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About the Spiritual and Material Squares...


Nov 4, 2017
So I made a topic a few days ago about physical changes and using magic to help out with said changes, and Ive been reading a few posts by members here and I was wondering if doing a material mars square is right for me.

According to other members and posts ive read, it seems like the spiritual square is the best to use for the physical self, and it also empowers the planets and houses related to the square.
I said in my post about physical changes that id like to do a mars square since ive been using the energy of mars lately and ive had good vibes and high energy from using the basic seed mantra for mars.
I've been using mars' energy for its masculine properties, like increasing testosterone and energy/vitality, and increasing the sex drive. So far it feels like its been working pretty good, but I started a mars material square last Tuesday, and it doesn't seem to be affecting me as much as I wanted it to. I was wondering if its because I did a material square instead of a spiritual one.
ive seen other members say that spiritual squares worked best for them when it comes to the physical self and that the material squares don't directly affect them physically, but it affects the world around the person.

Today is Monday, so I'll just skip the mars square reps for today, and I'll start over and begin a spiritual square tomorrow and then see how the energy affects me then. I know that I obviously wont feel the effects from it right away, but im just curious to test my spiritual square theory.

Im a bit worried about the spiritual square to tell the truth. I don't have a good or positively placed mars in my chart. Its actually one of the 2 bad placements in my chart that have caused major loss and misfortune in my life, 12th house retrograde. Everyone says that doing a square fixes issues with planets, but I don't really see the square 'fixing' my mars at all. And I don't want to empower it in my chart, because it'll only be empowering a lot of bad things in my life because of its negative placement.
But im not going for the whole empowering houses thing with the spiritual square, I only want to use it for the reasons I said earlier, the masculine properties of it, and also using it to help out with the physical self, because I also got back into weightlifting and getting into shape and stuff.
Scorpio rules my 4th house, and I also have pluto in that house as well, which has caused a lot of issues with my mother and a chaotic home life, so I don't want to empower that house either.

The sun square is also a very good square to use since the sun is my chart ruler and rules my first house, which rules the physical self. But theres also a big issue with my sun when doing the sun square. My sun, being my chart ruler and everything, is actually in a very good position in my chart, its in its exalted sign Aries, and its also in my 8th house, which Ive heard having the sun there is actually really good and ive looked into the charts of some very popular and famous people that also have the sun in the 8th house.
The problem with my sun when doing the sun square is that I also have Saturn in my 8th house, which has caused most of the misfortune in my life. Saturn in 8th is very destructive and heavy in negative effects in life. So I don't want to be empowering my 8th house by doing a sun square, because it'll also be indirectly empowering my Saturn in my chart as well. Not sure what I should do. Doing a spiritual square also empowers the planets and houses regardless of the affirmations used, according to some posts ive read in the past.
Should I be using the spiritual squares to help me out physically, or should I stick with the material squares?
Sun said:

When you perform the mantras of any planetary square you are invoking and raising the energy influences of that planet upon your soul in that planet's present position, essentially encouraging it's current energies to enter within you. Our soul's usually have a passive 'barrier' against this by means of our protective aura and of course simply not being very in tune or focused on the energies hinder how effective it is in comparison to 'embracing' the energies allowing it all to enter us.

Also depending on other interfering forces or other planets at the time, allowing and encouraging a planet's energies to rise within you can result in either very good things, very bad things or a mix in between. Remember with these mantras you are allowing a planet to have more power over you as an influence, it's current position and any forces that either affect it positively or negatively will affect it like it would at any other passive time, with the mantras you are amplifying all of this into yourself.

Before reciting the mantras of a planetary square, build up and completely engulf yourself in pure brilliant white shimmering energy (it should be shimmering like a form of absolute cleanliness and positive purity), just breathe in this energy like with the foundation meditation and as you breathe out you build up and completely engulf yourself in this clean white energy and expand it further out into your aura. Repeat this for a couple of minutes until you are shining like a brilliant white star with a strong clean white aura.

White energy is all-purpose as it contains all of the other colour spectrum energies (with the exception of black and grey). It is very protective and destroys destructive energies. This engulfing white-energy shield will mitigate and help protect you from the negative aspects of a planet's influences as you are reciting the mantras to allow a planet's energies to enter into you, allowing only/primarily the desired positive influences to pass through the 'filter' and build within you to help with your specified endeavors in catering.

You only need to build this white-energy aura shield before doing the mantras. You'll need to do it again the next day before reciting the planetary square again. I also recommend that when are building and using this white-energy shield that you acknowledge it as a separate thing/layer differentiated from your real primary aura and soul, like a suit of armour as opposed to your actual 'flesh' and 'skin'.

It's only means are for protection against any negative planetary influences, integrating too much white energy into your actual aura and soul can cause one's personality to become rather 'blank', 'still' and 'unfeeling' as it's too much balance of energies. I'd rather feel the higher positivity of a bit more gold energy in my soul than the 'meh' of total white energy... you get what I mean? It won't harm you though.

Hope this proves helpful.
You could build an extremely powerful aura of protection shielding you from all the negative energies of Saturn first for 90 days for maximum strength and then try the sun square.

Also if you do a mars square and affirm “in a positive and healthy way for me” the negatives should be minimal.
Ghost in the Machine said:
When you perform the mantras of any planetary square you are invoking and raising the energy influences of that planet upon your soul in that planet's present position, essentially encouraging it's current energies to enter within you. Our soul's usually have a passive 'barrier' against this by means of our protective aura and of course simply not being very in tune or focused on the energies hinder how effective it is in comparison to 'embracing' the energies allowing it all to enter us.

Also depending on other interfering forces or other planets at the time, allowing and encouraging a planet's energies to rise within you can result in either very good things, very bad things or a mix in between. Remember with these mantras you are allowing a planet to have more power over you as an influence, it's current position and any forces that either affect it positively or negatively will affect it like it would at any other passive time, with the mantras you are amplifying all of this into yourself.

Before reciting the mantras of a planetary square, build up and completely engulf yourself in pure brilliant white shimmering energy (it should be shimmering like a form of absolute cleanliness and positive purity), just breathe in this energy like with the foundation meditation and as you breathe out you build up and completely engulf yourself in this clean white energy and expand it further out into your aura. Repeat this for a couple of minutes until you are shining like a brilliant white star with a strong clean white aura.

White energy is all-purpose as it contains all of the other colour spectrum energies (with the exception of black and grey). It is very protective and destroys destructive energies. This engulfing white-energy shield will mitigate and help protect you from the negative aspects of a planet's influences as you are reciting the mantras to allow a planet's energies to enter into you, allowing only/primarily the desired positive influences to pass through the 'filter' and build within you to help with your specified endeavors in catering.

You only need to build this white-energy aura shield before doing the mantras. You'll need to do it again the next day before reciting the planetary square again. I also recommend that when are building and using this white-energy shield that you acknowledge it as a separate thing/layer differentiated from your real primary aura and soul, like a suit of armour as opposed to your actual 'flesh' and 'skin'.

It's only means are for protection against any negative planetary influences, integrating too much white energy into your actual aura and soul can cause one's personality to become rather 'blank', 'still' and 'unfeeling' as it's too much balance of energies. I'd rather feel the higher positivity of a bit more gold energy in my soul than the 'meh' of total white energy... you get what I mean? It won't harm you though.

Hope this proves helpful.

Thank you for the knowledge brother. I’m curious what’s your take on attempting to change some of the aspects of a certain planet? For instance I’m doing a moon square which is my Ruler, but it’s negative so I figure it effects my advancements in a bunch of ways psychically and emotionally hindering advancements. I’m starting to notice changes like I’m not as emotionally attached and more psychically aware of myself. I noticed my sixth chakra was almost impossible to fully clean, it is this because the energies I’m invoking from the moon? Or also because I’ve been doing way more RTR’s like anywhere from 9 to 18 daily? I greatly appreciate the pyramid meditation you provided seems like the only way I could clean it. I suppose I’ll try empowering myself with white light as well for the rest of the square.

Thanks a million :D have a great week.
Bear in mind since last Tuesday is pretty recent...

The empowerment of the 4th House and 8th House through the Sun Square (or Jupiter Square) should work in a positive not negative direction if you use the right affirmation. It should neutralize the awful effects of Saturn with poverty and celibacy but likely will work to banish the effects of Pluto and maternal abuse if used properly. HP Mageson said something about these Squares burning away a lot of the dross of the soul.

I am not sure of the spiritual Mars Squares effects on Pluto. I have read here that it can neutralize Saturn in relation to Mars.
ChaosBringer666 said:

I'm decent in astrology but it's not my forte, I'm more in specialty to spiritual sciences and warfare matters but I can tell you that the moon is connected to the 6th chakra and rules over it. The moon is also in rulerships to psychic matters and the aether, it ties into the water element which also rules over psychic energies and matters of the upper chakras. The moon square helps strengthen one's psychic capabilities and tuning to their 6th chakra which is the psychic seat of the soul because it's energies have to do with this thus amplifies in influence these factors.

If you want to find out more information about astrology and planets and what they rule over, you can browse through Azazel's Astrology. "Planetary Rulerships" will tell you what matters tie into the energies of a planet and what they influence among other information.

RTRs also definitely help with opening up your spiritual capabilities as it reverses and removes the curses and bindings on our souls that the enemy placed upon us to hinder and block us from these powers. Their curses are like a suffocating blanket over you on the astral, it stifles our energies, makes it difficult to project them and our will. In my experience I would have a hard time directing energy and doing routine meditations because I used to do them in my routine before doing the RTRs. Now I do the RTRs first which unblocks the soul and find it drastically easier to do meditations afterwords because the binding (which the enemy curses us with daily) was removed firsthand.

You can do all the magic and meditations you want, but if there's a blockage in your soul hindering your powers then you're wasting a lot of potential, time and energy for only 1/8th of the results you would get without anything blocking your energies. Get rid of the blockage first, then clean and empower, etc. This goes for everything in your soul including chakras you're trying to empower and strengthen. With a blocked chakra energy is stifled and struggles to flow through it, energy also equally struggles to enter it because it can't get through the blockages and anything to do with the chakra in regards to your meditations will be mediocre at best (i.e practicing astral projection is next to impossible to do with a blocked heart chakra).

Remove and break the blockage, free the chakra first and then work with it. It'll feel like opening a window in a stuffy and muggy room, gaining access to fresh clean air that flows easily. Also I am glad the Solar Pyramid meditation is helping you, keep progressing.
Ghost in the Machine said:
That’s frustrating :/
Honestly I didn’t think it was too big of a deal. I pretty sure I have multiple blockages dunno how you guessed that. One big one in the base and then small ones in the throat and heart chakras. Like I said my moon is pretty bad, so The moon square has helped me deal with it quite a bit by changing its tendencies. But it’s really annoying to know it is being very undermined.

I’m gonna take your advice and start unblocking my chakras since this is also a big issue. may as well mention last time I followed your advice, I found out that the Daemon who I thought was my guardian was not :oops: though when I found out who my actual guardian was I was over joyed, so thank you so much for that as well. :D :D :D

You have any super secret techniques for unblocking chakras or just the methods given?

Have a good day
ChaosBringer666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
That’s frustrating :/
Honestly I didn’t think it was too big of a deal. I pretty sure I have multiple blockages dunno how you guessed that. One big one in the base and then small ones in the throat and heart chakras. Like I said my moon is pretty bad, so The moon square has helped me deal with it quite a bit by changing its tendencies. But it’s really annoying to know it is being very undermined.

I’m gonna take your advice and start unblocking my chakras since this is also a big issue. may as well mention last time I followed your advice, I found out that the Daemon who I thought was my guardian was not :oops: though when I found out who my actual guardian was I was over joyed, so thank you so much for that as well. :D :D :D

You have any super secret techniques for unblocking chakras or just the methods given?

Have a good day

I don't keep 'secret techniques', if I discover something that will help others I'm gung ho about sharing it.

Here's some things that can help with unblocking chakras:

- Dirty energy rises up through our soul and chakras to exit from it out of our crown, blockage or no blockages, anything cleansed is naturally inclined to leave the astral body this way. Slightly leaning forward and looking down encourages this flow of energy to be cleansed out of you, you can do it at any time during your meditations but this is optional.

- Visualizing and feeling astral chains around the blocked chakra breaking and shattering away freeing it is a good directive of intent in breaking the blockage. You can also visualize a wall representing the blockage of the chakra being destroyed and crumbling away or you can even visualize yourself personally breaking it down with a hammer or method of your choice. Incidentally visualizing and looking to any binding links (these look like strings of energy on the astral that attach to a chakra like leeches or ropes) being severed from the chakra or cut away, or you can visualize or even physically motion that you are pulling them off and disintegrating them to be completely destroyed with blue satanic astral fires.

- Ansuz, Algiz, Sowilo, Munka are all good runes for cleansing and empowering chakras as well as freeing them from and breaking up negative energies and blockages. Pick one, two or all of the runes, your choice and vibrate them 9 or a multiple of 9 times (i.e 18, 27 and so on), 9 in the number that vibrates on energies of "endings" and can help "end" and get rid of blockages.

- Vibrant and shining purple energy has to do with removing curses and bindings, this is the colour that engulfs our souls when we perform the RTR on ourselves, you can visualize the afflicted chakra being engulfed with these energies and intend for the purple energies to undo/break up, destroy and remove the blockages and bindings, really try to feel it doing this and working as well, believe in it with intent. If you struggle to visualize the colour you can look up images online as a reference to get the colour into your mind.

- If you plan on devoting a full on designated and devoted working to freeing your chakras, start from full moon to new moon. When the moon is waning (decreasing in light) this influences magic workings and rulerships that have to do with reductions of something, diminishing or ending things, helps with removing blockages.

- After each session of unblocking, breathe in white-gold energy into the chakra, empower it and spin it. This will improve it's health and help protect it, it will also help make finishing up removing the rest of the blockage and bindings easier over the course of the days you are doing it.

- Patience. It takes time to completely free a chakra of a blockage from a couple of days to a couple of weeks even, do not stress about any kind of time frame or designated due date in freeing the chakra as this leads to expectations and when these expectations are not met it can lead to a cycle of doubt and disappointment. The chakras will be free when they are free, just keep devoting to unblocking them. Also don't distract yourself by stressing over if it's unblocked or not after each session, this can lead to doubts which can hinder your efforts, when the chakra is unblocked, you will know intuitively and feel it.

Once a chakra is unblocked, devote special attention to cleaning, empowering and spinning it going forward for a while, you should be doing this daily with each of your chakras anyway. Always remember to do the foundation meditation every day and to replenish your energies.

I know this all might look overwhelming and seem like a lot, but that's just the factors of the wall of text, it's very simple and not complex at all, just energy, visualization, some runes and cleanings, that's all there is to it.

This is all I have the time to write out for now but good luck.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I know this all might look overwhelming and seem like a lot, but that's just the factors of the wall of text, it's very simple and not complex at all, just energy, visualization, some runes and cleanings, that's all there is to it.

This is all I have the time to write out for now but good luck.

Not at all. That takes like what maybe 30-40 minutes. :lol: I don’t get overwhelmed that easy. Oh and by “secret techniques” I just meant stuff I don’t know. I know your someone who gives a lot of great advice so I don’t think you would keep it hidden for yourself. Just a dumb joke. Thanks for the advice I make sure to most if not all of these.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Oh also thurisaz is ok right? I chose it because it’s a rune of cutting, healing and it works well in multiples of 9. So I visualize the rune on my chakra cutting through the blockage. Also you vibrate Munka as mmm-uuu-nnn-yyy-aa-kh-ah right? And vibrant purple is the same as Akasha? Is it normal to feel pains near the area this only happened when I used all techniques given?

Thanks again.
ChaosBringer666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Oh also thurisaz is ok right? I chose it because it’s a rune of cutting, healing and it works well in multiples of 9. So I visualize the rune on my chakra cutting through the blockage. Also you vibrate Munka as mmm-uuu-nnn-yyy-aa-kh-ah right? And vibrant purple is the same as Akasha? Is it normal to feel pains near the area this only happened when I used all techniques given?

Thanks again.

Thurisaz doesn't have a lot of associated rulerships with freeing chakras or destroying blockages, it's a little different in that it is an increasing force or raising of energy. It's explosive and is difficult to control the energies of and when unintentionally misdirected, at least from my experience (or should I say inexperience) can be painful. That 'cutting' sensation isn't really something to ignore, it can feel painful like that in your soul and mimic a similar physical sensation that actually 'physically' hurts if you do not have decent enough discipline to direct and control it's energies to prevent it from 'acting out' so to say.

It's one of the runes I just encourage a little extra precaution with, just as I do with Hagl. You can use other runes to protect you from it's negative properties and to help you control it. I never intend to make someone afraid to try something, I've messed up a lot of things when trying and learning on this path from accidentally binding myself, unintentionally cursing myself and making bad things happen to me, you name it, but none of it was ever permanent and I've managed to correct them every time and learned from the mistakes.

The decision is up to you though if you want to try out the rune in freeing your chakras, I only give advice.
Ghost in the Machine said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Oh also thurisaz is ok right? I chose it because it’s a rune of cutting, healing and it works well in multiples of 9. So I visualize the rune on my chakra cutting through the blockage. Also you vibrate Munka as mmm-uuu-nnn-yyy-aa-kh-ah right? And vibrant purple is the same as Akasha? Is it normal to feel pains near the area this only happened when I used all techniques given?

Thanks again.

Thurisaz doesn't have a lot of associated rulerships with freeing chakras or destroying blockages, it's a little different in that it is an increasing force or raising of energy. It's explosive and is difficult to control the energies of and when unintentionally misdirected, at least from my experience (or should I say inexperience) can be painful. That 'cutting' sensation isn't really something to ignore, it can feel painful like that in your soul and mimic a similar physical sensation that actually 'physically' hurts if you do not have decent enough discipline to direct and control it's energies to prevent it from 'acting out' so to say.

It's one of the runes I just encourage a little extra precaution with, just as I do with Hagl. You can use other runes to protect you from it's negative properties and to help you control it. I never intend to make someone afraid to try something, I've messed up a lot of things when trying and learning on this path from accidentally binding myself, unintentionally cursing myself and making bad things happen to me, you name it, but none of it was ever permanent and I've managed to correct them every time and learned from the mistakes.

The decision is up to you though if you want to try out the rune in freeing your chakras, I only give advice.

Got it. I’ll try it with Ansuz and munka to help sublimate the energies better. Doesn’t seem to be painful today more of a throbbing, I’ll keep my eye on it thanks again.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
