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are we Gentiles Naturally Polytheistic

Crystallized Mushroom

Active member
Jan 16, 2020
Crystal Planet
:D :D so are we and what behaviors would be considered Polytheistic other than Racial preservation, working toward becoming gods and goddesses, revering Nature, sexual freedom with consent, strong family values, indulgence....

removing evil species, races, ethnicities and tribes
Crystallized Mushroom said:
:D :D so are we and what behaviors would be considered Polytheistic other than Racial preservation, working toward becoming gods and goddesses, revering Nature, sexual freedom with consent, strong family values, indulgence....

removing evil species, races, ethnicities and tribes
Yes, we really are polytheists. Especially since monotheism was introduced by the Jew Akhenaten some time ago...
Not just us Gentiles, but the whole universe. The idea of a xian god that is all knowing, all watching, all pervading is presumptuos and a corruption of what the Ether is.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
:D :D so are we and what behaviors would be considered Polytheistic other than Racial preservation, working toward becoming gods and goddesses, revering Nature, sexual freedom with consent, strong family values, indulgence....

The term "polytheistic" is just a modern corruption. It assumes that the ancients were dumb enough to worship multiple forces of nature personified as humanoid beings and only because they feared them, and then the more "enlightened" monotheism came and replaced nature with an external god separate from it. It comes from mythology (((scholars))) and (((academics))) who believe that the Egyptians just worshiped the Sun and called him "Ra", or that the Greeks feared the lightning and thunder so they made it into Zeus. So the term "polytheism" can't be separated from ((((academic))) corruption. Instead, a different term should be used, like "selftheism" (because it's about transforming yourself into a God after completing the Magnum Opus) or "extraterrestrialtheism" (because the Gods are extraterrestrial beings). Even the "-theism" part is corrupted because it assumes a god who is a force than a real being.
Siatris Ioholo said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
:D :D so are we and what behaviors would be considered Polytheistic other than Racial preservation, working toward becoming gods and goddesses, revering Nature, sexual freedom with consent, strong family values, indulgence....

removing evil species, races, ethnicities and tribes
Yes, we really are polytheists. Especially since monotheism was introduced by the Jew Akhenaten some time ago...
I am not 100% certain about this, but in a very small, loose sort-of nutshell, this is what I have pieced together...



We had polytheism - multiple Gods and Goddesses - which were known and things for many, many thousands of years. Much time later, in Ancient Egypt along came (I thought actual reptillian, unless these were the original j00z; less-mixed with Humans) akhenaten. It decided that we should do sun worship. akhenaten and its wife (a Human who defected?) nefertiti were the rulers; nefertiti was the kind, warm, beneficial 'good-copper' while akhenaten was the 'bad-copper'. This groundwork was laid, and some time later the j00z came properly and created judaism... later on, christianity (from the sun worship to the son worship, where "god" "is the light"), then islam... Of course, Egypt fell, Greece fell, Rome fell... now (((they))) are trying to make the rest fall...

Then we have communism, marxism, bolshevism, capitalism... and we have whatever else we have today - corrupt governments and politicians, repression, over-exageration, scaremongering of war, march towards the microchip... ignorance, entertainment which you are forced to accept (i.e. what I would be entertained by is not entertaining; they have all the money, you are told how to be entertained), low-life and low-level shit, danger...

I may have bits and pieces missing and some incorrect information above, but as I said it's what I have pieced together

According to wikipaedia -

The future Akhenaten was born Amenhotep, a younger son of pharaoh Amenhotep III and his principal wife Tiye.



In my siggie is a link to what the book/film series Harry Potter is about. I know Rowling did research into occult things to put them into the books. My guess is that "You think I was going to use my filthy Muggle Father's name forever?..." could be a reference to akenaten having been born from Amenhotep the 3rd.

Rational Satanist said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
:D :D so are we and what behaviors would be considered Polytheistic other than Racial preservation, working toward becoming gods and goddesses, revering Nature, sexual freedom with consent, strong family values, indulgence....

The term "polytheistic" is just a modern corruption. It assumes that the ancients were dumb enough to worship multiple forces of nature personified as humanoid beings and only because they feared them, and then the more "enlightened" monotheism came and replaced nature with an external god separate from it. It comes from mythology (((scholars))) and (((academics))) who believe that the Egyptians just worshiped the Sun and called him "Ra", or that the Greeks feared the lightning and thunder so they made it into Zeus. So the term "polytheism" can't be separated from ((((academic))) corruption. Instead, a different term should be used, like "selftheism" (because it's about transforming yourself into a God after completing the Magnum Opus) or "extraterrestrialtheism" (because the Gods are extraterrestrial beings). Even the "-theism" part is corrupted because it assumes a god who is a force than a real being.
Something-something-logy, then. Were universities originally supposed to be educational establishments for... the secrets of - get this - the Universe?! Maybe Universology, Univerology or Univology or Unology (Un being one, and also like unanimous; all - un-animous). I think Unology sounds the best and makes the most sense - the Aether being the One/Un/All; the -logy or -ology being logic, knowledge, understanding, of course, like Astro-logy, as opposed to Astronomy; Geo-logy, as opposed to Geography... (Language corruption, changes, dissimilation, etc., notwithstanding!)

I think I will actually start calling this Unology from now on. "Theism" is like magical faeries and like a force, as you say. Along this line, Spiritual Satanism could equal a-theism, in that sense!

RockSeed13 said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:

Even Xians are polytheist (saints). :lol:
They think that 1 (father) + 1 (son) + 1 (holy spirit) = 1 (mono), rather than 3 (poly).
FancyMancy said:
They think that 1 (father) + 1 (son) + 1 (holy spirit) = 1 (mono), rather than 3 (poly).

It's been said before any religion or race or group of people that adopt Monotheism a singular Universal God in effect collapses.

For example the three heads of communism; Capitalism(Think Ayn Rand promoting anti-Communism and anti-Socialism to promote Communism/Socialism); Socialism(not there yet but not always a successful route), and finally the ultimate Communism.

It's been said even the jews are polytheistic enthnocentric. Funny studying judiasm there's a maniacal amount of rabbis that explain so many things even basic things. That it begs the question if they are Judiafied Satanists.


Because they all seem to have a base religion with base information only for a rabbi or some person to have personal interpretation.

I've never witnessed the Gods or their religion directly. But I assume that while there is a baseline as people develop there are certain concepts that become unique. For example we call cleanliness Hermetic. Hermetic or the Thothian principle is the act of cleaning and sealing the spiritual AS well as the physical. For the physical to spiritual or spiritual to physical.

Well funny enough jews are kinda the same. If their religion is an amalgamation of ancient Gentile worship organizations. In essence it's like they are LARPing as the Gods and creating sub-groups or sub-traits. In essence they work like a open-source group dynamic. They state a bunch of stuff to which jew/jews concoct new ideas and new traits and apply a multi-millenia system to each time slot.

For example someone mentioned there are jewish people who believe technology is of the devil much akin to xtians and some mormon extremists. Funny enough for the jew technology especially hijacking of technology has served them to bring us to the borging stage.

ALL within the parameters of their religious mathematical calculations. To which xtians pump psychically at furious paces the end of the World to which the jews just exploit the sheep.

IF judiasm is a mirror of the Ancient World transmorgrified for their consumption. Then in essence it's no different than the JoS or Heathens of the past. If the SNWO existed en mass for example or for example say Axis won and the jews scrambled to America they fortified it and essence created a cold war scenario where the jews pump the war drums against Axis Federation. And funny enough the Axis powers while militaristically minded and adopting of deep militaria. They don't play the U.S. game neither Axis Germany/Japan or any other Axis power of the SNWO gives two shits about Jew-controlled America and it's American allies. Funny enough when the internet and jews kvetch incessantly about Axis funny many will go is judiasm just LARPing on Satanism in their own twisted up way for World Domination.

I'm probably making it sound like we are = jews. No! if anything I'm stating they stole stuff and concocted a group dynamic teaching that makes them basically emulate the Gods religion for World Domination schemes. It's akin to Dr.Robotnik from Sonic the Hedgehog making counter-Sonic with Shadow or Metal Sonic to counter Sonic. In other words Counter- the Counter- with our Counter- of the Counter-.

IF Satanism = Counter-judeo-bolshevism THEN become NS/SS to counter their countering of our judeo-bolshevism.

I hope what I stated makes sense I'm sure many would catch on and realize with Neo-NS and other LARP-Satanic organization they are pretty much judified control.

What FancyMancy said in the quote is correct in fact as Jesus put it "My father and I are one". IF the son of God is both his father and his son and he has to place a biblical quote to state both of us are linked together but are separate. Then that is two or poly and three with holy spirit.

It be akin to stating if Jesus is killed and if Jesus is God his father and the Son as one. Then doesn't that mean that a bunch of Romans deicided a being of higher power who incarnated himself as a Human?

Does that mean that Romans killed God so God doesn't exist anymore? IF this is the case why are people praying to God he was killed, he ascended to his own heaven and....then what? Re-incarnated himself to become himself.

It's funny thinking about it "WE KILLED GOD" not Deicided no killed so he became a Human only to die by Humans.

Isn't this matchpoint for us Humans. Humans: 1/Creator and purveyor of the Universe: 0.

It's like something out of Star Wars with Vader and Luke.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
:D :D so are we and what behaviors would be considered Polytheistic other than Racial preservation, working toward becoming gods and goddesses, revering Nature, sexual freedom with consent, strong family values, indulgence....

removing evil species, races, ethnicities and tribes

Yes. We are polytheistic, and what's amazing is that it gives life so many possibilities in which you want to explore, depending on your Guardian Demon, and your natural affinity. Some are towards healers or black mages, some are politicians or astrologers etc. And many gods master certain aspects of life and the multiple facets and layers of them that really can't be fully explored to the fullest in one lifetime. That's why we should celebrate it and nourish the soul, and the multiple gods and facets of life that come with it. It's pretty amazing just how diverse and rich Satan's culture is.
FancyMancy said:
Siatris Ioholo said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
:D :D so are we and what behaviors would be considered Polytheistic other than Racial preservation, working toward becoming gods and goddesses, revering Nature, sexual freedom with consent, strong family values, indulgence....

removing evil species, races, ethnicities and tribes
Yes, we really are polytheists. Especially since monotheism was introduced by the Jew Akhenaten some time ago...
I am not 100% certain about this, but in a very small, loose sort-of nutshell, this is what I have pieced together...



We had polytheism - multiple Gods and Goddesses - which were known and things for many, many thousands of years. Much time later, in Ancient Egypt along came (I thought actual reptillian, unless these were the original j00z; less-mixed with Humans) akhenaten. It decided that we should do sun worship. akhenaten and its wife (a Human who defected?) nefertiti were the rulers; nefertiti was the kind, warm, beneficial 'good-copper' while akhenaten was the 'bad-copper'. This groundwork was laid, and some time later the j00z came properly and created judaism... later on, christianity (from the sun worship to the son worship, where "god" "is the light"), then islam... Of course, Egypt fell, Greece fell, Rome fell... now (((they))) are trying to make the rest fall...

Then we have communism, marxism, bolshevism, capitalism... and we have whatever else we have today - corrupt governments and politicians, repression, over-exageration, scaremongering of war, march towards the microchip... ignorance, entertainment which you are forced to accept (i.e. what I would be entertained by is not entertaining; they have all the money, you are told how to be entertained), low-life and low-level shit, danger...

I may have bits and pieces missing and some incorrect information above, but as I said it's what I have pieced together

According to wikipaedia -

The future Akhenaten was born Amenhotep, a younger son of pharaoh Amenhotep III and his principal wife Tiye.



In my siggie is a link to what the book/film series Harry Potter is about. I know Rowling did research into occult things to put them into the books. My guess is that "You think I was going to use my filthy Muggle Father's name forever?..." could be a reference to akenaten having been born from Amenhotep the 3rd.

Rational Satanist said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
:D :D so are we and what behaviors would be considered Polytheistic other than Racial preservation, working toward becoming gods and goddesses, revering Nature, sexual freedom with consent, strong family values, indulgence....

The term "polytheistic" is just a modern corruption. It assumes that the ancients were dumb enough to worship multiple forces of nature personified as humanoid beings and only because they feared them, and then the more "enlightened" monotheism came and replaced nature with an external god separate from it. It comes from mythology (((scholars))) and (((academics))) who believe that the Egyptians just worshiped the Sun and called him "Ra", or that the Greeks feared the lightning and thunder so they made it into Zeus. So the term "polytheism" can't be separated from ((((academic))) corruption. Instead, a different term should be used, like "selftheism" (because it's about transforming yourself into a God after completing the Magnum Opus) or "extraterrestrialtheism" (because the Gods are extraterrestrial beings). Even the "-theism" part is corrupted because it assumes a god who is a force than a real being.
Something-something-logy, then. Were universities originally supposed to be educational establishments for... the secrets of - get this - the Universe?! Maybe Universology, Univerology or Univology or Unology (Un being one, and also like unanimous; all - un-animous). I think Unology sounds the best and makes the most sense - the Aether being the One/Un/All; the -logy or -ology being logic, knowledge, understanding, of course, like Astro-logy, as opposed to Astronomy; Geo-logy, as opposed to Geography... (Language corruption, changes, dissimilation, etc., notwithstanding!)

I think I will actually start calling this Unology from now on. "Theism" is like magical faeries and like a force, as you say. Along this line, Spiritual Satanism could equal a-theism, in that sense!

RockSeed13 said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:

Even Xians are polytheist (saints). :lol:
They think that 1 (father) + 1 (son) + 1 (holy spirit) = 1 (mono), rather than 3 (poly).

This is a big lie, Akhenaten was not the son of Amenhotep III and his wife Tiye and had no blood ties with the previous pharaohs, all the leaders of the "Amarna crisis" from Akhenaten himself, Nefertiti, Tutankhamun and Ay were gray hybrids.

Looking at the mummy of Queen Tiye, is easy to see that she was a 100% Aryan woman and was not Black.



The true first-born son of Amenhotep III was to be his successor under the name of Thutmose V, was probably killed when Akhenaten usurped the throne.

FancyMancy said:
Siatris Ioholo said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
:D :D so are we and what behaviors would be considered Polytheistic other than Racial preservation, working toward becoming gods and goddesses, revering Nature, sexual freedom with consent, strong family values, indulgence....

removing evil species, races, ethnicities and tribes
Yes, we really are polytheists. Especially since monotheism was introduced by the Jew Akhenaten some time ago...
I am not 100% certain about this, but in a very small, loose sort-of nutshell, this is what I have pieced together...



We had polytheism - multiple Gods and Goddesses - which were known and things for many, many thousands of years. Much time later, in Ancient Egypt along came (I thought actual reptillian, unless these were the original j00z; less-mixed with Humans) akhenaten. It decided that we should do sun worship. akhenaten and its wife (a Human who defected?) nefertiti were the rulers; nefertiti was the kind, warm, beneficial 'good-copper' while akhenaten was the 'bad-copper'. This groundwork was laid, and some time later the j00z came properly and created judaism... later on, christianity (from the sun worship to the son worship, where "god" "is the light"), then islam... Of course, Egypt fell, Greece fell, Rome fell... now (((they))) are trying to make the rest fall...

Then we have communism, marxism, bolshevism, capitalism... and we have whatever else we have today - corrupt governments and politicians, repression, over-exageration, scaremongering of war, march towards the microchip... ignorance, entertainment which you are forced to accept (i.e. what I would be entertained by is not entertaining; they have all the money, you are told how to be entertained), low-life and low-level shit, danger...

I may have bits and pieces missing and some incorrect information above, but as I said it's what I have pieced together

According to wikipaedia -

The future Akhenaten was born Amenhotep, a younger son of pharaoh Amenhotep III and his principal wife Tiye.



In my siggie is a link to what the book/film series Harry Potter is about. I know Rowling did research into occult things to put them into the books. My guess is that "You think I was going to use my filthy Muggle Father's name forever?..." could be a reference to akenaten having been born from Amenhotep the 3rd.

Rational Satanist said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
:D :D so are we and what behaviors would be considered Polytheistic other than Racial preservation, working toward becoming gods and goddesses, revering Nature, sexual freedom with consent, strong family values, indulgence....

The term "polytheistic" is just a modern corruption. It assumes that the ancients were dumb enough to worship multiple forces of nature personified as humanoid beings and only because they feared them, and then the more "enlightened" monotheism came and replaced nature with an external god separate from it. It comes from mythology (((scholars))) and (((academics))) who believe that the Egyptians just worshiped the Sun and called him "Ra", or that the Greeks feared the lightning and thunder so they made it into Zeus. So the term "polytheism" can't be separated from ((((academic))) corruption. Instead, a different term should be used, like "selftheism" (because it's about transforming yourself into a God after completing the Magnum Opus) or "extraterrestrialtheism" (because the Gods are extraterrestrial beings). Even the "-theism" part is corrupted because it assumes a god who is a force than a real being.
Something-something-logy, then. Were universities originally supposed to be educational establishments for... the secrets of - get this - the Universe?! Maybe Universology, Univerology or Univology or Unology (Un being one, and also like unanimous; all - un-animous). I think Unology sounds the best and makes the most sense - the Aether being the One/Un/All; the -logy or -ology being logic, knowledge, understanding, of course, like Astro-logy, as opposed to Astronomy; Geo-logy, as opposed to Geography... (Language corruption, changes, dissimilation, etc., notwithstanding!)

I think I will actually start calling this Unology from now on. "Theism" is like magical faeries and like a force, as you say. Along this line, Spiritual Satanism could equal a-theism, in that sense!

RockSeed13 said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:

Even Xians are polytheist (saints). :lol:
They think that 1 (father) + 1 (son) + 1 (holy spirit) = 1 (mono), rather than 3 (poly).

akhebitchten looks fucking ugly ewwwwwww
Gear88 said:
Naturally, Scientifically, Universally... in existence there is no such things as "all-powerful". That must, in as simple terms as possible, be why - if as you say is true - monotheism collapses in whatever form. Technically, the jew being created by its overlords the reptillians, the jew would be poly-"theistic". It's a fundamental, inescapable fact of existence, Science, life, the Universe (the number 42) and everything. 4+2=6; the jew has to work hard to promote a failing thing; the jew fights a losing battle... The jew was told that its reign of terror would be for a mere season; it wouldn't last forever. The jew uses a sweeping brush to push back quickly-flowing river water. The jew has a hole in its bucket, and decides to increase the speed at which the tap fills the bucket. The jew was doomed to fail and lose from the start. So retarded.

The jew is the original LARPer, the original cosplayer. It dresses up in Human form and goes to ComicCon each and every single day. What's the highest form of flattery? Copying, emulating. The jew loves Humans so muchly!

The jew's intention was to enslave us. That's its purpose, reason for being, why it exists, its function, the intention of why it was created. It may have been in one way or another in the past, Middle Ages, etc., but all a part of the same plan of enslaving Humans to feed its reptillian overlords, because the reptillians can't advance, so it has to be parasitical. Say, Middle Ages were Plan A; capitalism/communism is Plan B, and a quick-march to being Borgified with the microchip - Plan C (for example). All in all, it's all for subjugation and enslavement of Humans. Human Souls must be a feast for the reptillians, a delicacy with a high premium - look at all the effort and... erm... "care"... it goes through to try and consume Human Souls...

The jew knows that Humans are to increase whatever they are - for good or bad. With that in mind, the jew 'planted the seed' of shit, and over the many centuries, shit has given rise to shit; shit begat shit; shit was shat and continues to be shat... You get the point; the jew loves shit and non-good things. The jew literally is a waste. The jew says a Human is not worth even a jew fingernail; my faeces is more valuable than the entire past, present and future species of the jew - at least my faeces gets spread on crops to nourish them more! :roll:

Of course the jew stole stuff. It has nothing original nor unique of its own, except that it stole, twisted, perverted and corrupted what existed already. I think I am correct in saying that there has never been such a bad time on this Planet than these last 2000-10 000 years, thanks to akheneton, nefertiti and the jew and of course the reptillians, greys...

(I will say that) Satanism is not counter-jew shit; jew shit is counter-Satanism and Nazism. Satanism and Nazism are Natural to Humans. The jew was created to destroy this and us, and feed the reptillians because (as stated or posited) the reptillians went off-kilter before or during sentience and intelligence, and now it cannot recover from that nor correct or reverse it.

Some would say that christians are still praying to "god", after 'it was killed', because those who are "leaders" of churches and congregations just want power and control. They could, if they are Humans and learnt to do so, raise Energies which would be overwhelmingly much more than merely bullshitting and stealing money from people every Sunday. The agents, i.e. church "leaders", keep people down, instead of the people having inconceivably going-on-to-infinite power and abilities.

They say, "Ignorance is bliss". It will be so much more bliss once everyone realises the actual Truth Eternal.
Wotanwarrior said:
This is a big lie, Akhenaten was not the son of Amenhotep III and his wife Tiye and had no blood ties with the previous pharaohs, all the leaders of the "Amarna crisis" from Akhenaten himself, Nefertiti, Tutankhamun and Ay were gray hybrids.

Looking at the mummy of Queen Tiye, is easy to see that she was a 100% Aryan woman and was not Black.



The true first-born son of Amenhotep III was to be his successor under the name of Thutmose V, was probably killed when Akhenaten usurped the throne.


Crystallized Mushroom said:
akhebitchten looks fucking ugly ewwwwwww
Lol, I know. I swear that these pictures of it remind me so much of stereotypical, flamboyant camp gay men who have to flaunt themselves so stupidly and FABULOOUUSS!-ly. :roll: It looks as if the "pharaoh" was sucking in its cheeks and had botox on its lips, like those saddoes who love to have duck bills for pouting, so that it could look all chic and pwetty for its statue...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
