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Advice on panic attacks

Yagami Light

Active member
Sep 21, 2017
I've been having an issue and I'd appreciate any help.

So, apparently, I'm having panic attacks. I say "apparently" because I can NOT doubt the loud beating on my chest - yet, when I check my pulse and blood pressure, everything is normal...

All of a sudden, there are many doors opening in my life and I'm happily going through them - but as it seems all these new experiences and chances are a bit too much for my mind to handle.

I need to mention that this stress happens subconsciously.
I am NOT feeling consciously stressed out. I'm just thinking of what I need to do (make a checklist and whatnot) but I don't consciously feel like freaking out.

So, what would you suggest I do? I don't wanna use Isa because I can not risk "feeling dull". I need to be ready and go.

Are there any herbs/tea that could help? Any other ideas or advice on how to handle this subconscious stress?
At this moment in my life I would appreciate any spiritual methods (such as a specific energy work/meditation/combination of meditations) or tea/herbs, or even some wise words that could help my mindstate THAN changing my diet... I do not have the time to work on my diet right now.
I know that I should pay attention to all things when it comes to my body but I don't have enough time to do this right now.
Yagami Light said:
I've been having an issue and I'd appreciate any help.

So, apparently, I'm having panic attacks. I say "apparently" because I can NOT doubt the loud beating on my chest - yet, when I check my pulse and blood pressure, everything is normal...

All of a sudden, there are many doors opening in my life and I'm happily going through them - but as it seems all these new experiences and chances are a bit too much for my mind to handle.

I need to mention that this stress happens subconsciously.
I am NOT feeling consciously stressed out. I'm just thinking of what I need to do (make a checklist and whatnot) but I don't consciously feel like freaking out.

So, what would you suggest I do? I don't wanna use Isa because I can not risk "feeling dull". I need to be ready and go.

Are there any herbs/tea that could help? Any other ideas or advice on how to handle this subconscious stress?
At this moment in my life I would appreciate any spiritual methods (such as a specific energy work/meditation/combination of meditations) or tea/herbs, or even some wise words that could help my mindstate THAN changing my diet... I do not have the time to work on my diet right now.
I know that I should pay attention to all things when it comes to my body but I don't have enough time to do this right now.

Are the things which are happening to you now causing you to feel excited or joyful often?

These emotions in excess can disturb your heart spirit and it is in this time you need to focus on quietening your heart and stilling your mind.

Void meditation is great for this as is any other grounding meditation, ensuring you eat earthy grounding foods such as yam, sweet potato and squash but also salty and dark/black foods to promote the kidneys and reinforce connection between the deeper kidney energies (sacral and base chakra) and the higher centres (sixth and crown).

Bringing your energy into your sacral chakra and condensing and keeping it there is also useful to settle the energies flaring upwards and disturbing the heart (mind).
Yagami Light said:

There is a lack of calm in you, too much wild energy in the background manifesting as a consistent state of adrenaline and this is raising your fight-or-flight at the slightest of things. Things like this have to do with the fire element.

You said you're going through a lot of new things, this has to do with change, change is ruled by the colour orange which rules over the fire element. Everything in the universe connects with something, events and things that we involve or indulge in raise certain things in accordance to their rulerships, all this change has passively incorporated a lot of the orange colour into your soul which has risen your fire element with you unaware.

You need to start meditating with harmonious blue coloured energy and allow this calming colour to engulf you and for you to take it into your soul like with the foundation meditation. Visualize it quelling the fires in your soul, stabilizing the energy and electricity firing through you to a point of complete quiet and calm stillness, a total silence, really feel and believe this with focus and intent. Maybe listen to some underwater ambience while you're at it if you want.

This blue is deep electric blue and is one of the colours of Satan. It works with the water element.

Here are some images with the general kind of blue you need to visualize and use:


If just merely looking at these images of and focusing on this colour makes you feel a kind of blissful calm/stillness wash over your mind and through you, then you definitely need to use it, your fire is too high and your soul is craving balance with blue and water.
So when mastering my soul,
Can foundation meditation help with connecting to my soul,
What about energy meditation and void meditation,
And flame meditation
Centralforce666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Thank you both for responding to me, I really appreciate it! :)

Ghost in the Machine, your answer also made me wonder if this is the reason that, in this period, I really want to rain (and it's the first time in my life that I want to rain, instead of wanting it to be sunny).
This is very interesting.
I did the foundation with this electric blue and it was, of course, very relaxing... I put some underwater ambience as well, as you suggested, and it was perfect. :D

CentralForce666, yes, these events make me feel extremely joyful. :p
Void meditation is something I definitely need to work on, but I will also try condensing my energy into my sacral. Thank you very much for your time. :)
Glad it's all working out for you, and yes the rain thing is definite. Our soul will seek balance subconsciously in certain ways, wanting it to rain definitely means it's craving the water element for balance. Remember the mirror law of the two realms physical and astral, what is done to one side will influence the other.

You'll physically desire to do things involving water and this in turn will bring focus to the water element and passively raise it in your soul, just like how physically involving in change, a rulership of orange energy, had indirectly risen orange energy in your soul thus had indirectly risen your fire element causing this wild energy that in turn manifested as this 'anxiety'.

Keep at it with the blue energy and water element for a while every day until your fire finally settles. This background 'anxiety' will stop then.

Yagami Light said:
Centralforce666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Thank you both for responding to me, I really appreciate it! :)

Ghost in the Machine, your answer also made me wonder if this is the reason that, in this period, I really want to rain (and it's the first time in my life that I want to rain, instead of wanting it to be sunny).
This is very interesting.
I did the foundation with this electric blue and it was, of course, very relaxing... I put some underwater ambience as well, as you suggested, and it was perfect. :D

CentralForce666, yes, these events make me feel extremely joyful. :p
Void meditation is something I definitely need to work on, but I will also try condensing my energy into my sacral. Thank you very much for your time. :)
deep breathing in front of an ozone generator
oxygenation of the body is key
Ol argedco luciftias said:
loki88 said:
deep breathing in front of an ozone generator
oxygenation of the body is key
Ozone can be very irritating to the lungs. Regular O2 is what is needed, not O3.

you're a walking contradiction
loki88 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
loki88 said:
deep breathing in front of an ozone generator
oxygenation of the body is key
Ozone can be very irritating to the lungs. Regular O2 is what is needed, not O3.

you're a walking contradiction
How? This is personal experience. I have asthma, and sometimes in the summer there are days when they announce there is more ozone than usual by ground level, and it always made my lungs very irritated and uncomfortable. This is not placebo, because there were times I felt the effect then learned afterward that there was a lot of ozone at that time. There was a drastic noticeable difference in my breathing and lung comfort when there is more ozone in the air I breathe. I've also heard this same reaction happening in many other people too.

Did you see this in the untermench health protocols? Or some new-age book? Or just some random untested idea that you thought about in 5 seconds?
Can I ask advice as well? It seems a guiding hand has sent me here.
10 years ago I had a massive panic attack. What lead to this was a habit of smoking marijuana as a social thing I did with my step-brother which lead to unhealthy enabling. It wasn't a daily thing thankfully, it was more of a saturday laid back type deal, but I was enticed one day to smoke and as I was walking to the kitchen, out of nowhere I just had a massive palpitation in my chest leading me to believe I was going to have a heart attack, as a 16 year old.
I gave up my paraphenelia to my parents and gave it up completely at that point, but either the same day or a week later, I thought I was going to die as I laid in my bed crying for dear life, afraid of my heartbeat and felt changed since that day like I haven't been the same. Even yesterday, I am still afraid to tune into my heartbeat as if I can stop it if I focus hard enough on it.
I'm trying to continue on by overcoming it to not be afraid, but it proves difficult sometimes. Luckily I've had 0 panic attacks, but now it's just irritating me and I want to overcome it.

I'm strongest in water element, but weakest in Air. I wanted to share this that you are not alone as well. I still get paranoid that I still have marijuana inside me trying to paralyze me mentally. I am working on focus, breathing, and I have been stretching and exercising a-lot more. Drinking plenty of water as well!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
loki88 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Ozone can be very irritating to the lungs. Regular O2 is what is needed, not O3.

you're a walking contradiction
How? This is personal experience. I have asthma, and sometimes in the summer there are days when they announce there is more ozone than usual by ground level, and it always made my lungs very irritated and uncomfortable. This is not placebo, because there were times I felt the effect then learned afterward that there was a lot of ozone at that time. There was a drastic noticeable difference in my breathing and lung comfort when there is more ozone in the air I breathe. I've also heard this same reaction happening in many other people too.

Did you see this in the untermench health protocols? Or some new-age book? Or just some random untested idea that you thought about in 5 seconds?
:lol: :lol: It's actually him who wrote that
Ol argedco luciftias said:
loki88 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Ozone can be very irritating to the lungs. Regular O2 is what is needed, not O3.

you're a walking contradiction
How? This is personal experience. I have asthma, and sometimes in the summer there are days when they announce there is more ozone than usual by ground level, and it always made my lungs very irritated and uncomfortable. This is not placebo, because there were times I felt the effect then learned afterward that there was a lot of ozone at that time. There was a drastic noticeable difference in my breathing and lung comfort when there is more ozone in the air I breathe. I've also heard this same reaction happening in many other people too.

Did you see this in the untermench health protocols? Or some new-age book? Or just some random untested idea that you thought about in 5 seconds?

As far as I understand, and from what that book on health posted around here, oxygenating the body above normal levels is done by in-taking ozone through the digestive system such that it absorbs through the stomach or small intestine, not through the lungs. If you use hydrogen peroxide, the delivery method would not even be ozone, anyway.
Ghost in the Machine said:
How are you? Have you been feeling any better lately with this?
Thank you very much for your concern! :) (also, rather unrelated, but I find your new profile avatar rather unsettling. :shock: )
Believe it or not, I haven't been able to do it on a daily basis... But even so, I've noticed that my desire for rain has stopped.
I'm trying to do it daily but sometimes I fall asleep because of the tiredness. But I will be listening to the underwater blub blub sounds... I like them a lot. :D

I have also made it a goal to go through all of your posts (your topics and comments to others' topics) hahaha!
I believe the things you say are invaluable - and you also explain them in a way that I can easily follow and understand.

Nevertheless, (in regards to my issue) I need to confess that today I started doing more meditations than I did yesterday (well, I was hardly doing anything because of all the things that were on my mind... I thought the less I did, the better I'd be) and I feel like I'm subconsciously kind of afraid that I will be overwhelmed again.
I haven't done the Final RTR for more than a week... In my mind I am in a big denial to do it, as if it is a stressful thing.. Well, it IS 30 minutes of my time - but I do have those 30 minutes. And it's not like I'm doing anything better either...

So, today I started doing more meditations, and restarted the RTR, and I'm a little bit afraid.

I would love to reach your level man... I mean, I don't know you personally at all, but the way you express yourself and the things you write... It shows that you have a very good understanding about certain things, and I would love to also have this understanding and this control of my mind and myself.
Yagami Light said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
How are you? Have you been feeling any better lately with this?
Thank you very much for your concern! :) (also, rather unrelated, but I find your new profile avatar rather unsettling. :shock: )

I think it's beautiful but a creep factor is fine by me, it won't bite you.

Believe it or not, I haven't been able to do it on a daily basis... But even so, I've noticed that my desire for rain has stopped.
I'm trying to do it daily but sometimes I fall asleep because of the tiredness. But I will be listening to the underwater blub blub sounds... I like them a lot. :D

A little bit still builds to something in time so don't stress too much if you struggle to find time or focus to do it every single day without fail.

I have also made it a goal to go through all of your posts (your topics and comments to others' topics) hahaha!
I believe the things you say are invaluable - and you also explain them in a way that I can easily follow and understand.

Just remember to still think for yourself and don't take everything any member says as 100%. I have definitely grown up a lot since the beginning of this year and though I'm sure you'll find some of my older posts useful to some extent I would like for you to still use your own judgement and intuition to deem what makes sense and is realistic.

My more present posts of this year are far more grounded and accurate than my older posts for instance due to a major soul-freeing phase a few months ago and lots of steady advancements, so just be aware of that.

Nevertheless, (in regards to my issue) I need to confess that today I started doing more meditations than I did yesterday (well, I was hardly doing anything because of all the things that were on my mind... I thought the less I did, the better I'd be) and I feel like I'm subconsciously kind of afraid that I will be overwhelmed again.
I haven't done the Final RTR for more than a week... In my mind I am in a big denial to do it, as if it is a stressful thing.. Well, it IS 30 minutes of my time - but I do have those 30 minutes. And it's not like I'm doing anything better either...

So, today I started doing more meditations, and restarted the RTR, and I'm a little bit afraid.

Is there any particular reason as to why it feels overwhelming? Is it just spending too much time on one meditation that it's frustrating/boring/etc? Because if so then these two might make it a bit easier to do it. They're like little mini-games but for the RTR and you can test them both out and see which one works best for you.

Or is it a matter of simply being too pressed for time or having too many things to do in a day?

I would love to reach your level man... I mean, I don't know you personally at all, but the way you express yourself and the things you write... It shows that you have a very good understanding about certain things, and I would love to also have this understanding and this control of my mind and myself.

Having understanding is not the same as having spiritual power, but it has gotten me quite far. When you ever find the extra time you should devote to working on your 6th and Crown chakra for intuition.

Intuition is one of the main reasons next to personal experiences and guidance from Satan and the gods that I'm so knowledgeable about spiritual matters. Everybody advances at their own pace and I certainly didn't start out this way, in fact if I told you how the first half of my years as a Satanist were you'd struggle to believe I'm someone who even managed to get this far.

Time, patience, perseverance and even the smallest of focused effort with decent enough consistency will build up in time. There's plenty of members far more advanced than me, they just aren't regularly active on the forum like I am. You can get to such levels and well beyond it at your own pace, it's not a race.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Just remember to still think for yourself and don't take everything any member says as 100%. I have definitely grown up a lot since the beginning of this year and though I'm sure you'll find some of my older posts useful to some extent I would like for you to still use your own judgement and intuition to deem what makes sense and is realistic.

When you ever find the extra time you should devote to working on your 6th and Crown chakra for intuition.
You have hit the nail with the above two things man. :p
I am actually easily influenced by others' opinion and advice (specifically by other Brothers and Sisters, or others who I believe are smarter or have more experience than me) and I tend to disregard thinking on my own about these situations.

As for the intuition, you have no idea how many times I wanted to do that (to work on it) but eventually stopped (and at other times I never started), because of all the confusion about it...
Should I work on my third eye? My sixth chakra? My pineal gland? My crown? All of my psychic points (clairaudience and clairvoyance)? All of these seem to be connected to the intuition, and it just drives me crazy not knowing what I should really do.

And I don't believe I could do one thing for some time - then stop and do the other thing (another chakra) - because we need to be constantly working on all of them - and if we stop working on one of them, then our progress decreases (on that chakra)...
Well, I started Raum and Hatha Yoga, but I'm not sure if these will help in maintaining the advancement I may achieve by (eg) vibrating Thaur into my 3rd eye for 40 days.

I know I desperately need to work on my intuition, and I definitely want that - but since I've always gotten many different answers about which of all the chakras/points I should empower in order to achieve that - I have simply abandoned it (for now).
Yesterday I also started doing the SaTaNaMa meditation - so hopefully, that's a start.

Truth is, I'm ever so dependent on others, especially about things I have no knowledge of.
I am simply afraid of wasting my time by doing something the wrong way - so I am always looking for others to tell me how I should or what I should do (about... most things in my life, to be honest).
I understand that we learn from mistakes - and I'd like to believe I'm not afraid to do mistakes - BUT I hate wasting my time. And I feel like I have already wasted too much of it.

Ghost in the Machine said:
Is there any particular reason as to why it feels overwhelming? Or is it a matter of simply being too pressed for time or having too many things to do in a day?
It is, in fact the latter. I do leave half an hour (or 20 minutes) in between each meditation (to let the energies settle), so doing 5 meditations + half an hour = too much time. (it's like 2 hours of waste in-between the meditations)
Say, I wake up at 8 am and need to leave for work at 12 pm. It's very limited and stressful to be able to fit it all in. I simply need to be constantly on the clock (careful to not let more than 20 or 30 minutes pass in-between meditations, otherwise I won't make it). I work an 8 hour shift (add another hour to go to work and another hour to return home), and I desperately want my 8 hours of sleep at night so time's very limited.
Yagami Light said:

Well in regards to intuition and upper chakras, let's do all-purpose, small, quick and easy.

Do the Alternate Nostril breathing exercise for five rounds. This will help clear the energy channels of the ida and pingala in the head which will help feed energy into your upper chakras to empower them casually with just your own passive energy levels. A clean soul of course helps greatly as dross in the soul can hinder positive, empowering energy. I created a gif some time ago for this breathing exercise and it is perfectly timed to the required seconds, just mirror it.


After you're done that just focus on the entire head region of your soul, upper chakras and all, and vibrate DAGAZ 10 times into it. That's it that's all, you're done and both of these meditations will only take a few minutes out of your day and you'll still be making consistent progress so long as they're done daily.

Yagami Light said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Is there any particular reason as to why it feels overwhelming? Or is it a matter of simply being too pressed for time or having too many things to do in a day?
It is, in fact the latter. I do leave half an hour (or 20 minutes) in between each meditation (to let the energies settle), so doing 5 meditations + half an hour = too much time. (it's like 2 hours of waste in-between the meditations)
Say, I wake up at 8 am and need to leave for work at 12 pm. It's very limited and stressful to be able to fit it all in. I simply need to be constantly on the clock (careful to not let more than 20 or 30 minutes pass in-between meditations, otherwise I won't make it). I work an 8 hour shift (add another hour to go to work and another hour to return home), and I desperately want my 8 hours of sleep at night so time's very limited.

It sounds to me like you need to devote to some schedule arrangements. I'll throw out some suggestions since waking up earlier is out of the question.

Are there certain things your week days that can be held off until the weekends of which you'll have more time such as chores, at-home tasks/duties for a start? Are there any things in your physical routine that you can afford to sacrifice? This isn't necessarily for specifically having more time to meditate, everyone should have at the very least 2 hours every day to have time for themselves outside of physical and spiritual matters to do things they enjoy.

Let's not forget that while we're making a living we still need to have a life, right?
Ghost in the Machine said:

Hey! :)
Sorry for taking so long to respond back to you.
I actually started the meditation you suggested two days after you posted it. I must confess that I haven't seen (or felt) any progress in regards to my instinct and head chakras/psychic points, but... I received an attack here and there; and I believe that is the cause of it. (me working in these points)

Now, I don't know if it could just be a "coincidence" either, but I don't think so.
Both attacks did NOT make me feel scared, but both times I felt that the enemy was watching me, because of what I'm doing right now. But I haven't felt scared.

There's something interesting though... I notice that when I yawn (especially when I do this meditation) I feel like energy goes into my head (after the yawn) - which takes me back to an earlier realization of mine, that my throat chakra may have a blockage - which means I'll have to add another meditation to my program, to deal with it.

Yesterday my day was so busy, I hardly did one meditation and fell asleep... I woke up on my own at 4 am and continued with the meditations (so I basically did everything before the day changed at 6.30 am). I also did your meditation... As I was focusing on my head (after the meditation and affirmation was over) it was like I was falling asleep and "daydreaming" that I lied down on a train railways, and placed my neck where the train would cut it if it passed (an attack, I can assume). I felt like shit, tried to wake myself... I remember I had also felt like shit at another time while doing this meditation (or afterwards, while focusing on my head). Anyway, I then did SaTaNaMa and fell asleep...
And I woke up once because I was laughing in my sleep... And then I woke up twice, because I was crying in my sleep, and it was like I wanted to cry in real life too, but just a small sob came out (no tears).. And I slept again...

I believe this laughing/crying (I do not have any recollection of the dream, and I believe it is not necessary either) is because of the throat chakra.
I had tried doing Thurisaz in my throat to unblock it... For a few days I think (close to 20). I was just yawning so fucking much, and I saw no difference. I think I had also used another rune, but I don't remember which one now. I wonder if I should go as far as use munka in my throat chakra to remove any and all blockages from there.
Maybe I should do that.
I don't want to stop Daaz though, even if I don't see/feel any immediate results... I think the attacks I received out of nowhere were not "random". I'm probably doing something right. And feeling like shit (if it's not an attack) means that I'm probably unblocking something (past life issues or emotions come to the surface); so that's also good.

Now, as for my daily schedule (in regards to time)... Well, we'll see. I mean, insofar it seems like I can handle what I'm doing - though I'll need to restart the blue energy meditation and doing void. I also restarted the ritual, thanks to HP HoodedCobra's awesome app/new site! But I'll need to start another meditation for my throat chakra too... lol. It's either one extreme or the other.

I do want my day to be full. It's like, when I have free time (such as, in my days off work) I get stressed out - resorting to daydreaming instead, leaving the meditations for last minute, and hardly being able to do them because of being extremely sleepy.
Sorry if I seem like I'm going back and forth with this. I really do feel that way.
Hey panic attacks can onset for a lot of reasons, stress and/or past trauma. If you have ever had anything quite bad happen to you or have ptsd of any sort, sometimes things can trigger that without you even knowing. Subconscious reminders of an event. Don’t go head first into your subconscious and when something makes you uncomfortable just stop, but try to get more in touch with your emotions to figure out what is causing this. I had a panic attack when I had recently gone through too much at once. On the outside I was doing fine, but I needed to have a good breakdown for a second. I don’t think you need to use anything serious on yourself just yet. The one person who can always get me centered and calm is Satan, and he’s always been here for his people. Just take a sec to tune into him and do the meditation on Satan. He has literally -never- failed to help.

Other imbalances can cause panic attacks, hormones and caffeine can worsen it. More serious drugs, obviously, can cause mental problems that weren’t even there to begin with. If you’re amping yourself up with too much bio electricity, you can focus on your crown chakra and heart chakra, circulate it, give the excess to the gods.
I have panic attacks too from my obsessive compulsive disorder and paranoia ! Any tips
Yagami Light said:
Are there any herbs/tea that could help? Any other ideas or advice on how to handle this subconscious stress?

chamomile has natural calming qualities.
Yagami Light said:
There's something interesting though... I notice that when I yawn (especially when I do this meditation) I feel like energy goes into my head (after the yawn) - which takes me back to an earlier realization of mine, that my throat chakra may have a blockage - which means I'll have to add another meditation to my program, to deal with it.

Do you lower your chin to your chest when you yawn? Physical motions like that have to do with the Nadis of the soul and are called Bandhas. A Bandha from what I can tell and from what I can feel in experimenting, is a physical motion or 'lock' that slows or partially blocks/narrows the flow of a Nadi (energy channel) in the soul.

Remember the physical realm and astral realm mirror each other in motions, influences, etc, this is why doing physical yoga helps flow energy through the soul. So for example, lowering your chin physically to your chest, there's a compression of contracting muscles in the throat that tightens with this motion, and reflecting and mirroring this on the astral means when you do this motion and hold it, you are also slowing/partially blocking the flow of energy to your upper chakras from the throat chakra.

When you narrow this pathway for a little while (few seconds to a minute), the energy is building up behind the blockage, like if you were to squeeze your hand around a watering hose, the water would not flow through so easily through the hose because you've narrowed the path, so the pressure builds up behind the narrowed blockage and then when it's released, the water surges strongly and forcefully from the hose.

This is the same idea with Bandhas. When you lower your chin to your chest, you build up that pressure of energy, then when you relax and lift your chin again and release that narrowed path opening it up again, a sudden large surge of energy comes forth and it can feel strong and overwhelming because so much of it had built up from the pressure behind the blockage, basically opening a floodgate. That's why you feel that and it's not a bad thing, it can be used to force through blockages in a chakra or Nadi that are stubborn. It's just a sudden surge of a large burst of energy, nothing to be worried about.

Yagami Light said:
Yesterday my day was so busy, I hardly did one meditation and fell asleep... I woke up on my own at 4 am and continued with the meditations (so I basically did everything before the day changed at 6.30 am). I also did your meditation... As I was focusing on my head (after the meditation and affirmation was over) it was like I was falling asleep and "daydreaming" that I lied down on a train railways, and placed my neck where the train would cut it if it passed (an attack, I can assume). I felt like shit, tried to wake myself... I remember I had also felt like shit at another time while doing this meditation (or afterwards, while focusing on my head). Anyway, I then did SaTaNaMa and fell asleep...
And I woke up once because I was laughing in my sleep... And then I woke up twice, because I was crying in my sleep, and it was like I wanted to cry in real life too, but just a small sob came out (no tears).. And I slept again...

I believe this laughing/crying (I do not have any recollection of the dream, and I believe it is not necessary either) is because of the throat chakra.
I had tried doing Thurisaz in my throat to unblock it... For a few days I think (close to 20). I was just yawning so fucking much, and I saw no difference. I think I had also used another rune, but I don't remember which one now. I wonder if I should go as far as use munka in my throat chakra to remove any and all blockages from there.
Maybe I should do that.
I don't want to stop Daaz though, even if I don't see/feel any immediate results... I think the attacks I received out of nowhere were not "random". I'm probably doing something right. And feeling like shit (if it's not an attack) means that I'm probably unblocking something (past life issues or emotions come to the surface); so that's also good.

Not everything like this is an attack from the enemy. Neptune is in Pisces and can be a strong influencer of psychic things like this on the negative spectrum. Daaz is good for wisdom and spiritual things involving the head, you could experiment with Ansuz and Algiz. You are also focusing too much on psychic matters which isn't bad if you're catered to that like I am, but I've learned in my own experience you cannot focus too much on developing your upper chakras without also focusing on your lower chakras.

From what I can tell your throat chakra is not blocked at all, you said when you yawn you feel energy go to your head, remember the bandha thing I mentioned, your upper chakras don't seem to be blocked. You should focus more on your lower chakras, empowering and cleaning them, especially your base chakra since I gather you are quite in tune with your intuition (I've noticed in your posts every time you mention you can feel urges and such, this is a sign of intuitive ability). This means your crown chakra is strong, but with a weakened or debilitated base chakra this can cause negative problems of confusion, uncertainty and basically battling yourself on the astral.

Like I said, I don't think everything you're dealing with in regards to psychic matters is the enemy. You thinking the enemy attacking you makes it seem so when you are actually the one attacking yourself by manifesting these thoughts and assumptions on the astral. I dealt a whole two weeks of thinking I was being assaulted and attacked from reptiloids to enemy nordics, to nature spirits to thoughtforms and servitors, but I followed signs given to me either by Satan or one of his followers telling me it was all in my head and that I was the one conjuring all of it with doubt and fear by thinking I was being attack.... So I realized this and tested it out and just stopped myself from thinking such things and you know what? It all just stopped... just like that. It was me attacking my own self.

When you are someone who is strongly in tune with the astral and your intuition, keeping a strong base chakra and a balanced earth element and grounding are going to be vital. Stop and know to yourself, nobody is attacking you, the enemy is not attacking you. It's just your own thoughts. Think logically for a moment. You only experience these things when you're not mentally distracted or when you're trying to sleep... if it was the enemy, it wouldn't matter what you're doing, it would be happening constantly. You being distracted by being busy and doing things is actually you distracting yourself from attacking yourself... and that's why you don't experience these things when you're busy.

When you're not busy or when you're trying to sleep, you suddenly focus on these fears and doubts thinking the enemy will attack you or something, and then this manifests not because the enemy is actually attacking you but because you think they're attacking you. You are the one manifesting these attacks on yourself. Once you realize this you can stop, there's nothing there.

In another thread I stated that dreams are actually you on the astral because you've disassociated your grounded awareness of the physical realm, therefore are able to see the astral clearly as you wander about it as an 'astral entity' yourself, but due to the physical disassociation of your physical conscious being asleep, there is no logic applied to it because logic is not part of the astral plane.

This is why we never question our dreams as they're happening or realize how weird everything is around us, because the logic part of our psychic centres is quite literally asleep (in that the lower chakras are basically on standby mode). The astral is the thought plane, what you think up it conjures before you, this is most blatantly clear when having a lucid dream where the logic portion of your psychic soul is active and you are then actually able to traverse the thought-plane/astral/dream (it's all the same thing) with your physical understanding, sensibility and awareness.

So because dreams are actually the astral realm, when you wake up to your focus on the physical realm, a massive majority of members here don't realize that you are always dreaming no matter what, you're just no longer as in tune to it because now your focus is primarily on the physical plane. The astral (of which is what 'dreams' are) doesn't just suddenly stop existing when you wake up, it's still there, that's how we direct energy and such. Being awake and sleeping is like switching between two different universes where the rules and laws are different but you exist simultaneously on both. When physically awake, everything around you on the astral is still responding exactly as it would as if you were dreaming or lucid dreaming, you just don't see or feel it anymore but you're more in tune with the physical plane.

Lucid dreams feel like they are real, you can feel 'things' (mostly imaginary and not sentient, remember the astral creates a veil of your own thoughts, it takes discipline and practice to discern what is actually happening and what you're making happen) touch, textures, smell things (this is where the synesthesia ability on our website comes from) and because you're always 'dreaming' while awake you can still experience these things if you tune enough into the astral plane. I have made myself feel sensations from things I would've thought came from a sentient spirit or some other being, I have had an entity of my own 'dream' creation 'physically' shove me in waking life just to experiment with this tie in and how strongly it can go.

So as you can see it takes a lot of discipline and grounding to be able to properly discern what is actually coming from something else and what you are making. Intuition is the only real way to know this, but if your psychic centres are unbalanced and overpowering your lower chakras or if your elements are out of wack (i.e too much water and such, this goes hand in hand) then in my experience your intuition is all but completely useless. My intuition did nothing but confuse me further, I had to rely on physical signs given to me than the usual intuitive communications I would do with Satan and our gods for help because that was the first time I ever experienced me attacking my own self in confusion, I didn't know what was going on but now I do and have learned since.

Clean whatever you conjured out of your system with Ansuz and Algiz. Also remember what I said, focus more on strengthening your lower chakras. I kid you not when I say the higher and lower chakras are counterweights to each other, like a scale, if one side is too powerful than the other, the scale and balance is upset which leads to negative manifestations and confusion and messy disorderly energies regarding the aspects of that side.

A Sun Square is a good start with the solar Chakra, Uruz is a rune of Mars which can help strengthen your Sacral chakra, as for your base chakra, focus a little more on material and physical joys and pleasures. Go dig in the dirt outside, read a physical book (not electronic or on a computer), do something logical like a crossword puzzle, look after some plants, build something with blocks, play an earthy video game involving building and grounded themes (Minecraft, Terraria, Starbound, etc), just do physical things.

Also when trying to sleep at night, visualize and feel yourself in a garden of healthy green plants and vegetation. A forest, surround yourself in flowers and plant life and focus on their nature and earth elemental properties. Or you can feel yourself safely burrowed within an underground cave or cavern, actually try to feel the earth around you protecting you and keeping you safe and sound inside so you can sleep in security. (This is one of my own personal methods, works like a charm for me, may help you as well.)

Sundara said:
Hey panic attacks can onset for a lot of reasons, stress and/or past trauma.

Ranoid said:
I have panic attacks too from my obsessive compulsive disorder and paranoia ! Any tips

All emotions and feelings are energy, things like fear can actually be removed from you with energy workings but the important thing to know is that when it comes to phobias and traumas, these are not the kind of fears that come and go like oh you encountered a bear and it was scary, no. These kinds of things are actually structural links/attachments/blockages in your soul/chakras that forge onto you when something powerfully affects you, and it's negativity will repeatedly resurface when you run into an energy association with it's vibrations (such as something that mentally/psychically reminds you of a trauma; usually this is something that shares the same rulerships of the trauma and such).

Full intense cleaning workings consistently every day can completely flush the sources of all of this out of your soul and psychic centres. I used to have a debilitating anxiety disorder when I was newer. Every time I had a panic attack I would do this meditation immediately, no matter how hard it was to force myself to do it through the fear and lack of motivation, I would force myself to do it every time.

This allows you to push the energy out and allow it to vent from your soul as it surfaces. When something triggers a fear or hangup in our soul, it rises to the surface and manifests making us actually feel it and experience it. Most people when they are anxious, they dwell on it or let it consume them and don't actually do anything other than wait for it to pass, but this does not get rid of it from your soul, it rises to the surface and then just slowly seeps back in, maybe a little escapes but you are still not actually removing it. This enables it to resurface and manifest again and again and again, hence phobia/trauma, repeating fears and anxieties.

From doing that meditation every single time I had a panic.attack, over time the panic attacks came less and less because I was allowing the source of that negative energy to actually escape from me completely, pushing it out. This was a long time ago I completely got rid of the anxiety disorder in this way, but I can tell you with no word of a lie, I have not had a single panic attack in years, no medication for it needed anymore ever since either and I've been better than ever.

Patience, discipline and effort. The 'impossible' is possible because of what Lord Satan has shared with us in our potential.

Have faith in him and yourself. Use it.
Centralforce666 said:
Yagami Light said:
I've been having an issue and I'd appreciate any help.

So, apparently, I'm having panic attacks. I say "apparently" because I can NOT doubt the loud beating on my chest - yet, when I check my pulse and blood pressure, everything is normal...

All of a sudden, there are many doors opening in my life and I'm happily going through them - but as it seems all these new experiences and chances are a bit too much for my mind to handle.

I need to mention that this stress happens subconsciously.
I am NOT feeling consciously stressed out. I'm just thinking of what I need to do (make a checklist and whatnot) but I don't consciously feel like freaking out.

So, what would you suggest I do? I don't wanna use Isa because I can not risk "feeling dull". I need to be ready and go.

Are there any herbs/tea that could help? Any other ideas or advice on how to handle this subconscious stress?
At this moment in my life I would appreciate any spiritual methods (such as a specific energy work/meditation/combination of meditations) or tea/herbs, or even some wise words that could help my mindstate THAN changing my diet... I do not have the time to work on my diet right now.
I know that I should pay attention to all things when it comes to my body but I don't have enough time to do this right now.

Are the things which are happening to you now causing you to feel excited or joyful often?

These emotions in excess can disturb your heart spirit and it is in this time you need to focus on quietening your heart and stilling your mind.

Void meditation is great for this as is any other grounding meditation, ensuring you eat earthy grounding foods such as yam, sweet potato and squash but also salty and dark/black foods to promote the kidneys and reinforce connection between the deeper kidney energies (sacral and base chakra) and the higher centres (sixth and crown).

Bringing your energy into your sacral chakra and condensing and keeping it there is also useful to settle the energies flaring upwards and disturbing the heart (mind).

This is really a cool tidbit of information that I think I’ll find useful and many others. I’ve recently had some very exciting things happen but I feel overwhelmed and exhausted by them. Just generally nervous. I had no idea that the energy going upward like so even though positive at times could also cause this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
