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@ All: How To Spot A Child (Or Adult) That Has A Misunderstood Word

If you have things to say just private message no need to revive a thread that should have already ended please

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 7:38 PM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  You're welcome.

And, for the chiding you gave Light.Yagami, you yourself sure seem to have a "because I said so with my hands on my hips" attitude.

And, now you're mad because I pointed out your error, calling it unnecessary.

Oh well.

Hail Satan!

*tips hat and moves along*

Is this post supposed to make things better...i dnt see how...
How abt you just dnt say anything and let the damn issue pass... Whats your problem??
Your being such a joke..
On 2 Aug 2015 18:13, "magnum.arcanum@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I would never attack another Spiritual Satanist unless they did some really fucking retarded shit to me.  No, I don't think that what you did was all that bad.  I took a chance that you wouldn't react that way and you did.  Some people do and its quite normal.  Calling people on such things, could have been done in a much more subtle and controlled manner on my part.  I fucked up and forgot how much this can piss people off and especially something that important. 

If I thought you were attacking me, I would have attacked you a long time ago.  I don't really give a fuck about all that.  I was trying to help you because I think your pretty intelligent.  It's just the opposite of what you thought. 

I've done a lot to fuck over the jooz for years before even learning of Spiritual Satanism and I'm working to do even more now.  You calling me a joo, really pisses me off though.  I've done a lot to expose those fuckers.  Unless you apologize for that shit, I am not going to respect you.  And yes, I really did before that.

I hate fucken Atheists.  Take the Satanic Temple for example.  Why the fuck  do they call that Satanism?  I've fucken seen and talked to my Guardian Demon as plain as a regular person.  In fact, I couldn't hardly tell the difference between him and a physical body.  I didn't meet Satan personally, but my Guardian Demon told me when he was around one time and I saw him, and some other high ranking Demons and I said "hello" - plain as fucken day.  I've talked with dozens of spirits.  WTF is wrong with these people? 

I was distracted from what I should of told you by this hatred I have for these phony fucking "God of Materialism" worshiping dipshits.  I can't fucken stand them.
I guess that explains why he wont just let the stupid argument go..
Hes so hateful...
Blabbering shit like he wont end it unless  "j.l3mm0n@... apologises...
En am like "say what?" I trust you now why uu say his a freeking kike Curse the jews!!
On 2 Aug 2015 18:46, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  @DevilsAdvocate, Magnum is a jew and it's not a matter of this argument here. I had even sent a personal message to fire_starter, warning him that this guy is a jew and he shouldn't continue this argument... But he did, which is why I got so frustrated.
I've seen magnum's posts since he/she/it joined this group.
His posts (especially his initial ones) were full of confusion and misleading information.... It was very obvious from this words that he was a jew, although many members trusted him.
You see, these fucking parasitical jews can not understand that WE CAN FEEL THEM. Some of us have also the ability to sense the other's energy through the Internet., chatting online etc. Personally, I have even felt when I'm reading a book written by a jew or watching an animated movie and the voice of some character is made by a jew. So I fucking know without doubt that magnum is a jew. This argument was excuse to finally relieve it. Simple as that.

Στις 6:09 μ.μ. Κυριακή, 2 Αυγούστου 2015, ο/η "devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] έγραψε:

  I really dnt get it.
Theres no JEW.
its just to people with really big egos!!
Pls dnt tell me that if i get into an argument with anyone in the group...be it am ryt or wrong... that makes me  a fucking kike?. Does any one know how it feels to becalled a kike when your not one?? This ridiculous. Both of you brothers have been in the groups lng enough....please settle the missunderstanding.
On 2 Aug 2015 14:18, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I am not willing to pat the heads of people that I respect and know that they are able to deal with such shit on their own.Believe me, if I was patting your head and explaining to you nicely that "what you are doing is no good" I would be considering you an idiot.
But I do not.And this has also happened in the past with other people. If there is someone that I respect, or I believe they have enough brains and enough will and strength to deal with such shit, I am not willing to "talk nicely" when something bad happens but to fucking slap them and demand that they wake up and continue their fight because they are far more stronger than the shit they have to deal with at that moment.
Honestly though, if you leave the group for this fucking reason, the jew not only won in putting you off balance, but he also won a great fight; as you have helped many many times the new people here, so if you really CAN stay and help new people etc with their questions, then leaving because of one fucking jew... is too much of a defeat. You already wasted too much time and energy in talking to the fucking jewish parasite kjdhskjfhbsdkjfhbsdkjfbdskjf THAT WILL FUCKING BURN ALIVE WHEN THE TIME COMES AND WHEN THE SHIT DIES, THE ENEMY IS GONNA FUCKING SUCK HIM DRY, HE THINKS HE'S DOING SOMETHING BY PISSING GENTILES OFF BUT HIS END IS GOING TO BE THE SAME LIKE WITH THE REST OF HIS KIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So, just cut off whatever fucking spiritual links were created with the fucking parasite AND KEEP FIGHTING!!Don't leave the groups for this reason. Accept that you were wrong in being persistent with a jew (which is why I got infuriated because YOU FUCKING KNOW BETTER THAN THAT!!) and continue the fight.

Στις 2:05 μ.μ. Κυριακή, 2 Αυγούστου 2015, ο/η "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] έγραψε:

  Anyway I'm just outta here. I will leave the groups for a while for those reasons.
@Light yagami?
Prone to tantrums?
The guy has the best sense of humour in these groups!! Why is every one judging every one so baselessly...
Whats srong with everyone.
Sweet Satan help us!!
On 2 Aug 2015 21:49, "Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  @Light yagami
While I do understand what you are saying about the jew and going in circles with it, Your tone and Hot headedness doesn't help the situation at all. The_Fire_Starter was sweet enough to let it be but if it were me I would have called you out immediately in a nasty way.
All this cursing and caps are also demonstrating how hot headed and prone to tantrums you are. I have noticed this in the groups with newbies too. You should settle down sometimes. There is a simple and respectful approach to these things. For someone who has respect for well known members, you sure don't show it. 
I love how you directly call The_Fire_Starter out in this manner and calling him a child in public as shown in your subject of this post. If there is a child here, its you. 
How about you take a breather or invoke more water to cool off your unnecessary attitude?
 So what that he has inclinations to want to win an argument, Big deal. I admit that he shouldn't leave the groups for a while because of that jew and your flaming him but I am surprised at you especially since you and him seem to have been close enough and on good terms. Meanwhile you put up a post like this...

Says a lot about your patience and temper or lack thereof.

 Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 6:10 AM, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  I don't believe all atheists should be put in the same category though.I used to be an atheist before being a Satanist. (well, I was initially raised christian)

I didn't believe in any "God" and I was not interested in politics and the like either. I was just... not belonging in a specific category. I think it's kind of stupid to put all atheists in a fucking basket like christians, muslims and the like. There are many different kind of "atheists". There are atheists who have replaced religion with science (literally) or others who have communistic beliefs but that, doesn't have to do with their atheism but with their political views. It's a different matter.
Now, in regards to this fucking post, magnum created this post because he and fire_starter (j.l3mm0n) got into an argument (IN ANOTHER TOPIC named: Statue) about what atheism truly is about.So, we can fucking get two things straight here:1. Magnum.arcanum is a jew which is something I realized when I first started reading his first posts. He/She/It is a jew and if one can feel the energies of others through the Internet, they can feel his dirt.2. Fire_Starter should fucking learn that there is something called a LIMIT and that IF YOU ARE TRYING TO MAKE SENSE WITH A FUCKING JEW, THE ONLY THING YOU'LL ACHIEVE IS BEING SPIRITUALLY ATTACHED TO THE PARASITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, HOW MUCH FUCKING SENSE DOES ONE HAVE TO HAVE in order to understand that 1: The jew is never going to agree with you, because it's a jew and the jew's purpose is to put you off balance. 2: NONE OF THE OTHER BROTHERS AND SISTERS SEEMED REMOTELY INTERESTED IN THE JEW'S POST ABOUT ATHEISM!!! So, if you tell me, or even yourself, that you argued with the jew in order to help new people who are reading his posts, then you're lying to yourself. No one else fucking cared. The jew just managed to play you in his hands and put you off balance. This is an 100% win for the jew.Spamming the group because you're angry with a fucking jew who doesn't even know what it's talking about.... Are you a fucking child? Do you know how fucking pissed off I was at all your responses towards the jew? HOW CAN YOU BE MANIPULATED SO EASILY FOR FUCK'S SAKE??!??!?!
But anyway, the post that Fire_Starter made about how a jew argues with a Gentile is 100% correct lol
The jew always tries to avoid the subject at hand and talks about irrelevant things and in general, tries to put the other person off balance.This can also be seen in many of Magnum's posts/responses to others. He just constantly tries to cause confusion and avoid the subject at hand. It is very interesting how many things we can learn about jews, just from their arguments in OUR GROUPS.

So, let's end this here.An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in any God. Some may have communistic beliefs, or may disregard spirituality completely, but others may be nationalists, and actually very interested in the occult.I don't know what the television fucking advertises about "what an atheist truly is".... I am talking about real life experience here and from the people I've met.

Στις 12:09 μ.μ. Κυριακή, 2 Αυγούστου 2015, ο/η "Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] έγραψε:

<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" val[/IMG] HP Don has said before that atheism is just a pseudo relegion that rejects the common conception of 'God' whilst at the same time worshipping jewish science (such as the Big Bang, evolution ect ect) and money as a god. Atheism was never found in Pagan Gentile society. Atheism is nothing more then a modern invention created by the jew to rob logical thinking people who have reverted xtianity of spirituality. You'll find that most 'atheist' are liberal marxist and this makes sense, instead of buying into the enemy metaphysics they've bought into the enemy political mindset. I really have no idea why you made this post brother, seams your trying to explane to us something that pointless. Atheism IS a religion, and a enemy one at that.

<a rel="nofollow" shape="rect">Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad
On Aug 2, 2015, 1:16:03 AM, j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666] wrote: Bottom line:
The definition of atheist is directly related and depends on the definition of God. You can't define an atheist without defining what a god is first.
Even if someone says the definition of atheist is one who denies the concept of Godhood, the concept of Godhood is directly related to the definition of God. You can't define Godhood without defining what a god is first.
But there's a problem to both of them:
The dictionary only accepts the monotheistic definition of god or the polytheistic one as forces of nature controlling human destiny.
The SS definition of Godhood as spiritual immortality and not bring a monotheistic or a polytheistic god is invalid according to dictionaries.
Therefore the definition of atheist depends on the dictionary not the SS definition of god.
Is that so hard to understand???
Whatever his attitude and tone was...it was totaly called for...
I find no problem with any of his statements caz they rr so true... Unbelivable...
On 2 Aug 2015 22:03, "Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  And even if he kept going in circles with the jew after you suggested he shouldn't...just let him do that and realize the senselessness himself. All I'm saying is that your tone, cursing and anger in the post was not right or calm or respectful. Plain and simple. Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 2:49 PM, "Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  @Light yagami
While I do understand what you are saying about the jew and going in circles with it, Your tone and Hot headedness doesn't help the situation at all. The_Fire_Starter was sweet enough to let it be but if it were me I would have called you out immediately in a nasty way.
All this cursing and caps are also demonstrating how hot headed and prone to tantrums you are. I have noticed this in the groups with newbies too. You should settle down sometimes. There is a simple and respectful approach to these things. For someone who has respect for well known members, you sure don't show it. 
I love how you directly call The_Fire_Starter out in this manner and calling him a child in public as shown in your subject of this post. If there is a child here, its you. 
How about you take a breather or invoke more water to cool off your unnecessary attitude?
 So what that he has inclinations to want to win an argument, Big deal. I admit that he shouldn't leave the groups for a while because of that jew and your flaming him but I am surprised at you especially since you and him seem to have been close enough and on good terms. Meanwhile you put up a post like this...

Says a lot about your patience and temper or lack thereof.

 Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 6:10 AM, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  I don't believe all atheists should be put in the same category though.I used to be an atheist before being a Satanist. (well, I was initially raised christian)

I didn't believe in any "God" and I was not interested in politics and the like either. I was just... not belonging in a specific category. I think it's kind of stupid to put all atheists in a fucking basket like christians, muslims and the like. There are many different kind of "atheists". There are atheists who have replaced religion with science (literally) or others who have communistic beliefs but that, doesn't have to do with their atheism but with their political views. It's a different matter.
Now, in regards to this fucking post, magnum created this post because he and fire_starter (j.l3mm0n) got into an argument (IN ANOTHER TOPIC named: Statue) about what atheism truly is about.So, we can fucking get two things straight here:1. Magnum.arcanum is a jew which is something I realized when I first started reading his first posts. He/She/It is a jew and if one can feel the energies of others through the Internet, they can feel his dirt.2. Fire_Starter should fucking learn that there is something called a LIMIT and that IF YOU ARE TRYING TO MAKE SENSE WITH A FUCKING JEW, THE ONLY THING YOU'LL ACHIEVE IS BEING SPIRITUALLY ATTACHED TO THE PARASITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, HOW MUCH FUCKING SENSE DOES ONE HAVE TO HAVE in order to understand that 1: The jew is never going to agree with you, because it's a jew and the jew's purpose is to put you off balance. 2: NONE OF THE OTHER BROTHERS AND SISTERS SEEMED REMOTELY INTERESTED IN THE JEW'S POST ABOUT ATHEISM!!! So, if you tell me, or even yourself, that you argued with the jew in order to help new people who are reading his posts, then you're lying to yourself. No one else fucking cared. The jew just managed to play you in his hands and put you off balance. This is an 100% win for the jew.Spamming the group because you're angry with a fucking jew who doesn't even know what it's talking about.... Are you a fucking child? Do you know how fucking pissed off I was at all your responses towards the jew? HOW CAN YOU BE MANIPULATED SO EASILY FOR FUCK'S SAKE??!??!?!
But anyway, the post that Fire_Starter made about how a jew argues with a Gentile is 100% correct lol
The jew always tries to avoid the subject at hand and talks about irrelevant things and in general, tries to put the other person off balance.This can also be seen in many of Magnum's posts/responses to others. He just constantly tries to cause confusion and avoid the subject at hand. It is very interesting how many things we can learn about jews, just from their arguments in OUR GROUPS.

So, let's end this here.An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in any God. Some may have communistic beliefs, or may disregard spirituality completely, but others may be nationalists, and actually very interested in the occult.I don't know what the television fucking advertises about "what an atheist truly is".... I am talking about real life experience here and from the people I've met.

Στις 12:09 μ.μ. Κυριακή, 2 Αυγούστου 2015, ο/η "Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] έγραψε:

<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" val[/IMG] HP Don has said before that atheism is just a pseudo relegion that rejects the common conception of 'God' whilst at the same time worshipping jewish science (such as the Big Bang, evolution ect ect) and money as a god. Atheism was never found in Pagan Gentile society. Atheism is nothing more then a modern invention created by the jew to rob logical thinking people who have reverted xtianity of spirituality. You'll find that most 'atheist' are liberal marxist and this makes sense, instead of buying into the enemy metaphysics they've bought into the enemy political mindset. I really have no idea why you made this post brother, seams your trying to explane to us something that pointless. Atheism IS a religion, and a enemy one at that.

<a rel="nofollow" shape="rect">Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad
On Aug 2, 2015, 1:16:03 AM, j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666] wrote: Bottom line:
The definition of atheist is directly related and depends on the definition of God. You can't define an atheist without defining what a god is first.
Even if someone says the definition of atheist is one who denies the concept of Godhood, the concept of Godhood is directly related to the definition of God. You can't define Godhood without defining what a god is first.
But there's a problem to both of them:
The dictionary only accepts the monotheistic definition of god or the polytheistic one as forces of nature controlling human destiny.
The SS definition of Godhood as spiritual immortality and not bring a monotheistic or a polytheistic god is invalid according to dictionaries.
Therefore the definition of atheist depends on the dictionary not the SS definition of god.
Is that so hard to understand???
I agree

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 11:46 AM, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @DevilsAdvocate, Magnum is a jew and it's not a matter of this argument here. I had even sent a personal message to fire_starter, warning him that this guy is a jew and he shouldn't continue this argument... But he did, which is why I got so frustrated.
I've seen magnum's posts since he/she/it joined this group.
His posts (especially his initial ones) were full of confusion and misleading information.... It was very obvious from this words that he was a jew, although many members trusted him.
You see, these fucking parasitical jews can not understand that WE CAN FEEL THEM. Some of us have also the ability to sense the other's energy through the Internet., chatting online etc. Personally, I have even felt when I'm reading a book written by a jew or watching an animated movie and the voice of some character is made by a jew. So I fucking know without doubt that magnum is a jew. This argument was excuse to finally relieve it. Simple as that.

Στις 6:09 μ.μ. Κυριακή, 2 Αυγούστου 2015, ο/η "devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  I really dnt get it.
Theres no JEW.
its just to people with really big egos!!
Pls dnt tell me that if i get into an argument with anyone in the group...be it am ryt or wrong... that makes me  a fucking kike?. Does any one know how it feels to becalled a kike when your not one?? This ridiculous. Both of you brothers have been in the groups lng enough....please settle the missunderstanding.
On 2 Aug 2015 14:18, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I am not willing to pat the heads of people that I respect and know that they are able to deal with such shit on their own.Believe me, if I was patting your head and explaining to you nicely that "what you are doing is no good" I would be considering you an idiot.
But I do not.And this has also happened in the past with other people. If there is someone that I respect, or I believe they have enough brains and enough will and strength to deal with such shit, I am not willing to "talk nicely" when something bad happens but to fucking slap them and demand that they wake up and continue their fight because they are far more stronger than the shit they have to deal with at that moment.
Honestly though, if you leave the group for this fucking reason, the jew not only won in putting you off balance, but he also won a great fight; as you have helped many many times the new people here, so if you really CAN stay and help new people etc with their questions, then leaving because of one fucking jew... is too much of a defeat. You already wasted too much time and energy in talking to the fucking jewish parasite kjdhskjfhbsdkjfhbsdkjfbdskjf THAT WILL FUCKING BURN ALIVE WHEN THE TIME COMES AND WHEN THE SHIT DIES, THE ENEMY IS GONNA FUCKING SUCK HIM DRY, HE THINKS HE'S DOING SOMETHING BY PISSING GENTILES OFF BUT HIS END IS GOING TO BE THE SAME LIKE WITH THE REST OF HIS KIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So, just cut off whatever fucking spiritual links were created with the fucking parasite AND KEEP FIGHTING!!Don't leave the groups for this reason. Accept that you were wrong in being persistent with a jew (which is why I got infuriated because YOU FUCKING KNOW BETTER THAN THAT!!) and continue the fight.

Στις 2:05 μ.μ. Κυριακή, 2 Αυγούστου 2015, ο/η "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] έγραψε:

  Anyway I'm just outta here. I will leave the groups for a while for those reasons.

I was going to ignore this topic but considering it is distracting us from our goals of cursing the jews and advancing our souls I have to address this as a matter of principle.
Whether or not MagnumArcanum is a jew or not is irrelevant though I admit the pattern fits. What IS important, and what IS completely pointless and uncalled for is that people were arguing over something as UTTERLY MEANINGLESS as the definition of "atheism".
This in no way affects us as Satanists. Our purpose here is to empower our souls and curse the jews, win this war and create the next golden age!Arguing over meaningless bullshit like this is totally counterproductive, a GIGANTIC WASTE OF TIME, denigrating to us as Satanists, and the fact that someone tried to start infighting over something so immensely stupid and pointless certainly sounds like jewish trolling anyway!
But this should have been obvious. And if so, why then would ANY of us REAL Satanists bother wasting our time and energy on something so pointless, childish and stupid?This kind of behaviour is making us look bad and that is also time and energy better spent meditating and cursing the jews with the thurizaz curse or reverse torah rituals!

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 12:03 PM, "Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  And even if he kept going in circles with the jew after you suggested he shouldn't...just let him do that and realize the senselessness himself. All I'm saying is that your tone, cursing and anger in the post was not right or calm or respectful. Plain and simple. Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 2:49 PM, "Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @Light yagami
While I do understand what you are saying about the jew and going in circles with it, Your tone and Hot headedness doesn't help the situation at all. The_Fire_Starter was sweet enough to let it be but if it were me I would have called you out immediately in a nasty way.
All this cursing and caps are also demonstrating how hot headed and prone to tantrums you are. I have noticed this in the groups with newbies too. You should settle down sometimes. There is a simple and respectful approach to these things. For someone who has respect for well known members, you sure don't show it. 
I love how you directly call The_Fire_Starter out in this manner and calling him a child in public as shown in your subject of this post. If there is a child here, its you. 
How about you take a breather or invoke more water to cool off your unnecessary attitude?
 So what that he has inclinations to want to win an argument, Big deal. I admit that he shouldn't leave the groups for a while because of that jew and your flaming him but I am surprised at you especially since you and him seem to have been close enough and on good terms. Meanwhile you put up a post like this...

Says a lot about your patience and temper or lack thereof.

 Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 6:10 AM, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I don't believe all atheists should be put in the same category though.I used to be an atheist before being a Satanist. (well, I was initially raised christian)

I didn't believe in any "God" and I was not interested in politics and the like either. I was just... not belonging in a specific category. I think it's kind of stupid to put all atheists in a fucking basket like christians, muslims and the like. There are many different kind of "atheists". There are atheists who have replaced religion with science (literally) or others who have communistic beliefs but that, doesn't have to do with their atheism but with their political views. It's a different matter.
Now, [/IMG]So, we can fuck[/IMG]1. [/IMG]1: The jew is never going to agree with you, because it's a jew and the jew's purpose is to put you off balance. 2: NONE OF THE OTHER BROTHERS AND SISTERS SEEMED REMOTELY INTERESTED IN THE JEW'S POST ABOUT ATHEISM!!! So, if you tell me, or even yourself, that you argued with the jew in order to help new people who are reading his posts, then you're lying to yourself. No one else fucking cared. The jew just managed to play you in his hands and put you off balance. This is an 100% win for the jew.Spamming the group because you're angry with a fucking jew who doesn't even know what it's talking about.... Are you a fucking child? Do you know how fucking pissed off I was at all your responses towards the jew? HOW CAN YOU BE MANIPULATED SO EASILY FOR FUCK'S SAKE??!??!?!
But anyway, the post that Fire_Starter made about how a jew argues with a Gentile is 100% correct lol
The jew always tries to avoid the subject at hand and talks about irrelevant things and in general, tries to put the other person off balance.This can also be seen in many of Magnum's posts/responses to others. He just constantly tries to cause confusion and avoid the subject at hand. It is very interesting how many things we can learn about jews, just from their arguments in OUR GROUPS.

So, let's end this here.An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in any God. Some may have communistic beliefs, or may disregard spirituality completely, but others may be nationalists, and actually very interested in the occult.I don't know what the television fucking advertises about "what an atheist truly is".... I am talking about real life experience here and from the people I've met.

Στις 12:09 μ.μ. Κυριακή, 2 Αυγούστου 2015, ο/η "Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" val[/IMG] HP Don has said before that atheism is just a pseudo relegion that rejects the common conception of 'God' whilst at the same time worshipping jewish science (such as the Big Bang, evolution ect ect) and money as a god. Atheism was never found in Pagan Gentile society. Atheism is nothing more then a modern invention created by the jew to rob logical thinking people who have reverted xtianity of spirituality. You'll find that most 'atheist' are liberal marxist and this makes sense, instead of buying into the enemy metaphysics they've bought into the enemy political mindset. I really have no idea why you made this post brother, seams your trying to explane to us something that pointless. Atheism IS a religion, and a enemy one at that.

<a rel="nofollow" shape="rect" class="y[/IMG]Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad
On Aug 2, 2015, 1:16:03 AM, j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666] wrote: Bottom line:
The definition of atheist is directly related and depends on the definition of God. You can't define an atheist without defining what a god is first.
Even if someone says the definition of atheist is one who denies the concept of Godhood, the concept of Godhood is directly related to the definition of God. You can't define Godhood without defining what a god is first.
But there's a problem to both of them:
The dictionary only accepts the monotheistic definition of god or the polytheistic one as forces of nature controlling human destiny.
The SS definition of Godhood as spiritual immortality and not bring a monotheistic or a polytheistic god is invalid according to dictionaries.
Therefore the definition of atheist depends on the dictionary not the SS definition of god.
Is that so hard to understand???

That was very funny
On 2 Aug 2015 23:08, "Xavier Skaggs xavi3rskaggs@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  This shall go down in history books as..... One of the Greatest and Most Pointless Arguments. Starring TheFireStarter as the guy that can not stop at trying to prove the correct definition of Atheism. Next we have MagnumArcanum that is also trying to prove the correct definition of Atheism! Both each feeling the need to somehow end The Most Pointless Argument by continuously giving each other more and more complex definitions of the word "Atheism"! Will this ever end! Will it be TheFireStarter? or will it be MagnumArcanum!? Or could possibly they both already lost because this argument is just pointless!?!!?!?!?!!?!? Tune in next week

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 11:13 AM, "magnum.arcanum@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  I would never attack another Spiritual Satanist unless they did some really fucking retarded shit to me.  No, I don't think that what you did was all that bad.  I took a chance that you wouldn't react that way and you did.  Some people do and its quite normal.  Calling people on such things, could have been done in a much more subtle and controlled manner on my part.  I fucked up and forgot how much this can piss people off and especially something that important. 

If I thought you were attacking me, I would have attacked you a long time ago.  I don't really give a fuck about all that.  I was trying to help you because I think your pretty intelligent.  It's just the opposite of what you thought. 

I've done a lot to fuck over the jooz for years before even learning of Spiritual Satanism and I'm working to do even more now.  You calling me a joo, really pisses me off though.  I've done a lot to expose those fuckers.  Unless you apologize for that shit, I am not going to respect you.  And yes, I really did before that.

I hate fucken Atheists.  Take the Satanic Temple for example.  Why the fuck  do they call that Satanism?  I've fucken seen and talked to my Guardian Demon as plain as a regular person.  In fact, I couldn't hardly tell the difference between him and a physical body.  I didn't meet Satan personally, but my Guardian Demon told me when he was around one time and I saw him, and some other high ranking Demons and I said "hello" - plain as fucken day.  I've talked with dozens of spirits.  WTF is wrong with these people? 

I was distracted from what I should of told you by this hatred I have for these phony fucking "God of Materialism" worshiping dipshits.  I can't fucken stand them.
Everyone should take note here, this is what the Jew is best at. Creating problems and in-fighting where there is none. Gentile vs Gentile. We only have to look at the history of endless Xian wars over the tiniest disagreement of doctrine. Gentiles slaughter each other while the enemy looks on and laughs. "Satan divided against himself" as they call it.

This has always been one of their favorite tactics.

I even recall HP Maxine saying in a sermon once that something the Jews like to do is create endless arguments so things never get done.

We all need to be aware of this whenever we fill ourselves at odds with our brothers and sisters in Satan the survival and freedom of our people depends on our ability to overcome these enemy games. To the _fire_starters credit, HE DID admit that he sometimes has a need to win arguments for their ownsake regardless of how irrelevant they are. And that has been a problem in my life, I've had to deal myself too. So I understand how he was feeling. (And I'm guessing how Magnum was feeling too) Although I do think this is a pointless argument and we should forget it.

I too was curious if we are defined as Atheists, Theists or Polytheists but it's only a trivial issue really. Not one worth arguing about.
I don't think it should end here nope! Let it continue, cause if it drops, there will be serious grudges here are you reading the accusations and insults?

I'm sure, there is a traitor here...someone playing a sick game! If it be a Jew then he/she succeeded, damn bet the enemy is laughing reading this....they must be rooted out, by fire!

Hail Amon, Hail Osiris, Hail Raum...Hail to the most High SATAN!
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
Brothers and sisters let us all not forget the enemy causes disunity. If satan is divided against himself he shall surely have an end. We can't go accusing others of being a Jew without evidence. We must also not let our egos get in the way, which we all know is hard. 
 How about we all focus our energies on something important, like how to work together to spread the truth on the Internet. 
  All of my Brothers and Sisters are working in Unity to Destroy all of Satan's Enemies!!

So much for peace alryt...
On 3 Aug 2015 02:02, "Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
yea whatever...
No need to mention all that. No one said you did. Thanks for stating the unnecessary Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 6:20 PM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Fine. End this dumbass thread. I just mentioned your error to prevent someone from being wrongfully accused.

And I don't fear authoritarianism.


Hail Father Satan!
HAIL ALL HELL...piano<
On 3 Aug 2015 00:05, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Don't feel bad Shannon, I like your attitude. :)If I had simply reacted on impulse, your post would have made me think twice about the way I acted, so thank you for the advices. :)

But (eh, if you feel bad about the whole deal we made with this topic) yeah, there is no reason to keep commenting in this topic. Both fire_starter and magnum have stopped commenting for a while now LOL XD
So, it's all good, it's all good.We keep steady in the fight.

Στις 12:00 π.μ. Δευτέρα, 3 Αυγούστου 2015, ο/η "Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] έγραψε:

  I feel bad now. Lets just forget this whole thread and move on to important things and maintaining. Peace. We end this thread now. You also might want to email The_Fire_starter if you wish to keep things on a friendly terms with him. Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 4:44 PM, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Yes Shannon I get you. But I wouldn't have responded to you that way, because I don't feel comfortable to talk to you like that. :p

Στις 11:33 μ.μ. Κυριακή, 2 Αυγούστου 2015, ο/η "Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] έγραψε:

  Ok then. This is between you and him and we all have our ways of handling things like you said. I agree. And in this situation, you responded the way you did and I commend The_Fire_Starter on his way of handling the situation and not coming at you in the same manner that you did with him. I like you Light Yagami but as I said, if it were me, it wouldn't have been such a pleasant discussion being passed in this thread. Thats just the way I would have handled it.
Catch my drift? Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 3:45 PM, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  It's not a matter of being inclined to want to win an argument... What outraged me is that he tried to win an argument over a jew who wasn't even seriously arguing with him. The jew just wanted to put him off balance.
In regards to tantrums etc, although I do agree with you that I was neither respectful nor calm in my approach towards fire_starter, I honestly have no regrets about it. I had sent him a private message telling him that hey, that guy's a jew, don't waste your time. And he knew that already, which just... pisses me off tremendously.My reaction to these things is most likely not accepted by many people but if one is really acting in such a foolish manner, this is what my reaction will be. You can not be a friend to me in real life for this reason (but honestly, in real life I discuss with people way before things get out of hand; and when I first discuss with people and give warnings, advices etc -about their problems etc- I am never angry, I always explain things calmly...) but if things get out of hand, I am not willing to keep patting heads.
I like to say the truth the way it is. It's not going to sound nice, and yes, I may insult someone if it *is* part of the truth.
This is the way I approach things, this is the way I approach extreme situations of other people's "helplessness" while, there was never any "helplessness" they just needed a wake up call to realize their powers and potential.

I agree that it was rude and not calm at all. I didn't intend to be calm. I was fucking raging with anger here. And I didn't want to calmly explain to him the situation. I wanted to scream the truth to his face. It is the way it is. Some people  can't handle my method (reaction) in extreme cases but so far, no one has appeared to tell me "you know what? You didn't help me at all".I believe everyone reacts in different ways and every individual needs a different approach (for a solution etc). Having already privately messaged fire_starter about the jew, fire_starter didn't seem willing to stop with this argument, and believe me, that shit was going to continue for a while. And, if fire_starter stopped responding to this topic, in other topics magnum might have used references to the atheist thing, and piss off fire_starter again...
So yeah, this is my approach in these situations. Whether one will be helped by it or not, it's up to them... But believe me, if I didn't consider fire_starter strong enough to put up with my attitude (reaction) in this matter, I wouldn't have reacted that way. Most likely, I would have not even bothered.I'm not telling you to like my approach but I'm telling you how my logic is on the matter.There were some instances with people that things got out of hand (in real life) but I knew how to react in a not-so-forceful way, because they were 'fragile' and simply, fucking weak.
Of course it would be better if I messaged *privately* fire_starter instead of responding to the topic publicly... but I didn't think of that at that moment. I was so angry, and I also wanted to finalize the fact that magnum is a jew and should neither be trusted, nor for someone to waste their time arguing with him.

Στις 10:03 μ.μ. Κυριακή, 2 Αυγούστου 2015, ο/η "Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] έγραψε:

  And even if he kept going in circles with the jew after you suggested he shouldn't...just let him do that and realize the senselessness himself. All I'm saying is that your tone, cursing and anger in the post was not right or calm or respectful. Plain and simple. Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 2:49 PM, "Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  @Light yagami
While I do understand what you are saying about the jew and going in circles with it, Your tone and Hot headedness doesn't help the situation at all. The_Fire_Starter was sweet enough to let it be but if it were me I would have called you out immediately in a nasty way.
All this cursing and caps are also demonstrating how hot headed and prone to tantrums you are. I have noticed this in the groups with newbies too. You should settle down sometimes. There is a simple and respectful approach to these things. For someone who has respect for well known members, you sure don't show it. 
I love how you directly call The_Fire_Starter out in this manner and calling him a child in public as shown in your subject of this post. If there is a child here, its you. 
How about you take a breather or invoke more water to cool off your unnecessary attitude?
 So what that he has inclinations to want to win an argument, Big deal. I admit that he shouldn't leave the groups for a while because of that jew and your flaming him but I am surprised at you especially since you and him seem to have been close enough and on good terms. Meanwhile you put up a post like this...

Says a lot about your patience and temper or lack thereof.

 Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 6:10 AM, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  I don't believe all atheists should be put in the same category though.I used to be an atheist before being a Satanist. (well, I was initially raised christian)

I didn't believe in any "God" and I was not interested in politics and the like either. I was just... not belonging in a specific category. I think it's kind of stupid to put all atheists in a fucking basket like christians, muslims and the like. There are many different kind of "atheists". There are atheists who have replaced religion with science (literally) or others who have communistic beliefs but that, doesn't have to do with their atheism but with their political views. It's a different matter.
Now, in regards to this fucking post, magnum created this post because he and fire_starter (j.l3mm0n) got into an argument (IN ANOTHER TOPIC named: Statue) about what atheism truly is about.So, we can fucking get two things straight here:1. Magnum.arcanum is a jew which is something I realized when I first started reading his first posts. He/She/It is a jew and if one can feel the energies of others through the Internet, they can feel his dirt.2. Fire_Starter should fucking learn that there is something called a LIMIT and that IF YOU ARE TRYING TO MAKE SENSE WITH A FUCKING JEW, THE ONLY THING YOU'LL ACHIEVE IS BEING SPIRITUALLY ATTACHED TO THE PARASITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, HOW MUCH FUCKING SENSE DOES ONE HAVE TO HAVE in order to understand that 1: The jew is never going to agree with you, because it's a jew and the jew's purpose is to put you off balance. 2: NONE OF THE OTHER BROTHERS AND SISTERS SEEMED REMOTELY INTERESTED IN THE JEW'S POST ABOUT ATHEISM!!! So, if you tell me, or even yourself, that you argued with the jew in order to help new people who are reading his posts, then you're lying to yourself. No one else fucking cared. The jew just managed to play you in his hands and put you off balance. This is an 100% win for the jew.Spamming the group because you're angry with a fucking jew who doesn't even know what it's talking about.... Are you a fucking child? Do you know how fucking pissed off I was at all your responses towards the jew? HOW CAN YOU BE MANIPULATED SO EASILY FOR FUCK'S SAKE??!??!?!
But anyway, the post that Fire_Starter made about how a jew argues with a Gentile is 100% correct lol
The jew always tries to avoid the subject at hand and talks about irrelevant things and in general, tries to put the other person off balance.This can also be seen in many of Magnum's posts/responses to others. He just constantly tries to cause confusion and avoid the subject at hand. It is very interesting how many things we can learn about jews, just from their arguments in OUR GROUPS.

So, let's end this here.An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in any God. Some may have communistic beliefs, or may disregard spirituality completely, but others may be nationalists, and actually very interested in the occult.I don't know what the television fucking advertises about "what an atheist truly is".... I am talking about real life experience here and from the people I've met.

Στις 12:09 μ.μ. Κυριακή, 2 Αυγούστου 2015, ο/η "Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] έγραψε:

<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" val[/IMG] HP Don has said before that atheism is just a pseudo relegion that rejects the common conception of 'God' whilst at the same time worshipping jewish science (such as the Big Bang, evolution ect ect) and money as a god. Atheism was never found in Pagan Gentile society. Atheism is nothing more then a modern invention created by the jew to rob logical thinking people who have reverted xtianity of spirituality. You'll find that most 'atheist' are liberal marxist and this makes sense, instead of buying into the enemy metaphysics they've bought into the enemy political mindset. I really have no idea why you made this post brother, seams your trying to explane to us something that pointless. Atheism IS a religion, and a enemy one at that.

<a rel="nofollow" shape="rect">Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad
On Aug 2, 2015, 1:16:03 AM, j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666] wrote: Bottom line:
The definition of atheist is directly related and depends on the definition of God. You can't define an atheist without defining what a god is first.
Even if someone says the definition of atheist is one who denies the concept of Godhood, the concept of Godhood is directly related to the definition of God. You can't define Godhood without defining what a god is first.
But there's a problem to both of them:
The dictionary only accepts the monotheistic definition of god or the polytheistic one as forces of nature controlling human destiny.
The SS definition of Godhood as spiritual immortality and not bring a monotheistic or a polytheistic god is invalid according to dictionaries.
Therefore the definition of atheist depends on the dictionary not the SS definition of god.
Is that so hard to understand???
I actually Think that was funny...en worth it.. I mean i was so pissed at how we are all reacting to thiS stupid thred.... But uuu...you have made me laugh...
On 2 Aug 2015 23:25, "Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
No need to be a smart ass and add fuel to the fire. Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 4:02 PM, "Xavier Skaggs xavi3rskaggs@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  This shall go down in history books as..... One of the Greatest and Most Pointless Arguments. Starring TheFireStarter as the guy that can not stop at trying to prove the correct definition of Atheism. Next we have MagnumArcanum that is also trying to prove the correct definition of Atheism! Both each feeling the need to somehow end The Most Pointless Argument by continuously giving each other more and more complex definitions of the word "Atheism"! Will this ever end! Will it be TheFireStarter? or will it be MagnumArcanum!? Or could possibly they both already lost because this argument is just pointless!?!!?!?!?!!?!? Tune in next week

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 11:13 AM, "magnum.arcanum@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  I would never attack another Spiritual Satanist unless they did some really fucking retarded shit to me.  No, I don't think that what you did was all that bad.  I took a chance that you wouldn't react that way and you did.  Some people do and its quite normal.  Calling people on such things, could have been done in a much more subtle and controlled manner on my part.  I fucked up and forgot how much this can piss people off and especially something that important. 

If I thought you were attacking me, I would have attacked you a long time ago.  I don't really give a fuck about all that.  I was trying to help you because I think your pretty intelligent.  It's just the opposite of what you thought. 

I've done a lot to fuck over the jooz for years before even learning of Spiritual Satanism and I'm working to do even more now.  You calling me a joo, really pisses me off though.  I've done a lot to expose those fuckers.  Unless you apologize for that shit, I am not going to respect you.  And yes, I really did before that.

I hate fucken Atheists.  Take the Satanic Temple for example.  Why the fuck  do they call that Satanism?  I've fucken seen and talked to my Guardian Demon as plain as a regular person.  In fact, I couldn't hardly tell the difference between him and a physical body.  I didn't meet Satan personally, but my Guardian Demon told me when he was around one time and I saw him, and some other high ranking Demons and I said "hello" - plain as fucken day.  I've talked with dozens of spirits.  WTF is wrong with these people? 

I was distracted from what I should of told you by this hatred I have for these phony fucking "God of Materialism" worshiping dipshits.  I can't fucken stand them.
Surely this one will go down in history...#lngst point blank!!!
On 2 Aug 2015 23:12, "devilsAdvocate Nic" <nic.dn6@... wrote:
That was very funny
XD On 2 Aug 2015 23:08, "Xavier Skaggs xavi3rskaggs@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  This shall go down in history books as..... One of the Greatest and Most Pointless Arguments. Starring TheFireStarter as the guy that can not stop at trying to prove the correct definition of Atheism. Next we have MagnumArcanum that is also trying to prove the correct definition of Atheism! Both each feeling the need to somehow end The Most Pointless Argument by continuously giving each other more and more complex definitions of the word "Atheism"! Will this ever end! Will it be TheFireStarter? or will it be MagnumArcanum!? Or could possibly they both already lost because this argument is just pointless!?!!?!?!?!!?!? Tune in next week

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 11:13 AM, "magnum.arcanum@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  I would never attack another Spiritual Satanist unless they did some really fucking retarded shit to me.  No, I don't think that what you did was all that bad.  I took a chance that you wouldn't react that way and you did.  Some people do and its quite normal.  Calling people on such things, could have been done in a much more subtle and controlled manner on my part.  I fucked up and forgot how much this can piss people off and especially something that important. 

If I thought you were attacking me, I would have attacked you a long time ago.  I don't really give a fuck about all that.  I was trying to help you because I think your pretty intelligent.  It's just the opposite of what you thought. 

I've done a lot to fuck over the jooz for years before even learning of Spiritual Satanism and I'm working to do even more now.  You calling me a joo, really pisses me off though.  I've done a lot to expose those fuckers.  Unless you apologize for that shit, I am not going to respect you.  And yes, I really did before that.

I hate fucken Atheists.  Take the Satanic Temple for example.  Why the fuck  do they call that Satanism?  I've fucken seen and talked to my Guardian Demon as plain as a regular person.  In fact, I couldn't hardly tell the difference between him and a physical body.  I didn't meet Satan personally, but my Guardian Demon told me when he was around one time and I saw him, and some other high ranking Demons and I said "hello" - plain as fucken day.  I've talked with dozens of spirits.  WTF is wrong with these people? 

I was distracted from what I should of told you by this hatred I have for these phony fucking "God of Materialism" worshiping dipshits.  I can't fucken stand them.
The groups/forums seems under attacks so I think it will be more useful if you stay with your valuable input and knowledge!
Like every enemy attack, this will pass away and vanish like flushing a wc, as usual, and we will be uscratched.

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2015 04:05:31 -0700
Subject: Re: Σχετ: [JoyofSatan666] R e: @ All: How To Spot A Child (Or Adult) That Has A Misunderstood Word:

  Anyway I'm just outta here. I will leave the groups for a while for those reasons.
A jew has been spotted trolling around on the Italian forum as well, the moment he was banned, the forum got back to healtier communication

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2015 16:27:56 +0000
Subject: Re: Σχετ: Σχετ: Σχετ: [JoyofSatan666] R e: @ All: How To Spot A Child (Or Adult) That Has A Misunderstood Word:

I agree

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 11:46 AM, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @DevilsAdvocate, Magnum is a jew and it's not a matter of this argument here. I had even sent a personal message to fire_starter, warning him that this guy is a jew and he shouldn't continue this argument... But he did, which is why I got so frustrated.
I've seen magnum's posts since he/she/it joined this group.
His posts (especially his initial ones) were full of confusion and misleading information.... It was very obvious from this words that he was a jew, although many members trusted him.
You see, these fucking parasitical jews can not understand that WE CAN FEEL THEM. Some of us have also the ability to sense the other's energy through the Internet., chatting online etc. Personally, I have even felt when I'm reading a book written by a jew or watching an animated movie and the voice of some character is made by a jew. So I fucking know without doubt that magnum is a jew. This argument was excuse to finally relieve it. Simple as that.

Στις 6:09 μ.μ. Κυριακή, 2 Αυγούστου 2015, ο/η "devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  I really dnt get it.
Theres no JEW.
its just to people with really big egos!!
Pls dnt tell me that if i get into an argument with anyone in the group...be it am ryt or wrong... that makes me  a fucking kike?. Does any one know how it feels to becalled a kike when your not one?? This ridiculous. Both of you brothers have been in the groups lng enough....please settle the missunderstanding.
On 2 Aug 2015 14:18, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I am not willing to pat the heads of people that I respect and know that they are able to deal with such shit on their own.Believe me, if I was patting your head and explaining to you nicely that "what you are doing is no good" I would be considering you an idiot.
But I do not.And this has also happened in the past with other people. If there is someone that I respect, or I believe they have enough brains and enough will and strength to deal with such shit, I am not willing to "talk nicely" when something bad happens but to fucking slap them and demand that they wake up and continue their fight because they are far more stronger than the shit they have to deal with at that moment.
Honestly though, if you leave the group for this fucking reason, the jew not only won in putting you off balance, but he also won a great fight; as you have helped many many times the new people here, so if you really CAN stay and help new people etc with their questions, then leaving because of one fucking jew... is too much of a defeat. You already wasted too much time and energy in talking to the fucking jewish parasite kjdhskjfhbsdkjfhbsdkjfbdskjf THAT WILL FUCKING BURN ALIVE WHEN THE TIME COMES AND WHEN THE SHIT DIES, THE ENEMY IS GONNA FUCKING SUCK HIM DRY, HE THINKS HE'S DOING SOMETHING BY PISSING GENTILES OFF BUT HIS END IS GOING TO BE THE SAME LIKE WITH THE REST OF HIS KIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So, just cut off whatever fucking spiritual links were created with the fucking parasite AND KEEP FIGHTING!!Don't leave the groups for this reason. Accept that you were wrong in being persistent with a jew (which is why I got infuriated because YOU FUCKING KNOW BETTER THAN THAT!!) and continue the fight.

Στις 2:05 μ.μ. Κυριακή, 2 Αυγούστου 2015, ο/η "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] έγραψε:

  Anyway I'm just outta here. I will leave the groups for a while for those reasons.

@devilsadvocate Nic at the time, it did. A false accusation is a method used within The Big Lie, itself. It's a method I cannot stand.
Jews like to do is create endless arguments so things never get done. True that..
On 3 Aug 2015 03:58, "kyleshand@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Everyone should take note here, this is what the Jew is best at. Creating problems and in-fighting where there is none. Gentile vs Gentile. We only have to look at the history of endless Xian wars over the tiniest disagreement of doctrine. Gentiles slaughter each other while the enemy looks on and laughs. "Satan divided against himself" as they call it.

This has always been one of their favorite tactics.

I even recall HP Maxine saying in a sermon once that something the Jews like to do is create endless arguments so things never get done.

We all need to be aware of this whenever we fill ourselves at odds with our brothers and sisters in Satan the survival and freedom of our people depends on our ability to overcome these enemy games. To the _fire_starters credit, HE DID admit that he sometimes has a need to win arguments for their ownsake regardless of how irrelevant they are. And that has been a problem in my life, I've had to deal myself too. So I understand how he was feeling. (And I'm guessing how Magnum was feeling too) Although I do think this is a pointless argument and we should forget it.

I too was curious if we are defined as Atheists, Theists or Polytheists but it's only a trivial issue really. Not one worth arguing about.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
