New member
Подскажите хорошую защиту моих любимых карт, чтобы они не засорялись всяким духовным мусором. Сам я делаю вариант с рунами, но большое количество света отгораживает от людей и внешнего мира в целом
About protecting the tarot cards
Suggest a good protection of my favorite cards, so that they do not get clogged with all kinds of spiritual garbage. I myself make a variant with runes, but a large amount of light fences off people and the outside world in general.
About protecting the tarot cards
Suggest a good protection of my favorite cards, so that they do not get clogged with all kinds of spiritual garbage. I myself make a variant with runes, but a large amount of light fences off people and the outside world in general.