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An Appreciation Post for JOS:

Sep 18, 2024
In the short amount of time since I've joined JOS, I cannot even begin to express my sincere gratitude and astonishment at the tremendous amounts of knowledge that comes with being a Spiritual Satanist. Since beginning my studies into the occult and ancient history/wisdom around 5-6 years ago, I literally cannot tell you the amount of times that I would begin to read an occult book and as I read, something would stir in my soul telling me that the information within was corrupted. Often times, I came to this conclusion because either A) the information within the book didn't speak to my soul (I've always been a very intuitive person as well as overly sensitive to energy), B) the information within the book seemed to REEK of abrahamic idealogies, or C) often times, mainly in LHP books, the information within portrayed itself as "Luciferian" knowledge, but in the same instance, was completely skewed by christian idealogies. Since finding JOS and all the wisdom therein, never before in my life have I resonated so deeply, to the core of my entire essence. I feel as if I'm finally home. I have found my people, and AT LAST, I have truly found OUR GODS! I just wanted to take just a moment out of my day to genuinely thank Joy of Satanas Ministries, and all of the Clergy members. You guys have dedicated years of your lives for the sake of the greater good. It is truly admirable, and I hope to be just as devout of a follower in the wisdom and eternal truth that is Lucifer and the Elder Gods. Ave Father Lucifer, and again, thank you JOS for being the home I always needed. Love you guys!
I feel exactly as you say, I am so incredibly grateful for the Joy of Satan. I don't know where I'd of ended up in life if not for HP Maxine, HP Cobra, and HPS Lydia. That, and the countless others who have been here and active for years spreading the message of the Gods.

We are so lucky to have Father Satan and all of his Demons. The world would be so dark and unbearable without this.
We are gradually taking the world back piece by piece and it's so beautiful to see.
A) the information within the book didn't speak to my soul (I've always been a very intuitive person as well as overly sensitive to energy)
I had this same experience. When I was around 20 years old I moved to a big city and excitedly hurried to the public library thinking I was going to find all sorts of occult knowledge. I spent many hours there, picking up all the "occult" books and flipping through, and they all felt empty, or had a bad energy, either confusing or just wrongness.

But when I found the JoS, my soul lit up, and I became obsessed (in a good way) :)
JOS Is the House of the God's and I am also personally very grateful to JOS community and to the Gods and the Demons who are by our side against the evil itself.

May The Divine Eternal Light shine upon and trough your souls dear brothers and sister.
No matter the side and intensity of the waves, there's nothing more divine to strive for in this existence then evolution and progress in itself, becoming a God.

We are more blessed then we can even comprehend, we are the descendents of the God's and we are loved and blessed by Them. I can't wait to truly be more closer to Them, exploring the whole universe together, such a beautiful way to see things and exist for, the searched for the divine, beauty and love.

Keep your faith strong in yourself and the God's, sooner or later everyone will encounter and already encountering them but what I mean is that Others encounters them sooner then other and by this I mean Us, we have done it earlier, without having to go trough death itself again to be in the astral relam as souls but not even then the souls can't find the God's, this is something which I personally think it comes more from the within your heart. You're just good and want good and the God's will give you good thinks.

The God's bless those who bless Themselves and Them, if one is truly at his heart and wants a better world then obviously the God's would be like ; This guy...I like this guy He seems worthy, wise and capable of understanding Divinity itself. Therefore We are helped, also beside our connection toward the God's, remember that They themselves have many other connections towards many worlds, worlds that can and are impactful to ours, point is that They got "friends" and many connections with other beings from all sort of places and many kind of various beings but those beings as well are our friends and allies as well or those can just like some of us more then the others, depends obviously but I am saying that we are blessed from so many sources that it's hard to explain into human language and into language itself ss this is something that has to do with a metaphysical point of view mostly but validating spirituality the existence of so many other life form and sources, overall and defenitly our God's being the Toppest level of existence, power, manifestation, overall controller over literally everything as example (space) and the living creatures in that (space) like for instance If you've seen many God's govern like 30 astral Relams or/and World's and that's for a reason.
I had this same experience. When I was around 20 years old I moved to a big city and excitedly hurried to the public library thinking I was going to find all sorts of occult knowledge. I spent many hours there, picking up all the "occult" books and flipping through, and they all felt empty, or had a bad energy, either confusing or just wrongness.

But when I found the JoS, my soul lit up, and I became obsessed (in a good way) :)
I always been very passionate and intrigued about the occult in itself myself. Everytime that I was reading something from a library it'd not just that it felt bad but also for me nothing seemd to "connect" nothing was making sense, It's like I've already knew what I already know which for a matter of fact is true and comes from my previous lives such for as many others who know what I am speaking about unless some other hyena wakes up and entirely skipping my entire whole point and start acusing/assuming and speaking onto my name.

Anyways, keeping to the point. Yes,wicca bullshit that's sold by Jews in all library's and online media is just pure garbage and nothing to do with true spiritual and overall knowledge but real accessible and potent knowledge the one who teach you about yourself, soul, the universe, spiritual, occult the knowledge which makes us our best version from all point of views, the One that makes us God's, we are at the right time now, our Victory is certain.

Many things are at play as we speak but Father Satan is brining to us the purest knowledge and wants us free and powerful, independent beings, making Him proud of becoming more like Him, Perfect and Free.
I had this same experience. When I was around 20 years old I moved to a big city and excitedly hurried to the public library thinking I was going to find all sorts of occult knowledge. I spent many hours there, picking up all the "occult" books and flipping through, and they all felt empty, or had a bad energy, either confusing or just wrongness.

But when I found the JoS, my soul lit up, and I became obsessed (in a good way) :)
Yesss! Same here! We have finally found our home among the Gods 🥰
I always been very passionate and intrigued about the occult in itself myself. Everytime that I was reading something from a library it'd not just that it felt bad but also for me nothing seemd to "connect" nothing was making sense, It's like I've already knew what I already know which for a matter of fact is true and comes from my previous lives such for as many others who know what I am speaking about unless some other hyena wakes up and entirely skipping my entire whole point and start acusing/assuming and speaking onto my name.

Anyways, keeping to the point. Yes,wicca bullshit that's sold by Jews in all library's and online media is just pure garbage and nothing to do with true spiritual and overall knowledge but real accessible and potent knowledge the one who teach you about yourself, soul, the universe, spiritual, occult the knowledge which makes us our best version from all point of views, the One that makes us God's, we are at the right time now, our Victory is certain.

Many things are at play as we speak but Father Satan is brining to us the purest knowledge and wants us free and powerful, independent beings, making Him proud of becoming more like Him, Perfect and Free.
Yesss! I resonate with what you said about just "knowing in your soul that the information didn't 'fit' into the greater picture"; I feel as though Father has been leading me to little nuggets of truth for several months now, for instance, I was looking into TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) and I came across a video of a man doing energy work on another man, and the guy receiving the work said it felt like "electricity" and a lightbulb went off in my head and I thought to myself, that's the life force. A couple weeks later, I found JOS and began reading about Bioelectricity and everything fell into place. I love how the Gods will influence us in little ways, always gently, and to the truth everytime. I am forever thankful to have found Joy of Satanas, from the very depths of my soul. I have always been passionate about wisdom and knowledge, and felt it was most important, besides achieving spiritual enlightenment; but as we know, knowledge leads us to enlightenment, they go hand in hand.
Oh, you mentioning Wicca reminded me, I downloaded this book over a year ago, from a sect of Luciferianism that I THOUGHT was legit, but turns out they were severely infested with abrahamic idealogies, maybe even without them realizing it. This was a book by The Temple of the Ascending Flame, called Awakening Lucifer. Hurt my heart when I started reading all the bullshit about Father. I knew then it wasn't right. I'm super thankful to have always had a strong intuition about these things.

Much love, you guys! Ave Father Lucifer 💙🖤
I feel exactly as you say, I am so incredibly grateful for the Joy of Satan. I don't know where I'd of ended up in life if not for HP Maxine, HP Cobra, and HPS Lydia. That, and the countless others who have been here and active for years spreading the message of the Gods.

We are so lucky to have Father Satan and all of his Demons. The world would be so dark and unbearable without this.
We are gradually taking the world back piece by piece and it's so beautiful to see.
I totally and completely agree, friend. As you stated, I honestly don't know where I'd be either. I was one of the unlucky MANY who succumbed to addiction during my teenage years (I'm 28 now), and I've been off drugs now for almost 4 years. Shortly after getting sober, my awakening truly began. Large amounts of trauma and such that I had buried and shoved down for years began to surface, and I began to heal those wounded parts of me. Five months or so into sobriety, my life long best friend succumbed to an overdose and was pronounced brain dead shortly after she was found. This would have broke most people, and for a short time, it indeed did break me. I was a MESS, and that's putting it lightly. After coming out of a stent of depression, I started my research seriously; I had been dabbling in the occult for about 2 years prior to getting sober, but I became serious about my spirituality after coming out of my addiction. Part of the reason I became so serious was because I knew I needed structure and stability in my life, especially after coming out of addiction then losing my best friend. In the years since, I have been lead down many paths, some false, but even on the false paths, I was able to attain nuggets of truth. And finally, I found JOS and the bits of knowledge I had attained prior all fell into place, into a beautiful FULL picture. It was what I had been searching for, not just in my time of research, but it was what I had needed my entire life. Father Lucifer lifted me up, gently gave me a pat on the back, and said "You got this, Child. Move forth" and I haven't turned back since. You guys are the best, and I mean that!
Ave Lucifer, Hail the Elder Gods, The Eternal Gods!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
