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Animals are Sacred in Satanism

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Many of our Gods, especially the High Ranking ones have certain animals that are very important symbols, representing them.

Animals are innocents. The majority of people cannot see that animals are intelligent, thinking, feeling beings that are very aware.

Domestic animals are sadly treated like merchandise. The owner grows tired or has some other flimsy excuse and advertises and dumps the animal on someone else. No real feeling or regrets.

Domestic pets are family. People shouldn't adopt an animal friend if they are not capable of providing the necessary care and love, along with a permanent home.

Judeo/Christianity has programmed people to disregard animal welfare. This alien agenda is behind factory farming and other heinous crimes against animals. Like animals just don't matter.

People who adopt a dog or cat or any other animal and give it or sell it on a whim, don't have the intelligence or awareness to even consider how the animal feels.

Pets who lost their homes to this sort of thing often have psychological problems. They don't understand why they were dumped. Adapting to a new family, a new environment can be very stressful, or in some cases nearly impossible. No different from human children shuffled to different foster homes.

There are things to really take seriously when considering adopting a pet. Know this pet has feelings, awareness and emotions beyond what most people believe.

Never give an animal as a gift unless you are certain the animal is wanted, and that he/she will be taken care of and given a permanent home.

Be aware and prepared that shelter animals can have psychological problems. An animal shelter is not a pleasant place. Animals brought there are often very distressed and cannot understand why the owner abandoned them. The vibes in these places are horrid (for people who are aware and can sense them).

It can take months and even years for an animal to overcome trauma. There must be consistently loving support and patience.

Know that animals can be destructive. No different from human children. Patience and awareness are crucial here with both.

Lilith is the Patron Goddess of all animals, especially cats. She wanted me to write this article to remind everyone. Animals are sacred in Satanism and should be treated with consideration and care.

I've had pets over the years and have learned much. Some asshole dumped a tiny kitten of about 4 weeks old in the middle of the road, abandoning her in the worst way.

She had trauma that lasted quite a while. I had to feed her human food for infants. Her digestive system wasn't even mature enough for regular solid foods. When she laid on me, she was so terrified of falling asleep, she'd open her eyes with a startle every time her head would nod. This lasted a couple if weeks. This is what being dumped in the middle of the did to her. Also being taken from her mother like that.
She eventually overcame all of this.

In addition, I learned much from rescuing and rehabilitating birds. They are highly intelligent and aware creatures. They do NOT belong in cages. No animal should be kept in a cage or crate.

My daughter when she was a teen, many years ago rescued a pigeon from some rotten kids who were kicking it. The pigeon had a broken leg. We built an enclosure with a little house inside and food and water. The pigeon seemed healed and ready to go at one point. I took her outside. She flew to the window and wanted back in.
A couple weeks later, she was ready to go and this time flew away.

I've had many experiences with animals. Animals are not property or merchandise. They are living, feeling, aware and intelligent beings with souls. YES, ANIMALS HAVE SOULS AND CHAKRAS as we humans do, but are different and unique as we are.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
My grandmother got a rehomed dog a few years ago.

The dog was used to breed with, afterwards it was taken to some place and they castrated him.

The poor thing has been so so scared of people and still is. If some big shadow stands in front of the window or door (he is almost blind now) he barks.
Now he is not so afraid of visitors anymore whic is good but he cant be left alone for long times. Even a few hours. My grandmother turns on the radio to keep him company if she is doing grocery shopping or something. But the dog still whines if it has to stay with the guests for a few minutes because she has to go to the toilet.
He is very attached to her and doesnt want to be left alone. And this is after 5 years. ..

She has had rehomed dogs before but not directly from a shelter but from people that just simply couldnt take care of them anymore or take them with them where they went so they sought a new home for them.
Which.. Seemed to go fine or much better than this one.
One thing I want to mention here, is many people own dogs, and the owners really flip out about the dog's toenails scratching up the floors. I mean, for fucks sakes, floors are not some fancy ornament for the home. They are floors, meant to be walked on and catch things that fall. If you don't want anything scratching the floors, put in more durable practical floors. I have known too many people who keep their dogs locked in a cage all day while they are at work, and only let the dog out when there is supervision to make sure the dog's toenails don't scratch up their precious floors.

Because apparently the thing on the ground that you walk on, is more important than the well-being of a living creature that will give you unconditional love, loyalty, and companionship for their entire life. :roll:
Some weeks ago, my aunt saw a small kitten being thrown out of a moving car into the sidewalk. She stopped to get him and he was bloody. She is now keeping him but guess where she keeps him when she comes here. IN A FRIGGIN, SMALL CAGE. And a river of excuses when you ask her or my grandma why she does that.
Years ago when I started doing Hatha and Kundalini yoga, I finally started to see animals as aware, sentient and intelligent beings. Before satanism I always felt a connection and need to help them, such as in feeding cats on the street, and I never understood how people could just abandon and hurt them. You have to be a degenerate and twisted to harm any living thing in such a way. In coming to Satanism, I was able to really put myself in animal's perspective. It is beautiful.

I feel the same way about plants and trees, especially. Everything alive in nature has a consciousness and soul. It's pretty wonderous.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Animals are innocents. The majority of people cannot see that animals are intelligent, thinking, feeling beings that are very aware.


No wonder one of the greatest geniuses of our century developed a deeply felt love for a pigeon and this seems to be viewed as a joke. Most cannot see his awareness must have been very superior to develop such a love.

In addition, I learned much from rescuing and rehabilitating birds. They are highly intelligent and aware creatures. They do NOT belong in cages. No animal should be kept in a cage or crate.

This instantly made me think of black crows and Ravens. They have a bigger brain than most birds which give them a serious edge in the animal kingdom.


Also studies have shown that crows & Ravens can also mimic human speech, just like parrots. You can check videos on this too.

More about this here for everyone...

Also one last thing I wanted to add is that even some of the Gods have insects that are sacred to them. Such as the scarab which is symbolic of metamorphosis and transformation. These can be seen throughout all of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. What they are important for is rolling animal dung, which the Egyptians had made this a representation of them pushing the sun across the sky.

They have extreme strength and resilience. Also they are THE only insects that use the sun, the moon and the milky way as a navigational tool. Quite impressive!
HPS Shannon said:
Years ago when I started doing Hatha and Kundalini yoga, I finally started to see animals as aware, sentient and intelligent beings. Before satanism I always felt a connection and need to help them, such as in feeding cats on the street, and I never understood how people could just abandon and hurt them. You have to be a degenerate and twisted to harm any living thing in such a way. In coming to Satanism, I was able to really put myself in animal's perspective. It is beautiful.

I feel the same way about plants and trees, especially. Everything alive in nature has a consciousness and soul. It's pretty wonderous.

I cannot wait to see this world change. Not only for humans but Animals as well. Being raised on a farm in a horrible area for Human Intelligence and decency. Children would rape and torture animals. Tying dogs to trees to be used as Targets for Archery Practice.

The raping of animals is rampant, they would do it in front of their family and random people. Once the serpent is raised and the world reaches a higher level of spirituality, this Depravity and Debauchery will be put to an end once and for all.
Re: Animals are Sacred in Satanism

[email protected]

Today at 1:04 AM

Out of curiosity, what about bugs/insects? What place do they hold in Satanism and to the gods? Are they also aware, have emotions, can be traumatized, etc like animals?
My reply:

On a lesser level. There are helpful insects and then there is parasitic vermin.

Farmers need to get rid of harmful insects. This is in nature. Satanism is based upon natural laws. This is why exterminators are important. Vermin such as fleas can cause plague, as what happened in Europe in 1348.

When one is facing survival, food and so forth, one must look out for one's self and needs. Hunting for food is one thing. Shooting and killing innocent animals to their extinction is another.

As for eating meat, I've stated this before. Veganism and vegetarianism are not healthy. Of course, if you are vegan and are OK with this, I'm not telling anyone what to do as there are no dietary laws in Satanism. As for eating meat, lions, tigers and other carnivores rip the guts out of their prey when they are still alive. This is in nature. Food animals for humans should be raised and killed as humanely as possible. Azazel even stated this.

If faced down with a deadly animal, one's life is the highest priority.

Just always remember, Satanism is based on nature and natural laws. Satanism does not conflict with nature.

Swatting flies, mosquitoes, exterminating cockroaches and so forth, the answer is obvious. If you don't, this vermin will make you a victim. Spreading disease, contaminating food and so forth.

In closing, I also want to clarify, when adopting any pet from a shelter (this is where adoptions into permanent loving homes are needed the most), be prepared and extra patient. It can take a long time for the abandoned animal to overcome trauma.

Again, Satanism is based on natural law. We are NOT Sikhs! Just use common sense.

If a wild animal is not bothering anyone or posing any threat, it should be left alone. The same goes for insects and bugs outside that pose no threat to humans or crops.

In Ancient Egypt, which was of Satan and our Gods, domestic animals were revered. Cats were mummified just like humans.

I wrote the article on animals because of the way animals are abused, neglected, given or sold like merchandise, hunted to extinction and so forth, by many rotten people who could care less.

What is happening to the environment another serious issue to say the least. Unless humans start waking up and take responsibility for this planet and live in harmony with the other creatures that have every right to live here as well, humanity will become extinct.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
THX for the post High Priestess Maxine Dietrich.

I have one question:

What do I miss in my every day nutrition as a vegetarian, if i eat regularly cheese products (did consider cheese equal to meat)?

(I started to be a vegetarian because i thought i don´t want to eat antibiotiks with the meat and it is harder to get fet if you only eat vegetabeles, fruits or milk stuff (no sweets). Did also read the antibiotiks are kind of help to get the animal faster fet in the meat mass production.)

Thx in advance , BMF
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Re: Animals are Sacred in Satanism

[email protected]

Today at 1:04 AM

Out of curiosity, what about bugs/insects? What place do they hold in Satanism and to the gods? Are they also aware, have emotions, can be traumatized, etc like animals?
My reply:

On a lesser level. There are helpful insects and then there is parasitic vermin.

Farmers need to get rid of harmful insects. This is in nature. Satanism is based upon natural laws. This is why exterminators are important. Vermin such as fleas can cause plague, as what happened in Europe in 1348.

When one is facing survival, food and so forth, one must look out for one's self and needs. Hunting for food is one thing. Shooting and killing innocent animals to their extinction is another.

As for eating meat, I've stated this before. Veganism and vegetarianism are not healthy. Of course, if you are vegan and are OK with this, I'm not telling anyone what to do as there are no dietary laws in Satanism. As for eating meat, lions, tigers and other carnivores rip the guts out of their prey when they are still alive. This is in nature. Food animals for humans should be raised and killed as humanely as possible. Azazel even stated this.

If faced down with a deadly animal, one's life is the highest priority.

Just always remember, Satanism is based on nature and natural laws. Satanism does not conflict with nature.

Swatting flies, mosquitoes, exterminating cockroaches and so forth, the answer is obvious. If you don't, this vermin will make you a victim. Spreading disease, contaminating food and so forth.

In closing, I also want to clarify, when adopting any pet from a shelter (this is where adoptions into permanent loving homes are needed the most), be prepared and extra patient. It can take a long time for the abandoned animal to overcome trauma.

Again, Satanism is based on natural law. We are NOT Sikhs! Just use common sense.

If a wild animal is not bothering anyone or posing any threat, it should be left alone. The same goes for insects and bugs outside that pose no threat to humans or crops.

In Ancient Egypt, which was of Satan and our Gods, domestic animals were revered. Cats were mummified just like humans.

I wrote the article on animals because of the way animals are abused, neglected, given or sold like merchandise, hunted to extinction and so forth, by many rotten people who could care less.

What is happening to the environment another serious issue to say the least. Unless humans start waking up and take responsibility for this planet and live in harmony with the other creatures that have every right to live here as well, humanity will become extinct.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich I swear that a little minutes before I was thinking about this!We the Satanists really have a connection!!!Also thanks for the post it is quite helpful !
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
In addition, I learned much from rescuing and rehabilitating birds. They are highly intelligent and aware creatures. They do NOT belong in cages. No animal should be kept in a cage or crate.

What about pet snakes? I would like to have one eventually, but according to some things stated in this post, maybe this wouldn't be a good idea.

If they are not kept in a terrarium, it can be dangerous for them to wander around, as they can get lost, stuck down a drain and so on.

Also, I believe it's rather hard (or impossible) to find a snake for adoption or adopt it from nature (which would just be taking it away from its natural home, which is obviously bad).
Animals should not be treated like merchandise, but if a snake can't be found for adoption, would it be bad to purchase one, even if I give it proper care?

And above all, thanks for this post, HPS Maxine.
zolaluckystar said:
I rescued a little cat (who became my Familiar), she was at deaths door and she was only a year old. She'd gone through major trauma, abandoned, pregnant on the streets, trying to survive but almost starved to death....I'd nursed her back to health physically, but; as you say HPS Maxine, she was so traumatized she was afraid to let me hold her or love her.

I would work a graveyard, come home in the morning, go right to her, try to pick her up and squeeze her - I was always so glad to see her - but she would run away from me. So I'd let her go, ignore her and go on about my business. This went on for over a YEAR. She progressed from running, to allowing herself to be held, but she was totally stiff in my arms, rigid and and straining away from me. Heck, the first time I kissed her face she tried to bite me, she thought I was attacking her!

And then one morning the magic moment happened that I'd been waiting for. She'd finally decided to love me back. I went to her as always, picked her up, held her (her straining away from me) saying (as always) I love you! I'm so glad to see you! When she suddenly went limp in my arms, melted against me and this huge PURRRRR came out of her! I'd wondered if she would ever purr. I was so happy! I held her tight as tears of joy came out of my eyes. I'll never forget that beautiful moment, it was wonderful. I still miss her a LOT.

This actually reminded me of a beautiful cat, a young one, I met on the street. I was returning home and was passing by a car and this kitty came running to me, meowing and purring. I instantly picked her up and on instinct wrapped her in my sweater near my heart and carried her back to my home.

She was so scared and confused, but I tried to calm her down and bring her back home, to feed her.. But she wanted to return back, so I brought her half way to the same road I took back home, and she scratched me a bit, out of fear and ran back to where she came from.

She had the most beautiful auburn fur and the most brilliant emerald eyes. I'll never forget her.

I wish I could take all the cats and hug them lovingly, help them feel love again...

But sadly, I cannot yet do that, as I do not have my own place....

One more thing I just remembered, (this Final RTR really helps bring out memories that have been lost..). I was much more younger, not yet dedicated actually... I saw this one man walking his dog, the dog did absolutely nothing wrong and that man PUBLICLY and in front of others, started to hit that dog... I wanted to say something, but my mom didn't allow me to....

That poor dog... and that rotten parasitic "man"...
Ah, a topic close to my heart, as someone who's family has a long history in the aesthetic flora industry, as well as my own personal history of having heavily worked with animals. Any true Pagan Satanic soul will feel a deep connection to the natural world, I find. Moreover, any Jew or Xianized/Islamified soul is repelled by animals. So often you hear of Muslims referring to dogs as disgusting and dirty, nevermind their own frequent lack of hygiene due to considering the bathing process "sinful". And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Anything of an Abrahamic nature exposes the nature of its worldview quite clearly. Both the OT and NT frequently refer to the natural world as something to plunder only for material gain with no thought for tomorrow, infinitely befitting a soul alien to our beautiful world.

A topic I would like to take a chance to grant exposure to is something that's given no air time in the media (because it's actually important). While the unawakened sorts who still give a damn about the natural world have been lead down dead ends that will ultimately not help the planet at all, the plundering continues.

I'd like to draw attention to the current state of the Amazon Rainforest, which shrinks more and more every year. Multitudes of beautiful species of plants and animals are fast becoming extinct, and many traditional people's still in tune with the land and still taking part in the old ways (even if in a primal and tribal way) are being displaced. This is a multifaceted issue.

It's really no surprise, the main movers behind the current pillaging of the Amazon are hardline Capitalist jews looking to make a quick buck and expand their influence. This is why you hear no western government tackling the issue, especially as the west elects more and more kosher certified (((right-wing))) governments which are all too happy to bootlick corporate zionist reptiles even more readily than their predecessors.

The loss of natural diversity is an issue not just because of the sheer moral outrage this should inspire in any Pagan. But there's practical reasons for its preservation, this goes without saying. Nature holds plentiful secrets, and even to this day, there's an ocean of natural remedies to be discovered in places like the Amazon, things that should be looked into with the utmost respect and moderation. Instead we have bulldozers ploughing down every tree for the cosmetic surgery industry so Kim Kardashian has more rubber to inject into her swollen ass.

It doesn't end there, as the Jewish trap continues. Many of the displaced tribespeople and semi-tribespeople (people on the outskirts of the forest who lived rural lives) are relocated to cramped, slum cities. Taken away from everything they know, many turn to alcohol abuse. To make money, many turn to drugs and prostitution, fueling the Jewish crime industries and the vicious cycle of these slum cities, growing evermore overpopulated, continues onwards.

One only needs to take a long hard look at the Abrahamic "aesthetic" to understand. Think of both angles. Think of what the Communist living blocs looked like. Or any region where Capitalism is left unchecked. No regard for natural beauty. Square, blocky apartments that exist only to cramp in as many people as they can. Megafactories polluting the air and the rivers. Muslims and Xians think this is okay, of course. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a preach for Vaarg-style primalism where I suggest we go back to smacking rocks together to make a flame, but there's an evident middleground. If science like Tesla's was allowed to exist and progress, we wouldn't be relying on pollutant, inefficient means of making industry. But THEY don't care about that. They want whats cheap, quick and nasty.

So by the time they're done plundering this planet, all we'll have left is a smog-addled deathscape where everyone survives eating artificial processed food and sucking down oxygen tanks. The intent is to not only consume, but to leave nothing behind when they're done so their enemies, us, cannot have a chance to strike back. The enemy obeys its protocol, enough said.

Apologies for the rant. But the demise of the world's natural beauty is one of the things I despise the absolute most about the enemy. Seemed the most natural topic to let off some outrage.
BMF said:
THX for the post High Priestess Maxine Dietrich.

I have one question:

What do I miss in my every day nutrition as a vegetarian, if i eat regularly cheese products (did consider cheese equal to meat)?

(I started to be a vegetarian because i thought i don´t want to eat antibiotiks with the meat and it is harder to get fet if you only eat vegetabeles, fruits or milk stuff (no sweets). Did also read the antibiotiks are kind of help to get the animal faster fet in the meat mass production.)

Thx in advance , BMF

Veganism is the worst. If you eat cheese, you should be OK. Vegan diets lack vitamin B-12. If you eat animal products in any form, you should be getting your B-12, but make sure you eat cheese and/or eggs every day, or take a B-12 supplement. Always take any B vitamins with a multiple B vitamin. Never take any B vitamins by themselves.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I personally hate living with animals nothing puts me in a shittier mood than cleaning up after them. I also hate living with noise hence my general distaste for dogs as pets their barking makes go completely insane. I don't blame people for not wanting to have extra work in their day caring for pets, but then they should not have them. The level of neglect most people have with their pets disgusts me. A few years ago someone I knew had 3 cockatiels in a small cage and even though I hate noisy animals I ended up buying them off this retard.

The animals were living in a small cage, covered in their own shit as the cage had never been cleaned. This cunt actually had a large bag of bird food next to the cage and they were starving...because she couldn't be fucked to spend the 20 seconds it takes to refill their containers. The water container was also bone dry. They were starved and dehydrated, not able to lift their wings and twitching a lot, and despite my best attempts one of them ended up dying a few days later. Sometime later I gave them away to someone more trustworthy.

I think it's really disgusting how people can be so neglectful I can understand one not wanting to have pets (my case) so just...don't have pets. If you don't want to spend time to care for an animal then just don't have them. Something that pet owners also need to keep in mind is animals require more than just food and water. Especially if they are in a cage and can't move around much, they also need attention and affection. I remember as a teen my aunt had a parrot that was kept in a small cage in a very noisy and stressful apartment, and I was always told that he was dangerous and to stay away from the cage.

It just took me trying to touch him for the animal to melt and show that affection back. I have no doubt in my mind no one had given this animal any sort of attention or interaction in years, which is very bad because they are not machines and need more than just the fuel to live. Even fish in an aquarium will appreciate being touched once they trust you, I know this by experience.
My experience with Vegetarianism is its doable if you eat eggs. But they are also a meat product anyway. However the ideal of vegetarianism is not about health its about animal ethic's not taking animal life to eat. The fact is animals die in the egg industry and dairy industry as well treats them horrible this branches into the veal industry. That is how vegetarians get roped into veganism then destroy their health.

If your doing vegetarianism try and get the free range eggs and local diary that is cruelty free and organic. I do think a person should go for these to avoid paying money for food from places that treat animals horribly. Eggs are good for the body and have been shown to regenerate the body.

BMF said:
THX for the post High Priestess Maxine Dietrich.

I have one question:

What do I miss in my every day nutrition as a vegetarian, if i eat regularly cheese products (did consider cheese equal to meat)?

(I started to be a vegetarian because i thought i don´t want to eat antibiotiks with the meat and it is harder to get fet if you only eat vegetabeles, fruits or milk stuff (no sweets). Did also read the antibiotiks are kind of help to get the animal faster fet in the meat mass production.)

Thx in advance , BMF
Dahaarkan said:
I personally hate living with animals nothing puts me in a shittier mood than cleaning up after them. I also hate living with noise hence my general distaste for dogs as pets their barking makes go completely insane. I don't blame people for not wanting to have extra work in their day caring for pets, but then they should not have them. The level of neglect most people have with their pets disgusts me. A few years ago someone I knew had 3 cockatiels in a small cage and even though I hate noisy animals I ended up buying them off this retard.

The animals were living in a small cage, covered in their own shit as the cage had never been cleaned. This cunt actually had a large bag of bird food next to the cage and they were starving...because she couldn't be fucked to spend the 20 seconds it takes to refill their containers. The water container was also bone dry. They were starved and dehydrated, not able to lift their wings and twitching a lot, and despite my best attempts one of them ended up dying a few days later. Sometime later I gave them away to someone more trustworthy.

I think it's really disgusting how people can be so neglectful I can understand one not wanting to have pets (my case) so just...don't have pets. If you don't want to spend time to care for an animal then just don't have them. Something that pet owners also need to keep in mind is animals require more than just food and water. Especially if they are in a cage and can't move around much, they also need attention and affection. I remember as a teen my aunt had a parrot that was kept in a small cage in a very noisy and stressful apartment, and I was always told that he was dangerous and to stay away from the cage.

It just took me trying to touch him for the animal to melt and show that affection back. I have no doubt in my mind no one had given this animal any sort of attention or interaction in years, which is very bad because they are not machines and need more than just the fuel to live. Even fish in an aquarium will appreciate being touched once they trust you, I know this by experience.
Yes random dog barking is horrible and the worse is when their owners are irresponsible apes unable and unwilling to train them at all, and then the dog starts barking constantly and physically attacking neighbours..
You could try low maintenance and no mess pets such as hermit crabs, an ant colony or a single betta fish. If you can't be bothered with these either a cactus shall be your perfect company ;)
You can always try and con-vert to jooduhism, move to Israel and get yourself a Shabbos Goy for a house pet I hear they don't bark. In fact as a racial Goy you can be your own Shabbos Goy house pet and do minor household work on Shabbos thus out jew'ing your neo-joo self as the ultimate crypto Goy.... That will make Yahweh's yarmulke fly off his pointed noggin. You just took the Talmud to the next level.
HP Mageson666 said:
You can always try and con-vert to jooduhism, move to Israel and get yourself a Shabbos Goy for a house pet I hear they don't bark. In fact as a racial Goy you can be your own Shabbos Goy house pet and do minor household work on Shabbos thus out jew'ing your neo-joo self as the ultimate crypto Goy.... That will make Yahweh's yarmulke fly off his pointed noggin. You just took the Talmud to the next level.
You can't know these days. They might be into some weird dog larping fetish and bark all the same...
HP Mageson666 said:
You can always try and con-vert to jooduhism, move to Israel and get yourself a Shabbos Goy for a house pet I hear they don't bark. In fact as a racial Goy you can be your own Shabbos Goy house pet and do minor household work on Shabbos thus out jew'ing your neo-joo self as the ultimate crypto Goy.... That will make Yahweh's yarmulke fly off his pointed noggin. You just took the Talmud to the next level.
Lol :mrgreen: For one more time you made my day with your sarcasm :mrgreen:
THX for the reply HPS Mageson666 and High Priestess Maxine Dietrich.

It is true that the free range eggs should be animal cruel free,
but because they live outside they have a higher chance to get infekted with salmonellae from insects, wild birds, rats, Dormouse. etc.
Salmonellae can kill a person if he/she is older or a infant. Don´t know how often this happens.
I don´t want to freak out people, I just say what i did read about it so people can choose better.
Dypet Rod said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
In addition, I learned much from rescuing and rehabilitating birds. They are highly intelligent and aware creatures. They do NOT belong in cages. No animal should be kept in a cage or crate.

What about pet snakes? I would like to have one eventually, but according to some things stated in this post, maybe this wouldn't be a good idea.

If they are not kept in a terrarium, it can be dangerous for them to wander around, as they can get lost, stuck down a drain and so on.

Also, I believe it's rather hard (or impossible) to find a snake for adoption or adopt it from nature (which would just be taking it away from its natural home, which is obviously bad).
Animals should not be treated like merchandise, but if a snake can't be found for adoption, would it be bad to purchase one, even if I give it proper care?

And above all, thanks for this post, HPS Maxine.

If the snake is kept in a large enough terrarium, kept clean and has everything he/she needs, this is OK. The pet snake is kept safe from predators, etc.

The same can be said for animals in decent zoos that have large roaming areas and are cage free. They should have very large spaces like they would in their natural habitats and be with others of their own species so they are not lonely.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Dypet Rod said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
In addition, I learned much from rescuing and rehabilitating birds. They are highly intelligent and aware creatures. They do NOT belong in cages. No animal should be kept in a cage or crate.

What about pet snakes? I would like to have one eventually, but according to some things stated in this post, maybe this wouldn't be a good idea.

If they are not kept in a terrarium, it can be dangerous for them to wander around, as they can get lost, stuck down a drain and so on.

Also, I believe it's rather hard (or impossible) to find a snake for adoption or adopt it from nature (which would just be taking it away from its natural home, which is obviously bad).
Animals should not be treated like merchandise, but if a snake can't be found for adoption, would it be bad to purchase one, even if I give it proper care?

And above all, thanks for this post, HPS Maxine.

If the snake is kept in a large enough terrarium, kept clean and has everything he/she needs, this is OK. The pet snake is kept safe from predators, etc.

The same can be said for animals in decent zoos that have large roaming areas and are cage free. They should have very large spaces like they would in their natural habitats and be with others of their own species so they are not lonely.

I'm very much fond of ferrets because they're energetic goofballs and I can relate to this on a personal level. The posts here make me think the best thing for them would be to have a ferret-proofed room with a perpetually open cage for them to make use of. It's wounding to hear their cries when they're locked up when all they wanna do is bounce around and chase all things that exist.

I'll just need to get a room and some ferrets first.
This reminds to me the recent new "fashion" I see spreading in my country, that is the "dog" must.
So many idiots are now caught in buying expensive and fashionable dogs, to impress their neighbour and be in line with the trend. They literally doubled their number, I see many people bringing around dogs that they never had before. The idiocy must in my country is "mine is better than yours" or at least "mine is equal as yours" depending on the level of stupidity of the person involved, so they even buy the same kind of dog together with their friends and they walk around in groups of 3/4 people with 3/4 dogs or more (all the same race, kind and colour) like they are on some hollywood show. Their pets are extremely good looking, they take care of their hair, they dress them with expensive stuff, they treat them like an object, etc. But as far as I can see they do not take care of the wellbeing of their dogs, as I can clearly see most of them are unhappy, stressed, or overly aggressive. When the mass will be tired with dog fashion, we'll have many abandoned dogs for sure as those people are not able nor they have sufficient space to keep them in the long term.
The fun thing is, according to recent news I have seen on TV (funny enough this is not easy to find in internet news), this kind of "fashion" is spreading wild in Israel. So this comes from the jews, as usual.
Sinistra said:
Yes random dog barking is horrible and the worse is when their owners are irresponsible apes unable and unwilling to train them at all, and then the dog starts barking constantly and physically attacking neighbours..
Agree - this is standard low-lifestyle in my apes-country. 95% of dogs are kept this way, and the number is rapidly increasing as I said in my previous post seems like another jew-driven way of worsen the life of people (and also of cats, that are used to walk out of their gardens, so they will get stressed and attacked being their free space reduced too much).
I also was one of the people who have been recently having thoughts about pets, their well-being and normie owners. Lol. I'm glad you wrote this sermon High Priestess. I've had experiences seeing pets treated as pretty much like inanimate objects. It's really frustrating. Even seeing people letting their pets eat garbage that'll harm them like drywall for instance because they somehow think they'll be okay. Even if some animal's stomachs can process things better than humans it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt them. Most of this crap came from the mainstream but thanks to the internet more people are becoming about what's real and what's a myth but it's not enough yet.

I've never been able to keep a pet but just be around them a lot that they end up seeing me as a friend. This one cat I did own for a bit was really tramautized when I first got her. She would always hide under the sink or other small crevices when we were around. It took me meditating by her hiding spot with food and water by my side for her to come out and nibble at the food drink a little of water and chill in the living room floor for a bit. Eventually she would sleep in my room but stay away from me and months later she started sleeping next to me and even played with me for the first time. She never did this with anyone else not even with my roommate at the time. Though she would still get a little freaked out if I would walk towards her if she was laying down in the path I had to walk thru. The sad part is that I had to leave where i was living and couldn't take her with me. It was an emergency. The connection I had with her and not to mention she was literally the prettiest cat I've ever seen and I've seen a lot of cats irl. This isn't even me being biased either. She came out looking like she could be a show cat XD. I still feel sad about that years later and I can only imagine what she had to go thru seeing someone she could finally trust leave her.... I even had to ask Father Satan for a favor and to look after her and make sure she finds a good permanent place. That s saying a lot because I respect Satan's time and attention since he is very busy. So I hope he was able to do that. Either way I still wish her and me didn't have to go thru that.

Birds... Lol. They are assholes! But lovable assholes. They like to bite and mess with you but that s how they interact with each other so people need to understand that when getting one. I really love how smart they can be too. And since coming to Satan I just understood that it's completely wrong to keep them in cages. One of the dumbest things ever.
Also, the people here who have a full time job and dedicated to SS doing daily spiritual work and fighting the enemy and still are taking care of pets (or even children) you have my utmost respect. I want a pet too but I just don't think I could do it because of time. I don't want to leave it at the house for long periods of time either but I'm sure eventually both of you figure it out and it's not a problem. But still it seems like a lot of work so two yuuuge thumbs up to anyone currently doing this. :D
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Dypet Rod said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
In addition, I learned much from rescuing and rehabilitating birds. They are highly intelligent and aware creatures. They do NOT belong in cages. No animal should be kept in a cage or crate.

What about pet snakes? I would like to have one eventually, but according to some things stated in this post, maybe this wouldn't be a good idea.

If they are not kept in a terrarium, it can be dangerous for them to wander around, as they can get lost, stuck down a drain and so on.

Also, I believe it's rather hard (or impossible) to find a snake for adoption or adopt it from nature (which would just be taking it away from its natural home, which is obviously bad).
Animals should not be treated like merchandise, but if a snake can't be found for adoption, would it be bad to purchase one, even if I give it proper care?

And above all, thanks for this post, HPS Maxine.

If the snake is kept in a large enough terrarium, kept clean and has everything he/she needs, this is OK. The pet snake is kept safe from predators, etc.

The same can be said for animals in decent zoos that have large roaming areas and are cage free. They should have very large spaces like they would in their natural habitats and be with others of their own species so they are not lonely.

Okay, thank you Maxine.

I suppose the larger the terrarium, the better, as animals, especially wild ones, need as much freedom as they can get.
Gerecht Ror said:
Sinistra said:
Yes random dog barking is horrible and the worse is when their owners are irresponsible apes unable and unwilling to train them at all, and then the dog starts barking constantly and physically attacking neighbours..
Agree - this is standard low-lifestyle in my apes-country. 95% of dogs are kept this way, and the number is rapidly increasing as I said in my previous post seems like another jew-driven way of worsen the life of people (and also of cats, that are used to walk out of their gardens, so they will get stressed and attacked being their free space reduced too much).

Barking is inevitable. I don't blame my dog for it, nor should it be stopped, since a dog's social role is to offer protection to their owners.

It sure is annoying when the dogs in the neighborhood get triggered and start barking, but it's just a dog's natural defense against strangers.

I was robbed by burglars once, and this could have been prevented if only my dog was out in the front yard at the time to alert us, instead of indoors.

But sure, owners have to at least not let their dogs out on their own, and make sure they won't go out attacking others.
Dypet Rod said:
Gerecht Ror said:
Sinistra said:
Yes random dog barking is horrible and the worse is when their owners are irresponsible apes unable and unwilling to train them at all, and then the dog starts barking constantly and physically attacking neighbours..
Agree - this is standard low-lifestyle in my apes-country. 95% of dogs are kept this way, and the number is rapidly increasing as I said in my previous post seems like another jew-driven way of worsen the life of people (and also of cats, that are used to walk out of their gardens, so they will get stressed and attacked being their free space reduced too much).

Barking is inevitable. I don't blame my dog for it, nor should it be stopped, since a dog's social role is to offer protection to their owners.

It sure is annoying when the dogs in the neighborhood get triggered and start barking, but it's just a dog's natural defense against strangers.

I was robbed by burglars once, and this could have been prevented if only my dog was out in the front yard at the time to alert us, instead of indoors.

But sure, owners have to at least not let their dogs out on their own, and make sure they won't go out attacking others.
Most dogs especially big and chill ones I have had a positive experience with. Often big dogs let me pet them they must like my vibe. The worst has been smaller breeds of irresponsible owners letting them go full aggressive. It's not very different of irresponsible parents raising little spawns of evil.
I also remember years back the sidewalks used to be full of dogshit - literally piles of dogshit on a regular basis and you couldn't walk without looking down constantly. But fortunately it has become rare now.
Sinistra said:
Dypet Rod said:
Gerecht Ror said:
Agree - this is standard low-lifestyle in my apes-country. 95% of dogs are kept this way, and the number is rapidly increasing as I said in my previous post seems like another jew-driven way of worsen the life of people (and also of cats, that are used to walk out of their gardens, so they will get stressed and attacked being their free space reduced too much).

Barking is inevitable. I don't blame my dog for it, nor should it be stopped, since a dog's social role is to offer protection to their owners.

It sure is annoying when the dogs in the neighborhood get triggered and start barking, but it's just a dog's natural defense against strangers.

I was robbed by burglars once, and this could have been prevented if only my dog was out in the front yard at the time to alert us, instead of indoors.

But sure, owners have to at least not let their dogs out on their own, and make sure they won't go out attacking others.
Most dogs especially big and chill ones I have had a positive experience with. Often big dogs let me pet them they must like my vibe. The worst has been smaller breeds of irresponsible owners letting them go full aggressive. It's not very different of irresponsible parents raising little spawns of evil.
I also remember years back the sidewalks used to be full of dogshit - literally piles of dogshit on a regular basis and you couldn't walk without looking down constantly. But fortunately it has become rare now.

Yeah, there are laws for this kind of thing in most places nowadays. Where I live, people who walk their dogs have to take a plastic bag along to pick up their dog's dump in case they do it on the streets. If they don't pick it up, they have to pay a fine.

As for the smaller dog breeds, I've heard that they're naturally the most aggressive ones xD

But yeah, maybe they can be trained to behave better.
Dypet Rod said:
Sinistra said:
Dypet Rod said:
Barking is inevitable. I don't blame my dog for it, nor should it be stopped, since a dog's social role is to offer protection to their owners.

It sure is annoying when the dogs in the neighborhood get triggered and start barking, but it's just a dog's natural defense against strangers.

I was robbed by burglars once, and this could have been prevented if only my dog was out in the front yard at the time to alert us, instead of indoors.

But sure, owners have to at least not let their dogs out on their own, and make sure they won't go out attacking others.
Most dogs especially big and chill ones I have had a positive experience with. Often big dogs let me pet them they must like my vibe. The worst has been smaller breeds of irresponsible owners letting them go full aggressive. It's not very different of irresponsible parents raising little spawns of evil.
I also remember years back the sidewalks used to be full of dogshit - literally piles of dogshit on a regular basis and you couldn't walk without looking down constantly. But fortunately it has become rare now.

Yeah, there are laws for this kind of thing in most places nowadays. Where I live, people who walk their dogs have to take a plastic bag along to pick up their dog's dump in case they do it on the streets. If they don't pick it up, they have to pay a fine.

As for the smaller dog breeds, I've heard that they're naturally the most aggressive ones xD

But yeah, maybe they can be trained to behave better.
Of course.
I am not an expert on dogs. But simply they are pack animals and they always have a pack mindset based on hierarchy. This is where their so called "unconditional love" comes from. It's not actually unconditional at all, they simply look after their own and protect their group (their pack in that instance). And put the group interest first and obey their leader. Who is supposed to care for the group and make the decisions to insure all the members survive and the group prospers. Humans have much to learn from dogs in that regard. Actually dogs are kinda nazis in a way :lol:
If they are submissive to the human "owner" and are treated well by him/her they will be happy and also behave well (and be easier to train such as with positive behaviour reinforcing). But if the owner is incompetent and sends mixed signals (and a mixed signal can even be as simple as allowing the dog to walk in front of you as it wants and leading the walk instead of you controlling the walk and walking together as a "pack") the dog will feel like it may be actually in charge. Or that it needs to get in charge because the current pack leader (the human) is clueless or weak. And then we get dogs getting stressed, aggressive and attacking people. Which is the mark of the pack leader only in dog mind. A well trained dog walks in a non threatening way head down and such and following the leader. It's their natural way of behaving when they are not the pack leader. Not walking like a fucking lion head and tail up owning the place. That's a mark of a badly trained dog dominating the pack and it will get aggressive even attack babies and children in extreme cases. Well of course there are also dogs abused on purpose by sadists to become dangerous to everyone but it's another matter.
Sinistra said:
Dypet Rod said:
Sinistra said:
Most dogs especially big and chill ones I have had a positive experience with. ...

Of course.
I am not an expert on dogs. But simply they are pack animals and they always have a pack mindset based on hierarchy. This is where their so called "unconditional love" comes from. It's not actually unconditional at all, they simply look after their own and protect their group (their pack in that instance). And put the group interest first and obey their leader. Who is supposed to care for the group and make the decisions to insure all the members survive and the group prospers. Humans have much to learn from dogs in that regard. Actually dogs are kinda nazis in a way :lol:
If they are submissive to the human "owner" and are treated well by him/her they will be happy and also behave well (and be easier to train such as with positive behaviour reinforcing). But if the owner is incompetent and sends mixed signals (and a mixed signal can even be as simple as allowing the dog to walk in front of you as it wants and leading the walk instead of you controlling the walk and walking together as a "pack") the dog will feel like it may be actually in charge. Or that it needs to get in charge because the current pack leader (the human) is clueless or weak. And then we get dogs getting stressed, aggressive and attacking people. Which is the mark of the pack leader only in dog mind. A well trained dog walks in a non threatening way head down and such and following the leader. It's their natural way of behaving when they are not the pack leader. Not walking like a fucking lion head and tail up owning the place. That's a mark of a badly trained dog dominating the pack and it will get aggressive even attack babies and children in extreme cases. Well of course there are also dogs abused on purpose by sadists to become dangerous to everyone but it's another matter.

I think the owners mentality on the dogs is what causes most of these issues, not where the dog walks or whatever, necessarily.

When there is tension in the stomach, a dog may start to be agressive towards you and bark at you if not attack.

Animals like dogs and cats are way more sensitive to different kinds of energies and such than we humans are at this point in time.

Chihauhau's keep barking no matter what but if you look at a maltezer or chitsu (sorry not sure on the spelling) or those tiny white dogs for some reason are the cutest. And I know they walk on front on and sniff around and thats just fine. They're not rotten evil things..

Most dogs bark if you pass their house. Some rip the mail out of the mailbox.. Which can be dangerous and not something you should allow but k it happens.
But most of these dogs if their owner is with them are just curious and sweet.

I know a place where they have pitbulls but walking by.. sometimes they bark. They're obviously guarding the place. But I dont think they'd do any harm. Sometimes they just watch you walk by. Even if their owner is inside doing something else.
There is one dog thats a bit odd though.. he'll actually sniff you and greet you and jump against you if you're not careful even if the owner is not there with it.. on its own terrain.. but maybe that dog remembers me? Not sure.
That was very sad to read. Too bad he had to be euthanized and had no chance to recover. Often, this kind of thing just has to happen, unfortunately.
But it's good that it helped you heal that personal wound.

zolaluckystar said:
Oh, Dahaarkan, I'm glad you tried to rescue those poor little things. I think its a horrible thing; to put a bird thats meant to fly in a cage. terrible.

People are so horrible to animals, far too often. I worked as a nurse for several years in a vet hospital. I've seen some awful things. This big man brought in two teeny kittens he'd found thrown into rotting food, garbage and maggots in a trash bin! he heard them wailing and rescued them, brought them to us. The story has a happy ending. They survived, he gave them a forever home.

Yes, the little dogs often - perhaps in a way to make up for their small stature - they have BIG attitudes. LOL. Its true.

There was this one cat whom I met in the hospital coming in on shift one evening, he was elderly. He had a lot of pain, was unable to walk, had lost function over his being able to hold urine and was scheduled to be euthanized in the morning (I worked graveyard shift). The day nurse told me to just try to keep him comfortable and dry as hes going to die in the morning, essentially. Well, so I gave him extra special attention all night.

Checked him hourly, like you do in the ICU Ward. He kept wetting himself, as he had lost that function to control it. I knew he wasn't happy about it. He was embarrassed and upset about it. I could see this. So every hour I changed his towel, brought him a clean one warm from the dryer (he was also cold). The first time I opened his cage and leaned in over him, he started crying. he had been abandoned among strangers, He was not wishing to be moved as it hurt, and he was afraid I'd hurt him but I went out of my way to do it as gentle and loving as possible. And when I got him settled each time I'd take a few minutes to pet him and show him some love. So by the morning, when I opened his door, he'd start purring immediately. The vet in the morning arrives. The day nurse was going to move this cat out to an exam table so they could euthanize him. I watched her because I had this feeling..... and sure enough, she was very abrupt, made him cry out. She was not at all caring, he was a thing to her, just part of the job. Nothing more.

So I stepped in and took over. I stayed (after my shift) to help the vet euthanise him because the people who owned him couldn't face this. I stayed so he'd have someone who cared hold him while the shot was administered. So he wouldn't be alone when he died. He got the fatal dose, looked up at me, took a big breath, and was gone. I had to wrap him up, take him out back and place him in the big freezer. And then alone out there I cried my ass off. For him, yes, but also for myself. For the little girl I was and the cat I loved and grew up with, who I wasn't allowed to be there for when HE died, as I'd wished to be and this cat looked just the same you see. Same color, everything. So...I think Satan had arranged for me to be the one there in that time and place to do that, to help that cat, but also to help ME. because it bothered the hell out of me that I didn't get to be there for my cat. And not only that, but I wasn't allowed to know where he was buried. Which didn't shield me from harm, it HURT me!

Getting to be the one for this poor guy who didn't have anyone helped heal a soul wound I didn't even know I carried.

I love animals so much. They are beautiful, innocent beings.
Dypet Rod said:
Barking is inevitable. I don't blame my dog for it, nor should it be stopped, since a dog's social role is to offer protection to their owners.

It sure is annoying when the dogs in the neighborhood get triggered and start barking, but it's just a dog's natural defense against strangers.

I was robbed by burglars once, and this could have been prevented if only my dog was out in the front yard at the time to alert us, instead of indoors.

But sure, owners have to at least not let their dogs out on their own, and make sure they won't go out attacking others.

It depends what you mean with barking. I noticed in different countries, different behaviour of dogs, that seems reflecting their owners' education. If a dogs barks incessantely to whatever is moving around, this means the dog is not aware of what is and isn't a menace. So it is stressed and lives in fear, and I noticed this behaviour in latin-aggressive lifestyle areas. People even have to wait half hours for other dogs to go out the dogs' area at parks, as their pets are not able to stay in the same area with other dogs. This is not natural for them.
I noticed in areas where social behaviour is more respectful (Germany, Scandinavia, North America, etc...) that dogs easily coexist wit other dogs with no barking, as they have been educated to understand their environment. Some of them also played together. They appeared to live overally better.
I mean, not educating them equals to lower their life quality.
Gerecht Ror said:
Dypet Rod said:
Barking is inevitable. I don't blame my dog for it, nor should it be stopped, since a dog's social role is to offer protection to their owners.

It sure is annoying when the dogs in the neighborhood get triggered and start barking, but it's just a dog's natural defense against strangers.

I was robbed by burglars once, and this could have been prevented if only my dog was out in the front yard at the time to alert us, instead of indoors.

But sure, owners have to at least not let their dogs out on their own, and make sure they won't go out attacking others.

It depends what you mean with barking. I noticed in different countries, different behaviour of dogs, that seems reflecting their owners' education. If a dogs barks incessantely to whatever is moving around, this means the dog is not aware of what is and isn't a menace. So it is stressed and lives in fear, and I noticed this behaviour in latin-aggressive lifestyle areas. People even have to wait half hours for other dogs to go out the dogs' area at parks, as their pets are not able to stay in the same area with other dogs. This is not natural for them.
I noticed in areas where social behaviour is more respectful (Germany, Scandinavia, North America, etc...) that dogs easily coexist wit other dogs with no barking, as they have been educated to understand their environment. Some of them also played together. They appeared to live overally better.
I mean, not educating them equals to lower their life quality.

I lived in a neighborhood where there were dogs walking around on their own all the time, and these dogs seemed to be aware that they were sharing a space with other people. Most of them would bark when you passed by the house where they live, but when they were out roaming around the neighborhood, they wouldn't randomly bark at other people or attack them.

My dog was the same, he used to roam around there and sometimes even followed me to a bus station, and wouldn't threaten other humans when he was roaming around. But when he was at home, he would bark at strangers who approached our house.
This is what I consider to be normal, when dogs bark to protect their homes and their owners.

There was even respect among other dogs, too. But sometimes there were fights between them. It depends on the dog that approached the place. It's not like every dog would attack every other dog. Many dogs there were friends with each other. But I've never seen them threaten humans when they were outside.

Now if there are dogs roaming around on the streets and they randomly threaten other people and every living thing that passes by, I agree, this is bad behavior and a problem for everyone.
To revive this thread a little, I was thinking to myself how the Sanskrit mantras for opening/stimulating the chakras such as Yaum, Maum, etc. resemble a cat's meow.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why cats were so revered in Ancient Egypt? Same as the bee?
Dypet Rod said:
To revive this thread a little, I was thinking to myself how the Sanskrit mantras for opening/stimulating the chakras such as Yaum, Maum, etc. resemble a cat's meow.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why cats were so revered in Ancient Egypt? Same as the bee?

Also, there is what they say about cats having "seven lives"
Dypet Rod said:
Dypet Rod said:
To revive this thread a little, I was thinking to myself how the Sanskrit mantras for opening/stimulating the chakras such as Yaum, Maum, etc. resemble a cat's meow.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why cats were so revered in Ancient Egypt? Same as the bee?

Also, there is what they say about cats having "seven lives"

I know that cats have "nine lives". Interesting take on the mantas, gonna chant those mantras near my cat and see how she will respond :lol:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
