can make you act like a monkey when you aren't one.

Other than lust, friendship can be experienced in some cases and business relationship may be entertained, even in the SS future when each races will live in their own continent instead of being displaced where they don't belong culturally, climatically and otherwise.
Retrospect said:
I have been wondering for awhile if white men are naturally attracted to asian women or if it's from brainwashing just like white women that think they are attracted to black men. There is so much on the internet of white men praising asians and how they are the most desirable. On a youtube video I saw today explaining how china owns a lot of America. Many irrelevant comments were about how zuckerberg is married to a chinese american and the replies are literally saying what great taste he has, how white boys love the asians and some even went as far to say "asian women are the true beauty of this world" with many thumbs up. Does this mean white men actually prefer asians over white women?? Maybe its not a majority of white men in real life, but still it is everywhere.
In my opinion they are asian womens as 'easy' to get because usually they are a bit more 'shy' or at least Is what these people think, if they see Whites women as difficult to get thanks to jews and their shitty culture they have created then in their mind they are Asians as easier to get. This is all thanks to subliminal programmings (movies and so on).
To be fair, I do not like latinas at all, and black women as well. I am not attracted to most asian women, however, some of them are very very attractive and hot. However I don’t like their smell
I get the appeal of Asian women, they're hot but also gross.
NinRick said:
To be fair, I do not like latinas at all, and black women as well. I am not attracted to most asian women, however, some of them are very very attractive and hot. However I don’t like their smell
Exactly. It's just a no-match even when some energies match.
Feminism has made western women unfeminine, self-entitled and materialistic so white men naturally turn towards asian women who are more feminine and love white men. And before someone replies, no I'm not talking about all western women.

Note that while I was searching for the meme I posted above Google still had to blackwash the results somehow, even though I searched about white vs asian women. This is an example of what came up:

their is alot of commercials were they pair balck women with white men an vise-versa it is brainwashing
the jews want them to race mix an will eventually lead to 1 slave race of idiot goyim who could not read the warning signs also i heard its hard to get some transplants if your mixed

Hail Satan
Damon said:
Feminism has made western women unfeminine, self-entitled and materialistic so white men naturally turn towards asian women who are more feminine and love white men. And before someone replies, no I'm not talking about all western women.

Some Asian cultures also uphold and respect the family while white women are busy calling children parasites. There isn’t much modern whoredom over there. In Arabic and African cultures having a large family is the greatest accomplishment you can have.
100% agree Asian (and Latinas) are the best looking women but it's definitely brainwashing. Nothing else. All these interracial relationship are nothing but lust. Plus the whole femininity thing with Asian women as already explained adds to the problem.
Damon said:
Feminism has made western women unfeminine, self-entitled and materialistic so white men naturally turn towards asian women who are more feminine and love white men. And before someone replies, no I'm not talking about all western women.

Feminism is a reaction to the condition women have been subjected by the abrahamic programmes: that of extreme subordination and submission, exploitation, suppression and being denied basic human rights, which also manifested in the suppression and extreme, obsessive-compulsive control of sexuality and creativity in society. Like with everything with the jews, the create the problem, then create a solution that is the polar opposite of the problem. Another extremism

One thing to remember is that only the enemy sees the world in black and white. Satanism is a spiritual path of harmony with nature. It is unfair to say that most western women are unfeminine. There are no factual stats that suggest that feminist women are more than oppressed women and more than normal women.

hailourtruegod said:
100% agree Asian (and Latinas) are the best looking women but it's definitely brainwashing. Nothing else. All these interracial relationship are nothing but lust. Plus the whole femininity thing with Asian women as already explained adds to the problem.

Attractiveness is extremely subjective. I could say there is no woman more beautiful than Emma Watson. She is White and I am gay. However, the general consensus in a healthy society (not this one) is that to be attracted the most to people in their own racial group and subracial group. Not to mention that Nordic people were revered for their ethereal beauty by each and every race on the planet. That is nature. Feelings in modern society are nurture, negative nurture which is brainwashing.
You know why white men are more attracted to asian women nowadays?

Because asian women are still feminine.
I think white men need to take wives from Ukraine. They are feminine, very beautiful and rarely mixed with other races. There are few men and a lot of lonely beauties ... :D
Jews - Parasites Communists have tried very hard to destroy our genephone. Take the Holodomor as an example. It's not for nothing that our Ukrainian symbol is Satan's trident! And the enemy understands this very well. The real Satanic seeds are still in Ukraine, but unfortunately the poison is that Christianity greatly influenced the Ukrainians. This is a great way to save the white race - to marry Ukrainian women.
Lavena said:
I think white men need to take wives from Ukraine. They are feminine, very beautiful and rarely mixed with other races. There are few men and a lot of lonely beauties ... :D

I think people here should stop watching too much tv and start actually interacting with women. Only then they'll find truths like the one you just related, instead of living in Disneyland where all women are radical feminists.
Asian women can be superficially feminine.. but then stuff like this happens and it makes me question that idea. There are no White women that behave like this. Even lowest of the low murderous White trash who leave their kids with drug addict men to tacitly get rid of them don't think of their children in this way. This is the most famous Chinese celebrity, both her and her parents act like this, demanding her own children be killed for her career. Her father references this as normal and happy in Chinese society to kill any children or throw them into an orphanage where someone can be paid to discreetly murder them when a relationship between the parents fails. A Japanese couple tried to do this in India as well, which led to India banning international adoptions and surrogacy.

As far as diasporic Asians are concerned, there is also the fact the Asian-American female abortion rate is 2x higher than White women, they have a higher rate of lower-level STIs, and so on. Plus the basic fact that they betray their own men at astronomical rates. With all the intense hate directed at White women for not being traditional enough (especially by xian standards) by Jews on imageboards, Discords and twitter I don't exactly understand how people can't see the reality here.

This is not to shit on all Asian women. The Asian race is in a better place than Whites or Blacks, the majority of Asian women in their own countries are smart and maintain being thin and healthy for example. But the justifications for race-mixing by weak White men do not hold up much to scrutiny. Considering this is the JoS saying mixing is in any way "natural" seems pretty repulsive to me. Natural for losers maybe... but that's also why the USA is now 60 percent non-White, because the scum of the Spanish Empire needed waifus. The wiser decisions of British settlers is why the USA exists in its original form.

One could also argue that if a White woman looks at the types of pathetic cuck men who ignored that violently assaulted woman In Sweden who had to go halfway across the city in blooded clothing with no one helping her, the superficial masculinity and confidence of stereotypical Black men would seem appealing. She would still be a loser for making that assumption though, because the surface is just the surface.
Lavena said:
I think white men need to take wives from Ukraine. They are feminine, very beautiful and rarely mixed with other races. There are few men and a lot of lonely beauties ... :D

Let me guess....you're Ukrainian.
Lavena said:
Jews - Parasites Communists have tried very hard to destroy our genephone. Take the Holodomor as an example. It's not for nothing that our Ukrainian symbol is Satan's trident! And the enemy understands this very well. The real Satanic seeds are still in Ukraine, but unfortunately the poison is that Christianity greatly influenced the Ukrainians. This is a great way to save the white race - to marry Ukrainian women.

These are all true statements. Many Ukrainian and Russian women are also very good both at family and all other things.
Lavena said:

I'd say "visit the United States" but that's the last place you, or I would want to be right now.
Karnonnos said:

Basically this whole meme of White men picking random women from Asia and so on, is some sort of stupid meme, that is based on parasitism and the fact that many of these women understand how to play these men very well. Meanwhile these men are cucked and they like to be with women that have no response, and no resistance to anything they want out of them. Low fruit hanging on both sides is the thinking here.

This thing brought us many viral diseases in Europe, such as Sypphilis, sources argue, from these "Escapades" in foreign territories that were brought back. Apparently some people couldn't control their cocks. These came from the nastiest brothels in Eastern places, such as those of today in Thailand.

Only a very weak and worthless man will be with Asian women in this way, and most men who are into this, are just very weak most of the time. Or in some sort of spiel of self and race hate, such as these "queenz" where they think they defeat nature by going with Black men or something. Then they get wiped off and their genes disappear. And voila, that's it.

The only viable argument is that all this Feminism in the West, has made many Western women not only deluded but unapproachable by medium level men. This dissuades many from going after them. But that is also some fallacy based excuse, because there are always more women to go after.

Many men who are with Asian women they just explain they like them because they are timid and other things like that. And because they can't be assed with all the jewish meme of Feminism [that's the claim] they go after these Waifu's instead. This meme is also connected to another jewish meme about emasculation of Asian men, which is a carefully woven meme by jews in the United States.

Meanwhile, because cock queens can't go with males that can't be assed, they go with Mahmut and Swali instead, because they are Spade Queens and #BBC only, and so forth. These women should be left to perish, if they are refusing to be claimed, because they are very weak in all respects and not fit to become mothers that will produce powerful offspring with this mind that they possess.

All of this is just the low grade of humans copulating and mixing upon itself, perpetuating on it's own problems of lack of quality of choice. And it should be looked upon as a natural consequence of really retarded and malleable humans, who are simply decadent. They are so nullified and so destroyed out of their individuality, that resisting the impeding force of jewish brainwashing or stimulus that will nullify their existence, is simply too much for them.
I think people here should stop watching too much tv and start actually interacting with women. Only then they'll find truths like the one you just related, instead of living in Disneyland where all women are radical feminists.
I think people here should stop watching too much tv and start actually interacting with women. Only then they'll find truths like the one you just related, instead of living in Disneyland where all women are radical feminists.

I absolutely agree with you.
Stormblood said:
There are no factual stats that suggest that feminist women are more than oppressed women and more than normal women.

Factual stats? You can see their ideology which is about conflating women with men, falsely claiming that there's no difference between them and making women like men. I think you have a false idea about feminism, I suggest you look at more what modern third-wave feminists believe. They claim that the world is under a patriarchy, they infantilize women and minimize men's problems and they are obsessed with bullshit problems like manspreading and mansplaining. If feminists just kept it to themselves I wouldn't care about them, but they have infiltrated the academia and almost every institution panders to them. They canceled an astrophysicist who landed a space probe into a comet because some random feminist found his shirt offensive. So, feminism is pure cancer (no offense to cancer).

So women follow that obnoxious ideology are obnoxious themselves. Even normal women are influenced by that because it permeates every part of our culture. All women's magazines and TV shows are influenced by feminism.

Feminist women are not "oppressed" because there's no oppression of women today. They are either entitled spoiled princesses who want special privileges just for being women or have daddy issues and they hate all men because of that. Again I'm talking about actual feminists, not "cafeteria feminists" who claim to be feminists but have no idea what the feminist ideology is about.





Probably not going to end too well for both races. A significant amount of Indians have this admixture where its pretty clear there was some Aryan and asian unholy alliance sometime in their families past. And these women almost always pursue the more aryan looking northern types. I've lost count how many of them have harassed me in the past.

Don't let it happen to your country as well. Its unmanageable and going to end badly for everyone.
Oh, finally. My kind of topic. I'm going to blast everything I know into this, in order to answer you as best as I can, based on my own experiences and knowledge. I hope people may read everything and that I can provide insight on this whole thing.

I tend to get vulgar when expressive, so I'd like to apologise in advance, as I will also be touching sensitive matters. I only intend for all of this to be solely informative, and I assume that everybody can read this with mature elaborative ability.

I lived in japan and southeast Asia. We (Asians) bear a societal custom that strongly represses sexual desire, because it is seen as taboo, probably the same anti-serpent jewish fuckery as anywhere in the world.

However, many countries in Asia also have a particularly strong focus on respect and one's image to society, and people are brought up from a very young age to prioritise others over oneself in any circumstance, even consciously bending one's wording such as saying yes/no when you truly mean the opposite inside.

This, on top of the former, represses us for an additional extent, and so we've got the men all behaving like complete pussies, and the women doing the same but also having to deal with their issues of maintaining a specific image of femininity and cuteness, everybody doing each other like this in a bigass back-stabbing cesspool of self-damning inhibition, and never getting to express or behave ourselves the way we truly want to as individuals.

How does this relate to Asian men and women rather being more attracted to their White counterparts? Well, the Whites, or well, extra-continental people in general, have different kinds of cultures.

They can be variably different from the worker bots of japan, china, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, etc, who dress all the damn same for work, who either work themselves to death or kill themselves from the stress (there's even the word 過労死 (ka-rou-shi) which means, death from overwork).

japan's suicide rates are also infamously among the highest in the world, due to the work culture and putting others before oneself and one's own health. This has delayed me and many others, many a train ride (blegh).

Another fact is that Asian countries generally consist of only their own people. This is awesome from a Satanic standpoint of course, because it allows it to retain its culture and race.

However, this also means that most normal people in countries like japan and china do not come in contact with Whites (or even Asians from other countries), and therefore have constructed this essentially fantastical image around what Whites look and behave like, this view being influenced by handsome actors and actresses in Hollywood films, and super-attractive British accents in Netflix series.

To Asians with no experience/knowledge/contact with the "outside world" outside their own country, all Whites look similar, just like I'm sure we all look the same to Whites.

This means that an Asian girl will piss-easily date some British guy because he looks and sounds like Holmes to her.

I'll also clarify here that I lived in the West, too, so I can speak for both sides here. White men or people in general who have not experienced Asian culture or know much about its people, are much more susceptible to receiving false influence from the shit that media portraying such countries will push in their faces.
Or even worse, or perhaps especially... pornography.

I'm not gonna say just White men, as this addresses more people than that. Guys click Asian porn and think everybody looks like Anri Okita and has a tight pussy. Asian girls will click Western porn and think everyone has a huge dong.

All this shit furthermore feeds into that unrealistic expectation that people have formed as a result of lack of knowledge regarding the other race. It's purely fetishistic at this point. I can't take it seriously whenever I see a White and Asian couple.

Now to address the excessive anime and manga fans, or the Kpop droolers who are variably worse. This. Shit. Isn't. Real. And yet again feeds into the brainwashing of how people tend to act and behave of this particular culture.

In fact, when I lived in japan, I discovered that some (remember, just some) girls intentionally attempt to behave like a cute anime character, straining for a high pitched voice and exerting the effort for certain body language and other forms of expression, because that is what a lot of guys tend to find appealing. Again, unrealistic expectations. It's a cycle.

At the time there, I also had White guys tell me that japanese women are boring and all the same. Guess what, dickhead? Ain't anybody's fault you based your expectations on porn and fictional characters!

The japanese women I personally had experience with were very sophisticated, confident, mature and respectful individuals, not "small, childish, soft, shy and vulnerable" like, again, the media tends to depict.

Then there's the Kpop fans in the West who fucking go crazy when they see a Korean guy in real life. Holy shit, he looks like jimin! No, probably not, because everything they think they know about Asian people, is from flamboyant exaggerated music videos.

Being Asian is so fucking unfortunate in the West (probably even worse for women) because of the way people have been brainwashed by how the media depicts us. If you're japanese, you get weeaboos after you, if you're Korean, you get Kpop stans. If you're Chinese, people might not even know (or care for) the difference, but you're so cute, pretty and >exotic<, and you've probably got a tight pussy anyway, so deal. LMAO.

But wait, from an Asian standpoint, living in the West means you get to date White guys, who all look like jason statham! Or Dean from Supernatural? xDDDD

In Southeast Asia, in countries where poverty is more common like in Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand, or Cambodia and Vietnam, Asian girls hunt White guys because there's a perpetual fallacy that White men are rich. Or surely richer than them to be able to afford the trip to their countries, kind of conclusion.

Meanwhile on the other end, those fat White sugardaddies who come to these countries for the very purposes of "tight Asian pussy" only work to feed this cancerous practice by picking up these girls who have dollar bills in their eyes. This, again, is also a cycle.

In conclusion, it's... yeah, influential brainwashing coming from media, I guess. That's what this all comes down to.

And we know who controls the media.
These are all true statements. Many Ukrainian and Russian women are also very good both at family and all other things.

Yes, and therefore, the Valkyries enchanted by the Jewish magic are waiting for the white warriors to free them from the dragon ... The Jew says "kill the best of the Goim!" And they killed .... They destroyed our men by constant wars, and the rest turned into drug addicts and weaklings. but people must understand that we are white descendants from the same ancestral line. From Satan. The race of white gods must live. As for Asian women - those whom I knew are very crafty and cunning. They are good at pretending to be feminine. But playing the role of femininity and being so are very different things.
Stormblood said:
Feminism is a reaction to the condition women have been subjected by the abrahamic programmes: that of extreme subordination and submission, exploitation, suppression and being denied basic human rights, which also manifested in the suppression and extreme, obsessive-compulsive control of sexuality and creativity in society. Like with everything with the jews, the create the problem, then create a solution that is the polar opposite of the problem.

It's not a reaction, it's a jewish program designed to turn women against men and it's based on marxism. This explains why most feminists are jewesses. There are so many of them that Wikipedia was forced to hide the "List of Jewish feminists" page because one jew claimed that this list could be used by anti-semites.

Stormblood said:
It is unfair to say that most western women are unfeminine.

Not unfair at all, this is how things are. If you doubt that, take look at female dating profiles in any dating site or app. Most of them make many demands in their profile as if they are entitled to everything. Very rarely you'll see a female profile that talks about what she has to offer, because most of them have nothing more to offer besides sex and their personality is toxic. I gave up on online dating long ago for that reason.

They are not only unfeminine, but extremely promiscuous. Researches show that promiscuous women also have trouble sustaining monogamous relationships, they have trouble building a bond with another person. They have hundreds of sexual partners and when they reach their mid thirties they suddenly want to settle down and they can't find anyone who wants them. Feminism has much to do with this because popular feminists condone this behavior and tell women that they can both have fun with "bad boys" while they are young, and a family when they become older. Naturally every woman who listens to the feminists becomes extremely unhappy. Feminists also claim that asking a woman with how many partners she's been is "sexist". So, there you have it.

But besides Asian women, Russia or Ukraine doesn't belong to the western culture, so you can see these women are white and traditional as somebody said. And South American women are not brainwashed by feminism either.
Lavena said:
I think white men need to take wives from Ukraine. They are feminine, very beautiful and rarely mixed with other races. There are few men and a lot of lonely beauties ... :D

I’ve talked to loki88 of all people about this before. But I don’t think I would do this. People in my area would probably think of me as lesser or strange for having a foreign wife. Also he said many of the EE women in these programs are actually being human trafficked.
Damon said:
Not unfair at all, this is how things are. If you doubt that, take look at female dating profiles in any dating site or app. Most of them make many demands in their profile as if they are entitled to everything. Very rarely you'll see a female profile that talks about what she has to offer, because most of them have nothing more to offer besides sex and their personality is toxic. I gave up on online dating long ago for that reason.

A question for all the men on here: How many times have you gone onto a dating or hookup app and seen "6 feet, 6 figures, 6 inches" or something like that on there?

And the woman in question turns out to be a fat fucking landwhale?
ShadowTheRaven said:
A question for all the men on here: How many times have you gone onto a dating or hookup app and seen "6 feet, 6 figures, 6 inches" or something like that on there?

And the woman in question turns out to be a fat fucking landwhale?

Correction: 6 feet, 6 figures, 6 pack abs
It is very common to see male joos and white males with asian women in NYC. The men typically work in the tech or financial industry. They have no social skills and thus have trouble intermingling with women of their own kind because women of their own kind are able to pick up their awkward social cues and behaviors and they get repulsed by it, seeking other men who do not have such qualities.

So instead, these individuals go for the easier target....asian women.....who are so shy in their own right that they aren't bothered by the awkward social cues and behaviors that these goofy techy cucky white males and joos give off. Asian women are happy to be with any white man even if he is an awkward geeky man because they perceive being with white men as being higher up on the social hierarchy due to simply existing in a majority white land as an asian (even if they are anti-white libtard asians, they still subconsciously feel this way in my opinion because it is inherent in humans to desire to be in cadence with the herd, however in this instance the herd is geospacial instead of anthropological

In conclusion, they are beta-cucks
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Lavena said:
I think white men need to take wives from Ukraine. They are feminine, very beautiful and rarely mixed with other races. There are few men and a lot of lonely beauties ... :D

I’ve talked to loki88 of all people about this before. But I don’t think I would do this. People in my area would probably think of me as lesser or strange for having a foreign wife. Also he said many of the EE women in these programs are actually being human trafficked.
And who has suggested any of these programs? Nobody.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Lavena said:
I think white men need to take wives from Ukraine. They are feminine, very beautiful and rarely mixed with other races. There are few men and a lot of lonely beauties ... :D

I’ve talked to loki88 of all people about this before. But I don’t think I would do this. People in my area would probably think of me as lesser or strange for having a foreign wife. Also he said many of the EE women in these programs are actually being human trafficked.
D'oh. Just go for a trip, and find a partner that way. Cut the obviously unneeded middle man off.

But yeah, EE partner wouldn't be sub racially close enough for you anyway, methinks.
Aquarius said:
And who has suggested any of these programs? Nobody.
I never said anyone did. Now fuck off and don’t be confrontational with me boy.

Henu the Great said:
But yeah, EE partner wouldn't be sub racially close enough for you anyway, methinks.
Who cares. Slavs are the worst subrace. Most of their men are weak and ugly looking untermensch. It would be a great deed if I were to impregnate their women with my superior Anglo Celtic genes. Most of us in my region are already sub racially mixed. Every kind of European is here, Italian, French, and the above mentioned.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
