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Alternate Living Masterpost

Mar 17, 2024
[email protected]
Food & Water
no dig gardening -
forest garden - https://spiralseed.co.uk/making-forest-garden/
aquaponics -
aquaponics with edible fish -
aeroponics system -
sunken greenhouse -
net cup alternatives etc - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AbxnWiVTH8
no-till beds - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Cr6E0Xsp-8
organic living soil creation - https://youtu.be/mkAuCfG8SEU
permaculture grey water treatment - https://youtu.be/uZXMOfkrZYA
Rainwater Cisterns: Design, Construction, and Treatment - https://extension.psu.edu/rainwater-cisterns-design-construction-and-treatment
Permaculture crop arrangement - https://youtu.be/OY5lIgfysuc
shallow well digging - https://youtu.be/5rYPRMm8Arw
well house freezing failsafe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Apr2GnezFFw
martha tent (mushroom cultivation) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paFFVcCtHrs
chimney solar dryer DIY - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBDS0fF_Hkk
easy worm gathering (glitter stick) - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRU4KxJy/?k=1

Water Pump Energy Cost Calculator - https://www.everything-ponds.com/pump-electrical-cost-wizard.html
Washing Machine into Water Powered Generator - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ieFZI4-6K8

living frugally - https://www.frugalwoods.com/2015/08/05/the-joy-that-comes-when-less-is-enough/
natural pool - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ibqv_uoI3O4
medicinal plants - https://www.wildernesscollege.com/medicinal-plants-list.html
build a compost toilet - https://youtu.be/K4a3dTScBlg

Structure Building
Yurt retailer: https://www.livingintentyurts.com/
Easy DIY hoop house: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BO9j9Tow_oQ
Geodesic Greenhouses: https://youtu.be/7mt8fxMfGA4
How to build a Yurt: https://www.motherearthnews.com/diy/build-a-yurt-zmaz76ndztak/
Cabin Building: https://www.motherearthnews.com/diy/building-the-traditional-hewn-log-home-zmaz85jazgoe/
DIY Sawmill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzjZ0qla_to
Repurposing Styrofoam into Plastic: https://www.instructables.com/Recycling-Styrofoam-EPS-Into-Castable-Styrene-Plas/

Community Building
Commune Master List: https://www.ic.org/
strategic relocation: https://www.docdroid.net/NTQccoG/jo...ican-guide-to-safe-places-2011-pdf-pdf#page=5
Earth Charter in Action https://earthcharter.org/
Ecovillage https://ecovillage.org/
Cohousing https://www.cohousing.org/
Walden 2 by B.F. Skinner http://iakovlev.org/zip/skinner.pdf

Cimate & Geography
NOAA Climate Data: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/news/noaa-offers-climate-data-counties
Soil Map: https://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/
Strategic Relocation PDF: https://www.docdroid.net/NTQccoG/jo...ican-guide-to-safe-places-2011-pdf-pdf#page=5

Iron Extraction from Bacteria: https://youtu.be/VVV4xeWBIxE?t=196
Bushcraft tool making series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32fu2ooHzTA

Income Options
Living Frugally - https://www.frugalwoods.com/
Seed Farming - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92xfszjz1Ps

Will be updated when I find new material.
I also recommend looking at channel of people who live this life style. I'll gather a list here soon to give people ideas on how things can be done cause there are hundreds of different ways to live contrary to the modern world that benifits it. It's somthing of a hobby of mine to read and watch things like this. Also look up Joel Salatin. Yes he is christian so bear that in mind BUT his farming pratices are quite sound and have been working for decades. He hates chemical fertilizers and GMO's and all those other pollutants that cause a mountians of problems for modern day. Trust me his books are sound and his business pratices are interesting. He's no stand up comedian but he has his funny moments.

If anyone wants me to I can get more material on this topic or not.- please let me know or i'll assume no one wants to hear me prattle on and just drop it.

hail Father Satan
I also recommend looking at channel of people who live this life style. I'll gather a list here soon to give people ideas on how things can be done cause there are hundreds of different ways to live contrary to the modern world that benifits it. It's somthing of a hobby of mine to read and watch things like this. Also look up Joel Salatin. Yes he is christian so bear that in mind BUT his farming pratices are quite sound and have been working for decades. He hates chemical fertilizers and GMO's and all those other pollutants that cause a mountians of problems for modern day. Trust me his books are sound and his business pratices are interesting. He's no stand up comedian but he has his funny moments.

If anyone wants me to I can get more material on this topic or not.- please let me know or i'll assume no one wants to hear me prattle on and just drop it.

hail Father Satan

I would be interested in hearing more about this topic.
This is a very useful subject. People can feed themselves with a much smaller area than an actual farm, and be in control of the health of the product, knowing where it all comes from.
This is a very useful subject. People can feed themselves with a much smaller area than an actual farm, and be in control of the health of the product, knowing where it all comes from.
Yep. I am very happy to know that the food I eat hasn't been sprayed.
Quite true and in various ways as well. there several books on the subject of this and the best way to find them is to use the word urban when searching for alternate living or small farm lifestyle.
Ok since some people said they are interested in me saying stuff on this topic I shall do so.

One person I highly recommend reading is Sally Fallon. She has written a series of books and has a two websites. She is the Head of the Weston A Price Foundation which I recommend every look at as the base of learning about feeding yourself. We as humans have damn near destroied ourselves with the Standard American Diet and thanks to that everything has headed down the drain I mean how can you meditate well if your body doesn't have the nessary energy?

Good diet and the knowledge it contains is also being hidden from the public on what it contributes to the soul which is something that unfortunetly no one that I have yet to read even tries to touch. The JOS has the soul part covered but we are severly lacking on covering on how to treat the body. That is a section that does need to be added to the JOS at some date in the future for certian if we are to present a whole body and soul way for the future.

Sorry back on some semblence of topic. In fact HP Lydia i have asked to be part of the group that is being built in the forums -i need tpoics- assignments or i got off the rails- i have lots of knowledge especially in this kind of area and would be thrilled to be able to contribute. Could you ask the person thats spear heading this to give me an assignment relating to this? I want to contrubute to this group espcially since money...well i've already said how things are on that subject. could you speak with him on my behalf please. I don't want to sound demanding i just need-homework i want to treat it like a school assignment so that i don't ignore it and that i give it my best work so i have the direction and guidance i need to give this group all the info it needs. i hope you understand what i'm saying.

I mean as far as the SAD is concern we as americans have been on it long enough that when our grandmothers were alive heart diseaes was hardly ever heard of any where in the world but now it's the second or third top killer in the world. All because we took out Saturated fat. Plus after 1901 when Crisco hit the market the rate of heart attacks started to climb. Do you know what Crisco is made out of? Cottonseed oil. Sure it made sound ok but it's not. Cottonseed oil is used to keep leather from cracking. Sally wrote in her book Nourishing Fat- I'm heavily paraphrashing here- that a man took a cube of Crisco and put it on a saucer in his workshop and left it out to see what would happen to it. He took all Crisco out of his house because by two years the cube hadn't changed. it had gotten dusty and a little bit melted from the sun but it was unchanged. Bugs didn't touch it nor did it mold.. Before Crisco had hit the market as a substitute for butter it was being used for making candles. They didn't change the formula just the stuck it in a different tin and stuck a lable on it.

I know all kind of other things besides this and can find out so much more. I love learning about homesteading and how to live a good life. Of course pratising it is much harder than learning it but slow and steady is what must be done.
Please think on what I said HP Lydia. Thank you.

Hail Father Satan
The JOS has the soul part covered but we are severly lacking on covering on how to treat the body. That is a section that does need to be added to the JOS at some date in the future for certian if we are to present a whole body and soul way for the future.
I agree with you. We take for granted that our members are trying to be healthy, and we don't place much emphasis on diet. We do talk a lot about exercise, though.
In fact HP Lydia i have asked to be part of the group that is being built in the forums -i need tpoics- assignments or i got off the rails- i have lots of knowledge especially in this kind of area and would be thrilled to be able to contribute. Could you ask the person thats spear heading this to give me an assignment relating to this? I want to contrubute to this group espcially since money...well i've already said how things are on that subject. could you speak with him on my behalf please. I don't want to sound demanding i just need-homework i want to treat it like a school assignment so that i don't ignore it and that i give it my best work so i have the direction and guidance i need to give this group all the info it needs. i hope you understand what i'm saying.
Hello :)

It would be best for you to initiate the conversation with JG NakedPluto yourself. Anyone who wants to work for the JoS needs to take the crucial first step by reaching out.

As well, you can make more articles on this topic and post them in the JoS Health subforum, everything posted does benefit other members :)
I have reached out to him and responded back to him that i am interested in helping. I just didn't know if--ok since he is the head of this new group and you are an HP and I'm a little peon I wasn't sure if I was able to speak to him in such a manner or if I needed to make a request thru someone like you- i don't have good self esteem and having worked retail they drill it into you that you go thru the chain of command first and formost or risk getting yelled at which i try to avoid at all costs.. So if you say that i can ask him directly then i shall do so. thank you.
Hello :)

It would be best for you to initiate the conversation with JG NakedPluto yourself. Anyone who wants to work for the JoS needs to take the crucial first step by reaching out.

As well, you can make more articles on this topic and post them in the JoS Health subforum, everything posted does benefit other members :)
I have reached out to him and responded back to him that i am interested in helping. I just didn't know if--ok since he is the head of this new group and you are an HP and I'm a little peon I wasn't sure if I was able to speak to him in such a manner or if I needed to make a request thru someone like you- i don't have good self esteem and having worked retail they drill it into you that you go thru the chain of command first and formost or risk getting yelled at which i try to avoid at all costs.. So if you say that i can ask him directly then i shall do so. thank you.
The High Priests and Guardians of the Joy of Satan are understanding and caring, and they do respond to emails within a few days.
Thank you for putting together this post!
My parents have recently started doing their own gardening, but in a bit more "extreme" level in cases of crisis and such and I'm sure they'll love some of these videos and links 🙂
I myself will also look into some when I get time, bookmarked!
Thank you for putting together this post!
My parents have recently started doing their own gardening, but in a bit more "extreme" level in cases of crisis and such and I'm sure they'll love some of these videos and links 🙂
I myself will also look into some when I get time, bookmarked!
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I plan to add some more information soon.
This is a very useful subject. People can feed themselves with a much smaller area than an actual farm, and be in control of the health of the product, knowing where it all comes from.
What type of food are we talking about here? Fruits and vegetables and grains, perhaps? Because I doubt everybody can afford such a lifestyle.

Are all manufactured foods really that bad over there in the US?
What type of food are we talking about here? Fruits and vegetables and grains, perhaps? Because I doubt everybody can afford such a lifestyle.

Are all manufactured foods really that bad over there in the US?
In the US fruits and vegetables are sprayed and genetically modified. Obviously, you cannot switch everything, but I think it is still a good benefit to your health to switch out some of the plants you eat with things grown in your garden.
What type of food are we talking about here? Fruits and vegetables and grains, perhaps? Because I doubt everybody can afford such a lifestyle.

Are all manufactured foods really that bad over there in the US?
Look into aquaponics, fish are swimming and growing below the layer of vegetables, it's really interesting how it works.

As for affordability, it works out to be cheaper than buying them all.

Many foods from America and Canada are imported from Mexico. So the fruit is picked long before it ripens, which means the nutrients (and flavor) don't even develop.

I just signed up for this and it's free.

I am not sure if all of these work but the ones that I clicked on worked.

I also have a protondrive with some PDFS in it.

The thing with aquaponics is that often it uses some kind of fertilized concentrate. Not to mention that plants usually are not 100% stuck with their roots in pure water. They depend on a symbiose (hope I used the correct word) with the fungi and bacteria in the soil, by which they exchange nutrients with each other, to support each other.

By putting them into water like that, you take this out of the system.

Exposure to pests not only increases the amount of active substances in the plants to defend against them, it makes them stronger as well and increases bio diversity, if you don't use pesticides to kill everything. The 'good' microbes in the soil take a longer time to get back and replenish than the pests do, so often you'll have pests overwhelming first, before a balance is reached, eventually.

One example that I came across, is that caffeïne is also a substance meant to ward off pests within plants. It was even described as a toxin, and that the level of caffeïne builds up within a person, causing diarrhea in some (as well as increased heartbeat, and other effects). Caffeïne takes a while to fully get out of the body, can be days, weeks even (maybe even months), depending on substance use.

There are interesting documentaries about how plants talk to each other as well. In example this video (I swear I have seen more extensive documentaries though, this is just what I could find quickly):

And there's also electro agri culture (probably misspelled that) by which they bend copper wires into spirals to increase the magnetic field, by which yield increases and pests are less of a problem.
They try the same experiments with piramid shaped frames on top of farmland.

This was part of what I studied actually (for a degree)... And I know that there is a general lack of information on the forum here, or rather, a proper overview or a section where this information can be found. I mentioned some things some years ago before I switched accounts .... But I don't think they can be found, or are found that easily.

I have reached out to him and responded back to him that i am interested in helping. I just didn't know if--ok since he is the head of this new group and you are an HP and I'm a little peon I wasn't sure if I was able to speak to him in such a manner or if I needed to make a request thru someone like you- i don't have good self esteem and having worked retail they drill it into you that you go thru the chain of command first and formost or risk getting yelled at which i try to avoid at all costs.. So if you say that i can ask him directly then i shall do so. thank you.

I was considering making a series of posts about certain things that also have to do with this, but I haven't even started on it.. and I am also not entirely sure where or how to start.. nor if I currently have the focus to even do so (have a few too many ongoing things rn. All of the sudden a ton of new things presented themselves, not that I am not excited but I must also work on actually finishing them.)..

Would you be considering to co-op on this?
The thing with aquaponics is that often it uses some kind of fertilized concentrate. Not to mention that plants usually are not 100% stuck with their roots in pure water. They depend on a symbiose (hope I used the correct word) with the fungi and bacteria in the soil, by which they exchange nutrients with each other, to support each other.

By putting them into water like that, you take this out of the system.

Exposure to pests not only increases the amount of active substances in the plants to defend against them, it makes them stronger as well and increases bio diversity, if you don't use pesticides to kill everything. The 'good' microbes in the soil take a longer time to get back and replenish than the pests do, so often you'll have pests overwhelming first, before a balance is reached, eventually.

One example that I came across, is that caffeïne is also a substance meant to ward off pests within plants. It was even described as a toxin, and that the level of caffeïne builds up within a person, causing diarrhea in some (as well as increased heartbeat, and other effects). Caffeïne takes a while to fully get out of the body, can be days, weeks even (maybe even months), depending on substance use.

There are interesting documentaries about how plants talk to each other as well. In example this video (I swear I have seen more extensive documentaries though, this is just what I could find quickly):

And there's also electro agri culture (probably misspelled that) by which they bend copper wires into spirals to increase the magnetic field, by which yield increases and pests are less of a problem.
They try the same experiments with piramid shaped frames on top of farmland.

This was part of what I studied actually (for a degree)... And I know that there is a general lack of information on the forum here, or rather, a proper overview or a section where this information can be found. I mentioned some things some years ago before I switched accounts .... But I don't think they can be found, or are found that easily.

I was considering making a series of posts about certain things that also have to do with this, but I haven't even started on it.. and I am also not entirely sure where or how to start.. nor if I currently have the focus to even do so (have a few too many ongoing things rn. All of the sudden a ton of new things presented themselves, not that I am not excited but I must also work on actually finishing them.)..

Would you be considering to co-op on this?
i knwo very little on growing plants in water and have very little interest in it. but other parts of homesteading depending on the topic of course i'd be happy to co op on an article. message me one what you want to work on.
Would like to note that even if you don't have the room for growing your own vegetables there is a pretty decent chance you have a farmers market near you unless you live in a big city. It won't do much for you in the scenario there is a food shortage most likely but you can save money & support locals. Plus its tastes a ton better. Seriously if you haven't had local fruit you haven't lived lol. Probably would be better off as its own thread but does anyone have any good 1 jar meal recipes you'd like to share? Getting into canning.
The thing with aquaponics is that often it uses some kind of fertilized concentrate. Not to mention that plants usually are not 100% stuck with their roots in pure water. They depend on a symbiose (hope I used the correct word) with the fungi and bacteria in the soil, by which they exchange nutrients with each other, to support each other.

By putting them into water like that, you take this out of the system.

Exposure to pests not only increases the amount of active substances in the plants to defend against them, it makes them stronger as well and increases bio diversity, if you don't use pesticides to kill everything. The 'good' microbes in the soil take a longer time to get back and replenish than the pests do, so often you'll have pests overwhelming first, before a balance is reached, eventually.

One example that I came across, is that caffeïne is also a substance meant to ward off pests within plants. It was even described as a toxin, and that the level of caffeïne builds up within a person, causing diarrhea in some (as well as increased heartbeat, and other effects). Caffeïne takes a while to fully get out of the body, can be days, weeks even (maybe even months), depending on substance use.

There are interesting documentaries about how plants talk to each other as well. In example this video (I swear I have seen more extensive documentaries though, this is just what I could find quickly):

And there's also electro agri culture (probably misspelled that) by which they bend copper wires into spirals to increase the magnetic field, by which yield increases and pests are less of a problem.
They try the same experiments with piramid shaped frames on top of farmland.

This was part of what I studied actually (for a degree)... And I know that there is a general lack of information on the forum here, or rather, a proper overview or a section where this information can be found. I mentioned some things some years ago before I switched accounts .... But I don't think they can be found, or are found that easily.

I was considering making a series of posts about certain things that also have to do with this, but I haven't even started on it.. and I am also not entirely sure where or how to start.. nor if I currently have the focus to even do so (have a few too many ongoing things rn. All of the sudden a ton of new things presented themselves, not that I am not excited but I must also work on actually finishing them.)..

Would you be considering to co-op on this?
Very interesting! Thank you for sharing. Perfect timing with Queen Astarte's virtues just being released today, as well, with her being the "Great Queen of Nature."

I do hope you end up making more posts about these fascinating topics. 🙂
There are great videos on youtube about how these aquaponic systems work, and how to build them. There is a guy Rob in Australia who has many videos on how to build these systems in different sizes and configurations.

Fish produce ammonia which is toxic to them. If the ammonia gets too high, it would harm their gills and make them unable to receive oxygen and eventually kill them.

The water is filtered to remove all kind of solid waste. Then is filtered again through a substrate with a very high amount of surface area. And on these surfaces, there are bacteria that convert the ammonia to nitrites then convert that into nitrates.

Nitrates are one of the most important nutrients to help plants to grow. So now that the water is full of high amounts of nitrates, this water is then going to the plants where their roots absorb all of these nitrates and use them to grow the plants.

If everything is perfectly balanced, both the fish and the plants will be extremely healthy and perfect. There will not be any chemicals remaining that are bad for either one of them, and both of them will receive beneficial nutrients. Even the solid waste produced by the fish can be taken out and used as a fertilizer in another garden.
Many times the plants are planted within dried clay balls, and these are the substrate that has all of the surface area of these bacteria to live inside of. So a seperate device is not needed for the bacteria step. Then a bell siphon can be used to automatically drain out all of the water from the clay balls and plants, then slowly fill up again. And this draining will bring oxygen down into the substrate, because these bacterias require oxygen. And also help prevent harmful bacterias from growing because the harmful bacterias don't like oxygen.
i knwo very little on growing plants in water and have very little interest in it. but other parts of homesteading depending on the topic of course i'd be happy to co op on an article. message me one what you want to work on.
What I was speaking about is more than just Homesteading :) I did not grow up on a homestead, but I can tell you that it is a lot of work from what I've seen. I do like the show 'Homestead rescue' on Discovery, to watch. Renewable ways of living are something we should strive towards, something that does not pollute the planet, not even in its making (Like solar panels and accu's).
I think it might be best that we pitch some ideas back and forth and see if we can work something out. Some things might be better if you write them on your own, probably. I would like to know what your topic idea was, what you mentioned in the other post, since you just spoke about Homesteading.
Also, no you do not need permission to start a new topic on the forum or write an article :) But it is much appreciated if we do add proper sources.
Hm.. considering the recent developments its not a bad idea to see if things aren't already being worked on, in this area. So that there is no double work done.

Very interesting! Thank you for sharing. Perfect timing with Queen Astarte's virtues just being released today, as well, with her being the "Great Queen of Nature."

I do hope you end up making more posts about these fascinating topics. 🙂
I also clicked on this video yesterday. I was like "What the flip?!" when I saw it. Its a good one :)

Nature can change drasticly in the course of a few months if the ecosystem allows it. I am not talking about moussons and dry seasons with high heat here.. There is a place that was recorded that has an ecosystem with a high biodiversity.. and within the span of a month or a few months it changed so so much that it was almost unrecognizeable as being exactly the same place..

Many times the plants are planted within dried clay balls, and these are the substrate that has all of the surface area of these bacteria to live inside of. So a seperate device is not needed for the bacteria step. Then a bell siphon can be used to automatically drain out all of the water from the clay balls and plants, then slowly fill up again. And this draining will bring oxygen down into the substrate, because these bacterias require oxygen. And also help prevent harmful bacterias from growing because the harmful bacterias don't like oxygen.
At least this sounds healthier than what I've seen in some videos where they used what appeared to be substrate that you use to put in the walls to isolate houses.. Those.. stone wool sheets or w/e they are called in english..

Clay is very rich in minerals, but also tough for roots to grow through. In soil its heavy to work with and does not tend to drain water that easily.. Unless you meant with dried clay, like terracotta.. But I don't think so?
I also clicked on this video yesterday. I was like "What the flip?!" when I saw it. Its a good one :)
With good video I meant fun to watch. By the root structure of the tree, with logical thought you should understand that being rooted so deep means that it is impossible to just move like that.
What I was speaking about is more than just Homesteading :) I did not grow up on a homestead, but I can tell you that it is a lot of work from what I've seen. I do like the show 'Homestead rescue' on Discovery, to watch. Renewable ways of living are something we should strive towards, something that does not pollute the planet, not even in its making (Like solar panels and accu's).
I think it might be best that we pitch some ideas back and forth and see if we can work something out. Some things might be better if you write them on your own, probably. I would like to know what your topic idea was, what you mentioned in the other post, since you just spoke about Homesteading.
Also, no you do not need permission to start a new topic on the forum or write an article :) But it is much appreciated if we do add proper sources.
Hm.. considering the recent developments its not a bad idea to see if things aren't already being worked on, in this area. So that there is no double work done.

I also clicked on this video yesterday. I was like "What the flip?!" when I saw it. Its a good one :)

Nature can change drasticly in the course of a few months if the ecosystem allows it. I am not talking about moussons and dry seasons with high heat here.. There is a place that was recorded that has an ecosystem with a high biodiversity.. and within the span of a month or a few months it changed so so much that it was almost unrecognizeable as being exactly the same place..

At least this sounds healthier than what I've seen in some videos where they used what appeared to be substrate that you use to put in the walls to isolate houses.. Those.. stone wool sheets or w/e they are called in english..

Clay is very rich in minerals, but also tough for roots to grow through. In soil its heavy to work with and does not tend to drain water that easily.. Unless you meant with dried clay, like terracotta.. But I don't think so?
If you have a specific topic you want help on let me know and if i have any info on it i'll give it to you. Plus if i'm thinking of doing an article i'll shoot you a dm and ask you about it to make sure we're not doing double posts but knowing information we would probably give a good bit of different information on the same subject since they can be come at from different sides.
If you have a specific topic you want help on let me know and if i have any info on it i'll give it to you. Plus if i'm thinking of doing an article i'll shoot you a dm and ask you about it to make sure we're not doing double posts but knowing information we would probably give a good bit of different information on the same subject since they can be come at from different sides.
Very true. If / When Ill start writing on something, I'll try to let you know (but I can't promise I'll remember).

Good day to you :)
ok as SS we all know that the Gods have their ways of speaking to us all.- i understand that i don't need to explain but i feel that i must- it's all a good thing-. during the last rituals particuraly the one with Furfur i had this brief moment that made me think of this thread- making some kind of pdf with a series of articles or something like that to be put in the library...- then along come HP Cobra with his article about working with the gods to better the group and in turn better yourself. For anyone who has been reading this thread they will know thats what i've been wanting to do is help the group. His article is another "Tap" that i've been getting latly so with that in mind I'm planning on doing a lot more writing in the health thread of this group including this masterpost.
If anyone has any subjects they to chatter about i'll gather info on it and we can chatter away.

Hail Father Satan
Hail Furfur
What type of food are we talking about here? Fruits and vegetables and grains, perhaps? Because I doubt everybody can afford such a lifestyle.

Are all manufactured foods really that bad over there in the US?
This is more than affording a lifestyle. When one examins history we see this "alternative lifestyle" was how people lived their daily life. It was how you lived or you didn't live at all. you lived in harmony with the earth and when civilizations got too big for their britches they fell. this is the way we need to return for the most part if we as a people are to truly bring on the golden age. We have wonderful tech to give everyone of all culture the best opportunities to live this way once we get our heads out of our butts of course.
as far manufactured foods in the usa yes it is that bad.
What i hope one day soon to happen is for more communities -eco villages to spring up and take over these cities so we don't need this ultra processed foods- oh and you can do all kinds of foods including meat, the system works best when everything including meat is included- known as permiculture in some circles or just plain Homesteading.

if you have more questions let me know.

Hail Father Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
