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A second apology. Please bear with me.

Gabriel Lamb

New member
Nov 12, 2022
It seems you cant go one post without mentioning lifting weights.
Now you know the truth, you've already apologized to us. No need to keep on begging for forgiveness, get out of that xian mindset. Xians grovel and beg for mercy that is not our way.

As long as you've apologized to father Satan and the Gods that's the most important thing. As long as you're serious and truly sorry and want to walk this path they will forgive you and help you. Show them you are serious now and keep on with your advancement. Actions carry more weight than words. If you want to earn back the trust of the community show us you are serious, be respectful, and work on yourself. That's all there is to it

Just know it will take time for us to trust you again, you'll have to prove yourself. No different than anything else in life. You've admitted your mistake that's the first step in the right direction.

Not everyone will be kind to you right away, because you burned some people with your trolling and disrespect. But don't let that discourage you, instead let it fuel you to do better to show them you truly are sorry and want to change.
Primal Spirit said:
I went ahead and read JoS reading material and HPHC's Odysee video, stuff I should've done six months ago.

I am overwhelmed at what I read and watched, and just after those short moments of reading and watching, everything started to make sense to me. Particularly about what many of you here were yelling on my ear about the Jews, Christianity, and how true Satanists are not Skyrim Orcs. I was overwhelmed because I felt that the truth came crashing down on me like a ton of bricks making me realize how much of an idiot I was, and I was overwhelmed by the guilt I felt when I realized how big of an insult I threw upon you all. Back then, I didn't understand things. Now I do.

Please, everyone. Forgive me. I did my morning meditations in Cobra's program, and tonight I'll close it with the night regimen. Of course I've been lifting weights for months already, as that will never go away in my life. From now on, at least.

Hail Hitler.

I'm so sorry.
If you're genuinely not a troll then you are very neurotic, you need to ground yourself and think more before you speak. Do void meditation and practice self awareness.

I don't know what you did this time but if you keep offending and begging for forgiveness like this then patience for you will soon run out. The greatest apology you can make is to learn your lesson and stop repeating the actions that warrant an apology.

That will give you much more than forgiveness, it will give respect, because people will see by the change in your behavior that you are trying to be better.
Primal Spirit said:
Gabriel Lamb said:
It seems you cant go one post without mentioning lifting weights.

I know. I can't help it. I was forcing myself not to this time but I had to mention it anyway.
Hey, they'll ignore you soon enough, just like they do when I mention Star Trek and other sci-fi in my posts.
Primal Spirit said:
I went ahead and read JoS reading material and HPHC's Odysee video, stuff I should've done six months ago.

I am overwhelmed at what I read and watched, and just after those short moments of reading and watching, everything started to make sense to me. Particularly about what many of you here were yelling on my ear about the Jews, Christianity, and how true Satanists are not Skyrim Orcs. I was overwhelmed because I felt that the truth came crashing down on me like a ton of bricks making me realize how much of an idiot I was, and I was overwhelmed by the guilt I felt when I realized how big of an insult I threw upon you all. Back then, I didn't understand things. Now I do.

Please, everyone. Forgive me. I did my morning meditations in Cobra's program, and tonight I'll close it with the night regimen. Of course I've been lifting weights for months already, as that will never go away in my life. From now on, at least.

Hail Hitler.

I'm so sorry.
Don't worry about it. Just keep learning and reading. More stuff will make sense. It won't be easy but the truth never is.

If you are distracted by drama on forums, then don't create any. Focus on yourself and studying and take your time with it. Also, meditate and yoga, obviously.
Primal Spirit said:
I went ahead and read JoS reading material and HPHC's Odysee video, stuff I should've done six months ago.

I am overwhelmed at what I read and watched, and just after those short moments of reading and watching, everything started to make sense to me. Particularly about what many of you here were yelling on my ear about the Jews, Christianity, and how true Satanists are not Skyrim Orcs. I was overwhelmed because I felt that the truth came crashing down on me like a ton of bricks making me realize how much of an idiot I was, and I was overwhelmed by the guilt I felt when I realized how big of an insult I threw upon you all. Back then, I didn't understand things. Now I do.

Please, everyone. Forgive me. I did my morning meditations in Cobra's program, and tonight I'll close it with the night regimen. Of course I've been lifting weights for months already, as that will never go away in my life. From now on, at least.

Hail Hitler.

I'm so sorry.

At this point it feels like you're just trolling on the opposite spectrum. How did you even come to the conclusion that Satanism = Skyrim Orcs? Maybe it's just me, but I feel insincerity and humor in your rhetoric.
Stop grovelling and start meditating.
Primal Spirit said:
Please, everyone. Forgive me. I did my morning meditations in Cobra's program, and tonight I'll close it with the night regimen. Of course I've been lifting weights for months already, as that will never go away in my life. From now on, at least.

Hail Hitler.

I'm so sorry.

Any real "repentance" arrives towards one's self first and foremost, for what one did to themselves while not listening to the Truth. Many can relate here. We wish we have adapted this even later and opened our eyes later.
Gabriel Lamb said:
It seems you cant go one post without mentioning lifting weights.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Primal Spirit said:
FancyMancy said:
Primal Spirit said:
I know. I can't help it. I was forcing myself not to this time but I had to mention it anyway.
Hey, they'll ignore you soon enough, just like they do when I mention Star Trek and other sci-fi in my posts.

I can’t fathom how stupid I was for putting Skyrim above real spirituality. I’m ridiculously embarrassed.
Herp-derp. My point is that Star Trek is jewish (gene roddenberry started it, and because it is so big the jew would not ignore opportunities). In (((Star Trek))), it has a lot of elements which happen in real-life, in one way or another. Watching Star Trek can give clues. One example is a robot (fiiiine, an android) who has to go through a court hearing (arbitration) to decide if the advanced robot is alive, if it has life... Currently, we have AI, which is not actually A-I, it is merely mimicking, copypasta-ing; it's not artificial intelligence and it's not intelligence at all. Without a Soul - an actual Soul, not "the essence of the robot, which makes it tick" - it will never be alive.
Primal Spirit said:
FancyMancy said:
Primal Spirit said:
I can’t fathom how stupid I was for putting Skyrim above real spirituality. I’m ridiculously embarrassed.
Herp-derp. My point is that Star Trek is jewish (gene roddenberry started it, and because it is so big the jew would not ignore opportunities). In (((Star Trek))), it has a lot of elements which happen in real-life, in one way or another. Watching Star Trek can give clues. One example is a robot (fiiiine, an android) who has to go through a court hearing (arbitration) to decide if the advanced robot is alive, if it has life... Currently, we have AI, which is not actually A-I, it is merely mimicking, copypasta-ing; it's not artificial intelligence and it's not intelligence at all. Without a Soul - an actual Soul, not "the essence of the robot, which makes it tick" - it will never be alive.

Should I burn my Robert Greene books?

I umm... Have all six of his books. Up until last year, they guided my life... I guess for the worse.

You don't have to burn your property. That's a completely personal decision if you do.

I'll give you my opinion on his book 48 laws of power. I think this book is useful for navigating, understanding, and defending against a jewed up society like the one we live in, where a lot of people behave unscrupulously and are generally honorless rats. However, in a proper Pagan society where honor rules, you would have to quickly unlearn almost everything in that book if you want to succeed in life because low level rat consciousness would not be acceptable anymore, and people would see through all of the tactics used and be disgusted by your behavior. These sorts of rules or so-called laws only work on the spiritually blind. Soon spiritual ignorance will be banished from the world, and the jews who thrive on the spiritual ignorance of their hosts will suffer because of that along with all who emulate them by following authors like Robert Greene. When people rely too much on stuff like that, they tend to forget how to behave like normal humans again. Just a heads up.
Still doubt my character judgement, Ramier? lol

Ramier108666 said:
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=436356 time=1681413856 user_id=46372]
I thought Robert Greene was your one true love :roll:

Now now Jrvan, let him be. He’s gotten kicked enough. Besides if he truly has tasted reality as he said, he will make appropriate progress should he truly desire it. I wish him adequate luck in this.

I have no obligation to accept him or to give him another chance. I'm just letting him know that nobody has forgotten the dumb evil things he said during his last mental episode where he sounded like a crazy jew. I won't be letting him off the hook, and I won't be wasting my time answering his questions like I did before.

Not that it matters, but if anyone wants my impression: he hasn't changed, obviously. People don't change overnight. He came back because he wants more attention. He will be right back to biting everyone like a mad dog eventually if the community pays him any mind. All of the knowledge he needs is on the JoS, and he doesn't need to be spoiled again with community interaction. Most people are properly ignoring him because they're smart and they see through this.

This is the reply I drafted a few days ago. I decided not to post it at the time.

Let this be a valuable lesson to those who need it. Thankfully there aren't negative consequences here, but elsewhere such high levels of mercy can quickly lead to injustice.
Primal Spirit said:
Yeah. Let's see how that goes. Evolved human with psychic abilities versus a feral gymrat who can rip others to shreds. Wanna fight, motherfucker?


“feral gymrat”
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


same energy
Primal Spirit said:

As a philosopher, how do you suppose anyone is supposed to treat you when you act like this? What is fair here? What is best for JoS?

If you are serious about standing opposed to us, then you should just be banned, as nobody needs to hear you slander us all day long.

I would like to be nice and say "oh well Primal was just upset, and that is why this happened", but the problem is that this pattern of extreme attacks keeps repeating itself.

Beyond all of your words, you have only proven to me that you are incapable of cooperating with others, as the slightest friction results in you flying off the handle, to the point where people cannot even trust you anymore.

Do you seriously believe Satan desires you to act like this? Please tell me what the philosophical response to your outbursts would be, as I can only see you receiving a ban. Perhaps my message is moot, as HPHC may have made up his mind regardless of what I said here.
At this point we can very easily predict OP's behavior. After this latest spergout they will again apologize, beg forgiveness, act like they are serious, etc. Then another tantrum will commence, and they will taunt the people who have helped them. Pretending to agree with some of our ideas and apologizing is part of their MO.

I know I've posted some dumb things and so have many other regular posters. But seriously, have any of you made repeated statements about your desire to rape and enslave other members' people? How many times does this have to happen before the lesson is learned?

If someone wants to advance, they don't even need to make many posts, most of the time. The information is already on the JoS sites. This is attention that could be better spent elsewhere. Even with total normies, while its probably a waste to spend too much time on them individually, most of them will not return your efforts with repeated taunts about the atrocities they plan to commit. This is behavior so degenerate that it's hard to describe in human terms.
I heard that when you give attention to worms they start to think that they are.. big forces of nature. Lesson is to not focus on worms, like the worm primal, and let them be sucking on dirt alone. This goes a long way with all kinds of people in life too.

Focusing on the better, pure and beautiful people is the aim. Not on these people. Understand in your mind these two categories and see, how it should be and how it is. Then you understand that you cannot also fall for too much empathy, since sometimes this can be a trap for weakness.
Classic narcissistic abuse on display.
Exhibit A: Primal/GoyVeyII
NakedPluto said:
I heard that when you give attention to worms they start to think that they are.. big forces of nature. Lesson is to not focus on worms, like the worm primal, and let them be sucking on dirt alone. This goes a long way with all kinds of people in life too.

Focusing on the better, pure and beautiful people is the aim. Not on these people. Understand in your mind these two categories and see, how it should be and how it is. Then you understand that you cannot also fall for too much empathy, since sometimes this can be a trap for weakness.

Very true. But I can say at least, We gave him a chance to prove himself, and he proved once again his vile intentions. Sad but it is true to the nature of people who have such warped minds and polluted souls thinking they can exploit or use Satanism how they see fit.

Further disrespect in this way, no matter how much they try to use our programs or "advance", they will answer to Father Satan and the Gods for their actions. It will be by their own doing too, but that is none of our concern now. We warned them and we gave them an opening to show us that they wanted to truly change, but they've closed it by their own foolishness.

They never wanted to change, they only wanted to cause more drama. Which is what I feared to begin with. It is sad to see my concerns were valid. But it's not our problem. You can't help people who don't want to help themselves, hard pill to swallow at first, but it's just the truth. I had to learn that the hard way long ago.
HailVictory88 said:
At this point we can very easily predict OP's behavior. After this latest spergout they will again apologize, beg forgiveness, act like they are serious, etc. Then another tantrum will commence, and they will taunt the people who have helped them. Pretending to agree with some of our ideas and apologizing is part of their MO.

I know I've posted some dumb things and so have many other regular posters. But seriously, have any of you made repeated statements about your desire to rape and enslave other members' people? How many times does this have to happen before the lesson is learned?

If someone wants to advance, they don't even need to make many posts, most of the time. The information is already on the JoS sites. This is attention that could be better spent elsewhere. Even with total normies, while its probably a waste to spend too much time on them individually, most of them will not return your efforts with repeated taunts about the atrocities they plan to commit. This is behavior so degenerate that it's hard to describe in human terms.

This kike has said the same things many times. But there are some people who even after witnessing this multiple times, will welcome and accept it as if it is human.

That is what I personally am discusted by. I don't expect a jew to act in any way other than a jew, so that is not the worst part. The worst part is the people who would be tricked by it, or would pretend that it is human.

It is like if somebody is convicted of being a rapist and murderer. And then a month later, you invite that person to live in your home with your family. Because it lied with some bullshit fake words to try to make you happy for one moment.

Stop accepting the same kikes over and over and over. We can't be so retarded. How many people allow themselves to be tricked in such a dumb way? I know many of the people here were only trying to be polite, but even politeness is too far for that type of animal. This is why for years I have called out the jews over and over in every fake account that they make. It has to be done.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HailVictory88 said:
At this point we can very easily predict OP's behavior. After this latest spergout they will again apologize, beg forgiveness, act like they are serious, etc. Then another tantrum will commence, and they will taunt the people who have helped them. Pretending to agree with some of our ideas and apologizing is part of their MO.

I know I've posted some dumb things and so have many other regular posters. But seriously, have any of you made repeated statements about your desire to rape and enslave other members' people? How many times does this have to happen before the lesson is learned?

If someone wants to advance, they don't even need to make many posts, most of the time. The information is already on the JoS sites. This is attention that could be better spent elsewhere. Even with total normies, while its probably a waste to spend too much time on them individually, most of them will not return your efforts with repeated taunts about the atrocities they plan to commit. This is behavior so degenerate that it's hard to describe in human terms.

This kike has said the same things many times. But there are some people who even after witnessing this multiple times, will welcome and accept it as if it is human.

That is what I personally am discusted by. I don't expect a jew to act in any way other than a jew, so that is not the worst part. The worst part is the people who would be tricked by it, or would pretend that it is human.

It is like if somebody is convicted of being a rapist and murderer. And then a month later, you invite that person to live in your home with your family. Because it lied with some bullshit fake words to try to make you happy for one moment.

Stop accepting the same kikes over and over and over. We can't be so retarded. How many people allow themselves to be tricked in such a dumb way? I know many of the people here were only trying to be polite, but even politeness is too far for that type of animal. This is why for years I have called out the jews over and over in every fake account that they make. It has to be done.

I knew the second that I saw his first bullshit apology post that it in itself was a troll post. I no longer have a bleeding heart for these people. The words "I am sorry" with most fake sob stories fall on a heart of stone and deaf ears anymore. I have run into too many fake ass people, selfish children, and people who throw my compassion back in my face to give a shit about some crying bitch with crocodile tears. Who needs a sob story? Don't be sorry. Be better. Someone who wants the latter wouldn't even have written his first post.
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=437331 time=1681864277 user_id=46372]
Still doubt my character judgement, Ramier? lol

Ramier108666 said:
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=436356 time=1681413856 user_id=46372]
I thought Robert Greene was your one true love :roll:

Now now Jrvan, let him be. He’s gotten kicked enough. Besides if he truly has tasted reality as he said, he will make appropriate progress should he truly desire it. I wish him adequate luck in this.

I have no obligation to accept him or to give him another chance. I'm just letting him know that nobody has forgotten the dumb evil things he said during his last mental episode where he sounded like a crazy jew. I won't be letting him off the hook, and I won't be wasting my time answering his questions like I did before.

Not that it matters, but if anyone wants my impression: he hasn't changed, obviously. People don't change overnight. He came back because he wants more attention. He will be right back to biting everyone like a mad dog eventually if the community pays him any mind. All of the knowledge he needs is on the JoS, and he doesn't need to be spoiled again with community interaction. Most people are properly ignoring him because they're smart and they see through this.

This is the reply I drafted a few days ago. I decided not to post it at the time.

Let this be a valuable lesson to those who need it. Thankfully there aren't negative consequences here, but elsewhere such high levels of mercy can quickly lead to injustice.

I don’t doubt your character Jrvan lol. Quite the contrary. I am not disillusioned by Primal Spirit. I remember his former post. If he truly intends to not attention seek and hopes to rectify himself time will tell. I was bantering around. As I said in that post if he truly has learned good for him, and that I wished him luck. However even I won’t hold my breath. It will ultimately be up to himself.
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=437331 time=1681864277 user_id=46372]
Still doubt my character judgement, Ramier? lol

Ramier108666 said:
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=436356 time=1681413856 user_id=46372]
I thought Robert Greene was your one true love :roll:

Now now Jrvan, let him be. He’s gotten kicked enough. Besides if he truly has tasted reality as he said, he will make appropriate progress should he truly desire it. I wish him adequate luck in this.

I have no obligation to accept him or to give him another chance. I'm just letting him know that nobody has forgotten the dumb evil things he said during his last mental episode where he sounded like a crazy jew. I won't be letting him off the hook, and I won't be wasting my time answering his questions like I did before.

Not that it matters, but if anyone wants my impression: he hasn't changed, obviously. People don't change overnight. He came back because he wants more attention. He will be right back to biting everyone like a mad dog eventually if the community pays him any mind. All of the knowledge he needs is on the JoS, and he doesn't need to be spoiled again with community interaction. Most people are properly ignoring him because they're smart and they see through this.

This is the reply I drafted a few days ago. I decided not to post it at the time.

Let this be a valuable lesson to those who need it. Thankfully there aren't negative consequences here, but elsewhere such high levels of mercy can quickly lead to injustice.

On second thought, as I have looked through the posts. I rescind my former reply. This cretin deserves no mercy. I would bash at him, but he’ll just take up precious time I could be using for meditation and rituals. I could even go ahead and play Elden Ring just for fun.
Ramier108666 said:
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=437331 time=1681864277 user_id=46372]
Still doubt my character judgement, Ramier? lol

Ramier108666 said:
Now now Jrvan, let him be. He’s gotten kicked enough. Besides if he truly has tasted reality as he said, he will make appropriate progress should he truly desire it. I wish him adequate luck in this.

I have no obligation to accept him or to give him another chance. I'm just letting him know that nobody has forgotten the dumb evil things he said during his last mental episode where he sounded like a crazy jew. I won't be letting him off the hook, and I won't be wasting my time answering his questions like I did before.

Not that it matters, but if anyone wants my impression: he hasn't changed, obviously. People don't change overnight. He came back because he wants more attention. He will be right back to biting everyone like a mad dog eventually if the community pays him any mind. All of the knowledge he needs is on the JoS, and he doesn't need to be spoiled again with community interaction. Most people are properly ignoring him because they're smart and they see through this.

This is the reply I drafted a few days ago. I decided not to post it at the time.

Let this be a valuable lesson to those who need it. Thankfully there aren't negative consequences here, but elsewhere such high levels of mercy can quickly lead to injustice.

On second thought, as I have looked through the posts. I rescind my former reply. This cretin deserves no mercy. I would bash at him, but he’ll just take up precious time I could be using for meditation and rituals. I could even go ahead and play Elden Ring just for fun.

Primal is probably the type of guy who spams rivers of blood or a full strength build, and gets just fully annihilated by stars of ruin or comet azur once the other player drinks the flask of wondrous physick with the cerulean hidden tear.
serpentwalker666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=437331 time=1681864277 user_id=46372]
Still doubt my character judgement, Ramier? lol

This is the reply I drafted a few days ago. I decided not to post it at the time.

Let this be a valuable lesson to those who need it. Thankfully there aren't negative consequences here, but elsewhere such high levels of mercy can quickly lead to injustice.

On second thought, as I have looked through the posts. I rescind my former reply. This cretin deserves no mercy. I would bash at him, but he’ll just take up precious time I could be using for meditation and rituals. I could even go ahead and play Elden Ring just for fun.

Primal is probably the type of guy who spams rivers of blood or a full strength build, and gets just fully annihilated by stars of ruin or comet azur once the other player drinks the flask of wondrous physick with the cerulean hidden tear.

Giving him scarlet rot sounds better. Then use comet azur.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
