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Activism via writing books


Oct 3, 2017
I Know the importance of spreading the Jos but I have an issue. I like to write books sometimes in the future. If I come out straight as anti-xtianity, it might endanger me in some way. So, I just want to ask, if anyone got any ideas on how to expose abrahamic faiths, writing 'conventional' books.

Hail Satan forever!!

1. Writing science fiction.
2. Writing "stories" that lead people to these conclusions.
3. Writing "Anti-Christian" things, and citing the Joy of Satan alongside other sources.

I am sure others will be able to help you with opinions as I know people are interested into this.
SETI said:
I Know the importance of spreading the Jos but I have an issue. I like to write books sometimes in the future. If I come out straight as anti-xtianity, it might endanger me in some way. So, I just want to ask, if anyone got any ideas on how to expose abrahamic faiths, writing 'conventional' books.

Hail Satan forever!!


What sort of conventional book do you mean? Like something hidden or subtle, only revealing the truth within the writing?
I think to some degree there will always be an inherent risk here, surely you should use a fake name. Are you looking more for advice on like finding a publisher, actually writing the material (in a subtle manner), or hiding your identity?

It may be a little tricky because you will have to go through larger publishers for a larger audience. Also, you would likely end up giving your identity to the publisher, even if your fake name is used on the book cover. With this in mind, the book would have to distributed in less conventional manners. Perhaps the book could be created, but it would have to shared electronically.

These are some of the things that will need to be pondered. Nonetheless, you should familiarize yourself with the material on all the JOS pages, such that you can get a better idea of how to formulate your finished product(s). I think the writing part will be the easier part, however.

I am just curious what sort of goals you wish to obtain and what exactly you are looking for. I agree that your identity needs to be protected, but this unfortunately might also limit the distribution of the material (assuming the publisher is even willing to publish the material).

You might be able to self-publish and sell the physical or electronic copies online in an anonymous manner. This is not impossible, and I am sure there are plenty of other authors that started their career in this manner. Surely there is learning material out there on how to get started self-publishing. This would be the more arduous route, but much more easy to guarantee anonymity from both any publishers or consumers.
I think there are 3 ways you could do it:

1: Puplishing books as much anonymous as possibel, like people who write over italien mafia, then you can quote jos directly.
Don´t know how anoymous this is abel to do and still get money from the sold books. And also the puplisher is at risk to get in trouble. Maybe there are anonymous pdf books selling sites.

2: Writing books with secret codes, correctly decoded will lead to jos links. If you make them to easy you risk your books to be banned or get your self in trouble, if you make them to hard no one will find out.

3. Do not advertise directly jos but places you know someone else did leave a link or something like that, on this way they can´t get to you in anyway. Like you link a video as influence, obviously don´t link NS or similar videos :lol: .
Call it "fiction" and allow your works to change hearts and minds.
There is a blanket of safety over "fiction" so use it to your advantage.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. Writing science fiction.
2. Writing "stories" that lead people to these conclusions.
3. Writing "Anti-Christian" things, and citing the Joy of Satan alongside other sources.

I am sure others will be able to help you with opinions as I know people are interested into this.

This is interesting as I have dreamt of such a thing recently..it really gave me inspiration
SETI said:
I Know the importance of spreading the Jos but I have an issue. I like to write books sometimes in the future. If I come out straight as anti-xtianity, it might endanger me in some way. So, I just want to ask, if anyone got any ideas on how to expose abrahamic faiths, writing 'conventional' books.

Hail Satan forever!!


Knowing how hard it is to openly talk about Father Satan with people who have been programmed to associate the name Satan with "evil" and such, whenever I talk about him and expose xtianity for the shit it is, I use words and names that "bypass" the programming. In other words, are people programmed to associate "Satan" and "evil"? I use another one of Father's names, like Shiva. Hinduism is probably the only currently accepted religion/culture that shares more than anyone else what we know to be Satanism's knowledge (chakras, Soul energy, meditation and Yoga just to name a few), so I use the fact that people don't associate Hinduism with "evil" at all, and I can basically lead them by the hand towards our path (although they won't yet call it Satanism, nor will they IMMEDIATELY realize Shiva is Satan as well) and have their mind at least start to adapt at the idea of meditation and self awareness and energy leading to spiritual evolution.

From there to realizing xtianity has done all the things it's done, it's not a very long road in my opinion.

Alternatively, you can use sneaky (not so sneak sometimes) attacks by doing what HP HC suggested, writing a story that leads people to open their mind to another possibility, something that "is fiction" but is just as fictional as everything else that used to be fictional and then events revealed to be actual facts. One example I can think of is Akira Toriyama, the author of the lucky manga and anime "Dragonball": if you ever watched the cartoon (I haven't much but I'm familiar with the main concept), there's clear elements from Spiritual Satanism... the 7 Dragon spheres (the 7 chakras) that once put together summon the Shenron Dragon (Kundalini rising) and the Dragon can grant one wish to the one holding the spheres (Kundalini is risen and can manifest anything in reality). In the same cartoon there's also a minor character called "Mr. Satan" who owns a car that displays 666 on its side as well as his name.
This mange and anime of course stirred a LOT of shit but it shows you how more people have clearly used fiction to share the truth about Father Satan and the spiritual path.

I would say "be careful and don't make it too obvious for your safety"... but what I really think is that this world needs a serious kick in the ass to start realizing things (not those already on this path of course, but those that perhaps watched the entire Dragonball anime and completely failed to understand what it is REALLY about)... also, these times are of great change and the enemy is being kicked in the teeth so hard they can are paying anyone and delegating work just to keep up with all the truth coming up on social media. No way a team of a few hundred people could manage to delete every post that speaks truth about vaccines or exposes the jews for the parasites they are, always hiding under Hollywood sized letters spelling "anti-semitic". Where's "anti-Gentile" been all this time?

I'm still trying to fly under the radar but when something NEEDS to be said, I say it. I only avoid speaking up when I see the majority of the idiots in a conversation are brainwashed xtians... enough said there, you can't make those people see anything real.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. Writing science fiction.
2. Writing "stories" that lead people to these conclusions.
3. Writing "Anti-Christian" things, and citing the Joy of Satan alongside other sources.

I am sure others will be able to help you with opinions as I know people are interested into this.

I. Am. There.

SETI said:
I Know the importance of spreading the Jos but I have an issue. I like to write books sometimes in the future. If I come out straight as anti-xtianity, it might endanger me in some way. So, I just want to ask, if anyone got any ideas on how to expose abrahamic faiths, writing 'conventional' books.

Hail Satan forever!!


And for years of studying how to write great stories alongside doing art. I got books on that one, years ago in my first email but was locked out of it and was never able to get them all in time. I took things the hard way. :( But learned a lot but maybe not the best information.

What I can advise you is that you should be a bit subtle in what you're doing. You don't have to be serious too, be a bit but make people enjoy what you wrote. The goal is to be clear and not obvious. Pacing in story writing will help a lot along with sequencing events. Check out novel factory so you'll know what I'm talking about or this story structure format list:

The process will be crazy problematic but hey! In case things go very wrong, you can always say that you wrote something based on a 'conspiracy theory'; wanted to create a story that is just inspired by a 'what if this was real'. Disclaimers can help save your life but when people jump into your story, you better hope the entire show compels them to think. The matrix is considered a conspiracy fiction for one but look at what it made people do, question what it brought out. All it needs is to have a good narrative that people will get attached and excited about that they'd dream to be this character living in THAT world.


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfjaAUlTZRHJapJmCT6eyIg << Spacedock helps in scifi writing, there's shadiversity too but his videos are crazy long and mostly on fantasy. He did some reviews on feminist poisoned star wars which can be a good do's and don'ts in writing for you. If you don't want to go through all that, I'll give you some good advice of making sure what you write is believable and not too zany from its genre.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9r4VAsKYSD0 << Is not on books but has important basis on great stories, "not what you say but how you say it matters"

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3ogrx6d9oohf6D42G44j1A << And lastly a youtube channel that sarcastically guides you in the industry of writing. His channel's hilarious.

I hope this was a help to you, good luck in where you are at.
SETI said:
I Know the importance of spreading the Jos but I have an issue. I like to write books sometimes in the future. If I come out straight as anti-xtianity, it might endanger me in some way. So, I just want to ask, if anyone got any ideas on how to expose abrahamic faiths, writing 'conventional' books.

Hail Satan forever!!


You can be blatant or allegorical about it, but as satanists we can make better more blatant allegories too. It can be either about spiritual formulas for meditation, information about the gods (random example, someone finding a shitty blasphemous statue of the gods but opening it up to find the true origins of the gods and how this statue was designed to hide the truth and enlightenment from the common people, ect)

I wrote a book for a school project about a girl finding a book underneath a tree and breaking away from religion to find the gods. I guess this was a little blatant. Teachers gave me cross eyes and said it was very “creative” and “unique” :lol: surprisingly there were good responses and interest.

I recently found someone who made an absolutely incredible painting of a god/goddess renaissance style but very colorful and wild. Sold it for 10k, it was labeled Azazel. For artists this is one way to change the minds of others too. Using some of the well known demon names and creating a beautiful image of them with either words or art.
Fuchs said:
I think there are 3 ways you could do it:

1: Puplishing books as much anonymous as possibel, like people who write over italien mafia, then you can quote jos directly.
Don´t know how anoymous this is abel to do and still get money from the sold books. And also the puplisher is at risk to get in trouble. Maybe there are anonymous pdf books selling sites.

2: Writing books with secret codes, correctly decoded will lead to jos links. If you make them to easy you risk your books to be banned or get your self in trouble, if you make them to hard no one will find out.

3. Do not advertise directly jos but places you know someone else did leave a link or something like that, on this way they can´t get to you in anyway. Like you link a video as influence, obviously don´t link NS or similar videos :lol: .

For number 3 it actually really is a good idea. However much better is someone could create their own website or something online that goes along with the theme of the book. If they can create a book they can do this and have JOS site or part of the jos site in the links somehow and make it look like it fits in but have the website mainly focused on the theme of the book.
I had an idea for this long before but maybe you can find an use for it.

Create a fiction book but not with one story, book should have more then few perspectives and you should jump between them a lot. This will create a way of reading, hard to decipher concusly but uncosnusness will understand it non the less.

Never directly call the enemy out on what they did but create a similar group that does the same acts.

Create a hard meta-puzzle inside the book. These kind of mysteries has been very popular in the last decade. If you can do it a bit dark, hard and interesting (and tie it with real life events) then you will get a lot of people on board.
Look at all the O9A books out there it can be done. I obviously have read most of them being from this country especially the original manuscripts. I liked the way David Myatt exposed the Church of Satan for what it really was :lol: :lol:

Good luck with this I would buy any JOS material we have plebty info and old stuff that if made into a book would be magnificent.
In many books the initial letters are large and you can compose the site writing using chapters or you can make seven chapters or some other symbolic thing.
But also the content must have anti-Christian traits, the idea of ​​science fiction is not bad at all.
Sorry for my English and good luck.
Yes, you can hide Satanic message into science fiction, write how reptilian and their goblins(Jews-but do not say that they are Jews) and humanoid Gods (Satan and Demons but do not say that) fight.

For example investigate such anti-satanic Jewish propaganda like Harry Potter. Obviously "evil evil" Lord Voldemort who want pure Wizard blood use satanic symbols like serpent and skull, and obviously his followers are blond actors.


And obviously good guy Harry Potter is Jewish actor.

And look how enemy expose itself in Harry Potter. They stole our things to fight against us, do you remember Potter`s scar what is made by Voldemort means that Potter can use Voldemort´s skills. This is how reptilians stole our symbols and even our blood(creating Jews). And there is guys who play on both side, just like Severus Snape.
No matter what you decide to do go the self publishing route. This area is growing by the day and it is much easier to get your work out and keep yourself anonymous.

Far as the work itself- explore the sci-fi angle. This is just off the top of my head. Make up some famous explorer maybe an indian jones type that lands on some odd planet. On this planet is war going on with one side being small but incrdibly powerful-the satanists and you can use symbolisum from the jos site to represent this- and the other side being the Xiantihans again pull things from the bible to show this side. you can go any route with this and how your indian jones guy can help tip the scales so that the small group wins. Plenty of authors have done this in the past but they tend to have g-d win.
I've got an idea on my computer that goes more towards an Urban Fantasy line and it might be time that I look at it again.

So with Sci-fi and in fiction in general you can have plenty of wiggle room and throw it all under the rug of symbolism. Being a self publisher you reach a smaller audeance but you don't have to deal with any of the idiocy of a big publisher.
Good luck.

Hail Father Satan
I always wanted to make an anime, where people would learn the truth regarding meditations, the soul, our creation, our Gods and the Enemy.

Since an episode costs around 100k to 500k to air, a manga would be more realistic.
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. Writing science fiction.
2. Writing "stories" that lead people to these conclusions.
3. Writing "Anti-Christian" things, and citing the Joy of Satan alongside other sources.

I am sure others will be able to help you with opinions as I know people are interested into this.

This is interesting as I have dreamt of such a thing recently..it really gave me inspiration

I’ve written on the app Wattpad and have mentioned Satan’s name as Enki since that is his Sumerian title. I’ve even mentioned other gods names in it. I plan on revising it sooner or later. I’ve been getting ideas lately.
I appreciate all your replies. It was very helpful.
Thanks everyone!
SETI said:
I Know the importance of spreading the Jos but I have an issue. I like to write books sometimes in the future. If I come out straight as anti-xtianity, it might endanger me in some way. So, I just want to ask, if anyone got any ideas on how to expose abrahamic faiths, writing 'conventional' books.

Hail Satan forever!!


There is a style of writing which is non-fictional that is very similar to peer reviewed research which means that you can present any information you wish in a very pursuasive manner regardless of the content.

If you would like an example of this, feel free to let me know.
Best examples I can come up with is what others have implied and putting messages here and there. Anime and manga have done well in this when expressing their Shinto beliefs which very close to Spiritual Satanism.
In the future I will write history themed books such as the true story of Satanism. I will also write fiction but in other media.
I've always thought of writing a book. A political manifesto, a la "Mein Kampf" adapted to today's society and its downfall.
Centralforce666 said:
SETI said:
I Know the importance of spreading the Jos but I have an issue. I like to write books sometimes in the future. If I come out straight as anti-xtianity, it might endanger me in some way. So, I just want to ask, if anyone got any ideas on how to expose abrahamic faiths, writing 'conventional' books.

Hail Satan forever!!


There is a style of writing which is non-fictional that is very similar to peer reviewed research which means that you can present any information you wish in a very pursuasive manner regardless of the content.

If you would like an example of this, feel free to let me know.

I would like an example of this, or some information on it.

I’ve been trying to write fiction for some time, but due to a combination of self criticism and other issues it hasn’t worked out for me.

I’ve been getting prompts to look into other kinds of writing to spread truth anonymously, maybe this is helpful.
Centralforce666 said:
SETI said:
I Know the importance of spreading the Jos but I have an issue. I like to write books sometimes in the future. If I come out straight as anti-xtianity, it might endanger me in some way. So, I just want to ask, if anyone got any ideas on how to expose abrahamic faiths, writing 'conventional' books.

Hail Satan forever!!


There is a style of writing which is non-fictional that is very similar to peer reviewed research which means that you can present any information you wish in a very pursuasive manner regardless of the content.

If you would like an example of this, feel free to let me know.
I would be very interested, Brother.
ShadowTheRaven said:
I've always thought of writing a book. A political manifesto, a la "Mein Kampf" adapted to today's society and its downfall.

Dew it
Aquarius, VoiceofEnki,

Send me a PM and I will send you what I have.
SETI said:
I Know the importance of spreading the Jos but I have an issue. I like to write books sometimes in the future. If I come out straight as anti-xtianity, it might endanger me in some way. So, I just want to ask, if anyone got any ideas on how to expose abrahamic faiths, writing 'conventional' books.

Hail Satan forever!!


I'm actually planning on writing a dystopian fantasy series centered around this idea where goblins infiltrated several societies and created North Korea type conditions. We definitely need more people creating fiction with themes like this

I have put out the first Spiritual Warfare book strictly for Spiritual Satanists. I hope a moderator approves this post because I want this to go viral, and all rituals and curses in the book are against Christianity. It is a sword, and my devotion to Satan/Lucifer. I do not care what happens to me because of this, it had to be done. Hail Satan.

Here is an ebook form of it.


Satanic Warrior 666
I`m glad about this issue being here because i am author myself too. What have been written before are excellent advices all. I myself have used also the method where i use words backwards, names and so, and using anagrams as well is clever too. No-one can accuse you, but you are influencing in subconscious level.This method is the same as the enemy uses and is very effective if there is not possibility to say directly what you think.

Hail Satan,
Hail Hitler!
SETI said:
I Know the importance of spreading the Jos but I have an issue. I like to write books sometimes in the future. If I come out straight as anti-xtianity, it might endanger me in some way. So, I just want to ask, if anyone got any ideas on how to expose abrahamic faiths, writing 'conventional' books.

Hail Satan forever!!


To expose that faith, tragedy is the only road.
You can totally paint it as you wish.

Give a character the chance to meet that evil.
Make it so bad as reality has been.

They cut a mother's breasts and put them in her son's mouth. What is the limit, then, for us, in painting their evil? None.

Bring Middle Age back to life, and use the good human nature as a launch pad.
Smart people fear nightmares.

People want children, to be fathers and mothers. Take it away from them, make the tiranny so bad that at a certain age their children are taken to gulags to be educated.

You can even make it more open. An allegory could be that of people getting their lower back beaten everyday to slander the Serpent.
Or a secret greeting people have when they're alone.
A mudra, a simple thing, coming from the elders since a long time.

You can use Nature to describe the bond between men and Gods.
Take that you wanted to talk about Azazel. Azazel is like the Sun.
Or about a character getting healed for no reason... bring bees, surround Him or Her with bees, and joy.
There you have Beelzevulon.
It is magic and Divine in real life, so go always further in the description of beauty.
Make characters aware of an older "life", or older values, so aware of the shadow of their past. Rebellion has so many seeds, but any of them starts from anger or pain, which then bring a search for change.

Also, describe an order people forgot about. Maybe a character could be forced to marry another race, but he/she does not want to.
A woman has to marry a black man, but she still likes other things, she feels it's not for her. She's in love with a White man and she wants him.
She's gonna get punished in a "spiritual" church, but in the end, she lives.
Use reality. Xians have conversion therapies for men, so in the book certain people are not getting killed for their refusal.
Why? They're seen as flesh, and if the flesh is good, they try to save it for the enemy soldiers.
I don't like at all stories where good people die.
So set her free.

Erase anyone's individuality. Bring the bible to another level.

People wearing clothes of different materials are burnt. Sex is punished with death. Speaking to jews is death. Men and Women are burnt if they have sex in the day of Satan.
At Easter, the enemy parties by killing rabbits and everyday they hung dead snakes in the squares.
Smart people are burnt, people being too happy are burnt, a smile is punished with death if a Jew sees it.

Focus on the pain at first, but then you must give hope.
It is a must. It is not only death.
It is life coming out of it to never die again.

There are Demons who can bring the deads back to life.
A man goes to the grave of his man. His man died because he threw a stone against a church. He had some bread for his sister, but they threw it on the muddy road.

A Demon will bring his lover to him. The now-alive man has bread between his arms, it is still warm and seems untouched by the rain. This is the fruit of Satan being immortal.
It also represents the good nature of the man, how he died for that bread.
They will go to his sister's house, the revived will speak about Hell and how good bread is in there.
The bread never ends, it grows back.
<< How can it?>>
<< Anything He can.>>
The two lovers unite with each other, exchange some bread.
A Pagan Marriage.
Miracles start happening and we see the now-alive showing his mate what "I was taught to do, and what we exist for".

They hear his sister crying in the kitchen. Her tongue grew back. She can sing as she liked to, and she starts singing.

They reach her and dance. Dancing is forbidden.

Imagine then this pregnant woman, she loses her baby after being beaten in the road. Her husband gets burnt as he tries to kill the enemy.
No food, no money, no baby, no tomorrow.
She's letargic and starving. She stopped going out to pick up some snow and drink.
She cries as she gives up, she covers her face with her hair because she does not want to be found like that.
She covers her tummy to keep ot warm even if she knows the baby is dead.
But the chair moves to her bed and someone sits on it.

Well, there you have it. Pazuzu touches her womb and the baby moves. And her husband is there, and she sees him, he's wearing a strange sun on his forehead.
She eats a lot, who knows how, there's a table and the table is full of food.
Pazuzu offers her an apple at first. She eats it and she sees her new life after the rebellion. Sweet as she had never known it.
She cries for the first time, in Joy. She marries her husband as well, and the small house is now big and full of Demons.
Of course, make it look real.
This woman may become the voice, or thr heart, of common people moving against the tiranny.
Put meaning in it. If you think about Satan, He's a miracle.

You can put whichever God you like. I mean, this is just an example.

It would be nice to link Hitler to the story. In this case, a servant in an enemy home.
He bears many things, but he no longer can.
For the first time, when he's alone, he curses the whole house.

Now imagine this Tall man in a dark hooded tunic, going to him. The dress has a Sun on it.
"Who are you?"
"Many men I've been. One only thing I want. Walk with me."
They sit on the bed, He takes the man's hands, telling him "Do not fear". The God hugs the man as a father would.
They look each other in the eyes when the fire starts.
This time as well, in His eyes the man sees a vision.
He sees himself, and his life, with his children.

The whole house starts burning. Totally. The fire seems alive. They are praying in their chapel, it all burns down.
" You won't clean tomorrow."

The two are standing in the middle of the fire, on the bed. Everything burns, but the man smiles and feels great.
The house is falling, nothing touches them.
"The fire won't burn the fire."
The flames touches him, but they do not hurt his skin. The God takes the man away through the roof.
His servant uniform burns, leaving him naked and clean. All the bruises are gone, and the marks left from the punishments are healed.

He finds his family in the poor suburbs. A child being raised by the older sister. But they were never alone.
The girl will tell his father that a woman always came in the evening from the wall or the mirror, with food and clothes, music and paper for her little brother to draw, and that She taught them words to keep the soldiers away from the house, and to heal the girl from her bad view.
Once, the day before She first came, a Soldier entered the house to eat their food. He was getting near the girl when he started "vanishing".
He looked sick, he could no longer speak and was crying.
He explodes in a cloud of grey dust, and a woman laughs somewhere.
Then, in the drawings of the child, the Goddess is seen standing beside the same Man who saved him.
She's blonde, Her eyes are like a sea.

As you want to give a hint, use numbers. In this case, the uniform, number 72.

When you describe the enemy, you may also want to really give them the physical traits they have in reality.

If you can, they may look like a wax mask, hiding horror underneath, looking like it could crack anytime.

It is clear you need a place. Build it in a way it describes the social reality of Gentiles. Make a rich family the one responsible for all the evil.

Look at the rotschild. Those monsters had a party during a crisis with desperate people living desperate lives.
Make it happen. In the story, they rejoice for anything bad happening to citizens. They have parties right after the yearly executions.
Because maybe every year all the prisoners and eretics are killed and entertain the jews, so that it goes on and on.

You can speak of a prisoner getting out of it and facing the enemy. When the enemy speaks, there you need to make it speak as a jew would.
Not only cold. Not even made of flesh.
The jew wants the doom of our world, so it is going to be cruel, almost lifeless.
He likes to change reality to fool people, he likes to take humanity away from people because that is the first leap towards the Divine.
He envyes the characters.
He's unable to create, and he can only steal. Make the prisoner somoeone like a poet, or a musician.
He will fight at first with his genius.

The first defeat could be that. Drawing the line where the jew sees nothing.
A line between Divine and mud.
I am this, I am noble, a winner, you need me because you're empty. You need Us to rise your walls.
But now we know what we really are. The palace is coming down.

To more define this past getting to people's mind, what do we have? Elders. Elders telling about their fathers and mothers, and how happy they where, how Divine the world was.
Among them, maybe you'll find a Demon helping the characters. A shape shifter. My mind goes to Zepar.
Helping them to know that they're not lonely, that God exists for Them.
If people feel lonely, they're not going to fight. If there is unity, a real one, in Satan, people will be united.

They will feel there is more going on all around.
They will wonder why they can't think to God, and that their minds can't say certain things.

Indeed, the contact with the Divine happens when God exists in their minds and flesh. When they find their nature and their research.
In the first part they can't literally think to God, nor they can have words as Truth or Wrong in their minds.
They were erased from the consciousness, but they will find Truth and understand all the wrong.
When Satan calls, you hear.
That is why there is change.

Like us. We are united in Satan, and we work together. Satan moves, Satan generates.

I am sorry. I don't have much time. Probably this sucks...but this is what I'd write. It might be very bad, but don't take it as something coming from an expert.

My only advice is: put everything in it.
Our ideals and values will fit anywhere.
You know how to, you know better than anyone else because that book is your creation.

Good luck. Great blessings to you.
Hail Satan!
Centralforce666 said:
Aquarius, VoiceofEnki,

Send me a PM and I will send you what I have.
It's still that sexy email you have?
slyscorpion said:
Fuchs said:
I think there are 3 ways you could do it:

1: Puplishing books as much anonymous as possibel, like people who write over italien mafia, then you can quote jos directly.
Don´t know how anoymous this is abel to do and still get money from the sold books. And also the puplisher is at risk to get in trouble. Maybe there are anonymous pdf books selling sites.

2: Writing books with secret codes, correctly decoded will lead to jos links. If you make them to easy you risk your books to be banned or get your self in trouble, if you make them to hard no one will find out.

3. Do not advertise directly jos but places you know someone else did leave a link or something like that, on this way they can´t get to you in anyway. Like you link a video as influence, obviously don´t link NS or similar videos :lol: .

For number 3 it actually really is a good idea. However much better is someone could create their own website or something online that goes along with the theme of the book. If they can create a book they can do this and have JOS site or part of the jos site in the links somehow and make it look like it fits in but have the website mainly focused on the theme of the book.

Not good if you the website can be tracked back to the author of the book, better in links to videos and within the comment section the author can from time to time check/repost anonymous if the link is still there.
Wildfire said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. Writing science fiction.
2. Writing "stories" that lead people to these conclusions.
3. Writing "Anti-Christian" things, and citing the Joy of Satan alongside other sources.

I am sure others will be able to help you with opinions as I know people are interested into this.

I. Am. There.

SETI said:
I Know the importance of spreading the Jos but I have an issue. I like to write books sometimes in the future. If I come out straight as anti-xtianity, it might endanger me in some way. So, I just want to ask, if anyone got any ideas on how to expose abrahamic faiths, writing 'conventional' books.

Hail Satan forever!!


And for years of studying how to write great stories alongside doing art. I got books on that one, years ago in my first email but was locked out of it and was never able to get them all in time. I took things the hard way. :( But learned a lot but maybe not the best information.

What I can advise you is that you should be a bit subtle in what you're doing. You don't have to be serious too, be a bit but make people enjoy what you wrote. The goal is to be clear and not obvious. Pacing in story writing will help a lot along with sequencing events. Check out novel factory so you'll know what I'm talking about or this story structure format list:

The process will be crazy problematic but hey! In case things go very wrong, you can always say that you wrote something based on a 'conspiracy theory'; wanted to create a story that is just inspired by a 'what if this was real'. Disclaimers can help save your life but when people jump into your story, you better hope the entire show compels them to think. The matrix is considered a conspiracy fiction for one but look at what it made people do, question what it brought out. All it needs is to have a good narrative that people will get attached and excited about that they'd dream to be this character living in THAT world.


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfjaAUlTZRHJapJmCT6eyIg << Spacedock helps in scifi writing, there's shadiversity too but his videos are crazy long and mostly on fantasy. He did some reviews on feminist poisoned star wars which can be a good do's and don'ts in writing for you. If you don't want to go through all that, I'll give you some good advice of making sure what you write is believable and not too zany from its genre.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9r4VAsKYSD0 << Is not on books but has important basis on great stories, "not what you say but how you say it matters"

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3ogrx6d9oohf6D42G44j1A << And lastly a youtube channel that sarcastically guides you in the industry of writing. His channel's hilarious.

I hope this was a help to you, good luck in where you are at.

Can you suggest some books? I am a writer too and love to write fiction... would like to chat sometimes
Osiris Silvio said:
Wildfire said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. Writing science fiction.
2. Writing "stories" that lead people to these conclusions.
3. Writing "Anti-Christian" things, and citing the Joy of Satan alongside other sources.

I am sure others will be able to help you with opinions as I know people are interested into this.

I. Am. There.

SETI said:
I Know the importance of spreading the Jos but I have an issue. I like to write books sometimes in the future. If I come out straight as anti-xtianity, it might endanger me in some way. So, I just want to ask, if anyone got any ideas on how to expose abrahamic faiths, writing 'conventional' books.

Hail Satan forever!!


And for years of studying how to write great stories alongside doing art. I got books on that one, years ago in my first email but was locked out of it and was never able to get them all in time. I took things the hard way. :( But learned a lot but maybe not the best information.

What I can advise you is that you should be a bit subtle in what you're doing. You don't have to be serious too, be a bit but make people enjoy what you wrote. The goal is to be clear and not obvious. Pacing in story writing will help a lot along with sequencing events. Check out novel factory so you'll know what I'm talking about or this story structure format list:

The process will be crazy problematic but hey! In case things go very wrong, you can always say that you wrote something based on a 'conspiracy theory'; wanted to create a story that is just inspired by a 'what if this was real'. Disclaimers can help save your life but when people jump into your story, you better hope the entire show compels them to think. The matrix is considered a conspiracy fiction for one but look at what it made people do, question what it brought out. All it needs is to have a good narrative that people will get attached and excited about that they'd dream to be this character living in THAT world.


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfjaAUlTZRHJapJmCT6eyIg << Spacedock helps in scifi writing, there's shadiversity too but his videos are crazy long and mostly on fantasy. He did some reviews on feminist poisoned star wars which can be a good do's and don'ts in writing for you. If you don't want to go through all that, I'll give you some good advice of making sure what you write is believable and not too zany from its genre.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9r4VAsKYSD0 << Is not on books but has important basis on great stories, "not what you say but how you say it matters"

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3ogrx6d9oohf6D42G44j1A << And lastly a youtube channel that sarcastically guides you in the industry of writing. His channel's hilarious.

I hope this was a help to you, good luck in where you are at.

Can you suggest some books? I am a writer too and love to write fiction... would like to chat sometimes

I can suggest you try learning from visual novels from vndb.org, starting with muvluv series(I HIGHLY recommend this). I still have yet more to learn which is what makes me pretty mad but I'll get there in time. I have recently finished playing totono and LET ME TELL YOU, it's what inspired this overinflated trash(OPINION WARNING) named doki doki literature club's 4th wall breaks and its characters.

Read synopsis' check the art and ratings there and try not to spoil yourself of course before experiencing and making judgements with the game. I'm not telling you to trick yourself, if something is trying to subvert you from Satanic values, think that this is all just fiction and this is made for outsiders. Not all fiction is made for everyone or you'd be thinking like
those twittards who went mad over a simple nagatoro boobie(*SIGH*). I hope you get what I mean, writing is not and NEVER protesting, it's service that can also be an indirect method of making people learn(depending on how logical it looks).

If you are brave and want to learn how to stab the enemy without pissing people off, there is of course the matrix, metal gear revengeance rising even if it's a game it focuses on how the military industry can be used by psychopaths who behave like greedy or bloodthirsty nose bastards, they know, or look at how this traumatizing vn monmusu quest did this in its own time with wild hentai and jerking off as a medium. I HIGHLY ADVISE EXTREME MENTAL CAUTION in opening THAT game or looking it up in vndb if you can get ptsd from the hentai like I did...it may have promoted some dumb values like race mixing but the point is, learning how THEY ALL work before trying to make something of your own. I'm still in the phase of reverse engineering some good games and material supplied by a great friend of mine who is not SS but I have successfully deceived him into helping me.

Basically, writing is about trying to make some inspiration look real and something people would like to immerse themselves into and that would in turn make people emotionally reflect. Aside from visual novels, undertale makes you think too even if it's light hearted. I'm writing something with the genre feel of dead space series and metal gear revengeance rising, other details are top classified for obvious purposes but I can say it's a very dark tale of science fiction warfare that will make people want to question the twisted morality of xtianity and communism.

I'd like a story with a paladin protagonist and he's a villain who oppresses whoever he conquers, forces them to convert to a religion and even goes too far to raping people until his other paladin friend begins to turn 180 on his actions and mastermind his downfall. You can make that protagonist xtianity and the paladin who broke off of him as someone who's of a rational mind. Heck, have a side satanic character, a druid indirectly convince him that he's wrong in some way of giving the paladin friend a spark to change. Like that the paladin friend's forced to kill the druid and his entire family by burning at stake but he began to remember the words of the druid family which made him get ptsd, think and then begin massive plots of rebellion, secretly siding with the gentiles to overthrow the villain paladin protagonist and his (((masters))). DON'T PUT ANYTHING ABOUT THE JEW DIRECTLY, People are sadly getting better at spotting antisemitism innuendos so be very careful and clever in how you do this.

Writing's about cause and effect. A mathetmatical equation of x + y on why they do things and make things happen, why its sad, why it triggers this emotion strongly and how and why people would relate to it. Writing is insanely difficult, you have to keep brainstorming about it, think and think to points you get nosebleeds 24/7/365 and fuck up in void meditating even more. I suffer through this because I want a massive unpredicted trade-off of questioning people in the end. I did these to myself for many later on to take the first steps closer to the light, which will...I hopefully wish be carried out by others to make the next series of upward staircases.

It's not like Jose rizal during his time caused the xtians problems with his fictional books. Take a look at how individuals/people act nowadays, relate with them to study their mental frameworks so you can make something that will effectively change them without hurting them because of the outcome of them liking the story. What is said sadly doesn't matter in writing but HOW it is said/displayed.

If you want an example format in constructing novels or other stories, you can refer to good sources like this: https://www.novel-software.com/

There's a lot to writing, I still have a lot to go besides speaking of my experiences, you have to balance between reality and entertainment. I'm going for something with a serious image on the enemy's victory as my anti hero protagonist slashes through it all until he meets characters that were also there in his past before the fall of mankind and follow him around for being a potential and promising solution to the alien threat. My protagonist has strong dilemas like alex mercer but realized, thinking he's a monster who doesn't deserve to be anywhere near humanity or people he cared for. How I am going to make this work for my side is highly classified.
Wildfire said:
Osiris Silvio said:
Wildfire said:
I. Am. There.

And for years of studying how to write great stories alongside doing art. I got books on that one, years ago in my first email but was locked out of it and was never able to get them all in time. I took things the hard way. :( But learned a lot but maybe not the best information.

What I can advise you is that you should be a bit subtle in what you're doing. You don't have to be serious too, be a bit but make people enjoy what you wrote. The goal is to be clear and not obvious. Pacing in story writing will help a lot along with sequencing events. Check out novel factory so you'll know what I'm talking about or this story structure format list:

The process will be crazy problematic but hey! In case things go very wrong, you can always say that you wrote something based on a 'conspiracy theory'; wanted to create a story that is just inspired by a 'what if this was real'. Disclaimers can help save your life but when people jump into your story, you better hope the entire show compels them to think. The matrix is considered a conspiracy fiction for one but look at what it made people do, question what it brought out. All it needs is to have a good narrative that people will get attached and excited about that they'd dream to be this character living in THAT world.


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfjaAUlTZRHJapJmCT6eyIg << Spacedock helps in scifi writing, there's shadiversity too but his videos are crazy long and mostly on fantasy. He did some reviews on feminist poisoned star wars which can be a good do's and don'ts in writing for you. If you don't want to go through all that, I'll give you some good advice of making sure what you write is believable and not too zany from its genre.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9r4VAsKYSD0 << Is not on books but has important basis on great stories, "not what you say but how you say it matters"

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3ogrx6d9oohf6D42G44j1A << And lastly a youtube channel that sarcastically guides you in the industry of writing. His channel's hilarious.

I hope this was a help to you, good luck in where you are at.

Can you suggest some books? I am a writer too and love to write fiction... would like to chat sometimes

I can suggest you try learning from visual novels from vndb.org, starting with muvluv series(I HIGHLY recommend this). I still have yet more to learn which is what makes me pretty mad but I'll get there in time. I have recently finished playing totono and LET ME TELL YOU, it's what inspired this overinflated trash(OPINION WARNING) named doki doki literature club's 4th wall breaks and its characters.

Read synopsis' check the art and ratings there and try not to spoil yourself of course before experiencing and making judgements with the game. I'm not telling you to trick yourself, if something is trying to subvert you from Satanic values, think that this is all just fiction and this is made for outsiders. Not all fiction is made for everyone or you'd be thinking like
those twittards who went mad over a simple nagatoro boobie(*SIGH*). I hope you get what I mean, writing is not and NEVER protesting, it's service that can also be an indirect method of making people learn(depending on how logical it looks).

If you are brave and want to learn how to stab the enemy without pissing people off, there is of course the matrix, metal gear revengeance rising even if it's a game it focuses on how the military industry can be used by psychopaths who behave like greedy or bloodthirsty nose bastards, they know, or look at how this traumatizing vn monmusu quest did this in its own time with wild hentai and jerking off as a medium. I HIGHLY ADVISE EXTREME MENTAL CAUTION in opening THAT game or looking it up in vndb if you can get ptsd from the hentai like I did...it may have promoted some dumb values like race mixing but the point is, learning how THEY ALL work before trying to make something of your own. I'm still in the phase of reverse engineering some good games and material supplied by a great friend of mine who is not SS but I have successfully deceived him into helping me.

Basically, writing is about trying to make some inspiration look real and something people would like to immerse themselves into and that would in turn make people emotionally reflect. Aside from visual novels, undertale makes you think too even if it's light hearted. I'm writing something with the genre feel of dead space series and metal gear revengeance rising, other details are top classified for obvious purposes but I can say it's a very dark tale of science fiction warfare that will make people want to question the twisted morality of xtianity and communism.

I'd like a story with a paladin protagonist and he's a villain who oppresses whoever he conquers, forces them to convert to a religion and even goes too far to raping people until his other paladin friend begins to turn 180 on his actions and mastermind his downfall. You can make that protagonist xtianity and the paladin who broke off of him as someone who's of a rational mind. Heck, have a side satanic character, a druid indirectly convince him that he's wrong in some way of giving the paladin friend a spark to change. Like that the paladin friend's forced to kill the druid and his entire family by burning at stake but he began to remember the words of the druid family which made him get ptsd, think and then begin massive plots of rebellion, secretly siding with the gentiles to overthrow the villain paladin protagonist and his (((masters))). DON'T PUT ANYTHING ABOUT THE JEW DIRECTLY, People are sadly getting better at spotting antisemitism innuendos so be very careful and clever in how you do this.

Writing's about cause and effect. A mathetmatical equation of x + y on why they do things and make things happen, why its sad, why it triggers this emotion strongly and how and why people would relate to it. Writing is insanely difficult, you have to keep brainstorming about it, think and think to points you get nosebleeds 24/7/365 and fuck up in void meditating even more. I suffer through this because I want a massive unpredicted trade-off of questioning people in the end. I did these to myself for many later on to take the first steps closer to the light, which will...I hopefully wish be carried out by others to make the next series of upward staircases.

It's not like Jose rizal during his time caused the xtians problems with his fictional books. Take a look at how individuals/people act nowadays, relate with them to study their mental frameworks so you can make something that will effectively change them without hurting them because of the outcome of them liking the story. What is said sadly doesn't matter in writing but HOW it is said/displayed.

If you want an example format in constructing novels or other stories, you can refer to good sources like this: https://www.novel-software.com/

There's a lot to writing, I still have a lot to go besides speaking of my experiences, you have to balance between reality and entertainment. I'm going for something with a serious image on the enemy's victory as my anti hero protagonist slashes through it all until he meets characters that were also there in his past before the fall of mankind and follow him around for being a potential and promising solution to the alien threat. My protagonist has strong dilemas like alex mercer but realized, thinking he's a monster who doesn't deserve to be anywhere near humanity or people he cared for. How I am going to make this work for my side is highly classified.

I have the seeds for a great novel ! It is high fiction.

I can suggest these books to you, all of them can be found on library genesis for free:

Elemets of Style by Strunk and White
Plot and Structure by Scott Bell
Playwriting: Structure, Character, How and What to Write by Stephen Jeffreys
Osiris Silvio said:
Wildfire said:
Osiris Silvio said:
Can you suggest some books? I am a writer too and love to write fiction... would like to chat sometimes

I can suggest you try learning from visual novels from vndb.org, starting with muvluv series(I HIGHLY recommend this). I still have yet more to learn which is what makes me pretty mad but I'll get there in time. I have recently finished playing totono and LET ME TELL YOU, it's what inspired this overinflated trash(OPINION WARNING) named doki doki literature club's 4th wall breaks and its characters.

Read synopsis' check the art and ratings there and try not to spoil yourself of course before experiencing and making judgements with the game. I'm not telling you to trick yourself, if something is trying to subvert you from Satanic values, think that this is all just fiction and this is made for outsiders. Not all fiction is made for everyone or you'd be thinking like
those twittards who went mad over a simple nagatoro boobie(*SIGH*). I hope you get what I mean, writing is not and NEVER protesting, it's service that can also be an indirect method of making people learn(depending on how logical it looks).

If you are brave and want to learn how to stab the enemy without pissing people off, there is of course the matrix, metal gear revengeance rising even if it's a game it focuses on how the military industry can be used by psychopaths who behave like greedy or bloodthirsty nose bastards, they know, or look at how this traumatizing vn monmusu quest did this in its own time with wild hentai and jerking off as a medium. I HIGHLY ADVISE EXTREME MENTAL CAUTION in opening THAT game or looking it up in vndb if you can get ptsd from the hentai like I did...it may have promoted some dumb values like race mixing but the point is, learning how THEY ALL work before trying to make something of your own. I'm still in the phase of reverse engineering some good games and material supplied by a great friend of mine who is not SS but I have successfully deceived him into helping me.

Basically, writing is about trying to make some inspiration look real and something people would like to immerse themselves into and that would in turn make people emotionally reflect. Aside from visual novels, undertale makes you think too even if it's light hearted. I'm writing something with the genre feel of dead space series and metal gear revengeance rising, other details are top classified for obvious purposes but I can say it's a very dark tale of science fiction warfare that will make people want to question the twisted morality of xtianity and communism.

I'd like a story with a paladin protagonist and he's a villain who oppresses whoever he conquers, forces them to convert to a religion and even goes too far to raping people until his other paladin friend begins to turn 180 on his actions and mastermind his downfall. You can make that protagonist xtianity and the paladin who broke off of him as someone who's of a rational mind. Heck, have a side satanic character, a druid indirectly convince him that he's wrong in some way of giving the paladin friend a spark to change. Like that the paladin friend's forced to kill the druid and his entire family by burning at stake but he began to remember the words of the druid family which made him get ptsd, think and then begin massive plots of rebellion, secretly siding with the gentiles to overthrow the villain paladin protagonist and his (((masters))). DON'T PUT ANYTHING ABOUT THE JEW DIRECTLY, People are sadly getting better at spotting antisemitism innuendos so be very careful and clever in how you do this.

Writing's about cause and effect. A mathetmatical equation of x + y on why they do things and make things happen, why its sad, why it triggers this emotion strongly and how and why people would relate to it. Writing is insanely difficult, you have to keep brainstorming about it, think and think to points you get nosebleeds 24/7/365 and fuck up in void meditating even more. I suffer through this because I want a massive unpredicted trade-off of questioning people in the end. I did these to myself for many later on to take the first steps closer to the light, which will...I hopefully wish be carried out by others to make the next series of upward staircases.

It's not like Jose rizal during his time caused the xtians problems with his fictional books. Take a look at how individuals/people act nowadays, relate with them to study their mental frameworks so you can make something that will effectively change them without hurting them because of the outcome of them liking the story. What is said sadly doesn't matter in writing but HOW it is said/displayed.

If you want an example format in constructing novels or other stories, you can refer to good sources like this: https://www.novel-software.com/

There's a lot to writing, I still have a lot to go besides speaking of my experiences, you have to balance between reality and entertainment. I'm going for something with a serious image on the enemy's victory as my anti hero protagonist slashes through it all until he meets characters that were also there in his past before the fall of mankind and follow him around for being a potential and promising solution to the alien threat. My protagonist has strong dilemas like alex mercer but realized, thinking he's a monster who doesn't deserve to be anywhere near humanity or people he cared for. How I am going to make this work for my side is highly classified.

I have the seeds for a great novel ! It is high fiction.

I can suggest these books to you, all of them can be found on library genesis for free:

Elemets of Style by Strunk and White
Plot and Structure by Scott Bell
Playwriting: Structure, Character, How and What to Write by Stephen Jeffreys

I got the books, thank you for your recommendations.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
