I'm not trying to bust your chops. But what you describe sounds interesting.
It's interesting because unless past lives or some current life interaction with drugs and or spirituality. Your basically stating a noticeable number of people around you are open to such levels. Frankly I find it hard to imagine these mostly Christian/Catholic people are like that. I know this might sound retarded but are you implying that despite Xtianity trying to remove the spirituality out of the person. Some people if anything the opposite occurs they become more spiritual as they resist or possibly delve deeper into xtianity?
I have had the thought of do people who go to church experience spiritual awakenings despite using the enemy method to advance. Kinda like Judeo-bolshevik systems like certain occult groups delving into Angel magic and sigil magic and whatnot. Or like the usual new agers.
TeachMeErebokinesis said:
I guess when I'm visualising cleaning myself or spinning my chakras, other people can see those visualisations and they complain so am I doing it wrong?
https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Closing_Chakras.html Might want to try that out before voiding. And please don't ask me how to close the center anahata chakra as I don't know myself. For anyone who is reading this how is the center anahata closed? Is it pulled apart and closed base to base and put back together or does the anahata remain open all the time.
Well the fact your using white-gold to clean yourself both Aura and Chakras or spinning your chakras does mean that such visualizations are occurring around you. If a being of higher power saw you "He/She would notice your glow". But other people I mean without saying anything you seem to live in somewhere whereby some people can see it a lot. Seems strange you live in a hotbed of spiritually attuned people. I've never had a person state "Hey stop spinning those pyramid things in you it's weird" or "Hey why are you glowing like Gold or something it's weird stop it".
BTW F-RTR, your doing it, as you said. Well the question becomes are you performing Returning Curses Pt1. For now avoid Part 2 216 Surya since you may want to wait till the future depending on the person 216 is a lot. But you are reciting the prayer calling in a demon and cleaning yourself with Returning Curses sloughing light ball, F-RTR after cleaning energy sloughing ball, and also the method to clean out the gunk from 7 major centerline chakras a energy ball pushing out filth 5-25 repetitions. Plus basic Aura/Chakra cleaning 1 or more minutes. Always call the demon to assist so you clean better.
https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12482&start=100 Dahaarkan's Gifs.
Also for auras of protection you could incorporate basic white-gold: I am breathing in power protective energies. These energies are building an aura of protection around me. This aura protects me at all times, in every way. Plus the Solar version just breath in Solar protective white-gold and state: I am breathing in powerful protective energies from the Sun. Rest of affirmation. Also absorbing protective energies from the sun: My aura is absorbing protective energies from the sun when I am outside each time I breath.
Another good one is: You want/need protection:
Breathe in powerful white-gold light. With the inhale breathe it in to meet in the middle of your body, packing it in brighter and brighter. With the exhale, keep expanding it. The energy should grow brighter and brighter.
Affirm: My aura is very powerful and is protecting me at all times.
This a good exercise to be done on a regular basis, for building a strong, protective energy field.
Finally you can also after fully clean visualize white-gold light and state x3: I am always safe, secure, protected, and fine in every way and at all times. Finally you can finish off with a modified returning curses pt.2 affirmation x3: My aura is constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling any and all negative energies, curses, bindings, hatred, ill will, thoughtforms, and destructive energies direct at me and is immediately returning these directly right back to the senders.
Anyways to return to your question. They complain so what? Just ignore them. I mean really does a person who glows seem that weird?
Although frankly the way you state things seems like literally they see as if spirituality was common as apple pie and they are like "WTF are you doing glowing".