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About When 12 Year Olds Start Robbing Like It's Nothing - News Of Mass Shootings

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Recently, we are witnessing in the United States a lot of mass shootings, murders, killings, but also a lot of atrocious crimes that make people question their own sanity. One rather disturbing video is a child at about 12 years old, robbing randomly a store.

As you might have seen, we have lessened considerably the amount of news like this we bring on this board, but one cannot leave this situation especially as of late unaddressed. It's reaching proportions that are too big.

Many are sitting there shocked that so many things like this happen to our society at this point in time, and at loss of seeing what the solution is.

We are no strangers to these events as a society, unfortunately. We are also not strangers in living in denial as to why these events happen. We have been grown into this denial, and we are being sold false solutions that don't amount to anything.

Yes, most of the United States is sane. The enemy constantly tries to project that we are a Nation of murderers and mass shooters, but that is only a result of psychological manipulation. They want to manipulate us into becoming this very Nation.

For every 1 single person that is insane, they blame 320+ million people, that they are all insane, cruel and evil. To remove the rights of a Nation over 3 or 10 people, and their incidental insanity, is as saying that you will forcibly quarantine the whole world over a few thousand cases in 320 million people.

But wait, we are doing all of this.

Even if it defies all human logic we have done this. And the above, is how you my fellow citizens, ladies and gentlemen know that we are living in a crazy dictatorship of the mind and spirit. When one person dressed as a clown, is costing the rights of a whole Nation, this means that we equate the free, the normal citizens, the hardworking citizens, all with this clown - in fact, we put this clown on the highest pedestal, and remove the rights of all other citizens.

And that is called a mindless way to become a dictatorship of the mind and spirit. We are being lied to and deceived on a consistent basis. Thankfully, much of the populace has caught wind of this.

The same goes for mental health, taking care of one another - we are being lied about everything - lied about acceptance, lied about human nature, lied about ourselves.

Human beings, if left in hopelessness, turmoil, anxiety and fear, children that are left alone with no caretakers, left to be grown by a hostile enemy culture and hostile forces, become what the world is witnessing today.

Now, many people who are foolish, state that because of these behaviors, disarmament of the populace is necessary. That is wrong. Not only are these people enemies of freedom, but they also do not want to address the deeper underlying problem: The loss of culture.

Jews sitting in positions of power, do not want to address any of this. They want our collective fall to accelerate. For those of you who are psychic and observant, you can see, that most of these "shootings" and "killings" happen either on Kabbalistic dates [manifestations of curses] or in the exact situations where the enemy rears their ugly head spiritually.

They are there, in the first place, because people lack power and understanding. They want to rule over the lowest and the stupidest of human beings, and they do everything in their power to make humanity as weak, servile and foolish as possible. The thought of a free citizen scares them.

In Ancient Sparta, in the very same age that people call a dangerous age, the so called "Children" of 12, were able to butcher, by the power of their hands and since they were armed, many people. Yet, this never occurred in all of the history of Sparta.

It did not occur in Athens or in the most drunken places, not that we know of, and certainly, if said event would occur, it would immediately be addressed not by disarmament, but by instantaneous cultural attention and changing of one's errant ways. And of course, by the just imprisonment of the people involved.

One of the reasons of this too, was that the moment someone would even remotely consider of going into such an ape-rage, there would be a hundred people around that could kill them almost within a few seconds...So they would mind their chances of immediate death in front of causing a situation like this.

These people would be in schools, and average citizens, and the offender would have no idea from where death was going to come.

Simply speaking, we must not ask ourselves how weak we have become. Weak to manage our children and show them the goodness of the heart and instill kindness in them, weak to address our emotional states when we feel weak, weak to give love to our children and a hug so that all children feel accepted, and don't have to resort to theft and murder to get basic things.

This has to be reversed, or Clown World will inevitably continue until it's final conclusion which is downfall and recreation of society.

This is the price a civilization pays for it's abandonment. In regards to those who say removing guns is the solution, murder and crime can occur and will occur even with wooden and plastic forks, if we keep going down this situation where the Western Culture is going.

We have deserted our children and allowed them to be grown by the hostile culture of jews in TV. We have rewarded people who preach about and bragged about killing other people for no reason, and the jews have made a certainty that "cool" culture is culture that promotes senseless killing.

We no longer talk about bravery, and the bravery it takes to have self control, but we talk a lot about percocet and how people kill while on it. Certain artists have stopped doing this and with good reason.

Jews come from behind and reward these people lavishly, but Jews close the ears of their own children against all of this. Meanwhile, angry White and Black boys in the United States are going to listen to how you must rob a store to get a pair of shoes, because Biden is so senile that the hardworking parents of this boy cannot buy them a pair of shoes or causes baby food shortages.

As people are led in desperation, we witness a financial meltdown over a literal flu that people were too scared to "address". The level of weakness has rose too high. We need to change this effective immediately, or we will be swamped.

The above not being enough, we have Jesus freaks and other foolish escapists, who believe they became the best friends of "God", not by becoming an incarnation of the so called higher understanding that "God" was supposed to have, but acting in the most stupid way. The rest of America that is watching this, no longer wants to entertain the hoax of Christ, because it really has served us nowhere.

Jesus hoax people will once again complain about anything that is happening, and once again run to the Jews who caused all of this cultural downfall in the first place, and their master Jew who has generated their worst species of humans as a cattle manager that we have seen in centuries. They will preach meekness, confusion and decay, and then wonder why the product of our society is as it is.

We know about this conduct of "Christianity": it causes only war, and produces only inner problems, hangups, hate and misery.

Logic has to return to this world, but also fairness. You don't open your National borders for infinite influx, unless you have at least settled to a baseline level of existence most of your people, psychologically and materially. In the West, logic has progressively slipping out of people's minds. But from where does any logic or emotion begin? It begins from us.

For one, every decade we look prior, it starts looking as a less decadent decade. This is a sign that our civilization has entered a twilight zone, primarily caused by the influences of the enemy. There are no real people that sit on any office today and want to solve the fundamental emotional problems that lead to all of this, and redesign a culture.

As time goes, people have to comprehend more about life. Despite our massive growth in the West, which many people compare to others, which is false and pointless to do, we must learn more about life.

The situation is showing to those who can see deep into the future, that Christianity and these outmoded system of jewish rulership are going to collapse. We are moving forward to better things. But as it appears, we can only manage the seeds of the final discord of humanity by holding the reins tighter, and not letting go.

We must not walk around and pretend it's normal for 12 year olds to be that lost and unloved they have to rob stores, and we must no longer pretend that this is acceptable, among other things, such as Censorship and disarmament of the populace. We have to not allow this to happen - we have to, in fact, address the core weaknesses of humanity. All we have to do is re-adopt our older culture, and let it work it's wonderful magick in giving us a better human being to work with.

I pray everyday Father Satan puts His hand above America, even if seemingly, half of it, attacks their own Ancestral Gods and praises the enemy. May the Gods have strong love and care for this Great Nation, that is now at the verge of going to the stars, yet at the same time, is the Nation where a 12 year old has to do a robbery to buy a pair of shoes...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

They will colonize Mars in 100 years. They have money for everything, but how scary it is for a child to try to commit armed robbery to buy shoes. The children are our future, which has shaken me deeply. The children are our everything.
And the SJWs and LGBTards of the globo-psycho world order have the right to quack about caring for children if their actions have done this. Let us not forget their drag queen pedo school shows they educate younger kids with. Makes me want to deal with * the assholes responsible for this if I were a parent seeing my kid get his mind butchered by those creepers that ruin gayness.

Drug culture is also a project of desensitization, as well how the news and events are designed, with the same purpose.

In a healthy human, by growing up with education, there's a positive way for "desensitization" to occur, at least to a level of where one is able to know reality and some brutal things that exist, and eventually become in control of their senses and reaction in an event of fight of flight. This is an aim of good judgement for defense, for protection. Both psychically and physically.

But how it is done in the world, this is with purpose from the jews. Desensitization is done for a slave mentality, for being subdued. For being indifferent, apathetic.

From the positive direction, of installing braveness and rage,alertness but with control, it is done opposite - no rage, no adrenaline no control.

One of my fears is for example to not cross my path to a criminal doing something "bad" to an innocent. I have trained and been in a lot of dangerous situations, confrontations, fights from knives to guns. I know I have the ability to "save" yet there's always a very high percentage of a life loss. This needs to be avoided at all costs.

There's also a problem the common people have, especially men. Men need to have the ability to perceive a threat from another male. There's been many times when I was a kid, as I had a long hair and looked innocent, for a group of guys 4 to even 10 years older than me come to bully, only for them to come with the police afterward at my house as I had them with broken teeth.

There are few times for example, when on the street, I felt a certain danger from a male. And this feeling is beyond dominance or whatever bullshit it is taught, it is about an ability, that needs to be awakened.

Being a Pluto, I've been beaten for example at 11 years old by a 35 years old dude. Luckily I didn't got stabbed as he wanted to. These things are lessons and in life, depending on the culture, place, you need to be aware and able to defend yourself. No matter your age. I have to tank for my father for putting me to do push ups and box when I was an infant.

Regardless, with respect for other humans comes also the ability to discriminate and judge. If you are a person who perceives himself above everyone, certainly it will come as a surprise the brutality of some things.
It is true that every decade we see before it is seem to be a less decadent. But that is a signal, a signal that the enemy is suffering and its using all his power to destroy us, enslave us again. We all know what is going to happen with them

I think this is exactly what the humanity needs to wake up, it is their ruin. They are just stepping on the lion's tail harder, oh but they do not know, this lion is mad as fuck and it will go for all of them at the right time

It is a proven fact that countries with restrictive laws towards guns have a higher percentage of gun-related criminality. Even within the United States of America, this is seen in states with more restrictive legislation. It has been proven that removing guns from the people does not improve anything, quite the contrary.

Then, these attacks are created purposefully, I do not doubt that some are deliberately ordered by the CIA more than likely, and some are the fruit of long term planning to corrupt society and turn everyone into a borg.

Having to work side by side with law enforcement authorities, I have seen much of this happen. The problem is exactly as described. Nobody gives a shit about anything anymore, you could get stabbed on the streets and nobody would come to rescue you, they would just stand there watching powerless because that's all that there is to them - emptiness, carelessness. Oftentimes the police is even seen as if they were the criminals, for doing their job... the enemy has really twisted values of justice and it has served them very well to corrupt and destroy our foundations.

There are no more Spartan Warriors among us anymore... which is why criminality runs rampant everywhere in the world. Not only society has no longer a sense of strenght, courage and justice, they are also powerless, scared and don't know how to defend themselves or others even if they somehow wanted to... Nazi Germany was the last known place to train and teach every single citizen to behave in such a way from a very young age. And the result stood before the whole world, the strongest Nation we have ever seen in recent history.

What is happening is not just in America. Shootings and robberies happen everywhere for the very same reason. But since the USA has become like a role model to the rest of the world, (((they))) try to project this false image into the world, soon every country will follow along wanting to tighten the grip even harder on gun ownership.

In my country some police officers, are not even allowed a 9mm caliber, I have seen police officers carry 6.35mm or not even carry a gun at all, or carry guns loaded with rubber bullets, imagine that, this absolutely outrageous. While criminals openly carry assault rifles, shotguns and all sorts of modified firearms and go unpunished more often than not.

When even the police can't use their guns, imagine the common citizen who just wants his family and property safe from savages. It is getting harder and harder to get guns and of course USA couldn't go unnoticed. These shootings every week are not a coincidence at all, but rather cohencidence... this is too obvious. Something big is about to happen and they don't want people to have a way to defend themselves.

Everyone should look into their law and find legal means to get whatever weapons they can get their hands on. If you can't have weapons for self defense like the people in USA then get either hunting licenses, shooting sports licenses, collector license etc, and take advantage of every law that allows you to own weapons. When shit hits the fan you will want to have firepower. Lots of it. Criminals will certainly have.
I am pro-arms and I think governments should give weapons to their citizens. Of course there must be rules and requirements. But there are two problems as far as citizens are concerned; many people have little self-control and therefore can get easily heated by not controlling their emotions and do many wrong things, the other problem is that many people think superficially and therefore may not understand that a politician is right and may want to kill him. What should the government do in this case? Call in the army to kill these unconscious people en masse?

As far as the government is concerned, it must be able to maintain its position and authority in society.

Justice and revenge are important but prevention is even more important. World powers say that artificial intelligence can stop crime. Some time ago I read about a possible solution with artificial intelligence, it was about calculation and data collection. However, external data collection is very limited, internal data collection should not be accepted because it opens the door to enslavement. I am referring to the technological invasion of people's brains in order to spy on them and threaten them directly, put advertisements and who knows what else inside.

I think the best thing for crime prevention is intuition. Authorities and law enforcement must also advance spiritually.

Some of my thoughts.
Sunny said:
I am pro-arms and I think governments should give weapons to their citizens. Of course there must be rules and requirements. But there are two problems as far as citizens are concerned; many people have little self-control and therefore can get easily heated by not controlling their emotions and do many wrong things, the other problem is that many people think superficially and therefore may not understand that a politician is right and may want to kill him. What should the government do in this case? Call in the army to kill these unconscious people en masse?

Practically speaking, Presidents are protected. The populace could never do any of this with any available equipment. There are some very serious security checks in any speech and anything like this. The populace also does not carry tanks around.

I too believe there should be stricter rules and many sanity checks. Even in Ancient civilizations, the weaponry present was not able to kill 40 people when one was simply an insane 15 year old. Now, weapons have changed drastically. The tiers of weapons should be controlled and the debate has become even more difficult.

At the same time, if people don't have the right to bear arms, the fact that the Government can brutalize people en masse is still the case. Yet, with already existing weaponry, nobody can really fight against a tank or the invasion of fully trained troops as it were. So a new balance has to be found.

Removing all tier of weaponry is just leaving the populace defenseless, not only against the so called Government, but also against invading hoards etc. One can save their property by firing twice on the air, or shooting an invader on the legs.
Was also in hungary a major shootout.
I translate the story(Deepl Translator):
The mass brawl that ended in the Kerepesi shoot-out showed exactly how the liberal Hungarian justice system is a complete failure. Last week, as you know, nearly a hundred members of two families in the Pest county town of Kerepes got into a fight and started shooting. Order was finally restored only when the TEK(Terror elhárító központ,in english:Counter Terrorism Centre) units arrived. Amazingly, only three people were arrested and are now at large.

It is the strong opinion of Our Homeland(MHM-Mi Hazánk Mozgalom) that in such a case the authorities must show strength and not release the alleged perpetrators, because this sends out the message that they can do anything. This case also shows - and only Our Homeland(MHM) dares to say this - that there are no-go zones in our country, as this was not the first serious crime in the Kerepesi ghetto. After an earlier police action, the mayor was threatened with being shot and the local policeman was chased with a machete.

If the state can apply zero tolerance to motorists, it is time to do the same for criminals! The state should enforce the will of the law-abiding majority and immediately place the Kerepesi suspects in custody!

Zoltán Pakusza, Vice-President of the MHM(Mi Hazánk Mozgalom).

The two families of course they were gypsies. :lol: :lol:
Source of the article
Here is a video of it

About the MHM(Mi Hazánk Mozgalom):My signature:Hungary through Satanic eye or This.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I pray everyday Father Satan puts His hand above America, even if seemingly, half of it, attacks their own Ancestral Gods and praises the enemy. May the Gods have strong love and care for this Great Nation, that is now at the verge of going to the stars.
I hope that Satan and the Gods will give back to Hungary the territories taken away by the Trianon peace treaty,because we lost the WW1,together with the Germans(which involved Hitler{if I remember correctly he was a corporal}).
İn nation states(in countries), "which city belongs to where" is determined by the majority living in the city. Not by conquering.(Anatolian Division)
Only I added this:(in countries).
Source of the quote

Moreover, they did not take the Hungarian lands from us by conquest,but with the Treaty of Trianon given to other nations.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sunny said:
I am pro-arms and I think governments should give weapons to their citizens. Of course there must be rules and requirements. But there are two problems as far as citizens are concerned; many people have little self-control and therefore can get easily heated by not controlling their emotions and do many wrong things, the other problem is that many people think superficially and therefore may not understand that a politician is right and may want to kill him. What should the government do in this case? Call in the army to kill these unconscious people en masse?

Practically speaking, Presidents are protected. The populace could never do any of this with any available equipment. There are some very serious security checks in any speech and anything like this. The populace also does not carry tanks around.

I too believe there should be stricter rules and many sanity checks. Even in Ancient civilizations, the weaponry present was not able to kill 40 people when one was simply an insane 15 year old. Now, weapons have changed drastically. The tiers of weapons should be controlled and the debate has become even more difficult.

At the same time, if people don't have the right to bear arms, the fact that the Government can brutalize people en masse is still the case. Yet, with already existing weaponry, nobody can really fight against a tank or the invasion of fully trained troops as it were. So a new balance has to be found.

Removing all tier of weaponry is just leaving the populace defenseless, not only against the so called Government, but also against invading hoards etc. One can save their property by firing twice on the air, or shooting an invader on the legs.

Yes, citizens should not be helpless and powerless. They must be powerful mentally, materially and spiritually.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I pray everyday Father Satan puts His hand above America, even if seemingly, half of it, attacks their own Ancestral Gods and praises the enemy. May the Gods have strong love and care for this Great Nation, that is now at the verge of going to the stars.

I hope that Satan and the Gods will give back to Hungary the territories taken away by the Trianon peace treaty,because we lost the WW1,together with the Germans(which involved Hitler{if I remember correctly he was a corporal}).
İn nation states(in countries), "which city belongs to where" is determined by the majority living in the city. Not by conquering.(Anatolian Division)
Only I added this:(in countries).
Source of the quote

Moreover, they did not take the Hungarian lands from us by conquest,but with the Treaty of Trianon given to other nations.

And take them from "whom"? Since when we are talking about "Land", we are talking about the displacement of another racial cousin with whom you are talking about almost a 99.999% genetic similarity.

Every person asking for their "Territories" back, and the next thing you know, half of the White world is going to die in the disputes. The "ego" will again stand in the way, and the jew will happily fund us all again to kill each other for literally no reason other than the cockiness of a few brats. If jews wouldn't have influence by then, we would ruin ourselves like we have done repeatedly in the past.

These situations will be forcibly stopped in the future. We will ensure that no White will kill another White ever again in large scale wars, and those who do not comply, will be destroyed and their souls will be ruined permanently.

All of this will not exist the more we get closer to the Gods. The further away people are from them, they will all go back again into this same loop, which is why we are here in the first place. We are stuck on earth right now and not interplanatery because the jew focused all their resources in dividing and pumpering false egotism in Gentiles.

Jews have not really had "Civil Wars" if you haven't noticed, nor intra-racial wars of extermination. They only have disputes at best. All the world's greatest empires have fell because of the repetition of this practice of war, war, war.

Hitler tried everything to avoid the second world war, after the fake treaties were addressed. Then, the next thing you know, they rush us into yet another "war". Oh, gotta undo the other Treaty, and then the other Treaty, and then this other Treaty, and now everyone has bowed knee to the jew because the big ego didn't end up very well.

Those from Europe who also just try to enforce these on others, might also pay the price of shrinking, defeat, and eventual disappearance of their culture from the earth. Even Hitler wanted something like the European Union [this is a stolen and malformed idea from Adolf Hitler] wanting a fully united Europe militarily, while people retain their identities and keep going into the future in a co-operative manner. This is how the logic of race works, versus the logic of just "Nation".

The ideas of Nations are quite recent. The blood is the most important thing of all. You have much more in common than you know with a person born in just a country adjactent to you, than differences. Next lifetime, you could be in this Nation, but now, you are in Hungary. Because where the blood is, this is where the soul is. Nations have came and went like the wind...
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I pray everyday Father Satan puts His hand above America, even if seemingly, half of it, attacks their own Ancestral Gods and praises the enemy. May the Gods have strong love and care for this Great Nation, that is now at the verge of going to the stars.
I hope that Satan and the Gods will give back to Hungary the territories taken away by the Trianon peace treaty,because we lost the WW1,together with the Germans(which involved Hitler{if I remember correctly he was a corporal}).
İn nation states(in countries), "which city belongs to where" is determined by the majority living in the city. Not by conquering.(Anatolian Division)
Only I added this:(in countries).
Source of the quote

Moreover, they did not take the Hungarian lands from us by conquest,but with the Treaty of Trianon given to other nations.

Territories right now are just treated like chess pieces by the jews, no one will benefit from a country's expansion.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I too believe there should be stricter rules and many sanity checks. Even in Ancient civilizations, the weaponry present was not able to kill 40 people when one was simply an insane 15 year old. Now, weapons have changed drastically. The tiers of weapons should be controlled and the debate has become even more difficult.

Then what do you think of the hardcore 2nd amendment types who take "Shall not be infringed" to it's complete conclusion? I still believe no current government can really be trusted with the power to define who is mentally ill enough to not have their own rights, as even simple systems that prevent people from concealed carry in states like California and New York have been abused so badly as to make it so difficult and time consuming to apply, and even then the reason of "I want to defend myself in the bad neighborhoods you've created" is not sufficient "reason" for these governments. I certainly can't trust any current system, but I have a hard time imagining even a noble government that wouldn't eventually abuse a power like that.
I've watched Tim Pool recently talk a lot about cultural change but unfortunately he's influenced by xians around him and thinks a xian culture is good but in his defense he's not very well educated in this stuff but at the least he's a sane person who seems to disagree with all the xian nonsense. He just stupidly thinks there's some salvageable things about it but it's honestly everything that was stolen from Pagan times.

Our RTRs have done their work in that it won't be xianity that people will run to this time. It does seem Gentiles are naturally remembering or wanting things that are normal for Gentile Pagans to have in our societies. They're keeping the same old weird xians and the other side recruiting weirdo anti whites for their leftist cult. Most people seem to want way more than what these two jewish nonsense solutions offer.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I pray everyday Father Satan puts His hand above America, even if seemingly, half of it, attacks their own Ancestral Gods and praises the enemy. May the Gods have strong love and care for this Great Nation, that is now at the verge of going to the stars.

I hope that Satan and the Gods will give back to Hungary the territories taken away by the Trianon peace treaty,because we lost the WW1,together with the Germans(which involved Hitler{if I remember correctly he was a corporal}).
İn nation states(in countries), "which city belongs to where" is determined by the majority living in the city. Not by conquering.(Anatolian Division)
Only I added this:(in countries).
Source of the quote

Moreover, they did not take the Hungarian lands from us by conquest,but with the Treaty of Trianon given to other nations.

And take them from "whom"? Since when we are talking about "Land", we are talking about the displacement of another racial cousin with whom you are talking about almost a 99.999% genetic similarity.

Every person asking for their "Territories" back, and the next thing you know, half of the White world is going to die in the disputes. The "ego" will again stand in the way, and the jew will happily fund us all again to kill each other for literally no reason other than the cockiness of a few brats. If jews wouldn't have influence by then, we would ruin ourselves like we have done repeatedly in the past.

These situations will be forcibly stopped in the future. We will ensure that no White will kill another White ever again in large scale wars, and those who do not comply, will be destroyed and their souls will be ruined permanently.

All of this will not exist the more we get closer to the Gods. The further away people are from them, they will all go back again into this same loop, which is why we are here in the first place. We are stuck on earth right now and not interplanatery because the jew focused all their resources in dividing and pumpering false egotism in Gentiles.

Jews have not really had "Civil Wars" if you haven't noticed, nor intra-racial wars of extermination. They only have disputes at best. All the world's greatest empires have fell because of the repetition of this practice of war, war, war.

Hitler tried everything to avoid the second world war, after the fake treaties were addressed. Then, the next thing you know, they rush us into yet another "war". Oh, gotta undo the other Treaty, and then the other Treaty, and then this other Treaty, and now everyone has bowed knee to the jew because the big ego didn't end up very well.

Those from Europe who also just try to enforce these on others, might also pay the price of shrinking, defeat, and eventual disappearance of their culture from the earth. Even Hitler wanted something like the European Union [this is a stolen and malformed idea from Adolf Hitler] wanting a fully united Europe militarily, while people retain their identities and keep going into the future in a co-operative manner. This is how the logic of race works, versus the logic of just "Nation".

The ideas of Nations are quite recent. The blood is the most important thing of all. You have much more in common than you know with a person born in just a country adjactent to you, than differences. Next lifetime, you could be in this Nation, but now, you are in Hungary. Because where the blood is, this is where the soul is. Nations have came and went like the wind...
This message to I consider it a gift.It was pretty bad and I feel silly,for you destroyed "my ego" with the truth,but at the same time I am still happy,that you spoke the truth.This is the racial interest a different perspective puts things and indeed much more higher ideological value,as the national.Actually almost all of the national movement xian and keeps people in the loop,while they think how free they are.Are in fact only contributing to their own destruction,instead of the national interest.It really only boosts the ego and ego is a sign of spiritual degradation.
To be honest speaking:with this your quote I feel so much further ahead(as if a little I would have grown spiritually,I am enlightened).

I do not want multiply words unnecessarily and I don't want to flatter for you HP,but thank you very much for you pointing out,you gave me a gift :arrow: with the truth(justice).
Hopefully I will grow out of it from this idiocy,which with this quote of yours have drastically facilitated.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I pray everyday Father Satan puts His hand above America, even if seemingly, half of it, attacks their own Ancestral Gods and praises the enemy. May the Gods have strong love and care for this Great Nation, that is now at the verge of going to the stars.
I hope that Satan and the Gods will give back to Hungary the territories taken away by the Trianon peace treaty,because we lost the WW1,together with the Germans(which involved Hitler{if I remember correctly he was a corporal}).
İn nation states(in countries), "which city belongs to where" is determined by the majority living in the city. Not by conquering.(Anatolian Division)
Only I added this:(in countries).
Source of the quote

Moreover, they did not take the Hungarian lands from us by conquest,but with the Treaty of Trianon given to other nations.
From the very beginning when I saw your profile appearing on the forum i knew there will be some territorial bullshit dispute.
Yes, yes i know the story. Your empire was big and sexy and now it's nothing more than a muddy water of it's former self.
But for Gods sake think before sprouting bullshit where you could made howl at each other based not on the present but what it was in the PAST.
Do you really think that Poland, Romania, Serbia and Croatia will give their territories, a part of their home because you bitch about it?! "Oh yEaH lET mE tEll yOu aBoUt hOw tHaT SerBiaN cItY wAs hUngArIan" or whatever you howled in the topic you linked.

The Jews are Knocking to our door with a knife in their hand, there are better things to worry about that now.
Empires and nations rise and fall but if our race die then we are fucked.
Astaroth ☆ said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

They will colonize Mars in 100 years. They have money for everything, but how scary it is for a child to try to commit armed robbery to buy shoes. The children are our future, which has shaken me deeply. The children are our everything.

Our children are not only our feature but maybe feature reincarnations of our brothers an sisters as-well, we can not allow the reptilian jew world order to go on anymore, lets RTR it till the reptiles know who we are,an what our gods really stand for true freedom!
ramses13th said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I pray everyday Father Satan puts His hand above America, even if seemingly, half of it, attacks their own Ancestral Gods and praises the enemy. May the Gods have strong love and care for this Great Nation, that is now at the verge of going to the stars.
I hope that Satan and the Gods will give back to Hungary the territories taken away by the Trianon peace treaty,because we lost the WW1,together with the Germans(which involved Hitler{if I remember correctly he was a corporal}).
İn nation states(in countries), "which city belongs to where" is determined by the majority living in the city. Not by conquering.(Anatolian Division)
Only I added this:(in countries).
Source of the quote

Moreover, they did not take the Hungarian lands from us by conquest,but with the Treaty of Trianon given to other nations.

Territories right now are just treated like chess pieces by the jews, no one will benefit from a country's expansion.
That is not what I think about expansion,is only useful to a nation,but it is pointless to bother because it only increases the ego,and as we know is a sign of spiritual degradation.In addition the jews called this national movement to incite hatred towards other nations and used to maintain.
Here in Hungary they think that these national movements are Nazis,but if they were really Nazis,then the jews would not allow for them to exist at all,it is clear from HP last reply to me why these falsely Nazi(thought to be a Nazi)"national movements" can still exist,similarly in Ukraine you can see the Azov(jewzov).
You know, I'd be surprised if more people held protests against the Church/Synagogue/Mosques, considering their books and all; Biden/Putin/Zelensky/Jinping/whoever the Jew in other countries may be the political leader in their countries, but the Rabbis/Pastors/Imams hold the real power in their government, despite not being in political positions. Unfortunately, a lot of people seem to address that only government members who are pedophiles, murderers, money-grubbing bastards, etc., but the masses can't bring themselves to come to the realization that Christianity and Islam, the religions they believe to be symbols of hope, are not only guilty of all those acts the government members does, but also the ones undermining them, and, to a greater extent, the economy, due to being confused, as HP Cobra has noted. The masses, especially the American masses don't realize that, through original sin, Christianity and Islam, again the religions they believe to be symbols of hope, are gaslighting people into insanity.

Basically, the religions behind the tyrannical government, if you guys will, for lack of a better way to describe it. The masses consider the actions of religious leaders to be insignificant in the grand scheme of the political agenda, simply because they believe religion has no impact on politics, when evidence points to the opposite direction.

It's hidden in plain sight, but, besides the masses being stupid, ignorant, lazy, and confused, the masses are too... moral? Sentimental? Opportunistic? I can't fully determine what other factors that lead to the Jews duping us every time.

For those reading this, take my lesson: Emotions are important, yes, but it must be reminded that even emotions can be exploited, like the Jews have demonstrated so many times. Another lesson is that a picture a deceive, something you guys have already figured out at some point.
Satnam666 said:
Astaroth ☆ said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

They will colonize Mars in 100 years. They have money for everything, but how scary it is for a child to try to commit armed robbery to buy shoes. The children are our future, which has shaken me deeply. The children are our everything.

Our children are not only our feature but maybe feature reincarnations of our brothers an sisters as-well, we can not allow the reptilian jew world order to go on anymore, lets RTR it till the reptiles know who we are,an what our gods really stand for true freedom!

Exactly! Thank U
Weassel said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I pray everyday Father Satan puts His hand above America, even if seemingly, half of it, attacks their own Ancestral Gods and praises the enemy. May the Gods have strong love and care for this Great Nation, that is now at the verge of going to the stars.
I hope that Satan and the Gods will give back to Hungary the territories taken away by the Trianon peace treaty,because we lost the WW1,together with the Germans(which involved Hitler{if I remember correctly he was a corporal}).
İn nation states(in countries), "which city belongs to where" is determined by the majority living in the city. Not by conquering.(Anatolian Division)
Only I added this:(in countries).
Source of the quote

Moreover, they did not take the Hungarian lands from us by conquest,but with the Treaty of Trianon given to other nations.
From the very beginning when I saw your profile appearing on the forum i knew there will be some territorial bullshit dispute.
Yes, yes i know the story. Your empire was big and sexy and now it's nothing more than a muddy water of it's former self.
But for Gods sake think before sprouting bullshit where you could made howl at each other based not on the present but what it was in the PAST.

The Jews are Knocking to our door with a knife in their hand, there are better things to worry about that now.
Empires and nations rise and fall but if our race die then we are fucked.
After HP last reply to me, i have reassessed all this.I changed my signature and even my location(although it was not for the benefit of the Hungarian people).But as stupid as it seems, it's good that I wrote it down, because I got the truth directly from HP and I absolutely had to see this.Of course I thanked Satan soon after HP replied.
Do you really think that Poland, Romania, Serbia and Croatia will give their territories, a part of their home because you bitch about it?! "Oh yEaH lET mE tEll yOu aBoUt hOw tHaT SerBiaN cItY wAs hUngArIan" or whatever you howled in the topic you linked.
Not by whining, but by breaking the Treaty of Trianon(so we should not even go to war).But it really doesn't make sense, because it would cause strife, which of course the Jews would be very happy.The racial interest, as HP wrote, is much higher than the national interest,so it is a pity to be more concerned with the interests of individual nations,because as HP wrote,it only increases the ego, ego is ..........
We must move forward as one.

You should have looked a little harder my friend,because poland was not given any territory,I think you have confused it with slovakia :lol: .Oh, and they also gave territories to Ukraine and Austria in addition to Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Croatia, sorry. ;) :)
I corrected it last time in the linked topic in case you didn't read that Nándorfehérvár(Belgrade) was not part of Hungary, but Hungary has something to do with Nándorfehérvár(Belgrade). :D
By the way, these territories do not have to be part of Hungary again, because what I copied from my previous correspondence, I am writing here again:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
İn nation states(in countries), "which city belongs to where" is determined by the majority living in the city. Not by conquering.(Anatolian Division)
Only I added this:(in countries).
Source of the quote

Moreover, they did not take the Hungarian lands from us by conquest,but with the Treaty of Trianon given to other nations.
So in fact it can be considered Hungarian territory,regardless of which territory it is currently officially considered to be. ;) ;)

But, as I wrote, I don't want to be particularly concerned with the Hungarian interest after Hp replied to me,so it is pointless to argue.

Otherwise,Hungarians are very hated by other nations who immigrate to the part of the country that has been cut off,because the thief really hates the looted,because it reminds the thief of the ugly deed he is doing to the looted person, and they are confronted with it every day (this is why the Romanians,Slovaks,Ukrainians,etc. hate us and jewish propaganda probably works well :x :evil: :cry: :( ).
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Weassel said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
I hope that Satan and the Gods will give back to Hungary the territories taken away by the Trianon peace treaty,because we lost the WW1,together with the Germans(which involved Hitler{if I remember correctly he was a corporal}).
İn nation states(in countries), "which city belongs to where" is determined by the majority living in the city. Not by conquering.(Anatolian Division)
Only I added this:(in countries).
Source of the quote

Moreover, they did not take the Hungarian lands from us by conquest,but with the Treaty of Trianon given to other nations.
From the very beginning when I saw your profile appearing on the forum i knew there will be some territorial bullshit dispute.
Yes, yes i know the story. Your empire was big and sexy and now it's nothing more than a muddy water of it's former self.
But for Gods sake think before sprouting bullshit where you could made howl at each other based not on the present but what it was in the PAST.

The Jews are Knocking to our door with a knife in their hand, there are better things to worry about that now.
Empires and nations rise and fall but if our race die then we are fucked.
After HP last reply to me, i have reassessed all this.I changed my signature and even my location(although it was not for the benefit of the Hungarian people).But as stupid as it seems, it's good that I wrote it down, because I got the truth directly from HP and I absolutely had to see this.Of course I thanked Satan soon after HP replied.
Do you really think that Poland, Romania, Serbia and Croatia will give their territories, a part of their home because you bitch about it?! "Oh yEaH lET mE tEll yOu aBoUt hOw tHaT SerBiaN cItY wAs hUngArIan" or whatever you howled in the topic you linked.
Not by whining, but by breaking the Treaty of Trianon(so we should not even go to war).But it really doesn't make sense, because it would cause strife, which of course the Jews would be very happy.The racial interest, as HP wrote, is much higher than the national interest,so it is a pity to be more concerned with the interests of individual nations,because as HP wrote,it only increases the ego, ego is ..........
We must move forward as one.

You should have looked a little harder my friend,because poland was not given any territory,I think you have confused it with slovakia :lol: .Oh, and they also gave territories to Ukraine and Austria in addition to Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Croatia, sorry. ;) :)
I corrected it last time in the linked topic in case you didn't read that Nándorfehérvár(Belgrade) was not part of Hungary, but Hungary has something to do with Nándorfehérvár(Belgrade). :D
By the way, these territories do not have to be part of Hungary again, because what I copied from my previous correspondence, I am writing here again:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
İn nation states(in countries), "which city belongs to where" is determined by the majority living in the city. Not by conquering.(Anatolian Division)
Only I added this:(in countries).
Source of the quote

Moreover, they did not take the Hungarian lands from us by conquest,but with the Treaty of Trianon given to other nations.
So in fact it can be considered Hungarian territory,regardless of which territory it is currently officially considered to be. ;) ;)

But, as I wrote, I don't want to be particularly concerned with the Hungarian interest after Hp replied to me,so it is pointless to argue.

Otherwise,Hungarians are very hated by other nations who immigrate to the part of the country that has been cut off,because the thief really hates the looted,because it reminds the thief of the ugly deed he is doing to the looted person, and they are confronted with it every day (this is why the Romanians,Slovaks,Ukrainians,etc. hate us and jewish propaganda probably works well :x :evil: :cry: :( ).

Unfortunately, when Hungary embraced Christianity, it failed. That was what they were fighting against before. Jews infiltrated, and there must have been traitors. This country has been going downhill ever since. Slowly but surely.

Today, it's just a puddle full of gypsis.
Hungarians are not taken very seriously here, in my experience. Unfortunately, they gave no reason to do so.

But other than that, Hitler was quite nice. He gave quite a lot of territory back to Hungary earlier.
Lightningsnake said:
Unfortunately, when Hungary embraced Christianity, it failed. That was what they were fighting against before. Jews infiltrated, and there must have been traitors. This country has been going downhill ever since. Slowly but surely.
Hungary became Christian after King St. Stephen{Szent István király} (to the best of my knowledge), after he began to convert the Hungarians to Christianity with fire and iron.I think Árpád the leader was a pagan and it wasn't until shortly afterwards that this degenerate bolshevik king istvan appeared,so we've been Christians for quite a long time (over a thousand years), which I should note is quite a long time for this nation, even though it is a miracle that we have survived to this day(because of xianis'm).

But be sure to check this out,if you had not already done so:The Hungarian are the ancient Aryan people.
The meaning of the Hungar and Hungarian names.

This proves beyond doubt the glory and the extraordinary uniqueness of the Hungarians!
Today, it's just a puddle full of gypsis.
Hungarians are not taken very seriously here, in my experience. Unfortunately, they gave no reason to do so.
Don't even say it :) .
I went to school with gypsies, so I know what they are like.

Hungarians really are not taken seriously,foreigners and immigrants (other than gypsies)
enjoy almost more privileges and rights than we Hungarians.

I honestly don't know if jews hate better other nations more than they hate Hungarians.Needless to say, they hate everyone who is not jewish(Gentille),but they specifically hate Hungarians.
But other than that, Hitler was quite nice. He gave quite a lot of territory back to Hungary earlier.
Yes, he gave us Transcarpathia(Kárpátalja) from the Ukrainians,for which the then Slovak Prime Minister,Tiso, was also a strong contender,even wanted Transcarpathia(Kárpátalja) for Slovakia, the Hungarian Highlands were not enough.
Lightningsnake said:
This country has been going downhill ever since. Slowly but surely.
There is no doubt about it.
We are already being pushed out of our own country,see this:We become stateless if we literally allow the ground to be pulled out from under our feet!
It is actually about this video,foreigners buying up Hungarian lands.

An even more worrying thing:The Opre Roma Party would create a Roma province in four counties.
Four of the nineteen counties of Hungary would be given over to the gypsies only, creating a kind of gypsy country, a gypsy empire.
The source of this topic
Lightningsnake said:
Unfortunately, when Hungary embraced Christianity, it failed. That was what they were fighting against before. Jews infiltrated, and there must have been traitors. This country has been going downhill ever since. Slowly but surely.

All countries that adopted and took xianity seriously, just became slowly unimportant and failed. Even those countries that rose temporarily, they rose because of pagan mentality. The most serious rise in our Nations were observed when they were headed by "heretic occultists", ie, people with Satanic dispositions, then if xianity took over again, collapse was unavoidable.

Cultural collapse, then collapse of the inhabitants into a level of very low stupidity. Since, we are just playing tug of war with Christianity, with us having phases of evolving forward, and regressing because of Christianity meddling with people's minds.

Xianity has flattened other places entirely, that were doing better, including places outside Europe or the US. It collectively keeps humanity back.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lightningsnake said:
Unfortunately, when Hungary embraced Christianity, it failed. That was what they were fighting against before. Jews infiltrated, and there must have been traitors. This country has been going downhill ever since. Slowly but surely.

All countries that adopted and took xianity seriously, just became slowly unimportant and failed. Even those countries that rose temporarily, they rose because of pagan mentality. The most serious rise in our Nations were observed when they were headed by "heretic occultists", ie, people with Satanic dispositions, then if xianity took over again, collapse was unavoidable.

Cultural collapse, then collapse of the inhabitants into a level of very low stupidity. Since, we are just playing tug of war with Christianity, with us having phases of evolving forward, and regressing because of Christianity meddling with people's minds.

Xianity has flattened other places entirely, that were doing better, including places outside Europe or the US. It collectively keeps humanity back.
There's too many examples of that. The best example I know is that Genghis Khan and his ancestors built the Mongol Empire on the pagan, shamanic culture and it made the Mongol Empire the biggest contagious empire in human history. There's more and more proof to it and related works being published now that we have, even though imperfect, democracy. But it only lasted a hundred years because his grandchildren adopted the enemy religions and divided the empire in 4.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lightningsnake said:
Unfortunately, when Hungary embraced Christianity, it failed. That was what they were fighting against before. Jews infiltrated, and there must have been traitors. This country has been going downhill ever since. Slowly but surely.

All countries that adopted and took xianity seriously, just became slowly unimportant and failed. Even those countries that rose temporarily, they rose because of pagan mentality. The most serious rise in our Nations were observed when they were headed by "heretic occultists", ie, people with Satanic dispositions, then if xianity took over again, collapse was unavoidable.

Cultural collapse, then collapse of the inhabitants into a level of very low stupidity. Since, we are just playing tug of war with Christianity, with us having phases of evolving forward, and regressing because of Christianity meddling with people's minds.

Xianity has flattened other places entirely, that were doing better, including places outside Europe or the US. It collectively keeps humanity back.
does islam and buddhism and other programs of death like jainism do the same process or a different process from the above christianity. i noticed that from the news and such and some personal experiences that muslims are rather way more intolerant and quick to anger and many times threaten violence for innocuous reasons, i also noticed that muslim majority countries obviously have very strict laws and many horrid problems and many have been getting huge hatred from around the world like in india where the anti muslim attacks and such are getting really violent from what i've seen on the news with the same old media saying they are "eternal victims" and "never did anything wrong" :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: .

so does the other enemy programs i mentioned result in the same or similar or different way a Country would collapse or become corrupted?
Kids getting put on allsorts of tablets.

After reading this spot-on and excellently stated description of the Clown World and its minions and lackeys spreading its filth and excrement across the USA and the world at large,it seems to me that one of the most effective tactics if not THE most effective tactic that the Enemy Garbage uses is to keep all the Gentile Peoples fighting each other over distracting bullshit side issues. If the Gentile Peoples for just ONE TIME could see collectively that there are really no MAJOR issues dividing them at all other than the phony, petty thorns in the side that the Enemy deliberately places there to keep them ALWAYS divided and at each others throats, then I would conclude that under the Direction and Leadership of Father Satan and the Gods and a number of SS Leaders with unwavering conviction and dedication to implement Father's Plan for his kingdom and rule on the earth and His People, the Gentiles could unite and sweep the Garbage off the earth in short order.It seems to me we must somehow find a way to unite the Gentile Peoples into one force and square off against the Jews,Rabbis,and their alien hosts and rid the earth of this scourge to pave the way for the return of Father Satan's Golden Age as it was before.FATHER SATAN and THE GODS and ALL GENTILES vs. REPTILIANS and ENEMY NORDICS and JEWS,RABBIS,and their LACKEYS,MINIONS,and their SICKENING and PUTRID SAYANIM NETWORK!!! Unite NOW, ALL GENTILES,for FATHER SATAN and the GODS' KINGDOM on PLANET EARTH. Hail Father Satan!!!
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Lightningsnake said:
Unfortunately, when Hungary embraced Christianity, it failed. That was what they were fighting against before. Jews infiltrated, and there must have been traitors. This country has been going downhill ever since. Slowly but surely.
Hungary became Christian after King St. Stephen{Szent István király} (to the best of my knowledge), after he began to convert the Hungarians to Christianity with fire and iron.I think Árpád the leader was a pagan and it wasn't until shortly afterwards that this degenerate bolshevik king istvan appeared,so we've been Christians for quite a long time (over a thousand years), which I should note is quite a long time for this nation, even though it is a miracle that we have survived to this day(because of xianis'm).

But be sure to check this out,if you had not already done so:The Hungarian are the ancient Aryan people.
The meaning of the Hungar and Hungarian names.

This proves beyond doubt the glory and the extraordinary uniqueness of the Hungarians!
Today, it's just a puddle full of gypsis.
Hungarians are not taken very seriously here, in my experience. Unfortunately, they gave no reason to do so.
Don't even say it :) .
I went to school with gypsies, so I know what they are like.

Hungarians really are not taken seriously,foreigners and immigrants (other than gypsies)
enjoy almost more privileges and rights than we Hungarians.

I honestly don't know if jews hate better other nations more than they hate Hungarians.Needless to say, they hate everyone who is not jewish(Gentille),but they specifically hate Hungarians.
But other than that, Hitler was quite nice. He gave quite a lot of territory back to Hungary earlier.
Yes, he gave us Transcarpathia(Kárpátalja) from the Ukrainians,for which the then Slovak Prime Minister,Tiso, was also a strong contender,even wanted Transcarpathia(Kárpátalja) for Slovakia, the Hungarian Highlands were not enough.

István,s father Géza and his brother Mihály had already been baptised. István was also baptised by his father. So he was born into this nonsense.
And unfortunately, true to his religion, he started spreading it around the country at all costs. He became the greatest traitor in Hungarian history.

It is true that it has survived for 1000 years, but it has been occupied many times (Turks, Habsburgs for example) . 1000 years of suffering was more like it.

I also went to a gypsy school. There were also many in my workplace. Those who have praised them on this forum remind me of blind christians. A conscious person can see what they are like.

The whole of Slovakia is practically made up of the highlands. A strange country, created in a strange way. But still, many valuable SS can come from there too. In any case, Hitler was nice. In fact, he was born in the then Austro-Hungarian monarchy. That brings it a bit closer, I feel.

Hungary is currently in a difficult situation. But the Torockay in your link looks ready. I saw some older videos of it, it was unstable. But the current Torockay is already fit to be president. He has to be focused if he wants to win against Orban, but he is very much in with a chance in the next elections.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lightningsnake said:
Unfortunately, when Hungary embraced Christianity, it failed. That was what they were fighting against before. Jews infiltrated, and there must have been traitors. This country has been going downhill ever since. Slowly but surely.

All countries that adopted and took xianity seriously, just became slowly unimportant and failed. Even those countries that rose temporarily, they rose because of pagan mentality. The most serious rise in our Nations were observed when they were headed by "heretic occultists", ie, people with Satanic dispositions, then if xianity took over again, collapse was unavoidable.

Cultural collapse, then collapse of the inhabitants into a level of very low stupidity. Since, we are just playing tug of war with Christianity, with us having phases of evolving forward, and regressing because of Christianity meddling with people's minds.

Xianity has flattened other places entirely, that were doing better, including places outside Europe or the US. It collectively keeps humanity back.

I hope christianity will soon disappear.

The other great destructive force in Hungary was communism. Which is the successor of christianity. As I read about it here on the forum.
Both were cultural atomic bombs. And the people were also brutally executed.

Hungary had communism twice, which is terrible. The first one did not last long, but unfortunately many people were still killed.

I used to go to a place in Europe where there was no communist dictatorship, and it was completely different. Much more beautiful, richer.
Lightningsnake said:
I also went to a gypsy school. There were also many in my workplace. Those who have praised them on this forum remind me of blind christians. A conscious person can see what they are like.

Here I start talking about gypsies and if you watch it, you can see why it stopped the talk.

The whole of Slovakia is practically made up of the highlands. A strange country, created in a strange way. But still, many valuable SS can come from there too. In any case, Hitler was nice. In fact, he was born in the then Austro-Hungarian monarchy. That brings it a bit closer, I feel.
When Slovakia did not even exist, so there were Slovaks living in the highlands of Greater Hungary and we lived in complete peace with them until the mid-1800s, when the so-called "Slovak fascism" appeared.The imperial court strongly supported the Slovaks intelligentsia against the Hungarians, so-called "Slovak demands" were proclaimed and a Slovak uprising was launched.
We have had this animosity ever since.More information.

I don't want to insult the Slovak SS either ,but I have my opinion (Hungarians opinion) about the Slovak people in general(usually).What can I say, glorious nation, Slovaks have some brave deeds,in mask(no covid mask!) beat up a girl,because she had the courage to speak Hungarian in the Hungarian Highlands(Today's Slovakia) and burning a Hungarian flags,etc.

Again, I can only cite the example of the thief,what I wrote here towards the end
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

2010s extreme decay in television and music, and the dubstep party culture craze. Obesity becomes a national problem.

2000s, whites adopted the 90s hip hop culture and the oxycontin epidemic began.

1990s, worship of gangster rappers like biggie and tupac and a large focus on cars, money and the objectification of women.

1980s extreme gang violence all around the us and a decline in the quality of public education.

1970s, extreme drug abuse and absent parenting large public disapproval for the idea of America alltogether. The US military gave many veterans cancer with agent orange.

1960s several activists and political figures assassinated in public on camera, Passifism anarchism and Communism became widely accepted. Housewives were still being lobotomized to treat depression.

1950s blacks integrated into white schools and bathrooms and other public places. Korean war, and the Vietnam War and the cold war started. Warmongering and Racial mixing was at an all time high.

Betrayed our German brothers and killed many civilians for the sake of stimulating the economy. Used weapons of mass destruction on half a million women and children. Gave birth to the most entitled spoiled and brainwashed generation of Americans, the baby boomers.

1930s the great depression, not a great time obviously.

1920 mafia work like assassination, and illegal alcohol were extremely profitable giving rise to the most famous and brutal gangsters in modern history.

1910 we did another brother war to go kill the whites

I don't know how far back you want to go, but in America prior to 1910 little girls age 10-11 were married off to grown men. There are many such stories.

You can go back further and we put 8-14 year olds to work 18 hours a day in the factories and the coal mines in the industrial revolution in order to compete with Britain.

And before this wealthy Americans had dozens of slaves that were dehumanized, robbed of all dignity, liberty And safety all in the name of stimulating the economy. A hypocrisy of huge proportions.

Before this the Christians were so powerful in America that we even had witch trials and tortures against Pagans.

Americans for a long time have existed under a biblical level of ignorance and have been owned by the jewish bank for almost 140 years now.

The last decent American we had who tired to fix the slavery insanity, and financially free us with the greenback got a bullet in the back of his head while he was holding hands with his wife at the play.

America never had any real values, our founding fathers gave us some rights which were very rarely actually afforded to us by the authorities. America was always a way more fucked up place than this.

Also you're not even American so don't act like you know anything about it. Our culture and patriotism only exists when the economy is strong. People don't have time for culture when they get out of school 18 years old and they can't even find a job and support themselves because the workforce is oversaturated with 60-70 year old geriatrics and illiterate immigrants.

The big cities have never had culture. This is not Europe, it's America. The city is where culture goes to die

Well put bro
Weassel said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I pray everyday Father Satan puts His hand above America, even if seemingly, half of it, attacks their own Ancestral Gods and praises the enemy. May the Gods have strong love and care for this Great Nation, that is now at the verge of going to the stars.
I hope that Satan and the Gods will give back to Hungary the territories taken away by the Trianon peace treaty,because we lost the WW1,together with the Germans(which involved Hitler{if I remember correctly he was a corporal}).
İn nation states(in countries), "which city belongs to where" is determined by the majority living in the city. Not by conquering.(Anatolian Division)
Only I added this:(in countries).
Source of the quote

Moreover, they did not take the Hungarian lands from us by conquest,but with the Treaty of Trianon given to other nations.
From the very beginning when I saw your profile appearing on the forum i knew there will be some territorial bullshit dispute.
Yes, yes i know the story. Your empire was big and sexy and now it's nothing more than a muddy water of it's former self.
But for Gods sake think before sprouting bullshit where you could made howl at each other based not on the present but what it was in the PAST.
Do you really think that Poland, Romania, Serbia and Croatia will give their territories, a part of their home because you bitch about it?! "Oh yEaH lET mE tEll yOu aBoUt hOw tHaT SerBiaN cItY wAs hUngArIan" or whatever you howled in the topic you linked.

The Jews are Knocking to our door with a knife in their hand, there are better things to worry about that now.
Empires and nations rise and fall but if our race die then we are fucked.

Best Empire was our one my bro. Certainly i would love too see it back, we lost the majority due to the Jew inspired Churchill.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Lightningsnake said:
I also went to a gypsy school. There were also many in my workplace. Those who have praised them on this forum remind me of blind christians. A conscious person can see what they are like.

Here I start talking about gypsies and if you watch it, you can see why it stopped the talk.

The whole of Slovakia is practically made up of the highlands. A strange country, created in a strange way. But still, many valuable SS can come from there too. In any case, Hitler was nice. In fact, he was born in the then Austro-Hungarian monarchy. That brings it a bit closer, I feel.
When Slovakia did not even exist, so there were Slovaks living in the highlands of Greater Hungary and we lived in complete peace with them until the mid-1800s, when the so-called "Slovak fascism" appeared.The imperial court strongly supported the Slovaks intelligentsia against the Hungarians, so-called "Slovak demands" were proclaimed and a Slovak uprising was launched.
We have had this animosity ever since.More information.

I don't want to insult the Slovak SS either ,but I have my opinion (Hungarians opinion) about the Slovak people in general(usually).What can I say, glorious nation, Slovaks have some brave deeds,in mask(no covid mask!) beat up a girl,because she had the courage to speak Hungarian in the Hungarian Highlands(Today's Slovakia) and burning a Hungarian flags,etc.

Again, I can only cite the example of the thief,what I wrote here towards the end

They wrote some pretty confusing things.
When I committed myself to Satan, I already knew that I would not be friends with gypsies and jews. And I will not have a relationship or a sexual relationship with them. The things I talk to them about are just for work. They are the enemy. Anyone who wants to progress as SS should think about this.

For me personally, Satan's care is more valuable than any friendship I have ever had in my life.
Most of my "friendships" were just rubbish.

Unfortunately, the situation with the Slovaks was pretty stupid. But let's hope things will improve in the future. But I think the Jews want to intensify these things. As the noose tightens around their necks.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Lightningsnake said:
I also went to a gypsy school. There were also many in my workplace. Those who have praised them on this forum remind me of blind christians. A conscious person can see what they are like.

Here I start talking about gypsies and if you watch it, you can see why it stopped the talk.

The whole of Slovakia is practically made up of the highlands. A strange country, created in a strange way. But still, many valuable SS can come from there too. In any case, Hitler was nice. In fact, he was born in the then Austro-Hungarian monarchy. That brings it a bit closer, I feel.
When Slovakia did not even exist, so there were Slovaks living in the highlands of Greater Hungary and we lived in complete peace with them until the mid-1800s, when the so-called "Slovak fascism" appeared.The imperial court strongly supported the Slovaks intelligentsia against the Hungarians, so-called "Slovak demands" were proclaimed and a Slovak uprising was launched.
We have had this animosity ever since.More information.

I don't want to insult the Slovak SS either ,but I have my opinion (Hungarians opinion) about the Slovak people in general(usually).What can I say, glorious nation, Slovaks have some brave deeds,in mask(no covid mask!) beat up a girl,because she had the courage to speak Hungarian in the Hungarian Highlands(Today's Slovakia) and burning a Hungarian flags,etc.

Again, I can only cite the example of the thief,what I wrote here towards the end

I wrote a reply a few days ago, but for some reason you didn't send it. Or the moderators didn't like it, I don't know what happened.

The point of my response at the time was that when I joined Satan. I already knew then that I would not be friends with gypsies or Jews, nor would I have a relationship or sexual relations.
I also talk to them at work about work-related things. If they talk to me. They cannot be completely avoided.

I read the links you shared. Your debate partners were talking about confusing things, they didn't understand the point.
Maybe at the very end.

About this Slovak thing, I think that one day everyone will be ashamed of all this nonsense. Trianon is unpleasant in every way. The whole thing is a mess.
Lightningsnake said:
I wrote a reply a few days ago, but for some reason you didn't send it. Or the moderators didn't like it, I don't know what happened.
It is good that you write this, because,I have not received any reply.
The point of my response at the time was that when I joined Satan. I already knew then that I would not be friends with gypsies or jews, nor would I have a relationship or sexual relations.
Very good your thought.
When I see only if a gypsy or a jew, just it disgusts me.
I also talk to them at work about work-related things. If they talk to me. They cannot be completely avoided.
Of course, this is perfectly understandable.
I read the links you shared. Your debate partners were talking about confusing things, they didn't understand the point.
Maybe at the very end.
Thank you very much for reading.
Apparently I gave him the truth, I thought it better to leave it to him,but I also just said "probably" may be right. :D :D
For me, this despicable gypsy topic is not worthy of my attention,I'd rather focus my attention on FRTR, and reading (I'd still have more to read on this forum).
About this Slovak thing, I think that one day everyone will be ashamed of all this nonsense. Trianon is unpleasant in every way. The whole thing is a mess.
You could not have written better about all this. :cool: :cool: :D :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
