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About Mentally Ill People And Basket Cases PART 2

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Spiritual occurrences and what is labeled as these terms, while they are along the same "line" figuratively, are extremely opposite states of being comparing spiritual experiences and these disorders.

These should be divided on the quality, control, reality, and many other things relating to the experiences. Above all this, is the REALITY of these. Spiritual experience don't also leave people as vegetables, disabled, and so on. Mental disorders that are serious, do cause that.

Emotional overload, suppressed emotions, lack of knowledge of the self, hallucinogenics, and many other things, can contribute to loss of control or cause numerous issues. This is why one should try to bring all the above into a level of control [and in the case of drugs to nothing] so the body can come under control and therefore the mind be mastered progressively.

Spiritual states or altered spiritual states, are not like this. They have a general description that would sound similar [not even this in most cases], but that is only the surface of it. Proper meditation and interaction, heals people.

An example, a schizophrenic hearing random chatter all day long, or loud sounds and noises that make no sense, or a repetitive thought to jump off a bridge, is not the same as a properly attuned spiritual medium that listens about something very correctly, and then can communicate or not communicate at will.

The "schizophrenic" is not on any spiritual level, does not really perceive spiritual input, the other medium, is.

In meditation, opening up the mind, spirituality and so on, it's constantly emphasized in the JoS in regards to:

1. Knowing yourself
2. Doing void meditation
3. Remaining clean
4. Taking control of the mind

Doing the above heals the mind, soul and spirit. As time goes, causes of a lot of negativity within someone will be healed. Without the above, not only spirituality, but just about anything, can do a considerable amount of damage to someone.

Now, for those who are really open, such as extreme empaths, I will write elaborate instructions so one can bring this gift under control. Out of control, this gift can cause numerous issues, like other gifts one might have.

Knowing one's self is quintessential. For example, if one knows their weakness or strength, they can understand when their mind is trying to let them know of something. With years of experience and self knowledge, what would look like a riddle to a person, appears like a clear answer to another.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Lunar Dance 666 said:
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

So schizophrenia is real and not just a spiritual thing? I always assumed this had something to do with spirituality or the enemy entities and that it's just a fake label cause of misunderstanding the condition. My theory was it was a person open to the spiritual but on a really low vibration and disordered in input. It being genetic doesn't disprove this cause spiritual abilities and curses can be genetic.

A psychosis is said to occur in everyone at some point in their life and is basicly things like hearing voices or thinking you see things.
This can be normal spiritually as well.

But schizophrenia is recurrent psychosis which can lead to paranoia and claiming to be jesus etc.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Yes nicely put. I have heard that people who are more sensitive to the astral who are more psychic can border on psychosis if what you listed above is not followed. Dillusions especially pleasant ones can easily lead someone into a long rabbit hole of something they should not have been near in the first place. This is why I have always tried to remain realistic and skeptical on things, although i have made mistakes also along the way, which have been important for me to regognize as well and to move foward. better to reach the truth than believe a lie.

I am quite hesitant honestly on even practicing things such as astral projection or remote viewing untill i am more in tune with my real self underneath all the damage this life and past lives could have done. I think this is something alof of people underestimate and are far too impatient with, and as a result end up going insane or legitimately psycho, especially without proper guidence when they try moving on to other things. Others sadly have certain predispositions to mental illness that is very much apart from being psychic or open and just have something genetic going on or other.
I was also confused when several people were glamorizing Mental illness like Schizophrenia for something spiritual because i thought it was a mental disease. I know a person who has severe Autism where he has to be taken care of by his mother all the time and has repititive thoughts and behaviours. Literally a vegetable. I would never in any way say that that person is spiritual or his condition is due to some spiritual thing. Infact the opposite seems to be true ,that severe lack of spirituality in previous lives may have caused these illnesses.
I think an extension of the points you listed includes maintaining good physical health, as well as balancing with the elements.

Schizophrenia, bipolar, and some other conditions manifest in the soul, but they do have physical aspects as well. This is evidenced by success in using acupuncture to cure or alleviate them. Therefore, yoga or help from a holistic specialist would help.

As far as the elements go, earth is known for grounding, and should get attention for that. However, I believe the best "mindset" comes from all the elements in balance. I do not expect minor balancing with ether energy to fix major mental disturbances, but rather lesser dysfunctional thinking patterns.

One can use the Ayurvedic dosha system to understand their strengths and weaknesses, from a physical standpoint. This manifests due to astrological influence, but it is not a 1:1 translation. Specific astrological study is needed to understand the full depths of one self, but starting with your physical constitution is better than nothing.

In the case of severe disorders, there is not always an easy fix. Most are not competent to where they can apply the cures they are given, and even then, the cures may be complicated and lengthy. If the person is not abusing drugs currently, is doing yoga or seeing a holistic doctor, and chants SaTaNaMa many times daily, I believe this can stabilize such a person.

Sometimes it is like talking to a brick wall, or appears like it. However, these people still at least can read if they are posting here. That means that they can understand simple commands or pieces of advice given to them, especially if multiple people repeatedly tell them. If they are told "Chant SaTaNaMa 100x daily and affirm you are fully healed", or "Do the hatha yoga pdf", perhaps it will stick in their brain.

I don't believe any person to be "too far gone", however it is just a matter of what sort of time needs to be invested. This is not always practical, and may need to wait until the enemy is gone. Even normal people struggle with things that should actually be simple, such as physical health or mental endurance, let alone someone who did meth for 10 years straight.
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Yes nicely put. I have heard that people who are more sensitive to the astral who are more psychic can border on psychosis if what you listed above is not followed. Dillusions especially pleasant ones can easily lead someone into a long rabbit hole of something they should not have been near in the first place. This is why I have always tried to remain realistic and skeptical on things, although i have made mistakes also along the way, which have been important for me to regognize as well and to move foward. better to reach the truth than believe a lie.

I am quite hesitant honestly on even practicing things such as astral projection or remote viewing untill i am more in tune with my real self underneath all the damage this life and past lives could have done. I think this is something alof of people underestimate and are far too impatient with, and as a result end up going insane or legitimately psycho, especially without proper guidence when they try moving on to other things. Others sadly have certain predispositions to mental illness that is very much apart from being psychic or open and just have something genetic going on or other.

I wish I knew this before because this could saved me a lot of time. Now I understand why being silent is so important, how public opinion affects our lifes, what positive thinking truly means, difference betwen realism and negativity. This is why I deleted my social media accounts and I'm focusing only on positive people who are close to me. In general all this public opinion leaded me to compare my life with others. This created thoughts like I wanted to be like X person. For 'normal' people this can remain just dreams, but for a teenager who meditates can become obsessions and put a lot of energies in things that are just wrong
Off topic:

I just realized you mentioned soul and spirit seperately.
And then I realized we are "SPIRIT"ual Satanists..
Perhaps I have never actually realized these are seperate things?

I feel though, spirit and spiritual are two different things completely.

The spirit would be the essence of a being? Surely without the spirit the soul would fail to exist.

And spiritual, would be all of the "unseen, unknown, or occult" natures of the universe?

So perhaps spirit is like the Aries, aether, akasha.. The "first" step to existence?

Assuming this is accurate, and considering our bodies are constantly regenerating, it would be safe to assume that the spirit is like an internal fire that must be sustained.

And this would make sense why people refer to individuals with extreme willpower, as having strong spirit. An unbreakable spirit, etc.
I understand the soul as being an amalgamation of all of the "layers of existence", the body, mind, spirit, lightbody, astral body, thoughtforms, energy, etc.

The spirit would contain the natal energies, elements, past lifes, sex, race, sexual orientation?

I always wonder if we was to be reborn, would our Astrological chart be completely different.
So would the natal energies and elements actually be contained within the spirit...
Alright I will admit I have never dealt with or been around anyone that had a super serious mental illness so I guess I didn't fully know. In the Case of my girlfriend who was labeled with schizophrenia and taken to the hospital several times had paranoid states sometimes. It was completely spiritual. How do I know because when I started opening up I would experience the same things she was describing around her (mostly negative entities) and she did not ever have a mental problem or hallucinations or any of that before she was with a Jew for a bit unfortunately. Also she only gets into the state of seeing or thinking things that really actually are not there when this Jew energy is in her aura. Like for example thinking someone has been in the house or there are cameras watching her at all times or that people from her past or a random car is stalking her etc.
I remove this she snaps out of it and is normal.

So cause of this I assumed this was a spiritual cause with everyone. But after reading this and some replies I kind of see some things and I am going to read this to her btw and some replies too.
Oh and in my reply to cobra of course me being around a Jew and hanging out for a bit or something (I don't do that) or fundy xtian (my dad) it doesn't effect me after I clean my aura for a few minutes to 20 depending on how dirty it is but I wasn't talking about me. In my reply I was talking about random people most "normal" people don't meditate. So these energies can get in the soul and stay there till removed. Same with prayer.

So if someone had a Jew as a boy of girlfriend or hung out with one I think this can cause problems even long after leaving.
Wow this topic I almost feel like i was ment to read this just moved into a halfway house to stay off the streets that is
somewhat Christian based and i always wear my baphomet pendant out PROUDLY and im surrounded by people who have almost completely fried there brains with drug use like meth and whatever other drugs they did it is kinda worrisome how absolutely bat shit NUTS and the negative energy some of these people give off im constantly discriminated against, one guy just left the other day because he thought I was the devil,
And they all think im out doing animal sacrifices abnunch of other sick disgusting shit like that and I've explained to them many times that Satanism isn't about about that, goes through one ear and out of the other, people are just retarded... and ive lost all sympathy for these deluded fools ive been fighting back against the discrimination finally the manager sees that im serious and is trying to put a stop to it ( or he acts like he is)
Sometimes i can really feel and see how the enemy uses these mentallly unstable people it is blatant and disturbing to say the least, people that are that extremely mentally ill are capable of committing any kind of crime i believe some of them have threatened my life and got in my face multiple times because I refuse to worship that FILTHY nazarene bunch of ABSOLUTE fuckin lunatics i know other people within this forum can see how mentally unstable and radicalized
some xtians are getting and the enemy definitely uses these people i do not fear a single one of them as Satan and the gods have got me through WAY worse life threatening situations to the point if they didn't intervene i wouldn't be alive still I guess my point was that this topic was the answer I've been looking for from the gods...
Stay vigilant and HAIL SATAN
All of this is either one is deluded beyond and this is a mental illness. Or one is simply meditating. Or one is simply meditating on the road to insanity because it is a lot to take in.

This is also related to the ego, if the ego is expanded and blown out to proportions by siddhhis, one can as well have no other mental limitations, or otherwise stability and point of reference. Reality and illusion to the point of no difference. So while being advanced one can easily be driven insane but only by their own reaction to all of this. Meditations are not to be "joked" around.

I hold the opinion that not everybody, in relation to time, have the power to SUSTAIN some powers of the mind. In time with great stability yes, but this is a work of self. I wonder how many people became insane by chanting dangerous things with the wrong intentions. How many forced the Serpent only to be bitten back, and becoming extremely frightened with great imbalances. How many thought they were the only one to feel a needle in their ass only to go on an ego trip to "evolution and pink ponies" only to hit a wall when, like a kid not being bought a candy, couldn't preview or prevent an illness, or in time of need communicate with the Gods, which otherwise are the most basic things one should be able to do.

All who practice power meditation have a big warning there. Power meditation is real and powerful. So there is responsibility to self and others.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Oh boy the sequel. When that demon gave me the go ahead on Meditation a month ago, he was right. The obstacles have been cleared. I think the reverse angel names is what did it for me more then anything. I did an hour and a half of void yesterday. This has made a huge difference. I dont like writing this stuff here, but things are finally working perfectly.
In response to the people this response was to, schizophrenia is definitely real and definitely genetic in most hard cases. There’s things people can do to exacerbate the issue or even trigger it, but then there are people simply born that way. Just look at the case of Jani, one of the youngest schizophrenics. She didn’t do anything to cause that to herself and neither did her parents. Her mind was just that way. She’s gotten better with help and social activities. So even when it’s a physical issue and that extreme a person can still practice gaining control over it.

I don’t know that everyone will go into psychosis during their life. I’d define that as a loss of reality and having hallucinations, and I don’t think that’s something that’s just completely normal to happen. It’s more common than actual schizophrenia though.

People who are schizophrenic I personally think can ruin themselves by validating what’s going on in their head too much. They often study heavy amounts of spiritual things and turn it into something spiritual to try and gain some kind of an understanding of what’s going on with them, which just leads to them thinking they’re a god. I’d tell them to leave I all spirituality behind aside from yoga and void meditation and take extreme measures to stay in reality, stay social and active, stay off the internet, ect.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Knowing one's self is quintessential. For example, if one knows their weakness or strength, they can understand when their mind is trying to let them know of something. With years of experience and self knowledge, what would look like a riddle to a person, appears like a clear answer to another.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I don't know how someone can not know themselves.. How many years of experience are we talking about
cause I'm like
Béla said:
I used to have serious problems with electrokinesis when I was not SS. When I was tense and angry, electrical devices around me would break. Lights would burn out quickly, or in mild cases flicker, the TV would go off, sometimes even out. But there were times when the fuse blew.
But I can also use it for positive things. Because the electrical things that I love or think are important last a long time. When they theoretically shouldn't work, they go. But they don't last forever. But their lifespan is extended.

But after I found JOS I learned to control it better. Still not perfect though. But much better than it was. It takes a scrappy mind at first, but after that it's good.

The thing is, I used to think I was crazy about it because I didn't know what it was. But then I understood it.

If you hadn't got more experience, which you thankfully did, this could turn your life into a nightmare. Instead, you turned this into a good thing. That's about how these things should go.
Dark Blue Eye said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Yes nicely put. I have heard that people who are more sensitive to the astral who are more psychic can border on psychosis if what you listed above is not followed. Dillusions especially pleasant ones can easily lead someone into a long rabbit hole of something they should not have been near in the first place. This is why I have always tried to remain realistic and skeptical on things, although i have made mistakes also along the way, which have been important for me to regognize as well and to move foward. better to reach the truth than believe a lie.

I am quite hesitant honestly on even practicing things such as astral projection or remote viewing untill i am more in tune with my real self underneath all the damage this life and past lives could have done. I think this is something alof of people underestimate and are far too impatient with, and as a result end up going insane or legitimately psycho, especially without proper guidence when they try moving on to other things. Others sadly have certain predispositions to mental illness that is very much apart from being psychic or open and just have something genetic going on or other.

I wish I knew this before because this could saved me a lot of time. Now I understand why being silent is so important, how public opinion affects our lifes, what positive thinking truly means, difference betwen realism and negativity. This is why I deleted my social media accounts and I'm focusing only on positive people who are close to me. In general all this public opinion leaded me to compare my life with others. This created thoughts like I wanted to be like X person. For 'normal' people this can remain just dreams, but for a teenager who meditates can become obsessions and put a lot of energies in things that are just wrong

Yes this is true. In a nutshell do not empower your own dross
Hailenki.88 said:
Wow this topic I almost feel like i was ment to read this just moved into a halfway house to stay off the streets that is
somewhat Christian based and i always wear my baphomet pendant out PROUDLY and im surrounded by people who have almost completely fried there brains with drug use like meth and whatever other drugs they did it is kinda worrisome how absolutely bat shit NUTS and the negative energy some of these people give off im constantly discriminated against, one guy just left the other day because he thought I was the devil,
And they all think im out doing animal sacrifices abnunch of other sick disgusting shit like that and I've explained to them many times that Satanism isn't about about that, goes through one ear and out of the other, people are just retarded... and ive lost all sympathy for these deluded fools ive been fighting back against the discrimination finally the manager sees that im serious and is trying to put a stop to it ( or he acts like he is)
Sometimes i can really feel and see how the enemy uses these mentallly unstable people it is blatant and disturbing to say the least, people that are that extremely mentally ill are capable of committing any kind of crime i believe some of them have threatened my life and got in my face multiple times because I refuse to worship that FILTHY nazarene bunch of ABSOLUTE fuckin lunatics i know other people within this forum can see how mentally unstable and radicalized
some xtians are getting and the enemy definitely uses these people i do not fear a single one of them as Satan and the gods have got me through WAY worse life threatening situations to the point if they didn't intervene i wouldn't be alive still I guess my point was that this topic was the answer I've been looking for from the gods...
Stay vigilant and HAIL SATAN
You would save so much trouble by keeping quiet about your beliefs and worldview. All that saved energy can be used in more fruitful exprenditures. Just sayin.
Béla said:
I used to have serious problems with electrokinesis when I was not SS. When I was tense and angry, electrical devices around me would break. Lights would burn out quickly, or in mild cases flicker, the TV would go off, sometimes even out. But there were times when the fuse blew.
But I can also use it for positive things. Because the electrical things that I love or think are important last a long time. When they theoretically shouldn't work, they go. But they don't last forever. But their lifespan is extended.

But after I found JOS I learned to control it better. Still not perfect though. But much better than it was. It takes a scrappy mind at first, but after that it's good.

The thing is, I used to think I was crazy about it because I didn't know what it was. But then I understood it.
Reminds me of one of the first remote viewers for the operation sun streak, Lyn Buchanan, he basically destroyed some army electrical equipment because he was angry and well he got a job as a remote viewer because of that.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Now, for those who are really open, such as extreme empaths, I will write elaborate instructions so one can bring this gift under control. Out of control, this gift can cause numerous issues, like other gifts one might have.

I'll be looking forward to reading about this.
Henu the Great said:
Hailenki.88 said:
Wow this topic I almost feel like i was ment to read this just moved into a halfway house to stay off the streets that is
somewhat Christian based and i always wear my baphomet pendant out PROUDLY and im surrounded by people who have almost completely fried there brains with drug use like meth and whatever other drugs they did it is kinda worrisome how absolutely bat shit NUTS and the negative energy some of these people give off im constantly discriminated against, one guy just left the other day because he thought I was the devil,
And they all think im out doing animal sacrifices abnunch of other sick disgusting shit like that and I've explained to them many times that Satanism isn't about about that, goes through one ear and out of the other, people are just retarded... and ive lost all sympathy for these deluded fools ive been fighting back against the discrimination finally the manager sees that im serious and is trying to put a stop to it ( or he acts like he is)
Sometimes i can really feel and see how the enemy uses these mentallly unstable people it is blatant and disturbing to say the least, people that are that extremely mentally ill are capable of committing any kind of crime i believe some of them have threatened my life and got in my face multiple times because I refuse to worship that FILTHY nazarene bunch of ABSOLUTE fuckin lunatics i know other people within this forum can see how mentally unstable and radicalized
some xtians are getting and the enemy definitely uses these people i do not fear a single one of them as Satan and the gods have got me through WAY worse life threatening situations to the point if they didn't intervene i wouldn't be alive still I guess my point was that this topic was the answer I've been looking for from the gods...
Stay vigilant and HAIL SATAN
You would save so much trouble by keeping quiet about your beliefs and worldview. All that saved energy can be used in more fruitful exprenditures. Just sayin.
I dont cower and hide, i never have and never will you go ahead and hide, its time satan take his planet back and be KNOWN im sure the enemy and those kikes would love it if i just were to cower and hide, hiding in my opinion only serves the enemy, which is something i will NEVER do despite all the hate I get, doesn't bother me
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Knowing one's self is quintessential. For example, if one knows their weakness or strength, they can understand when their mind is trying to let them know of something. With years of experience and self knowledge, what would look like a riddle to a person, appears like a clear answer to another.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Does this work with Electronics??
thnks hail Satan.
Hailenki.88 said:
Henu the Great said:
Hailenki.88 said:
Wow this topic I almost feel like i was ment to read this just moved into a halfway house to stay off the streets that is
somewhat Christian based and i always wear my baphomet pendant out PROUDLY and im surrounded by people who have almost completely fried there brains with drug use like meth and whatever other drugs they did it is kinda worrisome how absolutely bat shit NUTS and the negative energy some of these people give off im constantly discriminated against, one guy just left the other day because he thought I was the devil,
And they all think im out doing animal sacrifices abnunch of other sick disgusting shit like that and I've explained to them many times that Satanism isn't about about that, goes through one ear and out of the other, people are just retarded... and ive lost all sympathy for these deluded fools ive been fighting back against the discrimination finally the manager sees that im serious and is trying to put a stop to it ( or he acts like he is)
Sometimes i can really feel and see how the enemy uses these mentallly unstable people it is blatant and disturbing to say the least, people that are that extremely mentally ill are capable of committing any kind of crime i believe some of them have threatened my life and got in my face multiple times because I refuse to worship that FILTHY nazarene bunch of ABSOLUTE fuckin lunatics i know other people within this forum can see how mentally unstable and radicalized
some xtians are getting and the enemy definitely uses these people i do not fear a single one of them as Satan and the gods have got me through WAY worse life threatening situations to the point if they didn't intervene i wouldn't be alive still I guess my point was that this topic was the answer I've been looking for from the gods...
Stay vigilant and HAIL SATAN
You would save so much trouble by keeping quiet about your beliefs and worldview. All that saved energy can be used in more fruitful exprenditures. Just sayin.
I dont cower and hide, i never have and never will you go ahead and hide, its time satan take his planet back and be KNOWN im sure the enemy and those kikes would love it if i just were to cower and hide, hiding in my opinion only serves the enemy, which is something i will NEVER do despite all the hate I get, doesn't bother me

Yeah I know sometimes it's less a problem than some people seem to imply it will be on here with certain people and you can gain converts sometimes but that is the minority most places most people still have a lot of problems with us to the point it can put your life in danger if the wrong person knows. You know about these people with mental illnesses how some of them can be manipulated by enemy entities you apparently are around these people. if you choose to do this anyways thats dumb I mean the Gods really can't do too much if someone decides to shoot or stab you randomly or something in the physical especially if you were being dumb and put yourself in that situation. So do you really want to take that chance. Also if a rabbi or spiritually aware Jew sees you with satanic imagery expect some curses and problems in the spiritual.

It makes life a lot easier not to be that open about your beliefs to everyone at least.
Fancy Slothz said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Knowing one's self is quintessential. For example, if one knows their weakness or strength, they can understand when their mind is trying to let them know of something. With years of experience and self knowledge, what would look like a riddle to a person, appears like a clear answer to another.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Does this work with Electronics??
thnks hail Satan.

Go home Magestein i hear grandma skeksis is making you matzo balls
Awesome!!🙏 Good to know. Thank you!!!! 💖 For sharing this. Hail Satan!! I am an empath and I even get carried away with emotions and such. And I know my weaknesses pretty well. And I do need to find balance in that as,well. 🙏💖 Thank you for opening my mind to these situations, and the difference between them and what to do. To understand yourself and where I fit in, And knowing what to do. To heal myself. 🔥🙏 And knowing to avoid the those who,, ? Don't understand why, and what they are or where they fit in or understand. We have a lot of people out there who are lost in there minds and confused. And we do have crazy people who need help. And Many like myself! That just needs to be directed by the proper mentor and find ways to relax, And following a good plan, that will help you achieve your goals in control of mind. And finding the balance. I need! 💖🐍 In order to move on with some things!🌸 I love you HP Hooded Cobra 666 Your Amazing!! Again thank you for sharing this!! Hail Satan!!!🙏💗
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Spiritual occurrences and what is labeled as these terms, while they are along the same "line" figuratively, are extremely opposite states of being comparing spiritual experiences and these disorders.

These should be divided on the quality, control, reality, and many other things relating to the experiences. Above all this, is the REALITY of these. Spiritual experience don't also leave people as vegetables, disabled, and so on. Mental disorders that are serious, do cause that.

Emotional overload, suppressed emotions, lack of knowledge of the self, hallucinogenics, and many other things, can contribute to loss of control or cause numerous issues. This is why one should try to bring all the above into a level of control [and in the case of drugs to nothing] so the body can come under control and therefore the mind be mastered progressively.

Spiritual states or altered spiritual states, are not like this. They have a general description that would sound similar [not even this in most cases], but that is only the surface of it. Proper meditation and interaction, heals people.

An example, a schizophrenic hearing random chatter all day long, or loud sounds and noises that make no sense, or a repetitive thought to jump off a bridge, is not the same as a properly attuned spiritual medium that listens about something very correctly, and then can communicate or not communicate at will.

The "schizophrenic" is not on any spiritual level, does not really perceive spiritual input, the other medium, is.

In meditation, opening up the mind, spirituality and so on, it's constantly emphasized in the JoS in regards to:

1. Knowing yourself
2. Doing void meditation
3. Remaining clean
4. Taking control of the mind

Doing the above heals the mind, soul and spirit. As time goes, causes of a lot of negativity within someone will be healed. Without the above, not only spirituality, but just about anything, can do a considerable amount of damage to someone.

Now, for those who are really open, such as extreme empaths, I will write elaborate instructions so one can bring this gift under control. Out of control, this gift can cause numerous issues, like other gifts one might have.

Knowing one's self is quintessential. For example, if one knows their weakness or strength, they can understand when their mind is trying to let them know of something. With years of experience and self knowledge, what would look like a riddle to a person, appears like a clear answer to another.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Lunar Dance 666 said:
slyscorpion said:
So schizophrenia is real and not just a spiritual thing? I always assumed this had something to do with spirituality or the enemy entities and that it's just a fake label cause of misunderstanding the condition. My theory was it was a person open to the spiritual but on a really low vibration and disordered in input. It being genetic doesn't disprove this cause spiritual abilities and curses can be genetic.

A psychosis is said to occur in everyone at some point in their life and is basicly things like hearing voices or thinking you see things.
This can be normal spiritually as well.

But schizophrenia is recurrent psychosis which can lead to paranoia and claiming to be jesus etc.

We have had such stupid shit here over the years. High priest Salem burke being risen and freezing fairies, even showing us one in a jar. High priest lucius dragonwolf killing arch angel Michael by appearing on a battlefield and poking out his eyes. High priest vovim Baghie being risen and remote viewing 80 people at one time. Kai purr becoming a God or at least being super advanced.

We really believed most of this shit too. The RTRs are what really made the JOS. Along with some advanced meditations that came out later. Amazing how much has changed. If we didnt evolve, we really would have been some stupid cult thing. Which is weird looking back, at how many years I spent with the JOS at that level.

You would think I would turn to my sides and have great friendships and allies. But no. After all that I am still very much alone. Such a strange cross roads for me in my life.

I'm glad we are making great progress. Part of me just wants to fast forward 5 years. That's all my life has been, sit and wait sit and wait. Till your 60. One day you will get to live life. It's coming! Just keep holding out.
Hailenki.88 said:
Henu the Great said:
Hailenki.88 said:
Wow this topic I almost feel like i was ment to read this just moved into a halfway house to stay off the streets that is
somewhat Christian based and i always wear my baphomet pendant out PROUDLY and im surrounded by people who have almost completely fried there brains with drug use like meth and whatever other drugs they did it is kinda worrisome how absolutely bat shit NUTS and the negative energy some of these people give off im constantly discriminated against, one guy just left the other day because he thought I was the devil,
And they all think im out doing animal sacrifices abnunch of other sick disgusting shit like that and I've explained to them many times that Satanism isn't about about that, goes through one ear and out of the other, people are just retarded... and ive lost all sympathy for these deluded fools ive been fighting back against the discrimination finally the manager sees that im serious and is trying to put a stop to it ( or he acts like he is)
Sometimes i can really feel and see how the enemy uses these mentallly unstable people it is blatant and disturbing to say the least, people that are that extremely mentally ill are capable of committing any kind of crime i believe some of them have threatened my life and got in my face multiple times because I refuse to worship that FILTHY nazarene bunch of ABSOLUTE fuckin lunatics i know other people within this forum can see how mentally unstable and radicalized
some xtians are getting and the enemy definitely uses these people i do not fear a single one of them as Satan and the gods have got me through WAY worse life threatening situations to the point if they didn't intervene i wouldn't be alive still I guess my point was that this topic was the answer I've been looking for from the gods...
Stay vigilant and HAIL SATAN
You would save so much trouble by keeping quiet about your beliefs and worldview. All that saved energy can be used in more fruitful exprenditures. Just sayin.
I dont cower and hide, i never have and never will you go ahead and hide, its time satan take his planet back and be KNOWN im sure the enemy and those kikes would love it if i just were to cower and hide, hiding in my opinion only serves the enemy, which is something i will NEVER do despite all the hate I get, doesn't bother me
Yeah lets see you trying to say "EVERYONE I AM A SATANIST AND I AM NOT SCARED OF YOU FUCK YOUR GOD HAIL SATAN" in Saudi Arabia or communist China...

You really will retrieve Satan's planet if you do that. Such a courageous human being...

Best case scenario you get imprisoned there, worst case you get stoned to death. Don't abuse the little freedom you have now. Secrecy could literally save your life.

Do you want to actually retrieve Satan's Earth? Great! Do RTRs and online activism. Those are safe, anonymous and have enormous effects.

Yes, you have to hide that you are Satanist on an imprisoned planet. There is no shame in this. This is no weakness. This is actually smart. You can't retrieve Satan's planet if you are dead, imprisoned or in physical danger.

Please be smart here and protect yourself. There will come a day when we are praised as the heroes that saved this planet. A day when you never have to hide anymore and being a Satanist is the greatest pride. Until that day comes and until we defeat the enemy stay safe.

All this advice is coming from a Satanist from a third world country. Not keeping my secrets put me in dangerous situations where the Gods had to protect me.

As Hps Maxine said follow the Satanic adage: "Silence is golden."

Hail Satan!!
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Yes nicely put. I have heard that people who are more sensitive to the astral who are more psychic can border on psychosis if what you listed above is not followed. Dillusions especially pleasant ones can easily lead someone into a long rabbit hole of something they should not have been near in the first place. This is why I have always tried to remain realistic and skeptical on things, although i have made mistakes also along the way, which have been important for me to regognize as well and to move foward. better to reach the truth than believe a lie.

I am quite hesitant honestly on even practicing things such as astral projection or remote viewing untill i am more in tune with my real self underneath all the damage this life and past lives could have done. I think this is something alof of people underestimate and are far too impatient with, and as a result end up going insane or legitimately psycho, especially without proper guidence when they try moving on to other things. Others sadly have certain predispositions to mental illness that is very much apart from being psychic or open and just have something genetic going on or other.
True that.. I must of been in delusion.. complicated.. taking break off Twitter.. need to think.
mercury_wisdom said:
Hailenki.88 said:
Henu the Great said:
You would save so much trouble by keeping quiet about your beliefs and worldview. All that saved energy can be used in more fruitful exprenditures. Just sayin.
I dont cower and hide, i never have and never will you go ahead and hide, its time satan take his planet back and be KNOWN im sure the enemy and those kikes would love it if i just were to cower and hide, hiding in my opinion only serves the enemy, which is something i will NEVER do despite all the hate I get, doesn't bother me
Yeah lets see you trying to say "EVERYONE I AM A SATANIST AND I AM NOT SCARED OF YOU FUCK YOUR GOD HAIL SATAN" in Saudi Arabia or communist China...

You really will retrieve Satan's planet if you do that. Such a courageous human being...

Best case scenario you get imprisoned there, worst case you get stoned to death. Don't abuse the little freedom you have now. Secrecy could literally save your life.

Do you want to actually retrieve Satan's Earth? Great! Do RTRs and online activism. Those are safe, anonymous and have enormous effects.

Yes, you have to hide that you are Satanist on an imprisoned planet. There is no shame in this. This is no weakness. This is actually smart. You can't retrieve Satan's planet if you are dead, imprisoned or in physical danger.

Please be smart here and protect yourself. There will come a day when we are praised as the heroes that saved this planet. A day when you never have to hide anymore and being a Satanist is the greatest pride. Until that day comes and until we defeat the enemy stay safe.

All this advice is coming from a Satanist from a third world country. Not keeping my secrets put me in dangerous situations where the Gods had to protect me.

As Hps Maxine said follow the Satanic adage: "Silence is golden."

Hail Satan!!
Don't ever plan on leaving my country so using Saudi Arabia as an example is irrelevant i see your point though. I dont live in a third world country i was lucky enough to be born on the greatest nation on earth the united states of satan. there is still separation between church and state where im at, and reading parts of your sarcastic smart
ass comments im reminded why i dont even bother leaving comments.. don't plan on it again. Then some commens don't even get approved your not satan nor a god so your advice keep it to yourself i could care less im SO done commenting on this forum hope you all the best
Hailenki.88 said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Hailenki.88 said:
I dont cower and hide, i never have and never will you go ahead and hide, its time satan take his planet back and be KNOWN im sure the enemy and those kikes would love it if i just were to cower and hide, hiding in my opinion only serves the enemy, which is something i will NEVER do despite all the hate I get, doesn't bother me
Yeah lets see you trying to say "EVERYONE I AM A SATANIST AND I AM NOT SCARED OF YOU FUCK YOUR GOD HAIL SATAN" in Saudi Arabia or communist China...

You really will retrieve Satan's planet if you do that. Such a courageous human being...

Best case scenario you get imprisoned there, worst case you get stoned to death. Don't abuse the little freedom you have now. Secrecy could literally save your life.

Do you want to actually retrieve Satan's Earth? Great! Do RTRs and online activism. Those are safe, anonymous and have enormous effects.

Yes, you have to hide that you are Satanist on an imprisoned planet. There is no shame in this. This is no weakness. This is actually smart. You can't retrieve Satan's planet if you are dead, imprisoned or in physical danger.

Please be smart here and protect yourself. There will come a day when we are praised as the heroes that saved this planet. A day when you never have to hide anymore and being a Satanist is the greatest pride. Until that day comes and until we defeat the enemy stay safe.

All this advice is coming from a Satanist from a third world country. Not keeping my secrets put me in dangerous situations where the Gods had to protect me.

As Hps Maxine said follow the Satanic adage: "Silence is golden."

Hail Satan!!
Don't ever plan on leaving my country so using Saudi Arabia as an example is irrelevant i see your point though. I dont live in a third world country i was lucky enough to be born on the greatest nation on earth the united states of satan. there is still separation between church and state where im at, and reading parts of your sarcastic smart
ass comments im reminded why i dont even bother leaving comments.. don't plan on it again. Then some commens don't even get approved your not satan nor a god so your advice keep it to yourself i could care less im SO done commenting on this forum hope you all the best

Wherever your at in the US is somewhere I would think I would not want to be from your attitude and what you describe. Anyways fine I guess deal with needless problems. Doesn't change that it's not needed. Are you a teen or something.
Hailenki.88 said:
I dont cower and hide, i never have and never will you go ahead and hide, its time satan take his planet back and be KNOWN im sure the enemy and those kikes would love it if i just were to cower and hide, hiding in my opinion only serves the enemy, which is something i will NEVER do despite all the hate I get, doesn't bother me
It's about using your time and energy wisely instead what you are doing now.

Sure, spin it like that, invite more cumbersome (or worse) situations to your life because you have to be prideful openly. I don't see how this helps Satan and our cause.

Anyway, no problem, because it aint my problem.
Hailenki.88 said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Hailenki.88 said:
I dont cower and hide, i never have and never will you go ahead and hide, its time satan take his planet back and be KNOWN im sure the enemy and those kikes would love it if i just were to cower and hide, hiding in my opinion only serves the enemy, which is something i will NEVER do despite all the hate I get, doesn't bother me
Yeah lets see you trying to say "EVERYONE I AM A SATANIST AND I AM NOT SCARED OF YOU FUCK YOUR GOD HAIL SATAN" in Saudi Arabia or communist China...

You really will retrieve Satan's planet if you do that. Such a courageous human being...

Best case scenario you get imprisoned there, worst case you get stoned to death. Don't abuse the little freedom you have now. Secrecy could literally save your life.

Do you want to actually retrieve Satan's Earth? Great! Do RTRs and online activism. Those are safe, anonymous and have enormous effects.

Yes, you have to hide that you are Satanist on an imprisoned planet. There is no shame in this. This is no weakness. This is actually smart. You can't retrieve Satan's planet if you are dead, imprisoned or in physical danger.

Please be smart here and protect yourself. There will come a day when we are praised as the heroes that saved this planet. A day when you never have to hide anymore and being a Satanist is the greatest pride. Until that day comes and until we defeat the enemy stay safe.

All this advice is coming from a Satanist from a third world country. Not keeping my secrets put me in dangerous situations where the Gods had to protect me.

As Hps Maxine said follow the Satanic adage: "Silence is golden."

Hail Satan!!
Don't ever plan on leaving my country so using Saudi Arabia as an example is irrelevant i see your point though. I dont live in a third world country i was lucky enough to be born on the greatest nation on earth the united states of satan. there is still separation between church and state where im at, and reading parts of your sarcastic smart
ass comments im reminded why i dont even bother leaving comments.. don't plan on it again. Then some commens don't even get approved your not satan nor a god so your advice keep it to yourself i could care less im SO done commenting on this forum hope you all the best

It's really worth being careful, not to hit the wall with a hot head, but there will come a time for open combat, but it won't be now, it's still Ritual time.

However, be careful how you talk about violence and the like here, because there are a lot of sensitive mimosa minded retarded idiots here, and you will end up being called "mentally ill". :D :lol:
Hailenki.88 said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Hailenki.88 said:
I dont cower and hide, i never have and never will you go ahead and hide, its time satan take his planet back and be KNOWN im sure the enemy and those kikes would love it if i just were to cower and hide, hiding in my opinion only serves the enemy, which is something i will NEVER do despite all the hate I get, doesn't bother me
Yeah lets see you trying to say "EVERYONE I AM A SATANIST AND I AM NOT SCARED OF YOU FUCK YOUR GOD HAIL SATAN" in Saudi Arabia or communist China...

You really will retrieve Satan's planet if you do that. Such a courageous human being...

Best case scenario you get imprisoned there, worst case you get stoned to death. Don't abuse the little freedom you have now. Secrecy could literally save your life.

Do you want to actually retrieve Satan's Earth? Great! Do RTRs and online activism. Those are safe, anonymous and have enormous effects.

Yes, you have to hide that you are Satanist on an imprisoned planet. There is no shame in this. This is no weakness. This is actually smart. You can't retrieve Satan's planet if you are dead, imprisoned or in physical danger.

Please be smart here and protect yourself. There will come a day when we are praised as the heroes that saved this planet. A day when you never have to hide anymore and being a Satanist is the greatest pride. Until that day comes and until we defeat the enemy stay safe.

All this advice is coming from a Satanist from a third world country. Not keeping my secrets put me in dangerous situations where the Gods had to protect me.

As Hps Maxine said follow the Satanic adage: "Silence is golden."

Hail Satan!!
Don't ever plan on leaving my country so using Saudi Arabia as an example is irrelevant i see your point though. I dont live in a third world country i was lucky enough to be born on the greatest nation on earth the united states of satan. there is still separation between church and state where im at, and reading parts of your sarcastic smart
ass comments im reminded why i dont even bother leaving comments.. don't plan on it again. Then some commens don't even get approved your not satan nor a god so your advice keep it to yourself i could care less im SO done commenting on this forum hope you all the best
I am just trying to help you here. I am not trying to belittle you or anything. I don't have to be Satan to give another brother/sister advice. You should listen to what other people have to say. Accept it or not that's your choice.

Be careful with xians. They tried to bomb Hps Maxine's car in your same United states of Satan.

Just know my comments come from a place of care. If I didn't care about you I wouldn't waste any time writing this and wouldn't give two fucks what happens to you.
mercury_wisdom said:
Hailenki.88 said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Yeah lets see you trying to say "EVERYONE I AM A SATANIST AND I AM NOT SCARED OF YOU FUCK YOUR GOD HAIL SATAN" in Saudi Arabia or communist China...

You really will retrieve Satan's planet if you do that. Such a courageous human being...

Best case scenario you get imprisoned there, worst case you get stoned to death. Don't abuse the little freedom you have now. Secrecy could literally save your life.

Do you want to actually retrieve Satan's Earth? Great! Do RTRs and online activism. Those are safe, anonymous and have enormous effects.

Yes, you have to hide that you are Satanist on an imprisoned planet. There is no shame in this. This is no weakness. This is actually smart. You can't retrieve Satan's planet if you are dead, imprisoned or in physical danger.

Please be smart here and protect yourself. There will come a day when we are praised as the heroes that saved this planet. A day when you never have to hide anymore and being a Satanist is the greatest pride. Until that day comes and until we defeat the enemy stay safe.

All this advice is coming from a Satanist from a third world country. Not keeping my secrets put me in dangerous situations where the Gods had to protect me.

As Hps Maxine said follow the Satanic adage: "Silence is golden."

Hail Satan!!
Don't ever plan on leaving my country so using Saudi Arabia as an example is irrelevant i see your point though. I dont live in a third world country i was lucky enough to be born on the greatest nation on earth the united states of satan. there is still separation between church and state where im at, and reading parts of your sarcastic smart
ass comments im reminded why i dont even bother leaving comments.. don't plan on it again. Then some commens don't even get approved your not satan nor a god so your advice keep it to yourself i could care less im SO done commenting on this forum hope you all the best
I am just trying to help you here. I am not trying to belittle you or anything. I don't have to be Satan to give another brother/sister advice. You should listen to what other people have to say. Accept it or not that's your choice.

Be careful with xians. They tried to bomb Hps Maxine's car in your same United states of Satan.

Just know my comments come from a place of care. If I didn't care about you I wouldn't waste any time writing this and wouldn't give two fucks what happens to you.

I need to apologize I was just pissed off yesterday when i wrote that and let it out on you i sincerely am sorry dude i really appreciate the care and support i won't get out of line like that again...
Another factor in the cause of mental illness is planetary, which I know to be true from my own experiences. For instance, every single time I have had morbid, disgusting thoughts I've detected the dark brown energy of Saturn around me. I had originally thought this was due to angelic interference but what fixes it is Lydia's "Free your soul" working, for me vibrating MUNKA is most effective. I'm not going to go into extreme detail but I suppose I can describe the images such planetary energies projected into my mind as just about every flavor of death you could possibly imagine. I've concluded that when someone is an "empath" they unknowingly receive the energies of everything in their chart directly to their psychic centers but if someone doesn't know what's happening it has the potential to actually drive them insane.

It's a case of being born into a position where you receive messages from the planets but don't know how to interpret them or dwell on the negative aspects of them too much. I've been forced to delve into all manner of nonsense to correct numerous issues because I have a prominent Pluto in the 12th placement which is aspected by stationary retrograde Saturn. Which explains why so much fucking odd shit keeps happening to me, namely all the serial killer energy poisoning and the kike cyberstalker I still haven't gotten off of me.

Don't worry about me mentioning that aspect of my chart either, pretty sure the cunt who's been watching me all this time already has the entire chart. Going to get by in spite of people cursing me, which I know they are.
Hailenki.88 said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Hailenki.88 said:
Don't ever plan on leaving my country so using Saudi Arabia as an example is irrelevant i see your point though. I dont live in a third world country i was lucky enough to be born on the greatest nation on earth the united states of satan. there is still separation between church and state where im at, and reading parts of your sarcastic smart
ass comments im reminded why i dont even bother leaving comments.. don't plan on it again. Then some commens don't even get approved your not satan nor a god so your advice keep it to yourself i could care less im SO done commenting on this forum hope you all the best
I am just trying to help you here. I am not trying to belittle you or anything. I don't have to be Satan to give another brother/sister advice. You should listen to what other people have to say. Accept it or not that's your choice.

Be careful with xians. They tried to bomb Hps Maxine's car in your same United states of Satan.

Just know my comments come from a place of care. If I didn't care about you I wouldn't waste any time writing this and wouldn't give two fucks what happens to you.

I need to apologize I was just pissed off yesterday when i wrote that and let it out on you i sincerely am sorry dude i really appreciate the care and support i won't get out of line like that again...
Don't worry about it. I had a bad day aswell. I always care about my brothers and sisters in Satan.

Wishing you best of luck!
Hail Satan!!
Good thing that you explained about these situations HP, I remember in a post were people said that schizofrenia was a sign of psychic mind but uncontrolled like yeah it could be but it think it should never be associated with it still...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
But schizophrenia is recurrent psychosis which can lead to paranoia and claiming to be jesus etc.

I actually had a close relative who was diagnosed with congenital (born with it) schizophrenia, and she was relatively normal until she went off her medication, slipping into a confused delusional world of hearing voices and sometimes getting violent. She was eventually institutionalized because she attacked someone and caused serious injury. She came from a heavily indoctrinated Catholic family, and I have since learnt that there is a history of mental illness in her family going back generations.

I looked into it and discovered there is a high occurrence of mental disorders amongst xians of all denominations, with a high degree of alcohol and drug abuse.
Van Helsing said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
But schizophrenia is recurrent psychosis which can lead to paranoia and claiming to be jesus etc.

I actually had a close relative who was diagnosed with congenital (born with it) schizophrenia, and she was relatively normal until she went off her medication, slipping into a confused delusional world of hearing voices and sometimes getting violent. She was eventually institutionalized because she attacked someone and caused serious injury. She came from a heavily indoctrinated Catholic family, and I have since learnt that there is a history of mental illness in her family going back generations.

I looked into it and discovered there is a high occurrence of mental disorders amongst xians of all denominations, with a high degree of alcohol and drug abuse.

And this is why my screwed family tragically existed to give me life out of an accident they hated so much. But who the hell cares anymore now that I found a new life thanks to Satan and hell.
I don’t know why I’m barely getting to this thread. Many SS have had struggles with mental illness to some degree or another. Some extremely severe, some mild. I’ve certainly had my struggles. It’s one of those things where the enemy can come in and make things more confusing.

For those who are aware of some problems, as was stated, this is a huge bonus. This can make the difference between if you’re salvageable or not. Also the simple awareness can help so much at ameliorating symptoms. It has helped with some of my own problems I’ve had.

The main point is if you’re aware of your problems, your best bet to dealing with it is addressing it specifically on the spiritual level. Cleansing and healing should be a priority over advancement. Not saying you can’t advance, but you have to look at the big picture. Building on a broken foundation is a recipe for disaster. You have to clear this dross out and also build up your protection. Cause as you’re working on this no doubt the enemy may come in and make it harder than it needs to be. If you push on with this and become very aware of the thought patterns that were causing the problems to begin with, you can actually heal and get out of the mess. From then, you can focus more on advancement and make safe progress.

That’s just my two cents coming from personal experiences. For anyone aware of their problems, that awareness is your key out and count yourself lucky. Also, having mental illness doesn’t mean you’re not intelligent or wise or talented or of value. It just means you’re ill and need to heal.

I have really bad schizophrenia. It does have a lot to do with control and I know I can recover with void. Recently I was going to be killed and made a choice to host an angel. It was the nastiest shit ever. Eventually I killed it and her other half or whatever, now I feel my eye going blind. I know it was a traitor move and next time I will rather die. It would consume any and all good energy I had. This is very real i still struggle with control but if I see thoughtforms or other enemy crap I can destroy or ignore it easy as it doesn't trip me out anymore. It does get annoying in public as I ruin vibes. I also stay away from people to avoid ruining them. It's really bad especially since I work. But I know I'll get to it soon. Also contacted my guardian:) first actual contact, although she called me a traitor, though I probably have a reputation as a traitor now:/
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. Knowing yourself

This was one of the Delphic maxims for a reason.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
