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Anger Against Christians/Jews/Muslims: Managing That

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Illisio said:
For those who also tell me this context of "that is to fight the enemy", you are fighting nobody as you are literally just opening more problems in your life, not scoring more victories in your life as a Spiritual Satanist.

Very true HP, and this is something everyone has to work on especially in situations where you’re being bombarded with xianity or other religious crap. We need to be strong as SS and be able to overcome our anger and redirect it towards the enemy rather than to other people.

As a High Priest of Satan, extremely established in my knowledge, and in general having practiced the path, I am completely immune to Christianity and Islam and all of this nonsense after too many years of knowing.

I still disdain, or feel anger against these people if provoked, yet above all I feel indifference and worry about their state of delusion. There's nothing to feel after a point.

It's not up to me to save everyone directly from being a down syndrome person that believes that a rebel jew is so important in their life. A very important beef between kikes in Israel happened [didn't even happen] a long time ago, and we must care or something.

I know enough to not care.

It's like one of these people who have toxic relationships they swear by. They don't respond to sense most of the time. These are psychotic situations and that's why they spread themselves quickly like illnesses.

It's like listening the fairytale of a child over and over again. They push it all over your face as they are infested by this virus and they want it to spread. You have to believe in their fairytale of the rebel jew, as if he said anything except of nonsense.

I know too much of Ancient Wisdom to be shaken by a quote of the "Quran" or anything these downtrodden jews and related apes wrote in their books. It's so small in contrast to the wisdom I have exposed myself, that I cannot be emotionally affected in anyway.

The above state is the state a Spiritual Satanist should seek, not the state of you fighting like an "equal" to these fools. The time of a Christian or Muslim is absolutely useless.

Since their existence is useless, they take also the path of least resistance and believe in the most massive hoaxes. These are as stupid as them, so they operate on the same mental level as these hoaxes they believe in.

The first has to jack off all day to his jewish rebel savior, the latter has to fantasize about his Mohammed in the black flying horse with the 9 year old on the back named Aisha, his wife or something. And how a story around this is "God's word" as if "God" would write such a book.

The smarter ones of their belief system, they are focused more on certain ethical beliefs and so on, yet these represent a minority. These can in some cases be partly good people that don't need to be attacked, but rather should be gently moved on to higher awareness and knowledge, which is only through the Ancient Gods. These people are already on a growth towards God, but they are deluded by the jewish story and stopped halfway.

That cannot be fixed by attacking them, but by showing them superior knowledge and superior understanding. If they are keen on escaping from the hoax, this category, will. It's all also part of an intricate destiny of each soul to do this eventually. So we have to worry less about that.

These people I mentioned in the above two paragraphs, have higher common sense and won't respond to verbal attacks or emotional coercion as the second type, which is the 99% of the people of Christianity or Islam. The first category of the sheeple, on the other hand, cannot be "debated" whatsoever.

As we can observe, the above is not only mental illness, but also lack of education, lack of a mind overall. You cannot debate a lacking mind. In the same way you cannot beat sense into a down syndromic person, you cannot beat sense into any of these people.

Only logic, education, distance, and undermining their religion and displaying the Truth can solve this. That's like fighting against someone with a brain parasite infestation.

Christians and Muslims are also abuse friendly, and they enjoy being attacked by the imaginary "Satanists" all the time, who believe, that since they try to tell them Muhammad shouldn't fuck 9 year old kids,, or that Jesus the Communist doesn't matter, they are the work of the "Devil" for telling them this.

They consider this a validation that you are doing the work of the Devil for saying that they must not culturally appropriate violence, bloodshed, disaster, illiteracy, pedophilia, anti-life, or low level intelligence and make it all normal for a society.

Fighting it will likely make it worse. In many cases, as you fight them, you sink their beliefs deeper into them same as trying to pull a trapped animal that is chained on the legs and angering it to attack you.

If you want to drive them insane for trolling them or causing them a breakdown, you can of course do it, but that is solely on the basis of gaining satisfaction, not because you are "changing" them.

Of course, if one is seriously attacked or offended, they have to resort to retaliatory means. We know how to do this too, be it that the case arises.

I look upon it rationally, so it looks purely retarded. I can converse their programs easily without limitations and I am not affected, because I know these are only rantings of people of lesser education, foolishness, or just other deficiencies.

When you deprogram truly from Christianity, Islam and the Abrahamic programs, they no longer affect you in anyway. You no longer feel rage, it's a normal state of seeing them for what they truly are. Spells no longer affect you, their "magick" is worthless, their prayers don't even touch you, and you are immune as a God in front of these nonsense programs.

At this point I am literally like a doctor that has infinite antibodies in a diseased place, nothing touches me. To reach this state, one must be well rooted in the Truth. Then, one can take steps back and look at situations objectively.

At first, when you deprogram, until these are resolved, you will feel rage for what has been done to you.

This rage must be used constructively and to advance yourself. Sometimes this involves fighting off restrictive situations from these belief systems, and you should do this smartly, not in a dumb way, but in self development that truly sets you free.

Then the rage resolves and as you become powerful, it no longer affects you. You truly have woken up and you see these people for being just mad and totally misguided.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I briefly was friends with a muslim recently and we finally had a falling out when she tried to convert me to islam. I told her about all the awful teachings about women in the koran and she denied this profusely and even pulled out her koran to try to read through passages that she claimed refuted this (after right away accidentally dropping the piece of trash on the floor which I think was no coincidence..) until she got to the one passage I was familiar with where it says the husband is allowed to hit his wife. I told her I remembered it and when she got to the part that proves my point and I tell her this, and then she went on defending it saying "lightly!"

I didn't like her tone or the way she was pushing this hebrew trash on me so I stormed out of her apartment followed by her blowing up my phone with texts and calls accusing ME of being rude that I blocked. I finally texted her that we were not compatible friends as she crossed a boundary and she was rude by failing to realize this. She was afraid I would seek retribution and I told her that there was no need for this as the suffering that pisslam invokes on gentiles is enough, to which I gave her the example where she felt her family was cursed (they all did) and how when her mother had recordings of reciting the koran playing it apparently invoked negative entities. this was no surprise and I ended things on the note telling her basically that she was worth more than thinking this shit was ok for her and was sadly left to her own probable continuous suffering and plagues from the enemy.

It is a sad state of affairs but these people dig their own holes.
Thank you for this very informative sermon, HPHC. I’m really glad to have read this one in particular! You’re a hero, sir. And I’m so happy to serve Hell’s Army and our True Ancient Gods! May the Gods bless you with ease of invincibility and immortality on your climb!
Thank you immensely for this HPHC,
Hail Father Satan Forever
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The smarter ones of their belief system, they are focused more on certain ethical beliefs and so on, yet these represent a minority. These can in some cases be partly good people that don't need to be attacked, but rather should be gently moved on to higher awareness and knowledge, which is only through the Ancient Gods. These people are already on a growth towards God, but they are deluded by the jewish story and stopped halfway.

That cannot be fixed by attacking them, but by showing them superior knowledge and superior understanding. If they are keen on escaping from the hoax, this category, will. It's all also part of an intricate destiny of each soul to do this eventually. So we have to worry less about that.
There's a girl I know who is heavily xian, but she has a good Pagan heart and she's a very positive person. I helped her get over some problems in her life and she has recognised my spirituality. Problem is, she thinks rabbi jewsus was a pure man and she is deeply programmed.

When I eventually told her that I am a Pagan, she had no problem with it and even asked me about my beliefs because she was curious. I don't want to load all my knowledge on her instantly, as she will panic and go back to jewsus. But I have been explaining her how xianity and communism are not that different, and that the xianity she knows now is only conformed to today's living standards, which were attained by the work and blood of Pagans.

Lately, she is a bit suspicious since I told her that our Ancient Greek Gods become monsters in the Bible, especially when I mentioned Poseidon to be Satan, but she still hears what I have to say with interest and values my opinion on everything. I don't know if we will ever see her in the Joy of Satan, but you never know.
Shadowcat said:
I briefly was friends with a muslim recently...
I was friends with a muslim guy once. We still keep in touch, but I feel mostly sorry for him than anything else.

When I had told him about the pedophilia stuff of his religion, he justified it by saying "have you thought that maybe children were different back then?"...
He kept calling islam a religion of peace and saying that the people who committed crimes in the name of islam were deluded. He also believed that Paganism appeared after islam and that Pagans stole information from islam, lol.

In spite of that, that guy is good-hearted to a fault and has been taken advantage of once too many times. He was raised in an abusive environment, and he has extreme insecurities as a man. He kept telling me how he thought that when they had circumcised him, something must have gone wrong with the surgery, and that whenever he comes to orgasm, he cries.

I feel sorry for him, but I try not to focus on this emotion.

It's a fucked up religion, that has raised fucked up children and has destroyed civilizations.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
At this point I am literally like a doctor that has infinite antibodies in a diseased place, nothing touches me. To reach this state, one must be well rooted in the Truth. Then, one can take steps back and look at situations objectively.

I wish I could reach this state, HP.
I feel like I'm a healthy person in a world filled with disease. And I know that many people don't consider themselves sick, but I can see their sadness, their pain.

The closer I get to the truth, the saddest I become for them. I feel blessed within me, but if I pay attention to what's happening around me, I don't know what to do.
We've all seen what happens when one joins the enemy's vortex of energy and thoughtforms. This is evident in both their behavioral and daily habits, as well as their overall lifelessness and overt pessimism in everyday life.

When one grows spiritually, one can sense their energy as well as simply look at them and realize that they are linked to the enemy. Most people have no idea what they are dealing with in these enemy programs, and it is our role to teach them the appropriate approach to deal with life. Sitting about all day does not lead to self-salvation. It takes effort to do this, and our mission is to elevate humanity to the level of the Gods.

Even though I am a fire-dominant person, I can easily control my fury. This was accomplished through intense concentration and hours of void meditation. This is not the case for the majority of humanity nowadays, as evidenced by meaningless disputes and the like.

Those who are involved in the enemy programs, in particular, are striving to convert people to their Jewish programs, and anyone who is not immersed in this thoughtform may easily discern that they are mentally sick and require treatment. The majority of humanity, whether they recognize it or not, is programmed. People who are not enrolled in their programs do not need to be in order to believe in the same way that people who are intimately involved with the adversary do, and we cannot judge them for being brainwashed. As a result, if they have not committed crimes, we should not be furious with them.

Likewise, if someone isn't involved in the enemy programs, we ought to make an effort to guide them toward the truth while continuing to exercise mental discipline over our thoughts and actions. Someone who became a Satanist and does spiritual warfare makes a difference.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Illisio said:
For those who also tell me this context of "that is to fight the enemy", you are fighting nobody as you are literally just opening more problems in your life, not scoring more victories in your life as a Spiritual Satanist.

Very true HP, and this is something everyone has to work on especially in situations where you’re being bombarded with xianity or other religious crap. We need to be strong as SS and be able to overcome our anger and redirect it towards the enemy rather than to other people.

Mohammed in the black flying horse with the 9 year old on the back named Aisha, his wife or something.
Muhammad shouldn't fuck 9 year old kids,,

🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is so funny thank you

Well you don't know what Muslims sayed about that and I quote from one of their "Jurists"

""As for the wisdom behind the marriage of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, to Aisha when she was young, it appears to us, and God knows best, that it was because of the talent and understanding he saw in her, so he loved marrying her at that young age so that she would be more capable than other women of conveying his calling and conditions in his home, and it is known that knowledge When he was young, he became stronger and more established than he was when he was older, and in fact it was like that and it became a reference for many of the Companions""

I really hope that someone just nuke Al kaaba
Hi hoodedcobra just sent through 32$ donation (about 60$ au) just wanted to say you’ve really made a positive impact on my life and may the gods bless you! Thank you all! It was my pleasure!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Illisio said:
For those who also tell me this context of "that is to fight the enemy", you are fighting nobody as you are literally just opening more problems in your life, not scoring more victories in your life as a Spiritual Satanist.

Very true HP, and this is something everyone has to work on especially in situations where you’re being bombarded with xianity or other religious crap. We need to be strong as SS and be able to overcome our anger and redirect it towards the enemy rather than to other people.

As a High Priest of Satan, extremely established in my knowledge, and in general having practiced the path, I am completely immune to Christianity and Islam and all of this nonsense after too many years of knowing.

I still disdain, or feel anger against these people if provoked, yet above all I feel indifference and worry about their state of delusion. There's nothing to feel after a point.

It's not up to me to save everyone directly from being a down syndrome person that believes that a rebel jew is so important in their life. A very important beef between kikes in Israel happened [didn't even happen] a long time ago, and we must care or something.

I know enough to not care.

It's like one of these people who have toxic relationships they swear by. They don't respond to sense most of the time. These are psychotic situations and that's why they spread themselves quickly like illnesses.

It's like listening the fairytale of a child over and over again. They push it all over your face as they are infested by this virus and they want it to spread. You have to believe in their fairytale of the rebel jew, as if he said anything except of nonsense.

I know too much of Ancient Wisdom to be shaken by a quote of the "Quran" or anything these downtrodden jews and related apes wrote in their books. It's so small in contrast to the wisdom I have exposed myself, that I cannot be emotionally affected in anyway.

The above state is the state a Spiritual Satanist should seek, not the state of you fighting like an "equal" to these fools. The time of a Christian or Muslim is absolutely useless.

Since their existence is useless, they take also the path of least resistance and believe in the most massive hoaxes. These are as stupid as them, so they operate on the same mental level as these hoaxes they believe in.

The first has to jack off all day to his jewish rebel savior, the latter has to fantasize about his Mohammed in the black flying horse with the 9 year old on the back named Aisha, his wife or something. And how a story around this is "God's word" as if "God" would write such a book.

The smarter ones of their belief system, they are focused more on certain ethical beliefs and so on, yet these represent a minority. These can in some cases be partly good people that don't need to be attacked, but rather should be gently moved on to higher awareness and knowledge, which is only through the Ancient Gods. These people are already on a growth towards God, but they are deluded by the jewish story and stopped halfway.

That cannot be fixed by attacking them, but by showing them superior knowledge and superior understanding. If they are keen on escaping from the hoax, this category, will. It's all also part of an intricate destiny of each soul to do this eventually. So we have to worry less about that.

These people I mentioned in the above two paragraphs, have higher common sense and won't respond to verbal attacks or emotional coercion as the second type, which is the 99% of the people of Christianity or Islam. The first category of the sheeple, on the other hand, cannot be "debated" whatsoever.

As we can observe, the above is not only mental illness, but also lack of education, lack of a mind overall. You cannot debate a lacking mind. In the same way you cannot beat sense into a down syndromic person, you cannot beat sense into any of these people.

Only logic, education, distance, and undermining their religion and displaying the Truth can solve this. That's like fighting against someone with a brain parasite infestation.

Christians and Muslims are also abuse friendly, and they enjoy being attacked by the imaginary "Satanists" all the time, who believe, that since they try to tell them Muhammad shouldn't fuck 9 year old kids,, or that Jesus the Communist doesn't matter, they are the work of the "Devil" for telling them this.

They consider this a validation that you are doing the work of the Devil for saying that they must not culturally appropriate violence, bloodshed, disaster, illiteracy, pedophilia, anti-life, or low level intelligence and make it all normal for a society.

Fighting it will likely make it worse. In many cases, as you fight them, you sink their beliefs deeper into them same as trying to pull a trapped animal that is chained on the legs and angering it to attack you.

If you want to drive them insane for trolling them or causing them a breakdown, you can of course do it, but that is solely on the basis of gaining satisfaction, not because you are "changing" them.

Of course, if one is seriously attacked or offended, they have to resort to retaliatory means. We know how to do this too, be it that the case arises.

I look upon it rationally, so it looks purely retarded. I can converse their programs easily without limitations and I am not affected, because I know these are only rantings of people of lesser education, foolishness, or just other deficiencies.

When you deprogram truly from Christianity, Islam and the Abrahamic programs, they no longer affect you in anyway. You no longer feel rage, it's a normal state of seeing them for what they truly are. Spells no longer affect you, their "magick" is worthless, their prayers don't even touch you, and you are immune as a God in front of these nonsense programs.

At this point I am literally like a doctor that has infinite antibodies in a diseased place, nothing touches me. To reach this state, one must be well rooted in the Truth. Then, one can take steps back and look at situations objectively.

At first, when you deprogram, until these are resolved, you will feel rage for what has been done to you.

This rage must be used constructively and to advance yourself. Sometimes this involves fighting off restrictive situations from these belief systems, and you should do this smartly, not in a dumb way, but in self development that truly sets you free.

Then the rage resolves and as you become powerful, it no longer affects you. You truly have woken up and you see these people for being just mad and totally misguided.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you very much, Mr. High Priest.
Im not sure how to get over that rage at all particularly towards muslims, kikes at least can't help what they are I consider them the same way I would any parasite sure I hate them but the same way I hate disease I consider them more something that simply has to be removed but muslims are gentiles who have embraced the lowest form of humanity imaginable they genuinely enrage me, they dont offend me so on a personal level but I look at them and see a human pretending to be a chimp they literally have no virtues at all I cant imagine being indifferent to them, each and every one of them celebrates a fucking child raping peadophile for fucks sake and they expect respect?! Yet again I reiterate I hate the kikes but at least they are loyal to their own, muslims dont even posses that value they betray their Gods, the gentile people, their own people and even their families even their little daughters who they sell off like fucking cattle to be raped by perverted old men, how can I feel anything but rage for them?

The way you talk is how I currently feel about christians as I mostly just pity them but largely im indifferent I see them as willing slaves, but muslims are something else and frankly I think many are underestimating them on this forum due to the fact are lot of you are Americans and have little exposure to real muslims on a day to day basis but make no mistake kikes would seek to set their slaves on us, christians would try and oppress us but muslims would rape and kill us and everyone we know and love and call themselves heroes for it, dont forget what they did to the Yezidi's I can't wait for some anti muslim rituals to be posted, the RTR is great but man theirs something about muslims that literally makes my solar chakra feel like its on fire.

But you are of course correct I lose a lot of valuable time literally stewing in my resentment of the enemy, time I could be using to my own betterment and instead is wasted on largely impotent rage, another valuable sermon HPHC!

Hail Satan!
Shadowcat said:
I briefly was friends with a muslim recently and we finally had a falling out when she tried to convert me to islam. I told her about all the awful teachings about women in the koran and she denied this profusely and even pulled out her koran to try to read through passages that she claimed refuted this (after right away accidentally dropping the piece of trash on the floor which I think was no coincidence..) until she got to the one passage I was familiar with where it says the husband is allowed to hit his wife. I told her I remembered it and when she got to the part that proves my point and I tell her this, and then she went on defending it saying "lightly!"

I didn't like her tone or the way she was pushing this hebrew trash on me so I stormed out of her apartment followed by her blowing up my phone with texts and calls accusing ME of being rude that I blocked. I finally texted her that we were not compatible friends as she crossed a boundary and she was rude by failing to realize this. She was afraid I would seek retribution and I told her that there was no need for this as the suffering that pisslam invokes on gentiles is enough, to which I gave her the example where she felt her family was cursed (they all did) and how when her mother had recordings of reciting the koran playing it apparently invoked negative entities. this was no surprise and I ended things on the note telling her basically that she was worth more than thinking this shit was ok for her and was sadly left to her own probable continuous suffering and plagues from the enemy.

It is a sad state of affairs but these people dig their own holes.

I can totally relate, as I know most of the shit that is rooted in Pisslamic laws, thanks to many anti-mudslims websites. Something that puts xians and mudslims on the same plane is the fact that they both tell people that they "cannot be woman-haters" because they both see (((Mary))) in a positive light. Catholics will, for example, say that because they worship Mary as the "highest of the women" they cannot be misogynist. Similarly, Muslims will tell rely on the argument on the many times she is mentioned in Koran.

They of course love to ignore that her existence actually proves that they hate women, as they hate any woman that is not like her: a boring slave with a veil on her head, with no personality and no real accomplishment (outside of some folk tales).

In short, using Mary to prove that Abrahmists don't hate women is nothing but a bullshit strawman argument.
Very True, infact I noticed this recently how unbothered I am about these people. I think most people here should at least come to this level. I see them as mentally disturbed. I mean no matter what they have , I can see how sad, drained of joy and power and how they want to hurt everyone around them. I pity them most of the time.

Yet, I'll say I've been doing ritual up till recently where I put all the enemies of Lord Satan beneath me. I mean these dudes have been relentless in their churches and mosques blaming Satan, so I just started doing something of mine added to the FRTR. And it's just makes me see how pathetic they are. But no mercy though! Satan's name must be lifted up where I am, without me saying it vocally!

And I think its a very bad idea to talk to people about Satan, no matter how you want to paint it, don't ! Even if the person seems like they wanna wake up,. Haha, that will be mostly turn out bad. Do it anonymously if must.
Shadowcat said:
...until she got to the one passage I was familiar with where it says the husband is allowed to hit his wife. I told her I remembered it and when she got to the part that proves my point and I tell her this, and then she went on defending it saying "lightly!"

It is a sad state of affairs but these people dig their own holes.

Lightly, seriously!!! Don't bullshit me! At the basis of their beliefs are Hypocrisy and Lies, which is why they come out like this, "Ugly" people.
Henu the Great said:
blackwizard said:
I really hope that someone just nuke Al kaaba
The web page in your signature includes a lot of nuking power. :)

Yeah I know man i practice them everyday, yet i wish if someday I could exhumed Muhammad's grave and say to him: hey we need to talk.
Some cities in American and Canada are 10% muslim because they are flooding the west. Imagine if they all went suicide-bombing, the whole population of those cities would be decimated.

We are very aware of the threat, and it's been mentioned many times through the years here. Focusing on the God Rituals will help, because the stronger the influence of Satan here, the weaker the enemy programs will become.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=480828 time=1704264028 user_id=57]
Some cities in American and Canada are 10% muslim because they are flooding the west. Imagine if they all went suicide-bombing, the whole population of those cities would be decimated.

We are very aware of the threat, and it's been mentioned many times through the years here. Focusing on the God Rituals will help, because the stronger the influence of Satan here, the weaker the enemy programs will become.

I know of course apologies for being too emotional, I had just read a news story about another crime they had committed so I was really pissed off when writing that comment, I shouldn't have implied you guys weren't taking it seriously that was very arrogant of me and uncalled for, as I said its an important sermon for me as I do tend to get into rage spirals when it comes to the enemy and I get too worked up and don't think clearly.
Yagami Light said:
When I had told him about the pedophilia stuff of his religion, he justified it by saying "have you thought that maybe children were different back then?"...

The insanity is strong in this one.

I think pisslam does something to people that completely mangles their soul and dehumanizes them, it's insane. I once had a muslim friend as well, and I had to fall out with her because one day a beheading happened and it was shown on the news, and she found a gore video of the beheading then showed me said video very non-chalantly. That was my first time seeing gore and I still remember it to this day, it's burned in my memory, I felt sick and angry at what I had seen and she started going on a tangent about how not all muslims are bad and that this is not the norm, pulling a salesman routine on me after shelling me with that video. I just had to leave at that point, it was insanity. Good thing I did what I did because she was also into me, I dodged the mother of bullets here.
I have a familiar who is a devout Christian, but helps me out in career and life stuff. This person being a devout Christian at this point has little role to play, all I care that this person is helping me out and am thankful for it.

Not to mention that I've learned many so-called "Christian/Muslims" aren't really Christian or Muslim, but are fellow Satanists and Pagans who because of their environment, are forced to keep their mouths locked, after all, Silence is Golden.

Only a serious degenerate "hardcore minority" has the galls to cut ties with family members and the such, and it is for a worthless cause.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Illisio said:
For those who also tell me this context of "that is to fight the enemy", you are fighting nobody as you are literally just opening more problems in your life, not scoring more victories in your life as a Spiritual Satanist.

Very true HP, and this is something everyone has to work on especially in situations where you’re being bombarded with xianity or other religious crap. We need to be strong as SS and be able to overcome our anger and redirect it towards the enemy rather than to other people.

As a High Priest of Satan, extremely established in my knowledge, and in general having practiced the path, I am completely immune to Christianity and Islam and all of this nonsense after too many years of knowing.

I still disdain, or feel anger against these people if provoked, yet above all I feel indifference and worry about their state of delusion. There's nothing to feel after a point.

It's not up to me to save everyone directly from being a down syndrome person that believes that a rebel jew is so important in their life. A very important beef between kikes in Israel happened [didn't even happen] a long time ago, and we must care or something.

I know enough to not care.

It's like one of these people who have toxic relationships they swear by. They don't respond to sense most of the time. These are psychotic situations and that's why they spread themselves quickly like illnesses.

It's like listening the fairytale of a child over and over again. They push it all over your face as they are infested by this virus and they want it to spread. You have to believe in their fairytale of the rebel jew, as if he said anything except of nonsense.

I know too much of Ancient Wisdom to be shaken by a quote of the "Quran" or anything these downtrodden jews and related apes wrote in their books. It's so small in contrast to the wisdom I have exposed myself, that I cannot be emotionally affected in anyway.

The above state is the state a Spiritual Satanist should seek, not the state of you fighting like an "equal" to these fools. The time of a Christian or Muslim is absolutely useless.

Since their existence is useless, they take also the path of least resistance and believe in the most massive hoaxes. These are as stupid as them, so they operate on the same mental level as these hoaxes they believe in.

The first has to jack off all day to his jewish rebel savior, the latter has to fantasize about his Mohammed in the black flying horse with the 9 year old on the back named Aisha, his wife or something. And how a story around this is "God's word" as if "God" would write such a book.

The smarter ones of their belief system, they are focused more on certain ethical beliefs and so on, yet these represent a minority. These can in some cases be partly good people that don't need to be attacked, but rather should be gently moved on to higher awareness and knowledge, which is only through the Ancient Gods. These people are already on a growth towards God, but they are deluded by the jewish story and stopped halfway.

That cannot be fixed by attacking them, but by showing them superior knowledge and superior understanding. If they are keen on escaping from the hoax, this category, will. It's all also part of an intricate destiny of each soul to do this eventually. So we have to worry less about that.

These people I mentioned in the above two paragraphs, have higher common sense and won't respond to verbal attacks or emotional coercion as the second type, which is the 99% of the people of Christianity or Islam. The first category of the sheeple, on the other hand, cannot be "debated" whatsoever.

As we can observe, the above is not only mental illness, but also lack of education, lack of a mind overall. You cannot debate a lacking mind. In the same way you cannot beat sense into a down syndromic person, you cannot beat sense into any of these people.

Only logic, education, distance, and undermining their religion and displaying the Truth can solve this. That's like fighting against someone with a brain parasite infestation.

Christians and Muslims are also abuse friendly, and they enjoy being attacked by the imaginary "Satanists" all the time, who believe, that since they try to tell them Muhammad shouldn't fuck 9 year old kids,, or that Jesus the Communist doesn't matter, they are the work of the "Devil" for telling them this.

They consider this a validation that you are doing the work of the Devil for saying that they must not culturally appropriate violence, bloodshed, disaster, illiteracy, pedophilia, anti-life, or low level intelligence and make it all normal for a society.

Fighting it will likely make it worse. In many cases, as you fight them, you sink their beliefs deeper into them same as trying to pull a trapped animal that is chained on the legs and angering it to attack you.

If you want to drive them insane for trolling them or causing them a breakdown, you can of course do it, but that is solely on the basis of gaining satisfaction, not because you are "changing" them.

Of course, if one is seriously attacked or offended, they have to resort to retaliatory means. We know how to do this too, be it that the case arises.

I look upon it rationally, so it looks purely retarded. I can converse their programs easily without limitations and I am not affected, because I know these are only rantings of people of lesser education, foolishness, or just other deficiencies.

When you deprogram truly from Christianity, Islam and the Abrahamic programs, they no longer affect you in anyway. You no longer feel rage, it's a normal state of seeing them for what they truly are. Spells no longer affect you, their "magick" is worthless, their prayers don't even touch you, and you are immune as a God in front of these nonsense programs.

At this point I am literally like a doctor that has infinite antibodies in a diseased place, nothing touches me. To reach this state, one must be well rooted in the Truth. Then, one can take steps back and look at situations objectively.

At first, when you deprogram, until these are resolved, you will feel rage for what has been done to you.

This rage must be used constructively and to advance yourself. Sometimes this involves fighting off restrictive situations from these belief systems, and you should do this smartly, not in a dumb way, but in self development that truly sets you free.

Then the rage resolves and as you become powerful, it no longer affects you. You truly have woken up and you see these people for being just mad and totally misguided.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Degenerate jewish religions will disappear when a new order is established, which we are all waiting for!
Shadowcat said:
I briefly was friends with a muslim recently and we finally had a falling out when she tried to convert me to islam. I told her about all the awful teachings about women in the koran and she denied this profusely and even pulled out her koran to try to read through passages that she claimed refuted this (after right away accidentally dropping the piece of trash on the floor which I think was no coincidence..) until she got to the one passage I was familiar with where it says the husband is allowed to hit his wife. I told her I remembered it and when she got to the part that proves my point and I tell her this, and then she went on defending it saying "lightly!"

I didn't like her tone or the way she was pushing this hebrew trash on me so I stormed out of her apartment followed by her blowing up my phone with texts and calls accusing ME of being rude that I blocked. I finally texted her that we were not compatible friends as she crossed a boundary and she was rude by failing to realize this. She was afraid I would seek retribution and I told her that there was no need for this as the suffering that pisslam invokes on gentiles is enough, to which I gave her the example where she felt her family was cursed (they all did) and how when her mother had recordings of reciting the koran playing it apparently invoked negative entities. this was no surprise and I ended things on the note telling her basically that she was worth more than thinking this shit was ok for her and was sadly left to her own probable continuous suffering and plagues from the enemy.

It is a sad state of affairs but these people dig their own holes.
Please don’t do that ever again. Caring about any type of “muslim” leads to this. You could’ve never changed her or saved her. You’re in a whole different world from her. They are on a complete abysmal lower level mentally and spiritually.

If she reads this reply to this thread she would think you’re a schizophrenic delusional paranoid. They have no idea what curses are, etc, etc, etc. They struggle with the most basic shit regarding these topics.

Being friends was a failure from the start and never have any type of feelings for any muslims or someone that has islamic tendencies ever again. You can treat them professionally and friendly at work, studies, etc. but you can never care about them it will only hurt.

At least you’re very lucky to be in a better place than muslim-only country. Imagine having to live like this with EVERYONE I know, care about, friends with, lovers, etc.
As a High Priest of Satan, extremely established in my knowledge, and in general having practiced the path, I am completely immune to Christianity and Islam and all of this nonsense after too many years of knowing.

I still disdain, or feel anger against these people if provoked, yet above all I feel indifference and worry about their state of delusion. There's nothing to feel after a point.

It's not up to me to save everyone directly from being a down syndrome person that believes that a rebel jew is so important in their life. A very important beef between kikes in Israel happened [didn't even happen] a long time ago, and we must care or something.

I know enough to not care.

It's like one of these people who have toxic relationships they swear by. They don't respond to sense most of the time. These are psychotic situations and that's why they spread themselves quickly like illnesses.

It's like listening the fairytale of a child over and over again. They push it all over your face as they are infested by this virus and they want it to spread. You have to believe in their fairytale of the rebel jew, as if he said anything except of nonsense.

I know too much of Ancient Wisdom to be shaken by a quote of the "Quran" or anything these downtrodden jews and related apes wrote in their books. It's so small in contrast to the wisdom I have exposed myself, that I cannot be emotionally affected in anyway.

The above state is the state a Spiritual Satanist should seek, not the state of you fighting like an "equal" to these fools. The time of a Christian or Muslim is absolutely useless.

Since their existence is useless, they take also the path of least resistance and believe in the most massive hoaxes. These are as stupid as them, so they operate on the same mental level as these hoaxes they believe in.

The first has to jack off all day to his jewish rebel savior, the latter has to fantasize about his Mohammed in the black flying horse with the 9 year old on the back named Aisha, his wife or something. And how a story around this is "God's word" as if "God" would write such a book.

The smarter ones of their belief system, they are focused more on certain ethical beliefs and so on, yet these represent a minority. These can in some cases be partly good people that don't need to be attacked, but rather should be gently moved on to higher awareness and knowledge, which is only through the Ancient Gods. These people are already on a growth towards God, but they are deluded by the jewish story and stopped halfway.

That cannot be fixed by attacking them, but by showing them superior knowledge and superior understanding. If they are keen on escaping from the hoax, this category, will. It's all also part of an intricate destiny of each soul to do this eventually. So we have to worry less about that.

These people I mentioned in the above two paragraphs, have higher common sense and won't respond to verbal attacks or emotional coercion as the second type, which is the 99% of the people of Christianity or Islam. The first category of the sheeple, on the other hand, cannot be "debated" whatsoever.

As we can observe, the above is not only mental illness, but also lack of education, lack of a mind overall. You cannot debate a lacking mind. In the same way you cannot beat sense into a down syndromic person, you cannot beat sense into any of these people.

Only logic, education, distance, and undermining their religion and displaying the Truth can solve this. That's like fighting against someone with a brain parasite infestation.

Christians and Muslims are also abuse friendly, and they enjoy being attacked by the imaginary "Satanists" all the time, who believe, that since they try to tell them Muhammad shouldn't fuck 9 year old kids,, or that Jesus the Communist doesn't matter, they are the work of the "Devil" for telling them this.

They consider this a validation that you are doing the work of the Devil for saying that they must not culturally appropriate violence, bloodshed, disaster, illiteracy, pedophilia, anti-life, or low level intelligence and make it all normal for a society.

Fighting it will likely make it worse. In many cases, as you fight them, you sink their beliefs deeper into them same as trying to pull a trapped animal that is chained on the legs and angering it to attack you.

If you want to drive them insane for trolling them or causing them a breakdown, you can of course do it, but that is solely on the basis of gaining satisfaction, not because you are "changing" them.

Of course, if one is seriously attacked or offended, they have to resort to retaliatory means. We know how to do this too, be it that the case arises.

I look upon it rationally, so it looks purely retarded. I can converse their programs easily without limitations and I am not affected, because I know these are only rantings of people of lesser education, foolishness, or just other deficiencies.

When you deprogram truly from Christianity, Islam and the Abrahamic programs, they no longer affect you in anyway. You no longer feel rage, it's a normal state of seeing them for what they truly are. Spells no longer affect you, their "magick" is worthless, their prayers don't even touch you, and you are immune as a God in front of these nonsense programs.

At this point I am literally like a doctor that has infinite antibodies in a diseased place, nothing touches me. To reach this state, one must be well rooted in the Truth. Then, one can take steps back and look at situations objectively.

At first, when you deprogram, until these are resolved, you will feel rage for what has been done to you.

This rage must be used constructively and to advance yourself. Sometimes this involves fighting off restrictive situations from these belief systems, and you should do this smartly, not in a dumb way, but in self development that truly sets you free.

Then the rage resolves and as you become powerful, it no longer affects you. You truly have woken up and you see these people for being just mad and totally misguided.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hail Satan Hail Lucifer Hail Baphomet Hail Enki

Feel Blessed and get more conviced to Satanksm by read all articles in JOS and get pride for leaving Christianity and Islam

Greetings from Indonesia, New Member call me Asmodeus Lucifer
Hail Satan Hail Lucifer Hail Baphomet Hail Enki

Feel Blessed and get more conviced to Satanksm by read all articles in JOS and get pride for leaving Christianity and Islam

Greetings from Indonesia, New Member call me Asmodeus Lucifer
Hail Satan!♥️🔥
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Remarkable and helpful words to all of us! Hail Satan!

You are so right about this. There comes a point in which you see enough reality in all things of our world and gain enough wisdom that it becomes a complete knowing of which more than 99.99% of the world is devoid of. For me it feels like I've become an incarnation and embodiment of all truth (i.e Satan) since my dedication.

I will never allow such people to shift my logic in terms of values or how I conduct my lifestyle/spending and so forth. The enemy may try these things throughout brainwashed people in our environments, yet I know now that it holds no stake in my long-term outcome and that I'm never alone.

You are right and thank you again for knocking sense into me with this post. I've seen a few too many things and become too invested in the world around me; something that I will banish from my life ad infinitum for the grace and beauty of Satan and all that is pure and true in our world. I love my family and friends but it's their choice I suppose if they wish to destroy themselves in their lamentable ignorance.

This has been the hardest thing I've had to do my entire life but it absolutely is the only way to grow and move forward in my life. Thank you again and sorry to appear all crazy and depressed lately. Even if my family members sometimes look and act to me like literal NPCs inside and out, I shouldn't allow that to change shared ideas of values and family ideas, in spite of our vast differences in how we see the world. It will take change on their part and I still continue to love them, looking to the silver linings and small things. Most people can be considered as children I suppose, just as it was clearly made to be. It's up to us whether we choose to truly grow up or not and also in what way or direction that growth occurs.

Everyone here is a genuine inspiration to me; an irreplacable family member one could say. I thank our entire family for being an unparalleled force of truth and unity.
After reading your article, I am very thankful that I did. Honestly, I have experienced this anger now as well. However, seeing it from the perspective of a God as you have shown, I can see the flaws in that logic. Thank you high priest! This makes me a better person and even more resolved to the truth.

☀️Hail Satan Forever☀️

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
