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Another RTR WIN


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Their masks are dropping harder than ever. This is what happens when we here get serious on the RTRs and ruin their biggest holiday.


I wanna see now the 85 IQ leftist NPC's try to reason it out how come the Chinese are actually running something a thousand times more restrictive than Hitler, but we are actually as a planet pretending it's all fine and to be tolerated, because I guess, jew shekel factories are there and the jewish ideology of Karl Marx flies on the banner of China.

Maybe the NPC's will get rebooted into actual conscious humans and think to themselves: Maybe Hitler did nothing wrong, as he never did any of this. And maybe what he said about Communism, from which he defended his nation and Europe, actually had to go. Maybe Hitler had his reasons for wanting to destroy Communist when he did, and taking the risks that he did.

3 million poor people in camps now, understand what the eggs of Karl Marx have caused them, and the evil idea that all of this is done for the good of the "Commune".

Hitler did nothing wrong, he did what he had to do to defend Europe from the rising scourge, that rears it's ugly head and demands your life, your information, everything you produce, and to put you in a camp for it. He saved his country that was almost usurped and stolen by these jewish ideology infested ghouls, and the Germans stood their ground.

Time for people to understand that everything that was heaped onto Hitler after the Second World War war, was nothing but the Scapegoating of Communists of their own crimes, and fabrications. Communism has done this over and over again in many Nations, let us face the reality, and deal with this scourge once and for all.

And the jews like Bernie Sanders and many others have the nerve to promote this scourge and bring it in schools, in Western Nations, and espouse this criminal ideology, which has repeated itself with amounts of victims that make all the words of history just pale and look like nothing.
Last time I heard of something this big were concentration camps (Gulags) in USSR.

This is horrible! It was about time for the world to see this!

And more morale boost, to keep doing RTRs!!!

Hail Satan!!! The victory is ours!!!
Shael said:
Their masks are dropping harder than ever. This is what happens when we here get serious on the RTRs and ruin their biggest holiday.



This is Awesome Shael. The Kol Nidre. All the crimes of the jews are shown to the world!! Let the world see the truth!
Larissa666 said:
Last time I heard of something this big were concentration camps (Gulags) in USSR.

This is horrible! It was about time for the world to see this!

And more morale boost, to keep doing RTRs!!!

Hail Satan!!! The victory is ours!!!

Hail Satan Sister
Leveling the entire city of Beijing when?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hitler did nothing wrong, he did what he had to do to defend Europe from the rising scourge, that rears it's ugly head and demands your life, your information, everything you produce, and to put you in a camp for it. He saved his country that was almost usurped and stolen by these jewish ideology infested ghouls, and the Germans stood their ground.

Time for people to understand that everything that was heaped onto Hitler after the Second World War war, was nothing but the Scapegoating of Communists of their own crimes, and fabrications. Communism has done this over and over again in many Nations, let us face the reality, and deal with this scourge once and for all.
Oh preach it my Cobra, no one is batting an eye to this absurdity, yet Oy vey Hitler! Oh my god. This makes me so proud though to be on the right side of History! Hitler, don’t worry Mein Führer, we got yo back, and we won’t let them soil your good name. The eternal truth is Satan and Satan is forever, and as such the truth will be forever and people will know.

Really highlights the power of our work. Think a few decades ago. How many knew the truth of Hitler? Look at us now, his name is exalted. As is the big guy himself, my sweet Satan. The Joy of Satan.

I’m going to go spam Hitlers good name on the internet now. I encourage others to do the same! Let’s do it for the Fuhrer!

Hail Hitler, Mein Fuhrer! Hail My Sweet Satan!

(Also side note, on my phone any language other than English typed gets autocorrected. I type some hebrew in mockery, and no autocorrect.)
Oh I’m so excited about it, I must say it again
Going to spread your good name Mein Fuhrer, oh what a delight.

What a delight. My goodness, I want to bath inside this excitement. I want to just scrub my... ears and my... body and my..eyeballs with it
The spotlight on China is exposing so much. We're seeing those who are commie sellouts that are from other countries. As well as the world seeing the Chinese government for what it truly is. A corrupt and horrible regime or in other words communist.
But these people are muslims.
The comment about the jews got shoah'd. But at least we know many people saw it and upvoted it. The spark has already gone past being a spark only and now is a fire that no one is going to extinguish.
We still need to to redpill trump and yang gang supporters into taking a third position and that there's is not political solutions and they will finally be closer to the truth.
Some more interesting stuff:



What is Uighur?
I did a tiny bit of research on the topic, and it seems they were/are an ethnic group in China that is prone to rebellion.

Over time economic disparities and ethnic tensions grew between the Uighur and Han populations that eventually resulted in protests and other disturbances.

A particularly violent outbreak occurred in July 2009, mainly in Ürümqi, in which it was reported that nearly 200 people (mostly Han) were killed and some 1,700 were injured. Violent incidents increased after that and included attacks by knife-wielding assailants and by suicide bombers.

Chinese authorities responded by cracking down on Uighurs suspected of being dissidents and separatists. The authorities’ actions included shootings, arrests, and long jail sentences until 2017, when the Chinese government initiated a thorough crackdown on Uighurs in Xinjiang. Citing a need for greater security, the government set up cameras, checkpoints, and constant police patrols in Uighur-dominated areas.

The most controversial governmental undertaking—which was met by protests from human-rights organizations—was the indefinite detention of up to one million Uighurs in “political training centres,” heavily fortified buildings that were likened to the reeducation camps of the Mao Zedong era. In August 2018 the United Nations called upon China to end the detention, but government officials denied the existence of the camps.

I wonder how many people had no idea at all that these things are happening. Just imagine the outrage if these things start coming to light publicly on a worldwide scale.

Gaming companies like Tencent and Blizzard funding china communism. Every money spend on china productions is spending to advance communism.
Seeing that it was motivation. You know we would be their ideal candidates to throw in their concentration camps. We are fighting for our very lives here because we are not the conforming herd like most peoples out there. We don't only do it for them but for ourselves. Good work is getting done this period by myself and our team here.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
And the jews like Bernie Sanders and many others have the nerve to promote this scourge and bring it in schools, in Western Nations, and espouse this criminal ideology,
Communist propaganda in a "legal", "democratic" way. We are also told in Romania about communism, obviously they don't say nothing about jewish communist criminals or communist genocides, but never depicted communism as something good neither. They can't do nothing this about this as most people at least partly know what communism is.
Jack said:
But these people are muslims.
So what? They have a rebellious nature that makes them rise up against the communist system in china. This is why they were thrown into that modern-day gulag. Considering how widespread the abrahamic faiths still are around the world, it's only natural that even some of the groups rebelling in nobility are infested with it.

These gulags are an enourmous crime against humanity that shows perfectly what the jews plan to do with this world. Whether or not the people there are muslims does not matter shit.
this happened in germany the second of october..heard about it at work from my fitter..he hates jews with a passion too heh. hes always talking about how we should throw a bomb on israel xD..good stuff...RTR wins all around :twisted:
Aside from the christian bs good infos about communism.

Shael said:
Jack said:
But these people are muslims.
So what? They have a rebellious nature that makes them rise up against the communist system in china. This is why they were thrown into that modern-day gulag. Considering how widespread the abrahamic faiths still are around the world, it's only natural that even some of the groups rebelling in nobility are infested with it.

These gulags are an enourmous crime against humanity that shows perfectly what the jews plan to do with this world. Whether or not the people there are muslims does not matter shit.
Well that is true
The camps exist for another reason that is overlooked.
I do not know why Hitler is one of the most hated men in History? Clearly the populace does not know any history at all? The Americas were founded on Genocide and the absolute murder rape and torture of the Tribes of the Americas..Pretty much every single country in the world has been found on bloodshed/war..Hitler actually was extremely justified in his pursuits its too bad the average person is so brainwashed. I am struggling with my anger day to day Its just so hard to believe that the masses continue to believe in bullshit programs that even once you
take out that you cannot flip more then 1 or 2 pages without coming across blood sacrifices , gang rape , threats and fear tactics/intimidation on behalf of "the god of israel" even so far as death threats along the lines of things like "if you do not obey the lord thy god i will destroy you and burn you forever" ...And , even after hate filled pages of empty threats and vile putrid bullshit filth , people continue to believe/worship this crap feeding the enemy massive amounts of energy even though science and history have disproved the foolish false religions. I just have to agree that everyone is doing a good job , the enemy is cornered we just have to finish them.
I am still a beginner and I realize how tough it can be when under attack from enemy entities , for me when it comes to the point where I am literally under attack I have learned to simply show no fear to these pricks , if your a dedicated satanist and the entity is slandering our gods or trying to torment you with threats insults , or even physical attacks , if it gets to much and I cannot get rid of them , all I do is call upon my guardian Demon , and within minutes at max usually the enemy/s are thwarted , now my guardian Demon is teaching me to be self sufficient and how to thwart angels and such on my own. I know many of us have personal hold backs in our life that make it hard to do rituals or spiritual warfare , but EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS , and I am sure our Gods appreciate even what little you can do as long as we are trying.

HAIL SATAN! May Satans dark blessings come unto us all!
Shael said:
Some more interesting stuff:



What is Uighur?
I did a tiny bit of research on the topic, and it seems they were/are an ethnic group in China that is prone to rebellion.

Over time economic disparities and ethnic tensions grew between the Uighur and Han populations that eventually resulted in protests and other disturbances.

A particularly violent outbreak occurred in July 2009, mainly in Ürümqi, in which it was reported that nearly 200 people (mostly Han) were killed and some 1,700 were injured. Violent incidents increased after that and included attacks by knife-wielding assailants and by suicide bombers.

Chinese authorities responded by cracking down on Uighurs suspected of being dissidents and separatists. The authorities’ actions included shootings, arrests, and long jail sentences until 2017, when the Chinese government initiated a thorough crackdown on Uighurs in Xinjiang. Citing a need for greater security, the government set up cameras, checkpoints, and constant police patrols in Uighur-dominated areas.

The most controversial governmental undertaking—which was met by protests from human-rights organizations—was the indefinite detention of up to one million Uighurs in “political training centres,” heavily fortified buildings that were likened to the reeducation camps of the Mao Zedong era. In August 2018 the United Nations called upon China to end the detention, but government officials denied the existence of the camps.

I wonder how many people had no idea at all that these things are happening. Just imagine the outrage if these things start coming to light publicly on a worldwide scale.

I made a thread about Uighurs over a year ago -

China is detaining muslims in vast numbers; the goal - ‘transformation’
FancyMancy said:
I made a thread about Uighurs over a year ago -

China is detaining muslims in vast numbers; the goal - ‘transformation’

China has definitely picked Catholicism as its flavor of poison. As always, those Communists which, according to the masses, are meant to be "atheistic", are once again, pushing the Xian agenda and mass conversions. This is no surprise, as North Korea has chosen Catholicism too. Watching the Abrahamic religions cannibalistically consume each other like a barrel of starving rats until there's only one big fat rat remaining is certainly the norm, and China was fertile ground for mass conversions, given they've spent the last decades trying their absolute hardest to completely destroy any semblance of native and ancestral polytheism of any variety.
I was surprised they were even bothering to get rid of the local Protestant churches in China, but as it turns out, the Chinese government considered them fronts for American intelligence. Funny, considering Cathoshit churches are intelligence fronts for the Jew World Order anyway, so that's hilariously redundant.

Anyway, all this said, this isn't the first blow China's taken lately. This Hong Kong secession has revealed much of China's nature to the world, and much of the public is now openly questioning why world governments and corporations alike are willing to deal with such a tyrannical institution who's been routinely organ harvesting millions of dissidents. The amount of rage Activision-Blizzard (the company behind World of Warcraft) generated after taking away the prize winnings of one of their e-sport players for saying "liberate Hong Kong" during the tournament was far beyond my expectations. Its generated quite the domino effect, since the CEO of Activision, Bobby Kotick, was only just found in Epstein's "little black book" as well. All that said, the bottom line of this drama was that the mob is beginning to question the ethics (or lack thereof) of these jew run corporations who try to promote fake progressiveness in the west while immediately supporting a regressive communist dictatorship in the east that stands for everything they claim to hate. People really are beginning to wake up to the fact Capitalism in general is nothing but "muh shekels" and how well "Communist" China has become "Capitalist". Wow, it's almost like there's no difference between the two systems. Would you look at that.

If you ever run into any Chinese commie shillbots online, just reference Winnie the Pooh, Tianamen Square, the Great Leap Forward, and then say liberate Hong Kong and proclaim Tawain is number #1 and watch them go into immediate meltdown. In fact, me writing these words in sequence has probably already caused some Commie spy's internet to turn off automatically. Heh heh heh.
This is an absolute travesty. Please don't label these people as "just Muslims". These are Uyghur Turks and most of them are just "casual Muslims" like the average Turkish citizen. You know, around how the average American or European feels about Christardity.

These people are brothers to our Turkish people and our government, instead of reaching a helping hand to these poor souls, instead takes in Syrian refugees by the millions because they are "(((our muslim brothers)))". Furthermore, the subhuman jew ruling our country threatens to release these hordes of invaders into Europe as well, basically holding them as bargaining chips. It all adds up into one big, atrocious, hypocritical picture.

All of us must fight ever harder to reach days where we will see these times as just a big, long nightmare with our eternal common enemy vanquished at our feet, forever.
These news do break the stupid conditioning that has all the jew infested Communist governments "not being as bad as Hitler at least", as it openly shows again that all the Communists are doing is blamed on Hitler. We know what Stalin did and we know what Hitler did.

Even in the event where the dumb NPC's insist on the imaginary numbers of Hitler's death toll, this was in the middle of war. Even the theoretical kosher arguments have collapsed here. This is 3 million people imprisoned during PEACETIME, without any real or viable enemy threatening the borders of China either. Just pure slave labor and abuse.

It's all a meme about Hitler, tons and dozens of atrocities have happened by the Communists which are at least 20 times more brutal or more far reaching than whatever else believed Hitler, even the fraud and hoax stuff like the 6 imaginary quasi-trillions that he was supposed to have killed.

In reality, Hitler didn't do 1% compared to the human death toll of the Communists. Only Mao's, 50 to 100 millions of death toll is enough to surpass all the imaginary times over 5 times. H

The whole "Hitler was so evil" meme is just a misdirection from the actual dangers which are looming and have reared their heads many times, and still continue doing the same to this day, unabeted, it's Communism that is a problem. Communist leftovers and propaganda in the United States have done enough to erode the very fabric of the nation down to almost all young brains. Generations have been brainwashed.

As for the situation of the US taking advantage of China, why did this happen? Because the international capital doesn't give a shit guys. If a "government" is willing to sell it's people in sweatshops, rest reassured, everyone will be there to buy slave labor. This is how the world works at this point.

China is setting a globally dangerous standard of zero human rights, zero work and labor rewards, a huge surveillance state, and also, it is increasing it's grip and has most of the world's production in it's hands. The situation of China is a really alarming one. We aren't talking Communist Albania here, we are talking Communist power with billion plus population, setting a precedent of slavery worldwide.

China has worsened and intensified from 2012 to 2019 and we can see clearly where it's going to be in like 5 or 10 years time, it's gonna get real bad for the people here.
Satan's Peacock said:
This is an absolute travesty. Please don't label these people as "just Muslims". These are Uyghur Turks and most of them are just "casual Muslims" like the average Turkish citizen. You know, around how the average American or European feels about Christardity.

These people are brothers to our Turkish people and our government, instead of reaching a helping hand to these poor souls, instead takes in Syrian refugees by the millions because they are "(((our muslim brothers)))". Furthermore, the subhuman jew ruling our country threatens to release these hordes of invaders into Europe as well, basically holding them as bargaining chips. It all adds up into one big, atrocious, hypocritical picture.

All of us must fight ever harder to reach days where we will see these times as just a big, long nightmare with our eternal common enemy vanquished at our feet, forever.

Am getting so confused these days
Because I saw five videos from Xinjiang recorded by a Canadian YouTuber living in Guangzhou and teaching English there
His name is numuves ( I disagree with him wanting to silence anti vaxxers which just proves how brainwashed he got)
What i saw in the streets of Xinjiang was so many Uyghurs walking in the streets speaking Uyghur
However whenever I read reports of Uyghurs from all walks of life getting imprisoned including CCP loyalists it really confuses me as to how does it really work in Xinjiang
idiocy smasher said:
Satan's Peacock said:
This is an absolute travesty. Please don't label these people as "just Muslims". These are Uyghur Turks and most of them are just "casual Muslims" like the average Turkish citizen. You know, around how the average American or European feels about Christardity.

These people are brothers to our Turkish people and our government, instead of reaching a helping hand to these poor souls, instead takes in Syrian refugees by the millions because they are "(((our muslim brothers)))". Furthermore, the subhuman jew ruling our country threatens to release these hordes of invaders into Europe as well, basically holding them as bargaining chips. It all adds up into one big, atrocious, hypocritical picture.

All of us must fight ever harder to reach days where we will see these times as just a big, long nightmare with our eternal common enemy vanquished at our feet, forever.

Am getting so confused these days
Because I saw five videos from Xinjiang recorded by a Canadian YouTuber living in Guangzhou and teaching English there
His name is numuves ( I disagree with him wanting to silence anti vaxxers which just proves how brainwashed he got)
What i saw in the streets of Xinjiang was so many Uyghurs walking in the streets speaking Uyghur
However whenever I read reports of Uyghurs from all walks of life getting imprisoned including CCP loyalists it really confuses me as to how does it really work in Xinjiang

Just found this tho
It's crazy how the Jews are attempting to convince us about their care and compassion for gentiles
His face looks disgusting

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
