This is the second time I've woken up with a loud ringing sound in my ears, I've never had these weird nightmares before before so umm what do you guys think?
This is the second time I've woken up with a loud ringing sound in my ears, I've never had these weird nightmares before before so umm what do you guys think?
More aura cleaning, and more aura of protection. If you are not already doing mantra repetitions for both, then it could be time to start doing so. Try lower amount of vibrations at first, something like 9, 18 or 27. Try to keep your energy levels high at all times, for such yoga and breathing exercises are top options.
This is the second time I've woken up with a loud ringing sound in my ears, I've never had these weird nightmares before before so umm what do you guys think?
This is the second time I've woken up with a loud ringing sound in my ears, I've never had these weird nightmares before before so umm what do you guys think?