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Ancient Sages and Their Need to Recognize Their Role in Civilisation. By Dr David Frawley.


Sep 22, 2017
All the ancient cultures of the world look back to great sages before them, and earlier eras of wisdom and enlightenment. Whether the Hindus, Buddhists and Jains of India, or the ancient cultures of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Mexico, Peru, China, the Greeks, Celts, Polynesians and numerous others, including almost every native and indigenous tradition that we like to call primitive and are still trying to eradicate.
Many ancient and traditional cultures had the story of a Golden Age in the past from which humanity has fallen over time. This view is contrary to our civilizational image of great progress and increase of knowledge over the last few centuries, which is getting more powerful every decade.

Such ancient sages like the Vedic Rishis and Yogis lived closer to nature, in hermitage settings or in caves or out in the wild without much by way of clothes or possessions, having the ability to live off of nature.
The ancient sages followed secret mantric and symbolic teachings, through detailed oral traditions that required prodigious memories, very few have today. They developed control of mind, senses, prana and bodily temperature. They knew of occult powers like telepathy, were aware of their previous births, had knowledge of other worlds or lokas beyond the physical extending to the Infinite and Eternal. They could access higher states of consciousness and cosmic intelligence within themselves.
The question is whether we can continue to connect to the ancient sages and make their wisdom relevant to our lives and use it to guide humanity not just outwardly but inwardly. This may become a necessity to master our new technology that has many benefits but many dangers as well.
OM Namo Parama Rishibhyoh!
They did not live in caves, that's just misinformation.
This is total stupidity, in ancient times the most spiritually advanced people were also the most prosperous and had the most wealth, for example the ancient pharaohs.
What is Om? AUM is the way to go and the truth.
Spirituality must be free and expressed and not be hidden in a cave and mystified and starve like hippie buddha.
It is part of Humanity and the world, there is nothing to hide.
Just like the Joy of Satan! AUM!
likman666 said:

Please stop copypasting enemy crap. We are Satanists, not corrupted Hindus. We are proud warriors that fight our enemies, not pacifist slaves. We work to empower and perfect our egos, not dissolve them. You have been copy-pasting corrupted Hindu crap for a long time. Don't you know that mainstream Hinduism is against Satanism?

I would go so far as to call it an enemy religion. Buddhism and Jainism certainly are enemy religions. All of these advocate being an egoless, pacifist slave and not seeking to perfect your individual self and not destroy your enemies using black magick.

Not everything outside JoS is wrong, but the stuff you blindly copy and paste most certainly is. You don't even use discernment, you just blindly copypaste whatever Hindu scammers like Yogananda and others say.

There are parts of Hinduism that are Satanic, and most of these have been already included in the JoS site: the Planetary Square mantras, and other Sanskrit mantras that help us either in empowering our soul and chakras or in magick. Kundalini Yoga and Tantra also comes from Hinduism and isn't totally corrupted.

Pacifist "sages" who live in caves and are egoless zombies are completely useless and retarded and have no role in civilization, as a matter of face.
Shadowmage said:
likman666 said:

Please stop copypasting enemy crap. We are Satanists, not corrupted Hindus. We are proud warriors that fight our enemies, not pacifist slaves. We work to empower and perfect our egos, not dissolve them. You have been copy-pasting corrupted Hindu crap for a long time. Don't you know that mainstream Hinduism is against Satanism?

I would go so far as to call it an enemy religion. Buddhism and Jainism certainly are enemy religions. All of these advocate being an egoless, pacifist slave and not seeking to perfect your individual self and not destroy your enemies using black magick.

Not everything outside JoS is wrong, but the stuff you blindly copy and paste most certainly is. You don't even use discernment, you just blindly copypaste whatever Hindu scammers like Yogananda and others say.

There are parts of Hinduism that are Satanic, and most of these have been already included in the JoS site: the Planetary Square mantras, and other Sanskrit mantras that help us either in empowering our soul and chakras or in magick. Kundalini Yoga and Tantra also comes from Hinduism and isn't totally corrupted.

Pacifist "sages" who live in caves and are egoless zombies are completely useless and retarded and have no role in civilization, as a matter of face.
Look,I have been a SS for 12 years. Satan knows for sure His devotees. You can't dictate to me the relationship,I have with the Satan and Gods. Just like I can't do the same for you. There's an order to things, this planet for example is being kept in place , rotating in a certain way and keeping it's orbit around the Sun and so on. A certain SOMETHING is doing that , there's an Order. Unfoldment also has an order to it. That SOMETHING is everywhere,no one is guruless. If one doesn't follow the Order of unfoldment,it simply won't work. Karma is the teacher. There's a way to unfold to Self Realisation,if it's not followed it won't work. No one needs to be told this,they can learn for themselves. That SOMETHING,we can call it Atma,God or whatever name you want to call it. It obscures ,it limits power arccording to soul maturity and so on. No average Jim and Jack can just live off purely on the Atma, that's very advanced and shows an advanced stage of Yoga. To do so one has at the very least be Self Realized (Kundalini rising). And there's a way to do so. The mind and body have to be strengthened and so on. There's an order to it,you don't follow it ,it won't work. People who are bums ,are those who break into Contemplation,God Bliss through drugs with the mind and physical body not trained to sustain such. So they are became lazy, non functional and so on. Especially if they are a young soul. Their minds and bodies are not trained to handle High consciousness and as such they tune out. Addiction sets in,they look for their next fix. As said there's an Order to things,breaking in prematurely through drugs doesn't work for long. Devas will push out such a soul from high consciousness and so on. Unfoldment works from the instinctive animal nature ,then the intellect and then Superconsciousness when one decides to persue the Yoga. So most if not all who seek the Yoga are often highly intelligent. Which average Jim and Jack with being so sensual , attached to Maya would even think of being a hermit. There's an Order ,the body feels hungry,it thirsts,it gets tired and so on. If someone just decides "oh l will just go into the forest and realize the Self", these issues will obviously hit that person. They won't do it. Atma obscures it doesn't make it easy to just live purely off of IT. That's a very advanced stage of Yoga and is definitely not a weakness. If one can live off the Dragon (Eternal Flame Atma) purely that means their mind and body has been systematically trained to do so. No average Jim and Jack can decide to do this, you understand. It's advanced ,it's not a weakness.
Hinduism is broad are they phony sects within it of course they are. . This is Kali Yuga ,even genuine sects and they are some outside JOS ,get infiltrators and so on. JOS itself has had a drug addict for a High Priest who was even propagated as having a risen serpent when not.
I even also believed this and looked to the person. They wrote a number of articles and so on.
The changes to the clergy and so on. As I mentioned I have been an SS for 12 years
Does it mean JOS is fake?.No. These things are part and parcel of the age we are in.
And I repeat there's an Order to things,as you progress in the Yoga they should be more contentment ,more Joy and so on.
There's was a time ,they where no Jews,no wars and so on. All people did was sustain themselves to meditate and evolve. As such they could really make very high advancements and even become Gods. So we can even consult such. Obviously we are in different times ,the Kundalini is asleep in most, Dharma is compromised, hunger,wars and so on result. Repitilians feel they can exploit the situation and so on. I am not advocating being a bum nor is the above article. That's not how I see it anyway. But don't worry , I will make no more posts not from outside anyway. The enemy wants to stagnate evolution,anyone therefore whether on JOS or not who is making strides in the Yoga ,is fighting the enemy. The world improves because you are improving yourself,the aura of a practitioner is often huge and very wide.
Dharma has order to it,if it's not followed they are consequences, depression and so on. No one is guruless,the world itself is a guru .

The ancients were in different times, and unfortunately their wisdom and spiritual feats did not do much for what came after. Some of their texts will still be cherished but remember that these people were in very different times.

Though there may be beneficial to seek respite in a mountain for a while or so and offer the mind and body a moment to synchronise so that we can better ourselves for the "real world" and not instead to seek refuge. Like polish one side of a rock and make it shiny and believe that defines the rest of the condition the rock is in which is basically tourism in a nutshell.

Pacifism in the notion of death itself, though one important principle is that we should always question if something is always the way we perceive them to be. But to turn a blind eye is suicide.
Samkara said:

The ancients were in different times, and unfortunately their wisdom and spiritual feats did not do much for what came after. Some of their texts will still be cherished but remember that these people were in very different times.

Though there may be beneficial to seek respite in a mountain for a while or so and offer the mind and body a moment to synchronise so that we can better ourselves for the "real world" and not instead to seek refuge. Like polish one side of a rock and make it shiny and believe that defines the rest of the condition the rock is in which is basically tourism in a nutshell.

Pacifism in the notion of death itself, though one important principle is that we should always question if something is always the way we perceive them to be. But to turn a blind eye is suicide.
Samadhi don't come cheap. You think one can just decide ,I will go into the mountains ,forget society and realise the Self. Hermits are actually quite rare in Kali Yuga. Atma is in everything. What you have are people on drugs who tune into contemplation ,God Bliss prematurely,,before their mind and body are trained well enough to handle it. They tune out as a result and addiction comes in. There's an order ,Devas will push out someone who breaks in prematurely.
The External has to be strengthened then you go into the intensity of God Consciousness within. Even in the Orient ,those who are bums are probably on drugs combined with some occult knowledge. You break in prematurely with drugs ,you most likely be a bum, especially if one is a young soul. These are the types you often find. That's not what I am advocating nor is the above article. Great sages from the Ancient past can be consulted some are Gods, there's nothing wrong with that.
Unfoldment happens in a systematic way ,going into Samadhi doesn't come easy. Know one who trains systematically ,over a period of time,ends up being a bum. The struggle of it strengthens one. Now if one decides for a weekend to withdraw from society ,to have some peace and quiet to meditate there's nothing wrong with that.
You guys are acting like going into Samadhi is like a switch someone turns on and then they are just detached from society, don't care and so on. It don't come cheap like that, there's obscuration arccording to soul maturity. In Kali Yuga people are very attached to their physical bodies and sensuality. If they decided to be a hermit all of a sudden ,they would probably fail. Their is an order to unfoldment, working with the Gods and so on. If you don't follow that,you will fail. This is what teaches everyone. Karma.
Bums in regards to the occult are probably on drugs.
Shadowmage said:
likman666 said:

Please stop copypasting enemy crap. We are Satanists, not corrupted Hindus. We are proud warriors that fight our enemies, not pacifist slaves. We work to empower and perfect our egos, not dissolve them. You have been copy-pasting corrupted Hindu crap for a long time. Don't you know that mainstream Hinduism is against Satanism?

I would go so far as to call it an enemy religion. Buddhism and Jainism certainly are enemy religions. All of these advocate being an egoless, pacifist slave and not seeking to perfect your individual self and not destroy your enemies using black magick.

Not everything outside JoS is wrong, but the stuff you blindly copy and paste most certainly is. You don't even use discernment, you just blindly copypaste whatever Hindu scammers like Yogananda and others say.

There are parts of Hinduism that are Satanic, and most of these have been already included in the JoS site: the Planetary Square mantras, and other Sanskrit mantras that help us either in empowering our soul and chakras or in magick. Kundalini Yoga and Tantra also comes from Hinduism and isn't totally corrupted.

Pacifist "sages" who live in caves and are egoless zombies are completely useless and retarded and have no role in civilization, as a matter of face.

The more you give to the mind (and ego) the more it wants, it is never satisfied, because it has an infinite nature. And so, in my opinion you have to put on the brakes and define your goals well.
Solar Legion said:
likman666 said:
How is Samadhi defined by a Spiritual Satanist?
Samadhi is Sanskrit it means Union,sameness,one pointedness when the meditator feels one with the object of meditation. Brought on by mental concentration. This puts the meditator in tune with God Consciousness Bliss. It has two types, the first is Savikalpa Samadhi, realising God with form. This is Superconsciousness ,it's starts from the navel the highest being in the 3rd eye. They are 7 levels to this. The second is Nirvikalpa Samadhi , realising God without form,formlessness or the Black Sun. It's beyond Consciousness itself and is the highest. This happens when Kundalini rises to the crown chakra.
likman666 said:
Samkara said:

The ancients were in different times, and unfortunately their wisdom and spiritual feats did not do much for what came after. Some of their texts will still be cherished but remember that these people were in very different times.

Though there may be beneficial to seek respite in a mountain for a while or so and offer the mind and body a moment to synchronise so that we can better ourselves for the "real world" and not instead to seek refuge. Like polish one side of a rock and make it shiny and believe that defines the rest of the condition the rock is in which is basically tourism in a nutshell.

Pacifism in the notion of death itself, though one important principle is that we should always question if something is always the way we perceive them to be. But to turn a blind eye is suicide.
Samadhi don't come cheap. You think one can just decide ,I will go into the mountains ,forget society and realise the Self. Hermits are actually quite rare in Kali Yuga. Atma is in everything. What you have are people on drugs who tune into contemplation ,God Bliss prematurely,,before their mind and body are trained well enough to handle it. They tune out as a result and addiction comes in. There's an order ,Devas will push out someone who breaks in prematurely.
The External has to be strengthened then you go into the intensity of God Consciousness within. Even in the Orient ,those who are bums are probably on drugs combined with some occult knowledge. You break in prematurely with drugs ,you most likely be a bum, especially if one is a young soul. These are the types you often find. That's not what I am advocating nor is the above article. Great sages from the Ancient past can be consulted some are Gods, there's nothing wrong with that.
Unfoldment happens in a systematic way ,going into Samadhi doesn't come easy. Know one who trains systematically ,over a period of time,ends up being a bum. The struggle of it strengthens one. Now if one decides for a weekend to withdraw from society ,to have some peace and quiet to meditate there's nothing wrong with that.
You guys are acting like going into Samadhi is like a switch someone turns on and then they are just detached from society, don't care and so on. It don't come cheap like that, there's obscuration arccording to soul maturity. In Kali Yuga people are very attached to their physical bodies and sensuality. If they decided to be a hermit all of a sudden ,they would probably fail. Their is an order to unfoldment, working with the Gods and so on. If you don't follow that,you will fail. This is what teaches everyone. Karma.
Bums in regards to the occult are probably on drugs.

I think this is best described by the Hermit in the tarot

The Hermit is the phase of introspection where you are drawing your attention inwards and looking for answers within. You are in need of a period of inner reflection, away from the current demands of your position

I was playing a text-rpg game and came across a wondering gypsie, who drew a tarot card based on my philosophical outlook:
"The Hermit, one who quietly polishes his skills in isolation... but when the time comes, he must reveal himself to the world"

I think the basic idea is that one is too seek seclusion in order to find inner union, to "correct" oneself through the means of meditation and finding better sense of purpose to face life with a stronger ground. Nowadays we're thrown around like monkeys in a cage who barely get any time to reflect on ourselves, or the least even "breath", sometimes I feel like just fuck it and pursue my ambition and let everything else just fuck off for awhile. Though some things can't always be the way we want it to be, not for long at-least.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
