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Advice for an SS friend

Voice of Enki [JG]

Joy of Satan Guardian
Sep 20, 2017
Hello my Satanic Brothers and Sisters,

So I've got an SS friend who has an account on the groups and has been dedicated for a while already, recently he ran into some troubles and some stuff happened to him that made him leave the groups and he also lost his account among other things.

I won't disclose his name for his own dignities sake, but he's a good SS if you can take my word for it.

Thing is, he's completely loosing his mind and I don't really what to say to him in order to bring him back to his senses. Normally I'm pretty good at that kind of stuff, but in his case he is so convinced of all his delusions I sense that he won't be open to my attempts to set him straight.

He was in a bad spot the past month and almost lost his life in a freak accident and now he's convinced the enemy is out for his life 24/7, he's completely paranoid to the point he believes an actual UFO with Nordics is after him trying to mess him up.. He's fighting imaginary battles and making a fool of himself.

Not only that but he believes the Gods punished him for various things he has done in the past before he was an SS among various other misconceptions..

He has been working a lot on his astral communications before all this happened and I personally believe what happened from analyzing the situation is that he opened up to the astral and was overwhelmed by all the stuff there which as a result messed with his head.

I know personally how messy astral communications can be and how it can mess you up if you don't know what your doing, and this is not the first time it has happened for him.

He's not going traitor mode, but he is completely loosing his mind in delusion after delusion and for the first time I don't really know how to advice him to get him back together.

He is convinced that he cannot meditate now because of that near death experience he had a few weeks ago for which he was hospitalized. Completely wrong of course, but he won't listen to my attempts to reason with him and put him straight.

It's a shame because it looked like he was making some real progress before all this happened. He's also convinced the reason for the freak accident was the enemy attacked him to prevent his kundalini from rising and made him go insane against his own will. I find it hard to believe the enemy would do such a thing or that an SS who's kundalini is about to rise would be able to get so messed up as a result of some enemy attack..

Do you have any thoughts on this or any tips on what I could say to him?

It's kind of saddening to me to see an SS brother with great potential fall on his face like this because of delusion...

 Do a Ritual To Satan. Ask him To work through you. To help you deal with him. To provide protection and understanding on his end as well. 
 There really isn't a way to snap people out of things. Everyone does what they will. Thats why I dont bother trying to change peoples minds. Or make them see a certain way. Understanding is life long process, it takes years of work. 
  He is still on his journey. I think after some time he will get bored and go hey I want to meditate. Its amazing how much changes in 5 years. 
If he was working on his astral senses a lot before this happened, there's a good chance he wasn't working on his lower chakras enough. Have him work on his lower chakras, it'll help him balance out *more*
On Jan 10, 2017, at 16:20, voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hello my Satanic Brothers and Sisters,

So I've got an SS friend who has an account on the groups and has been dedicated for a while already, recently he ran into some troubles and some stuff happened to him that made him leave the groups and he also lost his account among other things.

I won't disclose his name for his own dignities sake, but he's a good SS if you can take my word for it.

Thing is, he's completely loosing his mind and I don't really what to say to him in order to bring him back to his senses. Normally I'm pretty good at that kind of stuff, but in his case he is so convinced of all his delusions I sense that he won't be open to my attempts to set him straight.

He was in a bad spot the past month and almost lost his life in a freak accident and now he's convinced the enemy is out for his life 24/7, he's completely paranoid to the point he believes an actual UFO with Nordics is after him trying to mess him up.. He's fighting imaginary battles and making a fool of himself.

Not only that but he believes the Gods punished him for various things he has done in the past before he was an SS among various other misconceptions..

He has been working a lot on his astral communications before all this happened and I personally believe what happened from analyzing the situation is that he opened up to the astral and was overwhelmed by all the stuff there which as a result messed with his head.

I know personally how messy astral communications can be and how it can mess you up if you don't know what your doing, and this is not the first time it has happened for him.

He's not going traitor mode, but he is completely loosing his mind in delusion after delusion and for the first time I don't really know how to advice him to get him back together.

He is convinced that he cannot meditate now because of that near death experience he had a few weeks ago for which he was hospitalized. Completely wrong of course, but he won't listen to my attempts to reason with him and put him straight.

It's a shame because it looked like he was making some real progress before all this happened. He's also convinced the reason for the freak accident was the enemy attacked him to prevent his kundalini from rising and made him go insane against his own will. I find it hard to believe the enemy would do such a thing or that an SS who's kundalini is about to rise would be able to get so messed up as a result of some enemy attack..

Do you have any thoughts on this or any tips on what I could say to him?

It's kind of saddening to me to see an SS brother with great potential fall on his face like this because of delusion...
I dont usualy recomend this unless necesary, but seek psychiatric orientation for your friend cause his damage is no longer phychological but neurological, such great impact it most had that near death experience that put him in that state. Its hard to treat people whose neurological system has been damage to the point they cant difer between ilusion and reality, no reason or explenation can convince their perception otherwise, the best approach is to "play along" with their delusions, because these are manifestations on their inner insecurities. 
You know him best, try to find a way within his paranoia to build up his confidence, something to give him a sense of security and control, at first he wont be open to you so instead be open to the reality he lives in for now. I saw cases when the close ones of the sick person try to force them back to reality, the result only makes them feel more lonely and disconected, enclosing deeper in that state.
For what you describe he still can be helped, only presenting mild syndromes. Perhaps his experience somehow damage his bio energy too, as I see a contradiction of his belief that the enemy sabotage him to prevent his kundalini from rising and make him insane against his own will (on the contrary) and his conviction that he cannot meditate, something else is going on between those two lines and amend that contradiction is key for his healing.
A good medication (make sure hes not misdiagnosed) will help him, but it wont be enough, be by his side as a dear friend for him to see in your actions and words he is not alone is the most important part. Soon enough he will feel capable of meditating again, advise him to take it easy this time, babysteps until he is build up more to go on. 
Hello brother,  that is very sad my heart goes out to you Voiceofenki,  I'm not saying I know forsure because I'm not in your friends shoes or yours  but I feel that sometimes people open up to fast and they kind of loose it because they simply Cannot process what they are experiencing  it does seem your friend could be undersome sort of psychic attack or atleast being convinced he is. The enemy is very tricky, and if he is delusional they may try to use this to there advantage. I honestly would say to take it up with Father Satan when ever in in doubt I always ask father for his advice and when I take the advices given things always work out some how some way. I have faith that your friend will be just fine, All dedicated Satanists are under the protection of Father Satan we are his children,  and as you said if he is not a traitor Father Satan would never betray one of his children nor turn his back on his beloved. Talk to Father and I am sure he will give you a sign. Also you could put an aura of protection around him and guide him back to the light of father. I hope this helps its really sad that he thinks father or the Gods would do that to him the enemy could be blame shifting but I couldn't say for certain. I hope this helps best of luck, Voice!HAIL SATAN
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On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 6:20 PM, voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Hello my Satanic Brothers and Sisters,

So I've got an SS friend who has an account on the groups and has been dedicated for a while already, recently he ran into some troubles and some stuff happened to him that made him leave the groups and he also lost his account among other things.

I won't disclose his name for his own dignities sake, but he's a good SS if you can take my word for it.

Thing is, he's completely loosing his mind and I don't really what to say to him in order to bring him back to his senses. Normally I'm pretty good at that kind of stuff, but in his case he is so convinced of all his delusions I sense that he won't be open to my attempts to set him straight.

He was in a bad spot the past month and almost lost his life in a freak accident and now he's convinced the enemy is out for his life 24/7, he's completely paranoid to the point he believes an actual UFO with Nordics is after him trying to mess him up.. He's fighting imaginary battles and making a fool of himself.

Not only that but he believes the Gods punished him for various things he has done in the past before he was an SS among various other misconceptions..

He has been working a lot on his astral communications before all this happened and I personally believe what happened from analyzing the situation is that he opened up to the astral and was overwhelmed by all the stuff there which as a result messed with his head.

I know personally how messy astral communications can be and how it can mess you up if you don't know what your doing, and this is not the first time it has happened for him.

He's not going traitor mode, but he is completely loosing his mind in delusion after delusion and for the first time I don't really know how to advice him to get him back together.

He is convinced that he cannot meditate now because of that near death experience he had a few weeks ago for which he was hospitalized. Completely wrong of course, but he won't listen to my attempts to reason with him and put him straight.

It's a shame because it looked like he was making some real progress before all this happened. He's also convinced the reason for the freak accident was the enemy attacked him to prevent his kundalini from rising and made him go insane against his own will. I find it hard to believe the enemy would do such a thing or that an SS who's kundalini is about to rise would be able to get so messed up as a result of some enemy attack..

Do you have any thoughts on this or any tips on what I could say to him?

It's kind of saddening to me to see an SS brother with great potential fall on his face like this because of delusion...
I like diablo.satanas' suggestion on that, this is a situation where he needs Satan. He needs to be guided to Father.

It's important, first of all, to keep calm, patient and understanding when talking to him.
Then if you haven't, make sure to explain to him how Satan isn't like the traitor xian "god" who is obsessed in punishing people for past mistakes. That he understands we all make mistakes and isn't obsessed in making us "repent".
I don't know what kind of mistakes he has made, but sure gentiles can make big mistakes, and in fact just being a SS won't make it impossible for you to make mistakes in life. At least not until you reach godhood, probably.

Tell him more about Satan, remind him of how much of a loving, caring, understanding and real God he is. And try inspiring him to talk to Satan one on one, getting it out of his chest with Father and asking him for his aid personally. Explain to him that no matter how busy Father is, he still hears us and promptly answers us when we genuinely need and can't help it. I have never seen or heard Satan, but he never failed to answer me when I truly needed his aid in something. He really does answer. Explain that to him, too. Maybe even show him this message.

So I think the answer here is literally Satan. I have always followed this golden rule Maxine wrote in a sermon:
If anything goes out of your control, call upon Satan.
(not necessarily with these exact words, but this is the point)
He needs to get closer to Satan, to build his personal relationship with him.

It's also possible he's going through a Saturn transit, I think.

I hope this advice helps.

Hail Satan!
Thanks brothers and sisters for your sentiments and advices, and big thank you to Aldric.

I will ask Satan for guidance regarding this as you suggested. You reassured me that he'll be okay after he realizes his delusions.

After he understands he should meditate again I'll suggest to him to work on his chakra's in a more balanced way to prevent overstimulation of the higher chakra's and a lack of grounding.

Also one thing I want to add regarding muninwolfs reply, while I appreciate you taking your time to answer I do disagree with your suggestion simply because psychiatric treatment in a situation like this will permanently destroy someone's life by having him labaled as a mentally insane individual and placed in a psych ward. The last thing that should happen to him is have him be put on mind altering drugs and placed in a situation like that. Even if it is neurological damage.

Playing along with a persons delusions will often make them worse and deeper rooted and could make you subsceptable to them aswell since it lowers your mental barriers against them in the process.
You know.. Every time he thinks about it he can invite attacks too..
Hey.. I figured I should add this.. I knew a person that was very open to the astral which resulted in constantly being overprikkeld.. Overwhelmed and asking for rest. This same person has ended up in psych wards every single year.
The medication causes one to break down spiritually. She did not have much of an aura left. Aside that several physical problems due well due to what drugs do.

Have patience speak calmly and keep reminding that every time you think or speak about those negative things you invite them and give them energy which also makes things worse and adds to the desolutional things.
An aura of protection is a must as well as void meditation to regain control over these thoughts. Would not be a bad idea to do aura cleaning with suryae so that if eventual energies from other things cling get removed.

There are other ways to do things and what I just said is of course not the only solution.. But go back to basic things stabalize and go on from there right?

Also asking Satan for help is NOT a bad idea. You cant take on this persons problems since this is not something you can help him with.
I would advise trying many things before going to a psychiatrist. I've been around psychiatrists before, I think just about every single one I met in a hospital was Jewish. The drugs they give people are horrible, life-ruining, and difficult to get off of. If they believe someone is psychotic, or if they think they can get away with diagnosing them as that (I believe they get financial rewards from drug companies from pushing drugs), they can give them drugs that cause massive weight gain, lethargy, tardive dyskinesia, and other things. It would be much easier to try healing through other means like magic, even if it takes a while, unless he's in absolute danger.
I'm still rather new so not sure if this can help or not, I was reading this sad situation with your friend and my heart goes out to you both.

I know you can help strengthen his aura of protection but is it possible to clean, align and spin someone elses chakras in a situation where that person cannot do it for themselves?  If it is possible then perhaps picking up that load for him while he is experiencing these problems would be a big help. Like I said I am pretty new still but that idea popped into my head while reading the post.

Hail Satan
Hail all Gods/Goddesses of Hell


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
