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Announcing the “Ask Satan” Service: Ask Private Questions Anonymously!

Blitzkreig [JG]

Head of Community
Sep 24, 2019
[email protected]
Update 12/20
The Ask-Satan.net Forum has now been created.
Any new questions will have their own threads made to aid organization. Please look their for your answers.
New questions will no longer be posted within the older mega-threads. All unanswered questions have been moved from the mega-thread to a separate thread.

Please avoid submitting questions to the AS service which do not require anonymity to ask! This will disorganize the service, therefore we can no longer post such questions as of now.

Repeat: Questions that do not need to be posted anonymous will be rejected. Please use normal methods for asking normal question! Thank you for understanding this.

Update 12/19

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=407485 time=1671436135 user_id=57]

Do not use this service for normal questions! Each one takes time for the operator to post. If you are asking about who a God is in another pantheon, for example, this is NOT a personal, secret, anonymous, embarrasing, or natal chart related question! There is no need whatsoever to post something like this anonymously!

Members need to participate in the forums, not use this service to avoid participating normally. Please be respectful, post regular questions here yourself, instead of going through an anonymous service. Otherwise, you are defeating the purpose of this anonymous service.

Update 12/18
View the associated mega-threads for your questions here:
General Questions
Astrology Questions
Health Questions

Greetings Satanic Family,


As many are aware, we are engaged by the enemy not just spiritually, but also digitally. To implement their plans of digital technocracy, the enemy desires to create a digital 'web' and hope that the lazy get caught within it.

Systems like Facebook, Google, your phone, and almost all other mainstream services attempt to violate your privacy for malicious purposes. They hope you become careless and simply give in to the “convenience” of trusting them with a full profile of data. For this reason, I hope everyone completes the most basic steps of digital security, which are necessary to learn.

Beyond automatic methods for tracking, the enemy will also try to infiltrate us directly. We know of many past occult societies, like the Freemasons, which have now been totally corrupted. It would be silly for us to pretend that JoS is completely immune to this, and that we can simply let down our guards entirely.

At the same time, how can we seek solutions to our problems when doing so reveals a weakness that may be exploited? This danger is amplified when we are discussing astrological data, as those who know the natal information of another can plan attacks directly when and where we may already be under a lot of pressure.

Although a single point alone cannot recreate a chart, sometimes people will reveal a variety of their chart information over an extended period of time. Armed with multiple unique points, it is much more likely that a chart can be recreated, especially with enough diligence. At the very least, the enemy can hone in on the inherent weaknesses associated with each placement.

For this reason, this requires our mods to strictly limit this information. At the same time, how can we expect to learn astrology, if we cannot even discuss it? For us to grow, it is important that everyone understands their natal chart, at least in basic amounts.

With this in mind, an idea came to me: https://ask-satan.net/


‘Ask Satan’ is a JoS website where individuals can anonymously submit questions that they need answered. After submission, a trusted member will review and post these questions onto the forums through the AskSatanOperator account.

From here, everyone can see and answer these questions without any way to trace the information back to you. Similarly, the website operators are also blinded from knowing who submitted the question, unlike email.

Based on the question you submitted, you can soon find your question posted within the it's own thread, within the Ask-Satan.net Forum.

The questions will be submitted to the appropriate thread through the AskSatanOperator account. As with the ‘Ask All Questions Here!’ thread, many people can reply to your question. This increases the likelihood of getting an answer, plus it does not result in advanced members getting bogged down answering simple, yet private questions through email.

With all this in mind, please respect a few rules for the smoothest operation:

1) Keep your messages anonymous!

Please do not tell anyone who you are within the message itself. There is no need to say “Hey, it’s Blitz…” nor should any other revealing information be given at any point in time.

2) Within the ‘Ask Satan’ threads, do not reveal the identity behind your question or others!

This defeats the point of the anonymous service. Instead, you can submit additional questions, or see Rule 5 to have AskSatanOperator quote other users directly.

3) Make your messages short and simple.

Only include critical details or anything directly relevant to your question. This helps people quickly and easily answer you.

4) Do not include multiple astrological natal points or unrelated questions!

Not only does this complicate the answer and reduce the likelihood of someone answering you, but this can violate the security of the service, especially if a whole natal chart is submitted.

Submit multiple separate questions instead of one large and complicated one.

5) If you need to reference another user’s comment, please attach the URL of that post within your message.

In the case that you want AskSatanOperator to quote another user, such as for additional questions, please include the URL address with your question. To find the URL of a specific post, right-click on the title of that post, then click “copy link”.

If you then test the link within your browser, it should load the page directly at that specific post. This is how the site operator will know which post you are referring to exactly.

Here is an example of the link to a specific post within a thread: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=80179&p=406085#p406085

6) Follow the normal JoS rules.

This is not a service for attacking people directly or other poor behavior. This is not a gossip service.

Follow all of the above and you can expect your question to be posted and hopefully answered within a short amount of time. If your question was not posted, it is most likely one of these rules was violated, and therefore the site operator had to reject the question.

With that in mind, do not hesitate to make use of this service! This is supposed to be a comfortable and safe way for people to get answers. Both advanced and new SS can find use here!

Try the new service out now: https://ask-satan.net/


Many people helped with this project. Please acknowledge the work of your fellow SS:

Blitzkreig [JG] : Initial idea and development
Lydia [JG]: idea development
Soaring Eagle 666: website development, idea development
NakedPluto: idea development
VoiceofEnki : idea development
HP. Hoodedcobra666: website hosting, project oversight
DeepScrub: hosting support, idea development
Blackdragon666 [JG]: idea development
This is great!
Well done, everyone. Thank you :D
Very useful, thank you,
although personally don't give a damn about them.
Great work done here. Thanks to the all contributors!
Excellent idea! This will help a lot of people!

I have wanted to ask questions anonymously before, and haven't, because there was no easy way to do it.

Thanks to all the contributors on this project.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=407122 time=1671323180 user_id=21286]

Many people helped with this project. Please acknowledge the work of your fellow SS:

Blitzkreig [JG] : Initial idea and development
Lydia [JG]: idea development
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG]: website development, idea development
NakedPluto: idea development
VoiceofEnki : idea development
HP. Hoodedcobra666: website hosting, project oversight
DeepScrub: hosting support, idea development
Blackdragon666 [JG]: idea development

Congratulations to everybody involved. Great job.

I have two questions, though.

Is this service only suitable for concrete questions (questions that can be answered with more verifiable evidence), or can it be used for things like divination or an indirect astral communication with the Gods as well (e.g. how well a ritual was performed)?

The other question I wrote there to test the service. :)
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=407122 time=1671323180 user_id=21286]
Greetings Satanic Family,


perfect 👏
im seeing a massive FAQ section coming along in the near future with this one it is a good idea though well done :)
I may have messed up on a couple of those questions? On one of them I gave my name.. and I kind of rambled on. That's no front page news... and I kind of sounded like a dork. And I should have read the instructions!!! BEFORE
I started to ask Satan anything!!! AND NOW...??? What do I do...lol....and yes it has been a long day for me at work! And I have no further excuses
And in a word I think I may have repeated a couple of things here and there... and I don't like making a fool of myself! So I will just start over again? And make it short and go along with the rules that are posted here...my mistake I just jumped on without reading the rules
It is really awesome. It turned out excellent.

Blitz's achievement in initiating this by coming up and proposing the idea cannot be understated!

Hail Satan!
Elas Qilar said:
Is this service only suitable for concrete questions (questions that can be answered with more verifiable evidence), or can it be used for things like divination or an indirect astral communication with the Gods as well (e.g. how well a ritual was performed)?

This is not communicating with the gods. This is a way of writing a comment on this website, so you will get whatever answer we are able to give you.
The background image is extremely well chosen. The service overall looks promising and one can see the work invested in it but the starry background grabbed my attention.
I am impressed and proud of how quickly this idea developed and expanded, and the website was created right away. And now it's public!

(Btw, if anyone does write their name in their message, as mentioned above, the names will be removed and not posted, of course.)

Wonderful idea, JG Blitzkreig :)

Hail Satan!
Hail the Joy of Satan!
Dragonheart666 said:
I may have messed up on a couple of those questions? On one of them I gave my name.. and I kind of rambled on. That's no front page news... and I kind of sounded like a dork. And I should have read the instructions!!! BEFORE
I started to ask Satan anything!!! AND NOW...??? What do I do...lol....and yes it has been a long day for me at work! And I have no further excuses
No worries! Have fun. Your name will be removed when your questions are posted.

But, I would like to make a friendly observation. You, in particular, have a very unique style of writing, which I can recognize in your messages. You use a lot of short sentences. And extra periods... On the forums, I think it's cute. It reminds me of you being a positive influence here for years! But for the Ask Satan messages, you might want to change your writing style.

AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
The background image is extremely well chosen. The service overall looks promising and one can see the work invested in it but the starry background grabbed my attention.
Thank you!
As a matter of fact, Blitzkreig's original idea was a site for astrology questions, and I had recently written a star image generator, so I thought it would be a fun use for it. Although the idea changed to a general-purpose site, the background still seems fitting. I felt a strong guidance to keep it there. The darkness represents the concealment of anonymity, and the stars represent the fact that our Gods are from out there.
And yes I get in a venting mode every now and then. Especially when it comes to the Jews! And their childish behavior! AND for the fact that they thrive! On being predators... 🤔🤬... and I don't mean to post run-ons on here but sometimes I just have to get all this anger out of me! We have dealt with these enemy idiots for centuries now! And it's just daunting the way they treat us people! And the thing is we haven't done anything to those people to bring it on laugh out loud they chose to take it out on us just because? They're Jewish and because they're aliens! And because they're jealous and self-centered and empty bottomless fucking shell with no consciousness at all whatsoever
And why they just keep going going at it? Thinking they're going to get something out of it when they're not! Because they know that we're going to come back fighting every time! And we do have the right to protect ourselves
And I am not going to let the enemy strip me of my belongings! And I am certainly not going to allow them to pull me away from my home and my family! And I will do everything and anything in Satan's name to protect what I have! And what rightfully belongs to me and my folks! :D I have RTR's and I will do protection spells. I have Satan and he is all I need!!!🙏❤️
What a beautiful service our SS people launched :)

It is a very good thing that now we can ask questions anonymously.

I think being even more incognito than before will really help us attracting more members that with a lot of certainty want to ask questions, but they feel like having only a username and a password here on the forums is not secure enough.

The thing is, how may the members that want to ask questions anonymously, after having their questions answered, quote and answer to the more experienced members who have answered?

I think a quotation function should also be introduced in the ask-satan.net service.

And, does the server have somea good guarantees of security, and by this I mean all the information is removed and not even temporarily stored.

And what about certain individuals who like to waste people's time and most importantly the, operators' time by posting a mega text walled question that is going to take hours or even days to review.

I find it even on the forums and such that there are some new members that are using drugs like the altereg0name user who said he or she bought 2 grams of dmt dangerous drug. What is going to happen with the questions of those individuals? I mean, I certainly like the idea that even them can ask questions more anonymously but, there is a certain thing that some of them can be Mageson / supposed High Priest Mageson666 accounts that can pretend.

And, as I searched a lot of info regarding Mageson666, he really knows how to get into easibly influencable people's psyche by havung a writing style of a teen in a very dangerous situation.

And a final question, how does a member know if the question he or she asked has been dissaproved?

There is only the notification sign that is available of course, if you register on the forums.

On the ask-satan.net service, there is no such thing as a notification option.

Please take your time and answer those questions.

Thanks in advance
Hail Satan
Absolutely brilliant :idea:

I think I just fell in love with the minds behind this :p

Thank you so sooo much :D
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=407122 time=1671323180 user_id=21286]
Greetings Satanic Family,

I love this idea! You are truly creating a service that will revolutionize the forums.

I think a megathread with sent and answered questions will also give other members information in those areas where they themselves had similar questions that couldn't be asked.

Amazing work brother!

I am wondering. I know that certain questions relating to health can reveal a lot of information, such as a chronology of health events and doctor/specialist visits.

For these more complex (edited) questions I wonder if a detailed enough answer can still be given. Maybe I'm over-thinking this as one could change the order of events in both the question and given answer.

This still sounds like it might be a lot of work. Do you suppose there's a way (in a practical sense) to create an anonymous message board in Tor (all registered members posting as 'Anonymous') with PM threads (access exclusive to OP's account) in order to filter out such Q&As from the megathread? (Or something like that?) I'm not very smart with this tech stuff and I imagine such a thing not being easy in terms of creation and implementation.

All in all this is phenomenal and I have no qualms or complaints regarding your work. More just the above curiosity/speculation. Again, with practicality in mind, nothing can be perfect I suppose. What we have here already comes pretty darn close.
Congratulations on the good work guys!
BlueLake666 said:
The thing is, how may the members that want to ask questions anonymously, after having their questions answered, quote and answer to the more experienced members who have answered?

I think a quotation function should also be introduced in the ask-satan.net service.

As JG Blitzkreig wrote in the OP, the user can then post the link to the question they want to quote for a further question. The operator will then include it in the new post.

For your next question, any post that violates the rules will be ignored and rejected. The operator cannot spend a long period of time deciphering a huge wall of text with irrelevant rambling. Time, especially for an SS, is precious.

If someone's message does not get posted to the forums, then perhaps they can consider if it violated any rule as outlined in the OP. They are welcome to re-word it and post it again. And please give an amount of time to allow for messages to be posted, do not re-post after only a few hours, for example.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=407238 time=1671359946 user_id=57]
BlueLake666 said:
The thing is, how may the members that want to ask questions anonymously, after having their questions answered, quote and answer to the more experienced members who have answered?

I think a quotation function should also be introduced in the ask-satan.net service.

As JG Blitzkreig wrote in the OP, the user can then post the link to the question they want to quote for a further question. The operator will then include it in the new post.

For your next question, any post that violates the rules will be ignored and rejected. The operator cannot spend a long period of time deciphering a huge wall of text with irrelevant rambling. Time, especially for an SS, is precious.

If someone's message does not get posted to the forums, then perhaps they can consider if it violated any rule as outlined in the OP. They are welcome to re-word it and post it again. And please give an amount of time to allow for messages to be posted, do not re-post after only a few hours, for example.

Thank you for answering my post.

I am glad that everything got clarified :)
Excellent work and very necessary, congratulations to everyone involved.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=407122 time=1671323180 user_id=21286]
Fantastic work to all involved!
Re: Announcing the “Ask Satan” Service: Ask Private Questions Anonymously!Quote Dragonheart666
by Dragonheart666 » Sun Dec 18, 2022 3:02 am
A brillant idea Blitz, thannks to you all who have worked on this.

Would be a good idea to give the megathread a unique section.
This is excellent Brother and the entire team who was involved in the creation of this. Already I can see this service is encouraging more intelligent and subtle questions from members who were probably a little reticent.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
