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Sieg Heil

New member
Jul 2, 2020
Hi, everybody. I'm aphantasic, which means I can't display Images . I can't visualize anything! I close my eyes, I try to visualize something, but I always see black. I'm desperate! If I can't visualize, how can I meditate? Please help me!
I and others have posted about this before. I, and I think it was Aquarius, both realised that doing Void Meditation helps with visualisation. For me, it purely was accidental. I didn't intend to improve my visualisation, so it was a happy accident that Void helped me. Bear in mind, depending on how bad it is, and other factors, it might take a while for it to work.

Ideally, you should be doing Void Meditation every day as part of your daily meditation schedule. You never know who you meet and interact with, or just pass by, who might be able to sense thoughts; thoughts are energy, and we must control our own thoughts for reasons of making certain that any enemies are not able to detect our thoughts, and also for reasons that when doing workings and meditations we must concentrate on the goal and intention which we are working on.

Of course, everyone is individual. Be that as it may, I would still recommend strongly that Void Meditation be done from the beginning, or from the very beginning, along with Aura of Protection and Aura/Soul/Chakra Cleanings.

You can do void by just focussing on a spot on the wall or ceiling or a candle flame. Probably it would be necessary to do 5 minutes, or a multiple of 9 times (more than 20 preferably), of vibrating AUM for a week or two to test it; if it is working, then stick with that, and then increase the time/multiples as necessary. If that is not enough, then add in, along with AUM, SaTaNaMa, again for a number of minutes or a multiple of 9 (again, more than 20). If that still is not enough, then also add in the Rune ISA (or a variant of it) to AUM and SaTaNaMa, again for a few minutes/a multiple of 9 more than 20. Make sure you can handle longer times/higher repetitions; if you can't concentrate, then try a bit less; if you can't handle that much energy buzz, then do less for a while and build up carefully. Be careful with ISA; it can lead to dullness and things, but it does help to slow down things, like ice creeping up onto something, slowing it down or incapacitating it; i.e. "he/she/it is on ice".

If it still is not working, then try concentrating more - train yourself. Put yourself into the mood Psycholigcally; set the scene with candlelight, music, whatever you do to relax you (not wine, etc.) and keep your concentration. Maybe you should set the mood from the start - whatever is needed to help you. Also a healthy diet is also a must, as is consistency - preferably doing the working (and all workings and meditations) consistently at the same time or times per day. Maybe you need to do it once in the morning and again later in the evening - you figure this out. Consistency is key; repetition is key. Try not to miss or skip any days.

After you think you have managed to achieve it, keep going; don't stop. In effect, do Void Meditation until you are a God/Goddess (depending on if you are Male or Female). Also remember to not begin this - or any - working/meditation when the Moon is Void of Course. It's OK to continue during a Moon Void of Course, but not begin during one.
Erebo said:
Hi, everybody. I'm aphantasic, which means I can't display Images . I can't visualize anything! I close my eyes, I try to visualize something, but I always see black. I'm desperate! If I can't visualize, how can I meditate? Please help me!
I'm 100% sure that a condition like that doesnt exist, unless you have inherent brain damage or some birth defect. All you have to do is practice. Take a simple image and try to picture it in your head. You can start with a geometrical shape like a triangle. This seems to me like you just dont know properly how to do it, so you need to practice and try until you figure it out.

Either way, you can feel and direct energy without visualization anyways, so you can also meditate. Just learn to feel energy properly, and then practice raising energy with your breathing and through vibrating mantras. Once you have raised energy and you feel it, focus on it and state your affirmation. It will still work just fine.
Try advanced meditation on the sigils, or something like image streaming. The recording yourself or being listened to by others part is extremely important.
Thank you all! Mancy Fancy, can you tell me where to find Aum and Satanama? Karnonnos, can you tell me what advanced sigils meditation is?
AUM is vibrated AAAA-UUUU-MMMM (UUUU is pronounced OOOO, rather than UUUHHH). SaTaNaMa is vibrated SSAA-TTAA-NNAA-MMAA. In each of them, if you end the word short, just drag-out the final letter for the rest of your breath. If you get dizzy, you should sit or lay down while doing these.


Like with SATANAS, you might need to experiment between doing all of SaTaNaMa all in one breath or doing each syllable in its own breath. Maybe do it in one breath at first to get used to it, then work on doing each letter per breath.
Have you tried looking at images then quickly closing your eyes and retaining the images? Kind of like when you look at a light and still see the glare when you close your eyes afterwards.

I used to try to keep whatever I was staring at in my mind and remember as many details as possible for as long as I could to practice.
If you have such a condition then how do you dream in sleep? You can try this thing. Wear sleeping mask and then try visualizing.
Some people it's easier with keeping your eyes open. That's what I do. I kind of zone out and ignore what my eyes are showing me, my vision focuses on some blank point in the air not focused on any thing. And I see what is seen in my mind.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
