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About Races That Aren't From The Enemy Or From The Gods [Updated]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In the planet there are many races and life often-times is a very complex instrument that most people just want to simplify.

Our world is also lying and built upon the deception that "everyone is the same" and that "we are all humans" but the reality couldn't be further from the Truth.

Ancient people knew that not everyone is from the same bunch, and they also strongly divided people and races and human tribes, and even families, into groups of different beings. The Egyptians had many "enemy races" which were unspiritual, brutes and animals for all intents, and they waged wars on them to finish off the oppression from them.

There are many examples of this. In India today, there are hundreds of different tribes, but only the "finest" have evolved into the civilization "era", from today.

Not everything that walks in two legs is human, and even worse, within of what we call "humanoids" we also have major ranges of development and wisdom.

Don't look very far here into other planets, look in that one, or in your own family. Everyone has at least a few super andrapods in their family that are only interested in food and going to the bathroom.

The above, while when it comes to Gentiles, is actually "theoretically" and "in potentio" something from the thing that the Gods seeded a long time ago, no longer "is" that.

That's because of natural and entropic laws that regress evolution for species. In other words, that's a simple case of "if you don't use it, you lose it".

As you disconnect the spiritual culture from an individual or a person, then you essentially devalue them into an andrapod, or as the jews boast, you make them into a goy. This "goy" eventually is a soulless animal that walks in two legs and not much else, consciousness wise.

Certain tribes on this earth, didn't figure how to write a script, or to do maths, or to do anything. People of course today think that these are for granted, but these are not for granted. Theater, tragedies, advanced philosophy, ethical norms, advanced farming, elaborate poetry about man and wife, all of these things are not for granted.

If one was a honest anthropologist, that takes in consideration the many tribes of the earth who didn't even invent the bow, you will know for a fact that species who do the above are advanced and maybe even "alien", which will seem as a more reasonable explanation, and is the factual Truth compared to nonsense that everyone is human.

Additionally, while someone might invent something, and others can use it [like our computers], certain hominids and humanoid species have walked upon the earth that they likely couldn't do any of this. Our "progress" has been altered and affected in more than one ways.

And for these effects to occur, a species has to have an active "mind", which we also found hominids on the earth that didn't have it. These tribes do live still in isolation in the middle of nowhere, and while people went there with cameras, they didn't have spears.

There were no "colonizers" that kept them back in anyway, as is another common lie. In fact, the "Colonizers", actually might drastically upgrade the chances of people they come in contact with to survive, instead of nothing being done, as eventually, a giant tsunami, a solar storm, or simply a disease, will sooner or later wipe out a tribe or a people.

Still, if people are left on a place on their own, without anything, chances are also high that they might end up dead, enslaved, or generally never form a very elaborate civilization, capable to organize itself and face the difficulties of existence, which are many.

Space faring civilization level is also NOT to be taken for granted, few planets make it to this, and this doesn't have to do with external enemies, but life's conditions in themselves. We should be thankful the Gods have influenced us, no matter if certain ungreatful fools would also argue they "Colonized" us or whatever.

Without civilization, art, farming, spirituality, or the other "colonizer" things, the "native species" of the earth which was a semi-monkey situation, would likely still be breaking rocks on each other's head over a banana, and die at approximately 25 years old.

Certain races have been left without any attention from any colonizer or any external civilization, and we still find them for the last 100 years in the above situation or worse. They didn't have the input from other species to evolve, or they didn't reach the level YET.

And the way to reach that level is filled with so many obstacles, that lifeforms tend to die way before this. Many hominids from earth have died way before they reached any of that level, too.

It is a far reach going from not being able to make a bow, to becoming an initiate into the Mysteries of Egypt. When the people themselves saw civilizations like Egypt in the past, they got a cultural shock and they believed that the Egyptians were aliens.

Which technically, they "were", as "we", the "Civilized" people have not only been seeded here by the Gods, but we also have followed their path and teachings since millennia.

If you brought a pygmy today and put them on the side of Aristotle, the reality is, Aristotle is a God and nothing below that.

The history that we are told about "our species" is a collective lie, meant to sound simple, believable and approachable, and acceptable by the median level IQ people as being real.

That's why every smarter person believes in aliens or "conspiracy theories" on this planet, while the stupid believe that somehow penicillin was invented by "accident" or that it was "easy" and not by an advanced perception in the mind of a practising scientists that saw this on the middle of the invisible aether, or what we call, "his thoughts".

Or that Tesla was someone "kind of smart" when he invented the Turbine, and not really a literal alien god-like intelligence. And that Tesla and the pygmies were actually the same species doing this and that they are all the same or something. Which is absolutely untrue.

The system wants humanity, and especially the offspring of the Great Cultures [Gentiles] to be literally retarded. This retardation ensures for easy control.

The "powers that be" know of our collective alien origins, and they also know that "certain ones" on this planet are "further ahead" than others, while inherently all Gentiles massively comprise something that resembles far more and alien than anything that "existed casually on earth".

Native "inhabitants" of this earth or the totally uncivilized hominids, are essentially not much more besides animals. They hardly invented the script, they procreate, eat and then sit there on rocks not even having a language in many cases.

Among the "Three Core Races", we also have certain peoples who were FAR MORE advanced than the median average, who were spiritual kings of their time, and maybe rose and fell accordingly.

At the point of height of wisdom in Ancient Greece, people who were spiritually "up there", were called "Hellenes". Although that was to begin with the title for the Greeks as "racial bunch", it later started becoming a quasi-racial title, that involved those who were mysteries initiates, and the same happened with the the Hindus called people "Aryans", a honorary title for being a super deity compared to the "chandala" or the "andrapod".

Because of repeated lies about that "race doesn't exist", confusion and conflation of everything into the same soup has occurred now, where the 50 IQ pygmy has been "equalized" to some astronomy and astrology hyper-genius that is as intelligence as a living AI.

Super advanced people sporadically have shown up in all the Gentile races, and these abilities are "Remnants" from the Gods, who seeded us and made us.

We are told, that "all of this is humans" and that "everyone is equal", but all of this is literally exactly what the earth, our history, and our species, is NOT about. We were created as seeds in time with the abilities of the Gods to evolve and to build upon the divine patterns. Some lose them, others lose them and regain them later, and others lose them for good.

The key to these is the sciences and civilization advancement, and spiritual advancement. As a closing line, in more than one ways, reality is stranger than fiction.

Every mother out there for example knows that she has a form of a telepathic bond with her kid, at least maybe sometimes, but we are all supposed to pretend this doesn't even exist to appease the kikes, who tell you that this doesn't exist and try to train like monks in order to tap into the "unseen powers" they try to tell you don't even exist.

All we are offering here in JoS is the Truth and nothing more. We try our earnest.

If people cannot accept this because of "What the status quo says" barriers on their behalf, are fools.

This in itself proves all the points here of lack of an active mind and development, because if one literally believes that beings that don't invent the spear while some random dude showing up somewhere suddenly invented spacecraft or rocketry, something has to be really off in one's mind to buy these fairytales for grown ups.

As a conclusive note, the advanced "Ancient Knowledge" is knowledge that is otherwordly. It was not conceived by people that couldn't get the spear, and it's not primitive. It's beliefs, practices and origins are built upon the most advanced physics, that our whole planet brainstorming for centuries, only now starts to touch upon.

We owe this to "Those who from the heavens to the Earth came", but we also owe it to ourselves, because evidently, they also...seeded us.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Three races? But I thought there were four or something like Whites embodying the fire element, Blacks embodying the earth element, Asians embodying the air element and Indians embodying the water element?
Now THIS! I kind of wondered about? Especially when I look at some
Native American people. I'm not trying to be discriminative to them just in case we might have a few of them in this group? But there are so many different tribes of Native americans? And looking at their features and looking at their names and makes you wonder? If they are really another human being? Or humanoid? Or a species all together different? They hate the white people they're always bitching and complaining about us White people! And yet the Native Americans still each other's children and use as a slave? And they fight among each other and try to wipe out each other's tribes. And yet they will fight to stick up for each other! And call each other family? Native American and always refer to themselves as the real human and brag about being of the anunnaki? And every time I look up the word Annunaki I'm always looking at faces of Native American people. They have tried to claim that the whole continent of the United States is theirs? And I believe that they were in another continent before they migrated to what is considered the United states. And that they've always seemed a bit weird to me. For the fact that everyone of them are different in their features and in their looks even this sounds of their names? Taking the names of animals and even taking up on the names of elements and what goes on around them? I even wondered about the Asian people and for their uniqueness? They are an ancient people and they are a tribal people! Just the same as the Native American!? The Asian people have their own intelligence and their own way of expressing it and I can see that they have their god-like ways and you can see that their connection is very similar to some of the Gods that they talk about especially when it comes to martial arts and their medicine and their understanding in the Earth and how they live together in one household three different families Under One Roof and how they work together to pay the bills and each and every one of them having their own thing to do whether to be renting a business or running a household? And the way they organize things! And the Native American people live off the land always have and prefer to that they don't like modern technology and they don't like modern civilization. So it seems that way? They sit and laugh the way people dress and the way they put themselves out there to show an interest in movies entertainment and modern technology? The Native American people are intelligent people and they've proved it more and more throughout the years! I'm not hating on them I never have hated them! I always thought that they were a strange and unique people! And I wondered where they had fit in or where they came from throughout the years? And if they are Satan's people? Or not? And if so what God's would they be related to? Another specie of people that has gotten my attention throughout the years was the Aborigines from australia? And if they were a descendant from india? Or from the Middle East somewhere? Because of their similarities and their looks the shape of their skulls of the shape of their faces? And yet they have their own tribal music which is a little bit on the different using the didgeridos and the way they chant? And you can also see that they're an intelligent people as well as creative and they're proud of who and what they are and it makes you wonder if they were always on that continent of australia? Or if they were from some Middle Eastern country that migrated their ? Long before England sent the English prisoners there to live? Give them a chance to be among the living and a chance to progress and get somewhere that the white people? The English settlers that took that continent and made it theirs? How they managed to put up with the aborigines? All of these years! And you can see the history of discrimination? And yes the English were also using these Aborigines a slaves? And yet the Aborigines also had their own life and their own type of freedom? Along with their way of understanding other people from other countries as well as themselves and also developed a form of appreciation? Prove themselves worthy to the English letting them know that they're capable of doing things? And another type of species? Would be your eskimo? If they are actually a human species or if they're of another species all together? Or an alien and you can see that they have Indian qualities? And Asian qualities as well? And they look very similar to the Mongolian. And even when it comes to some people that are white? I kind of wondered about the English as well? If they are actually a Jewish Hebrew descent? Or if they are actually european? They look just like any other European person? And yet when it comes down to the Royal Family's such as the English Royal family? They're all tied in with money and working with the enemy? They have their own unique ways a lot of these people are very beautiful and very attractive? And a lot of these people have proven how intelligent they are in many ways! As well. And have been a part of the European culture for centuries. And it's not just the royal families of England or europe? Is those that are also blood related to them as well? I bet stand out a bit with their own features complete with their own language and dialect. I have often wondered about these types of people throughout the years. Ever since I was just a little child. And wondered where they came from? And how they managed to fit in with other cultures? And how they've won over the respect of other people from other countries and locals? That a lot of these people have their own languages and their own way of looking at things that are so far out from who and what we are and what we believe in? That it leaves you baffled especially when you read the history of people throughout Europe? And with the Enemy tries to put out there with the Bible and all the judio Christian shit? And makes you wonder these species didn't arrive at that particular time? The Jews started taking down Empires like Egypt and Greece and such.. now that we are talking about other species of people? Aliens and such?
The Phantom Stranger said:
Three races? But I thought there were four or something like Whites embodying the fire element, Blacks embodying the earth element, Asians embodying the air element and Indians embodying the water element?
There are only three races ( ok four if you count the jews ): White, Black and Asian. Indians belong to one of these three categories.
The Phantom Stranger said:
Three races? But I thought there were four or something like Whites embodying the fire element, Blacks embodying the earth element, Asians embodying the air element and Indians embodying the water element?

The “three core races” I think are Negroid (Black), Caucasoid (white) and Mongoloid (oriental).

Indians may be a sub race? I’m not sure.
The Phantom Stranger said:
Three races? But I thought there were four or something like Whites embodying the fire element, Blacks embodying the earth element, Asians embodying the air element and Indians embodying the water element?

No. The 3 original races are Whites, Blacks and Asians. All others are mixed.
The Phantom Stranger said:
Three races? But I thought there were four or something like Whites embodying the fire element, Blacks embodying the earth element, Asians embodying the air element and Indians embodying the water element?

The 3 core races are Blacks, Asians, and Whites, made in that order. Indians are evidently a newer mixed race going very far back.
The Phantom Stranger said:
Three races? But I thought there were four or something like Whites embodying the fire element, Blacks embodying the earth element, Asians embodying the air element and Indians embodying the water element?
It had been said ages ago that there are 3 main Races. They are divided into sub-Races. Indian is Asian (or a subdivision of Asian). I also interpreted this in the numerological way of 3 being the power number of creation and destruction. 3 Races for Earth - Physical, Mental and Spiritual; Blacks, Asians and Whites. That is the creation aspect; the destruction aspect is "the holy trinity" trinity = 3 (except according to christians, 1+1+1=1, the father + the son + the holy spirit = god. Again, with the 3 main Races, I interpreted it as the power number of 3 for creation upon Earth.
Amazing sermon, and very well put together. I've always believed the Internet is a gift from the Gods, to use wisely (despite the fact that the kikes created some brain-damaging platforms), and being in contact with many people online, being able to see beings from other parts of the world, it is obvious not all of them are "humans", and if you can feel, their energy speaks by itself.

Some of these individuals are called "those who are without" in the Al Jilwah for a reason. They changed so much, been took away from spirituality so much that we cannot be called of the same species anymore. Their soul is altered.
I just went completely crazy.
Since yesterday I keep coming across similar topics and others like as even Aryan library and today you have this sermon.
The Phantom Stranger said:
Three races? But I thought there were four or something like Whites embodying the fire element, Blacks embodying the earth element, Asians embodying the air element and Indians embodying the water element?

This is just reductionist thinking. Indians for instance have huge genetic variability; they are primarily a mix between the Aryans that wrote the Vedas and used the Sanskrit language and the native Indian Dravidian dark skinned types. North Indians show way more caucasian features because of their higher Aryan admixture, they aren't a "race" in itself.

Dagr666 said:
There are only three races ( ok four if you count the jews ): White, Black and Asian. Indians belong to one of these three categories.

This is just an arbitrary distinction. The 4"10 Pygmies are not the same "race" as a half-white African American, in fact if you base your concept of race on genetic diversity then there are more races in Africa than anywhere else. You could say there are 200 races or 3 races and you would be equally correct/incorrect depending on whatever distinctions you use. A black skinned south Indian Dravidian couldn't be placed in the same category as a 130IQ Japanese person by any metric apart from geography.

Race is real in that there are quantifiable differences between different groups of people but the actual categorisation is arbitrary unless a group of people have somehow been completely isolated from other populations over millions of years.
Thank you so much for clarifying a lot of this and in your replies to me about these complex subjects in the other thread. Very appreciated beyond words.

Even before I came to Satanism in this lifetime, I had a very strong feeling my countrymen were not meant to be living on this low level of existence and that something was very wrong, missing. Now it makes total sense why jews and lunatics among academics push things like 'primitive communism' in reference to tribes who eat people or gypsies who hack their children's limbs off for attention and treat them as some ideal society. The field of Anthropology is completely messed up beyond words.

Not related but this is also why I was very tired of certain accusations and rants that viruses and bacteria 'aren't real' and those primarily genius White men and Japanese men who discovered and came up with the initial treatments for these are somehow all part of some complex conspiracy to oppress 'terrain theory' (the enemy depriving us of spiritual protection for medical problems, shitting up the medical field and designing filth like AIDS and convid aside).
Dagr666 said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
Three races? But I thought there were four or something like Whites embodying the fire element, Blacks embodying the earth element, Asians embodying the air element and Indians embodying the water element?
There are only three races ( ok four if you count the jews ): White, Black and Asian. Indians belong to one of these three categories.

Yep, and if I'm not mistaken, each subrace of each of the 3 races embodies an element better than another subrace of the same race.

For example: Greek White may embody air element better than say, Sumerian and Egyptian Whites who may embody earth or fire element better, etc.
Something I have wondered about for awhile, is if someone with an average IQ and intelligence, could work to advance their intellect to that of a genius?

I'm fairly certain that this is possible. However I feel it would take quite some time and is not a process that should be taken lightly.

This is something I would eventually want to try to accomplish with workings because of the great benefit of being able to create at such a large scale.
The "3 Core Races" are just 3 blueprints that "almost" everything can be "Widely classified under".

Hindu's today are their own Race. The more beings inside a broader category differentiate and live differently, or in different locales, they eventually evolve and form their own "sub races" which are based on core blueprints but differentiate over time.

A sub-race can become so much more advanced or shit compared to the original one where they came from, that if the process continues, they can become like a category of their own.

Then they form their own category, based on a first blueprint.

If we go objective and very meticulous, we might say that the "White people" might actually have like 50 or 60 sub races, who are all White. In Germany, they already had 5. If we also count CERTAIN races like Syrians etc people from the Middle East who appear like Mediterranean Whites or are overwhelmingly White, we form even more categories.

Blacks also have likely hundreds of different sub-races. Some have done very well, others not so well. Pygmies for example have nothing got to do with 6"4 Blacks or the Dogon tribe or the Ethiopians, who were known of being the "Spiritual" people in Africa or many others, despite of them being "Black Skinned".

A black skin can mean one has black skin but is another species, in India, they have many races which are considered "indigenous" and they haven't advanced, let alone been on the level of the Bhrahmins or Indoaryans.

Asians also have many sub-races and they are very different, despite of all of them being Asian. As people differentiate and mating choices come in, certain traits dominate and the list goes.

What I am trying to explain with all these things, both with the articles on the origins of the kikes, and life in general, is that things are a bit tad more complex.

We need to rebuild racial anthropology to get back to our origins, start being serious about DNA analysis, not lie to ourselves anymore, accept that we humans are all different and see how life works, and help everyone advance as everyone is an inhabitant of the planet and we have future ahead of us.

Native Americans appear to be a very old version of proto Asiatic people's, and descended from the Gods too. The blueprints begin very very far further in time.

What we show in JoS for core races is to make understanding a bit easier. As one gets deeper into things, one will find many extensions, admixtures, and likely origins of more than one people. Which are very vast and for the current "Core Races", in my view extend to at least 40,000 years.
I've read that these hominids are extremely passive, and that people in rural Georgia would leave food for them overnight outside and they would stay silent about them when asked by the soviet researchers.
serpentwalker666 said:
Something I have wondered about for awhile, is if someone with an average IQ and intelligence, could work to advance their intellect to that of a genius?

I'm fairly certain that this is possible. However I feel it would take quite some time and is not a process that should be taken lightly.

This is something I would eventually want to try to accomplish with workings because of the great benefit of being able to create at such a large scale.

I don't want to sound overly dreamy or dramatic here, but based on our brains alone, it's evident that we can all become smarter and smarter only if we put our attention to learning etc.

While Tesla level genius is, I am convinced, a racial and very extreme level of development, that can take lifetimes and lifetimes, the reality is that everyone can keep advancing and that all the basis for this already exists.

Also, there are many different types of intelligence, some of which have to do with physical intelligence [sports, dancing etc] so one might not be a genius in one area but be one in another.

Technically speaking the issue with humans currently is that they don't live "long", and the time they live, they don't do anything positive for themselves in many cases while alive, and then the fact that due to lack of racial knowledge and eugenics practices, many of the things developed go to waste.

Fixing the above would keep raising the baseline of the good in a species. But the "powers that be" today want people to be as retarded as possible.
If I remember correctly the Greeks mentioned a tribe they called Cimmerians that were nomadic, not spiritual and that were dedicated to looting and pillage.

In India there is currently an island that is inhabited by a tribe that practices cannibalism and that nobody from outside can do there because they kill it and eat it and also in remote areas of South America such as the Amazonas or the Andes are some tribes of that style.
Speaking of certain races of people ive always been curious about the sentilnese people

The forbidden North Sentinel Island
An island in India and no ones ever really been on the island to study these people as they are extremely hostile towards
Any outsiders, a Christian by the name of
John Allen Chau in the 90s tried to make contact and preach to them about his jewsus and he was killed by arrows and they will probably try to kill anyone who dares try to go there what I'm extremely curious about is if maybe these sentilnese people have ancient artifacts of the gods there... we may never know...
98% or more of people on the earth are currently the offspring of the Gods.

Our Gods have colonies in Aldebaran, Orion, Sirius and many other places.

Satan and Beelzebub have been tasked with this and so many other people you see today on the earth are genetic creations of other Gods, such as Dagon, or Gods worked together in many of them.
Native Americans? Native Canadians? Indigenous? Ok here we go gonna write some tribes down - Ojibway / Oji-crees / Crees / Mohawks / Sioux / Mohicans / Blackfoots / Eskimos and I don’t know the rest of the tribes are

Mostly all of em were brainwashed since residential schools. Some were raped, some escaped. Some died in the winters while escaping ended up dead frozen.

So today most Christians are in the community “reserve” brainwashing the kids making them into believe jewsus crap. “Jesus saves” “jesus loves you” that kinda crap

So I’m all confused now “three core race”
Big Doggo Boy said:
Are the Afghani people and the Macedonian people from the Gods?

Thanks :D

Hail Satan

Afghani is not an ethnicity. The Pashtuns are half of Afghanistans people and being an Iranian tribe, yes they are white and aryan. Most sure don't act like it due to islam but yes they are descended from the gods.
As for Macedonians, they are mostly slavic mixed with who knows what since many invaders ruled that tiny piece of land through time. Again yes, as slavs are like germanic and nordic people white, aryan and of the gods.
If you were referring to ancient Macedonians, dna research has shown the inhabitants of Thesaloniki/Solun region bear most resemblance to them. These were autochthonous people of the balkans and not related to the greek/hellenic tribes that came some from asia minor some from north africa.

Hope that helps.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If you brought a pygmy today and put them on the side of Aristotle, the reality is, Aristotle is a God and nothing below that.
I once had a dream about him and it seemed extremely real, then looking at the image of his statue it looked very much like him, he was good looking with very thick brown hair equal in shape to that of his statue. He didn't even tell me who he was, I simply saw him and already knew who I was looking at, without ever having seen his statue before. So I wonder if he is still reachable in the astral, for one reason or another, or if he was just a creation of my unconscious.
I was discussing with other people about why black race has an inferior culture than white people and they argued that white people were advateged by better living conditions for a better natural environment.

Is this true?
Fiery Pluto said:
I was discussing with other people about why black race has an inferior culture than white people and they argued that white people were advateged by better living conditions for a better natural environment.

Is this true?

White people made many advances in the middle of the Ice Age when everything was frozen. There was no food because plants were frozen, they had to hunt animals for food and even there were less animals at that time because less food for the animals to eat. Every day, people were freezing to death and starving to death at the same time.

Compare to Africa at that same time which was perfectly warm. People could even sleep right on the ground outside at night without freezing. This also was before many of the deserts formed to be as large as they are now, and the grass lands were much larger. There was an endless amount of food anywhere you look, with edible plants and animals everywhere. The African continent has more valuable natural resources than anywhere else in the world. Just with the amount of resources available, Africa is paradise.

I have seen people talk about how this creates a difference between them to make White people have the mindset to plan things and think about things years in the future, and make Black people more impulsive and only think about what they want that exact moment. Because in Africa, there always was food and warmth, and any time you are hungry you can immediately just pick up some food. But in Europe, it would have to be planned a year or more in advance for food to be available for the whole year. The garden needs to be planted today, and has to produce a certain amount of food, then that food had to be stored in the correct way so that it would not spoil, and ration it to eat the correct amount so that it does not run out, just for that piece of food to be available a year in the future.
Fiery Pluto said:
I was discussing with other people about why black race has an inferior culture than white people and they argued that white people were advateged by better living conditions for a better natural environment.

Is this true?

No, yes, kind of, sometimes, depends on the context.

The truth is, Africa is one of the most resource-rich continents on the planet. But the strong suit of Black people [on average] is not intelligence per se. As Shannon put it in the past, Blacks are hardy, tough and in a way, a "primordial" people. Industrialism is not their strong suit. This, coupled with the fact that the jews have raped our planet and have dragged our gross average down to the mud and even far below that, they didn't have much chance to develop. In comparison, while our "civilized" world may look very advanced, it's probably not even one thousandth of the level we could be at without enemy interference.

As HP Cobra said once, we don't actually have much technology. Currently, our level of advancement is like the Middle Ages, but with computers. When you look at it that way, European civilization too has been held back very massively. Africans were even more so, in this particular metric. The jews give every People the poison most suited to bring them down.

If you want to talk about people being held back, look at it in this manner. Everyone was held back, every People has been enslaved and has enslaved other Peoples at one point in the past, even the word slave is derived from Slavs (or so it's told, I never bothered to check in all honesty, so please don't quote me on that unless it's verified). Furthermore, this only ever happened because of the meddling of the jews. We Gentiles are not normally of such a mind to do such irreconcilable evil to our fellow man. The enslavement of Africans is also solely the fault of the jews. They are responsible for and the profiteers of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, and were VASTLY overrepresented among slave owners whereas very few White people even had Black slaves to begin with.

Ergo, when you are talking to people about this (with proper safety measures taken in advance, I hope) you CAN concede that there was a thieving of opportunities, but you'd do well to push back in that A, this was done to everyone and B, the main and ultimate perpetrators always were and ARE the jews, not Whites by any stretch of the imagination.

Hope this helps.
OuroborphicMystery said:
Everyone was held back, every People has been enslaved and has enslaved other Peoples at one point in the past, even the word slave is derived from Slavs (or so it's told, I never bothered to check in all honesty, so please don't quote me on that unless it's verified).

Romans did use it in that context but it was derived from a preexisting protoslavic term "slava" the slavs used to describe their tribes meaning glory. There's also a theory that slav is from slovo meaning letter because they were distinguishing themselves from other tribes in the area of their origin that did not have a script but that hasn't been proven.
Funny enough the slavic tribes had a peculiar form of slavery that was reserved only for prisoners (usually of other slavic or germanic tribes) of war that were assigned to live with the families of those that died in battle. It lasted a certain number of years depending on a few factors during which they worked for that family in their fields and farms. They were treated fairly and when the time was served they were given a choice to keep living there or return to their own tribe.
Shemsu said:
OuroborphicMystery said:
Everyone was held back, every People has been enslaved and has enslaved other Peoples at one point in the past, even the word slave is derived from Slavs (or so it's told, I never bothered to check in all honesty, so please don't quote me on that unless it's verified).

Romans did use it in that context but it was derived from a preexisting protoslavic term "slava" the slavs used to describe their tribes meaning glory. There's also a theory that slav is from slovo meaning letter because they were distinguishing themselves from other tribes in the area of their origin that did not have a script but that hasn't been proven.
Funny enough the slavic tribes had a peculiar form of slavery that was reserved only for prisoners (usually of other slavic or germanic tribes) of war that were assigned to live with the families of those that died in battle. It lasted a certain number of years depending on a few factors during which they worked for that family in their fields and farms. They were treated fairly and when the time was served they were given a choice to keep living there or return to their own tribe.
Thank you for the trivia, Brother/Sister. The more you know!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
98% or more of people on the earth are currently the offspring of the Gods.

Our Gods have colonies in Aldebaran, Orion, Sirius and many other places.

Satan and Beelzebub have been tasked with this and so many other people you see today on the earth are genetic creations of other Gods, such as Dagon, or Gods worked together in many of them.

I'm curious about your wording, "Satan and Beelzebub have been tasked with this"
By who, since Satan is the Highest God and Emperor of all Gods? Do you mean like, metaphorically, tasked with this from the nature of Life which must spread?
Thanks :)
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
Three races? But I thought there were four or something like Whites embodying the fire element, Blacks embodying the earth element, Asians embodying the air element and Indians embodying the water element?

Indians are a mix of the 3 main races. They are not a main race.

From what is evident in many ancient temples and art, India most likely was of oriental origins. At some point to the least. There were influences of other races at later points, but the real dilemma is the vague cultural identify of Indians as a whole because you now have sub categories within a sub category, division within division etc... Let it be an example to other cultures to never get to this point.

Luckily you have some who acknowledge a caste, such as those of sub-aryan lineage and the dravidian and mongolian etc... but in due time the country as a whole will need an exponential restructure of its cultural and national identity.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
