Henu the Great said:
Actually, you do not need either. You just raised a bunch of energy, and then command your goal, and that is that. "I am healthy now and forever", for example. The more simple, the better, given that there is enough directive (will)power at hand. Overthinking these matters can be detrimental to the end result. Maybe not decisively, but still.
Are you trying to tell me we should program our energy like a computer program? IF X do Y
Maxine's affirmations on the site are like I am breathing in powerful _ energy to attract _ to me for auric work example.
I can simplify it further and keep it more simple?
Yes Henu thank you I overcomplicate and think things through. I guess I need to learn that wording is important like Maxine stated the word is almighty as Thoth(Hermes) states In the beginning the Word.
But I also need to focus on visualization and happiness for example someone mentioned smiling and feeling happy while programming to imprint an "emotional tone" to the affirmation. Obviously if banefulness is needed you want to be serious or monotone.
Is it fair to state Maxine studied long ago and came to her conclusion from works that programming simple and to the point. But even she made mistakes due to her lower level in the past and learning experience.
This is why I've stayed with the JOS since a pre-teen. Because your always learning.
Anyways thank you Henu
Three more question.
1. What if I got workings already? People are told not to change the wording or else it recalibrates the energy and causes changes, correct. Keep going but think simply next time you do the affirmation in the future for a spell like a 40-day/90-day working. Correct?
2. I assume messing with affirmations in the middle of it messes with the dues ex machina or God machine. The mechanism by which the logical mind controls the female force to generate something or reality or spell or magick.
Correct? Keep going but next time do it simpler.
3. I notice "I am healthy now and forever" doesn't include a positive clause. It includes a permanence clause but not a positive clause.
How so or when so should positive clauses be integrated. Is it dependent on the person? Is it ALWAYS negative is negativity always a bad thing? Can I use negativity to help me by learning in a Saturnesque way?
Again overcomplication. I notice the people who are foreigners and don't speak English too well are better affirmers rather than my overcomplication.