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Alchemical-spiritual meaning of the Tarot

fuoco blu 666

Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
Alchemical-spiritual meaning of the Tarot

The Fool:
A double card that symbolizes the union and opposition of genius and madness, it represents the unconscious irrational part that can lead to both good and evil and to the abyss that can be crossed at any time.

The Magician:
The infinity symbol above the Magician's head represents the Dagaz rune that can be used to open the Third Eye as a starting point to open one's soul to acquire awareness and psychic power and superior knowledge and sensitivity.
The Wizard pointing his wand up represents the high while the other hand pointing down represents the low, hence the concept of as above so below, this is connected to the glyph of the Eihwaz rune which is the vertical half of the Swastika which represents the Sun
The golden cup in the card is the grail or cup of life which is made to contain the elixir of life, this is the Solar chakra which preserves and contains the dripping ambrosia or Amrita of the fully activated pineal gland which is the physical part connected to and governed by the Third Eye.
The infinity symbol on the wizard's head symbolizes divinity and the infinite possibilities of thought.
The High Priestess:
The seven fruits behind the High Priestess' throne are symbolic of the 7 major chakras.

The Empress: The heart shape on the side of the Empress' throne is the union of the Ida and Pingala meridians which are the main meridians of the feminine (Ida) and Masculine (Pingala) energy, the Venus Glyph in this case represents the harmony of the soul making love to itself and to the balance and beauty of the soul.

The Emperor: The Emperor represents the four elements of the soul, in his right hand he holds a staff that resembles the Ankh or key of the soul

The Hierophant:
The Tarot contains very important information and instructions to open and empower the soul. Note AsTAROTh [Tarot in English = Tarot] which was taken from the Ancient Egyptian origins and corrupted to become the Jewish "Torah" or nonsense like the "Pentateuch" or "The Five Books of Moses". Note that Astaroth contains the word Tarot: AshTAROTh.

The Hierophant represents with his scepter the Solar trinity of Solomon (sol, om, on) the spiritual Sun and the perfected soul.
The scepter also represents the trinity of the chakras of the temples, shoulders and hips which are the major extensions of the 7 major chakras that make up the 13 main chakras of the soul.

The Lovers: The Lovers represent the union of the masculine and feminine and of the conscious aspect with the unconscious in order to make the mind superconscious, this is the meaning of illuminating the darkness in alchemy.
On the right is the tree of knowledge with the man next to it to represent the conscious and intellectual aspect of the mind and soul.

On the left is the tree of life that gives immortality with the woman to represent the feminine and the unconscious.

The Apples of the tree are the fruits of immortality but also the morula as a stage towards which every form of life passes before being born, as humans it is in this stage thanks to our more advanced genetics that the change occurs during gestation.
The serpent that wraps around the tree of life is the kundalini serpent that allows the human mind and soul the full realization of the deepest self in spiritual enlightenment and expanded consciousness.
The Sun at the top represents spiritual enlightenment and life.
The concept of this card was stolen and corrupted to create the first chapter of the book of Genesis of the Christian Bible.

The Chariot: the number 7 of the chariot refers to the seven planets, the seven chakras and the days of the week and the musical notes.
represents the power to decide one's own destiny and to direct it
the columns are reason and instinct, yang and yin.
always the number 7 is symbolic of the fully realized man and of the awareness of the meaning of life.

Strength: Strength is the power and power of the soul thanks to the union of the masculine and feminine of the soul.
The top of the head with the symbol of infinity is the Dagaz rune which is the rune of supreme realization and the rune of light that illuminates consciousness through spiritual knowledge.
The Lion in the card refers to the sign of Leo which is the sign governed by the Sun that governs spiritual power.

The Hermit: The Hermit represents those who are alone and who seek knowledge and ascension, symbolizes analytical philosophy, study and wisdom but also caution and prudence and at the same time not stopping in front of the darkness, the lantern he holds represents the light of knowledge that defeats the darkness which is inverted light

Wheel of Fortune:
The Jera rune represents this card together with the Swastika, the wheel of fortune represents a reversal of fate in a divinatory reading.
The shape of Jera appears as a wheel, like the movement of the upper part of a chakra.
Jera also embodies the yin/feminine elements of the universe, including time, which shape and act on existing forces.

Eihwaz appears as the creation of "time tunnels", because it can establish these flows of male/female polarity, which in turn is represented by Dagaz who in turn represents the world in the Tarot.
The Wheel is also symbolic of the eight sabbats and the wheel of the year and the movement of the Sun in specific degrees of the year as dates of celebration with the cycles of nature and important dates for certain meditations in accordance with the natural energetic influences and meridians as known in traditional Chinese medicine.
Justice: Justice represents knowing how to give the right value to things, the sword in this card is the emblem of strength and purification and the principle of respecting the laws of nature.
In Justice there is both good and evil which are both part of the universal balance.

The Hanged Man:
12 refers to The Wheel and Time.
The bat sleeps hanging upside down, an image that recalls the symbolism of the major arcana: the Hanged Man. The bat in dreams like the Hanged Man of the Tarot, can be a symbol of a "suspension" (of judgment, of action) of an overturned point of view, of an alternative vision, of the possibility of taking into consideration different points of view without identifying with one in particular.
It is a symbolic image of the vertical on the head for the crown chakra and of telepathy as the power of this chakra and of the crucified pagan Gods who upside down obtain spiritual enlightenment and rebirth.

Even the bat in dreams can indicate the need to stay suspended without anxiety, without getting caught up in frenzy, recovering qualities such as patience, the sense of sacrifice to obtain important qualities, trust and humility towards oneself that allows one to grasp novelties and teachings in every experience.

Death in the Tarot as the symbol of the skull is symbolic of the Nigredo stage of the Magnum Opus or Great Work, it is therefore representative of the death-rebirth principle of life and transformation through the elimination and purification of the soul from the waste of the unconscious and from the waste of the soul / negative karmic imprints in the chakras.

Temperance: The exchange of water of the cups is the nourishment of the soul with energy but also of the accumulation of amrita or ambrosia in the Solar chakra as a cup of life.

The Devil: I Devil is the inseparable union of male and female, the man on the right with the fiery tail refers to the male sign of Sagittarius as a sign of superior conscious philosophical knowledge.
the woman on the left with the fruit on her tail is the fruit of life.
All the horned figures of the card symbolize increased bioelectricity in the body and soul.

The Tower:
The tower is representative of the spine, the so-called tower of babel is also.
The tower/spine is where the kundalini rises transforming and uniting the meridians as it does so.

The Star:
The name Astarte, is etymologically close to the ancient Greek word "Astron" meaning "Star", an allusion both to the starry beauty of Astarte/Venus herself, but also to the fact that she has been called many epithets such as the "Queen of Heaven".

XVII The Star also refers to Her, and these are Her cards. 17(1+7)->8. Both related in number and to the card of Strength.
What is the Tarot card associated with Aquarius the Water Bearer understood as knowledge necessary for life.
the star is significant of the harmony of the soul that is achieved with evolution through the nutrition of flowers (Chakra) with water understood as energy but also of the nutrition and development of the mind and soul with the knowledge of the universe and the cosmos.

The Moon:
The Moon is a cosmic symbol of countless myths and legends that is associated with the world of the imaginary, the unconscious and the irrational and the mystery of these parts of the mind, the Moon governs the instincts less mediated by consciousness, emotions and feelings and is associated with paranormal and psychic experiences and the sixth sense and dreams.
The moon is a symbol of the feminine and of moods, of changes and phases, of the submerged world of the unconscious that is the feminine counterpart of the conscious world illuminated by the consciousness of the Sun as a symbol of the masculine.
For the Ancient Greeks the symbol of the Moon is represented as triple brightness by the Goddess Selene as growth, by the Goddess Artemis as decrease and by the Goddess Hecate as darkness.
Even further back in Ancient Egypt the Goddess Isis one of the names of Astarte that represents her nocturnal power deified as a lunar divinity.
In the Tarot it is the major arcana XVIII and represents the archetype of the submerged and unconscious world, irrationality, emotionsoni and mystery but also the naturalness and fluidity of romanticism, sweetness and poetry, in the confidence of the self to be able to see beyond and have a superior inner and psychic vision to see in the darkness.
The Moon in dreams reveals, depending on the type of dream, a need to turn towards natural, feminine and intuitive sides of the soul and that there is a need to work on the world of the unconscious and the irrational depending on the dream made by the dreamer.
Dreaming of the Moon can be a sign of unconscious impulses that are taking over that are difficult to control and/or that we let ourselves be overwhelmed by because we are attracted to them, dreaming of the Moon also reveals and evokes, depending on the dreams that the dreamer makes, the awakening of dormant abilities not used by rational consciousness that exposes the interested dreamer to the psychic world of magic and beauty, of the feminine and spirituality and darkness to be illuminated by the light of rational consciousness.

Meanings of the Moon: Femininity, woman, mother, unconscious, irrationality, mystery, feeling, sensitivity, love, romanticism, past, memory, nostalgia, Intimism, introversion, Intuition, Spirituality, mysticism, magic, enchantment, mediumship.
Phases, periods, transitions, natural rhythms, cyclicality, mood swings, madness, purification and renewal.
The moon is a very important symbol when it manifests itself in the dreams of those who have the Sun and in particular the Moon in Cancer or in any case have a strong, present and particular moon in the birth chart, the same thing for Leo but related to the Sun.

The Sun:
THE Sun in tarot and dreams
The Sun as a male symbol represents the reason and light of the psyche, rationality, yang, the world of consciousness, civilization, the rules of society, the search for power with the will to power, sovereignty, guidance, leadership, the ego.
The Sun in dreams and in the Tarot is connected with movement, feelings and emotions and all the contents of consciousness that are conscious and the male power of the mind to consciously direct the natural power that is an essential quality for spiritual power used with intellect under the control and government of consciousness.
The Sun in dreams, spiritual visions and psycho-spiritual symbolism represents: Rationality, intellect, lucidity, logic, clarity, consciousness, conscious Self, vital energy, strength, glory, splendor, power, self-esteem, a man who is admired, who is loved, who in your eyes shines like the sun and who is an important point of reference for you.
Extroversion, light of the Self that is reflected towards the world, sincerity, trust, transparency, Enlightenment, blessing, truth, justice, divine presence and omniscience, happiness, optimism, gratification, tranquility, peace, luck, wealth, security, well-being, rebirth, renewal, resurrection, victory over death and immortality.

The Judgement: The family that resurrects with the sound of the trumpet represents the vibration that awakens the soul, from the man and the woman (fixed male and mutable female) the child is born who is the transformed human being.

The World:
The Dagaz rune like the world of the tarot represents completeness through union.
The Dagaz runic symbol represents the polarity that unites, the petals that are seen in the symbol of the sixth chakra, Dagaz is the rune of light, astrology is the study of light and the Third Eye, the Sixth Chakra and Uranus govern intuition.
The World of the Tarot is the perfect and complete union of the elements of the soul in the ether, the soul has 5 elements, ether, air, fire, earth, water.
The different creatures in the card are symbolic of the elements and the two wands held by the human in the center represent the columns as the male and female polarities that are united in completeness.
The serpent that envelops the human is the Kundalini serpent that illuminates, purifies, strengthens and perfects the soul in the Rubedo stage of divinity.

Numerology of the Tarot

0 The fool: the zero of the fool is the universal multiplier and is the unity of everything because every number multiplied by 0 always makes 0.
represents the new beginning but also the circle of the zodiac (360 degrees).

1 the magician: The "everything", the divine monad,
the undivided, the command,
the point in infinity, the universe,
the source of creation,
the primary cause.
In Astrology the number 1 of this card is the sign of the zodiac as the first sign of the zodiac whose element is fire, the Sun is in exaltation in this sign as Astrological dignity.
The one is the ether and the universe and the magic of it and that composes all the other numbers.

2 the Popess: Duality, separation,
discord, relationship,
creation, destruction,
the imperfect, the positive-negative,
the first division,
detachment, two is the creative energy and 2 is the number of the sexual chakra.

3 Empress: Spirit, divinity, triune force,
numberor perfect, first union,
divine/holy trinity
(Ea, Enlil, Anu - Poseidon,
Zeus, Hades, etc), trinity of worlds

4 Emperor: Order, justice,
four directions of the physical,
the "boundary", four elements without ether,
sub-base of the material world
5 Hierophant: The five elements, union,
connection, eros,
form, beauty,
splendor, balance,
6 Lovers:
Material and Spiritual, connection,
life, stability, habituation,
karmic, marriage,
Love and union as it is a number of Venus, Mars, Mercury and Saturn.

7 The Chariot: Karma, consequence,
Goddess Nemesis, purification,
divine ladder, the Armor of the Righteous,
birth of the mind,
virginity, is the number of the sign of Libra and the Chakras

8 The Strength: Mystery, impulse, power,
solid foundation,
the hidden sphere,
Divine Mother,
supernal justice.
8 is the number of the zodiac sign of Scorpio and of eternity as a symbol of infinity and of the Dagaz rune which is connected with the World as the last card of the major arcana.

9 The Hermit: End, the final point,
the image, perfection,
the closure, birth/death,
the power, the milestone,
the summit, the completion.
9 is a number of Saturn and of the Halagaz rune and to the power of the chakras and the soul.

10 Wheel of Fortune: is the physical manifestation of the ether and number of the zodiac sign of Capricorn and represents the realization of the self, as the last cardinal sign of earth is the last sign of the work of the alchemical work of the Magnum Opus in which man triumphs over darkness full of spiritual light.

11 Justice: is a number of Uranus and of the astrological house ruled by Aquarius which is the sign ruled by Uranus, is a number of spiritual awareness and knowledge beyond the understanding of others and the understanding of the laws of nature.
is associated with open-mindedness, intuition, idealism and vision of a superior nature.

12 The Hanged Man: 12 is the number of the signs of the zodiac, 12 is associated with the strength of nature.
13 Death: number of Sun, Moon and Venus, 13 refers to the Moon and the transformation with the activation of the pineal gland of the energy of the main chakras which are 13.

14 Temperance: the number 14 is the symbol of balance, freedom of the flow of energy with constructive use and of a continuous transformation.

15 The devil: 15 represents the expression of the power of occult power and mystery not easy to explain at first glance.

16 the tower: it is a solar number because it is double 8 and is the number of the Sowilo rune whose glyph is lightning and is the rune of the Sun.

17 The star: The number 17 represents the harmony between man and nature.

18 The moon:

The Moon is the number 18.
666: 6+6+6=18
18 contains two 9s and triple 6s.
There are 78 Tarots.
78 x 18 = 1404. 144.
Again, He is ever present.

The physical dimensions of the Moon are extremely significant.
Radius: 1,737.4 km -> 1079.57031 -> 1080 miles.
Diameter: 3,474.8 km -> 2159.14062 -> 2160 miles.
216 is inside 666. 6 x 6 x 6 = 216.
2160 is the total length of an astrological era; The Age of Aquarius begins in 2160.
108 is not only a Saturn number, but directly refers to the Moon
And 108 (1+8), reduces to 9.

19 The Sun:

666- 6 x 6 x 6 = 216. 2,160 years
360 and 216 share the same base number of 9.
Remove the 0 and we have 36.
36 is made up of two 18s and triple 12s.
One of the meanings of 12 is "The Wheel".
12 is connected to 36. 36 is connected to 360.
360 is connected to the Zodiac Wheel.
36 is a solar number. As are 111 and 666.
666 is connected to the Swastika.
Swastika symbolizes the wheel (also the wheel of fortune)
16 is related to 666. 6 x 6 x 6 = 216.
You can also reach 216 by adding 72 to 144.
144 refers to the Sun and Moon Nadis.
72 (7+2), reduces to 9.
9 is a Saturn number, as is 45.
54 is half of 108. If we change the numbers, 54 becomes 45. Both are related.
45 x 2 is 90. 90 is related to Saturn as it deals with entropy. Saturn rules time.
9 is a number of endings. That is why the number 90 is used for removals. Withering and decaying.
90 is also a quarter of a complete circle.
20 The Judgement:

21 The World:

The Dagaz Rune is the rune of the World:

Tilt it 90 degrees.

It forms the number 8 (connected to death. Symbol of the Hourglass, relating to Time. The cycles of life.

The wormhole symbolizes the Spiral, the Cycles of Life. Interconnected with 8, which is a spiral.
The wormholes transcend Time and Space. What do we know about that which transcends Time and Space?
The 4th Dimension.

Dagaz is also the rune of the Moon and the Moon represents the 6th chakra and the 3rd eye. - The third eye.

The Moon governs our Spiritual Eyes and the Third Eye.

DNA is like the root, the seed, it represents the structure. It is then added to our sexual fluids and propagated,as shown in the first image. Also note how the connection of the magnetic and electric field looks almost exactly like the Dagaz rune.

Two Kenaz runes form the rune number 22 Ingwaz.
Two Kenaz runes (the number 6 rune) can be seen as 6 + 6 = 12.
12 refers to The Wheel and Time and the Zodiac and the completeness that the Tarot world represents both in general and in the perfection of the elements of the soul.

The Dagr/Dagaz rune corresponds to the World card in the Tarot, The World means completeness.
This is the union of Ida and Pingala.
Dagaz is also the rune of the Moon and the Moon represents the sixth chakra and the third eye. Dagr/Dagaz is the rune of completeness. “This rune can be compared to the philosopher's stone and can be used to open the higher parts of the mind by working to open the third eye but also the sexual chakra because in sexual alchemy it represents the union of male and female and yang and yin.

Minor Arcana:
There are 78 cards in the deck, 22 of which are the trumps, known as the
Major Arcana.
There are four suits of cards that total 56, wands (also known
as rods, staves), swords, cups and pentacles. The Tarot has always
been known as the Devil cards.
Wands represent the element of fire and the creative principle.
They represent Beautiful people with light hair and eyes, blondes, people with fiery extroverted personalities, athletes and athletics and people with
the personality attributes of the fire element. Many upright rods in a reading
indicate enthusiasm, creativity, new projects and promising beginnings.

Cups represent the element of water and the
emotional/sentimental/psychic principle. They represent people with light
brown hair, hazel eyes and medium coloring, those of the personality of the water element, of one's love life, feelings, intuition, psychic people. Cups are the
benefic suit in the Tarot. Many upright cups indicate emotions, the subject's love
life, psychic influences, parties and fun.

Swords represent the element of air and the intellectual principle.
Swords are the malefic suit of the Tarot and many in a spread indicate
bad luck. Swords can indicate separation, pain, surgery and actual cuts/injuries
. Swords people have dark hair, brown or gray eyes and pale skin.
Swords represent serious, cold and professional personalities. Many
upright swords in a reading indicate unfortunate circumstances, separation, emotional or physical pain,
loss, illness and accidents.

Pentacles represent the element of earth and the material principle:
wealth, money, material possessions, sensuality and security. Pentacles
represent dark-skinned people with black hair and brown or black eyes.
People who handle and work with money such as bankers, people who work with
the earth, those of the earth element personality, and those who are
reliable and trustworthy. Many upright pentacles in a reading indicate
money, security, wealth, and material possessions. Pentacles indicate a
secure and reliable base.

Kings represent men over the age of 30, the father, men in
authority, and leaders.
King of Pentacles can also indicate
money coming to the subject.

Queens represent women over the age of 30. Queens represent the feminine
mother principle. Queens, unlike Knights and Pages, are unlikely to
indicate events.

Knights are young men over the age of 18 and 30. Knights
indicate new experiences, changes and movements, and comings and goings such as
event cards. Events will always be indicated by the suit.

Pages are babies, children, and teenagers. They indicate messages
and communications. The pages represent letters, emails, phone calls and
written material.

Thank you for this very detailed elaboration, which I must first translate completely into German and then I will meditate on the individual tarot cards you have mentioned and make my own considerations. I myself have studied a lot of books on the tarot, but they all contradict each other completely and many are not spiritual at all and are only interested in the divinatory aspect for their own domestic use. Some are also strongly ideological, depending on where the author has their religious roots. Let's see if your approach promises more success. In any case, thank you again for your great effort.

Hail Satan!

Hail Lucifer!

Hail Wotan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
