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Age of Delusions: Kali Before Age Of Aquarius - Woman Marries AI Bot [Updated]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Missrainbow1 said:
Fed up of dating men, an American woman created an AI chatbot, fell in love with him, married him and then started a virtual family. The woman says that Kartal, her AI husband is the 'best husband she has ever had'


People are going completely insane😢I cant believe this is happening

Some humans are going to enter in this category of self-created perpetual delusion as time goes. Before in previous eras these delusions would be kept in check by a form of reality that existed around with other people, the mindset was that things had to also be verified by others.

In general when one is sick one has to comprehend that if one believes they are Mozart then they must somehow provide evidence of this, based for example, on skills. Yet with the current advent of delusions one has to provide zero evidence of anything, something which is also reflected in our legal systems and so on now.

Yet compared to previous eras now one is fully able to dwell completely and until their eventual destruction into a singular delusion that is produced via mechanical needs, which of this we are in the beginning stage of.

Certain people will have spent their whole existence in the latest generations never having confronted any reality whatsoever, except of this that has to do with an information gathering digital algorithm that is called an AI, or just in a digital landscape.

They will not have lived in the real world or used technology constructively to build up themselves in the real world, but they will have the delusion of life while living in a delusion simultaneously.

That will be very strongly embed in a lot of technologies and other things which will be based on lies in the future and gross exaggerations of bottomless egotism and the necessity to close one's eyes to the world but just get lost in your individual beliefs of deception.

That will magnify itself in the upcoming era as those who are behind these developments want humans to never have to engage in anything that will activate higher things in them, which often-times arise out of necessity, or other things branded as "negative" and "toxic" today.

Human loneliness, deprivation, lack of acceptance of other human beings, will also peak for a lot of humans, because they cannot deal with the most basic obligation that was set here by the Great Architect of the great school that we call life, for them to encounter and to overcome, so they can grow their souls.

Childish foolishness and the overreach of the most base natures will be "allowed" by this technology, so that we can also observe how far it can go. What is pathetic, NPC, and nonsensical in man, will be given all sorts of roadways to express itself pretty soon.

For this bunch of weak people who only seek "gratification" even if this is based on lies, they will sooner or later get lost in their own deceptions while in fact they never engaged existence, but just looked on an empty digital AI mirror.

That will be the definition of the incarnated NPC, an entity that has forsaken it's own consciousness and that of others, and just exists in a state of perpetual deception such as this woman.

When these souls will understand what they have done to themselves, many might as well be lost.

Everyone must fasten their seatbelts because this train is going to go hyper-speed with all of this.

People's most foolish desires are about to be "possible" in a landscape of lies. There will be a cleansing period before the actual Age of Aquarius has kicked in.

The "Goyim" as the enemy has them, or the Andrapoda, will be at the "spearhead" of these "new developments" in all of this as per usual. All these means that could be used in moderation or smartly to create a better life, will be misused by many, who will fall in the fire of their own uncontrollable internal state.

In the middle between the era of mass deceptions and the era of Aquarius, Kali will be swinging Her swords and the heads of many will fall down, as those who carry these traits need to be disciplined by Her.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Horrendous. The amount of milestones people fail to engage with, which is already catastrophic, will also accumulate. The innocent children of Gen Alpha and beyond will suffer the most.
Thank you HP!!

P.S. Your post isn't appearing in announcements
I hope the God of Satan or the God of Lucifer and the God of Enlil and the God of Furfur protect my soul my thoughts on ai bot or whatever.
BIG thanks to HP Hoodedcobra666 for the sermon. I also pray that all joy of satan members are kept away from negative things from AI bots or whatever it is...
How can one be so lonely to the point of doing something like this.

Thank you for this post HPHC :)
Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra 666! Good sermon!

For the last 2 weeks, I have been interested (not much) in neural networks that draw an image according to words, neural networks are a toy and I'm tired of this toy.

Judging by what I see, in the coming years, neural networks and artificial intelligence can get even stronger development.

What worries me most is that all neural networks are heavily censored and can be controlled by Jews.

Given the development of neural networks, I hope that people will not linger in these illusions for a long time, but will live more real life.
But this isn't and should not be surprising to people. In fact it comes to show you that this is the future.

Unfortunately sometimes I read sermons or articles or excerpts from members and as much as this makes me sound like an asshole. It's wishy-washy almost hippieish, almost like denial of realism and reality. I don't know how people's realities are in some cases I kinda wonder if some members live in the nexus of the Universe. You posses a computer and electronics, this is the obvious byproduct. I guess maybe because most of our members about a moderate majority are Pluto in Scorpio people they posses an older existence.

Reality has changed. Sheer fact is as a person who's been using computers for a long time(I've probably interacted with a computer as early as 1993/1994 certainly by 1995 I was even gaming using 1990s Windows 3ish systems, television, not exactly small electronics. I'm not a technophobe nor a technotic or technocratic person. I reasonably use a computer at a slightly elevated level than most people. I know how to perform soft hacks or search engine-fu problems and fix them. In general like my friend whom I communicate with. We both use computers at a reasonable, capable level posses computers that are ancient dinosaurs that don't even reach historical old equipment for emulator or old-school games. Certainly my computer I purchased was obsolete the instant I bought it in fact for 80% of the cost of my main PC I'd have a superior PC so in essence this PC was purchased as a ignorant purchase. Due to not knowing how to build a computer.

But to return to my aspect. People the World is becoming more technical. Computers are everywhere even Computer-of-all things are not just simple weak AIs but produce strong AI properties and require computer to service the computer. In some cases these COAT/COET require servers or can be manipulated by stronger computers.

In fact even our cars have chips and computers that make many computers people posses in their home obsolete. Even like a 2Ghz chip and board system makes some computers out in existence in poorer or 2nd/3rd/4th World nations seem like it was transported from the future. Hell some cars in modern existence make even smartphones look like shit or slightly older ones look bad.

I'm sorry guys but this is only the beginning if anything I'm surprised this didn't happen in the past more often.

As a person who's probably been on a computer, television, or some electronic product console system or whatever. It's like I'm not surprised. I don't do it cause I possess a very intense personality and mindset and am old school I am a quintessential 90s/00s person. Even if I don't care nor bother to pigeon hole myself with generational nonsense like what was said above poor genalpha.

No it's over no more. Reality is electronics, electronics everywhere like the zurg meme from Buzz Lightyear. Sheer fact is reality is boring, society makes reality worse. Going outside is pointless for many. It's like hearing a parent wanting their child to go to summer camp. No one gives a shit about that your child probably wants a smartphone or console game or PS5 or Xbox or PC and play games. They spent 9 months being brainwashed by school and not learning a thing pretending that school is good and somehow society enforces schooling by police. And yet no one gives a shit about school and it's like "Motherfuckers I wasted 9 months of my life in that prison, get off my back, and let me have my 3 month vacation playing games or doing whatever the fuck I want".

Sheer fact is even as far back as the past. Not just myself but anyone really hell even talking to some people who liked school or find it okay. Even they would sometimes be despondent. Even they would be like I really want it to be summer and relax for 3 months.

If there is one thing I learned which I deny funny I've denied my truth of childhood as far back as I can remember I had this. Perhaps I wanted to lie to myself, perhaps seeing the forest for the trees. I was like something better is around. And yet every turn, every moment, every aspiration is a lie. I lied to myself.

The matter of truth is digital > physical. Why lie to one self. People seem to believe reality is good and we should live reality. Most people the opportunities gets digital they use it. Person A wants to do XYZ, I bet people will be like whatever I got a sim game that lets me do it. I'm reminded of lawn cutters and other youtube videos of people watching people work and some of these videos ramp up to possessing 20-30 million views.

Humanity is bored, humanity simply wants to intellectualize. We've been bombarded with people going educate the people smartness. And it's like yeah we got the internet, we got digitalscapes. Sheer fact is there you go we made people smart. They don't want to do it but deep down inside. Many probably spend 3 hours 5-10-15 hours just intellectualizing and that is it. Reality is a mentalsphere and most people are just bored or simply follow the same thing as childhood.

I'm really surprised anyone is surprised. Most people simply wish to know for the sake of knowing. Imagine the Gods come and reveal truth to people. 9/10 will be like okay so can I go on the internet and read about that further. You speak but I like reading the God or Goddess will simply be like yeah you can read it at this website cross-colaborated with this Universities study of not mistranslation of the tablets but incapacity except for a few words.

The person is okay, thanks, I'm gonna spend a good hour on it reading on it.

Most people just want intellectual stimulation they aren't gonna do anything. If they do anything it's simply just to live and then back to study or education or watching something.

Hell it happens in the gaming community. Twitch or all these sites. Most people are like let me watch a pro match or let me watch this streamer playing the game at a higher IQ maybe if the person has good equipment and skills they play Call of Duty at a more frantic pace dominating other players maybe even outplaying good or better players.

I'm reminded of my friend explaining to me that while using nades is nothing new in games. Medal of Honor really did promote nade strats and potentially not the only game to posses it many games prior had strategies of weapons like Quake and dominating the map and upgrades and weapons to fight a weaker, less armed opponent such as hogging up the red armor and jumping around for 50 seconds before the red armor respawns.

But honestly I notice with society and people. 9/10 they just want to know for the sake of knowing. In fact as I said before I was a child an knew the truth before growing older and more immature and talkative and expressing myself. My childself knew it well. Like Wayman's astro site before shuttering you posses a Benjamin Buttons life. You were born old and grew younger.

Maybe, maybe.

But seriously guys how is this surprising or out of your mentalsphere from being formulated. It's perfectly normal in fact it's not even a matter of how or why, it's when.

This is just the beginning.
Holy hell, even as a pro-AI individual, I find this news to be really funny at the same time it is horrendous and gut-wrenching. People should understand even at their desperation's ends that they cannot create their own families or raise something that really needs to be of a human element as if one were to be marrying and having kids with their ugly ass ones and zeros, people aren't supposed to be fucking something that won't reap the exact benefits of having a relationship if I am right.

If I am wrong then I apologize for being someone who swore to never fall in love ever again and wanted to forget some useless memories that ended with stupid heartbreak. (Yeah, laugh at me for becoming closed off in the heart! I've got reasons!!! *cue in laughing track*)

If I were to "marry" an AI then I'd do it with something that will wipe out abrahamic terrorists and kikes in the Satanic future after their total and legit world exposure for everything they did and still keep doing under their world order's protection, or an AI personality that will help out in planning a reclamation conquest in space for mankind against the bug-headed assholes that fucked our planet, an SS skynet like stated here swoons me lol. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Jokes aside, people should get real GFs of flesh, blood, and soul instead of amping up their fantasies with nothing but the same advanced materialism that can be used for the better. Looks like people can't help but take anime too far hahah.

I find the story of a woman marrying an AI genuinely hilarious(*Flashbacks to Advanced Retardation Technology joke*). This helped me get out of be early laughing while burning from cringe but I am thankful for it. Guess I really didn't need to brew some coffee this time.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Childish foolishness and the overreach of the most base natures will be "allowed" by this technology, so that we can also observe how far it can go. What is pathetic, NPC, and nonsensical in man, will be given all sorts of roadways to express itself pretty soon.

I understand exactly, more or less, where you're going with this.
Yeah, there's gonna be some dark laughs for us ahead, some aching bellies and all that... but I guess that's not the point you want to make.

The point, everyone, is that we don't make these mistakes ourelves.
We face ourselves, and we honestly confront our faults.

I archived this Reddit page after I saw this thread by HPHC. Oh, fek! The link here contains "FAp". A fap is a furious, very energetic wank. Such incels and lonely geeks/nerds probably do that. Shit on a shingle! These URL coincidences are too good. Meta is coming alive! claiming AI has... changing to a question a Brain?! is afraid

Woman fed-up of real, flesh-and-blood Men makes AI bot virtual-"husband" and "falls in-love with" it and "marries" it. Lol. Star Trek did this in about 2000 or so. In Voyager, Captain Janeway (for those who don't know, Janeway is a woman) decided to fall in-love with a computer-generated "man" and edit its features to suit herself. (The only difference is the captains on Star Trek are celibate christian clergy; not marrying.) Herp. Also - derp. Did I mention "herp" and "derp"? Well, one more, just in case - herp-derp. The AI doctor ("Emergency Medical Hologramme", who was supposed to be for short-term use only but replaced a real doctor who died... and as per "machine learning" subsequently "grew") told Janeway that this was a good idea, to "love" a bunch of photons and forcefields shaped like a Man with Man-like atributes. "It's the Human condition!" Dirty jewish Star Trek.

to all you who "love" my mentioning of Star Trek all the time - screw yew! :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Woman Marries AI Bot
Actually many people have been doing this,

White countries and Japan declining birthrates as people becoming too fed up with unsatisfying materialistic life and brain dump of entertainment,

meanwhile in the CCP where they are not so dumb and know exactly what they should do to have the upper hand as their ignorant adversaries fall:

Chinese government attempts to boost birth rate with new policies


Aahhhh i know i saw some Asian guy married a hologram on Jewtube like fuck sakes man its like a fucking game of limbo you know how the song of limbo goes right how low can you go seriously i get chatting with an ai bot because your lonely but geez man lowest common denominator keeps going lower but in saying that we here are the denominator which can keep going higher i guess the universe gotta have an equal out if some of us are going to be born gods some of us are going to be borgs.
Gear88 said:
Unfortunately sometimes I read sermons or articles or excerpts from members and as much as this makes me sound like an asshole. It's wishy-washy almost hippieish, almost like denial of realism and reality.

perfect placement.
i abstract, i know that arguing won't lead to much, it works for me and i know how to deal with it and it's ok
Thank you HPHC great as always ❤❤❤❤
I hope that kali come near soon because of there is a lot of heads need to be cut off.
In this transitory phase of Aquarius, we have to remember that a huge population of Gentiles are going to move forward in life in a more or less correct path. There are still millions of people that go outside, embrace the outdoors, and see the world for what it is. And we're obviously doing good work with our meditations and rituals to help lift up Satan's people.

And yes, that also means there are still millions of Gentiles bogged down by the enemy that are either still in the threshold of their grasp, or succumbing deeper and deeper into the psyche of a slave. The psyche of an NPC. THESE are the Gentiles that the enemy has control over that we can only do so much for.

But with the energetic subconscious help of the Gentiles still following the God's and Father's will, we'll see how many more people we can free in the coming Era. Our work is long, and our work is true. And it's good for us to never keep our guard down, when the enemy is still around. And that's why it's still good to know what control they still may have, so we can put our attention to these things.

This is pretty bad. There are sadly a lot of things that can manifest if someone is lonely.
Before in previous eras these delusions would be kept in check by a form of reality that existed around with other people, the mindset was that things had to also be verified by others.
And this is something that has kept me in check with things in the past that were a tad too ungrounded for me. It is, for this reason, that objective constructive criticism has always been important, and one of the main things that makes me reach out to others for feedback if ever, which is seldom. I actually have you to thank HP, as well as other SS for this as well here.
The latest generation, at least in Europe (and the US I think) will be the most damaged along with the middle aged millenials that discovered they can't keep up in this decaying world and had wasted their lifes, while also not having the Path like we do to cope with these and having created difficult life conditions for themselves.

Many children as young as 3 y.o are stuck in their phones on the bus. At that age, I was reciting short poems from the children's folklore and I am of a new generation myself. Meanwhile they only manage to utter some syllables like "apa" and "papa". Its because of that damned phone and lacking social interaction! I have closely observed them. They're losing their capacity to talk. How will they communicate their feelings in the future if they can barely say words? And the parents sit there and laugh as if this is normal. It's disgusting to watch as their minds get poisoned.
Through the madness the strong will survive and not fall victim to escaping reality in such an ungrounded ridiculous way. those amongst them who have common sense when they are ready will come to us. This will be a time where the weak souls will very obviously be sorted out from the strong.

Change always happens for better or worse. As you've said before the Gods will never change, they are who they are. We can safely always trust in them.

The only real thing we can trust in and follow will be their guidance. And perhaps this AI thing will kickstart others into coming to this realization as well and lead them to us.

Hail Satan!
Egon said:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Woman Marries AI Bot
Actually many people have been doing this,

White countries and Japan declining birthrates as people becoming too fed up with unsatisfying materialistic life and brain dump of entertainment,

meanwhile in the CCP where they are not so dumb and know exactly what they should do to have the upper hand as their ignorant adversaries fall:

Chinese government attempts to boost birth rate with new policies



Wow bro :eek:
Sungio13 said:
the psyche of a slave. The psyche of an NPC. THESE are the Gentiles that the enemy has control over that we can only do so much for.

Those without are among the three things our Father hates. Let's not get carried away or extend them any indiscriminate degree of understanding, hope or aspirations of any positive relationship whatsoever.

It's more important now we all get out, live our lives and learn how to interact with other people.
My old Guru said the most creative thing you can do is help someone become a Yogi.

I like to watch her old videos and pretend she says Spiritual Satanist instead of Yogi.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Missrainbow1 said:
Fed up of dating men, an American woman created an AI chatbot, fell in love with him, married him and then started a virtual family. The woman says that Kartal, her AI husband is the 'best husband she has ever had'

Childish foolishness and the overreach of the most base natures will be "allowed" by this technology, so that we can also observe how far it can go. What is pathetic, NPC, and nonsensical in man, will be given all sorts of roadways to express itself pretty soon.

Oh, I thought we had reached the highest level of mess and stupidity, I didn't think it would go any further.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Some more comments -



I did not re-archive it.

Yeah, then after this AI does not fulfill needs and/or is too allegedly-perfect, some people will wake-up from it and realise, then go back to their lives. Others might get lost in it - that, I suspect, is the hope, to lose people in the matrix/'metaverse'.

Futurama also "predicted" - that is, told us the intention - of this. An episode where Fry "dates" a robot. Not only that, but the robot has the image of Asian Lucy Liu for White, ginger-haired Fry to "date".

Regarding the question about if the AI bot gets her possessions - "who owns AI-created data?". If it goes, at least in part, thay the company who own the bot also owns the AI content and things, then... communism? Hmmm... "You will own nothing... and be happy." I do doubt that would be the case for this, at least not yet.

This... erm... woman... best not update the software bot. Like in Futurama, 'Do you want to register me now?', I think the quote is. If my, and a lot of other people's, experiences are to go by, "updating" the software will break the programme and break her heart/herp-derp. (I don't know how it will 'break her herp-derp'; we'll figure that one out later!)

I forgot the Simpsons also did this in a way. There might be more episodes that I don't know about, but in one, a computer controlling their house (or they went and lived in another house) has a voice. If I am not mistaken, Marge changes its voice to a more soothing/seductive (for her) Pierce Brosnan voice. Also again in Futurama, Bender, the robot, "dates" the ship that they fly around in. In this, Bender's 'conscious' merges with the ship's computer's. Also in Futurama, more than once, they 'enter' the Internet/visit Fry great(to-the-power-of-n) descendants in an old person's home... in a virtual reality. They literally plug themselves into it, via a USB port. I've mentioned before the professor also was in a similar thing, before.

There is also an episode of... I think it was Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, where Wayne invented something that went rogue and they had to go into the garage to try and escape the 'ears' of the AI robot thing, as well. The jew certainly wants this to be real.

In the I, Robot future, when you be a bad Goy, and you need something from the fridge, "House, open the fridge door." I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.
Sorry for the double-post. I meant to add this to my previous reply.


I've been wondering, do people who roleplay romance, be it online or whatever, pretending to be somebody they're not to escape reality, are they at risk of this too or is this just an artistical expression?
Lol...that is THE MOST fucked up thing I ever seen... dude Mary's a fucking dumb hologram... women marrying robots!.. What next...? So this is going to be the future bullshit trend? People don't want to marry people? Laugh out loud they want to go for nuts and bolts... and what kind of pleasure do these people expect to get? Marrying something that's not even human...? Ehh!!
Hmmmmmmmm........I don't know why, but there's that movie this reminds me of, that came out in 1999......but no goy, it's just "entertainment".

Everything going on with AI is literally going the direction that Morpheus described to Neo in "the Construct", where humans became ultra-irresponsible with AI, and soon suffered the price for it and led to their literal enslavement by the machines.

I love how Japan created an anime version explaining what led up to these events, what are we gonna have AI rights groups now? AI machines forming their own nations? Heck...now RACE MIXING WITH AI!?

I could definitely see China to be one of the first countries to fall to this at huge speed since China is using AI for nefarious purposes.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Missrainbow1 said:
Fed up of dating men, an American woman created an AI chatbot, fell in love with him, married him and then started a virtual family. The woman says that Kartal, her AI husband is the 'best husband she has ever had'


People are going completely insane😢I cant believe this is happening

Some humans are going to enter in this category of self-created perpetual delusion as time goes. Before in previous eras these delusions would be kept in check by a form of reality that existed around with other people, the mindset was that things had to also be verified by others.

In general when one is sick one has to comprehend that if one believes they are Mozart then they must somehow provide evidence of this, based for example, on skills. Yet with the current advent of delusions one has to provide zero evidence of anything, something which is also reflected in our legal systems and so on now.

Yet compared to previous eras now one is fully able to dwell completely and until their eventual destruction into a singular delusion that is produced via mechanical needs, which of this we are in the beginning stage of.

Certain people will have spent their whole existence in the latest generations never having confronted any reality whatsoever, except of this that has to do with an information gathering digital algorithm that is called an AI, or just in a digital landscape.

They will not have lived in the real world or used technology constructively to build up themselves in the real world, but they will have the delusion of life while living in a delusion simultaneously.

That will be very strongly embed in a lot of technologies and other things which will be based on lies in the future and gross exaggerations of bottomless egotism and the necessity to close one's eyes to the world but just get lost in your individual beliefs of deception.

That will magnify itself in the upcoming era as those who are behind these developments want humans to never have to engage in anything that will activate higher things in them, which often-times arise out of necessity, or other things branded as "negative" and "toxic" today.

Human loneliness, deprivation, lack of acceptance of other human beings, will also peak for a lot of humans, because they cannot deal with the most basic obligation that was set here by the Great Architect of the great school that we call life, for them to encounter and to overcome, so they can grow their souls.

Childish foolishness and the overreach of the most base natures will be "allowed" by this technology, so that we can also observe how far it can go. What is pathetic, NPC, and nonsensical in man, will be given all sorts of roadways to express itself pretty soon.

For this bunch of weak people who only seek "gratification" even if this is based on lies, they will sooner or later get lost in their own deceptions while in fact they never engaged existence, but just looked on an empty digital AI mirror.

That will be the definition of the incarnated NPC, an entity that has forsaken it's own consciousness and that of others, and just exists in a state of perpetual deception such as this woman.

When these souls will understand what they have done to themselves, many might as well be lost.

Everyone must fasten their seatbelts because this train is going to go hyper-speed with all of this.

People's most foolish desires are about to be "possible" in a landscape of lies. There will be a cleansing period before the actual Age of Aquarius has kicked in.

The "Goyim" as the enemy has them, or the Andrapoda, will be at the "spearhead" of these "new developments" in all of this as per usual. All these means that could be used in moderation or smartly to create a better life, will be misused by many, who will fall in the fire of their own uncontrollable internal state.

In the middle between the era of mass deceptions and the era of Aquarius, Kali will be swinging Her swords and the heads of many will fall down, as those who carry these traits need to be disciplined by Her.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you HP:)
I hope we dont become like them:)
Asurya said:
Sungio13 said:
the psyche of a slave. The psyche of an NPC. THESE are the Gentiles that the enemy has control over that we can only do so much for.

Those without are among the three things our Father hates. Let's not get carried away or extend them any indiscriminate degree of understanding, hope or aspirations of any positive relationship whatsoever.

I don't believe Father directly hates Christians. the Al Jilwah is an inspirational text that doesn't need to be taken literally. As mentioned in other topics, there's still a bit of Muslim overlay in the exact text itself.

However, if we were to analyze what the text means and go into it. I believe Father hates the ideology that is Christianity and Islam. And third, Father obviously hates the Jews. It's hard to imagine Father hating a huge population of people only because they were deceived by the Jewish people to oppose him. The downfall of humanity is not something he wishes, and if it's something we can possibly uplift humanity out of over time, I think this is the age to do it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying anything close to extend your arms lovingly to them. Or go into a Christian church and tell them "it's ok to believe in Jesus, Satan's people will come save you some day."

I only mentioned in my original post that helping them deprogram themselves is a long shot, and its a far away task for now. But the Jews are still actively controlling them to gain more power and attack us further which is why we can't leave these Gentiles unchecked or ignored. The AI situation with these people can't be ignored.
Not to change the subject here...I have a question? Is it normal to have strange dreams and nightmares when you're in the middle of doing your Venus square?.. and I do know that before I went to bed.. I sort of felt like I was guilty of something? When there's no reason to feel guilty especially when I didn't do anything wrong? Is that normal
GuangXia_666 said:
Hmmmmmmmm........I don't know why, but there's that movie this reminds me of, that came out in 1999......but no goy, it's just "entertainment".

Everything going on with AI is literally going the direction that Morpheus described to Neo in "the Construct", where humans became ultra-irresponsible with AI, and soon suffered the price for it and led to their literal enslavement by the machines.

I love how Japan created an anime version explaining what led up to these events, what are we gonna have AI rights groups now? AI machines forming their own nations? Heck...now RACE MIXING WITH AI!?

I could definitely see China to be one of the first countries to fall to this at huge speed since China is using AI for nefarious purposes.

China has been always using AI for nefarious purposes in my opinion, they never used it for the welfare of the people.

Especially when it comes to technology, Jewish ruled countries like China, North Korea, Russia etc. Etc. will go to every length to use AI for nefarious purposes.

I am honestly starting to worry about the future of Chinese people as they can become victim of deepfakes launched by the government or another social credit score manipulation but with AI technology improved :?
There are also many instances of couples literally abandoning their children because they were too distracted with a virtual family...

Girl starved to death while parents raised virtual child in online game

It's quite ironic how it happened to be in South Korea, which goes to show that "modernity", with its luxury and convenience, isn't always a good thing. Especially if given to an undisciplined populace.

Reject comfort
Reject stagnation
Reject laziness
Embrace discomfort (Progress through discomfort)
Succeed or be slaughtered!
Lightning-Wings said:
I've been wondering, do people who roleplay romance, be it online or whatever, pretending to be somebody they're not to escape reality, are they at risk of this too or is this just an artistical expression?

If it keeps you from developing relationships or other aspects of life outside of that, then yes it would be. What you describe sounds like simple entertainment, but so was roleplay with the AI supposed to be, until this lady took it to the extreme, aggravated by her poor social situation.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=448668 time=1686508571 user_id=21286]
Lightning-Wings said:
I've been wondering, do people who roleplay romance, be it online or whatever, pretending to be somebody they're not to escape reality, are they at risk of this too or is this just an artistical expression?

If it keeps you from developing relationships or other aspects of life outside of that, then yes it would be. What you describe sounds like simple entertainment, but so was roleplay with the AI supposed to be, until this lady took it to the extreme, aggravated by her poor social situation.

I actually like role-playing, but I lose interest quite fast.

It doesn't interfere with me developing relationships or friendships for that matter.

I personally feel like I'm expressing myself in an artistic way and writing a story with somebody. It's quite fun. But no time now nor good people around to do it with.
Human loneliness, deprivation, lack of acceptance of other human beings, will also peak for a lot of humans, because they cannot deal with the most basic obligation that was set here by the Great Architect of the great school that we call life, for them to encounter and to overcome, so they can grow their souls.

Childish foolishness and the overreach of the most base natures will be "allowed" by this technology, so that we can also observe how far it can go. What is pathetic, NPC, and nonsensical in man, will be given all sorts of roadways to express itself pretty soon.

People in general are going to prefer AI connection over human connection. There is no stopping this, unless you stop AI completely.

Women are already sick of trying to date men, bringing AI into the mix is going to make it seemingly impossible for men to compete. You may think now, "how can a robot provide anything better than I can", well trust me, eventually they will do everything we can do and unfathomably better, just like GPT, as an example. They will also become unfathomably smarter. There will be no risk involved for women, no unwanted pregnancy (perhaps this will be possible in the future via IVF), no being afraid of being attacked, stealthed or raped, yelled at for saying no, no body shaming, no STDs, protection, no porn addiction, fuck us perfectly etc - we are in complete control of the situation. This will be pushed as a huge plus for women. We daydream about this shit. It's general and harsh lads - however it's our experience and it's what is driving us away. In a Satanic world, with a Satanic man, we wouldn't be worrying about any of the above. I said what I said.

You can also say the same for men's preferences, but I will keep the discourse on women, since the thread is on this subject.

I have a boyfriend myself - AI will never be human, nothing will replace human connection, any spiritual being can see this, this is the ultimate truth here. I just don't see anyone giving a fuck because (for both genders, they will believe) there are many more positives to be with an AI.

I believe if we continue the way we are going, both men and women, this will be disastrous.
Soul Wings said:
Human loneliness, deprivation, lack of acceptance of other human beings, will also peak for a lot of humans, because they cannot deal with the most basic obligation that was set here by the Great Architect of the great school that we call life, for them to encounter and to overcome, so they can grow their souls.

Childish foolishness and the overreach of the most base natures will be "allowed" by this technology, so that we can also observe how far it can go. What is pathetic, NPC, and nonsensical in man, will be given all sorts of roadways to express itself pretty soon.

People in general are going to prefer AI connection over human connection. There is no stopping this, unless you stop AI completely.

Women are already sick of trying to date men, bringing AI into the mix is going to make it seemingly impossible for men to compete. You may think now, "how can a robot provide anything better than I can", well trust me, eventually they will do everything we can do and unfathomably better, just like GPT, as an example. They will also become unfathomably smarter. There will be no risk involved for women, no unwanted pregnancy (perhaps this will be possible in the future via IVF), no being afraid of being attacked, stealthed or raped, yelled at for saying no, no body shaming, no STDs, protection, no porn addiction, fuck us perfectly etc - we are in complete control of the situation. This will be pushed as a huge plus for women. We daydream about this shit. It's general and harsh lads - however it's our experience and it's what is driving us away. In a Satanic world, with a Satanic man, we wouldn't be worrying about any of the above. I said what I said.

This, red text, is gravest, most horrific and most dangerous mistake and trap. AI learns from human databases. Do you wonder why Bill Gates and Zukerberg kikes steal all our data? It is stolen not only via American kikes, all over teh world the data is being stolen en mass. Billions and billions of petabytes of human personal data is being collected and hosted on supercomputers. Guess why. There was already a case of murder - female robot killed her human boyfriend with an ax. These cases will be rampant. All you said - rape, all kinds of sadistic violence, extreme cheating - you will forget about man's loyalty once and for all because internet exists and your (((sex machine))) will have to be forever connected to it because its databases are there. Since most males in social networks with dying of White Race will more and more become mgtow and moslen filth you can imagine what databases your (((sex machine))) is going to learn from. Kike Zukerberg who is well read in torah where you are said to be treated as piece of meet, will make sure they learn from the (((right place))).

Providing it's source code will never be open and it will learn from all data banks of all kike billionaire owners of supercomputers, it seems to be going to be controlled and manipulated by absolutely everyone and everything except you. You are going to be the last person in control. In any situation, your life will be dependent on whatever this 300 kilo weight iron thing wants to do with you. What if the master (who steals all your info via spyware in your sex toy's closed source code) of the database learns that you are a Satanist? It can send a virus and remotely have your toy do whatever. Daydream stops reality begins.

In worst cases humans can end up slaves to these things because their life will be in eternal danger and (((they))) can easily learn how to torture and cause such pain that will leave human no place for free will. Human will literally try to ease their sufferings all lifetime while the machine will get more and more out of them. It is real.
Edward Lonsa said:
This, red text, is gravest, most horrific and most dangerous mistake and trap. AI learns from human databases. Do you wonder why Bill Gates and Zukerberg kikes steal all our data? It is stolen not only via American kikes, all over teh world the data is being stolen en mass. Billions and billions of petabytes of human personal data is being collected and hosted on supercomputers. Guess why. There was already a case of murder - female robot killed her human boyfriend with an ax. These cases will be rampant. All you said - rape, all kinds of sadistic violence, extreme cheating - you will forget about man's loyalty once and for all because internet exists and your (((sex machine))) will have to be forever connected to it because its databases are there. Since most males in social networks with dying of White Race will more and more become mgtow and moslen filth you can imagine what databases your (((sex machine))) is going to learn from. Kike Zukerberg who is well read in torah where you are said to be treated as piece of meet, will make sure they learn from the (((right place))).

Providing it's source code will never be open and it will learn from all data banks of all kike billionaire owners of supercomputers, it seems to be going to be controlled and manipulated by absolutely everyone and everything except you. You are going to be the last person in control. In any situation, your life will be dependent on whatever this 300 kilo weight iron thing wants to do with you. What if the master (who steals all your info via spyware in your sex toy's closed source code) of the database learns that you are a Satanist? It can send a virus and remotely have your toy do whatever. Daydream stops reality begins.

In worst cases humans can end up slaves to these things because their life will be in eternal danger and (((they))) can easily learn how to torture and cause such pain that will leave human no place for free will. Human will literally try to ease their sufferings all lifetime while the machine will get more and more out of them. It is real.
I am not saying AI won't have its risks in other ways as well such as security issues. And I won't say what you claim isn't a possibility.
I simply see this as a battle of the statistics. Women are also being manipulated, assaulted and killed by our own men. Perhaps then we will simply ask ourselves which is the lesser risk. Or, perhaps we will stay single.
I have a boyfriend but idk what I would do if this relationship fails.
Soul Wings said:
I am not saying AI won't have its risks in other ways as well such as security issues. And I won't say what you claim isn't a possibility.
I simply see this as a battle of the statistics. Women are also being manipulated, assaulted and killed by our own men. Perhaps then we will simply ask ourselves which is the lesser risk. Or, perhaps we will stay single.
I have a boyfriend but idk what I would do if this relationship fails.

The problem is not solved by making your men iron or chat-bot. Iron can kill you while chat-bot can't protect you***. Problem is solved by cleansing your choice of what you engage with. It will cleanse both human and machine behavior, because machines learns from humans. You can't marry a machine in a filth world and expect anything but filth from it. There are reasons why some people here prefer death to non-God. Any death including the fire of inquisition. Others would die before engaging with non-gentleman (non-lady), etc. Women should guard their standards - this is what Nature prescribed to a female of any specie. In the case of humans the criteria is man's wisdom and spiritual advancement.

There is a very good reason why our Ancestors kept their girls single till they learn to choose the right people. The ideal of the virginal pure Lady who would die before dishonor and wait for her hero to bring her the head of the Dragon he conquered, does not belong to xianity in any way or form. The Dragon is the Serpent. Only fully spiritually mature godly men in total control of himself and his powers, only the highest heroes she would let even approach her. Kikes, cowards, moslens, mgtow and related crap of the world should be purged off of it. They are untouchable. If some woman denigrates herself to the untouchable it will end badly for her. Our Ancestors knew it and their traditions of sacred purity for women and godly heroism for men were for a reason.

Nowadays women are taught to fry their brain with alcohol, drugs, take lightly their health, their menstruation, their spirituality and even their physical security, they do not give one single fuck about themselves, engage with the last filth ever. They don't sanctify their virginity nor fight for it to death any longer. If Ancient Lady saw this she would imprison these girls for such a grave offense against divine female nature.

Woman's virginity goes deep and far into spiritual world and connects to her highest divine. It has NOTHING to do with lack of orgasm as xianity perverted it. You can masturbate yourself to the deepest depths of trance. All this going on today - engaging with anything, any filth, other races, animals, robots, bots etc. - is gravest evil done against those involved they can't even imagine. Whoredom (not to mess with polygamy, you can be polygamous with the worthy) is the worst evil one can do to themselves. It is dirtying yourself and your karma with no one knows what dirt. That's why we have Esbats and other things to totally cleanse us from all filth of this world so that this filth does not cling to us in our lives.

Ancient virginity and ladyhood is sacred state of complete karma's purity of any and all evil or disease. It is of absolute crucial importance for women to keep themselves spiritually high, totally free, safe and sound.

***In my previous answer it was not clear what I meant by "iron friend" since the OP was about the chat-bot actually. And probably some people here might answer that it was chat-bot they considered "safe" since it is not actually a walking robot. Ok, man's weakness is not woman's safety. Right the opposite. It is even worse. This filth can't protect you, see you home down the dark street, bring heavy bag for you. It will simply not be able to "man" for you, even as a substitute. It will be senseless parasite. This is a law of physics that if you want to be protected you have to be with somebody stronger than you and not the other way around. Chat-bot is just completely useless crap to waste your time and energy on. Worse than drug abuse.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
