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A quite scenario


Sep 21, 2017
Let’s say one is driving peacefully down a one lane road, on the speed limit of 45 mph, not high nor low. A very lovely night.

Then an asshole comes up to you from behind, turns on the high beams and tail gates you. If one needs to suddenly stop ahead for whatever reason then there’s no room for stopping distance.

At that moment, right there, that person either a male or female is gambling his/her life and your life in order to save themselves a few minutes.

So perhaps driving faster above the limit and hope you don’t get a ticket is a solution? Maybe brake check that individual and risk your own daily life in order to teach that person a lesson?

If one works then that someone needs the car to go to work. Keeping heightened emotions in check and in control is necessary from making a rash decision. There might be a possibility the flow of one’s day to day life might become... disrupted.

What would a law abiding person do in that scenario?

What would you, a SS, do?
Laugh and drive slower
Not sure what the reaction to this would have to do with one's spiritual beliefs, though.
LightAlgur said:
Let’s say one is driving peacefully down a one lane road, on the speed limit of 45 mph, not high nor low. A very lovely night.

Then an asshole comes up to you from behind, turns on the high beams and tail gates you. If one needs to suddenly stop ahead for whatever reason then there’s no room for stopping distance.

At that moment, right there, that person either a male or female is gambling his/her life and your life in order to save themselves a few minutes.

So perhaps driving faster above the limit and hope you don’t get a ticket is a solution? Maybe brake check that individual and risk your own daily life in order to teach that person a lesson?

If one works then that someone needs the car to go to work. Keeping heightened emotions in check and in control is necessary from making a rash decision. There might be a possibility the flow of one’s day to day life might become... disrupted.

What would a law abiding person do in that scenario?

What would you, a SS, do?
If I'm feeling mean I'd slow down to like 30 and give them a thumbs-up, then after like 20-something seconds I'd go back to driving 45.
Also depending on your kinda car and how fast you are driving, you can turn on the thing that sprays cleaning solution on your windshield. It will land on the guy/girl's windshield if they are driving closely behind you. I think it's called "pissing on them", lol.

Alternatively just keep driving 45 and stay attentive until they drive past you.
Dood, we're not j00z, christians nor muslims; we can think for ourselves.
LightAlgur said:
Let’s say one is driving peacefully down a one lane road, on the speed limit of 45 mph, not high nor low. A very lovely night.

Then an asshole comes up to you from behind, turns on the high beams and tail gates you. If one needs to suddenly stop ahead for whatever reason then there’s no room for stopping distance.

At that moment, right there, that person either a male or female is gambling his/her life and your life in order to save themselves a few minutes.

So perhaps driving faster above the limit and hope you don’t get a ticket is a solution? Maybe brake check that individual and risk your own daily life in order to teach that person a lesson?

If one works then that someone needs the car to go to work. Keeping heightened emotions in check and in control is necessary from making a rash decision. There might be a possibility the flow of one’s day to day life might become... disrupted.

What would a law abiding person do in that scenario?

What would you, a SS, do?

Happened to me once when I was thinking about getting new car; was tempted to pull handbrake so he would crash into back of my car so I could collect insurance money. :lol:
LightAlgur said:
Let’s say one is driving peacefully down a one lane road, on the speed limit of 45 mph, not high nor low. A very lovely night.

Then an asshole comes up to you from behind, turns on the high beams and tail gates you. If one needs to suddenly stop ahead for whatever reason then there’s no room for stopping distance.

At that moment, right there, that person either a male or female is gambling his/her life and your life in order to save themselves a few minutes.

So perhaps driving faster above the limit and hope you don’t get a ticket is a solution? Maybe brake check that individual and risk your own daily life in order to teach that person a lesson?

If one works then that someone needs the car to go to work. Keeping heightened emotions in check and in control is necessary from making a rash decision. There might be a possibility the flow of one’s day to day life might become... disrupted.

What would a law abiding person do in that scenario?

What would you, a SS, do?
My personal opinion is that one has the same responsibility when operating a car that one has operating other powerful machines. My main goal when driving is to operate the vehicle safely. For this reason, I try to keep calm when driving and not make decisions out of anger. It's not worth getting killed over or killing someone else.

I try not to push other people into road rage. Obviously having someone driving too close behind you is annoying, but it's not worth starting a major incident over. I would keep driving at a reasonable pace, monitor my rearview, use my turn signal when necessary and try to avoid sudden movements. Better to get home safe than to try to teach someone a lesson. Also, there are many different reasons someone might be in a hurry. They might be an asshole, they might have an emergency at their home, etc.
The reason why it states in driving manuals, to keep going the speed limit in these situations, is for safety. There have been countless times when the person in front (you in this case) sped up to avoid getting hit by the idiot in the back, only for the person in front to end up in an accident. Don't speed up or slow down, and make sure your seatbelt is on just in case he hits you.

If it is legal to place a cell phone call then call the cops citing dangerous road harassment. Note his license plate and report him, when you get home you can vibrate runes to make sure he gets in trouble for it.

If it is illegal to call from cell phone while driving they can fine you for that, so call when you are stopped. But definitely call and report the idiot.
It also helps to have video recording installed in your vehicle, both forwards and backwards (if the "laws" say that you can where you live).
Install some super bright high beams on your car so you can get behind them and tell them who's boss... lol

But ya just drive the speed limit. If you gotta slow down to avoid the car in front of you then slow down it's no big deal... The asshole behind you won't hit you, don't worry.

If you're doing your AoP then there's no need to worry about this situation to be honest. Just a normal day...

If you want to get revenge, get their license plate number and have at it... But I don't see this as a get revenge type scenario... Driving on country roads, people always drive 20 over the speed limit with their high beams on so they can see deer and what not....
Brake check the fucker. If he hits me, it legally becomes his fault, I get a nice check from the insurance company, and a brand new car.
Don't go on the brakes. Instead hit the triangle button/hazard lights real quick then back off. This flashes the brake lights so it looks the same to the guy behind you, but it is safe because it doesn't suddenly slow the car down like hitting the brakes does. Or give them room to pass you if you can.
Indeed, it is strange. I’ll just use this account to communicate physically. The pseudonym is of little importance. The individual in real life still remains the same. Meditations and RTRs can still be done.

The post can count sometimes determines the individual’s “respect” consciously and subconsciously in the platform but I find that of no matter. I can still read.
Lugh said:
Indeed, it is strange. I’ll just use this account to communicate physically. The pseudonym is of little importance. The individual in real life still remains the same. Meditations and RTRs can still be done.

The post can count sometimes determines the individual’s “respect” consciously and subconsciously in the platform but I find that of no matter. I can still read.

If you can prove your ownership, it can be restored.

Some e-mails are blocked by the panel, especially during times where trolls overload. But that is rare. The e-mail you registered with, which happens on some e-mail providers, may block things on its own.
Ascending energy meditation + twin serpent


Body temperature increase. Warm feeling through out the body. Mostly from the spine. 02/14/20 subject feels the spine more warm than usual on separate occasions varying different times in the day.

Feeling ecstasy in the head (crown).

Empowers the aura over time.

Pain tolerance increase.

Seeing and sensing energy becomes easier. Night mostly, after midnight.

Subject skipped one day, headache ensued after. Cleared immediately after meditations was finished.

Increased in libido.

The cultivation (cycle) feels faster when focusing on the “feeling” of the energy circulating throughout the chakras (main + extensions) rather than fully focusing on visualizing it. Subject finds it inevitable to start visualizing though. I believe it depends on the talent of the individual, perhaps.

As of 2/20 i noticed that it is important to be experienced in each separate meditation that involves this. Be it visualization, void meditation, twin serpent etc... a firm foundation is necessary in my honest opinion. Subject desires for more cycles but it is finding it hard to. All in all, subject may have to break it and start back to square 2 or even square 1 to achieve the goal in mind. Even though slow and small breakthroughs have been set in place, I am not quiet satisfied with the results.

The foundations looks shaky.






Lugh said:
Pain occurs on the throat some times. I suspect it is a cold incoming. Applied white gold energy to the front, middle and back throat chakras and a half-day later symptom seems to be gone.

Canker sores happen sometimes when something is eaten or drank, which is not appropriate to be said what it is in a public forum (privacy). Used to be painful and only Listerine could numb out the pain which would take weeks to heal the sores. Applying white gold energy on the sores, in the repeated attempts, makes it go away without the use of Listerine. 2 minimum and 3 days maximum.
Somehow I got this account back. Mercury retrograde is around the corner.

Sometimes I have questions on my mind and I visualize or better yet say... imagine my self posting something but in the end I get discouraged for some reason. Similar to a gut feeling.

My questions and sometimes thoughts coincidently gets posted by some one else or has been posted by some one else.
Lydia said:
The reason why it states in driving manuals, to keep going the speed limit in these situations, is for safety. There have been countless times when the person in front (you in this case) sped up to avoid getting hit by the idiot in the back, only for the person in front to end up in an accident. Don't speed up or slow down, and make sure your seatbelt is on just in case he hits you.

If it is legal to place a cell phone call then call the cops citing dangerous road harassment. Note his license plate and report him, when you get home you can vibrate runes to make sure he gets in trouble for it.

If it is illegal to call from cell phone while driving they can fine you for that, so call when you are stopped. But definitely call and report the idiot.

Thank you Lydia.

Yes, you remain going at the same speed. Philosophically, if this were to relate to your life, you would do the same. When one approaches you with Hostility, keep going your own flow, unimpeded. Unless physical harm is brought to the table, such as ramming the vehicle. Then you may engage with violence.

If you're smart, and an American Citizen, you will be exercising your second Amendment rights. Many do not have the rights, that one takes for granted every day.
Laying down with the eyes closed. A visualization came into my mind, can not recall whether it was intentional, of a shining sphere similar to the sun.

Sometimes I like to visualize the sun, for the energy, but this time the image became too vivid and it was similar to seeing the sun directly in real life or perhaps a light bulb. It brought the same physical effect as looking at it in real life.

Fortunately managed to "cancel" the visualization within a short amount of time. Long lasting effects unknown. Working towards a better physical vision is highly suggested.

Imagination sometimes become too vivid but awareness to reality is still there. Whether is a good thing or bad, we shall see if it can be used to our advantage.
My magick works and must important of all, I believe it works without a shred of doubt. No matter who says otherwise. I can not let anything or body damage my Satanic heart and must not faster in my works. The unwavering faith on my self must be as strong as the one for the Gods. And if not, stronger.

One can not expect to grow stronger without overcoming their own struggles. The gods guide me directly and indirectly, being the most frequent,  of what I need to achieve my goal.
The speed limit is not a suggestion. Technically, the second anyone gets behind a car they are gambling with their lives. Driving is one of the most dangerous things civilians do on a daily basis. However, this has happened to me in the past and I just ignore them. Their will has no right to influence my driving habits. What happens if I speed up for them and a cop pulls me over instead of him? He is going to keep going without giving it a second thought. Will he pay for your speeding ticket? Nope. However, if you want to potential piss them off slowing down might do the trick. After all, it isn't against the law to slow down so long as there is no minimum speed posted. His need for speed doesn't give him a right to be a speed bully. He can wait.
Uncommon events of detachment from reality has occurred. Thinking of ways to stop this from happening spontaneously. It is a strange and brief feeling of third person pov; out of body, lasting a few seconds.

It could be an attack and if not, I am trying to see if I can control this state (?).

My wish is to have full control of my mind and heart. I can never get enough of the basics.

LightAlgur said:
Imagination sometimes become too vivid but awareness to reality is still there. Whether is a good thing or bad, we shall see if it can be used to our advantage.
I look back to my younger self and how foolish it was of me thinking I could grow without going to the world. That is until.. I did and this realization came to be. I could do thousands upon thousands of vibrations per day but at the end of day, results are what matter the most.

I am now facing one of the biggest challenges in this life but I have no excitment, sadness or regret. Talking too much but no action does nothing for me. Keep moving forward is all I tell my self and that's what I do. As I am sure there will be many challenges to come.

I have come to realize years ago that Hitler is, and always be right. Every one wants immortality but what after? I'm no philosopher nor going to entertain my self in pointless questions.

LightAlgur said:
One can not expect to grow stronger without overcoming their own struggles. The gods guide me directly and indirectly, being the most frequent,  of what I need to achieve my goal.
It's kind of strange but might not be uncommon that when I listen to a song, sometimes I reach I guess one could say a trance like state and can focus on a visualization (eyes open).

A certain song could invoke a feeling of either happiness, anger or sadness and I believe this helps me visualize in my mind.

The sad thing is I could repeat the song and the feeling is gone. Leaving me with a wide range of genre and no favorites. Moving on to find the next.
LightAlgur said:
The sad thing is I could repeat the song and the feeling is gone. Leaving me with a wide range of genre and no favorites. Moving on to find the next.
Story of my life. :D

Altough during certain periods I tend to have some favourites, and then those are switched to something else, maybe returning to same later, or not.
I think the situation with Russia and Ukraine has the signature of the jews behind this. I know, my self being captain obvious here.

Wether it’s spiritually or physically, it is in my believe, this is the work of the enemy on both sides. Perhaps Ukraine is a country created to divide the masses and lead them by the agenda to create another World War.

Constant media propaganda stimulating the emotions of the people to further reinforce the idea of defending and/or invading.

Create problems, receive reactions thus giving the solution. I never trust a jew, on anything they say.

A jew says go South and I go North.
Ingrain in memory the [spiritual] weapon(s)/key(s) to disarm and destroy the enemy. Disarming them of their manufactured weapons will result in their inevitable demise.

Keep moving forward no matter where one is in the world/universe.

LightAlgur said:
Constant media propaganda stimulating the emotions of the people to further reinforce the idea of defending and/or invading.
Describing as much as possible with words.
With the physical eyes opened, with slight focus, white wind or smoke can be seen around everywhere. This can quickly go away at conscious command.

Smoke on people and around objects as well. Similarity to this example. On a hot road, one can see the heat radiating from it.

Does not impair physical vision in anyway though it still occurs when glasses on. Researched everywhere in case of negative health. Nothing conclusive was found as of yet.

Monitoring and details are added as time goes by.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
