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AC, AP in the mind?


New member
Jun 16, 2018
Okay so I managed to reach the state of being in the moment and was able to see myself in the mirror...I see that I was dirty in my soul, I was black and my face was sorta warping sideways becoming ugly...so if I'm always in my mind and I'm doing the rtrs ,aura of cleaning, and aura protection...does that mean that they're not valid?( I've been doing these for a month before having the experience described above) how do I close my mind? Even if I do void people around me can hear noises that I hear, telepathically. So even if I'm quiet, I annoy people telepathically because they hear what I hear
But how can others hear what you hear, if people aren't spiritually advanced for that kind of capacity?

How do you know they don't just chalk it up to their own imagination or their mind running wild as with the average person?

I hate to implant ideas into your head but have you ever tried to state in your mind "Hey random person can you hear my thoughts talking to you if so open up your mouth and say "I hear you"?

Pardon the disrespect I'm not trying to attack you. I just find it strange you state "they" hear you, most people people can't hear such things without they themselves delving into the occult sciences.

Also while many activities are done mentally and even some people delved into the topic of mental kaballah. The fact of the matter is the act of opening your mouth and stating an RTR or vibrating a word of power is to bring the as below effect, to the as above effect.

In other words vocal physical kaballah > mental kaballah. So your imprinting both a physical and a spiritual effect with your voice. While that is true for mental kaballah it doesn't resonate out in the World like the mental capacity of a being of higher power.

It's not wrong, malefic, or invalid. Just it's lesser, something occurred just not as prominent as opening your mouth and reciting something.
Not to burst ya bubble but yes "they" most being Christian's and Catholics... Alot of peoet are advanced but they stay silent about it, wouldn't you? Im as low as suicide to escape my own mind cause I annoy everyone probably like within a block in a half away... I know this because my aunt like down the block and she heard me so I'm sure everyone else can but they just mind their business. If you think you're special for studying the basics, you're wrong cause alot of people are at that level. I just happened to break their silence with my annoying mind
Also what I meant by my "in mind" is that when I speak the words out loud I hear myself speak and it kinda echos in my mind, and I guess when I'm visualising cleaning myself or spinning my chakras, other people can see those visualisations and they complain so am I doing it wrong? I found out that if my mind is open I can't be in the moment fully.. i feel im always a couple secounds behind
TeachMeErebokinesis said:
Also what I meant by my "in mind" is that when I speak the words out loud I hear myself speak and it kinda echos in my mind, and I guess when I'm visualising cleaning myself or spinning my chakras, other people can see those visualisations and they complain so am I doing it wrong? I found out that if my mind is open I can't be in the moment fully.. i feel im always a couple secounds behind
Look at yourself through the third eye by going into trance and see if you see the same things
I'm not trying to bust your chops. But what you describe sounds interesting.

It's interesting because unless past lives or some current life interaction with drugs and or spirituality. Your basically stating a noticeable number of people around you are open to such levels. Frankly I find it hard to imagine these mostly Christian/Catholic people are like that. I know this might sound retarded but are you implying that despite Xtianity trying to remove the spirituality out of the person. Some people if anything the opposite occurs they become more spiritual as they resist or possibly delve deeper into xtianity?

I have had the thought of do people who go to church experience spiritual awakenings despite using the enemy method to advance. Kinda like Judeo-bolshevik systems like certain occult groups delving into Angel magic and sigil magic and whatnot. Or like the usual new agers.

TeachMeErebokinesis said:
I guess when I'm visualising cleaning myself or spinning my chakras, other people can see those visualisations and they complain so am I doing it wrong?

https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Closing_Chakras.html Might want to try that out before voiding. And please don't ask me how to close the center anahata chakra as I don't know myself. For anyone who is reading this how is the center anahata closed? Is it pulled apart and closed base to base and put back together or does the anahata remain open all the time.

Well the fact your using white-gold to clean yourself both Aura and Chakras or spinning your chakras does mean that such visualizations are occurring around you. If a being of higher power saw you "He/She would notice your glow". But other people I mean without saying anything you seem to live in somewhere whereby some people can see it a lot. Seems strange you live in a hotbed of spiritually attuned people. I've never had a person state "Hey stop spinning those pyramid things in you it's weird" or "Hey why are you glowing like Gold or something it's weird stop it".

BTW F-RTR, your doing it, as you said. Well the question becomes are you performing Returning Curses Pt1. For now avoid Part 2 216 Surya since you may want to wait till the future depending on the person 216 is a lot. But you are reciting the prayer calling in a demon and cleaning yourself with Returning Curses sloughing light ball, F-RTR after cleaning energy sloughing ball, and also the method to clean out the gunk from 7 major centerline chakras a energy ball pushing out filth 5-25 repetitions. Plus basic Aura/Chakra cleaning 1 or more minutes. Always call the demon to assist so you clean better.

https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12482&start=100 Dahaarkan's Gifs.

Also for auras of protection you could incorporate basic white-gold: I am breathing in power protective energies. These energies are building an aura of protection around me. This aura protects me at all times, in every way. Plus the Solar version just breath in Solar protective white-gold and state: I am breathing in powerful protective energies from the Sun. Rest of affirmation. Also absorbing protective energies from the sun: My aura is absorbing protective energies from the sun when I am outside each time I breath.

Another good one is: You want/need protection:
Breathe in powerful white-gold light. With the inhale breathe it in to meet in the middle of your body, packing it in brighter and brighter. With the exhale, keep expanding it. The energy should grow brighter and brighter.
Affirm: My aura is very powerful and is protecting me at all times.
This a good exercise to be done on a regular basis, for building a strong, protective energy field.

Finally you can also after fully clean visualize white-gold light and state x3: I am always safe, secure, protected, and fine in every way and at all times. Finally you can finish off with a modified returning curses pt.2 affirmation x3: My aura is constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling any and all negative energies, curses, bindings, hatred, ill will, thoughtforms, and destructive energies direct at me and is immediately returning these directly right back to the senders.

Anyways to return to your question. They complain so what? Just ignore them. I mean really does a person who glows seem that weird?

Although frankly the way you state things seems like literally they see as if spirituality was common as apple pie and they are like "WTF are you doing glowing".
Na it's mostly stuff like "leave that alone you look disgusting" or "leave that alone idiot" or "stop being stupid" mostly they "say stop talking retard" and while I'm imagining stuff they say "close your mind retard" "forget about your mind" And I guess they awaken while trying to sleep as they go in a trance naturally. Imagine having christian or Catholic beliefs and awakening, you'd probably have these beliefs on another level like you would imagine Satan and his demons. I thought this was interesting too that alot of people are awakened but they don't mess with all that, they are basically in endless void. I live in the Los Angeles
Na it's mostly stuff like "leave that alone you look disgusting" or "leave that alone idiot" or "stop being stupid" mostly they "say stop talking retard" and while I'm imagining stuff they say "close your mind retard" "forget about your mind" And I guess they awaken while trying to sleep as they go in a trance naturally. Imagine having christian or Catholic beliefs and awakening, you'd probably have these beliefs on another level like you would imagine Satan and his demons. I thought this was interesting too that alot of people are awakened but they don't mess with all that, they are basically in endless void. I live in the Los Angeles
Also most of the people on my block can astrial project cause I can see them as blurrs and I know it's them cause I hear em talk...but I'm not even full "awake" or that's what they say, "how can he see" "how can he hear" "he's asleep" so I think it's kinda crazy how most are Christianity Catholics
Have you ever thought it might be the enemy?

I don't think for most things it's the enemy but sounds to me like all these voices returning back their message. Sounds negative, just an idea.

My best guess is, if your stating this is you are really awaken and lucky to have such spiritual prowess. It seems to bring out negativity in people. I'd personally say ignore them and let them cuck themselves with their xtain bullshit.

Also astral projecting thing is interesting. Sounds kinda like a cool experience without delving into the negatives. But it's really interesting.

BTW though I'm not saying to state this or state your religion. I'm sure some people are open to this kind of thing. Even astral projection is no mystery to others if they know just a bit about it. Like for example it's stated on average about 50 million people a year experience a conscious effect of astral projection without any intent to do so.

Oh and BTW these astral projections they do. Conscious or through falling asleep and pulling out at the time of deepening in sleep?

Yes very strange you live in a hotbed of activity with xtians. Seems to me like these people don't appreciate their natural or perhaps learned abilities. It's funny they probably chalk it up to devilish temptations when it's simply a natural by product of the soul.

Strange guess some people just want to be cucks.

Anyways TMEB: Keep up the good work. Just try and lift yourself up from negativity. I can't help further was just intrigued by your living and it's surroundings. I hope a member helps you also don't be shy about asking Satan for assistance. It might seem like your annoying him but I'm sure he can guide you to somethings.

BTW what about your own delving into advanced practices like Astral projection or telepathic stuff. Is it good for you? do you feel happy despite people kinda spitting on you so to speak?

How do you feel?
Im sure it's not the enemy, I'm 100 percent sure it's neighbors and family
for astrial projection, I can almost do it but it feels like I'm stretching my upper body but then i see this black cloud that acts like a force pushing me back towards my body or holding me so I don't go any further then I go back to just dreaming.
Seeing astrial projectors while im still in my physical body is kinda annoying cause I feel I have no privacy and those lil Gray's aliens peaking at me from my door then disappearing make me paranoid of being abducted or attacked by em.
I have a strong unconfort with having thoughts or using my imagination to see images or remember things I've seen because everyone on my block can see it or most...that I've developed a heavy anxiety when having alot of energy and start having this self sabotaging/destructive thought pattern
I feel I'm the one who's crazy/ a pussy because I can't handle all of this :// or control my mind when I get to high up there
Whoever it is (neighbours, family, whoever)
Fuck them man, from what you said they are hurting you, causing you to experience negativity and basically dumb you down. Fuck them for real, advance and get your revenge on those fuckers, ignore them and fight back. Good luck man!
You might lack fire (element), once you get advanced a bit you can try invoking it. Its going to help you with a lot of things and especially this kind of bs.
Genie said:
You might lack fire (element), once you get advanced a bit you can try invoking it. Its going to help you with a lot of things and especially this kind of bs.

He can do the elements at his level, just akasha. Akasha is totally safe, it contains the primordial element and thus all five elements including itself. Which automatically split up into the unbalanced element. Say you lack fire it'll turn into fire and balance out. Really just work with akasha for a long time and it'll help later when you do breath in the elements.

You can even breath in and vibrate AAA-KKK-AAA-SHH-AAA, in obscene amounts and it's fine.

Affirmation wise you may not have to use one but it's better to use one if you feel like it, would be: "My elements are in eternal balance in the most happiest and most beneficial way for me".

It's a nice affirmation some might want to strengthen the elements. Could do: "My elements are in eternal amplification and balance in the most happiest and most beneficial way for me".

Just avoid doing the elements themselves besides Akasha. It's not wrong to mess with the elements cause everyone is different and there are safe ways of doing it such as 2-3 breaths and/or breathing in then releasing out the element back into the ether and/or breathing out more of the element in other words, take a few out breaths more, releasing more of the element. All of these are safety precautions if you wish to not hold the element in and learn it at a faster pace.
TeachMeErebokinesis said:
Im sure it's not the enemy, I'm 100 percent sure it's neighbors and family
for astrial projection, I can almost do it but it feels like I'm stretching my upper body but then i see this black cloud that acts like a force pushing me back towards my body or holding me so I don't go any further then I go back to just dreaming.
Seeing astrial projectors while im still in my physical body is kinda annoying cause I feel I have no privacy and those lil Gray's aliens peaking at me from my door then disappearing make me paranoid of being abducted or attacked by em.
I have a strong unconfort with having thoughts or using my imagination to see images or remember things I've seen because everyone on my block can see it or most...that I've developed a heavy anxiety when having alot of energy and start having this self sabotaging/destructive thought pattern
I feel I'm the one who's crazy/ a pussy because I can't handle all of this :// or control my mind when I get to high up there

It sounds like a lot of the negative experiences you're describing are enemy attacks. Especially if you're seeing greys on a regular basis. And, unless people are physically responding to your "telepathic communication", it very honestly could just be paranoia or enemy intrusive thoughts. It's just a plain fact that a lot of diluted Christians and Catholics are not open enough for two way telepathic communication. From my understanding the higher ups have spiritual knowledge, that is why they call humans "cattle". They keep them closed spirituality by removal of knowledge.
Of course I can't say for sure but they definitely seem like they're causing trouble for you. Along with the other advice here, learn to have control over your mind, do the rtrs, and returning curses pt one and two daily.
TeachMeErebokinesis said:
Im sure it's not the enemy, I'm 100 percent sure it's neighbors and family
for astrial projection, I can almost do it but it feels like I'm stretching my upper body but then i see this black cloud that acts like a force pushing me back towards my body or holding me so I don't go any further then I go back to just dreaming.
Seeing astrial projectors while im still in my physical body is kinda annoying cause I feel I have no privacy and those lil Gray's aliens peaking at me from my door then disappearing make me paranoid of being abducted or attacked by em.
I have a strong unconfort with having thoughts or using my imagination to see images or remember things I've seen because everyone on my block can see it or most...that I've developed a heavy anxiety when having alot of energy and start having this self sabotaging/destructive thought pattern
I feel I'm the one who's crazy/ a pussy because I can't handle all of this :// or control my mind when I get to high up there

It sounds like a lot of the negative experiences you're describing are enemy attacks. Especially if you're seeing greys on a regular basis. And, unless people are physically responding to your "telepathic communication", it very honestly could just be paranoia or enemy intrusive thoughts. It's just a plain fact that a lot of diluted Christians and Catholics are not open enough for two way telepathic communication. From my understanding the higher ups have spiritual knowledge, that is why they call humans "cattle". They keep them closed spirituality by removal of knowledge.
Of course I can't say for sure but they definitely seem like they're causing trouble for you. Along with the other advice here, learn to have control over your mind, do the rtrs, and returning curses pt one and two daily.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
