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Am I being posessed by angels? + other symptoms & questions related to the 3rd eye + past life.


Dec 12, 2023

I'm still quite new to Satanism, but about two weeks ago I spent five days going through and reading/watching all of the material linked on the main website(s) and I've been reading through the Satan's Library PDFs since then, as well as the forums. However, I've recently had a very strange occurence and collection of symptoms appear, of which, I haven't seen mentioned anywhere else, and so, I'd just like some second opinions as to verify what's going on.


I'm on day two of opening my third eye [from the 40-day meditation program] and when I went to sleep I had a very strange dream, or rather half-dream because I felt partially awake. I was in my bed, reading something along the lines of "Satan is with some of us from a very young age. Some at 3, some at [...], some at [...]. And some even at birth". Upon hearing the last statement, although I've gotten rid of most of the Xian programming, I felt an immense fear and as if something entered into my body through the mouth. I assumed, for some reason, that it applied to me and the impression I got at first was that it was Satan himself, but I doubt this is the case. And now I'm worried if this is an enemy angel/alien disguising himself as Father.

I've been having strong symptoms ever since. There is a constant wave of massive vibration specifically occuring from back-to-front of the head (feels/sounds like a very strong radio signal being emitted) and the sensation of what I can only describe as "nuclear laser beams" trying to exit from my forehead everytime I start to lose consciousness/go to sleep (both of these happen simultaneously/in conjunction as I drift off to sleep). And I'm afraid of what'll happen so I just try & force myself up. Had a pretty strong sleep paralysis and prophecy of someone's death when I eventually fell asleep. There's also a feeling of something rushing up my spine, but it's obviously not the kundalini at this point since it's too early.

However, that being said, much of the symptoms of a raised kundalini have been present throughout my life, and my mother's and grandparents lives, albeit in a much weaker form. I assume much of this has to do with being an INTJ "Introverted Intuition" dominant, as well as the influence of past live(s).

(For those of you who are familiar with cognitive typing, I suspect there's a very strong correlation to natal chart and palm line readings, and possibly past lives, athough, admittedly I don't know too much about any of these just yet).

Note: In relation to opening the third eye, on day one I had little to no symptoms except a barely noticeable pressure and vague colourful shapes moving around. Did the symptoms just lag and appear all at once on day two? Would that explain the strong symptoms? I've often seen the "kaleidoscope" and have had other various [milder] benefits of an open third eye throughout regular life, such as: extremely accurate intuition, easy manifestations, "good luck", frequent prophetic dreams, occasionally see dead people just before or after they've passed, mild astral awareness, as well as a general magnetism towards the occult. Does this mean it's already been raised in a past life? If so, how much quicker will that allow me to raise it again? (And, yes, I understand it's not a race).

Anyway, I've babbled quite a bit... Sorry, just trying to make sure I don't omit any relevant information. Do I have anything to worry about? Are the enemy angels trying to possess me? Also, I seem to always get scary dreams when I take meditation seriously over the years. Literally the exact night I start. Is that just my unconscious coming to the forefront or is it these schmucks? Does it matter? I haven't done the dedication ritual yet. In general, because I want to help improve the soul of some of my family members, but they are still muslims, will it be too dangerous in terms of them being attacked? How far can I take them before it's dangerous?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
sinbad said:
I'm on day two of opening my third eye [from the 40-day meditation program] and when I went to sleep I had a very strange dream, or rather half-dream because I felt partially awake. I was in my bed, reading something along the lines of "Satan is with some of us from a very young age. Some at 3, some at [...], some at [...]. And some even at birth". Upon hearing the last statement, although I've gotten rid of most of the Xian programming, I felt an immense fear and as if something entered into my body through the mouth. I assumed, for some reason, that it applied to me and the impression I got at first was that it was Satan himself, but I doubt this is the case. And now I'm worried if this is an enemy angel/alien disguising himself as Father.

I've been having strong symptoms ever since. There is a constant wave of massive vibration specifically occuring from back-to-front of the head (feels/sounds like a very strong radio signal being emitted) and the sensation of what I can only describe as "nuclear laser beams" trying to exit from my forehead everytime I start to lose consciousness/go to sleep (both of these happen simultaneously/in conjunction as I drift off to sleep). And I'm afraid of what'll happen so I just try & force myself up. Had a pretty strong sleep paralysis and prophecy of someone's death when I eventually fell asleep. There's also a feeling of something rushing up my spine, but it's obviously not the kundalini at this point since it's too early.

This is a psychic attack. The "sounds" like a "radio" are an attempt at telepathic communication.

The sequences of this psychic attack are:
- When the right side of the brain is most active, during the night
- Growth of one's fear through telepathic communication, visions, or "sensations," you might feel an actual touch on one's body.
- Nocturnal paralysis

These attacks can be combined at the same time. Paralysis, telepathic communication and touch.

In your case you should ask the gods for help, but if you are not dedicated, this is a problem.

Anxiety is another symptom of enemy programming still present. When it comes to Meditation or anything else connected with the gods. These attacks are not strong, because with spiritual advancement they will no longer be effective.

It is common for beginners to be attacked.

sinbad said:

There is no specific timeline; this is individual. So are the effects of opening.

Regarding your family members, you cannot advance their soul instead of them. Before that, however, seriously consider making the dedication, and then think about others.
This is a psychic attack. The "sounds" like a "radio" are an attempt at telepathic communication

Would it be aliens, or my Mom? Cos I tried to convince her xianity was a hoax but she's just grown more adamant on prayer.

My Aura of Protection still feels weak, I'm not sure if it's because I'm imagining the aura incorrectly; picturing a golden forcefield; or what?

However, it's starting to get stronger now at day 16, but how long until it's strong enough to be reliable against [human] psychic attacks?

The sequences of this psychic attack are:
- When the right side of the brain is most active, during the night
- Growth of one's fear through telepathic communication, visions, or "sensations," you might feel an actual touch on one's body.
- Nocturnal paralysis

These attacks can be combined at the same time. Paralysis, telepathic communication and touch.

I think in my case the "sensations/touch" was internal, because I felt something moving around on the inside of my torso, but it went away pretty quickly, which might have also been what I referred to when talking about this faux-kundalini. There was also this weird, purplish-pink symbol in the centre of my vision that would appear when I closed my eyes.

I'm kinda used to feeling 'entities' in the room from way before and I stopped giving shit and don't really fear them anymore. I kinda just assume I'm 'immune'/protected and turn them down like the volume knob on a radio. However, I'm assuming this is actually a dangerous mindset at the moment?

At the beginning of when I started two weeks ago I kept hearing/feeling weird things, especially when half-asleep but even when fully conscious. Like they're in the room with me as soon as I start meditating - on the walls, breathing right next to me, observing me, but I feign fearlessness and fuck off to another room until they're gone.

Can they actually see me/look at me from afar, or up close? Typing this right now it feels like they're here again and I can feel my Chakras going haywire.

Also, when I was half asleep, on two seperate occasions I heard what sounded like "alien telephone noises" and a "door opening" within the same wall from before. The door made a sound that no other door in my house makes—I'm used to recognising the minutiae of such things, and would not make a mistake here— however, I guess it did sound a little like an old door I had replaced, so maybe it was just some sort of unconscious cache/junk files.

I'm not sure if it's just an overactive imagination that's tripping me up (although, I am trying to suppress it) or an actual alien-psychic attack.

In your case you should ask the gods for help, but if you are not dedicated, this is a problem

I want to, but I live with my parents at the moment and my Mom is like Sherlolk Holmes with this shit. I can't even mask the smell of cigarrette smoke from her. She has a particular "sensitivity" (intense hatred) towards smokers so she'll just notice somehow, especially if I spray the place with Febreeze, which will only arouse suspicion.

However, if I stay at home while she's working, and time it correctly, I might be able to make it work.

What will happen if I don't do it ASAP? How long do people usually last, before they start dying n' shit?

Regarding your family members, you cannot advance their soul instead of them. Before that, however, seriously consider making the dedication, and then think about others.

What about just a little bit? They probably won't come to their senses, but I want to get them to do just enough to energise their souls enough to not dissolve into the aether. Is it hopeless unless they commit to it themselves?

Thank you very much for you advice :]

You can later on ask Satan to take care of the souls of someone who dies in your family. They won't dissolve this way.

It is highly unlikely that Satan "entered you" because that his energy is extremely strong and blessing. Even his present in the room can be "too much" for an un-advanced person. I have been blessed by him one or two times, he might have just "thought about me" in a good sense, and I felt it extremely intensive, heavenly, and lovely.

If you aren't dedicated, and you are lurking around here for a long time, and especially if you have advancement from past life / but you are unopened yet, you are most likely be attacked by the enemy.

From what you say, it is likely that you have past life advancement, and also that you are attacked. You won't die, but you will have doubts and intrusive thoughts. The best you can do is to dedicate yourself and do extra round of protection and cleaning.

Your aop doesn't mean much after 16 days, it is easily penetrable, it takes months to create an AoP that is, with you guardian help, is a good AoP against the enemy and their curses, but it takes years/decades to have a really effective AoP.

As for converting your family, or spread your believes inside the family, or just with anyone you know,


For example:
You tell your grandfather -> He tells your dad -> He tells your mom -> your mom tells the whole family (because that's how moms are) -> your whole family tells it to some friend, when spiritual stuff is the topic -> and basically people know that you are a Satanist from all around the country.
sinbad said:

Both. If your mother prays for you, she functions as a "channeler" for enemy energy.

Your AoP is not strong because you don't have higher power than psychic attack. And you will not be for a long time. Some very advanced SS, had problems with them and without the help of the gods, they could have had serious problems.

If you feel you are being watched it is another psychic attack, often it is the thought forms.

There is not "predetermined time". For psychic attack resistance.

It is necessary to perform the dedication.

Read whit attentions here, read the part of the "astral temple":

For your family they can only progress if they work on themselves, you cannot do it for them.
AFODO said:

Okay, thanks a lot for your advice. I already know I shouldn't have said it, but she seemed receptive, except the Xian programming is too strong at this point.

Hs666 said:
sinbad said:

Thanks a lot, I'm less confused as of now. The properties of the candle doesn't matter except the colour, right?

Also, how do you know if you've been cursed in the past? And get rid of it? I think I might've been as a child by someone but Idk how to be certain.
sinbad said:

Yes, use the indicated color.

You already have curses, but it is not easy to understand because you are "blind." Based on the curses the symptom is different. Enemy curses are present in all humanity.

Some symptoms are: vision of a numerical repetition preceding negative events, during mental alteration stages, vision of death, gray energy, blood, in case of death curses, even "blockages," "bad luck," etc...

It all depends on the type of curses received. Gods and AoP and progress help you remove all curses.
You can later on ask Satan to take care of the souls of someone who dies in your family. They won't dissolve this way.

It is highly unlikely that Satan "entered you" because that his energy is extremely strong and blessing. Even his present in the room can be "too much" for an un-advanced person. I have been blessed by him one or two times, he might have just "thought about me" in a good sense, and I felt it extremely intensive, heavenly, and lovely.

If you aren't dedicated, and you are lurking around here for a long time, and especially if you have advancement from past life / but you are unopened yet, you are most likely be attacked by the enemy.

From what you say, it is likely that you have past life advancement, and also that you are attacked. You won't die, but you will have doubts and intrusive thoughts. The best you can do is to dedicate yourself and do extra round of protection and cleaning.

Your aop doesn't mean much after 16 days, it is easily penetrable, it takes months to create an AoP that is, with you guardian help, is a good AoP against the enemy and their curses, but it takes years/decades to have a really effective AoP.

As for converting your family, or spread your believes inside the family, or just with anyone you know,


For example:
You tell your grandfather -> He tells your dad -> He tells your mom -> your mom tells the whole family (because that's how moms are) -> your whole family tells it to some friend, when spiritual stuff is the topic -> and basically people know that you are a Satanist from all around the country.
I agree don’t tell nobody even 1 member in family will get to everyone and even to the whole community and then your fucked! They will all try and pray over you and do all sorts of things, Father Satan says keep me as a secret and his teachings! This is for your life safety!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
