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Are blacks how violent? What we should know

Jun 5, 2021
There have been many civil wars and genocides in Africa so I don’t think that it is just a black American thing.
White girls being promiscuous within their own race is a good thing. Just because there are some White girls having more sex than others doesn't mean that a man can't find a wife if he wants one. Ideally it would be higher spiritual sex, but in general some promiscuity is still good.
All of the problems are greatly exacerbated by jews on both continents via their usual methods of brainwashing through media and "religions".

I get that OP has issue with reality of the matter as truth hurts. The situation is not better for other peoples either, but it will not get any better by denying facts.
Speaking as a black male, black people are more genetically predisposed to violence than most other races but that doesn't always mean that a black person will end up being violent if culture and education permit for the nurturing of proper self control and the knowledge of when violence should be used, as sometimes it actually is necessary as opposed to just being activated by useless impulsiveness. Our testosterone levels are high, even the testosterone levels of our women, though this varies depending on tribal origin.

Are we as intelligent as the white race is usually? No we are not, but this is to be chalked up to the death of positive black culture and the widespread of degeneracy among blacks especially in the Western world. Kenyans who go to the US to achieve a better life are one of the most high achieving groups in the US and it's because of a difference in culture. They prioritize being conversative and taking care of their families over succumbing to emotional whims and thus are able to squeeze out more of their full potential than other black people. You see this in the Caribbean as well, where even though there is a lot of corruption black people are able to run their own nations without the societal breakdown you see in other black countries. This is changing rapidly due to kike influence but show me a place where that isn't true.

The black reaction to the death of Kevin Samuels, agree with his views or not, puts on display the attitude of blacks in the US to refuse to accept that they are not perfect and work to make themselves better people. Nobody wants to be told that they are inadequate but in some cases they are, even if things have been engineered to make them that way. Black people did better right after slavery in the US than they are doing now, which by itself is evidence that a lot of scheming has been done to put us down. The physical shackles may have been shattered but they have been replaced by mental ones. Black women are 'strong and independent' now and refuse to start families with stable black men, instead preferring the company of useless thugs. This is not true everywhere in the US but it is unfortunately becoming more prevelant especially within large cities. The men aren't much better in most cases so this is not to put the blame on one side. Fatherless children raised by neurotic women who refuse to accept that they are neurotic is a recipe for disaster, just look at the rate these children end up in prison.

Black men require stability that the current societal structure in less developed communities cannot provide. Due to our elemental affinities we are in truth easier to rile up than most of the other races. We become heated more easily whereas when the kike manipulates a white man he is less likely to react violently unless the required mental conditions have already been instilled. It is this primary difference that makes it a fruitful endeavor to poke the black man rather than someone else, because the angered black man will more easily strike out without thinking about the consequences of his actions.

There are solution to these problems that require a lot of resources to be enacted on a large scale, but the antics of BLM and the left have already made it public knowledge that these people and what they are pushing are not to be trusted. It is absolutely a shame that the majority of those tired of 'liberal' lies will turn back to xianity however. For now I think the best course of action is to leave the conservative resurgence alone while destroying the (((Abrahamic))) ties which pollutes the ideology and claims that to be a conservative you have to be xian, because anyone with eyes can see the level of damage xianity has inflicted upon the 'black community'.

There will be a day when black men once again look up to the leaders they should, rather than the ilk which has been imposed on us, men like Malcolm X and Thomas Sowell. Right now the best I can do is Kendrick Lamar, who, grain of salt, is also a pusher of the poison of xianity. Some of his music is good though:


Do excuse me if portions of this sounded like me obtusively rambling at length. I suppose I should get back into the habit of writing to avoid feeling this may be the case when I do.
Yes, I have met some black people from Africa and all of them were very friendly, very hard working, and perfect parents with everything they do being to help their children. We have talked for hours about things like natural medicines, which foods can be used for specific medicines, and which foods have special nutrients that are important for children. I do not have anything bad to say to anybody like this, and I would be very happy if all Africans are like this.

I have never said that all black people are violent, and I have never said that most of them are violent. What I have said before is that the violence is done only by a very small number of them. But that an extremely small number of people has done an extremely high number of violent crimes, and this is enough to make the crime statistics look very bad. And I have said that these statistics are not representative of most black people, and nearly all black people do not do these things. But it is true that because of things like higher testosterone, they do tend to be much more emotionally impulsive. Luckily this impulsiveness is usually not manifested in violent ways.

If you are talking about Africa, I would be interested to know more about the Cannibalism that is done in some of these countries. And this is not some joke or some hoax, it is very easy to find pictures and videos of Africans hunting and eating other Africans. Perfect example is the Pygmy tribes in the Congo forests, they have nearly gone extinct because of the extremely high number of them who have been hunted as food and eaten by other people. I do not think that this is done in all African countries, and maybe not even most of them, but it would not be right to ignore it and pretend that it is not happening. From what I have seen, it seems like the Congo is where most of this is done, but it is also done in other countries.



Ol argedco luciftias said:
Yes, I have met some black people from Africa and all of them were very friendly, very hard working, and perfect parents with everything they do being to help their children. We have talked for hours about things like natural medicines, which foods can be used for specific medicines, and which foods have special nutrients that are important for children. I do not have anything bad to say to anybody like this, and I would be very happy if all Africans are like this.

I have never said that all black people are violent, and I have never said that most of them are violent. What I have said before is that the violence is done only by a very small number of them. But that an extremely small number of people has done an extremely high number of violent crimes, and this is enough to make the crime statistics look very bad. And I have said that these statistics are not representative of most black people, and nearly all black people do not do these things. But it is true that because of things like higher testosterone, they do tend to be much more emotionally impulsive. Luckily this impulsiveness is usually not manifested in violent ways.

If you are talking about Africa, I would be interested to know more about the Cannibalism that is done in some of these countries. And this is not some joke or some hoax, it is very easy to find pictures and videos of Africans hunting and eating other Africans. Perfect example is the Pygmy tribes in the Congo forests, they have nearly gone extinct because of the extremely high number of them who have been hunted as food and eaten by other people. I do not think that this is done in all African countries, and maybe not even most of them, but it would not be right to ignore it and pretend that it is not happening. From what I have seen, it seems like the Congo is where most of this is done, but it is also done in other countries.




No offense taken by any of your opinions, you aren't wrong. I wasn't attempting to rebutt anything either, just add to the conversation. As for cannibalism, this has to do with what I've already brought up in my previous post. When extreme levels of energy are not properly channeled it often turns into mental illness, this is why I place so much emphasis on the need for stable households and societies able to shape young black people into souls who are able to support their community rather than add to the chaos.

The murder rate in the 'black community' is a manifestation of mental illness, as is the rate at which crimes such as rape are committed by black men. The grievous lack of empathy witnessed by those who perpetrate such acts of violence is a common symptom of and telltale sign of mental illness, and I say 'mental illness' as a blanket term to cover many of them. The black soul is of Earth and Fire, without balancing forces it is easy for the black mind to slip into depravity because as a people we are very 'zero to one hundred'. Without stability creativity turns into warped desire and an attraction to the taboo and abundant energy which could have been used productively is instead used to destroy.

As someone who is more spiritual than most I am able to perceive these forces on a cosmic level especially when it comes to those of my own race, whereas those who find themselves at the mercy of their baser urges without having been properly grounded in the realm of sanity often have little care to resist these urges or even question them. Someone who has fallen to this level is difficult to reason with and it just so happens that much of the black race is currently operating at the lower octaves of our planets.

In summary, the black race is more elementally vulnerable than most to depravity and when we fall we tend to fall hard. This phenomenon has been exacerbated by the pushing of xianity and pisslam onto us, both of which have provided not just excuses but reasons for bad behavior to be continued. The left's efforts to grant leeway to the worst among us has also made things more difficult but even Stevie Wonder could see that those people are also insane. In addition, it's not that the black race is inclined to be violent or mentally ill, I think a more accurate explanation would be that the majority of us have less defenses in place to say no to corruption when it knocks at our door.
Smite said:
You are just spouting alot if nonsense that never happened, west africa is known for their hospitality as well, places like ghana, nigeria have alot of of tourist and only few cases if kidnappings happen infact at recent we don't hear much cases of this. There is no place were they mug and butcher tourist, it is your own bias you made up.
Tourist come and go every year and no such thing happens, only thing that happens is some tourist are kidnaped in nigeria and held for ransom.
The northern tribes are good at cattle rearing and they rear animals, goat, sheep's and cows for food and to be sold or their meat to be exchanged for other goods. They do not eat humans and if such a thing is going on it will be in very are cases not wildly practiced. Stop biasing.

You whine like a bitch in certain parts of your post. Not making sense at all. So I will not answer them. But no body eats children here. Only on extremely rare cases of child rituals which is done by power hungry and greedy people who will do anything for money and power. Canibalism is wildly condemned and criminalized everywhere and if it is done it is done in secret, it is not commonly practiced.

A lot of what you said are bias if not just basic whining and their is nothing to prove your claim.

Please view:


Smite said:
I get it that most of you have anger because now blacks race and other races are traitening the white race but this has happened before in africa were white armies invaded, destroyed cities and stole artifacts not to talk of altering our history. It has happened in india and japan as well, so now it is happening to whites. But you people should fight. If the jews take down the white race then there would be no more problem for them since they have already destroyed africa with poverty christianity and islam and asians with communism and low birth rate so whites are the the only ones remaining for them to destroy before they finally move to world domination, this is why this immigrant thing is happening now. Don't let the jews win. Stop whining, stop complaining all the time. Do the rtr, improve yourselves and spread the word, that's the only way you can win. Spending time here making racist remark is not going to help because most blacks here are helping what do you think is going to do.
Fanboy is not most, as this individual is one individual and rather delusional as is. Many know about him and his past user accounts here, which go against JoS membership with subversion. It is more subtle nowadays, yet the same. Do not let randoms on internet throw you off, that is all.
Smite said:
Guys pls check this person fanboy's signature, it says "gaslight" which is what he doe. Gatekeep and goyboss. This guy is a jew. I don't lusually call people jews but this person gives me the vibes.

Bro don't trust that guy Fanboy. He is an infiltrator troll who has been banned more than 30 different times on different accounts for being an infiltrator troll.

Most 2 recent accounts from the same person were BigCheese6million and GrandFitzPoopah666. This person has been jewing for years, trying to create arguments and trying to promote dangerous damaging things like drug use.
I get the point your trying to convey but at the same time your speaking from a perspective that is offish. Not wrong but offish.

Firstly black people are violent people but not for any that first comes to mind. We are a race of warriors. We are physically built to be more athletic then western white race, it's very clear.

When you look at things deeply yes most of the wars were based on religion enslavement but before that, majority of tribes fought amongst each other.

To give you an idea and say it's very similar to how the vikings were, a fierce race that was also very spiritual. The similarity are quite many, like how both viking men and african men, would gather in a circle and do friendly fights against each other. It's normal for them.

But the reason why it looks so bad in places like America is because it's out of place. But in africa there isn't the same level of violence (where there isn't war)...
In honestly the level of violence in America by black people scares african people. Cause your normal ain't our normal. Like you'll always hear how violent black Americans are, so your level of violence isn't normal to your nature but is consistent to your environment. You've been put in a environment where your always on FIGHT mode feeling the need to survive.

In africa even with robberies theres a high chance you can negotiate your way out of it. I've been in the position of being mugged and negotiated my way out, this is when i noticed the people who are doing all the robberies are people who want that money for drugs. They don't really want to fight you. You can be in a situation where you offer the person money amd they will leave you... and you'll walk away with your phone and life.

So given that i can see how that level of violence makes other races uncomfortable and angry and all these other things.

[Sorry but one more example]
Imagine a large amount of latinas relocated to Australia. There would be alot of racial conflict, which would make latinas feel more uncomfortable and need to show more aggression which would cause more people's.

So it's more about perspective.
MrIntrepid said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Yes, I have met some black people from Africa and all of them were very friendly, very hard working, and perfect parents with everything they do being to help their children. We have talked for hours about things like natural medicines, which foods can be used for specific medicines, and which foods have special nutrients that are important for children. I do not have anything bad to say to anybody like this, and I would be very happy if all Africans are like this.

I have never said that all black people are violent, and I have never said that most of them are violent. What I have said before is that the violence is done only by a very small number of them. But that an extremely small number of people has done an extremely high number of violent crimes, and this is enough to make the crime statistics look very bad. And I have said that these statistics are not representative of most black people, and nearly all black people do not do these things. But it is true that because of things like higher testosterone, they do tend to be much more emotionally impulsive. Luckily this impulsiveness is usually not manifested in violent ways.

If you are talking about Africa, I would be interested to know more about the Cannibalism that is done in some of these countries. And this is not some joke or some hoax, it is very easy to find pictures and videos of Africans hunting and eating other Africans. Perfect example is the Pygmy tribes in the Congo forests, they have nearly gone extinct because of the extremely high number of them who have been hunted as food and eaten by other people. I do not think that this is done in all African countries, and maybe not even most of them, but it would not be right to ignore it and pretend that it is not happening. From what I have seen, it seems like the Congo is where most of this is done, but it is also done in other countries.




No offense taken by any of your opinions, you aren't wrong. I wasn't attempting to rebutt anything either, just add to the conversation. As for cannibalism, this has to do with what I've already brought up in my previous post. When extreme levels of energy are not properly channeled it often turns into mental illness, this is why I place so much emphasis on the need for stable households and societies able to shape young black people into souls who are able to support their community rather than add to the chaos.

The murder rate in the 'black community' is a manifestation of mental illness, as is the rate at which crimes such as rape are committed by black men. The grievous lack of empathy witnessed by those who perpetrate such acts of violence is a common symptom of and telltale sign of mental illness, and I say 'mental illness' as a blanket term to cover many of them. The black soul is of Earth and Fire, without balancing forces it is easy for the black mind to slip into depravity because as a people we are very 'zero to one hundred'. Without stability creativity turns into warped desire and an attraction to the taboo and abundant energy which could have been used productively is instead used to destroy.

As someone who is more spiritual than most I am able to perceive these forces on a cosmic level especially when it comes to those of my own race, whereas those who find themselves at the mercy of their baser urges without having been properly grounded in the realm of sanity often have little care to resist these urges or even question them. Someone who has fallen to this level is difficult to reason with and it just so happens that much of the black race is currently operating at the lower octaves of our planets.

In summary, the black race is more elementally vulnerable than most to depravity and when we fall we tend to fall hard. This phenomenon has been exacerbated by the pushing of xianity and pisslam onto us, both of which have provided not just excuses but reasons for bad behavior to be continued. The left's efforts to grant leeway to the worst among us has also made things more difficult but even Stevie Wonder could see that those people are also insane. In addition, it's not that the black race is inclined to be violent or mentally ill, I think a more accurate explanation would be that the majority of us have less defenses in place to say no to corruption when it knocks at our door.

hi, im an asian man (vietnamese american) your information is really great, i was wondering how do you know so much about your race? i would like to have that type of knowledge about mine as well, I've read the race and behavior book that was recommenced in the yahoo groups but that's as far as im able to figure out. can you point me in the right direction, thank you in advance

Hail Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
