Through the practice of Vajroli, even a householder living according to his desires and without the restrictions taught in Yoga can be liberated. Together with Vajroli, this Yoga grants liberation even to one who indulges his senses, so it should be regularly and zealously practiced by yogis. First the wise yogi should carefully and correctly draw up through his urethra the generative fluid from a woman’s vagina and make it enter his body. After awakening his semen he should start to move his penis. If by chance his semen should move upwards it can be stopped with the Yonimudra. He should draw his semen onto the left side, remove his penis from the vagina for a moment, and then start having intercourse again. Following his guru’s instructions, the yogi should draw up his apana wind and with the sound hum hum forcibly extract the generative fluid from the yoni. Know semen to be lunar and the generative fluid to be solar. One should strive to combine them both in one’s own body. I am semen, the goddess is the generative fluid. When both are combined, the body of the practicing yogi becomes divine. When the great jewel semen is mastered there is nothing on earth that cannot be mastered. Through its grace, one becomes as great as me. Semen, depending on its state, brings about happiness and sorrow for all the deluded inhabitants of the world subject to decrepitude and death. This auspicious Yoga is the best of all for yogis. Through its practice a man obtains perfection even if he indulges his senses. Every goal that is sought after is sure to be achieved here on earth by means of this Yoga, even after enjoying all pleasures. Using it, yogis are sure to attain total perfection, so one should practice it while having lots of fun.