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Accidental attractions


Active member
Sep 21, 2017
Alright, this is so fucking weird. I just got someone in college, as heard from a friend, having a damn crush on me and if you remember what I said about me no longer wishing to have any relationships LIKE THAT with anyone, then you know that I am the asexual type who'd rather die a virgin. The last thing I want is to have a little me running around my life causing chaos in the future so I readied myself a spell cocktail based on this repulsion spell and thought of visualizing white energy to conceal her feelings away from me:

To break up a couple or to deter a potential interest, you would put an aura of revulsion around the person you wish to isolate. For example, "[name of person]’s aura is repelling all of [name of person interested or in love with] interests, affection and attraction in every way. [Name of person] is revolting and repulsive to [name of person interested or in love with]." You infuse the energy into the aura of the person you want to keep isolated from the one who has an interest. You get the basic idea. One’s aura will act on the other and create an indifference, or even enmity. It can take a lot of energy, but in breaking up a couple, you can do this to each of their auras so that they find each other disgusting and break up.


Am I going about this the right way? What other hotter cocktails do you have with situations like this? I need her repelled without her feeling hurt, rejected or turn out to hate me like the last time I tried repelling someone it turned into the direct opposite that I had to bind her the fuck away till she can't do shit anymore.

Tl;dr: Just how the fuck did it come to this? And how else can I make her go away peacefully?
I think you should work on your traumas.
Abyssos said:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thank you, but I'm into finishing college with HIGHEST HONORS and getting some ~400K digits job first instead of sending myself to a shitty place later. :D And also earning myself totally safe grounds FIRST. Yes, this mentalcel needs to keep his screwed genes that could carry yet another hot-tempered troublemaker like me out of existence.
Wildfire said:

Yes, just bind with Isa or use Ansuz to detach, although I must ask: Do you feel out of control in this situation? Is she forcing herself on you?

Just the way this is written, it sounds like you are in some sort of danger. Are you assuming that the existence of her will somehow derail your life without your consent, or that you may not be able to control your feelings? This determines how worthwhile it is to use your energy here.

When assumptions of pain are present, there is a likelihood of karmic trauma, also backed up by what you say about never wanted a relationship again. Instead of swearing off love entirely, you should take steps to restore health and prosperity here, which INCLUDES control of your life and desires, not being attacked or hurt by them.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=459768 time=1692844439 user_id=21286]
Wildfire said:

Yes, just bind with Isa or use Ansuz to detach, although I must ask: Do you feel out of control in this situation? Is she forcing herself on you?

Just the way this is written, it sounds like you are in some sort of danger. Are you assuming that the existence of her will somehow derail your life without your consent, or that you may not be able to control your feelings? This determines how worthwhile it is to use your energy here.

When assumptions of pain are present, there is a likelihood of karmic trauma, also backed up by what you say about never wanted a relationship again. Instead of swearing off love entirely, you should take steps to restore health and prosperity here, which INCLUDES control of your life and desires, not being attacked or hurt by them.

According to what I have learned about biology, most genetic information passed down to an offspring is from the female. The candidate that also has her peers trying to push her to me while some of mine try to push to her is not a high achiever and is not that much into pursuing great heights like me. She's totally not my type and I don't want to say any of this that would turn her into some angry feminist in the future.

I never fell in love ever again after highschool when I found someone that I grew mutual interest with(We were talking, we then started drawing together, I helped her out with physics and math-related problems back then and then held hands ABOUT THREE TIME). And she was found holding hands with another dude.

And just like super-murderer stalin the kike's quote, it rang to my past self that my warm feelings for mankind died with that exact moment. I decided to no longer get involved in anything romantic ever again. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=459768 time=1692844439 user_id=21286]
Wildfire said:

Yes, just bind with Isa or use Ansuz to detach, although I must ask: Do you feel out of control in this situation? Is she forcing herself on you?

Just the way this is written, it sounds like you are in some sort of danger. Are you assuming that the existence of her will somehow derail your life without your consent, or that you may not be able to control your feelings? This determines how worthwhile it is to use your energy here.

When assumptions of pain are present, there is a likelihood of karmic trauma, also backed up by what you say about never wanted a relationship again. Instead of swearing off love entirely, you should take steps to restore health and prosperity here, which INCLUDES control of your life and desires, not being attacked or hurt by them.

Loneliness, heartbreak followed with years of rage, revenge and hatred really is one hell of a drug :=D
What I do when I want someone I don't like or dislike me to move away from me is to use my aura directly to repel that person, visualize how your aura hits their aura and pushes them away, usually unconsciously they will start to feel uncomfortable being close and that will end up making them move away.
Wildfire said:
There will come a time when you'll have to face the fact that isolating yourself from issues will not result in a productive form of growth. Yes, life contains a lot of hurt. And so does it contain the opposite. Regardless, continuing steadfastly without repressing ourselves is recommended.
Wildfire said:
Abyssos said:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thank you, but I'm into finishing college with HIGHEST HONORS and getting some ~400K digits job first instead of sending myself to a shitty place later. :D And also earning myself totally safe grounds FIRST. Yes, this mentalcel needs to keep his screwed genes that could carry yet another hot-tempered troublemaker like me out of existence.

That's ok you can do some workings to work on your temper. Cleaning also helps. It's good you are establishing a good foundation for yourself.
Abyssos said:


Whites are the only race that think like this. Non-whites don't waste time on mental illnesses like this, they just get married and pump out babies. They don't think about finances, being ready, being mature, or any of that crap. Whites are the only people that think that having children is a burden. This way of thinking will be severely punished when the new Minecraft server is up and running. Whites will learn to stop being degenerates once they've seen enough antinatalist public floggings in Minecraft.


Kamusta sir, turns out hindi ako puti. I'm not white but a Filipino that somehow became too much of a superstar being some "massive genius" according to some mass mind of followers I accidentally spawned.

"They don't think about finances, being ready, being mature, or any of that crap."


Don't embarrass your race even more, and I don't think a superior race would not care about basic self-sustenance by the way, and that's not being attractive to those serious about the big scope of things in this world. ;) Keep making yourself funny, none of us want to buy your crap of wanting to divide the gentile races against what has to be fought in a certain clever way.


Well by the way, I have updates on the situation. Whoever the fuck is tailing me is still yet to be found out and I realized that this is an attempt by some outsiders that saw through my years of walking with trauma to help me get out of it. I'd like to say thanks to them and just have her as a friend instead.

I'm not good at romance, I'm not a competitor for that kind of stuff or some big dancer in the front. I'm just a guy who makes things work behind the scenes and after all, that's why I'm pursuing intellectual and science-tech-related jobs that can help in the development and steering of it to help more lives live a better world, where no one will have to live in places like the nightmarish pasts I lived.
Abyssos said:


Whites are the only race that think like this. Non-whites don't waste time on mental illnesses like this, they just get married and pump out babies. They don't think about finances, being ready, being mature, or any of that crap. Whites are the only people that think that having children is a burden. This way of thinking will be severely punished when the new Minecraft server is up and running. Whites will learn to stop being degenerates once they've seen enough antinatalist public floggings in Minecraft.


I re-read your message, and still. You're wrong about things, I am not someone who likes to pump out babies and just get married under AN XTARD WEDDING. I'm someone who knows what's going on with the world, had mingled and even had backgrounds of studying and playing with foreigners since childhood and I would like to say that not all behavioral sets are entitled to race. Family used to be rich until bankruptcy broke them so early in my childhood that father turned insane and abusive, then died early hahah.

I was taught by this globalist jungle world which gave me many blessings and curses but most of all, I thank the JoS for being more of blessings than curses(Admit it, the old JoS is context to what I meant here). It's not like we all here are busy pursuing a certain godhead one day and in the meanwhile working for a better flow of things for the world with everything we are doing here after all.

It's also the era of information, so your claims on non-whites will not last so long.
Abyssos said:
Non-whites don't waste time on mental illnesses like this, they just get married and pump out babies. They don't think about finances, being ready, being mature, or any of that crap.

Well too bad, behavioral characteristics don't always stick with races, it is built by background. Who taught you psychology and sociology?
Wildfire said:
Abyssos said:
Non-whites don't waste time on mental illnesses like this, they just get married and pump out babies. They don't think about finances, being ready, being mature, or any of that crap.

Well too bad, behavioral characteristics don't always stick with races, it is built by background. Who taught you psychology and sociology?
Based on the level of his posts I am surprised if he even finished high school. If he did, he was average at best.
Wildfire said:
Abyssos said:


Whites are the only race that think like this. Non-whites don't waste time on mental illnesses like this, they just get married and pump out babies. They don't think about finances, being ready, being mature, or any of that crap. Whites are the only people that think that having children is a burden. This way of thinking will be severely punished when the new Minecraft server is up and running. Whites will learn to stop being degenerates once they've seen enough antinatalist public floggings in Minecraft.


I re-read your message, and still. You're wrong about things, I am not someone who likes to pump out babies and just get married under AN XTARD WEDDING. I'm someone who knows what's going on with the world, had mingled and even had backgrounds of studying and playing with foreigners since childhood and I would like to say that not all behavioral sets are entitled to race. Family used to be rich until bankruptcy broke them so early in my childhood that father turned insane and abusive, then died early hahah.

I was taught by this globalist jungle world which gave me many blessings and curses but most of all, I thank the JoS for being more of blessings than curses(Admit it, the old JoS is context to what I meant here). It's not like we all here are busy pursuing a certain godhead one day and in the meanwhile working for a better flow of things for the world with everything we are doing here after all.

It's also the era of information, so your claims on non-whites will not last so long.

MINGLED!???!?!?! FUCK!!! WAIT!!!!! Know that this word is used most of the time to mean coexisting when I even put it in context of chidhood so no race mixing happened or THAT'S PEDO BULLSHIT. FUCK RACE MIXING and SCREW what stupid "science" has done to this world.
Henu the Great said:
Wildfire said:
Abyssos said:
Non-whites don't waste time on mental illnesses like this, they just get married and pump out babies. They don't think about finances, being ready, being mature, or any of that crap.

Well too bad, behavioral characteristics don't always stick with races, it is built by background. Who taught you psychology and sociology?
Based on the level of his posts I am surprised if he even finished high school. If he did, he was average at best.


Turns out she has a boyfriend, and I am happy for her. I did not need to have a mental virus of "OOOH, THIS GIRL HAS SOME CRUSH ON WILDFIRE CUZ HE LOOK ADORBS!!! *A million scooby doo laughs*" running around my peer of outsider friends. At the same time, I have learned SO MUCH about my social status...one I'm now some popular figurehead...and second is some asshole man-hating SJW seeking to ruin my life. (Oh boy here I go curse slinging again)

Well GREAT, I would be so interested in watching her try it and see what happens. :D She'll be getting the same treatment every radical feminist commie is going to get, getting exposed and ultimately trolled for her sexism until she changes and leaving that twisted ideology.

But anyway, I am so thankful this nonsensical derision has finally ended.
Wildfire said:
According to what I have learned about biology, most genetic information passed down to an offspring is from the female.

I can confirm this with my own family.
Wildfire said:

Well GREAT, I would be so interested in watching her try it and see what happens. :D She'll be getting the same treatment every radical feminist commie is going to get, getting exposed and ultimately trolled for her sexism until she changes and leaving that twisted ideology.

But anyway, I am so thankful this nonsensical derision has finally ended.

Wait, how did she started to hate you? Also, congrats on your academic success.
RockSeed13 said:
Wildfire said:

Well GREAT, I would be so interested in watching her try it and see what happens. :D She'll be getting the same treatment every radical feminist commie is going to get, getting exposed and ultimately trolled for her sexism until she changes and leaving that twisted ideology.

But anyway, I am so thankful this nonsensical derision has finally ended.

Wait, how did she started to hate you? Also, congrats on your academic success.

That's someone else, a friend of hers who literally attempted to stab me in PE the entire case got my school to bring up metal detector guards. That leftist was found out and no longer in school after they investigated her to be an NPA sleeper cell and somehow, I caught her attention being...just me lmao.
Wildfire said:
RockSeed13 said:
Wildfire said:

Well GREAT, I would be so interested in watching her try it and see what happens. :D She'll be getting the same treatment every radical feminist commie is going to get, getting exposed and ultimately trolled for her sexism until she changes and leaving that twisted ideology.

But anyway, I am so thankful this nonsensical derision has finally ended.

Wait, how did she started to hate you? Also, congrats on your academic success.

That's someone else, a friend of hers who literally attempted to stab me in PE the entire case got my school to bring up metal detector guards. That leftist was found out and no longer in school after they investigated her to be an NPA sleeper cell and somehow, I caught her attention being...just me lmao.

Probably a crypto-jew that sensed that you are a satanist.
RockSeed13 said:
Wildfire said:
RockSeed13 said:
Wait, how did she started to hate you? Also, congrats on your academic success.

That's someone else, a friend of hers who literally attempted to stab me in PE the entire case got my school to bring up metal detector guards. That leftist was found out and no longer in school after they investigated her to be an NPA sleeper cell and somehow, I caught her attention being...just me lmao.

Probably a crypto-jew that sensed that you are a satanist.

Wildfire said:
Abyssos said:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thank you, but I'm into finishing college with HIGHEST HONORS and getting some ~400K digits job first instead of sending myself to a shitty place later. :D And also earning myself totally safe grounds FIRST. Yes, this mentalcel needs to keep his screwed genes that could carry yet another hot-tempered troublemaker like me out of existence.

You don’t want to share it with a cling on?! Maybe she will become sterilized like you. Bet this ritual would do half the job.
Sundara said:
Wildfire said:
Abyssos said:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thank you, but I'm into finishing college with HIGHEST HONORS and getting some ~400K digits job first instead of sending myself to a shitty place later. :D And also earning myself totally safe grounds FIRST. Yes, this mentalcel needs to keep his screwed genes that could carry yet another hot-tempered troublemaker like me out of existence.

You don’t want to share it with a cling on?! Maybe she will become sterilized like you. Bet this ritual would do half the job.

Bro, calm the fuck down. Not everyone's deserving of a family and I am one of that category. I'm still an ass person trying to fix his damn ass life here. Kapeesh? :roll:
Wildfire said:
Bro, calm the fuck down. Not everyone's deserving of a family and I am one of that category. I'm still an ass person trying to fix his damn ass life here. Kapeesh? :roll:
You're still young. Have another look at family related matters after reaching thirties.

And in this case, the person you replied as a bro is actually a Sister. :)
Henu the Great said:
Wildfire said:
Bro, calm the fuck down. Not everyone's deserving of a family and I am one of that category. I'm still an ass person trying to fix his damn ass life here. Kapeesh? :roll:
You're still young. Have another look at family related matters after reaching thirties.

And in this case, the person you replied as a bro is actually a Sister. :)

*Screeches in gender confusion in Peter Griffin's voice* WHAT EVEN IS MY REALITY ANYMORE!?!?!??!
Henu the Great said:
Wildfire said:
Bro, calm the fuck down. Not everyone's deserving of a family and I am one of that category. I'm still an ass person trying to fix his damn ass life here. Kapeesh? :roll:
You're still young. Have another look at family related matters after reaching thirties.

And in this case, the person you replied as a bro is actually a Sister. :)

>Is a 23 YO man working like balls in poverty and studying for bachelors degree in [NEXT GEN TECH IN FUTURE ARMS INDUSTRY CAREER].


Wildfire said:
>Is a 23 YO man working like balls in poverty and studying for bachelors degree in [NEXT GEN TECH IN FUTURE ARMS INDUSTRY CAREER].


Yes. You have not reached your first Saturn return yet. I consider people in their teens and twenties being young.
Henu the Great said:
Wildfire said:
>Is a 23 YO man working like balls in poverty and studying for bachelors degree in [NEXT GEN TECH IN FUTURE ARMS INDUSTRY CAREER].


Yes. You have not reached your first Saturn return yet. I consider people in their teens and twenties being young.

Yep, and I recently went insane again because some guy posted stuff about tate and without thinking I treated him like it was exposing JoS intrusion all over again. Now I see another effect of getting a bit popular in college, it gets on my nerves to be around people. This is truly some trauma and some imbalanced elements case, well this is a big problem.

I never meant for things to turn out like this, never wanted to turn against my brothers and sisters like some stupid animal. Now I know what all those anti-revenge coincidences meant in my life.
Henu the Great said:
Wildfire said:
>Is a 23 YO man working like balls in poverty and studying for bachelors degree in [NEXT GEN TECH IN FUTURE ARMS INDUSTRY CAREER].


Yes. You have not reached your first Saturn return yet. I consider people in their teens and twenties being young.

Oh well, now I see why I better stop hurting myself now. There's this me who's too stubborn to listen to my reason it's annoying.
Wildfire said:
Sundara said:
Wildfire said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thank you, but I'm into finishing college with HIGHEST HONORS and getting some ~400K digits job first instead of sending myself to a shitty place later. :D And also earning myself totally safe grounds FIRST. Yes, this mentalcel needs to keep his screwed genes that could carry yet another hot-tempered troublemaker like me out of existence.

You don’t want to share it with a cling on?! Maybe she will become sterilized like you. Bet this ritual would do half the job.

Bro, calm the fuck down. Not everyone's deserving of a family and I am one of that category. I'm still an ass person trying to fix his damn ass life here. Kapeesh? :roll:

An intelligent, hardworking, and devoted person like you is deserving of starting a family compared to others who are deadbeats, drunkard, and immature. The Philippines need more potential fathers like you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
