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Another very informative video on slavery


New member
Dec 2, 2006
The anti-White Slavery Narrative
Hilariously everyone overlooks the fact that ONLY white people abolished slavery meanwhile the blacks STILL are enslaved by muslims, jews and even other blacks in Africa and all over the world TODAY.The number of slaves in Africa today is far more than all the slaves in the entire history of JEWmerica combined!And of course no one bothers to mention that only 10% of the blacks in the middle passage were shipped to north america with the other 90% being sent to south America to be enslaved by mexicans!
But of course its only whites who get blamed for this jew controlled slave empire, only the group who less than 2% of which even owned slaves while free blacks were 30% of the slave owners with other blacks as their slaves!Those same blacks had white slaves, and native american slaves too!
this is nothing more than christian narrative, blacks were enslaved is the same as blacks died in the cross.white people are christians and they are used to kneel and ask forgivness and degrade themselves for their nature. So it doesn´t matter how many facts you show them, the christian loop will always prevail as long as the person is a christian. black died in the cross(slavery) and whites are sinners(racists)
Yes the Aryan race, of noble Satanic bloodline. Always get blamed for everything! As we are the true threat to the Jews. With Satan in our blood, we are led to action. 
So everything in history Is our fault. Anything the Jews do and also any other race, is immediately scape gloated on to us. Because we are the strongest. 
I would take their hatred as a compliment but its getting really fucking annoying not being able to even walk down the street without dindus glaring at me like hey want to fight me.
The look on their face says "sheeeeeeeeit! lok at this white mufuggah! how dare he walk with some pride and not bend over like a bitch! dont he know white pride is oppressive? Imma whup his white nigga ass! FRIED CHICKEN AND WATERMELON MUFUGGA SHIEEEEEEEIT!"
I spent my entire life fighting these fucking black thugs for no other reason then they hate white people and wanted to kill me just for being born.

On Sunday, March 20, 2016 12:51 PM, "aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Yes the Aryan race, of noble Satanic bloodline. Always get blamed for everything! As we are the true threat to the Jews. With Satan in our blood, we are led to action. 
So everything in history Is our fault. Anything the Jews do and also any other race, is immediately scape gloated on to us. Because we are the strongest. 

Lion666 are you serious about what you just said? 

Are you actually fucking serious? 

This piece of shit jew.. How more obvious do you want to make it what you are? 
Do you take us for fools? Are you seriously so arrogant that you think you can spout this nonsense and get away with it? 

It is truly staggering how retarded and stupid the enemy really is. 
Fried chicken and watermelon? Really dude?
Wow. Racist or not, that was immature.
zj2420, maybe it sounds racist to you but that just shows you have no idea how many black thugs and criminals truly live in america. 

I don't live where Fake lives, so I can't say from personal experience how bad it really is, but I have seen enough video's and even television programs that aren't made with a white bias where you can clearly see how fucked up those blacks really are. 

Also it has been stated many times that the word racist is bullshit made up by jews. It is high time that the people on this forum finally learn this and stop spouting this jewish bullshit. 

If you are black I have nothing against you, unless you are like those deranged motherfuckers that have flood america and europe. They aren't blacks anymore, just a bunch of arrogant, stupid, deranged wild animals that have lost everything they once were. Most of the black people that live in the crime ridden terrible "hoods" all over america are even less than a shade of their former self. 
I live in one of the most black infested towns in Michigan, probably ranked about 6th with detroit being ranked #1.
So YES the black really DO act like that and I've gotten into more fistfights with these fucking thugs than I can count.

Even some of my black FRIENDS were all for the fried chicken and watermelon.
They even made their own jokes about it.

Stereotypes aren't "racist" they exist because they're TRUE.

I even saw 2 black ...I dont want to call them women OR girls because the way they behaved was literally LOWER than the most disgusting of animals but one time while riding a bus these 2 black...I guess I'll say females, were fighting and cursing over a MAN literally screaming "GIT YO OWN MAN BITCH, THATS MY DICK!"
They screamed this and many other profane obscenities back and forth at each other in front of CHILDREN and what REALLY pissed me off is the bus driver couldnt kick them off the bus without being fired for "racism".....REALLY? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?

So YES they really ARE that fucked up!
OK. So so far what I've gathered is you're only racist if you hate whites and racism is a made up word by jews. Seems logical...by the way shaman, were you kicked out of the military or did you quit. You have two recent posts that don't seem to add up. Elaborate a bit if you would
what is wrong with people these days when I was reading this I was disguisted and I actually laughed (in a sickening way)
That's fine and all. I'm aware of wayward blacks. I live in a town full of them. Everyone has their dipshits in the bunch. That's not the point. That was just blatently immature. Fried chicken jokes just seem unneccesary and a tad juvenile that's all I'm saying. I've heard the same shit from angry flannel loving rednecks who hate just to hate. I think you should at least present yourselves with some class. Act like spiritually awakened individuals right?
ZJ it seems to me more like you just want to start a fight because of my choice of words which are in fact FACTUAL.
As for getting kicked out of the ARMY, I was slandered by jews but even without that I was going to quit either way.The jews slandering me and getting me fired just proved my point on WHY I was going to quit anyway.
I became politically aware, told off the retarded pranksters in my platoon for acting like they're in an episode of jackass and then 2 jews who already hated me for calling out their bullshit slandered me.
Zimmerman because I got his retarded ass busted for drug possession and Sabacinski because I humiliated his pathetic kike ass without even lifting a finger.
But if you want to start up infighting because of a little humor which is STILL TRUE then thats your loss.

On Monday, March 21, 2016 8:37 AM, "zj2420@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  OK. So so far what I've gathered is you're only racist if you hate whites and racism is a made up word by jews. Seems logical...by the way shaman, were you kicked out of the military or did you quit. You have two recent posts that don't seem to add up. Elaborate a bit if you would

Woah man. Slow down. I simply noticed two different versions of the same story. If you were gonna quit, you probably shouldn't have said "I quit the military." Twice might I add.
Well in either case I was definitely through with working for the government.
And given how fucking incompetent the government desk jockeys are I say its not going to be much longer before the people get fed up and revolt against these fucking traitors and lazy bureaucrats too.

On Monday, March 21, 2016 6:50 PM, "zj2420@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Woah man. Slow down. I simply noticed two different versions of the same story. If you were gonna quit, you probably shouldn't have said "I quit the military." Twice might I add.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
