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New member
Apr 6, 2005
Does anybody know much about Abaddon. I've been looking at the internet and JoS site but there's not much except his apearance, aliases and some xian rubbish.
Any replies will be apreciated.
this is lancefireopus45's post on Lord Abaddon (very informative, longish and excellent):

Message #9222 in our forum

"extra info on abbadon (mere repeat of recent post but yeah enjoy have fun kids
the full version


What is a demon? Well, the answer will be different according to who you
ask. The word demon itself means a lesser spirit and in some mythologies, it
means a devil. Taken from the Greek word `daimon,' demons are entities that are
divine in power and abundant with wisdom. Some people will say that demons are
pure energies, while others will say that they are the gods who were worshipped
by the Pagans before the cult of Christianity spread throughout the world. But
all things considered, whether one wants to admit it or not; a demon is a god
and should be respected as such.

Demons have existed since the beginning. They each have their own
personality and are not evil or good, but capable of both. They are teachers,
guides, creators, destroyers, and yes they can be a friend to humans if they so
choose. There are many demons; way too many to count. Some of them have names
that are known to us, but there are many more whose names we do not know and
others have given their name to only those people that they have chosen to
reveal themselves to. For every emotion, element and situation, there is a
demon to represent it; for example, there is a demon of love, hate, war, health,
knowledge and friendship. If one wants help in a certain situation, they would
go to the demon that embodies that particular thing. Demons do not have
physical form but they will appear in visions looking a certain way, often in a
way that shows their character.

There is much information out there on demons; some true and not true.
Don't take what others have said about demons as the ultimate truth, as many
people who talk of them do not know them and only go by what they have heard,
read or believed from other religions. Just because you hear that a certain
demon is evil and will do you wrong, it doesn't mean that they are that way. In
fact they might be the total opposite. If you want to get to know the true
nature of a particular demon, read and learn everything you can about them and
then if you want to and are ready; you can try to communicate with them.

Now if you have decided to make a connection, be polite and respectful to
the demon/demoness and NEVER, EVER use the name of any other god, such as
Jehovah, to get their attention, even though some books or grimoires say to do
so. Also, you may read in various places that it is best to create a circle to
`contain' the demon in order to protect yourself; but don't be fooled by such
nonsense. A demon is too powerful to be `contained' and it is not the way to
begin a friendship. If you call a demon to speak with you and your motive is
genuine, the demon will listen and will often answer, yet don't limit a demon in
how he/she might choose to communicate; for example, you might expect that he
will talk to you through words in your mind, but he might give you a dream
instead. Don't be disappointed if you don't get an answer right away; the demon
may choose to answer or reveal them self to you at another time. The important
thing is that you are genuine and open to receive what the demon might reveal.
But do not, I say DO NOT, just call a demon with the intention of just using
them. Demons are great and amazing entities and should never, ever be
considered to be something to just use for one's purpose, whether it is to
obtain things or for something else. They are great friends and can teach many
things and once a person comes into contact with such a being, their life will
forever change. But never think that a demon must give you something or that
they owe you, because they don't. These are the beings that can cause the
weather to change, battles to occur, change to happen and so much more; so don't
think that they must come to do your bidding.

As of late, you may have noticed that more and more shows have come out on
television and the big screen that have people fighting demons and being
possessed by Satan. The demons are portrayed as evil, horrific, ugly and cruel,
out to do nothing but harm humans and the world, only to lose in the end. The
media, for the most part has always portrayed demons this way, but it is not
correct and done just for the sake of entertainment. If the producers knew
anything about the demons they put in their movies, the movies would be much,
much different. If you are a Satanist and/or Demonolater, as well as a writer;
I encourage you to write books/articles/short stories that show the demons as
they really are. Don't let the people who know nothing speak for the amazing
gods that we love and cherish.

As I said before, there are many, many demons; but on this page I will only
write about those demons that I personally have a friendship with. These demons
are very important and special to me and I would not give up what I have with
them for the world. I hope that by reading what I have to say, it will help you
get a better idea of who these demons really are. Now remember, each person may
experience these demons/demonesses differently, as the friendship they have with
each person is a personal one; but here is what I have to say about these great
and amazing demons.


Abaddon is a demon that you may or may not have heard a lot about. His
name has meant different things at different times. The name itself was taken
from the Hebrew word `avaddon' which means destruction and over time Abaddon has
been given many titles such as the angel of death and destruction as well as the
Destroying Angel of the Apocalypse. In demonology, Abaddon is the chief of all
demons of the seventh hierarchy and in the Book of Revelations in the Bible; he
is called the King of the Locusts (Rev 9:7-11). In the Acts of Thomas, a book
that was not included in the Bible, Abaddon is the name of a demon and
synonymous with Satan. Abaddon has also been said to be the equivalent to the
Hebrew name for the Greek god, Apollyon. In quite a few places, the name
Abaddon is meant to be the name of a place; for example, in the `Antiquities of
Philo' it stands for Sheol, in the book `Paradise Regained' written by John
Milton, it is the name of the pit, in medieval legend it is a synonym for Hell
as well as the ruler of said place and in some mystery religions it is the name
of the cave where people would go through a rite of passage into the greater
mysteries. In the `The Greater Key of Solomon' translated by Samuel Mathers,
Abaddon is given credit as the entity who Moses invoked to bring the ruinous
rains over Egypt during the time of the Great Plagues and in `The Satanic Bible'
written by Anton LaVey, Abaddon is listed as one of the Infernal Names as the
Destroyer. And last, but certainly not least, in the hierarchy of Richard
Dukante; Abaddon is an Advisor.

As one can see, Abaddon has many titles and if you were to ask most people
they would say that he is an extremely evil demon. Now to be honest, I never
would have contacted him BECAUSE of what I had heard, (what a mistake that would
have been); but when something was going on in my life, someone close to me
suggested that I call upon Abaddon for help. My first thought was NO WAY, as I
know what a powerful demon he is and I had read in various places that he is
associated with vengeance and war, which made me quite apprehensive; but when
this problem that I was having began to escalate, I called upon him. I will not
go into details except to say that I felt a very strong presence and then I was
given a visualization to perform; something that I would never have thought of
myself. As I performed the visualization, what was happening at that very
minute stopped, and the situation was cleared up. It was nothing short of
amazing. And nothing occurred that was anything like what I had heard might
happen when calling on Abaddon. My point is that if I had listened to my
preconceived notions and taken what others had said about him to heart, I would
never have taken the chance to call upon him and would not have what I do with
him today- a great friendship. The experience above was the first, but
certainly not the only one; I have had many more where he has been there for me
and taught me things about himself, life and why certain things just have to
happen. One of the things that he conveyed to me was that yes, he is a demon
associated with war, but that one should always keep in mind that when one deals
with war, they will know about peace as well. He is truly an amazing demon.
Here are some things about Abaddon and some suggestions on establishing a
friendship with him:


COLOURS- Red, green, brown MONTH- January
DAY- Saturday SEASON- Winter
GEM- Ruby HERB- Hemlock
WEAPON- Sword TAROT CARD- Judgement
ASSOCIATIONS- challenge, hatred, sacrifice, vengeance, intuition, war

If you would like to invoke Abaddon, here is an invocation that you can use:


Lord Abaddon, Chief of Demons
Destroying Angel of the Apocalypse
Prince of War, Bringer of Rain
God in your own right
I want to learn more of your ancient wisdom
And gain from your advice, as it can never lead me wrong
My Great Advisor, Keeper of Fire
I request the honour of your presence
Join me here at this time


Symbols of war/battle- sword, pictures
Symbols of advice/wisdom
Statue of a warrior to represent Abaddon
Abaddon's sigil


One's own blood, beer, energy from a military battle/fight


For help in dealing with obstacles CHANT
For help in dealing with arguments/fights Ave Abaddon, Ave Abaddon
Military issues Great advisor,
Prince of war
Destruction Ave Abaddon, Ave


Imagine a dark, barren place; a red tinge covers the sky as dark, heavy clouds
move slowly by. It is quiet now, yet there is no doubt of what has just
transpired moments before- a battle. Bodies are strewn across the ground and
you cannot tell if they are human, angel or perhaps both. Something big has
been accomplished. You feel heavy seeing all the destruction; yet because of
this, change is now occurring. Abaddon is standing on a precipice looking out
onto the land. His black robe and long black hair blows backward into the wind
and you can feel his wisdom, his ancientness, his strength. You stand
motionless and stare at him in awe. He turns to you and his dark brown eyes
tell a story. He teaches you everything about what has just occurred before you
and you comprehend the whys of war and destruction. You have come in contact
with this great Warrior.


In time of stress, danger, or when you feel that you need protection; imagine
fire, Abaddon's element, encircling your body like an aura. Feel its heat, its
power; gain strength from it. Then picture what it is that is threatening you
and push the flames out towards it so it cannot reach you. See it retreating
away from you and as it does, become stronger and stronger. Believe that you
have overcome the obstacle in your life.


Abaddon's Reign

Powerful Warrior, brave fighter
Blood of your enemies on your hands
Sword by your side, the Jaguar you ride
In the cold of winter across the land

You are Abaddon, My Great Advisor
I turn to you in time of need
Ancient Demon, Precious Fire
Lead us

As you sing your ancient song, chaos reigns
You laugh as your opposers go insane
You have always been known as the Destroyer
Yet I have seen your eyes, there is so much more

You are Abaddon, My Great Advisor
I turn to you in time of need
Ancient Demon, Precious Fire
Lead us

To be Continued...
Copyright © 2007 Marie RavenSoul"


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "matinreynolds1@..." <matinreynolds1@... wrote:

Does anybody know much about Abaddon. I've been looking at the internet and JoS site but there's not much except his apearance, aliases and some xian rubbish.
Any replies will be apreciated.
<td val[/IMG]Well I believe the JoS description within the HRD(High Ranking Demons) section should be enough.You will also find reference to him in a writing called "Diabolicon" (google it).
I would also like to add there are numerous retards who claim themselves to be "Abaddon" in flesh.Nevertheless,retards.

Summon Him if you have any other doubts.
-Angus Vladimir Black
--- On Sun, 12/27/09, matinreynolds1@... <matinreynolds1@... wrote:
From: matinreynolds1@... <matinreynolds1@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Abaddon.
To: [email protected]
Date: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 10:51 PM

  Does anybody know much about Abaddon. I've been looking at the internet and JoS site but there's not much except his apearance, aliases and some xian rubbish.
Any replies will be apreciated.
Abaddon is known now as Azha (pronounced like "Aza"). He is the third youngest of Father Enki and Mother Lilith. He has the abilities to control lightning, blow up vehicles, cause power outages, is especially knowledgeable in the fields of Astronomy, he help create the Atomic Bomb, and he is my brother and guardian demon.
He is also a shape shifter, but he prefers the reptilian form. That form is a blue color, long ears (like "yoda"), he has six fingers on each hand, he has long dark hair, and his wife is Isis. (that alone is a long story).
Anything else?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "matinreynolds1@..." <matinreynolds1@... wrote:

Does anybody know much about Abaddon. I've been looking at the internet and JoS site but there's not much except his apearance, aliases and some xian rubbish.
Any replies will be apreciated.
Are you deliberately trying to mislead the members of this Group?

Do you think you can come here and write posts claiming for yourself a line of Sovereignty based on your own delusion?

You post below is Utter Nonsense.


High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf
Hell's Assassin


Hail Satan! 88!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@... wrote:

Abaddon is known now as Azha (pronounced like "Aza"). He is the third youngest of Father Enki and Mother Lilith. He has the abilities to control lightning, blow up vehicles, cause power outages, is especially knowledgeable in the fields of Astronomy, he help create the Atomic Bomb, and he is my brother and guardian demon.
He is also a shape shifter, but he prefers the reptilian form. That form is a blue color, long ears (like "yoda"), he has six fingers on each hand, he has long dark hair, and his wife is Isis. (that alone is a long story).
Anything else?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "matinreynolds1@" <matinreynolds1@ wrote:

Does anybody know much about Abaddon. I've been looking at the internet and JoS site but there's not much except his apearance, aliases and some xian rubbish.
Any replies will be apreciated.
That's a wonderful description.   I just wanted to point out that as I go deeper into my learning and into my healing. I learn that negativity, war, detsruction, are absolutely necesssary and can be positive wonderful thing's. To push for 'world peace' is to create an environment where growth cannot ensue.
The trick, and what we as Satanists know, is to bring our power and vibration up so high, that we can meddle and experiment with war and negativity, without being influenced or harmed by it. Satanists do not deny and suppress negativity and negative emotions - we work with it; we creatively use it to our advantage, thus we are at one with the duality of the universe and with the world.   As a person I love tasting dirt, I like getting my hands and feet dirty, I like it when I feel a bit of anger, just to know how it feels. I am a pure hearted person and I came here to experiment and have fun with a variety of emotions, energies and events. But it's also good to be able to have a shower and wash ourselves straight after, because purity is our natural state. Even better to be able to return to a state of pure joy when we want. - benefit of kundalini.   The second most correct teaching's I have found are the teaching's of Abraham by Esther and Jerry hicks, and they say much the same thing. Demons are real advocates of the irrelevancy of denying contrast. By working with it we can have fun. I had a vision that helped me to understand this where I saw a whole bunch of white and dark colours, forming a scribbled work of art. It was beautiful. We can mix it up. There is purpose for contrast, hence why we chose to incarnate in the physical dimension. We are eternal beings - so why not?   I haven't been open enough to meet Abaddon, but I want to. I'm not scared because I 'know' he would never harm a satanist. I called upon him once in a working. But in the future I want to meet and talk to Demons, I want to know who they are and what they do, how they think and what information they can offer. It seems they are far wiser than we can ever imagine.   As far as Angelic entities are concerned, everything Maxine wrote about them is true as I have experienced them and they have done their best to convince me to steer off my path. - They usually get through to people who are not dedicated or don't have strong minds. Because of them, I have been thrown off my empowerment for ten years; they created havoc in my home to make me stop doing Tai Chi and meditation - fearing what I would become. One latched onto me after I went to a new age store, it was angry, immature, wierd and mentally challenged, I just ignored it and it went away. Some are smarter and don't get in our way.   Some of those thing's i discussed are probably irrelevant to what you wrote, but i read a whole bunch of articles and Im just giving my thought's on most those subjects. This journey is great and I am pleased to be on it. I feel safe and protected.   ~ V.    
From: siguard666 <siguard666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Mon, 28 December, 2009 10:38:49 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Abaddon.

  this is lancefireopus45' s post on Lord Abaddon (very informative, longish and excellent):

Message #9222 in our forum

"extra info on abbadon (mere repeat of recent post but yeah enjoy have fun kids
the full version


What is a demon? Well, the answer will be different according to who you
ask. The word demon itself means a lesser spirit and in some mythologies, it
means a devil. Taken from the Greek word `daimon,' demons are entities that are
divine in power and abundant with wisdom. Some people will say that demons are
pure energies, while others will say that they are the gods who were worshipped
by the Pagans before the cult of Christianity spread throughout the world. But
all things considered, whether one wants to admit it or not; a demon is a god
and should be respected as such.

Demons have existed since the beginning. They each have their own
personality and are not evil or good, but capable of both. They are teachers,
guides, creators, destroyers, and yes they can be a friend to humans if they so
choose. There are many demons; way too many to count. Some of them have names
that are known to us, but there are many more whose names we do not know and
others have given their name to only those people that they have chosen to
reveal themselves to. For every emotion, element and situation, there is a
demon to represent it; for example, there is a demon of love, hate, war, health,
knowledge and friendship. If one wants help in a certain situation, they would
go to the demon that embodies that particular thing. Demons do not have
physical form but they will appear in visions looking a certain way, often in a
way that shows their character.

There is much information out there on demons; some true and not true.
Don't take what others have said about demons as the ultimate truth, as many
people who talk of them do not know them and only go by what they have heard,
read or believed from other religions. Just because you hear that a certain
demon is evil and will do you wrong, it doesn't mean that they are that way. In
fact they might be the total opposite. If you want to get to know the true
nature of a particular demon, read and learn everything you can about them and
then if you want to and are ready; you can try to communicate with them.

Now if you have decided to make a connection, be polite and respectful to
the demon/demoness and NEVER, EVER use the name of any other god, such as
Jehovah, to get their attention, even though some books or grimoires say to do
so. Also, you may read in various places that it is best to create a circle to
`contain' the demon in order to protect yourself; but don't be fooled by such
nonsense. A demon is too powerful to be `contained' and it is not the way to
begin a friendship. If you call a demon to speak with you and your motive is
genuine, the demon will listen and will often answer, yet don't limit a demon in
how he/she might choose to communicate; for example, you might expect that he
will talk to you through words in your mind, but he might give you a dream
instead. Don't be disappointed if you don't get an answer right away; the demon
may choose to answer or reveal them self to you at another time. The important
thing is that you are genuine and open to receive what the demon might reveal.
But do not, I say DO NOT, just call a demon with the intention of just using
them. Demons are great and amazing entities and should never, ever be
considered to be something to just use for one's purpose, whether it is to
obtain things or for something else. They are great friends and can teach many
things and once a person comes into contact with such a being, their life will
forever change. But never think that a demon must give you something or that
they owe you, because they don't. These are the beings that can cause the
weather to change, battles to occur, change to happen and so much more; so don't
think that they must come to do your bidding.

As of late, you may have noticed that more and more shows have come out on
television and the big screen that have people fighting demons and being
possessed by Satan. The demons are portrayed as evil, horrific, ugly and cruel,
out to do nothing but harm humans and the world, only to lose in the end. The
media, for the most part has always portrayed demons this way, but it is not
correct and done just for the sake of entertainment. If the producers knew
anything about the demons they put in their movies, the movies would be much,
much different. If you are a Satanist and/or Demonolater, as well as a writer;
I encourage you to write books/articles/ short stories that show the demons as
they really are. Don't let the people who know nothing speak for the amazing
gods that we love and cherish.

As I said before, there are many, many demons; but on this page I will only
write about those demons that I personally have a friendship with. These demons
are very important and special to me and I would not give up what I have with
them for the world. I hope that by reading what I have to say, it will help you
get a better idea of who these demons really are. Now remember, each person may
experience these demons/demonesses differently, as the friendship they have with
each person is a personal one; but here is what I have to say about these great
and amazing demons.


Abaddon is a demon that you may or may not have heard a lot about. His
name has meant different things at different times. The name itself was taken
from the Hebrew word `avaddon' which means destruction and over time Abaddon has
been given many titles such as the angel of death and destruction as well as the
Destroying Angel of the Apocalypse. In demonology, Abaddon is the chief of all
demons of the seventh hierarchy and in the Book of Revelations in the Bible; he
is called the King of the Locusts (Rev 9:7-11). In the Acts of Thomas, a book
that was not included in the Bible, Abaddon is the name of a demon and
synonymous with Satan. Abaddon has also been said to be the equivalent to the
Hebrew name for the Greek god, Apollyon. In quite a few places, the name
Abaddon is meant to be the name of a place; for example, in the `Antiquities of
Philo' it stands for Sheol, in the book `Paradise Regained' written by John
Milton, it is the name of the pit, in medieval legend it is a synonym for Hell
as well as the ruler of said place and in some mystery religions it is the name
of the cave where people would go through a rite of passage into the greater
mysteries. In the `The Greater Key of Solomon' translated by Samuel Mathers,
Abaddon is given credit as the entity who Moses invoked to bring the ruinous
rains over Egypt during the time of the Great Plagues and in `The Satanic Bible'
written by Anton LaVey, Abaddon is listed as one of the Infernal Names as the
Destroyer. And last, but certainly not least, in the hierarchy of Richard
Dukante; Abaddon is an Advisor.

As one can see, Abaddon has many titles and if you were to ask most people
they would say that he is an extremely evil demon. Now to be honest, I never
would have contacted him BECAUSE of what I had heard, (what a mistake that would
have been); but when something was going on in my life, someone close to me
suggested that I call upon Abaddon for help. My first thought was NO WAY, as I
know what a powerful demon he is and I had read in various places that he is
associated with vengeance and war, which made me quite apprehensive; but when
this problem that I was having began to escalate, I called upon him. I will not
go into details except to say that I felt a very strong presence and then I was
given a visualization to perform; something that I would never have thought of
myself. As I performed the visualization, what was happening at that very
minute stopped, and the situation was cleared up. It was nothing short of
amazing. And nothing occurred that was anything like what I had heard might
happen when calling on Abaddon. My point is that if I had listened to my
preconceived notions and taken what others had said about him to heart, I would
never have taken the chance to call upon him and would not have what I do with
him today- a great friendship. The experience above was the first, but
certainly not the only one; I have had many more where he has been there for me
and taught me things about himself, life and why certain things just have to
happen. One of the things that he conveyed to me was that yes, he is a demon
associated with war, but that one should always keep in mind that when one deals
with war, they will know about peace as well. He is truly an amazing demon.
Here are some things about Abaddon and some suggestions on establishing a
friendship with him:


COLOURS- Red, green, brown MONTH- January
DAY- Saturday SEASON- Winter
GEM- Ruby HERB- Hemlock
WEAPON- Sword TAROT CARD- Judgement
ASSOCIATIONS- challenge, hatred, sacrifice, vengeance, intuition, war

If you would like to invoke Abaddon, here is an invocation that you can use:


Lord Abaddon, Chief of Demons
Destroying Angel of the Apocalypse
Prince of War, Bringer of Rain
God in your own right
I want to learn more of your ancient wisdom
And gain from your advice, as it can never lead me wrong
My Great Advisor, Keeper of Fire
I request the honour of your presence
Join me here at this time


Symbols of war/battle- sword, pictures
Symbols of advice/wisdom
Statue of a warrior to represent Abaddon
Abaddon's sigil


One's own blood, beer, energy from a military battle/fight


For help in dealing with obstacles CHANT
For help in dealing with arguments/fights Ave Abaddon, Ave Abaddon
Military issues Great advisor,
Prince of war
Destruction Ave Abaddon, Ave


Imagine a dark, barren place; a red tinge covers the sky as dark, heavy clouds
move slowly by. It is quiet now, yet there is no doubt of what has just
transpired moments before- a battle. Bodies are strewn across the ground and
you cannot tell if they are human, angel or perhaps both. Something big has
been accomplished. You feel heavy seeing all the destruction; yet because of
this, change is now occurring.. Abaddon is standing on a precipice looking out
onto the land. His black robe and long black hair blows backward into the wind
and you can feel his wisdom, his ancientness, his strength. You stand
motionless and stare at him in awe. He turns to you and his dark brown eyes
tell a story. He teaches you everything about what has just occurred before you
and you comprehend the whys of war and destruction. You have come in contact
with this great Warrior.


In time of stress, danger, or when you feel that you need protection; imagine
fire, Abaddon's element, encircling your body like an aura. Feel its heat, its
power; gain strength from it. Then picture what it is that is threatening you
and push the flames out towards it so it cannot reach you. See it retreating
away from you and as it does, become stronger and stronger. Believe that you
have overcome the obstacle in your life.


Abaddon's Reign

Powerful Warrior, brave fighter
Blood of your enemies on your hands
Sword by your side, the Jaguar you ride
In the cold of winter across the land

You are Abaddon, My Great Advisor
I turn to you in time of need
Ancient Demon, Precious Fire
Lead us

As you sing your ancient song, chaos reigns
You laugh as your opposers go insane
You have always been known as the Destroyer
Yet I have seen your eyes, there is so much more

You are Abaddon, My Great Advisor
I turn to you in time of need
Ancient Demon, Precious Fire
Lead us

To be Continued...
Copyright © 2007 Marie RavenSoul"


--- In JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com, "matinreynolds1@ ..." <matinreynolds1@ ... wrote:

Does anybody know much about Abaddon. I've been looking at the internet and JoS site but there's not much except his apearance, aliases and some xian rubbish.
Any replies will be apreciated.
See what's on at the movies in your area. Find out now.
Hails High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf,

who tries to deceive us?, because I do not know who you mean, a name please

2009/12/29 High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf <ouroboros.anundr@...
  Are you deliberately trying to mislead the members of this Group?

Do you think you can come here and write posts claiming for yourself a line of Sovereignty based on your own delusion?

You post below is Utter Nonsense.


High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf
Hell's Assassin


Hail Satan! 88!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@... wrote:

Abaddon is known now as Azha (pronounced like "Aza"). He is the third youngest of Father Enki and Mother Lilith. He has the abilities to control lightning, blow up vehicles, cause power outages, is especially knowledgeable in the fields of Astronomy, he help create the Atomic Bomb, and he is my brother and guardian demon.
He is also a shape shifter, but he prefers the reptilian form. That form is a blue color, long ears (like "yoda"), he has six fingers on each hand, he has long dark hair, and his wife is Isis. (that alone is a long story).
Anything else?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "matinreynolds1@" <matinreynolds1@ wrote:

Does anybody know much about Abaddon. I've been looking at the internet and JoS site but there's not much except his apearance, aliases and some xian rubbish.
Any replies will be apreciated.
Misleading? No. If you had any real connection with Father Enki, you'd know that what I say is true. You can ask any demon or Father Himself.
But, I will not argue the matter. You will figure it out, one way or another.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf" <ouroboros.anundr@... wrote:

Are you deliberately trying to mislead the members of this Group?

Do you think you can come here and write posts claiming for yourself a line of Sovereignty based on your own delusion?

You post below is Utter Nonsense.


High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf
Hell's Assassin


Hail Satan! 88!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@ wrote:

Abaddon is known now as Azha (pronounced like "Aza"). He is the third youngest of Father Enki and Mother Lilith. He has the abilities to control lightning, blow up vehicles, cause power outages, is especially knowledgeable in the fields of Astronomy, he help create the Atomic Bomb, and he is my brother and guardian demon.
He is also a shape shifter, but he prefers the reptilian form. That form is a blue color, long ears (like "yoda"), he has six fingers on each hand, he has long dark hair, and his wife is Isis. (that alone is a long story).
Anything else?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "matinreynolds1@" <matinreynolds1@ wrote:

Does anybody know much about Abaddon. I've been looking at the internet and JoS site but there's not much except his apearance, aliases and some xian rubbish.
Any replies will be apreciated.
My own connections have never been in question, and neither are they now by your own accusation.

What I will say however, is by your claims "Expectations" will be very high, only befitting to a God in the Flesh. You will let down every single member here who falls for your claim if your claim goes on without Prideful Action and Demonic Fury towards Our Fathers Enemies.

If you are, as you claim, the Heir to the Kingdom and Our Fathers Chosen beyond HIS First Born, then who am I to oppose your Divine Will.

Go get em' Tiger!!


High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf
Hell's Assassin


Hail Satan! 88!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@... wrote:

Misleading? No. If you had any real connection with Father Enki, you'd know that what I say is true. You can ask any demon or Father Himself.
But, I will not argue the matter. You will figure it out, one way or another.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf" <ouroboros.anundr@ wrote:

Are you deliberately trying to mislead the members of this Group?

Do you think you can come here and write posts claiming for yourself a line of Sovereignty based on your own delusion?

You post below is Utter Nonsense.


High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf
Hell's Assassin


Hail Satan! 88!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@ wrote:

Abaddon is known now as Azha (pronounced like "Aza"). He is the third youngest of Father Enki and Mother Lilith. He has the abilities to control lightning, blow up vehicles, cause power outages, is especially knowledgeable in the fields of Astronomy, he help create the Atomic Bomb, and he is my brother and guardian demon.
He is also a shape shifter, but he prefers the reptilian form. That form is a blue color, long ears (like "yoda"), he has six fingers on each hand, he has long dark hair, and his wife is Isis. (that alone is a long story).
Anything else?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "matinreynolds1@" <matinreynolds1@ wrote:

Does anybody know much about Abaddon. I've been looking at the internet and JoS site but there's not much except his apearance, aliases and some xian rubbish.
Any replies will be apreciated.
Oh joy, here we go again. Another bloody Daemon wannabe! This is
getting most tiresome. But hey, what the fuck do I know? Perhaps
you're the supreme high whatever. Yeah, like Lucius said, go stomp on
all the xians and kikes and allah zealots yourself then and have done
with it!

On 12/30/09, High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf <ouroboros.anundr@... wrote:
My own connections have never been in question, and neither are they now by
your own accusation.

What I will say however, is by your claims "Expectations" will be very high,
only befitting to a God in the Flesh. You will let down every single member
here who falls for your claim if your claim goes on without Prideful Action
and Demonic Fury towards Our Fathers Enemies.

If you are, as you claim, the Heir to the Kingdom and Our Fathers Chosen
beyond HIS First Born, then who am I to oppose your Divine Will.

Go get em' Tiger!!


High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf
Hell's Assassin


Hail Satan! 88!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@... wrote:

Misleading? No. If you had any real connection with Father Enki, you'd
know that what I say is true. You can ask any demon or Father Himself.
But, I will not argue the matter. You will figure it out, one way or


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf"
<ouroboros.anundr@ wrote:

Are you deliberately trying to mislead the members of this Group?

Do you think you can come here and write posts claiming for yourself a
line of Sovereignty based on your own delusion?

You post below is Utter Nonsense.


High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf
Hell's Assassin


Hail Satan! 88!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@ wrote:

Abaddon is known now as Azha (pronounced like "Aza"). He is the third
youngest of Father Enki and Mother Lilith. He has the abilities to
control lightning, blow up vehicles, cause power outages, is
especially knowledgeable in the fields of Astronomy, he help create
the Atomic Bomb, and he is my brother and guardian demon.
He is also a shape shifter, but he prefers the reptilian form. That
form is a blue color, long ears (like "yoda"), he has six fingers on
each hand, he has long dark hair, and his wife is Isis. (that alone
is a long story).
Anything else?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "matinreynolds1@"
<matinreynolds1@ wrote:

Does anybody know much about Abaddon. I've been looking at the
internet and JoS site but there's not much except his apearance,
aliases and some xian rubbish.
Any replies will be apreciated.
I doubt that Abbadons wife is Isis aka Astaroth, she is my guardian demon along with Hagenti, and as far as I know she is with someone else and not him. If you yourself dont believe me then go and ask Lilith yourself if she does not know who I am you are obviously a fake and that alone would prove it.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@... wrote:

Misleading? No. If you had any real connection with Father Enki, you'd know that what I say is true. You can ask any demon or Father Himself.
But, I will not argue the matter. You will figure it out, one way or another.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf" <ouroboros.anundr@ wrote:

Are you deliberately trying to mislead the members of this Group?

Do you think you can come here and write posts claiming for yourself a line of Sovereignty based on your own delusion?

You post below is Utter Nonsense.


High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf
Hell's Assassin


Hail Satan! 88!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@ wrote:

Abaddon is known now as Azha (pronounced like "Aza"). He is the third youngest of Father Enki and Mother Lilith. He has the abilities to control lightning, blow up vehicles, cause power outages, is especially knowledgeable in the fields of Astronomy, he help create the Atomic Bomb, and he is my brother and guardian demon.
He is also a shape shifter, but he prefers the reptilian form. That form is a blue color, long ears (like "yoda"), he has six fingers on each hand, he has long dark hair, and his wife is Isis. (that alone is a long story).
Anything else?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "matinreynolds1@" <matinreynolds1@ wrote:

Does anybody know much about Abaddon. I've been looking at the internet and JoS site but there's not much except his apearance, aliases and some xian rubbish.
Any replies will be apreciated.
wow you actually used the right term
how about this wanna be tell us the diff beteen demon and daemon and what both words mean if hes as right as he claims let him prove it

look at it this way
your either right or wrong truth saying or liar

how about this fool tell us what the word daemon means and where it came from until that event occurs may he be just a fool

(be glad thats not dg elite talking lol)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allison P <apocalypseofjon@... wrote:

Oh joy, here we go again. Another bloody Daemon wannabe! This is
getting most tiresome. But hey, what the fuck do I know? Perhaps
you're the supreme high whatever. Yeah, like Lucius said, go stomp on
all the xians and kikes and allah zealots yourself then and have done
with it!

On 12/30/09, High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf <ouroboros.anundr@... wrote:
My own connections have never been in question, and neither are they now by
your own accusation.

What I will say however, is by your claims "Expectations" will be very high,
only befitting to a God in the Flesh. You will let down every single member
here who falls for your claim if your claim goes on without Prideful Action
and Demonic Fury towards Our Fathers Enemies.

If you are, as you claim, the Heir to the Kingdom and Our Fathers Chosen
beyond HIS First Born, then who am I to oppose your Divine Will.

Go get em' Tiger!!


High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf
Hell's Assassin


Hail Satan! 88!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@ wrote:

Misleading? No. If you had any real connection with Father Enki, you'd
know that what I say is true. You can ask any demon or Father Himself.
But, I will not argue the matter. You will figure it out, one way or


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf"
<ouroboros.anundr@ wrote:

Are you deliberately trying to mislead the members of this Group?

Do you think you can come here and write posts claiming for yourself a
line of Sovereignty based on your own delusion?

You post below is Utter Nonsense.


High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf
Hell's Assassin


Hail Satan! 88!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@ wrote:

Abaddon is known now as Azha (pronounced like "Aza"). He is the third
youngest of Father Enki and Mother Lilith. He has the abilities to
control lightning, blow up vehicles, cause power outages, is
especially knowledgeable in the fields of Astronomy, he help create
the Atomic Bomb, and he is my brother and guardian demon.
He is also a shape shifter, but he prefers the reptilian form. That
form is a blue color, long ears (like "yoda"), he has six fingers on
each hand, he has long dark hair, and his wife is Isis. (that alone
is a long story).
Anything else?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "matinreynolds1@"
<matinreynolds1@ wrote:

Does anybody know much about Abaddon. I've been looking at the
internet and JoS site but there's not much except his apearance,
aliases and some xian rubbish.
Any replies will be apreciated.
Well, I don't know the Lady Astaroth personally (wish I did)!, but I
didn't think she was with anyone at all. But I may have misremembered.
Of course, in the old Egyptian legends, the goddess Isis was wed to
Osiris, her brother. That's just a myth, though. Damn, you're lucky,
Necro Mage! I wish the Golden Lady was my guardian! 'Course, for all I
know she is and she's just being shy. Lol. I dunno. *sigh* I'll find
out, eventually. I think it's either her or the Lord Thoth.

On 12/30/09, lightofthedawn69 <lightofthedawn69@... wrote:
wow you actually used the right term
how about this wanna be tell us the diff beteen demon and daemon and what
both words mean if hes as right as he claims let him prove it

look at it this way
your either right or wrong truth saying or liar

how about this fool tell us what the word daemon means and where it came
from until that event occurs may he be just a fool

(be glad thats not dg elite talking lol)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allison P <apocalypseofjon@... wrote:

Oh joy, here we go again. Another bloody Daemon wannabe! This is
getting most tiresome. But hey, what the fuck do I know? Perhaps
you're the supreme high whatever. Yeah, like Lucius said, go stomp on
all the xians and kikes and allah zealots yourself then and have done
with it!

On 12/30/09, High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf <ouroboros.anundr@... wrote:
My own connections have never been in question, and neither are they now
your own accusation.

What I will say however, is by your claims "Expectations" will be very
only befitting to a God in the Flesh. You will let down every single
here who falls for your claim if your claim goes on without Prideful
and Demonic Fury towards Our Fathers Enemies.

If you are, as you claim, the Heir to the Kingdom and Our Fathers Chosen
beyond HIS First Born, then who am I to oppose your Divine Will.

Go get em' Tiger!!


High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf
Hell's Assassin


Hail Satan! 88!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@ wrote:

Misleading? No. If you had any real connection with Father Enki, you'd
know that what I say is true. You can ask any demon or Father Himself.
But, I will not argue the matter. You will figure it out, one way or


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf"
<ouroboros.anundr@ wrote:

Are you deliberately trying to mislead the members of this Group?

Do you think you can come here and write posts claiming for yourself
line of Sovereignty based on your own delusion?

You post below is Utter Nonsense.


High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf
Hell's Assassin


Hail Satan! 88!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@

Abaddon is known now as Azha (pronounced like "Aza"). He is the
youngest of Father Enki and Mother Lilith. He has the abilities to
control lightning, blow up vehicles, cause power outages, is
especially knowledgeable in the fields of Astronomy, he help create
the Atomic Bomb, and he is my brother and guardian demon.
He is also a shape shifter, but he prefers the reptilian form.
form is a blue color, long ears (like "yoda"), he has six fingers
each hand, he has long dark hair, and his wife is Isis. (that
is a long story).
Anything else?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "matinreynolds1@"
<matinreynolds1@ wrote:

Does anybody know much about Abaddon. I've been looking at the
internet and JoS site but there's not much except his apearance,
aliases and some xian rubbish.
Any replies will be apreciated.
There is a slight difference in the terms "demon" and "Daemon". The difference being that a Daemon is stronger and wiser. Both terms were used long before the dawn of humans. There has been many claims to the true meaning of a demon, and really it's our "race" so to speak. Just like human's. What is human? what is an animal? Plant? Bacteria?
If you would like proof, you have a few options: Call upon Father Himself, Lilith, Enlil, Anu, or you can wait until I astral project which is at 2:00 a.m. eastern time. Words do not

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allison P <apocalypseofjon@... wrote:

Well, I don't know the Lady Astaroth personally (wish I did)!, but I
didn't think she was with anyone at all. But I may have misremembered.
Of course, in the old Egyptian legends, the goddess Isis was wed to
Osiris, her brother. That's just a myth, though. Damn, you're lucky,
Necro Mage! I wish the Golden Lady was my guardian! 'Course, for all I
know she is and she's just being shy. Lol. I dunno. *sigh* I'll find
out, eventually. I think it's either her or the Lord Thoth.

On 12/30/09, lightofthedawn69 <lightofthedawn69@... wrote:
wow you actually used the right term
how about this wanna be tell us the diff beteen demon and daemon and what
both words mean if hes as right as he claims let him prove it

look at it this way
your either right or wrong truth saying or liar

how about this fool tell us what the word daemon means and where it came
from until that event occurs may he be just a fool

(be glad thats not dg elite talking lol)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allison P <apocalypseofjon@ wrote:

Oh joy, here we go again. Another bloody Daemon wannabe! This is
getting most tiresome. But hey, what the fuck do I know? Perhaps
you're the supreme high whatever. Yeah, like Lucius said, go stomp on
all the xians and kikes and allah zealots yourself then and have done
with it!

On 12/30/09, High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf <ouroboros.anundr@ wrote:
My own connections have never been in question, and neither are they now
your own accusation.

What I will say however, is by your claims "Expectations" will be very
only befitting to a God in the Flesh. You will let down every single
here who falls for your claim if your claim goes on without Prideful
and Demonic Fury towards Our Fathers Enemies.

If you are, as you claim, the Heir to the Kingdom and Our Fathers Chosen
beyond HIS First Born, then who am I to oppose your Divine Will.

Go get em' Tiger!!


High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf
Hell's Assassin


Hail Satan! 88!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@ wrote:

Misleading? No. If you had any real connection with Father Enki, you'd
know that what I say is true. You can ask any demon or Father Himself.
But, I will not argue the matter. You will figure it out, one way or


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf"
<ouroboros.anundr@ wrote:

Are you deliberately trying to mislead the members of this Group?

Do you think you can come here and write posts claiming for yourself
line of Sovereignty based on your own delusion?

You post below is Utter Nonsense.


High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf
Hell's Assassin


Hail Satan! 88!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@

Abaddon is known now as Azha (pronounced like "Aza"). He is the
youngest of Father Enki and Mother Lilith. He has the abilities to
control lightning, blow up vehicles, cause power outages, is
especially knowledgeable in the fields of Astronomy, he help create
the Atomic Bomb, and he is my brother and guardian demon.
He is also a shape shifter, but he prefers the reptilian form.
form is a blue color, long ears (like "yoda"), he has six fingers
each hand, he has long dark hair, and his wife is Isis. (that
is a long story).
Anything else?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "matinreynolds1@"
<matinreynolds1@ wrote:

Does anybody know much about Abaddon. I've been looking at the
internet and JoS site but there's not much except his apearance,
aliases and some xian rubbish.
Any replies will be apreciated.
So far like the other Demon-wannabes you never gave any knowledge that we don't already have like meditation or spiritual warfare techniques just the same xian lies about armagedon and jewsus being real nothing more. I said that to another Demon-wannabe before (i actually have lost the count of them), Demons brag less and enlighten more for anyone that has talked to them.

And don't expect everyone to worship you by saying you are someone, i guess you 100% know thats unsatanic and Satanism is about freethought. Even if an entity claiming to be a Demon did that it wouldn't be a real one, just an enemy angel wanting to mess with us.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@... wrote:

There is a slight difference in the terms "demon" and "Daemon". The difference being that a Daemon is stronger and wiser. Both terms were used long before the dawn of humans. There has been many claims to the true meaning of a demon, and really it's our "race" so to speak. Just like human's. What is human? what is an animal? Plant? Bacteria?
If you would like proof, you have a few options: Call upon Father Himself, Lilith, Enlil, Anu, or you can wait until I astral project which is at 2:00 a.m. eastern time. Words do not

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allison P <apocalypseofjon@ wrote:

Well, I don't know the Lady Astaroth personally (wish I did)!, but I
didn't think she was with anyone at all. But I may have misremembered.
Of course, in the old Egyptian legends, the goddess Isis was wed to
Osiris, her brother. That's just a myth, though. Damn, you're lucky,
Necro Mage! I wish the Golden Lady was my guardian! 'Course, for all I
know she is and she's just being shy. Lol. I dunno. *sigh* I'll find
out, eventually. I think it's either her or the Lord Thoth.

On 12/30/09, lightofthedawn69 <lightofthedawn69@ wrote:
wow you actually used the right term
how about this wanna be tell us the diff beteen demon and daemon and what
both words mean if hes as right as he claims let him prove it

look at it this way
your either right or wrong truth saying or liar

how about this fool tell us what the word daemon means and where it came
from until that event occurs may he be just a fool

(be glad thats not dg elite talking lol)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allison P <apocalypseofjon@ wrote:

Oh joy, here we go again. Another bloody Daemon wannabe! This is
getting most tiresome. But hey, what the fuck do I know? Perhaps
you're the supreme high whatever. Yeah, like Lucius said, go stomp on
all the xians and kikes and allah zealots yourself then and have done
with it!

On 12/30/09, High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf <ouroboros.anundr@ wrote:
My own connections have never been in question, and neither are they now
your own accusation.

What I will say however, is by your claims "Expectations" will be very
only befitting to a God in the Flesh. You will let down every single
here who falls for your claim if your claim goes on without Prideful
and Demonic Fury towards Our Fathers Enemies.

If you are, as you claim, the Heir to the Kingdom and Our Fathers Chosen
beyond HIS First Born, then who am I to oppose your Divine Will.

Go get em' Tiger!!


High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf
Hell's Assassin


Hail Satan! 88!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@ wrote:

Misleading? No. If you had any real connection with Father Enki, you'd
know that what I say is true. You can ask any demon or Father Himself.
But, I will not argue the matter. You will figure it out, one way or


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf"
<ouroboros.anundr@ wrote:

Are you deliberately trying to mislead the members of this Group?

Do you think you can come here and write posts claiming for yourself
line of Sovereignty based on your own delusion?

You post below is Utter Nonsense.


High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf
Hell's Assassin


Hail Satan! 88!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@

Abaddon is known now as Azha (pronounced like "Aza"). He is the
youngest of Father Enki and Mother Lilith. He has the abilities to
control lightning, blow up vehicles, cause power outages, is
especially knowledgeable in the fields of Astronomy, he help create
the Atomic Bomb, and he is my brother and guardian demon.
He is also a shape shifter, but he prefers the reptilian form.
form is a blue color, long ears (like "yoda"), he has six fingers
each hand, he has long dark hair, and his wife is Isis. (that
is a long story).
Anything else?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "matinreynolds1@"
<matinreynolds1@ wrote:

Does anybody know much about Abaddon. I've been looking at the
internet and JoS site but there's not much except his apearance,
aliases and some xian rubbish.
Any replies will be apreciated.
There is only so much I can say. In 1866, my family and I was attacked by Gabriel and his angels. They did unspeakable acts to us, bound me down, and wiped my memory. I'm slowly regaining my memory, but much is still hidden from me. I never said "Bow before me." For you shall bow to none but Father Enki. Also, because of these "Demon-Wannabe's" you can not tell the real demons from the fakes. Whether you choose to believe me or not is your own decision. All I can say is this: Be open minded, and ask questions for Father shall answer.

One last thing, accusing me, or any of my people of being the enemy angel's is not a wise choice. For you will have to answer to Father.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "kurenaii60" <kurenaii60@... wrote:

So far like the other Demon-wannabes you never gave any knowledge that we don't already have like meditation or spiritual warfare techniques just the same xian lies about armagedon and jewsus being real nothing more. I said that to another Demon-wannabe before (i actually have lost the count of them), Demons brag less and enlighten more for anyone that has talked to them.

And don't expect everyone to worship you by saying you are someone, i guess you 100% know thats unsatanic and Satanism is about freethought. Even if an entity claiming to be a Demon did that it wouldn't be a real one, just an enemy angel wanting to mess with us.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@ wrote:

There is a slight difference in the terms "demon" and "Daemon". The difference being that a Daemon is stronger and wiser. Both terms were used long before the dawn of humans. There has been many claims to the true meaning of a demon, and really it's our "race" so to speak. Just like human's. What is human? what is an animal? Plant? Bacteria?
If you would like proof, you have a few options: Call upon Father Himself, Lilith, Enlil, Anu, or you can wait until I astral project which is at 2:00 a.m. eastern time. Words do not

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allison P <apocalypseofjon@ wrote:

Well, I don't know the Lady Astaroth personally (wish I did)!, but I
didn't think she was with anyone at all. But I may have misremembered.
Of course, in the old Egyptian legends, the goddess Isis was wed to
Osiris, her brother. That's just a myth, though. Damn, you're lucky,
Necro Mage! I wish the Golden Lady was my guardian! 'Course, for all I
know she is and she's just being shy. Lol. I dunno. *sigh* I'll find
out, eventually. I think it's either her or the Lord Thoth.

On 12/30/09, lightofthedawn69 <lightofthedawn69@ wrote:
wow you actually used the right term
how about this wanna be tell us the diff beteen demon and daemon and what
both words mean if hes as right as he claims let him prove it

look at it this way
your either right or wrong truth saying or liar

how about this fool tell us what the word daemon means and where it came
from until that event occurs may he be just a fool

(be glad thats not dg elite talking lol)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allison P <apocalypseofjon@ wrote:

Oh joy, here we go again. Another bloody Daemon wannabe! This is
getting most tiresome. But hey, what the fuck do I know? Perhaps
you're the supreme high whatever. Yeah, like Lucius said, go stomp on
all the xians and kikes and allah zealots yourself then and have done
with it!

On 12/30/09, High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf <ouroboros.anundr@ wrote:
My own connections have never been in question, and neither are they now
your own accusation.

What I will say however, is by your claims "Expectations" will be very
only befitting to a God in the Flesh. You will let down every single
here who falls for your claim if your claim goes on without Prideful
and Demonic Fury towards Our Fathers Enemies.

If you are, as you claim, the Heir to the Kingdom and Our Fathers Chosen
beyond HIS First Born, then who am I to oppose your Divine Will.

Go get em' Tiger!!


High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf
Hell's Assassin


Hail Satan! 88!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@ wrote:

Misleading? No. If you had any real connection with Father Enki, you'd
know that what I say is true. You can ask any demon or Father Himself.
But, I will not argue the matter. You will figure it out, one way or


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf"
<ouroboros.anundr@ wrote:

Are you deliberately trying to mislead the members of this Group?

Do you think you can come here and write posts claiming for yourself
line of Sovereignty based on your own delusion?

You post below is Utter Nonsense.


High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf
Hell's Assassin


Hail Satan! 88!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Daegon" <rehpotsirhcea@

Abaddon is known now as Azha (pronounced like "Aza"). He is the
youngest of Father Enki and Mother Lilith. He has the abilities to
control lightning, blow up vehicles, cause power outages, is
especially knowledgeable in the fields of Astronomy, he help create
the Atomic Bomb, and he is my brother and guardian demon.
He is also a shape shifter, but he prefers the reptilian form.
form is a blue color, long ears (like "yoda"), he has six fingers
each hand, he has long dark hair, and his wife is Isis. (that
is a long story).
Anything else?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "matinreynolds1@"
<matinreynolds1@ wrote:

Does anybody know much about Abaddon. I've been looking at the
internet and JoS site but there's not much except his apearance,
aliases and some xian rubbish.
Any replies will be apreciated.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
