This article that debunks the multiculturalist/marxist propaganda about Greeks and Romans references many sources on this and other related topics:
Contents AbstractDefining ‘Racism’IntroductionRacism in Greco-Roman society4.1 Aristotelian Biology: The proto-taxonomy of ancient Greece4.2 Europe as both Racial and Geographic4.3 Racist stereotyp…
From the article:
4.6 Purity of lineage and opposition to miscegenation
The Athenians, like many ancient Greeks, placed huge importance on the “purity” and nobility of their lineage:
In Plato’s
Menexenes (4th Century BC), Socrates explains the Athenian hatred of barbarians by claiming that Athenians…
This attitude towards racial or ethnic mixing was also held by the Romans — directly contrasting modern historical revisionism that attempts to paint Romans as race- or ethnicity-blind Globalists. When referring to Celts who had moved from Europe to Anatolia, the Roman historian Livy claimed that:
‘The Epitome of Roman History,’ based on the works of Livy, Florus later paraphrased “mixed and degenerate” as
‘mixta et adulterata’ (“mixed and impure, bastards”)
Roman historian Tacitus described the Germans as:
“indigenous, and not mixed at all with other peoples through immigration or intercourse” (Germania, 98 AD), which he regarded as one of their strengths (alongside their fearsome warrior culture, which was respected by the Romans).
Romans, in general, believed that racial or ethnic groups became “degenerated” by living outside of their natural habitats. They did not believe, for example, that a Roman could thrive in a Middle Eastern desert, or that an Ethiopian could adapt to living in wintery Scythia. This environmentally deterministic mode of thought can be viewed as a forerunner of “Blood and Soil” theories of nationalism, whereby specific peoples are bound to specific habitats and territories.
It should be noted that both Greeks and Romans (particularly the Romans) had virulent disdain for Middle Eastern peoples that went far beyond their general distaste for barbarians. This is covered in section 4.8.