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ACTIVISM ideas , big potential of SUCCES


Sep 24, 2021
Hi, today I come up with an interesting proposal for activism.
This is something what can be done weekly in groups on social media.
My idea is the following, once or twice a week, I put a link from a youtube channel which have content like: (yoga, meditation / meditation music, even top channels (top 10 weird things, for example, ) because they are curious people) or something similar, where you can find people curious / interested in things that you can find information about on the JOY OF SATAN .
Usually these channels have links in their DESCRIPTION to facebook, instagram, twitter, and so on where they post news, and when I put a youtube channel we go in and put comments on all the platforms on which it activates : Comments / replay to comments on videos / posts.

The idea is that if we do that, we need to decide how we approach those people to make them curious about it.

Having all the same type of message /  similar messages so that it does not make sense for someone to say that we are directing them towards racism against jews.As an example ,  we can always say that " I found this site looking for information about meditation, yoga, visualization, breathing exercises, etc, and that they worked good for me"  and that we continued to share what went good for us, unrelated to the attacks on Jews (becoming curious and studying the site, they will eventually go through the solid arguments that exist  already on the joy of satan about the jews , so we don't have to start a war of discussions about how bad jews are, because is useless until they see the arguments and have the intention to read and understand them , things that need a beggining on the site in the first place)

And of course, if you enter a yoga channel, you do not give the direct link to the joy of satan, because the man being interested in yoga and seeing spiritual satanism does not make the connection and goes out instantly.
We need to make them to see that they can have a benefit from the informations the site provides, by showing them the part of the site that make sense to him at first.

So we can give them directly the links that contain yoga and the teachings about yoga, with the addition of not doing it excessively and without physical discomfort (hattha yoga and kundalini yoga presented on the joy of satan, done normally and regularly offers well-being, health, energy...) or the breathing exercises , vizualization, and so on.

All the information about what else to say is anyway on sites ready to be read by newcomers, including the information about Satan and the gods, to which they will be exposed later after they have already caught a curiosity.

I'm not even saying the fact that, by making them click on the link / search the site for something that already interests them, some will feel the call due to previous lives.

Also, Besides yoga channels, There are also yt channels with breathing exercises, visualization, trance, astral, lucid dream (where we can say that going out in the astral is beautiful and interesting too) and providing a link to the information on the sites for just that.

An example of how it would work would be: I put LINK to youtube channel on a certain topic, and you guys put links with information from Joy of Satan / forums close to that topic, and suggestions on how to formulate our sentences, somehow to be able in final to decide what we post, how we post and to fill the respective community of people with links and guidelines to the Joy of Satan.

Another idea: This one is just advertising , based on the normal curiosity of people without any trying to show them something they search for already, and the desire of influencer to make views.

This is the possibility where we use the fact that we are a few tens or hundreds who can write some comments or give some links/advices/requests(as subscribers) and we can do this to the youtuber channels that react to things / talk about "strange" things for the audience, saying to look to see what is written about strange things for normal people on the sites , for entertainment : life after dead, reptilians, greys , angels...(Strange for the normal man) Because even if he, as an influencer, say nonsense about the site seeing for the first time what it is about, his followers would get curious, they would enter, read and experiment for themselves and the rest is a story (negative Advertising is also advertising, even if you hear that the product is bad, when you have it in your hand because of curiosity,  and you like it, you change your mind, important is for the "product" (Joy of Satan) to reach people and so they can see that it is benefic for them) We have many people on these forums. And so we have a power to influence those who value the wishes of their followers, And if we unite we can influence their decisions for our own good.

As an example, even Pewdipie could visit the site because we"his hundreds of followers" say to him to do so , and maybe he decides to perform a ritual of evocation of curiosity, and  feel and see very strange things to talk about on his youtube channel/or just present the site for some seconds as a entertainment thing... Obviously, people would come in, read curiously, evocation rituals perhaps, respectfully as indicated and would benefit or disrespect and be ignored or punished, Anyway, they would have a better chance to continue reading and using the information on joy of satan than if the thing given as an example with PewDiPie had never happened.
We could also make a group to give energy to a certain influencer before someone sends him the link/request, in order to feel very attracted to the link , for example. You got the idea, I'm waiting for your opinions.
OpenMind2 said:
(negative Advertising is also advertising, even if you hear that the product is bad, when you have it in your hand because of curiosity,  and you like it, you change your mind, important is for the "product" (Joy of Satan) to reach people and so they can see that it is benefic for them)

Yes, there's also the negative advertising idea which works even on censorship-heavy places like Leddit, Facejewk, Twatter, e.t.c. What you do is make a mocking post about the JoS website and link it there. Or you pretend to be shocked by the JoS website. For example make a thread/post titled "Look at those Nazi Satanist-wannabes" or "This horrible site needs to be shut down immediately" followed by the JoS website. Some brainwashed people will react immediately by bashing it, but others will visit it out of curiosity and see it's nothing bad by itself.
problem i find with putting links into youtube comment sections is they get shadowbanned more easily than comments

another Idea you can try is to use text like this and obfuscate the AI, play around with it and see what works.

another thing i've done in the past is make my account name Satanisgod.org

I haven't been doing much of jewgle related sites anymore I moved over to alternative media and have been doing pretty well.

this past year / two years, most of the types of people who will listen to us, and are not complete zombie/borg like have moved over to alternative media, so I trully believe its the place to go.

Try doing comments on odysee and see how it goes for you.
hailourpeople said:
OpenMind2 said:
Hi, today I come up with an interesting proposal for activism.

If you want to do it do it. Everyone does what he believes is efficient. But organized activism, doesnt work here, we already tried to cooperate a lot of times but most people arent interested because they just focus on RTR. We suck at internet activism, but we are killing it when it comes to rituals.
I don't think we 'suck', but rather that we are just not overall organized about that. There are small groups and solo efforts all over, offline too. So I don't think it's that bad.
Henu the Great said:
hailourpeople said:
OpenMind2 said:
Hi, today I come up with an interesting proposal for activism.

If you want to do it do it. Everyone does what he believes is efficient. But organized activism, doesnt work here, we already tried to cooperate a lot of times but most people arent interested because they just focus on RTR. We suck at internet activism, but we are killing it when it comes to rituals.
I don't think we 'suck', but rather that we are just not overall organized about that. There are small groups and solo efforts all over, offline too. So I don't think it's that bad.

We definitely don't "suck" when there's individuals here who work everyday doing online activism.

Better organization would be sublime but there's only so much we can do. Not because we don't have enough people (we do have more than enough) but because it's hard to organize when we have many who either are too busy or at the worst, don't want to. Then there's people from different parts of the world so language barrier is a thing and also there's certain things some people here aren't allowed to post in their countries or don't have access to certain websites. It's a complicated situation and will take a big amount of time just to get it started. Time is perhaps the biggest factor in all this. We don't have much of it on a personal level for some and in general when dealing with the enemy's recent acceleration.

I'm sure in the near future we'll be able to do it once we handle more important issues first. Online activism is important but there's other things that are higher on the list for the time being.
hailourpeople said:
OpenMind2 said:
Hi, today I come up with an interesting proposal for activism.

If you want to do it do it. Everyone does what he believes is efficient. But organized activism, doesnt work here, we already tried to cooperate a lot of times but most people arent interested because they just focus on RTR. We suck at internet activism, but we are killing it when it comes to rituals.
Yes we suck in internet activism. We can't fucking organize!

Flood this anti-christian Gab group with JoS propaganda.
Post links from Exposing Christianity, Exposing Kabbalah, Death of Communism, Ancient-forums, Black-Sun 666 and posters and memes with JoS links(from meme war thread and online activism forum).

Everybody MUST do Gab account and make every day at least one post. And there is no excuses for not joining with me. It's take only max 10 minutes in day. We must organize!
Kurat said:
hailourpeople said:
OpenMind2 said:
Hi, today I come up with an interesting proposal for activism.

If you want to do it do it. Everyone does what he believes is efficient. But organized activism, doesnt work here, we already tried to cooperate a lot of times but most people arent interested because they just focus on RTR. We suck at internet activism, but we are killing it when it comes to rituals.
Yes we suck in internet activism. We can't fucking organize!

Flood this anti-christian Gab group with JoS propaganda.
Post links from Exposing Christianity, Exposing Kabbalah, Death of Communism, Ancient-forums, Black-Sun 666 and posters and memes with JoS links(from meme war thread and online activism forum).

Everybody MUST do Gab account and make every day at least one post. And there is no excuses for not joining with me. It's take only max 10 minutes in day. We must organize!
Kurat said:
Kurat said:
hailourpeople said:
If you want to do it do it. Everyone does what he believes is efficient. But organized activism, doesnt work here, we already tried to cooperate a lot of times but most people arent interested because they just focus on RTR. We suck at internet activism, but we are killing it when it comes to rituals.
Yes we suck in internet activism. We can't fucking organize!

Flood this anti-christian Gab group with JoS propaganda.
Post links from Exposing Christianity, Exposing Kabbalah, Death of Communism, Ancient-forums, Black-Sun 666 and posters and memes with JoS links(from meme war thread and online activism forum).

Everybody MUST do Gab account and make every day at least one post. And there is no excuses for not joining with me. It's take only max 10 minutes in day. We must organize!
Lol, bump after one day. But yeah, I'm hopping on this. Hopefully others take part too!
Henu the Great said:
Kurat said:
Kurat said:
Yes we suck in internet activism. We can't fucking organize!

Flood this anti-christian Gab group with JoS propaganda.
Post links from Exposing Christianity, Exposing Kabbalah, Death of Communism, Ancient-forums, Black-Sun 666 and posters and memes with JoS links(from meme war thread and online activism forum).

Everybody MUST do Gab account and make every day at least one post. And there is no excuses for not joining with me. It's take only max 10 minutes in day. We must organize!
Lol, bump after one day. But yeah, I'm hopping on this. Hopefully others take part too!

Joining in this now.
Henu the Great said:
Kurat said:

It's super easy, it'll take even less than 10 minutes. if you are only doing one post.

Just use our search function that now exists on our site
and go and post half or quarter of an article and link to the rest of the article the to original link. or post some memes with links
I sumbmited a handful, I don't see them being posted immediately so there is probably moderation. I'll also post some comments too.

Hopefully more than us 3 will join
Didnt one guy on here make qr codes the jwo loves their QR codes why not tape the JOS site over the top so instead of telling big brother where they have been they instead visit the boss.

Another thing I would like to do is to buy a really good printer and mass print flyers and do letter box dropping on a huge scale make some wicked posters up.
SATchives said:
Henu the Great said:

It's super easy, it'll take even less than 10 minutes. if you are only doing one post.

Just use our search function that now exists on our site
and go and post half or quarter of an article and link to the rest of the article the to original link. or post some memes with links
I sumbmited a handful, I don't see them being posted immediately so there is probably moderation. I'll also post some comments too.

Hopefully more than us 3 will join

When I open https://www.satanisgod.org/
I see no search function. Here's a screenshot of what I see:
the group banned me, LOL. I posted like 3-4 articles. must be another jewishly ran psyop, that mixes lies with truth. I was pretty surprised to a see a group that was showing how christianity is a jewish creation. but what should I expect. good luck with your posts.

You think if they gotten that far with the truth they wouldn't be afraid to read some articles. that's what makes me think that group is enemy opposition. I hurt their kike feelings with the truth.
Nikois666 said:
SATchives said:
Henu the Great said:

It's super easy, it'll take even less than 10 minutes. if you are only doing one post.

Just use our search function that now exists on our site
and go and post half or quarter of an article and link to the rest of the article the to original link. or post some memes with links
I sumbmited a handful, I don't see them being posted immediately so there is probably moderation. I'll also post some comments too.

Hopefully more than us 3 will join

When I open https://www.satanisgod.org/
I see no search function. Here's a screenshot of what I see:

Apologies, I didn't clarify.

That link is a search result for christianity.

You start the search, on JoyofSatan.org

Then type in whatever you are looking for

the it takes you to
SatanisGod.org directory containing the search results
SATchives said:
the group banned me, LOL. I posted like 3-4 articles. must be another jewishly ran psyop, that mixes lies with truth. I was pretty surprised to a see a group that was showing how christianity is a jewish creation. but what should I expect. good luck with your posts.

You think if they gotten that far with the truth they wouldn't be afraid to read some articles. that's what makes me think that group is enemy opposition. I hurt their kike feelings with the truth.

Yeah I thought that group was too good to be true... I'm still around posting, and in other groups as well, that I found in the same platform. If you guys want to move to another group or platform let me know! I'll gladly join. Just let me know which one. We should start coordinating these attacks more often. This is fun
BlackOnyx8 said:
SATchives said:
the group banned me, LOL. I posted like 3-4 articles. must be another jewishly ran psyop, that mixes lies with truth. I was pretty surprised to a see a group that was showing how christianity is a jewish creation. but what should I expect. good luck with your posts.

You think if they gotten that far with the truth they wouldn't be afraid to read some articles. that's what makes me think that group is enemy opposition. I hurt their kike feelings with the truth.

Yeah I thought that group was too good to be true... I'm still around posting, and in other groups as well, that I found in the same platform. If you guys want to move to another group or platform let me know! I'll gladly join. Just let me know which one. We should start coordinating these attacks more often. This is fun

Yeah I agree it is fun, I was busy today so I haven't done much today but I will do more tomorrow. I'll start using gab more, and start posting articles even though I hate the name, I know its as a whole is probably a jewishly ran operation to create like a echo chamber of sorts and to gather as much data on their enemy which is people who oppose them. I don't have any proof of this other than the name gab.ai

I worry a bit about coordinating, like telling each other which platform to go with, too much because It's quite a possibility that the enemy can gather our accounts simply from reading here, and then who knows, this might be far fetched, but they could possibly get their rat buddies to mass report accounts / who knows what kind of connections the enemy has, they potentially could know mr kike rabbi who knows the owner/ceo of said media company/internet provider used by them to be used to threaten the media site/ horde of rats to ddoss the shit out of company until they comply with their demands of banning. and a lot of other things that I can't even imagine. Also if we focus on an alt media site and have a lot of success, the enemy if they found out would desperately throw money at it to fix it, in one way or the other. We do have a lot of protection on our side, so this might not happen at all either.

I'm torn between wanting to share with everyone my handles and methods and joining together and coordinating attacks, and just doing my thing by myself because I don't want to get mass reported and banned again. lol. I have something that is working it.

It would be interesting if we could create a locked / private section in ancient-forums.com for online warfare and only those who have been with us for a long time + have been doing warfare for awhile and was screened by someone like HPHC, to keep the infiltrators from leaking our efforts.

Who the hell knows maybe I'm being too paranoid, but those are my thoughts, I used to not think this way but one of our members had me think differently. Now i can't stop thinking of what I can and can't say here because of the enemy. im over at satchives on proton mail as well., althought I hate this method too. lol.

Am I thinking too much into this?
SATchives said:
Apologies, I didn't clarify.

That link is a search result for christianity.

You start the search, on JoyofSatan.org

Then type in whatever you are looking for

the it takes you to
SatanisGod.org directory containing the search results
No need to apologize brother. I should've been more aware/attentive about the updates, because the search function has been mentioned several times around the forums.

Anyways, thanks for the help : )
SATchives said:
I hate the name, I know its as a whole is probably a jewishly ran operation to create like a echo chamber of sorts and to gather as much data on their enemy which is people who oppose them. I don't have any proof of this other than the name gab.ai

I've been doing some research on the platform.
That might very well be the case, considering not only the name, but what I also have seen there, scrolling around there are the anti Semitic Christians all over the place, and outside of the platform there are Jews complaining that Christians hate them and use that platform to spread lies about the Jews, the examples given are... you guessed it, more Jewish lies about Jewish lies... Looks very artificial and looks like basic Jewish Modus Operandi. Could probably be the case that they want their enemies to feel at ease there so that they can collect data on them. I wouldn't be surprised. Then there's also the fact that they operate under Five Eyes jurisdiction which also raises some alarms...
Speaking of rats... This might of course be a random coincidence of some random NPC. But on one of the groups that I posted some information about Lady Astarte, one individual with the name WilderRat or whatever his name was, promptly replied and tried to make me look like an idiot, when I debunked his theories (not for this guy exactly but for anyone else watching) he stopped replying. Not sure if he did in the mean time, I haven't been there today as I'm at work.


By the looks of it, the CEO might be a hardcore Christian.


Not sure if these two are Jewish or not though, but either way, doesn't necessarily mean anything even if they are Gentiles the website could still be compromised regardless.

Which means if we are to continue on there, we must not forget to use our VPNs and, our hardened browsers, and whatever else we use to keep anonymous and private, which I suppose anyone here doing this already does, but I thought was still worth mentioning.

Am I thinking too much into this?

I got to where I am today by learning the hard way that even though I should hope for the best and have a positive attitude towards things, I must always prepare for the worst. Now I apply this rule to anything in life really... So I completely agree with your mindset. Despite the fact that nobody here knows for a fact if I'm legit or not because this is a new account that I created for privacy reasons, and before that my account was only months old, as I had been an on and off NPC for several years before that until I finally decided to become serious and consistent and face the consequences of my previous stagnation.
Anyway. Despite all this I still agree that should exist such a section in the forum but heavily supervised and everyone willing to join would have to find means to prove their worth, I'm up for that, because you never know... I really trusted the wrong people for several times in my life and got screwed before I managed to learn my lesson, this has happened both in and out of the Satanic community so I keep my distance from most people these days so that again I don't compromise what I worked so hard to achieve. I understand you being wary of showing your methods and coordinating attacks.

But I also believe we would gain a lot in coordinating our attacks, both for spamming and other methods. Creating a small group would be a good start. Of course, inside this forum, not only because this is a safe place regarding cyber security, as it doesn't have trackers or whatever, but so it would be under the supervision of either the HP or someone else in charge of that operation.
SATchives said:
BlackOnyx8 said:
SATchives said:
the group banned me, LOL. I posted like 3-4 articles. must be another jewishly ran psyop, that mixes lies with truth. I was pretty surprised to a see a group that was showing how christianity is a jewish creation. but what should I expect. good luck with your posts.

You think if they gotten that far with the truth they wouldn't be afraid to read some articles. that's what makes me think that group is enemy opposition. I hurt their kike feelings with the truth.

Yeah I thought that group was too good to be true... I'm still around posting, and in other groups as well, that I found in the same platform. If you guys want to move to another group or platform let me know! I'll gladly join. Just let me know which one. We should start coordinating these attacks more often. This is fun

Yeah I agree it is fun, I was busy today so I haven't done much today but I will do more tomorrow. I'll start using gab more, and start posting articles even though I hate the name, I know its as a whole is probably a jewishly ran operation to create like a echo chamber of sorts and to gather as much data on their enemy which is people who oppose them. I don't have any proof of this other than the name gab.ai

I worry a bit about coordinating, like telling each other which platform to go with, too much because It's quite a possibility that the enemy can gather our accounts simply from reading here, and then who knows, this might be far fetched, but they could possibly get their rat buddies to mass report accounts / who knows what kind of connections the enemy has, they potentially could know mr kike rabbi who knows the owner/ceo of said media company/internet provider used by them to be used to threaten the media site/ horde of rats to ddoss the shit out of company until they comply with their demands of banning. and a lot of other things that I can't even imagine. Also if we focus on an alt media site and have a lot of success, the enemy if they found out would desperately throw money at it to fix it, in one way or the other. We do have a lot of protection on our side, so this might not happen at all either.

I'm torn between wanting to share with everyone my handles and methods and joining together and coordinating attacks, and just doing my thing by myself because I don't want to get mass reported and banned again. lol. I have something that is working it.

It would be interesting if we could create a locked / private section in ancient-forums.com for online warfare and only those who have been with us for a long time + have been doing warfare for awhile and was screened by someone like HPHC, to keep the infiltrators from leaking our efforts.

Who the hell knows maybe I'm being too paranoid, but those are my thoughts, I used to not think this way but one of our members had me think differently. Now i can't stop thinking of what I can and can't say here because of the enemy. im over at satchives on proton mail as well., althought I hate this method too. lol.

Am I thinking too much into this?
I think that when you have the same name over there as here, and also stating on your profile that you are a Spiritual Satanist is not doing you or your effort any favors. Frankly, the average consumer does not understand nor care about who is what and whatnot. Some are more curious and potential future SS, but even then, I think it's better to let the posted material do the talking rather than what info is shared about yourself or your views.

The privacy friendly method that is currently viable would be to create a mailing list. A member shares his email here, so that is how we know it's him/her. Only trusted people are let on. Via the mailing list we could cordinate more efficiently.

Gab definitely feels more or less an echo chamber and maybe even a honeypot to an extent, but it's still useful to a degree.
Henu the Great said:
SATchives said:
BlackOnyx8 said:
Yeah I thought that group was too good to be true... I'm still around posting, and in other groups as well, that I found in the same platform. If you guys want to move to another group or platform let me know! I'll gladly join. Just let me know which one. We should start coordinating these attacks more often. This is fun

Yeah I agree it is fun, I was busy today so I haven't done much today but I will do more tomorrow. I'll start using gab more, and start posting articles even though I hate the name, I know its as a whole is probably a jewishly ran operation to create like a echo chamber of sorts and to gather as much data on their enemy which is people who oppose them. I don't have any proof of this other than the name gab.ai

I worry a bit about coordinating, like telling each other which platform to go with, too much because It's quite a possibility that the enemy can gather our accounts simply from reading here, and then who knows, this might be far fetched, but they could possibly get their rat buddies to mass report accounts / who knows what kind of connections the enemy has, they potentially could know mr kike rabbi who knows the owner/ceo of said media company/internet provider used by them to be used to threaten the media site/ horde of rats to ddoss the shit out of company until they comply with their demands of banning. and a lot of other things that I can't even imagine. Also if we focus on an alt media site and have a lot of success, the enemy if they found out would desperately throw money at it to fix it, in one way or the other. We do have a lot of protection on our side, so this might not happen at all either.

I'm torn between wanting to share with everyone my handles and methods and joining together and coordinating attacks, and just doing my thing by myself because I don't want to get mass reported and banned again. lol. I have something that is working it.

It would be interesting if we could create a locked / private section in ancient-forums.com for online warfare and only those who have been with us for a long time + have been doing warfare for awhile and was screened by someone like HPHC, to keep the infiltrators from leaking our efforts.

Who the hell knows maybe I'm being too paranoid, but those are my thoughts, I used to not think this way but one of our members had me think differently. Now i can't stop thinking of what I can and can't say here because of the enemy. im over at satchives on proton mail as well., althought I hate this method too. lol.

Am I thinking too much into this?
I think that when you have the same name over there as here, and also stating on your profile that you are a Spiritual Satanist is not doing you or your effort any favors. Frankly, the average consumer does not understand nor care about who is what and whatnot. Some are more curious and potential future SS, but even then, I think it's better to let the posted material do the talking rather than what info is shared about yourself or your views.

The privacy friendly method that is currently viable would be to create a mailing list. A member shares his email here, so that is how we know it's him/her. Only trusted people are let on. Via the mailing list we could cordinate more efficiently.

Gab definitely feels more or less an echo chamber and maybe even a honeypot to an extent, but it's still useful to a degree.

Well those aren't my only accounts
best hidden in plane site, right? just kidding. its True, I made that accounts like that, and just recently named one of my gab accounts satchives and joined in that group efforts. I just really like the name Satchives Satchives = Satan Archives so I am using it as a test place to archive material. as for the profile, and other accounts and when/if I was/am on twitter and facebook I wouldn't/don't do this as blatantly but as for this account on minds I also want to see exactly how far I can push these sites free speech. so far doesn't seem to have any negative effect on my efforts. not in regards to shadow banning. not that I can notice. first week with minds on the account you mentioned the views have been getting better and better, and regarding the posted material, I only post straight truth. Either articles, inforgraphs, memes or HPHC's Videos. like I said when I made the Satchives account it was my Original Idea was to upload everything I can from Satan's library slowly as an alternative mirror. I'm just using it as online warfare as well by using tags/boosting some things on that account every now and again.

and how does "material do the talking rather than what info is shared about yourself or your views" relate, I don't talk about myself or my views except for here on the forums. where I consider most of you my SS family.

I don't think you meant anything by it, all I really care about is trying to my best for Satan and our Future.

I think we all feel this way, so I do like the ideal coordinating.

funny I got banned so fast from that one group on gab.

There is this new platform I found that you can upgrade to pro with bitcoin
you get this
[ Featured member
See profile visitors
Show / Hide last seen
Verified badge
50000 posts Posts promotion
500 Pages Pages promotion]

There is a lot of people posting truths on here as well, so It's promising.

anyways I was thinking pay some money and get promotion ability, then using that and gab as the forfront of pushing people to my minds posts via the share link. if you share with minds you can have your referral attached to that link for a few days if someone signs up you will get some tokens over time for it, also minds is nice because I can post videos/articles without any restriction, why I am interested in pushing it's limits to see if it's a safe okay place to archive things at. Obviously I'll archive everything many other places too. Also I really do like the minds boosting mechanism as well, it's not completely accurate, but everytime I boost, even 500 views I get feedback. and it's pretty easy to get points if you just join a group and post a meme get a bunch of likes and then you get a decent amount of tokens for that day.

Yeah gab is definitely a honeypot

I should of clarified more in my first post but I was tired as fuck when I wrote it.
Probably didn't even need to be posted.
I just won't worry to much about it to much. unless another cohencidence happens.
SATchives said:
and how does "material do the talking rather than what info is shared about yourself or your views" relate, I don't talk about myself or my views except for here on the forums. where I consider most of you my SS family.

I don't think you meant anything by it, all I really care about is trying to my best for Satan and our Future.

I think we all feel this way, so I do like the ideal coordinating.

funny I got banned so fast from that one group on gab.
I just had this idea that maybe the info you shared on your profile could have played a role why you got banned from the group. Whereas if you hadn't, you could still be posting on that account. Thus, "letting the material do the talking".
BlackOnyx8 said:
So much for free speech.
Your account has been flagged as spam. Please contact [email protected] if you believe this is an error.

It only took a few articles in a hardcore Christian group... That sucks. Time to move on to another one...
You need to pick your audience better. I know it's tempting to share truth for those most in need of it, but they don't know any better. And if you simply leave a link and that's all, then it's easy to get marked as spam.

I would target groups where could me more potential targets, and not limit myself to simple link sharing. There has to be more nuances to the task, I think.
Henu the Great said:
BlackOnyx8 said:
So much for free speech.
Your account has been flagged as spam. Please contact [email protected] if you believe this is an error.

It only took a few articles in a hardcore Christian group... That sucks. Time to move on to another one...
You need to pick your audience better. I know it's tempting to share truth for those most in need of it, but they don't know any better. And if you simply leave a link and that's all, then it's easy to get marked as spam.

I would target groups where could me more potential targets, and not limit myself to simple link sharing. There has to be more nuances to the task, I think.
Yeah Christians don't seem to really care , they will just ignore all the evidence and call me an idiot... and besides, posting in Christian groups is an easy way to get curses thrown at me .. but anyway I was having good feedback on the Pagan groups though I always try some posts on the Christian groups it only takes a few minutes and you never know if someone is already questioning the Jewish lie. I never just post the link , I use some templates that HPS Maxine shared many years ago. And sometimes I write something from my own, or quote a JoS page. You can look me up on Gab I was @Obsidian8. Not sure if my posts are visible though. Let me know if there's something I can improve. I will be making a new account because I was having some likes on my posts in the "Pagan" groups.

What I think happened was I posted like 5 different articles on the same group, in which all had the same links at the end. Now that I think of it I might have just triggered some algorithm. I will test with different links at the end next time.
Henu the Great said:
SATchives said:
and how does "material do the talking rather than what info is shared about yourself or your views" relate, I don't talk about myself or my views except for here on the forums. where I consider most of you my SS family.

I don't think you meant anything by it, all I really care about is trying to my best for Satan and our Future.

I think we all feel this way, so I do like the ideal coordinating.

funny I got banned so fast from that one group on gab.
I just had this idea that maybe the info you shared on your profile could have played a role why you got banned from the group. Whereas if you hadn't, you could still be posting on that account. Thus, "letting the material do the talking".

I think It was most likely the material i posted. I went pretty strong. I posted about the origins of the name Satan, the video which proves Wotan is Satan, and other pagan to Satan connections as it looked to me from the profiles of other members they where interested in runes / Odin. The only thing that got through was the Hitler anti christian quotes
SATchives said:
Henu the Great said:
SATchives said:
and how does "material do the talking rather than what info is shared about yourself or your views" relate, I don't talk about myself or my views except for here on the forums. where I consider most of you my SS family.

I don't think you meant anything by it, all I really care about is trying to my best for Satan and our Future.

I think we all feel this way, so I do like the ideal coordinating.

funny I got banned so fast from that one group on gab.
I just had this idea that maybe the info you shared on your profile could have played a role why you got banned from the group. Whereas if you hadn't, you could still be posting on that account. Thus, "letting the material do the talking".

I think It was most likely the material i posted. I went pretty strong. I posted about the origins of the name Satan, the video which proves Wotan is Satan, and other pagan to Satan connections as it looked to me from the profiles of other members they where interested in runes / Odin. The only thing that got through was the Hitler anti christian quotes
I have posted the same stuff, but no bans yet. :geek:
Kurat said:
Kurat said:
hailourpeople said:
If you want to do it do it. Everyone does what he believes is efficient. But organized activism, doesnt work here, we already tried to cooperate a lot of times but most people arent interested because they just focus on RTR. We suck at internet activism, but we are killing it when it comes to rituals.
Yes we suck in internet activism. We can't fucking organize!

Flood this anti-christian Gab group with JoS propaganda.
Post links from Exposing Christianity, Exposing Kabbalah, Death of Communism, Ancient-forums, Black-Sun 666 and posters and memes with JoS links(from meme war thread and online activism forum).

Everybody MUST do Gab account and make every day at least one post. And there is no excuses for not joining with me. It's take only max 10 minutes in day. We must organize!
Thank You everebody who participated!
Kurat said:
Kurat said:
Kurat said:
Thank You everebody who participated!
If anyone want to organize another group attack go ahead. I can't organize it as of yet because I'm still rusty in these matters , its been a while since I've done this ,but I want to start getting serious about online warfare again. I'm currently testing other platforms and methods so I can figure out what works these days. I have to stay away from enemy platforms like Facebook or YouTube because it requires some form of identification , and I cant afford a burner phone at the moment, but anywhere else I'm good to go! Just say where. As for gab , its overall nice place to post our ideas if you dont spam much, but it has the same problem of most other alternative platforms , it doesn't have many people. But some is still better than none I suppose. I also think some of these platforms are relatively new and might get easier for us in time as they grow

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
