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Aldric respect threat

Voice of Enki [JG]

Joy of Satan Guardian
Sep 20, 2017
In light of the constant slander directed at Aldric, I decided to write something slightly differently:

Aldric, mein kamarad, you have my respect brother in arms, brother in Satan. You dear brother have been one of the most inspirational SS to me along my journey.

Great argumentater, Pusher of butt hurt people's buttons, Grammar nazi, Expert Slotzer, Speaker of Serious(ly hilarious) Satire, Expert SS utuber (subscribe to https://www.youtube.com/user/BeginnerMeditations today and get free Satanic cookies), The egoistical selfless one, The keeper of cools in the face of near endless slander.

Mature in mind, body and soul and armed with sharp wit and a piercing determination, He set's straight the misguided, the egoistical, the foolish ones, the know it all's, the attackers of the awesome ones, the lazy ones, the immature ones and even the retarded ones.

The sensible one who with armor of light and sword of RTR strikes down the jooz, jebooz, jews, xiantards, mudslimes, libertarians, libertards, and fills with fear the dispicable gaze of the bipedal crocodile cucks in space, with great Satanic zeal.

It is he Aldric, part of the mystical more-than-a-decade-long-dedicated-Satanist-club-of-awesome, that in my humble opinion deserves the respect of all of us for his work and determination, for he is an inspiration to us all.

Yay to Aldric, let us show respect to our brother in Satan!

(Some words in here may or may not have been purposefully exaggerated)
Yes! I thought about starting an identical thread not even two days ago, but my intuition told me to hold off for a bit. Now I'm glad I did, because you have an undeniable talent for crafting hyphenated phrases lol.
Yes, Aldrick is an inspiration to me as well; such steadfast dedication. I have the utmost respect for him.
AGREED!!! ^-^ Aldric never did anything harmful to me and he only gave "good" information. Im on his side :D amd if you get an approval by me that means...wow, well im actualy a super nice and forgiving person (to ones i respect) *gives you Brownie for writing this* *gives aldric cake for.being cool i guess XD* LOVE YALL!!!!!!!
Well said, Brother!
He takes a lot of flak from the envious and the ignorant, in my opinion.I know how hard you work and how dedicated you are Aldrick :)
Aldrick the Awesome!
All of us Satanists here a brothers and sisters and we should respect each other, whoever it may be.

It's clearly an attempt from the retarded jooz to start a conflict here, it's not the first time nor the last time. It doesn't have to be a joo itself posting or commenting in the group, it can be a personal attack on one of our brothers / sisters that made him start a conflict uncontrollably.

It's doesn't really matter, i love each and every one of you, my true Satanic brothers and sisters  <3

Now let's cut the childish bullshit and focus on the current RTR's as they are extremely important and a "must" to do so we prevent another major war.

No disrespect but you yourself might be Aldric and wrote this post just to feed your ego, if that is true which I hope is not, then dude you have some serious problems. If you are not Aldric and someone genuinely wrote this for you the good for you I suppose
Now I am quite new to this group and I don't know what slander you are facing Aldric whatever it is I hope you don't let it get to you.
Stay strong brother

 Awww Thanks Guys. You are all too sweet. I care about everyone here as well. 
 Unfortunately, the Nonsense can never really truly be cut out. You see it is nature to play Dominance Games. Working as a Manager for years, I have had to deal with this a lot. Just today I had to deal with someone, who thought they were going to get angry with me and act up. Like they are going to intimidate me and I am going to be scared of them. 
 If you allow this to continue, it will turn into something worse and worse. So You have to confront it immediately. You don't get Angry, you stay calm and tell them, this attitude, it stops today. Or we are going to have problems. Whatever actions I have to take, will be done. But this is little thing you have decided to take on today. It dies today, or I would start looking for another job. Then they stop immediately and we go on as friends. 
 The same thing with working in groups. I took off all over the country in attempts to make a Coven when I turned 20. It had been a constant learning experience. If you think something like this, especially with young men is going to fall together easily, you better think again. You start rubbing peoples egos and they are ready to fight. A couple were wanting to go physically in fighting over things. Like we don't agree with you so I will just hit you and then I will be right. 
   The Biggest thing is you cannot expect to be Respected. The Name of this Thread kinda cracks me up. My Respect is being threatened! lol. It would be nice if life just went easily. But that will never happen. I am sorry to tell you this. But, it will continue on as a Battle for Dominance. I work 3 Jobs right now, one of them being full time as an Assistant Manger. I am immersed from sun up to sun down almost everyday with people. 
  Everyone wants to get away with something. It is Honestly like Dealing with Children. But, you cant go around attacking people in combat. Or going around screaming and yelling and acting Aggressive and violent with people.So How do you deal with it? When someone is yelling in your face and acting like they are going to take it physical even sometimes, having the power to look at them unmoved. Being able to reply with a Simple, Okay? So, now you need to calm down, or THIS will be the result. Calm Assertive energy keeps everything in line and keeps you in the right. 
  Where as you see, the newbies who get a little power. They run around with a complex. I WILL BE RESPECTED!! Then someone gets in their face. They either explode and walk out the door, or they just take it and keep going over it all day long. I Exploded out of a job recently, then they asked me to come back and run the place. lol
  But coming back this time, I have learned never remain silent. So this time, they got me back full arrogance. Because getting angry doesn't achieve anything. I blew up because I wouldn't express myself fully. I kept holding back. This was a major learning for me. I have become a hundred times stronger. This is something that takes years in the making to understand. In 10 years from now I will understand infinitely more then I do now. 
  Then there are 18-21 year olds that come here on the groups. Who have not worked very much, or have been in any type of Leadership Position, Either Business or in Satanism. It is not a fair fight. But the thing is it is not a fight. It is at this age, especially With Males, which if you notice is the case. That a guy wants to prove himself. 
  I was this way at that age. Everything went a million miles an hour. Come on it is time!! We HAVE TO BUILD A COVEN IN EVERY TOWN!!! LETS BUILD A REVOLUTION!! HORAHHHH!!!!!!! 
   The Ego is trying to assert itself. I am the best thing in the world! Then someone comes and goes, you aint shit loser. Then that persons Ego is Destroyed, which results in extreme anger. HOW DARE YOU BALLSDICK!!! I AM THE GREAT ONE!!!! YOU NASTY JEW PIECE OF SHIT!!! 
    Looking Back I have to Laugh, Because this was basically me and Don Dankos Relationship. He would come on and PWN the shit out of me. I would get so mad. Then I thought I was building some sort of Satanic Revolution. My Plan was to have people militarized together. Father Satan warned me, that I was building a Haven for my Ego and attracting Powerful Enemies I couldn't Deal with. He would be taking actions against me, but it would for my best interest. 
   So I was banned and stayed away from the groups for two years. Then I wrote an Apology Letter to the Clergy and I wrote that I didn't expect them to reply, I just wanted them To know I cared. They asked me to come back here. Which touched me to tears. 
   Then I Lost one of my Best Friends that had been there since the Beginning of my struggle. I almost lost my Mother and the Groups could go down Tomorrow and all of this would be lost. I take nothing for granted. I am so Happy for those I love in this life to be around me. I am Happy every day I look and see the groups still here with the only people that care about Satan at Reach. Even the little goofy ones. 
  Inside I am very Sensitive and care Deeply about this world. But after everything I have gone through, after my Ego dropped off like the crutch that it was. After realizing what All I have around me. Someone comes on and thinks that calling me Balls Dick is going to ruin my life or something. Is quite laughable, but you cant laugh, Shhh. It is VERY Serious business. 
  The World we think we know could be over tomorrow. We have a nefarious enemy that wants us DEAD. They want to destroy EVERYTHING we hold dear. Throws us into Death camps, make us eat our own shit. Work us to Death. Then A Man named Adolf Hitler gave everything to fight against this Jewish menace. Gentile people came forward with only their lives to offer. Through Brutal war and losing everything! They sacrificed their families, coming back to find their children gone, the only solace around being death itself. With the thought of what can I do for my people! I lay my life down today! In the thought that our enemies can be conquered. That the lives of my people will continue on. 
  That they shall not have to face this misery. Fully immersed in The Brutality of war. They Gave until there was nothing left to give. Because of THEM, we stand here today with the freedoms we have. For those of us here we are given an opportunity like never before. We are able to join Hitlers Regime. The Aryan God that shall not be defeated! The Aryan Spirit shall rise up and we will destroy this Jewish Disease! 
  But instead of Bullets, Aimed at what?! Our own Aryan people. Our lives fulfillment being achieved in watching the death of the very people we wish to protect! Instead we have spiritual warfare. We have the power to destroy these nasty cockroaches once and for all! We can attack THEM at their very root. Annihilating their existence out of the book of life. 
  So if necessary disrespect me. Call me everything that can be thought of. Who Am I? I am a guy who is only here due to the grace of Satan! The Gods held me up, they have been my strength. They have guided me into the person that I am today. The only thing I can do for Father Satan and his Chosen one Adolf Hitler, is give everything I am. 
  I can pour my life into the service of Satan. Father Satan is the center of my Life! I want to see my Family grow and become strong. Together we will all raise ourselves up! Those who are Egotistical today shall be Gods tomorrow! One day We will all be Gods in a new world. One which WE have created! A world where the Jews do not exist! Our Grand Children will ask us, what is a jew? We will Reply, my child, There is NO such thing! 
  Everything they have created will be destroyed! We will erect a Satanic Nation, whose Decrees will be simple. Here there is peace. But Mess with that Peace and the war that created it shall be reenacted. Those here will lay their lives down for what Is Created here. So to you stranger, tread LIGHTLY. 
   The Fact that I am here and able to be apart of this, means everything to me! Respect me or DON'T Respect me. I am nothing more then a Humble Warrior Of Hell. Even to those who Hate me but yet are Gentiles part of Satan. I look forward to your Maturity and Advancement. We shall all drink from the cup of Satan. We will shed the False self that has been given to us by the Enemy and walk Eternally in the light and Wisdom Of Satan. 
  I look forward to that Day. From now until then, we shall Rise as the Warriors of Satan! The Few who stood against the many! The only ones who cared enough for our Old Pagan TRUE Gods!Those Who were not afraid to stand against the JEW god and his jewish threats of hell fire and damnation, to those who stood against him. We march onward fearlessly. 
  Now lets give em Hell. 

  Your Loyal Brother In Satan    Hail Father Satan Forever!! 


 Thank you other me. I would like to note that Voice of Enki has Audio Files in Satans Library. So you can go listen to his voice, to know he is a real person. Lol 
  I get blamed for what other people write. I have had that one done to me in the past too. 
Brother Aldric, that was so beautifully written it makes me want to hug you xD On the second thought, I want to hug every brother and sister in Satan... <3

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