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About puppets and their so called "music"

Satanic Path

Active member
Oct 8, 2019
A red basin
( My list of singers you need to spit on)
Today we no longer have music.
Just open youtube, look at the music videos, the JWO gesture of the singers, the ugly meanings behind it.
The old members are totally aware, this topic is aimed at beginners like me, but mainly at those beginners who listen to specific singers, maybe because they feel loved and valorized, or sad, even happy.
Sad? No to Billie Eillish, yes to small but good, indie singers. Try Børns, or Lord Huron, or M83, or Beach House.
Happy? Not that pop singer levitating on a pyramid, not the one sniffing coke, not the man drinking. Listen to less-commercial music, which is usually less Jewed as not many people listens to it yet.
You are gay? No need to listen to Britney Spears. There are other good singers who can make you feel valued, valued as a Gentile. That's what makes you special, not the fact you like females or males.
You don't want to be a puppet? So stop listening to songs who promote drugs, bestiality, incest, child abuse, violence, religion, acceptance, race mixing, feminism, communism, strange fetishes, transgenderism, suicide, alchool, women's dignity destruction.
You can read this and then add other "puppet singers", just to have more and more datas.
Pay attention, I'm not a jehova witness, so I can't force you to stay away from certain things.

MADONNA ( or The mummy, cause she is a fucking living mummy) . Here the danger level is fucking high.
I'm sure she is a priestess of the Jews. I wanted to tell you so bad about this thing: three years ago there was a true news which said Madonna had a casting for a Chef who could/was able to cook ------Jewish Food-------
Why? It's evident. She converted herself and became a monster.
She has an interracial family, she herself is married to a brown man, probably 20-25 years old.
She promotes that type of gays I hate, not because they are just gay or feminine, but because they just seem ill and corrupted.
She promotes transgenders.
Anonymus exposed her, and even Naomi Slut Campbell, and revealed she uses newborns' blood to keep herself young.
I honestly believe in this: Jews are capable of anything.
She insulted Satan dancing with men with horns and in the end, even riding one like he were a Goat.
Look at Girl Gone Wild, the dancers can make you horny, I confess it, but listen to her words, the way she apologises to jehova and prays him.
No, you're not a bad girl, you're not human at all, slut.
At the Met Jewish Gala, she also introduced the singer Maluma to the Illuminati.
There were different tweets exchanged between these two shits...maluma talked as if he had been baptized, introduced to a cult.
We all know which one.

Beyonce ( the Jewish Witch): She is litterally possessed by entities. Search on youtube for the moment during one of her sick performances where she reveals herself.
Look at her face.
A monster, a reptile.
Like the shitty movie Paranormal Activity but happening in reality, on stage.
Her alter ego is called Sara Fierce, but I believe that's just an excuse to hide the truth.
And there's even more.
Her female drummer reported her to the autorithes claiming she used sex magick against her, killed her cat, ruined her life, cast a spell on her.
This woman called B as Witch.
You can find this news on the internet.
In the song Girls, it's clear how feminist she is, how she sees men and blame them.
She is also a promoter of the fake, corrupted gay people.
In many of her performance, you'll see the typical Illuminati gestures.

Lady Gaga: do I need to talk about her? She's the one who influenced her fans to vote Biden.
She's a believer, she promotes Jewsus, corrupted gays, feminism, illuminati.
Born This Way is a bunch of words to make Trans feel natural and loved by god.
She's always using Illuminati typical gestures, using her hands.
The hand covering one of her eyes...it was all over her first album, and in the next performances.
In the song Judas she claims to be Mary and to have fallen in love with Judas.
She claimed Judas is the Demon she claims to, but Jesus is her virtue.
She broke character many times.
Who forgot the 1-hour walk in front of Paparazzi, towards her limusine?
It took literally one hour for her to get in her car, her eyes wide open, terrified, upset, her face as empty and confused as her mind.
Lady Gaga is a puppet, and no, gay is fine, but not that kind of corrupted gays.
She also substains adoption: I still have to make my own idea about this delicate topic, but many members have said it wouldn't be natural.
Sorry if Lady Gaga fooled you, she fooled me too, once.
Let's look at Aleandro ending scene, one of her most viewed videos: she has a red cross going down her vagina, swallows a rosary and dies, suffocating.
Suicide doesn't and won't ever belong to our Cult.

Kesha: Kesha, I'll never forget your "Die Young" video, you showing to the world what Satanists will never be like.
She entered a gutted church and danced among flipped over crosses and pyramids.
She pretended to be a priestess in a black mass, promoting corrupted values.
We see her dancing with men, dressed in black, under a wiccan star pointed upward.
Kesha is a victim of MKU, totally.
She promotes corrupted gays and transgender, queers, non-binary, asexuals and all that.
"Tik Tok" her first song that made her famous, showed an alchoolic teen without any value, any will or awareness of the sadness around and inside her.
An hymn to alchool addiction, and many children may have thought: I should drink it so I'm cool to others. Then have a party and get drunk because it's really cool, Goym.
Songs like "Hymn" and "Praying" are completely trash. One seems to promote atheism and acceptance, the other one...who would have guessed...Kesha literally inviting people to fall on their knees to pray jehova.
This way, she says, we'll find peace.

Sia, the pedo's friend: Jesus Wept. Hear that and you'll want to puke.
She tells of Jewsus like never before.
Alive: "I go where all Demons go...."
If it were true, you monster wouldn't have shot Elastic Heart's video: in here you see that shit of Shia LaBeuf dancing dirty and half-naked with a barely ten, sexualised puppet: Maddie Zigler.
Sia is not like other puppets: she hides herself pretty well, but as all of them, promotes transgenders and bad behaviours.
Oh, many of her song might have a decent meaning...don't let them trick you, in some way they must keep the game on.
So, dear Sia, if you ever visited a Satanic Place, you would end up dead, and pedos won't come to save you.

Jennifer Lopez: married to a different race man, had been married to white men before.
Her music has no meaning: she just screams how much she likes money (Dinero) or the way you need to shake your booty in order to get that men in your bed.
A satanist woman or man doesn't need Jennifer Lopez in order to get a man in his bed, neither wasting his time listening to a bilingual song talking about obscene things that used to be sacred.
Sex is art. Today's songs can't show how deep this art can be.
She hides well but... Everything coming from hollywood is bad.
"Ain't your mama" this time we see women leaving husbands in a bad manner to emancipate themselves, because they don't need men.
Jennifer Lopez: cancelled.

Ariana Grande: race mixing, extreme materialism, no values, no purpose, only trash, transgender agenda,and extreme, toxic femminism.
Her fans defends her on those comment section below exposing videos, the few good youtube let survive.
They pretend to believe Ariana is not a puppet of the Jews they don't see.
Most of the comments indeed talk about Satan controlling celebrities, in some ways involved with JEWS and even in The World Order. That's another topic.
"God is a woman" is one of her most reknowned song. She is literally a giant bitch sitting on the planet Earth.
She talks indeed about God being a woman, that's the main part.
She was engaged with a white man, but even before had been officially with a black man.
"7 rings" is the perfect example of a godless bitch who is absolutely blind, totally superficial, uncapable of seeing the enemy, but instead letting them ruling her mind and ruining her soul.

Rihanna: Ugly at a human level, promotes race-mixing, insult True Satanism making people believe she's hiddenly involved in it.
A very known story: She visited Barbados, the place where she was born but not, unfortunately, drown and devoured by sharks.
In here, she told her Fans: Believe in Satan, Worship him, your dreams will come true.
Here we see the Xtian idea of selling your soul like a candy to Satan or a Demon, because that's what is the most common enemy construct around His Sacred Name: Satan is Amazon, give Him your soul, you'll get the shoes you want.
These could be voices, but once again: PEOPLE IN HOLLYWOOD WOULD DO ANYTHING.
In "Where have you been?" ( Not in your rotten pussy) we see her dancing, making illuminati gestures and we can assume that what we see may be a ritual.
" We found love" promotes harmful behaviours and bad habits, smoking, taking pills, her kissing a white, maybe race-mixed man.
This is the common wire that liks these puppets songs: it passes through the worst things that Gentiles can do to ruin themselves, a land where the deepest evil must be enhanced and worshipped.
And, let's be honest: her voice is average if not less, Autotune is not singing.
At least the Gaga Puppet has a pretty voice ( but not a soul.)

Taylor Swift: she is the apotheosis of Mad, Corrupted LGB movement.
Nothing against myself or the men who enhance their beauty through make up, or even wear female clothes as we don't kill anyone.
But listen, she supports men cutting off their penises, women surgically removing their breasts, religion, race-mixing, acceptance of other religions.
Her lyrics seems innocent, okay, but the person behind them ( her herself) is obviously corrupted.
She was engaged with Zac Efron, who is Totally Jewish. Let's not forget Jake Gyllenhaal...he has a Jewish mother.
I don't think Taylor Swift has an Aura anymore. Does she have a soul at least?
No. Cruelty is needed sometimes, towards enemies, and who hurt people or gives no value to his own life.
Would you let a severe drug addict live? I wouldn't, if he/she shows no will to save him/herself.

Demi Lovato: commercial music + being worldwide famous= you probably kissed a Jews' ass.
This is the reality, today.
She is also known for her drug addiction, her last suicide attempt due to an overdose.
She was also a self-halmer at the beginning of her career.
Her lyrics are mostly innocent, I understand her pain, why she would cut herself, but not her defeat with drugs and her choice to keep on doing drugs.
Do we need these people in our lives?
Do we need strong or weak people to inspire us?
Again, she grew up in the medias, which are ruled by jews.
Again, hollywood puppets will never represent a fair role model to young Satanists and Warriors.
Their vibes and energies should never touch us. We're flying high, they're on the bottom of the black hole.

Katy Perry: the woman pretending to be an egyptian queen ( insulting one of the best, ancient kingdoms) floating like a bird above a levitating pyramid. Can it get more obvious, tragic than that?
It't typical of her, she has to stand above all.
I'm obviously talking about her single who generated more than a billion views.
She talks about magic, corrupted magic, in a very unrespectful way.
She turns her suitor into a dog, another one into a bunch of dust where we can see a Horus'Eye above the dirt.
" Cause once you're mine, once you're mineeee....there's no turning back."
Very tragic and trash.
If you want to make your ears bleed, know that in Unconditionally she sings about acceptance ( "acceptance is the key to be truly free", she says)sometimes surrounded my few couples made up of people of different races.
Yes Goy, accept Islam, let your wife be stoned to death for wearing a skirt, let allah rape your 4 years old daughter, let an Imam decide your whole life.
Isn't that beautiful, Goym?
The whole "Witness" album is constantly promoting Jewish World Order, Jewish moral and ideas.
In her performances, but also almost in each one of her music videos ( like Never Really Over, Wide Awake) she shows Jewish Puppets gesture.
Wide Awake is very controversial, because Katy, who is the character of the video, follows a Monarch Butterfly, which is the symbol of MK-ULTRA, totally unmistakable.
She is reborn, baptized to the JWO.
Katy also killed a nun who did't want to let her buy the cloister where this xian lived, as the nun blamed Perry to be evil and a bad person.
God forbid...all the nuns of this world could die and I could only rejoice, but I believe Katy was helped by her Jewish Masters through corrupted magick.
Katy Rotten Perry, not the best musical choice if you claim to have good tastes.

Nicki Minaj: she is the foolest, rudest, grossest, emptiest, pointless, most toxic person music knows.
Drug is always in her songs, like cocaine.
Sex too, violence as well.
Her body is totally ruined: Nicki destroyed his shapes to appear like Jews want women to appear: unnatural, with an ass that reaches the moon, a waist unable to contain your own stomach, enormous hips, extreme breasts...a wealthy person would never want to look like this bitch.
Look at her songs...dicks everywhere, ass everywhere, cocaine and crack are a costant, the words " nigga, bitch, suck, hoe, barbie..."
But here comes the sad part.
At one of her performances, she pretended to be possessed by a Demon, levitating by wires on a platfrom, doing again weird gestures with her arms and hands.
At the 2018 Met Gala, where the theme was faith, she dressed in red and when interwieved, she said to the journalist she was the Devil and dared men.
A plastic human representing Satan?
An empty soul representing undying beauty?
Due to women like her, girls are sick from anorexia and bulimia, they hate themselves for having cellulite.
Being superficial and a drug addict, promoting wrong ideas is not Satanic.
Don't let her music trick you into thinking bad things.
That music is created to influence weak people.
Nicki Minaj, or better, Plastinaj.

Miley ( Shit) Cyrus: Shit is her second name. She is a wild, severe feminist and really pushes non-bynarism, her being gender-fluid and transgenderism.
She is a weed consumer, an alchoolic, and thinks to be a good example, either that everyone should try weed.
" I've been sober for two weeks. When I want to drink, I drink. When I stop, I stop."
Would an aware person talk like this, as if drinking is just a thing and not that thing who will burn your brain and kill your liver and kidneys?
No. But jews like to see Gentiles despair, help them ruin themselves.
Do I even need to talk about her songs?
Cringe level is always high.
Basically her songs and videos are always ways to push feminism into people's mind.
Okay, we agree on the fact that women must wear what they wish without being afraid of being raped, but you can also think this way without being a mind controlled asshole.
Also, trans lobby is really friend with Miley Shitty Cyrus.
Miley: definetely one of the worst individuals under JWO's control.

Adele: good voice, but shot one of her most famous videos starring as a white woman engaged with a black man.
This is a personal thing, you can also choose to listen at her music which nearly always talk about love and loss.
But Adele is going to totally change in her next career: she will certainly become even more subliminal and dirty.
As she said, she's working on a new album, with a new approach...I already know what I can expect,maybe not pyramids and fake egyptian goddesses, but race mixing and other shit.

Avril Lavigne: Conspiracy theories said everything about Avril.
One thing is sure: as many, she is part of the Jewish Order.
At the beginning she might have been good and original, but she totally flopped in the last years.
"Head above water" a song where she begs Xtian god to save her from her death, or " I fell in love with the Devil, and now I'm in trouble ...I'm underneath his spell"...words coming from a song where she is the good xtian girl who slanders Satan.
Avril is well known to be more than what she admits to be.
When I listen to her old music, I don't have the same feelings I get when listening to a new song...fame changed her, fame ruined because fame itself draws Jews in.

Marylin Manson: I personally dislike most of his songs, since Marilyn is always talking about drugs.
" Cocaine and able, I don't baptize whores, I'm a legend,I'm not a fable."
This comes from Say10 and here he pretends to know Satan's view and values, which seems to be sniffing cocaine like a good wise man.
I like some of his songs, not all of them.
I like blasphemy towards jehova, but not the way he talks about Satanism.
Like an atheist would.
This is your personal choice, but don't be like the emo's who smoke weed listening to Marilyn Manson.

Cardi B: Trash. Vulgar. Dirty. Like Nicki Minaj, Cardi B doesn't use music to make art, but money and to brainwash people.
Her body is plastic, her music has no sense at all.
Tartini wrote music, Carducci wrote a hymn to Satan, Cardi writes about pussy, dick, smoke, oral sex, how beautiful hung men are, how she wants a King Cobra, not a garden snake.
Are you smiling, right? I am, because I'm happy to be able to see these people for what they are. Puppets.
"WAP" was shot in a big mansion, the floor of the building is chekered, black and white squares... this is another simble for Mind Control.
In a scene, Cardi and the other singer are laying on the floor among snakes creeping even on their bodies.
They keep slandering us and fooling people, whenever they can.

I hope you read this, and the next time you want to listen to Madonna, think it twice.
Let's try to stay away from negative energies.
Add your part/singer/puppet if you want, when you can, if you can.
Hail Satan and The Empire Of Orion!
Much of this talk about 'illuminati' and the music industry is just hogwash. It's a distraction from the fact that the real criminals against humanity who commit even occult crimes are the jews. They've been sacrificing Gentile kids for milennia, cursing everyone and everything including the earth itself, they run most pedophilia rings all over the world and a bunch of other crimes.

Many celebs are usually jews or just Gentiles with popularity fated in their charts. The Illuminati was a subversive jewish movement that probably died. Whether or not it is around doesn't matter as much as the fact that we have the jews still committing crimes that they have been committing since time immemorial.

The real problem is the jews. Funny enough, they own the entertainment industry which is always at the center of most conspiracy theories. Makes you wonder why one would keep pointing fingers at it and ignore the elephant that owns it.
Literally the only musician from that list I've ever listened to growing up was Marilyn Manson.

I don't think he was necessarily encouraging drug use, but rather an outlook on society as drugged up whether on illegal drugs or prescriptions to treat things that are artificial in and of themselves. Depression, for example, you could spend hundreds, thousands of dollars on Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Abilify, Celexa, or what have you, taking those pills for the rest of your life, or you could spend $10 at a Planet Fitness or some other gym getting yourself into shape and boosting your testosterone levels (if you're male) and your depression's gone within months.

Marilyn Manson used shock value to gain fame in the music industry, and it worked. If you listened to his music during what I call his "golden age", 1996-2000, his music reflects a satirical standpoint that the world, namely America, is drugged up out of its mind and going insane. Antichrist Superstar, Mechanical Animals, and Holy Wood are my favorite albums and are heavily cited as his best works, not to mention he also speaks upon television evangelists and the use of christianity as a tool to indoctrinate the masses, which was appropriate seeing how he was a friend of Anton Lavey.
There are famous Gentiles. Some might be in our path others not exactly but have a some what pagan life attitude.

Jews are many in The Hollywood scene because of what we already know about them. Jews have no curses affecting them like Gentiles and so most have very successful lives in many carriers.

Gentiles should have been in this positions if not for the Jews who have been cursing them for long. But they are some very many advanced human Gentile souls in many Famous scenes in different parts of the world, they are not necessarily JoS but doesn’t mean they not Pagan.

Sometimes its hard to Certainly point out a jew from the beginning since most hide around the cloak of a Gentile like behavior but the end of the day their jewishness always shows.

But there are many Gentiles also in the Celeb Scene. Music is Good and Naturally Satanic, Nothing is Gonna change That!!
Satanic Path said:
( My list of singers you need to spit on)
Today we no longer have music.
Just open youtube, look at the music videos, the JWO gesture of the singers, the ugly meanings behind it.
The old members are totally aware, this topic is aimed at beginners like me, but mainly at those beginners who listen to specific singers, maybe because they feel loved and valorized, or sad, even happy.
Sad? No to Billie Eillish, yes to small but good, indie singers. Try Børns, or Lord Huron, or M83, or Beach House.
Happy? Not that pop singer levitating on a pyramid, not the one sniffing coke, not the man drinking. Listen to less-commercial music, which is usually less Jewed as not many people listens to it yet.
You are gay? No need to listen to Britney Spears. There are other good singers who can make you feel valued, valued as a Gentile. That's what makes you special, not the fact you like females or males.
You don't want to be a puppet? So stop listening to songs who promote drugs, bestiality, incest, child abuse, violence, religion, acceptance, race mixing, feminism, communism, strange fetishes, transgenderism, suicide, alchool, women's dignity destruction.
You can read this and then add other "puppet singers", just to have more and more datas.
Pay attention, I'm not a jehova witness, so I can't force you to stay away from certain things.

MADONNA ( or The mummy, cause she is a fucking living mummy) . Here the danger level is fucking high.
I'm sure she is a priestess of the Jews. I wanted to tell you so bad about this thing: three years ago there was a true news which said Madonna had a casting for a Chef who could/was able to cook ------Jewish Food-------
Why? It's evident. She converted herself and became a monster.
She has an interracial family, she herself is married to a brown man, probably 20-25 years old.
She promotes that type of gays I hate, not because they are just gay or feminine, but because they just seem ill and corrupted.
She promotes transgenders.
Anonymus exposed her, and even Naomi Slut Campbell, and revealed she uses newborns' blood to keep herself young.
I honestly believe in this: Jews are capable of anything.
She insulted Satan dancing with men with horns and in the end, even riding one like he were a Goat.
Look at Girl Gone Wild, the dancers can make you horny, I confess it, but listen to her words, the way she apologises to jehova and prays him.
No, you're not a bad girl, you're not human at all, slut.
At the Met Jewish Gala, she also introduced the singer Maluma to the Illuminati.
There were different tweets exchanged between these two shits...maluma talked as if he had been baptized, introduced to a cult.
We all know which one.

Beyonce ( the Jewish Witch): She is litterally possessed by entities. Search on youtube for the moment during one of her sick performances where she reveals herself.
Look at her face.
A monster, a reptile.
Like the shitty movie Paranormal Activity but happening in reality, on stage.
Her alter ego is called Sara Fierce, but I believe that's just an excuse to hide the truth.
And there's even more.
Her female drummer reported her to the autorithes claiming she used sex magick against her, killed her cat, ruined her life, cast a spell on her.
This woman called B as Witch.
You can find this news on the internet.
In the song Girls, it's clear how feminist she is, how she sees men and blame them.
She is also a promoter of the fake, corrupted gay people.
In many of her performance, you'll see the typical Illuminati gestures.

Lady Gaga: do I need to talk about her? She's the one who influenced her fans to vote Biden.
She's a believer, she promotes Jewsus, corrupted gays, feminism, illuminati.
Born This Way is a bunch of words to make Trans feel natural and loved by god.
She's always using Illuminati typical gestures, using her hands.
The hand covering one of her eyes...it was all over her first album, and in the next performances.
In the song Judas she claims to be Mary and to have fallen in love with Judas.
She claimed Judas is the Demon she claims to, but Jesus is her virtue.
She broke character many times.
Who forgot the 1-hour walk in front of Paparazzi, towards her limusine?
It took literally one hour for her to get in her car, her eyes wide open, terrified, upset, her face as empty and confused as her mind.
Lady Gaga is a puppet, and no, gay is fine, but not that kind of corrupted gays.
She also substains adoption: I still have to make my own idea about this delicate topic, but many members have said it wouldn't be natural.
Sorry if Lady Gaga fooled you, she fooled me too, once.
Let's look at Aleandro ending scene, one of her most viewed videos: she has a red cross going down her vagina, swallows a rosary and dies, suffocating.
Suicide doesn't and won't ever belong to our Cult.

Kesha: Kesha, I'll never forget your "Die Young" video, you showing to the world what Satanists will never be like.
She entered a gutted church and danced among flipped over crosses and pyramids.
She pretended to be a priestess in a black mass, promoting corrupted values.
We see her dancing with men, dressed in black, under a wiccan star pointed upward.
Kesha is a victim of MKU, totally.
She promotes corrupted gays and transgender, queers, non-binary, asexuals and all that.
"Tik Tok" her first song that made her famous, showed an alchoolic teen without any value, any will or awareness of the sadness around and inside her.
An hymn to alchool addiction, and many children may have thought: I should drink it so I'm cool to others. Then have a party and get drunk because it's really cool, Goym.
Songs like "Hymn" and "Praying" are completely trash. One seems to promote atheism and acceptance, the other one...who would have guessed...Kesha literally inviting people to fall on their knees to pray jehova.
This way, she says, we'll find peace.

Sia, the pedo's friend: Jesus Wept. Hear that and you'll want to puke.
She tells of Jewsus like never before.
Alive: "I go where all Demons go...."
If it were true, you monster wouldn't have shot Elastic Heart's video: in here you see that shit of Shia LaBeuf dancing dirty and half-naked with a barely ten, sexualised puppet: Maddie Zigler.
Sia is not like other puppets: she hides herself pretty well, but as all of them, promotes transgenders and bad behaviours.
Oh, many of her song might have a decent meaning...don't let them trick you, in some way they must keep the game on.
So, dear Sia, if you ever visited a Satanic Place, you would end up dead, and pedos won't come to save you.

Jennifer Lopez: married to a different race man, had been married to white men before.
Her music has no meaning: she just screams how much she likes money (Dinero) or the way you need to shake your booty in order to get that men in your bed.
A satanist woman or man doesn't need Jennifer Lopez in order to get a man in his bed, neither wasting his time listening to a bilingual song talking about obscene things that used to be sacred.
Sex is art. Today's songs can't show how deep this art can be.
She hides well but... Everything coming from hollywood is bad.
"Ain't your mama" this time we see women leaving husbands in a bad manner to emancipate themselves, because they don't need men.
Jennifer Lopez: cancelled.

Ariana Grande: race mixing, extreme materialism, no values, no purpose, only trash, transgender agenda,and extreme, toxic femminism.
Her fans defends her on those comment section below exposing videos, the few good youtube let survive.
They pretend to believe Ariana is not a puppet of the Jews they don't see.
Most of the comments indeed talk about Satan controlling celebrities, in some ways involved with JEWS and even in The World Order. That's another topic.
"God is a woman" is one of her most reknowned song. She is literally a giant bitch sitting on the planet Earth.
She talks indeed about God being a woman, that's the main part.
She was engaged with a white man, but even before had been officially with a black man.
"7 rings" is the perfect example of a godless bitch who is absolutely blind, totally superficial, uncapable of seeing the enemy, but instead letting them ruling her mind and ruining her soul.

Rihanna: Ugly at a human level, promotes race-mixing, insult True Satanism making people believe she's hiddenly involved in it.
A very known story: She visited Barbados, the place where she was born but not, unfortunately, drown and devoured by sharks.
In here, she told her Fans: Believe in Satan, Worship him, your dreams will come true.
Here we see the Xtian idea of selling your soul like a candy to Satan or a Demon, because that's what is the most common enemy construct around His Sacred Name: Satan is Amazon, give Him your soul, you'll get the shoes you want.
These could be voices, but once again: PEOPLE IN HOLLYWOOD WOULD DO ANYTHING.
In "Where have you been?" ( Not in your rotten pussy) we see her dancing, making illuminati gestures and we can assume that what we see may be a ritual.
" We found love" promotes harmful behaviours and bad habits, smoking, taking pills, her kissing a white, maybe race-mixed man.
This is the common wire that liks these puppets songs: it passes through the worst things that Gentiles can do to ruin themselves, a land where the deepest evil must be enhanced and worshipped.
And, let's be honest: her voice is average if not less, Autotune is not singing.
At least the Gaga Puppet has a pretty voice ( but not a soul.)

Taylor Swift: she is the apotheosis of Mad, Corrupted LGB movement.
Nothing against myself or the men who enhance their beauty through make up, or even wear female clothes as we don't kill anyone.
But listen, she supports men cutting off their penises, women surgically removing their breasts, religion, race-mixing, acceptance of other religions.
Her lyrics seems innocent, okay, but the person behind them ( her herself) is obviously corrupted.
She was engaged with Zac Efron, who is Totally Jewish. Let's not forget Jake Gyllenhaal...he has a Jewish mother.
I don't think Taylor Swift has an Aura anymore. Does she have a soul at least?
No. Cruelty is needed sometimes, towards enemies, and who hurt people or gives no value to his own life.
Would you let a severe drug addict live? I wouldn't, if he/she shows no will to save him/herself.

Demi Lovato: commercial music + being worldwide famous= you probably kissed a Jews' ass.
This is the reality, today.
She is also known for her drug addiction, her last suicide attempt due to an overdose.
She was also a self-halmer at the beginning of her career.
Her lyrics are mostly innocent, I understand her pain, why she would cut herself, but not her defeat with drugs and her choice to keep on doing drugs.
Do we need these people in our lives?
Do we need strong or weak people to inspire us?
Again, she grew up in the medias, which are ruled by jews.
Again, hollywood puppets will never represent a fair role model to young Satanists and Warriors.
Their vibes and energies should never touch us. We're flying high, they're on the bottom of the black hole.

Katy Perry: the woman pretending to be an egyptian queen ( insulting one of the best, ancient kingdoms) floating like a bird above a levitating pyramid. Can it get more obvious, tragic than that?
It't typical of her, she has to stand above all.
I'm obviously talking about her single who generated more than a billion views.
She talks about magic, corrupted magic, in a very unrespectful way.
She turns her suitor into a dog, another one into a bunch of dust where we can see a Horus'Eye above the dirt.
" Cause once you're mine, once you're mineeee....there's no turning back."
Very tragic and trash.
If you want to make your ears bleed, know that in Unconditionally she sings about acceptance ( "acceptance is the key to be truly free", she says)sometimes surrounded my few couples made up of people of different races.
Yes Goy, accept Islam, let your wife be stoned to death for wearing a skirt, let allah rape your 4 years old daughter, let an Imam decide your whole life.
Isn't that beautiful, Goym?
The whole "Witness" album is constantly promoting Jewish World Order, Jewish moral and ideas.
In her performances, but also almost in each one of her music videos ( like Never Really Over, Wide Awake) she shows Jewish Puppets gesture.
Wide Awake is very controversial, because Katy, who is the character of the video, follows a Monarch Butterfly, which is the symbol of MK-ULTRA, totally unmistakable.
She is reborn, baptized to the JWO.
Katy also killed a nun who did't want to let her buy the cloister where this xian lived, as the nun blamed Perry to be evil and a bad person.
God forbid...all the nuns of this world could die and I could only rejoice, but I believe Katy was helped by her Jewish Masters through corrupted magick.
Katy Rotten Perry, not the best musical choice if you claim to have good tastes.

Nicki Minaj: she is the foolest, rudest, grossest, emptiest, pointless, most toxic person music knows.
Drug is always in her songs, like cocaine.
Sex too, violence as well.
Her body is totally ruined: Nicki destroyed his shapes to appear like Jews want women to appear: unnatural, with an ass that reaches the moon, a waist unable to contain your own stomach, enormous hips, extreme breasts...a wealthy person would never want to look like this bitch.
Look at her songs...dicks everywhere, ass everywhere, cocaine and crack are a costant, the words " nigga, bitch, suck, hoe, barbie..."
But here comes the sad part.
At one of her performances, she pretended to be possessed by a Demon, levitating by wires on a platfrom, doing again weird gestures with her arms and hands.
At the 2018 Met Gala, where the theme was faith, she dressed in red and when interwieved, she said to the journalist she was the Devil and dared men.
A plastic human representing Satan?
An empty soul representing undying beauty?
Due to women like her, girls are sick from anorexia and bulimia, they hate themselves for having cellulite.
Being superficial and a drug addict, promoting wrong ideas is not Satanic.
Don't let her music trick you into thinking bad things.
That music is created to influence weak people.
Nicki Minaj, or better, Plastinaj.

Miley ( Shit) Cyrus: Shit is her second name. She is a wild, severe feminist and really pushes non-bynarism, her being gender-fluid and transgenderism.
She is a weed consumer, an alchoolic, and thinks to be a good example, either that everyone should try weed.
" I've been sober for two weeks. When I want to drink, I drink. When I stop, I stop."
Would an aware person talk like this, as if drinking is just a thing and not that thing who will burn your brain and kill your liver and kidneys?
No. But jews like to see Gentiles despair, help them ruin themselves.
Do I even need to talk about her songs?
Cringe level is always high.
Basically her songs and videos are always ways to push feminism into people's mind.
Okay, we agree on the fact that women must wear what they wish without being afraid of being raped, but you can also think this way without being a mind controlled asshole.
Also, trans lobby is really friend with Miley Shitty Cyrus.
Miley: definetely one of the worst individuals under JWO's control.

Adele: good voice, but shot one of her most famous videos starring as a white woman engaged with a black man.
This is a personal thing, you can also choose to listen at her music which nearly always talk about love and loss.
But Adele is going to totally change in her next career: she will certainly become even more subliminal and dirty.
As she said, she's working on a new album, with a new approach...I already know what I can expect,maybe not pyramids and fake egyptian goddesses, but race mixing and other shit.

Avril Lavigne: Conspiracy theories said everything about Avril.
One thing is sure: as many, she is part of the Jewish Order.
At the beginning she might have been good and original, but she totally flopped in the last years.
"Head above water" a song where she begs Xtian god to save her from her death, or " I fell in love with the Devil, and now I'm in trouble ...I'm underneath his spell"...words coming from a song where she is the good xtian girl who slanders Satan.
Avril is well known to be more than what she admits to be.
When I listen to her old music, I don't have the same feelings I get when listening to a new song...fame changed her, fame ruined because fame itself draws Jews in.

Marylin Manson: I personally dislike most of his songs, since Marilyn is always talking about drugs.
" Cocaine and able, I don't baptize whores, I'm a legend,I'm not a fable."
This comes from Say10 and here he pretends to know Satan's view and values, which seems to be sniffing cocaine like a good wise man.
I like some of his songs, not all of them.
I like blasphemy towards jehova, but not the way he talks about Satanism.
Like an atheist would.
This is your personal choice, but don't be like the emo's who smoke weed listening to Marilyn Manson.

Cardi B: Trash. Vulgar. Dirty. Like Nicki Minaj, Cardi B doesn't use music to make art, but money and to brainwash people.
Her body is plastic, her music has no sense at all.
Tartini wrote music, Carducci wrote a hymn to Satan, Cardi writes about pussy, dick, smoke, oral sex, how beautiful hung men are, how she wants a King Cobra, not a garden snake.
Are you smiling, right? I am, because I'm happy to be able to see these people for what they are. Puppets.
"WAP" was shot in a big mansion, the floor of the building is chekered, black and white squares... this is another simble for Mind Control.
In a scene, Cardi and the other singer are laying on the floor among snakes creeping even on their bodies.
They keep slandering us and fooling people, whenever they can.

I hope you read this, and the next time you want to listen to Madonna, think it twice.
Let's try to stay away from negative energies.
Add your part/singer/puppet if you want, when you can, if you can.
Hail Satan and The Empire Of Orion!

Nice information, but what is wrong with being married to someone of different colour or ethnicity?!
Osiris Silvio said:
Satanic Path said:
( My list of singers you need to spit on)
Today we no longer have music.
Just open youtube, look at the music videos, the JWO gesture of the singers, the ugly meanings behind it.
The old members are totally aware, this topic is aimed at beginners like me, but mainly at those beginners who listen to specific singers, maybe because they feel loved and valorized, or sad, even happy.
Sad? No to Billie Eillish, yes to small but good, indie singers. Try Børns, or Lord Huron, or M83, or Beach House.
Happy? Not that pop singer levitating on a pyramid, not the one sniffing coke, not the man drinking. Listen to less-commercial music, which is usually less Jewed as not many people listens to it yet.
You are gay? No need to listen to Britney Spears. There are other good singers who can make you feel valued, valued as a Gentile. That's what makes you special, not the fact you like females or males.
You don't want to be a puppet? So stop listening to songs who promote drugs, bestiality, incest, child abuse, violence, religion, acceptance, race mixing, feminism, communism, strange fetishes, transgenderism, suicide, alchool, women's dignity destruction.
You can read this and then add other "puppet singers", just to have more and more datas.
Pay attention, I'm not a jehova witness, so I can't force you to stay away from certain things.

MADONNA ( or The mummy, cause she is a fucking living mummy) . Here the danger level is fucking high.
I'm sure she is a priestess of the Jews. I wanted to tell you so bad about this thing: three years ago there was a true news which said Madonna had a casting for a Chef who could/was able to cook ------Jewish Food-------
Why? It's evident. She converted herself and became a monster.
She has an interracial family, she herself is married to a brown man, probably 20-25 years old.
She promotes that type of gays I hate, not because they are just gay or feminine, but because they just seem ill and corrupted.
She promotes transgenders.
Anonymus exposed her, and even Naomi Slut Campbell, and revealed she uses newborns' blood to keep herself young.
I honestly believe in this: Jews are capable of anything.
She insulted Satan dancing with men with horns and in the end, even riding one like he were a Goat.
Look at Girl Gone Wild, the dancers can make you horny, I confess it, but listen to her words, the way she apologises to jehova and prays him.
No, you're not a bad girl, you're not human at all, slut.
At the Met Jewish Gala, she also introduced the singer Maluma to the Illuminati.
There were different tweets exchanged between these two shits...maluma talked as if he had been baptized, introduced to a cult.
We all know which one.

Beyonce ( the Jewish Witch): She is litterally possessed by entities. Search on youtube for the moment during one of her sick performances where she reveals herself.
Look at her face.
A monster, a reptile.
Like the shitty movie Paranormal Activity but happening in reality, on stage.
Her alter ego is called Sara Fierce, but I believe that's just an excuse to hide the truth.
And there's even more.
Her female drummer reported her to the autorithes claiming she used sex magick against her, killed her cat, ruined her life, cast a spell on her.
This woman called B as Witch.
You can find this news on the internet.
In the song Girls, it's clear how feminist she is, how she sees men and blame them.
She is also a promoter of the fake, corrupted gay people.
In many of her performance, you'll see the typical Illuminati gestures.

Lady Gaga: do I need to talk about her? She's the one who influenced her fans to vote Biden.
She's a believer, she promotes Jewsus, corrupted gays, feminism, illuminati.
Born This Way is a bunch of words to make Trans feel natural and loved by god.
She's always using Illuminati typical gestures, using her hands.
The hand covering one of her eyes...it was all over her first album, and in the next performances.
In the song Judas she claims to be Mary and to have fallen in love with Judas.
She claimed Judas is the Demon she claims to, but Jesus is her virtue.
She broke character many times.
Who forgot the 1-hour walk in front of Paparazzi, towards her limusine?
It took literally one hour for her to get in her car, her eyes wide open, terrified, upset, her face as empty and confused as her mind.
Lady Gaga is a puppet, and no, gay is fine, but not that kind of corrupted gays.
She also substains adoption: I still have to make my own idea about this delicate topic, but many members have said it wouldn't be natural.
Sorry if Lady Gaga fooled you, she fooled me too, once.
Let's look at Aleandro ending scene, one of her most viewed videos: she has a red cross going down her vagina, swallows a rosary and dies, suffocating.
Suicide doesn't and won't ever belong to our Cult.

Kesha: Kesha, I'll never forget your "Die Young" video, you showing to the world what Satanists will never be like.
She entered a gutted church and danced among flipped over crosses and pyramids.
She pretended to be a priestess in a black mass, promoting corrupted values.
We see her dancing with men, dressed in black, under a wiccan star pointed upward.
Kesha is a victim of MKU, totally.
She promotes corrupted gays and transgender, queers, non-binary, asexuals and all that.
"Tik Tok" her first song that made her famous, showed an alchoolic teen without any value, any will or awareness of the sadness around and inside her.
An hymn to alchool addiction, and many children may have thought: I should drink it so I'm cool to others. Then have a party and get drunk because it's really cool, Goym.
Songs like "Hymn" and "Praying" are completely trash. One seems to promote atheism and acceptance, the other one...who would have guessed...Kesha literally inviting people to fall on their knees to pray jehova.
This way, she says, we'll find peace.

Sia, the pedo's friend: Jesus Wept. Hear that and you'll want to puke.
She tells of Jewsus like never before.
Alive: "I go where all Demons go...."
If it were true, you monster wouldn't have shot Elastic Heart's video: in here you see that shit of Shia LaBeuf dancing dirty and half-naked with a barely ten, sexualised puppet: Maddie Zigler.
Sia is not like other puppets: she hides herself pretty well, but as all of them, promotes transgenders and bad behaviours.
Oh, many of her song might have a decent meaning...don't let them trick you, in some way they must keep the game on.
So, dear Sia, if you ever visited a Satanic Place, you would end up dead, and pedos won't come to save you.

Jennifer Lopez: married to a different race man, had been married to white men before.
Her music has no meaning: she just screams how much she likes money (Dinero) or the way you need to shake your booty in order to get that men in your bed.
A satanist woman or man doesn't need Jennifer Lopez in order to get a man in his bed, neither wasting his time listening to a bilingual song talking about obscene things that used to be sacred.
Sex is art. Today's songs can't show how deep this art can be.
She hides well but... Everything coming from hollywood is bad.
"Ain't your mama" this time we see women leaving husbands in a bad manner to emancipate themselves, because they don't need men.
Jennifer Lopez: cancelled.

Ariana Grande: race mixing, extreme materialism, no values, no purpose, only trash, transgender agenda,and extreme, toxic femminism.
Her fans defends her on those comment section below exposing videos, the few good youtube let survive.
They pretend to believe Ariana is not a puppet of the Jews they don't see.
Most of the comments indeed talk about Satan controlling celebrities, in some ways involved with JEWS and even in The World Order. That's another topic.
"God is a woman" is one of her most reknowned song. She is literally a giant bitch sitting on the planet Earth.
She talks indeed about God being a woman, that's the main part.
She was engaged with a white man, but even before had been officially with a black man.
"7 rings" is the perfect example of a godless bitch who is absolutely blind, totally superficial, uncapable of seeing the enemy, but instead letting them ruling her mind and ruining her soul.

Rihanna: Ugly at a human level, promotes race-mixing, insult True Satanism making people believe she's hiddenly involved in it.
A very known story: She visited Barbados, the place where she was born but not, unfortunately, drown and devoured by sharks.
In here, she told her Fans: Believe in Satan, Worship him, your dreams will come true.
Here we see the Xtian idea of selling your soul like a candy to Satan or a Demon, because that's what is the most common enemy construct around His Sacred Name: Satan is Amazon, give Him your soul, you'll get the shoes you want.
These could be voices, but once again: PEOPLE IN HOLLYWOOD WOULD DO ANYTHING.
In "Where have you been?" ( Not in your rotten pussy) we see her dancing, making illuminati gestures and we can assume that what we see may be a ritual.
" We found love" promotes harmful behaviours and bad habits, smoking, taking pills, her kissing a white, maybe race-mixed man.
This is the common wire that liks these puppets songs: it passes through the worst things that Gentiles can do to ruin themselves, a land where the deepest evil must be enhanced and worshipped.
And, let's be honest: her voice is average if not less, Autotune is not singing.
At least the Gaga Puppet has a pretty voice ( but not a soul.)

Taylor Swift: she is the apotheosis of Mad, Corrupted LGB movement.
Nothing against myself or the men who enhance their beauty through make up, or even wear female clothes as we don't kill anyone.
But listen, she supports men cutting off their penises, women surgically removing their breasts, religion, race-mixing, acceptance of other religions.
Her lyrics seems innocent, okay, but the person behind them ( her herself) is obviously corrupted.
She was engaged with Zac Efron, who is Totally Jewish. Let's not forget Jake Gyllenhaal...he has a Jewish mother.
I don't think Taylor Swift has an Aura anymore. Does she have a soul at least?
No. Cruelty is needed sometimes, towards enemies, and who hurt people or gives no value to his own life.
Would you let a severe drug addict live? I wouldn't, if he/she shows no will to save him/herself.

Demi Lovato: commercial music + being worldwide famous= you probably kissed a Jews' ass.
This is the reality, today.
She is also known for her drug addiction, her last suicide attempt due to an overdose.
She was also a self-halmer at the beginning of her career.
Her lyrics are mostly innocent, I understand her pain, why she would cut herself, but not her defeat with drugs and her choice to keep on doing drugs.
Do we need these people in our lives?
Do we need strong or weak people to inspire us?
Again, she grew up in the medias, which are ruled by jews.
Again, hollywood puppets will never represent a fair role model to young Satanists and Warriors.
Their vibes and energies should never touch us. We're flying high, they're on the bottom of the black hole.

Katy Perry: the woman pretending to be an egyptian queen ( insulting one of the best, ancient kingdoms) floating like a bird above a levitating pyramid. Can it get more obvious, tragic than that?
It't typical of her, she has to stand above all.
I'm obviously talking about her single who generated more than a billion views.
She talks about magic, corrupted magic, in a very unrespectful way.
She turns her suitor into a dog, another one into a bunch of dust where we can see a Horus'Eye above the dirt.
" Cause once you're mine, once you're mineeee....there's no turning back."
Very tragic and trash.
If you want to make your ears bleed, know that in Unconditionally she sings about acceptance ( "acceptance is the key to be truly free", she says)sometimes surrounded my few couples made up of people of different races.
Yes Goy, accept Islam, let your wife be stoned to death for wearing a skirt, let allah rape your 4 years old daughter, let an Imam decide your whole life.
Isn't that beautiful, Goym?
The whole "Witness" album is constantly promoting Jewish World Order, Jewish moral and ideas.
In her performances, but also almost in each one of her music videos ( like Never Really Over, Wide Awake) she shows Jewish Puppets gesture.
Wide Awake is very controversial, because Katy, who is the character of the video, follows a Monarch Butterfly, which is the symbol of MK-ULTRA, totally unmistakable.
She is reborn, baptized to the JWO.
Katy also killed a nun who did't want to let her buy the cloister where this xian lived, as the nun blamed Perry to be evil and a bad person.
God forbid...all the nuns of this world could die and I could only rejoice, but I believe Katy was helped by her Jewish Masters through corrupted magick.
Katy Rotten Perry, not the best musical choice if you claim to have good tastes.

Nicki Minaj: she is the foolest, rudest, grossest, emptiest, pointless, most toxic person music knows.
Drug is always in her songs, like cocaine.
Sex too, violence as well.
Her body is totally ruined: Nicki destroyed his shapes to appear like Jews want women to appear: unnatural, with an ass that reaches the moon, a waist unable to contain your own stomach, enormous hips, extreme breasts...a wealthy person would never want to look like this bitch.
Look at her songs...dicks everywhere, ass everywhere, cocaine and crack are a costant, the words " nigga, bitch, suck, hoe, barbie..."
But here comes the sad part.
At one of her performances, she pretended to be possessed by a Demon, levitating by wires on a platfrom, doing again weird gestures with her arms and hands.
At the 2018 Met Gala, where the theme was faith, she dressed in red and when interwieved, she said to the journalist she was the Devil and dared men.
A plastic human representing Satan?
An empty soul representing undying beauty?
Due to women like her, girls are sick from anorexia and bulimia, they hate themselves for having cellulite.
Being superficial and a drug addict, promoting wrong ideas is not Satanic.
Don't let her music trick you into thinking bad things.
That music is created to influence weak people.
Nicki Minaj, or better, Plastinaj.

Miley ( Shit) Cyrus: Shit is her second name. She is a wild, severe feminist and really pushes non-bynarism, her being gender-fluid and transgenderism.
She is a weed consumer, an alchoolic, and thinks to be a good example, either that everyone should try weed.
" I've been sober for two weeks. When I want to drink, I drink. When I stop, I stop."
Would an aware person talk like this, as if drinking is just a thing and not that thing who will burn your brain and kill your liver and kidneys?
No. But jews like to see Gentiles despair, help them ruin themselves.
Do I even need to talk about her songs?
Cringe level is always high.
Basically her songs and videos are always ways to push feminism into people's mind.
Okay, we agree on the fact that women must wear what they wish without being afraid of being raped, but you can also think this way without being a mind controlled asshole.
Also, trans lobby is really friend with Miley Shitty Cyrus.
Miley: definetely one of the worst individuals under JWO's control.

Adele: good voice, but shot one of her most famous videos starring as a white woman engaged with a black man.
This is a personal thing, you can also choose to listen at her music which nearly always talk about love and loss.
But Adele is going to totally change in her next career: she will certainly become even more subliminal and dirty.
As she said, she's working on a new album, with a new approach...I already know what I can expect,maybe not pyramids and fake egyptian goddesses, but race mixing and other shit.

Avril Lavigne: Conspiracy theories said everything about Avril.
One thing is sure: as many, she is part of the Jewish Order.
At the beginning she might have been good and original, but she totally flopped in the last years.
"Head above water" a song where she begs Xtian god to save her from her death, or " I fell in love with the Devil, and now I'm in trouble ...I'm underneath his spell"...words coming from a song where she is the good xtian girl who slanders Satan.
Avril is well known to be more than what she admits to be.
When I listen to her old music, I don't have the same feelings I get when listening to a new song...fame changed her, fame ruined because fame itself draws Jews in.

Marylin Manson: I personally dislike most of his songs, since Marilyn is always talking about drugs.
" Cocaine and able, I don't baptize whores, I'm a legend,I'm not a fable."
This comes from Say10 and here he pretends to know Satan's view and values, which seems to be sniffing cocaine like a good wise man.
I like some of his songs, not all of them.
I like blasphemy towards jehova, but not the way he talks about Satanism.
Like an atheist would.
This is your personal choice, but don't be like the emo's who smoke weed listening to Marilyn Manson.

Cardi B: Trash. Vulgar. Dirty. Like Nicki Minaj, Cardi B doesn't use music to make art, but money and to brainwash people.
Her body is plastic, her music has no sense at all.
Tartini wrote music, Carducci wrote a hymn to Satan, Cardi writes about pussy, dick, smoke, oral sex, how beautiful hung men are, how she wants a King Cobra, not a garden snake.
Are you smiling, right? I am, because I'm happy to be able to see these people for what they are. Puppets.
"WAP" was shot in a big mansion, the floor of the building is chekered, black and white squares... this is another simble for Mind Control.
In a scene, Cardi and the other singer are laying on the floor among snakes creeping even on their bodies.
They keep slandering us and fooling people, whenever they can.

I hope you read this, and the next time you want to listen to Madonna, think it twice.
Let's try to stay away from negative energies.
Add your part/singer/puppet if you want, when you can, if you can.
Hail Satan and The Empire Of Orion!

Nice information, but what is wrong with being married to someone of different colour or ethnicity?!

Read JOS and The Sermons on Jos. Race-mixing is unnatural, it ruins our souls. There are differences among every race, and every race should stay pure.
Yes of course, USA mainstream music is all jewish or marxist. When I listen music I listen NSBM on internet or local Estonian music from radio.
Satanic Path said:
Marylin Manson: I personally dislike most of his songs, since Marilyn is always talking about drugs.
" Cocaine and able, I don't baptize whores, I'm a legend,I'm not a fable."
This comes from Say10 and here he pretends to know Satan's view and values, which seems to be sniffing cocaine like a good wise man.
I like some of his songs, not all of them.
I like blasphemy towards jehova, but not the way he talks about Satanism.
Like an atheist would.
This is your personal choice, but don't be like the emo's who smoke weed listening to Marilyn Manson.

When judenpresse started defame Manson I decided to listen his songs. I do not like EMO style and drugs, but His music is even not bad.
Kurat said:
Satanic Path said:
Marylin Manson: I personally dislike most of his songs, since Marilyn is always talking about drugs.
" Cocaine and able, I don't baptize whores, I'm a legend,I'm not a fable."
This comes from Say10 and here he pretends to know Satan's view and values, which seems to be sniffing cocaine like a good wise man.
I like some of his songs, not all of them.
I like blasphemy towards jehova, but not the way he talks about Satanism.
Like an atheist would.
This is your personal choice, but don't be like the emo's who smoke weed listening to Marilyn Manson.

When judenpresse started defame Manson I decided to listen his songs. I do not like EMO style and drugs, but His music is even not bad.

I'm not a fan of many of Manson's songs rather he has a few good ones. I think one of the reasons why Manson never got as famous as possible and more so only became famous through controversy despite being able to walk circles around many debaters. Is the fact his music doesn't include many solos, rarely are there any songs with a solo in it, rather Manson's music style is just play consistently and persistently. A lot of metal and hard rock music includes solos so when Manson popped in the scene what was it like early-mid 1990s, his music and his style was only in existence since about late-1980s so a lot of people came from music that had solos during the song.

At least if you think of the mass of music from that era people tuning into MTV and watching the last of good rock and metal. Before the niggernization of Gentiles through hiphop, rap, R&B music and generally the whole anti-White, anti-Gentile music.

The only music that I like and I know not everyone likes him in fact I recall former HP. mageson stating he doesn't like this band and thinks they are some wannabe band from the whole rap-rock mix.

Is White Zombie/Rob Zombie. The ONLY reason I listen to them is because they have an interesting behind the background playstyle and unlike Marilyn Manson do have solos or at least some of their songs have solos in it. With that said not everyone likes White Zombie/Rob Zombie due to the fact they often have stereotypical Satanic read: kosher Satanic understanding i.e. talking about the Devil or whatever. And also if anyone pays attention most people who like WZ/RZ don't read the lyrics. IF you read the lyrics MANY of WZ/RZ songs are actually tidbits from Clockwork Orange and we all know Clockwork Orange is a kosher movie (((Kubrick))) and typical judentum style of living i.e. crime especially high collar crime and towards various scenes of the movie with the main characters wearing W-SS/SS uniforms especially towards the end as they return back to their nefarious ways.

With that said as for any other music besides a few songs from Pantera, Slayer(unfortunately most of their songs are crap), and a few other bands here and there.

At the end of the day.

I hate music!

Like seriously I loathe music with my entire mind, body, and soul. It's funny but a non-JoS astrological reference around 1989, every 36 years there is a Saturn Conjunct Neptunian aspect called the Musician.


So supposedly this aspect is to make me more of a concrete Neptunian person rather than a crazy whimsical person. EVEN IF I have my moments of craziness I'm not gonna lie I'm not a grounded person with reality. Like one astrological website mentioned, I'm like a person with one leg in the air and one leg on the ground and if certain things occur I can lose my footing real easily. Or like another website mentioned I'm like an A-Frame ladder I have to be on one side of the ladder while commanding my body on the other side of the of the A-frame ladder. Almost like I have to treat myself like a puppet.

Anyways I truly hate music. It's horrible it's always the same bullshit since the 1960s-1970s. All this love and sex bullshit it seems EVERY rock song played on the radio is always about sex and love and whatnot. It's like "Man is this artist simply doing this for the shekels or are you really that desperate to get laid".

It seems music is just an unfulfilling void to most people that's probably why people are obsessed with the same songs and funny enough even in nigger music it's the same shit. Just club, fucking, drinking, drugging, killing, race mixing. Same shit as rock music from classic rock music just with angry niggerish bullshit.

It's no wonder alternative music has gotten popular like metal or scream rock(As much as I cringe everytime I hear this stuff I understand it's a skill screaming through your stomach rather than your throat. If one of these guys scream through their throat they won't last one or two songs). Or other alternative music especially if it's not the typical sex, drugs, and rock and roll bullshit.

But at the end of the day music is just godawful. It's one of the worst inventions ever made just like cars since I hate driving and never wanted to learn to drive.

I'm not sure if it's because of the way I am or my hateful killing nature or just that I hate things and see things in a black-and-white manner.

But music to me is horrible. I avoid it and shun it like crazy. I notice EVERYONE is obsessed with music like some dopey teenager still listening to music ever since they learned about music and liked music pre-teen age.

I NEVER did what others did during the time I grew up. To me life was just SS;DD(Same Shit; Different day) always hated music and always cringed at music people like. Kinda like my friend it wasn't one incident that made him aware of the degenerate state of people it was a series of incidents that made him go "Why the fuck is everyone acting like a nigger?" and now a days you can argue with spicification "Why is everyone acting like a spic with this reggeaton crap".

Anyways it seems like O.P. is noticing a pattern embedded in music since probably what the 1840s-1850s. It reminds me of reading a long while back the musicology of the jews who were told en mass to enter into music and especially with certain artist studying the chromatic scales and studying ways to degenerate music.

Anyways this same shit, different artist and this same music shit dates back since the occult of the enemy perverted it's way unto entertainment and the whole marxist/communist perversion of entertainment. Seriously it seems like people are just torah poles pumping the kaballah with music.

I'm not sure if it's simply the whole Gentile vs jew situation or jew manipulation or just general bullshit but to me music is horrible. Horrible, horrible invention and should be destroyed.
Kurat said:
Satanic Path said:
Marylin Manson: I personally dislike most of his songs, since Marilyn is always talking about drugs.
" Cocaine and able, I don't baptize whores, I'm a legend,I'm not a fable."
This comes from Say10 and here he pretends to know Satan's view and values, which seems to be sniffing cocaine like a good wise man.
I like some of his songs, not all of them.
I like blasphemy towards jehova, but not the way he talks about Satanism.
Like an atheist would.
This is your personal choice, but don't be like the emo's who smoke weed listening to Marilyn Manson.

When judenpresse started defame Manson I decided to listen his songs. I do not like EMO style and drugs, but His music is even not bad.

His music and ideals are not always bad in fact maybe he helped some of us end up here and will help more in the future. This is because it connects enough to real Satanic ideals to ignite a spark in some people to search for them if they were pagan or Satanist in past lives.
The problem is he goes along with the whole xtian God being real thing and Satanism being about evil and all that. Marilyn Manson's songs are the closest thing to reverse fundy xtian that I know of. This still connects to their thoughtform and his music still has really dark and negative energy. I really don't like it that much anymore. Even some of the pop things listed are more positive than this since it's about worshipping evil basically which isn't good even if someone adds the name Satan in here. It connects to the enemy not our side. His whole music thing sounds like someone possessed by enemy entities and working for them to me.

I am not sure if he is Jew or not he might be. Don't care this really isn't that much my thing anymore. I mean yeah a few times when I am in the mood I might play something by him but not a fan anymore.
Gear88 said:
I'm not sure if it's simply the whole Gentile vs jew situation or jew manipulation or just general bullshit but to me music is horrible. Horrible, horrible invention and should be destroyed.
Music is beautiful thing from Satan and I'm sorry that you can not see it. Hopefully in the future when you have advanced past a certain point you can at least not want to destroy music. You see, many of us can't live without it.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Henu the Great said:
Gear88 said:
I'm not sure if it's simply the whole Gentile vs jew situation or jew manipulation or just general bullshit but to me music is horrible. Horrible, horrible invention and should be destroyed.
Music is beautiful thing from Satan and I'm sorry that you can not see it. Hopefully in the future when you have advanced past a certain point you can at least not want to destroy music. You see, many of us can't live without it.
yes me too i love music but a hate fucking rap its all the same shit, niggers fucking white bitches, niggers killing niggers, nigger this nigger that im so tired of that shit. I have started listening to country music and it really toutches the soul nicely
my music
One Wire Phenomenon said:
yes me too i love music but a hate fucking rap its all the same shit, niggers fucking white bitches, niggers killing niggers, nigger this nigger that im so tired of that shit. I have started listening to country music and it really toutches the soul nicely

Sounds like you need a taste of real music, then.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Conway Twitty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2aeRg_yMSE
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Henu the Great said:
Gear88 said:
I'm not sure if it's simply the whole Gentile vs jew situation or jew manipulation or just general bullshit but to me music is horrible. Horrible, horrible invention and should be destroyed.
Music is beautiful thing from Satan and I'm sorry that you can not see it. Hopefully in the future when you have advanced past a certain point you can at least not want to destroy music. You see, many of us can't live without it.
yes me too i love music but a hate fucking rap its all the same shit, niggers fucking white bitches, niggers killing niggers, nigger this nigger that im so tired of that shit. I have started listening to country music and it really toutches the soul nicely
Yes, country music is cool. Rap is almost all marxist crap
Henu the Great said:
Gear88 said:
I'm not sure if it's simply the whole Gentile vs jew situation or jew manipulation or just general bullshit but to me music is horrible. Horrible, horrible invention and should be destroyed.
Music is beautiful thing from Satan and I'm sorry that you can not see it. Hopefully in the future when you have advanced past a certain point you can at least not want to destroy music. You see, many of us can't live without it.
I know right???? Music is such an inspiration and mood. If Japan didn't exist, for myself, I probably would have never touched a piano. They have Ghibli soundtracks and game music that goes unnoticed such as the final fantasy series and their respective piano collections. So much emotion and passion carefully pieced together and not half-assed built with the mindset of programming youth. Pure and beautiful.

Music is sadly used as a took to program susceptible people that use them in relation to their situation. So much garbage music like rap that instills fear and hatred.

If you want any music suggestions I'll be more than happy to put together a Playlist ❤
ShadowTheRaven said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
yes me too i love music but a hate fucking rap its all the same shit, niggers fucking white bitches, niggers killing niggers, nigger this nigger that im so tired of that shit. I have started listening to country music and it really toutches the soul nicely

Sounds like you need a taste of real music, then.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Conway Twitty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2aeRg_yMSE

:eek: I listened to their songs before, having no idea at that time. Very useful information for me.
The one thing I like about Taylor Swift is not her person or her music in general but this fan-made video about NS Germany and how people troll her image with Nazism:

Aside of that the most "pop" thing I'd enjoy that is non-Pagan/Folk, non-NS or non-Metal is some country music - which is primarilly White Music - like Shania Twain and Paula Fernandes.

Paula Fernandes has this song "Espaço Sideral" which is the story of lovers who came from outer space but they got separated after an incident, and the other lover is trying to contact her in dreams and visions. I think some talented artists are inspired by the Gods regardless of their background:


"Straight from outer space
We came together in a spaceship
And we got lost in a big collision
with a comet - unbelievable
Millions of years missing you
Only in dreams do I know you come to see me
Call it crazy, or a thing of the beyond
I just know that even without sleeping I dream too"

"Music: Satan's Gift to Humanity" by HPS Maxine Dietrich: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/MUSIC.html

DezFranky said:
Henu the Great said:
Gear88 said:
I'm not sure if it's simply the whole Gentile vs jew situation or jew manipulation or just general bullshit but to me music is horrible. Horrible, horrible invention and should be destroyed.
Music is beautiful thing from Satan and I'm sorry that you can not see it. Hopefully in the future when you have advanced past a certain point you can at least not want to destroy music. You see, many of us can't live without it.
I know right???? Music is such an inspiration and mood. If Japan didn't exist, for myself, I probably would have never touched a piano. They have Ghibli soundtracks and game music that goes unnoticed such as the final fantasy series and their respective piano collections. So much emotion and passion carefully pieced together and not half-assed built with the mindset of programming youth. Pure and beautiful.

Music is sadly used as a took to program susceptible people that use them in relation to their situation. So much garbage music like rap that instills fear and hatred.

If you want any music suggestions I'll be more than happy to put together a Playlist ❤
Most pop music is disharmonious frequencies and out of tune with nature or earth frequency disconnecting people from it creating bad or chaotic mindsets.
slyscorpion said:
Most pop music is disharmonious frequencies and out of tune with nature or earth frequency disconnecting people from it creating bad or chaotic mindsets.

Not only are the frequencies disharmonious, they purposefully use frequencies that are bad for us. I urge everyone to speed up or slow down music. Even 1% is enough to throw off the bad frequencies.
Most musicians are unaware of it. Their instruments were tuned to produce bad frequencies.
Search for "432 Hz vs 440 Hz tuning" for more info.

How to change playback speed?
Install VLC. Go to View -> Status bar
This will show you the status bar. You can see the speed at the bottom right. 1.00x by default. You can click on it and manually adjust the speed.
If the increments are too big, go to Tools -> Preferences -> Input / Codecs -> Playback speed
Change it to what you want and restart VLC. I use 1.02x.

Nice thing about VLC is that it can play most youtube videos. Just go to Media -> Open Network Stream and give it the youtube URL. I suggest setting network caching to 10 seconds (10000 ms). After you open the stream you'll have to wait 10 seconds for the caching but you'll get a much smoother playback later.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
slyscorpion said:
Most pop music is disharmonious frequencies and out of tune with nature or earth frequency disconnecting people from it creating bad or chaotic mindsets.

Not only are the frequencies disharmonious, they purposefully use frequencies that are bad for us. I urge everyone to speed up or slow down music. Even 1% is enough to throw off the bad frequencies.
Most musicians are unaware of it. Their instruments were tuned to produce bad frequencies.
Search for "432 Hz vs 440 Hz tuning" for more info.

How to change playback speed?
Install VLC. Go to View -> Status bar
This will show you the status bar. You can see the speed at the bottom right. 1.00x by default. You can click on it and manually adjust the speed.
If the increments are too big, go to Tools -> Preferences -> Input / Codecs -> Playback speed
Change it to what you want and restart VLC. I use 1.02x.

Nice thing about VLC is that it can play most youtube videos. Just go to Media -> Open Network Stream and give it the youtube URL. I suggest setting network caching to 10 seconds (10000 ms). After you open the stream you'll have to wait 10 seconds for the caching but you'll get a much smoother playback later.

Is there a music app or program that has this ability automatically.
Satanic Path said:
( My list of singers you need to spit on)
Today we no longer have music.
Just open youtube, look at the music videos, the JWO gesture of the singers, the ugly meanings behind it.
The old members are totally aware, this topic is aimed at beginners like me, but mainly at those beginners who listen to specific singers, maybe because they feel loved and valorized, or sad, even happy.
Sad? No to Billie Eillish, yes to small but good, indie singers. Try Børns, or Lord Huron, or M83, or Beach House.
Happy? Not that pop singer levitating on a pyramid, not the one sniffing coke, not the man drinking. Listen to less-commercial music, which is usually less Jewed as not many people listens to it yet.
You are gay? No need to listen to Britney Spears. There are other good singers who can make you feel valued, valued as a Gentile. That's what makes you special, not the fact you like females or males.
You don't want to be a puppet? So stop listening to songs who promote drugs, bestiality, incest, child abuse, violence, religion, acceptance, race mixing, feminism, communism, strange fetishes, transgenderism, suicide, alchool, women's dignity destruction.
You can read this and then add other "puppet singers", just to have more and more datas.
Pay attention, I'm not a jehova witness, so I can't force you to stay away from certain things.

MADONNA ( or The mummy, cause she is a fucking living mummy) . Here the danger level is fucking high.
I'm sure she is a priestess of the Jews. I wanted to tell you so bad about this thing: three years ago there was a true news which said Madonna had a casting for a Chef who could/was able to cook ------Jewish Food-------
Why? It's evident. She converted herself and became a monster.
She has an interracial family, she herself is married to a brown man, probably 20-25 years old.
She promotes that type of gays I hate, not because they are just gay or feminine, but because they just seem ill and corrupted.
She promotes transgenders.
Anonymus exposed her, and even Naomi Slut Campbell, and revealed she uses newborns' blood to keep herself young.
I honestly believe in this: Jews are capable of anything.
She insulted Satan dancing with men with horns and in the end, even riding one like he were a Goat.
Look at Girl Gone Wild, the dancers can make you horny, I confess it, but listen to her words, the way she apologises to jehova and prays him.
No, you're not a bad girl, you're not human at all, slut.
At the Met Jewish Gala, she also introduced the singer Maluma to the Illuminati.
There were different tweets exchanged between these two shits...maluma talked as if he had been baptized, introduced to a cult.
We all know which one.

Beyonce ( the Jewish Witch): She is litterally possessed by entities. Search on youtube for the moment during one of her sick performances where she reveals herself.
Look at her face.
A monster, a reptile.
Like the shitty movie Paranormal Activity but happening in reality, on stage.
Her alter ego is called Sara Fierce, but I believe that's just an excuse to hide the truth.
And there's even more.
Her female drummer reported her to the autorithes claiming she used sex magick against her, killed her cat, ruined her life, cast a spell on her.
This woman called B as Witch.
You can find this news on the internet.
In the song Girls, it's clear how feminist she is, how she sees men and blame them.
She is also a promoter of the fake, corrupted gay people.
In many of her performance, you'll see the typical Illuminati gestures.

Lady Gaga: do I need to talk about her? She's the one who influenced her fans to vote Biden.
She's a believer, she promotes Jewsus, corrupted gays, feminism, illuminati.
Born This Way is a bunch of words to make Trans feel natural and loved by god.
She's always using Illuminati typical gestures, using her hands.
The hand covering one of her eyes...it was all over her first album, and in the next performances.
In the song Judas she claims to be Mary and to have fallen in love with Judas.
She claimed Judas is the Demon she claims to, but Jesus is her virtue.
She broke character many times.
Who forgot the 1-hour walk in front of Paparazzi, towards her limusine?
It took literally one hour for her to get in her car, her eyes wide open, terrified, upset, her face as empty and confused as her mind.
Lady Gaga is a puppet, and no, gay is fine, but not that kind of corrupted gays.
She also substains adoption: I still have to make my own idea about this delicate topic, but many members have said it wouldn't be natural.
Sorry if Lady Gaga fooled you, she fooled me too, once.
Let's look at Aleandro ending scene, one of her most viewed videos: she has a red cross going down her vagina, swallows a rosary and dies, suffocating.
Suicide doesn't and won't ever belong to our Cult.

Kesha: Kesha, I'll never forget your "Die Young" video, you showing to the world what Satanists will never be like.
She entered a gutted church and danced among flipped over crosses and pyramids.
She pretended to be a priestess in a black mass, promoting corrupted values.
We see her dancing with men, dressed in black, under a wiccan star pointed upward.
Kesha is a victim of MKU, totally.
She promotes corrupted gays and transgender, queers, non-binary, asexuals and all that.
"Tik Tok" her first song that made her famous, showed an alchoolic teen without any value, any will or awareness of the sadness around and inside her.
An hymn to alchool addiction, and many children may have thought: I should drink it so I'm cool to others. Then have a party and get drunk because it's really cool, Goym.
Songs like "Hymn" and "Praying" are completely trash. One seems to promote atheism and acceptance, the other one...who would have guessed...Kesha literally inviting people to fall on their knees to pray jehova.
This way, she says, we'll find peace.

Sia, the pedo's friend: Jesus Wept. Hear that and you'll want to puke.
She tells of Jewsus like never before.
Alive: "I go where all Demons go...."
If it were true, you monster wouldn't have shot Elastic Heart's video: in here you see that shit of Shia LaBeuf dancing dirty and half-naked with a barely ten, sexualised puppet: Maddie Zigler.
Sia is not like other puppets: she hides herself pretty well, but as all of them, promotes transgenders and bad behaviours.
Oh, many of her song might have a decent meaning...don't let them trick you, in some way they must keep the game on.
So, dear Sia, if you ever visited a Satanic Place, you would end up dead, and pedos won't come to save you.

Jennifer Lopez: married to a different race man, had been married to white men before.
Her music has no meaning: she just screams how much she likes money (Dinero) or the way you need to shake your booty in order to get that men in your bed.
A satanist woman or man doesn't need Jennifer Lopez in order to get a man in his bed, neither wasting his time listening to a bilingual song talking about obscene things that used to be sacred.
Sex is art. Today's songs can't show how deep this art can be.
She hides well but... Everything coming from hollywood is bad.
"Ain't your mama" this time we see women leaving husbands in a bad manner to emancipate themselves, because they don't need men.
Jennifer Lopez: cancelled.

Ariana Grande: race mixing, extreme materialism, no values, no purpose, only trash, transgender agenda,and extreme, toxic femminism.
Her fans defends her on those comment section below exposing videos, the few good youtube let survive.
They pretend to believe Ariana is not a puppet of the Jews they don't see.
Most of the comments indeed talk about Satan controlling celebrities, in some ways involved with JEWS and even in The World Order. That's another topic.
"God is a woman" is one of her most reknowned song. She is literally a giant bitch sitting on the planet Earth.
She talks indeed about God being a woman, that's the main part.
She was engaged with a white man, but even before had been officially with a black man.
"7 rings" is the perfect example of a godless bitch who is absolutely blind, totally superficial, uncapable of seeing the enemy, but instead letting them ruling her mind and ruining her soul.

Rihanna: Ugly at a human level, promotes race-mixing, insult True Satanism making people believe she's hiddenly involved in it.
A very known story: She visited Barbados, the place where she was born but not, unfortunately, drown and devoured by sharks.
In here, she told her Fans: Believe in Satan, Worship him, your dreams will come true.
Here we see the Xtian idea of selling your soul like a candy to Satan or a Demon, because that's what is the most common enemy construct around His Sacred Name: Satan is Amazon, give Him your soul, you'll get the shoes you want.
These could be voices, but once again: PEOPLE IN HOLLYWOOD WOULD DO ANYTHING.
In "Where have you been?" ( Not in your rotten pussy) we see her dancing, making illuminati gestures and we can assume that what we see may be a ritual.
" We found love" promotes harmful behaviours and bad habits, smoking, taking pills, her kissing a white, maybe race-mixed man.
This is the common wire that liks these puppets songs: it passes through the worst things that Gentiles can do to ruin themselves, a land where the deepest evil must be enhanced and worshipped.
And, let's be honest: her voice is average if not less, Autotune is not singing.
At least the Gaga Puppet has a pretty voice ( but not a soul.)

Taylor Swift: she is the apotheosis of Mad, Corrupted LGB movement.
Nothing against myself or the men who enhance their beauty through make up, or even wear female clothes as we don't kill anyone.
But listen, she supports men cutting off their penises, women surgically removing their breasts, religion, race-mixing, acceptance of other religions.
Her lyrics seems innocent, okay, but the person behind them ( her herself) is obviously corrupted.
She was engaged with Zac Efron, who is Totally Jewish. Let's not forget Jake Gyllenhaal...he has a Jewish mother.
I don't think Taylor Swift has an Aura anymore. Does she have a soul at least?
No. Cruelty is needed sometimes, towards enemies, and who hurt people or gives no value to his own life.
Would you let a severe drug addict live? I wouldn't, if he/she shows no will to save him/herself.

Demi Lovato: commercial music + being worldwide famous= you probably kissed a Jews' ass.
This is the reality, today.
She is also known for her drug addiction, her last suicide attempt due to an overdose.
She was also a self-halmer at the beginning of her career.
Her lyrics are mostly innocent, I understand her pain, why she would cut herself, but not her defeat with drugs and her choice to keep on doing drugs.
Do we need these people in our lives?
Do we need strong or weak people to inspire us?
Again, she grew up in the medias, which are ruled by jews.
Again, hollywood puppets will never represent a fair role model to young Satanists and Warriors.
Their vibes and energies should never touch us. We're flying high, they're on the bottom of the black hole.

Katy Perry: the woman pretending to be an egyptian queen ( insulting one of the best, ancient kingdoms) floating like a bird above a levitating pyramid. Can it get more obvious, tragic than that?
It't typical of her, she has to stand above all.
I'm obviously talking about her single who generated more than a billion views.
She talks about magic, corrupted magic, in a very unrespectful way.
She turns her suitor into a dog, another one into a bunch of dust where we can see a Horus'Eye above the dirt.
" Cause once you're mine, once you're mineeee....there's no turning back."
Very tragic and trash.
If you want to make your ears bleed, know that in Unconditionally she sings about acceptance ( "acceptance is the key to be truly free", she says)sometimes surrounded my few couples made up of people of different races.
Yes Goy, accept Islam, let your wife be stoned to death for wearing a skirt, let allah rape your 4 years old daughter, let an Imam decide your whole life.
Isn't that beautiful, Goym?
The whole "Witness" album is constantly promoting Jewish World Order, Jewish moral and ideas.
In her performances, but also almost in each one of her music videos ( like Never Really Over, Wide Awake) she shows Jewish Puppets gesture.
Wide Awake is very controversial, because Katy, who is the character of the video, follows a Monarch Butterfly, which is the symbol of MK-ULTRA, totally unmistakable.
She is reborn, baptized to the JWO.
Katy also killed a nun who did't want to let her buy the cloister where this xian lived, as the nun blamed Perry to be evil and a bad person.
God forbid...all the nuns of this world could die and I could only rejoice, but I believe Katy was helped by her Jewish Masters through corrupted magick.
Katy Rotten Perry, not the best musical choice if you claim to have good tastes.

Nicki Minaj: she is the foolest, rudest, grossest, emptiest, pointless, most toxic person music knows.
Drug is always in her songs, like cocaine.
Sex too, violence as well.
Her body is totally ruined: Nicki destroyed his shapes to appear like Jews want women to appear: unnatural, with an ass that reaches the moon, a waist unable to contain your own stomach, enormous hips, extreme breasts...a wealthy person would never want to look like this bitch.
Look at her songs...dicks everywhere, ass everywhere, cocaine and crack are a costant, the words " nigga, bitch, suck, hoe, barbie..."
But here comes the sad part.
At one of her performances, she pretended to be possessed by a Demon, levitating by wires on a platfrom, doing again weird gestures with her arms and hands.
At the 2018 Met Gala, where the theme was faith, she dressed in red and when interwieved, she said to the journalist she was the Devil and dared men.
A plastic human representing Satan?
An empty soul representing undying beauty?
Due to women like her, girls are sick from anorexia and bulimia, they hate themselves for having cellulite.
Being superficial and a drug addict, promoting wrong ideas is not Satanic.
Don't let her music trick you into thinking bad things.
That music is created to influence weak people.
Nicki Minaj, or better, Plastinaj.

Miley ( Shit) Cyrus: Shit is her second name. She is a wild, severe feminist and really pushes non-bynarism, her being gender-fluid and transgenderism.
She is a weed consumer, an alchoolic, and thinks to be a good example, either that everyone should try weed.
" I've been sober for two weeks. When I want to drink, I drink. When I stop, I stop."
Would an aware person talk like this, as if drinking is just a thing and not that thing who will burn your brain and kill your liver and kidneys?
No. But jews like to see Gentiles despair, help them ruin themselves.
Do I even need to talk about her songs?
Cringe level is always high.
Basically her songs and videos are always ways to push feminism into people's mind.
Okay, we agree on the fact that women must wear what they wish without being afraid of being raped, but you can also think this way without being a mind controlled asshole.
Also, trans lobby is really friend with Miley Shitty Cyrus.
Miley: definetely one of the worst individuals under JWO's control.

Adele: good voice, but shot one of her most famous videos starring as a white woman engaged with a black man.
This is a personal thing, you can also choose to listen at her music which nearly always talk about love and loss.
But Adele is going to totally change in her next career: she will certainly become even more subliminal and dirty.
As she said, she's working on a new album, with a new approach...I already know what I can expect,maybe not pyramids and fake egyptian goddesses, but race mixing and other shit.

Avril Lavigne: Conspiracy theories said everything about Avril.
One thing is sure: as many, she is part of the Jewish Order.
At the beginning she might have been good and original, but she totally flopped in the last years.
"Head above water" a song where she begs Xtian god to save her from her death, or " I fell in love with the Devil, and now I'm in trouble ...I'm underneath his spell"...words coming from a song where she is the good xtian girl who slanders Satan.
Avril is well known to be more than what she admits to be.
When I listen to her old music, I don't have the same feelings I get when listening to a new song...fame changed her, fame ruined because fame itself draws Jews in.

Marylin Manson: I personally dislike most of his songs, since Marilyn is always talking about drugs.
" Cocaine and able, I don't baptize whores, I'm a legend,I'm not a fable."
This comes from Say10 and here he pretends to know Satan's view and values, which seems to be sniffing cocaine like a good wise man.
I like some of his songs, not all of them.
I like blasphemy towards jehova, but not the way he talks about Satanism.
Like an atheist would.
This is your personal choice, but don't be like the emo's who smoke weed listening to Marilyn Manson.

Cardi B: Trash. Vulgar. Dirty. Like Nicki Minaj, Cardi B doesn't use music to make art, but money and to brainwash people.
Her body is plastic, her music has no sense at all.
Tartini wrote music, Carducci wrote a hymn to Satan, Cardi writes about pussy, dick, smoke, oral sex, how beautiful hung men are, how she wants a King Cobra, not a garden snake.
Are you smiling, right? I am, because I'm happy to be able to see these people for what they are. Puppets.
"WAP" was shot in a big mansion, the floor of the building is chekered, black and white squares... this is another simble for Mind Control.
In a scene, Cardi and the other singer are laying on the floor among snakes creeping even on their bodies.
They keep slandering us and fooling people, whenever they can.

I hope you read this, and the next time you want to listen to Madonna, think it twice.
Let's try to stay away from negative energies.
Add your part/singer/puppet if you want, when you can, if you can.
Hail Satan and The Empire Of Orion!

Congratulation for this topic brother!
Hail Azazel!
Hail Hitler!
Hail Satana!
slyscorpion said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
slyscorpion said:
Most pop music is disharmonious frequencies and out of tune with nature or earth frequency disconnecting people from it creating bad or chaotic mindsets.

Not only are the frequencies disharmonious, they purposefully use frequencies that are bad for us. I urge everyone to speed up or slow down music. Even 1% is enough to throw off the bad frequencies.
Most musicians are unaware of it. Their instruments were tuned to produce bad frequencies.
Search for "432 Hz vs 440 Hz tuning" for more info.

How to change playback speed?
Install VLC. Go to View -> Status bar
This will show you the status bar. You can see the speed at the bottom right. 1.00x by default. You can click on it and manually adjust the speed.
If the increments are too big, go to Tools -> Preferences -> Input / Codecs -> Playback speed
Change it to what you want and restart VLC. I use 1.02x.

Nice thing about VLC is that it can play most youtube videos. Just go to Media -> Open Network Stream and give it the youtube URL. I suggest setting network caching to 10 seconds (10000 ms). After you open the stream you'll have to wait 10 seconds for the caching but you'll get a much smoother playback later.

Is there a music app or program that has this ability automatically.

If you're on Linux, you can install a program called EasyEffects which processes audio system-wide. Turn on the pitch shifter plugin and set Cents to -32; this will shift it from 440 to 432.
Gearhead said:
slyscorpion said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Not only are the frequencies disharmonious, they purposefully use frequencies that are bad for us. I urge everyone to speed up or slow down music. Even 1% is enough to throw off the bad frequencies.
Most musicians are unaware of it. Their instruments were tuned to produce bad frequencies.
Search for "432 Hz vs 440 Hz tuning" for more info.

How to change playback speed?
Install VLC. Go to View -> Status bar
This will show you the status bar. You can see the speed at the bottom right. 1.00x by default. You can click on it and manually adjust the speed.
If the increments are too big, go to Tools -> Preferences -> Input / Codecs -> Playback speed
Change it to what you want and restart VLC. I use 1.02x.

Nice thing about VLC is that it can play most youtube videos. Just go to Media -> Open Network Stream and give it the youtube URL. I suggest setting network caching to 10 seconds (10000 ms). After you open the stream you'll have to wait 10 seconds for the caching but you'll get a much smoother playback later.

Is there a music app or program that has this ability automatically.

If you're on Linux, you can install a program called EasyEffects which processes audio system-wide. Turn on the pitch shifter plugin and set Cents to -32; this will shift it from 440 to 432.

Something I have kind of wondered about for a bit is this Idk does more high quality music equipment fix this somehow or make it worse. 🤔 like for example mostly I am listening to music from a stereo of speaker. If I bought a really high quality speaker would that do it.

This wasn't originally something I was that concerned about but I remember years ago before I was even fully SS a friend of mine telling me that certain music was created to weaken the physical body she then told me hold your arms out a certain way and move your body a certain way just with it silent. Then turn on some rap song try again. I was like holy fuck it actually was more difficult to do that movement with it on. I wish I could remember what it was she had me do.

I am not sure if this is a huge concern or not but I do like listening to music a lot.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
