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A new Life in Satan: The True Rising of my Kundalini Serpent, HIS Go

Dec 30, 2012
A new Life in Satan: The True Rising of my Kundalini Serpent, HIS Golden Dragon


High Priest Vovim Baghie, Joy of Satan Ministries.

The True Rising of my Kundalini Serpent happened roughly six months after the Initial Ascension, and took exactly one month for the Entire process to finish.

In terms of pain, there was hardly any at all. The Extreme pain and the feeling of your spine being stretched beyond its limit were barely there. The Initial Rising was obviously just a testing ground, as to whether you can or cannot take the True Rising. Also, the physical aspect of myself went through very Drastic Changes during the Initial Ascension, but nothing like what happened with the True Rising.

Extreme heat was a constant, but after all the different Kundalini Processes that took place during the 6 months prior, it was bearable. The most significant part of myself that suffered was the Mental Aspect, and just my actual body.

What Happens with the True Ascension has been depicted in the Egyptian Hieroglyphs many times; My Serpent ate its way up my Spinal Cord, it bit into the 6th Chakra and then moved into the 3rd eye, From there The Serpent moved up along my Skull, Wrapped around the Mar Ka Ba ball inside my Gold Chakra and moved out, facing ahead. [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... wo.html%5d

The build up to the True Rising happened over 6 days. I was told by Father Satan and the Gods [as well as my Kundalini Serpent itself] to follow a very strict and specific set of Meditations. - Every night for 6 Days I meditated for roughly 4 hours. Here is the breakdown of what I did each night:

The full Mer Ka Ba Meditation at 6x times the speed of light; mixing the Blue Female Elixir and the Red Male Elixir and circulating it through the Chakra and the Soul; The Three steps of the Magnum Opus; Using External Male and Female Elixirs to Empower the Pineal Gland; Spinning\Vibrating all the aspects of my Existence at 6x the Speed of light; "Shapeshifting" to a specific Astral form that I was shown; Performing the three sets of the Twin Serpent Meditation (Up each extension set of the Chakra's); Performing the three sets of the Single Serpent Meditation (Up each extension set of the Chakra's); Creating a four element, Elemental for psychic empowerment; Empowering and Strengthening the Four Pillars of the Soul; Using Orgasm to Stimulate the Kundalini; And lastly decoded Mediations from the Necronomcion that [are very powerful and] cannot be spoken about here.

[I am still doing all these Mediations, constantly; however there are many new additions]

The True Rising started quite normally, A very large pressure and Heat started to climb up my Spinal Cord, [except this time, it felt as if it had a pulse, like a heartbeat] This took a while as my the Back-extension of my Solar Chakra still seems to have some problems. The pressure was very intense and numbed most of the pain, it was a very strange experience - it is quite indescribable.

It was at this point I saw with my ocular vision, my Kundalini Serpent, In front of Me, Wrapped around the Mer Ka Ba ball and Facing ahead. I brushed it off, as I had no idea what was truly happening. 3 Days after seeing this image with my "real" eyes, the Actual Process began to happen.

A quick build up of pressure within my spine and head, and intense build up of heat, and then, my Kundalini began to move. My Serpent moved out of my 3rd eye, and slowly began to move up my skull to the Area on top of my Crown Chakra. This was very painful and very odd, because I was waving in and out of awareness, as if I was falling asleep and waking up every couple of seconds. A more pressure built-up, my Serpent then Moved up and Began to wrap itself over and around the Mer Ka Ba ball which I had placed into my Gold Chakra, [which was all spinning at 6x the speed of light]. My Kundalini then move forewords, about 20cm from my head, it opened its mouth, and then spread out, a small pair of wings which are located just beneath its Head\Crown. As my Kundalini spread this second set of wings, and intense and unimaginable feeling came over me, I can't describe it, as all I remember was waking up 9 hours later. [I had obviously fully lost awareness and consciousness]

As I woke up, I really was out of it, but I was told immediately to perform the Mer Ka Ba Meditation, however, something was very different, as I couldn't spin at 6x the speed of light, like I was being stopped, I asked what was happening, and Immediately I was told "Spin at 9x the speed of light, your Serpent has done this for you, you simply need to keep yourself at this speed of vibration". So from then I did the Mer Ka Ba, as well as Spinning the Different Aspects, all at 9x the speed of light, everyday.

After a day, more drastic changes started to happen. My Serpent fused my Aura and my Mer Ka Ba disc together, they became one, and the Disc actually controlled my Aura. This caused some problems in the Beginning, as the Mer Ka Ba Disc naturally shoots out to over 55ft, and so when it fused with my Aura, it extended to 55ft as well. For over a 18m radius, I was picking up on so many different things, people's emotions, thoughts, and their life crises. It was quite overwhelming. Spiritually, my Aura is naturally out at about a 18m Radius, but the Problem is the physical human body, truly cannot take this, So I was told how to condense the Mer Ka Ba Disc and subsequently my aura in order to save my physical body. [It truly messed with my Physical body, being so "out" on both the Astral and the Physical, I could only manage to stay awake for tow hours at a time, and then I would feel as if I had just been through a War.]

After a few days of just sleeping for 16 hour periods and being awake for only 2, My Body started to get a bit more accustomed to the True Rising and I could "semi" function again. At this point I had actually thought it was over, but it was not.

What happened next was a severe change in my mentality and my brain. [Like the rewiring of the circuits within the Brain] It started out slowly, weird images, small changes in moods. But then one morning at about 3am after two weeks had passed of the True Rising, The Major mental change happened. It started with severe mental exhaustion, I was lying on the couch looking up, my mind was like jelly, I was so tired I couldn't move from where I was sitting.

Then, I started feeling different emotions, like in waves, very negative. After wallowing in self pity for a while, I suddenly started seeing very, *very* Vivid images, of a specific life of mine. [What was happening I will not tell] The realness of the images I was getting was enough to make me believe I was there, as if I was actually doing past life regression, even though I was lying on the couch with my eyes open. This went on for a while, and certain things just started to make sense. I suddenly understood almost exactly what Marked Souls are, Our Origin, and our Purpose.- Just multitudes of questions and answering regarding ancient knowledge was rushing through me.

Then the real "trip" started. I was getting these rushing images of random people, it was so strange, the perspective was as if I was remote viewing them [And I am very sure I was]. However, I was seeing many individual people, all in their houses\rooms all doing normal daily things, I have no idea of who these people are - I did not know them in any way. But I was seeing them, what was truly strange is that I was seeing many, many people all at once, but I was able to differentiate each image and see\understand exactly what was going on. As If time slowed so dramatically I could remote view 80 people in the matter of a second. [I even saw the room in the vatican, where a group of jesuits constantly plot against the JoS. One even felt\saw me, and got quite a fright, the little kike just ran off after that]

Afterwards, my mind just started failing on me. I then truly began to hallucinate, and it was incredibly unpleasant. Now, I can barely remember what the hallucinations were, but then, it was very intense and one of the worst moments of any Kundalini experience. I am not sure how long it lasted, but there was a specific point where it all ended. I heard a loud pop, and I felt the sensation of my ears popping, and suddenly I felt fine. Still very tired, but completely fine, like all the shit that just took place was a bad dream or something. I went straight to sleep after that.

After that, the Major changes were finished; it was only smaller changes, and tiredness that followed.

It was after that, that I was told to meditate, regardless of the shit I was going through, At the time, I was at the Danger point, when Kundalini could easily drop back down the Spine, and the process would have to start over again. What I can say from both what I was told and my experiences, the Mer Ka Ba Meditation [the TRUE Mer Ka Ba meditation given to High Priestess Maxine Dietrich by Thoth-sama is the *Most Important* meditation any person who has reached the Initial Rising can do. It WILL start the True Rising, it may take months or less, but It will start the True Rising if you are at the Stage of the Initial Ascension.] (http://www.666blacksun.com/Egyptian666.html)

After this, I truly started feeling the effects of the True Rising. And still now, so much is being revealed to me by Father Satan, the Mighty Gods and my Kundalini Serpent. All my Astral senses are unbelievably sensitive, Vision and Hearing even smelling are crystal clear. Also, with the True Rising, the Astral and Physical really do become one. For instance, in the Inner Radius of my Aura and Disc I easily and quickly affect anything. Like a few weeks ago, I was listening to music on my PC and I suddenly got the urge to perform telekinesis. I put a thick large piece of paper in front of me, and within 3 minutes, I had the Paper rattling, shacking and slowly spinning. This is without trance or focus, just a quick 3 minutes with music playing. Also, when ever I go out, to the grocery store or something, everyone I walk passed always looks directly at me and stares into my eyes – It really strange.

Also no curse can reach me, as my Serpent literally devours any energy sent to me [regardless of whether it is positive or negative] and converts it to Akasha. One, strange ability, is that I can sense other Serpents and affect them by connecting myself to them, in-affect raising another Serpent. Even seeing the four pillars of each person's soul is very easy.

There are countless other abilities that I received from this, but the above is the just of it.

What I can say about the True Rising is that it is ONLY possible if one is of Father Satan and if Satan himself is guiding you and your Serpent. As I have said before, the Kundalini is the Part of Satan within us, and it is not possible to reach this level without HIS Guidance. Even Satyananda Saraswati did not fully Reach the True Rising, [Although, He was Serving Father, just by a different perception]. You really need to be strong for this, not only because it is so quick to loose your mind or your body to the Rising, but because the enemy, will immediately and –extremely- go after you.

Let me put it like this. After the True Rising, the Intensity of your Spirit and Astral Body, is so great, that on the Astral you literally appear as a Star, and you actually light a very large portion of the Astral, just with your existence. - That is the Power of the True Rising. However, A Star on the Astral is *THE* only target to the enemy. So like me, regardless of the True Rising, always build and keep a constant and strong Aura of Protection Every Single Day, Twice a Day. [Your Serpent, depending on its growth, can only "eat" so much]

[And just something to think about, at this level, A Risen Satanist can light a km radius of the Astral in the millions, much like an Actual Star. Father Satan however, lights the Entire [infinite] Astral. – The Entire Universe is light and controlled by HIS will.]

What I heard from Father, straight after the True Rising was this; "One Last Hurdle, One Last Step". So, on to the Final Rising!

[One last and very important thing. I have left out three very important events and changes that happen during the True Rising of the Kundalini Serpent, this is to stop any parasitic-jew infiltrators from copy\pasting this to the e-Groups, and claiming that "it" has actually gone through the True Rising. Some idiotic infiltrator has already tried this with my work on the Initial Rising, but failed miserably. Hail Satan! ]

So, to all the truly Dedicated Warriors of Father Satan and the Mighty Gods of Duat, Always Keep Strong in Father Satan! And may Father Satans' Divine Light Guide You Eternally!


-High Priest Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan! Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama! Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail Astaroth-sama! Hail Lilith-sama!
Hail Clistheret-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!


Joy of Satan Ministries

HP Vovim,

This is truly incredible. I remember reading about Salem Burke's ascension when he first wrote about it, and your account is even more detailed and in depth. I don't think I have ever been as excited, or as terrified, to try something in all my life, which I personally find awesome. LOL.

I know you and I got off to a bit of a rough start, but I just wanted to let you know I really do appreciate your posts and meditations. I've found them(the ones I have used) to be extremely effective and useful. The chakra enhancers are fucking brilliant, and something that has been needed for some time. Thanks for those.

I did however have a small question about your Trine affirmation method. I have been using this, and after the first couple of times I sort of instinctively started forming a more complex aura to facilitate this. For instance, if I am doing a Trine affirmation set, say one for money accumulation(main affirmation), then one for protection, and the last for empowerment and strength in Satan; then I would first form an aura of bright, shining green, and state my money accumulation affirmations. After that, I would continue to hold the shining green aura while inhaling bright white-gold energy, charging it with bio-electricity, forming an "orb" of "electrical" white-gold energy that I would then exhale onto the exterior of the green aura. The white-gold energy rippled along the green aura like lightning and can arc out of the aura(if needed). I would then state my protection and safety affirmations. Lastly, I will inhale bright electric blue energy(the color electric blue, not "electric" as before) and exhale it INTO the green and gold auras respectively. I would then state my third set of affirmations. During the conclusion affirmation I would simply visualize the auras interacting and melding together as one.

I was wondering if you also form a much more complex aura when using the Trine method, or if you find it better to stick to one aura color and focus your affirmations more specifically?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priest Vovim Baghie" <high_priest.vovim_baghie@... wrote:

A new Life in Satan: The True Rising of my Kundalini Serpent, HIS Golden Dragon


High Priest Vovim Baghie, Joy of Satan Ministries.

The True Rising of my Kundalini Serpent happened roughly six months after the Initial Ascension, and took exactly one month for the Entire process to finish.

In terms of pain, there was hardly any at all. The Extreme pain and the feeling of your spine being stretched beyond its limit were barely there. The Initial Rising was obviously just a testing ground, as to whether you can or cannot take the True Rising. Also, the physical aspect of myself went through very Drastic Changes during the Initial Ascension, but nothing like what happened with the True Rising.

Extreme heat was a constant, but after all the different Kundalini Processes that took place during the 6 months prior, it was bearable. The most significant part of myself that suffered was the Mental Aspect, and just my actual body.

What Happens with the True Ascension has been depicted in the Egyptian Hieroglyphs many times; My Serpent ate its way up my Spinal Cord, it bit into the 6th Chakra and then moved into the 3rd eye, From there The Serpent moved up along my Skull, Wrapped around the Mar Ka Ba ball inside my Gold Chakra and moved out, facing ahead. [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... wo.html%5d

The build up to the True Rising happened over 6 days. I was told by Father Satan and the Gods [as well as my Kundalini Serpent itself] to follow a very strict and specific set of Meditations. - Every night for 6 Days I meditated for roughly 4 hours. Here is the breakdown of what I did each night:

The full Mer Ka Ba Meditation at 6x times the speed of light; mixing the Blue Female Elixir and the Red Male Elixir and circulating it through the Chakra and the Soul; The Three steps of the Magnum Opus; Using External Male and Female Elixirs to Empower the Pineal Gland; Spinning\Vibrating all the aspects of my Existence at 6x the Speed of light; "Shapeshifting" to a specific Astral form that I was shown; Performing the three sets of the Twin Serpent Meditation (Up each extension set of the Chakra's); Performing the three sets of the Single Serpent Meditation (Up each extension set of the Chakra's); Creating a four element, Elemental for psychic empowerment; Empowering and Strengthening the Four Pillars of the Soul; Using Orgasm to Stimulate the Kundalini; And lastly decoded Mediations from the Necronomcion that [are very powerful and] cannot be spoken about here.

[I am still doing all these Mediations, constantly; however there are many new additions]

The True Rising started quite normally, A very large pressure and Heat started to climb up my Spinal Cord, [except this time, it felt as if it had a pulse, like a heartbeat] This took a while as my the Back-extension of my Solar Chakra still seems to have some problems. The pressure was very intense and numbed most of the pain, it was a very strange experience - it is quite indescribable.

It was at this point I saw with my ocular vision, my Kundalini Serpent, In front of Me, Wrapped around the Mer Ka Ba ball and Facing ahead. I brushed it off, as I had no idea what was truly happening. 3 Days after seeing this image with my "real" eyes, the Actual Process began to happen.

A quick build up of pressure within my spine and head, and intense build up of heat, and then, my Kundalini began to move. My Serpent moved out of my 3rd eye, and slowly began to move up my skull to the Area on top of my Crown Chakra. This was very painful and very odd, because I was waving in and out of awareness, as if I was falling asleep and waking up every couple of seconds. A more pressure built-up, my Serpent then Moved up and Began to wrap itself over and around the Mer Ka Ba ball which I had placed into my Gold Chakra, [which was all spinning at 6x the speed of light]. My Kundalini then move forewords, about 20cm from my head, it opened its mouth, and then spread out, a small pair of wings which are located just beneath its Head\Crown. As my Kundalini spread this second set of wings, and intense and unimaginable feeling came over me, I can't describe it, as all I remember was waking up 9 hours later. [I had obviously fully lost awareness and consciousness]

As I woke up, I really was out of it, but I was told immediately to perform the Mer Ka Ba Meditation, however, something was very different, as I couldn't spin at 6x the speed of light, like I was being stopped, I asked what was happening, and Immediately I was told "Spin at 9x the speed of light, your Serpent has done this for you, you simply need to keep yourself at this speed of vibration". So from then I did the Mer Ka Ba, as well as Spinning the Different Aspects, all at 9x the speed of light, everyday.

After a day, more drastic changes started to happen. My Serpent fused my Aura and my Mer Ka Ba disc together, they became one, and the Disc actually controlled my Aura. This caused some problems in the Beginning, as the Mer Ka Ba Disc naturally shoots out to over 55ft, and so when it fused with my Aura, it extended to 55ft as well. For over a 18m radius, I was picking up on so many different things, people's emotions, thoughts, and their life crises. It was quite overwhelming. Spiritually, my Aura is naturally out at about a 18m Radius, but the Problem is the physical human body, truly cannot take this, So I was told how to condense the Mer Ka Ba Disc and subsequently my aura in order to save my physical body. [It truly messed with my Physical body, being so "out" on both the Astral and the Physical, I could only manage to stay awake for tow hours at a time, and then I would feel as if I had just been through a War.]

After a few days of just sleeping for 16 hour periods and being awake for only 2, My Body started to get a bit more accustomed to the True Rising and I could "semi" function again. At this point I had actually thought it was over, but it was not.

What happened next was a severe change in my mentality and my brain. [Like the rewiring of the circuits within the Brain] It started out slowly, weird images, small changes in moods. But then one morning at about 3am after two weeks had passed of the True Rising, The Major mental change happened. It started with severe mental exhaustion, I was lying on the couch looking up, my mind was like jelly, I was so tired I couldn't move from where I was sitting.

Then, I started feeling different emotions, like in waves, very negative. After wallowing in self pity for a while, I suddenly started seeing very, *very* Vivid images, of a specific life of mine. [What was happening I will not tell] The realness of the images I was getting was enough to make me believe I was there, as if I was actually doing past life regression, even though I was lying on the couch with my eyes open. This went on for a while, and certain things just started to make sense. I suddenly understood almost exactly what Marked Souls are, Our Origin, and our Purpose.- Just multitudes of questions and answering regarding ancient knowledge was rushing through me.

Then the real "trip" started. I was getting these rushing images of random people, it was so strange, the perspective was as if I was remote viewing them [And I am very sure I was]. However, I was seeing many individual people, all in their houses\rooms all doing normal daily things, I have no idea of who these people are - I did not know them in any way. But I was seeing them, what was truly strange is that I was seeing many, many people all at once, but I was able to differentiate each image and see\understand exactly what was going on. As If time slowed so dramatically I could remote view 80 people in the matter of a second. [I even saw the room in the vatican, where a group of jesuits constantly plot against the JoS. One even felt\saw me, and got quite a fright, the little kike just ran off after that]

Afterwards, my mind just started failing on me. I then truly began to hallucinate, and it was incredibly unpleasant. Now, I can barely remember what the hallucinations were, but then, it was very intense and one of the worst moments of any Kundalini experience. I am not sure how long it lasted, but there was a specific point where it all ended. I heard a loud pop, and I felt the sensation of my ears popping, and suddenly I felt fine. Still very tired, but completely fine, like all the shit that just took place was a bad dream or something. I went straight to sleep after that.

After that, the Major changes were finished; it was only smaller changes, and tiredness that followed.

It was after that, that I was told to meditate, regardless of the shit I was going through, At the time, I was at the Danger point, when Kundalini could easily drop back down the Spine, and the process would have to start over again. What I can say from both what I was told and my experiences, the Mer Ka Ba Meditation [the TRUE Mer Ka Ba meditation given to High Priestess Maxine Dietrich by Thoth-sama is the *Most Important* meditation any person who has reached the Initial Rising can do. It WILL start the True Rising, it may take months or less, but It will start the True Rising if you are at the Stage of the Initial Ascension.] (http://www.666blacksun.com/Egyptian666.html)

After this, I truly started feeling the effects of the True Rising. And still now, so much is being revealed to me by Father Satan, the Mighty Gods and my Kundalini Serpent. All my Astral senses are unbelievably sensitive, Vision and Hearing even smelling are crystal clear. Also, with the True Rising, the Astral and Physical really do become one. For instance, in the Inner Radius of my Aura and Disc I easily and quickly affect anything. Like a few weeks ago, I was listening to music on my PC and I suddenly got the urge to perform telekinesis. I put a thick large piece of paper in front of me, and within 3 minutes, I had the Paper rattling, shacking and slowly spinning. This is without trance or focus, just a quick 3 minutes with music playing. Also, when ever I go out, to the grocery store or something, everyone I walk passed always looks directly at me and stares into my eyes – It really strange.

Also no curse can reach me, as my Serpent literally devours any energy sent to me [regardless of whether it is positive or negative] and converts it to Akasha. One, strange ability, is that I can sense other Serpents and affect them by connecting myself to them, in-affect raising another Serpent. Even seeing the four pillars of each person's soul is very easy.

There are countless other abilities that I received from this, but the above is the just of it.

What I can say about the True Rising is that it is ONLY possible if one is of Father Satan and if Satan himself is guiding you and your Serpent. As I have said before, the Kundalini is the Part of Satan within us, and it is not possible to reach this level without HIS Guidance. Even Satyananda Saraswati did not fully Reach the True Rising, [Although, He was Serving Father, just by a different perception]. You really need to be strong for this, not only because it is so quick to loose your mind or your body to the Rising, but because the enemy, will immediately and –extremely- go after you.

Let me put it like this. After the True Rising, the Intensity of your Spirit and Astral Body, is so great, that on the Astral you literally appear as a Star, and you actually light a very large portion of the Astral, just with your existence. - That is the Power of the True Rising. However, A Star on the Astral is *THE* only target to the enemy. So like me, regardless of the True Rising, always build and keep a constant and strong Aura of Protection Every Single Day, Twice a Day. [Your Serpent, depending on its growth, can only "eat" so much]

[And just something to think about, at this level, A Risen Satanist can light a km radius of the Astral in the millions, much like an Actual Star. Father Satan however, lights the Entire [infinite] Astral. – The Entire Universe is light and controlled by HIS will.]

What I heard from Father, straight after the True Rising was this; "One Last Hurdle, One Last Step". So, on to the Final Rising!

[One last and very important thing. I have left out three very important events and changes that happen during the True Rising of the Kundalini Serpent, this is to stop any parasitic-jew infiltrators from copy\pasting this to the e-Groups, and claiming that "it" has actually gone through the True Rising. Some idiotic infiltrator has already tried this with my work on the Initial Rising, but failed miserably. Hail Satan! ]

So, to all the truly Dedicated Warriors of Father Satan and the Mighty Gods of Duat, Always Keep Strong in Father Satan! And may Father Satans' Divine Light Guide You Eternally!


-High Priest Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan! Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama! Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail Astaroth-sama! Hail Lilith-sama!
Hail Clistheret-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!


Joy of Satan Ministries

No worries 'searchingest', thank you for the kind words.

What you do with the Affirmations is good, you are fusing different "aspect" energies to work together as one, this will do well in empowering and reaching your goals faster and with permanence.

What I do with the Trine Affirmations, when it comes to my life affirmations, I actually use my Mer Ka Ba disc. The Disc is programmed with the different life Affirmations and it works constantly to arrange all events around you so that your gaol can be reached easily and quickly [like all the pieces of the puzzle falling quickly together].

You can also create and programme a Separate Mer Ka Ba Disc entirely for this purpose. High Priestess Maxine Dietrich wrote about it a very long time ago.

Also, if the Affirmations are not long term, and are something quick, I will just create a blood Sigil, empower it with the Runes & my blood\semen and then turn that Sigil into a 4-element Elemental by condensing 4 of the 5 Satanic Elements within it. [Using the Paper the Sigil is drawn on as the Elementals "body"]. Then I will burn it during the Grand Satanic Ritual and let it do its thing.

(I don't believe in killing\absorbing the thought forms I have made. lol, I am not as weak as franz bardon who was deathly afraid of his thought forms growing powerful enough to destroy him.)


-High Priest Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan! Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama! Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail Astaroth-sama! Hail Lilith-sama!
Hail Clistheret-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!


Joy of Satan Ministries


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "searchingeast666" <searchingeast666@... wrote:

HP Vovim,

This is truly incredible. I remember reading about Salem Burke's ascension when he first wrote about it, and your account is even more detailed and in depth. I don't think I have ever been as excited, or as terrified, to try something in all my life, which I personally find awesome. LOL.

I know you and I got off to a bit of a rough start, but I just wanted to let you know I really do appreciate your posts and meditations. I've found them(the ones I have used) to be extremely effective and useful. The chakra enhancers are fucking brilliant, and something that has been needed for some time. Thanks for those.

I did however have a small question about your Trine affirmation method. I have been using this, and after the first couple of times I sort of instinctively started forming a more complex aura to facilitate this. For instance, if I am doing a Trine affirmation set, say one for money accumulation(main affirmation), then one for protection, and the last for empowerment and strength in Satan; then I would first form an aura of bright, shining green, and state my money accumulation affirmations. After that, I would continue to hold the shining green aura while inhaling bright white-gold energy, charging it with bio-electricity, forming an "orb" of "electrical" white-gold energy that I would then exhale onto the exterior of the green aura. The white-gold energy rippled along the green aura like lightning and can arc out of the aura(if needed). I would then state my protection and safety affirmations. Lastly, I will inhale bright electric blue energy(the color electric blue, not "electric" as before) and exhale it INTO the green and gold auras respectively. I would then state my third set of affirmations. During the conclusion affirmation I would simply visualize the auras interacting and melding together as one.

I was wondering if you also form a much more complex aura when using the Trine method, or if you find it better to stick to one aura color and focus your affirmations more specifically?

Wow, amazing. Thanks for the post HP Vovim. I love hearing about your experiences, they inspire me so much.
Hail Satan!!!
Hail Paimon!!!
Hail Asmodeus!!!
Hail Malphas!!!
Hail Andras!!!
Hail the Mighty Gods of Hell!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priest Vovim Baghie" <high_priest.vovim_baghie@... wrote:

A new Life in Satan: The True Rising of my Kundalini Serpent, HIS Golden Dragon


High Priest Vovim Baghie, Joy of Satan Ministries.

The True Rising of my Kundalini Serpent happened roughly six months after the Initial Ascension, and took exactly one month for the Entire process to finish.

In terms of pain, there was hardly any at all. The Extreme pain and the feeling of your spine being stretched beyond its limit were barely there. The Initial Rising was obviously just a testing ground, as to whether you can or cannot take the True Rising. Also, the physical aspect of myself went through very Drastic Changes during the Initial Ascension, but nothing like what happened with the True Rising.

Extreme heat was a constant, but after all the different Kundalini Processes that took place during the 6 months prior, it was bearable. The most significant part of myself that suffered was the Mental Aspect, and just my actual body.

What Happens with the True Ascension has been depicted in the Egyptian Hieroglyphs many times; My Serpent ate its way up my Spinal Cord, it bit into the 6th Chakra and then moved into the 3rd eye, From there The Serpent moved up along my Skull, Wrapped around the Mar Ka Ba ball inside my Gold Chakra and moved out, facing ahead. [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... wo.html%5d

The build up to the True Rising happened over 6 days. I was told by Father Satan and the Gods [as well as my Kundalini Serpent itself] to follow a very strict and specific set of Meditations. - Every night for 6 Days I meditated for roughly 4 hours. Here is the breakdown of what I did each night:

The full Mer Ka Ba Meditation at 6x times the speed of light; mixing the Blue Female Elixir and the Red Male Elixir and circulating it through the Chakra and the Soul; The Three steps of the Magnum Opus; Using External Male and Female Elixirs to Empower the Pineal Gland; Spinning\Vibrating all the aspects of my Existence at 6x the Speed of light; "Shapeshifting" to a specific Astral form that I was shown; Performing the three sets of the Twin Serpent Meditation (Up each extension set of the Chakra's); Performing the three sets of the Single Serpent Meditation (Up each extension set of the Chakra's); Creating a four element, Elemental for psychic empowerment; Empowering and Strengthening the Four Pillars of the Soul; Using Orgasm to Stimulate the Kundalini; And lastly decoded Mediations from the Necronomcion that [are very powerful and] cannot be spoken about here.

[I am still doing all these Mediations, constantly; however there are many new additions]

The True Rising started quite normally, A very large pressure and Heat started to climb up my Spinal Cord, [except this time, it felt as if it had a pulse, like a heartbeat] This took a while as my the Back-extension of my Solar Chakra still seems to have some problems. The pressure was very intense and numbed most of the pain, it was a very strange experience - it is quite indescribable.

It was at this point I saw with my ocular vision, my Kundalini Serpent, In front of Me, Wrapped around the Mer Ka Ba ball and Facing ahead. I brushed it off, as I had no idea what was truly happening. 3 Days after seeing this image with my "real" eyes, the Actual Process began to happen.

A quick build up of pressure within my spine and head, and intense build up of heat, and then, my Kundalini began to move. My Serpent moved out of my 3rd eye, and slowly began to move up my skull to the Area on top of my Crown Chakra. This was very painful and very odd, because I was waving in and out of awareness, as if I was falling asleep and waking up every couple of seconds. A more pressure built-up, my Serpent then Moved up and Began to wrap itself over and around the Mer Ka Ba ball which I had placed into my Gold Chakra, [which was all spinning at 6x the speed of light]. My Kundalini then move forewords, about 20cm from my head, it opened its mouth, and then spread out, a small pair of wings which are located just beneath its Head\Crown. As my Kundalini spread this second set of wings, and intense and unimaginable feeling came over me, I can't describe it, as all I remember was waking up 9 hours later. [I had obviously fully lost awareness and consciousness]

As I woke up, I really was out of it, but I was told immediately to perform the Mer Ka Ba Meditation, however, something was very different, as I couldn't spin at 6x the speed of light, like I was being stopped, I asked what was happening, and Immediately I was told "Spin at 9x the speed of light, your Serpent has done this for you, you simply need to keep yourself at this speed of vibration". So from then I did the Mer Ka Ba, as well as Spinning the Different Aspects, all at 9x the speed of light, everyday.

After a day, more drastic changes started to happen. My Serpent fused my Aura and my Mer Ka Ba disc together, they became one, and the Disc actually controlled my Aura. This caused some problems in the Beginning, as the Mer Ka Ba Disc naturally shoots out to over 55ft, and so when it fused with my Aura, it extended to 55ft as well. For over a 18m radius, I was picking up on so many different things, people's emotions, thoughts, and their life crises. It was quite overwhelming. Spiritually, my Aura is naturally out at about a 18m Radius, but the Problem is the physical human body, truly cannot take this, So I was told how to condense the Mer Ka Ba Disc and subsequently my aura in order to save my physical body. [It truly messed with my Physical body, being so "out" on both the Astral and the Physical, I could only manage to stay awake for tow hours at a time, and then I would feel as if I had just been through a War.]

After a few days of just sleeping for 16 hour periods and being awake for only 2, My Body started to get a bit more accustomed to the True Rising and I could "semi" function again. At this point I had actually thought it was over, but it was not.

What happened next was a severe change in my mentality and my brain. [Like the rewiring of the circuits within the Brain] It started out slowly, weird images, small changes in moods. But then one morning at about 3am after two weeks had passed of the True Rising, The Major mental change happened. It started with severe mental exhaustion, I was lying on the couch looking up, my mind was like jelly, I was so tired I couldn't move from where I was sitting.

Then, I started feeling different emotions, like in waves, very negative. After wallowing in self pity for a while, I suddenly started seeing very, *very* Vivid images, of a specific life of mine. [What was happening I will not tell] The realness of the images I was getting was enough to make me believe I was there, as if I was actually doing past life regression, even though I was lying on the couch with my eyes open. This went on for a while, and certain things just started to make sense. I suddenly understood almost exactly what Marked Souls are, Our Origin, and our Purpose.- Just multitudes of questions and answering regarding ancient knowledge was rushing through me.

Then the real "trip" started. I was getting these rushing images of random people, it was so strange, the perspective was as if I was remote viewing them [And I am very sure I was]. However, I was seeing many individual people, all in their houses\rooms all doing normal daily things, I have no idea of who these people are - I did not know them in any way. But I was seeing them, what was truly strange is that I was seeing many, many people all at once, but I was able to differentiate each image and see\understand exactly what was going on. As If time slowed so dramatically I could remote view 80 people in the matter of a second. [I even saw the room in the vatican, where a group of jesuits constantly plot against the JoS. One even felt\saw me, and got quite a fright, the little kike just ran off after that]

Afterwards, my mind just started failing on me. I then truly began to hallucinate, and it was incredibly unpleasant. Now, I can barely remember what the hallucinations were, but then, it was very intense and one of the worst moments of any Kundalini experience. I am not sure how long it lasted, but there was a specific point where it all ended. I heard a loud pop, and I felt the sensation of my ears popping, and suddenly I felt fine. Still very tired, but completely fine, like all the shit that just took place was a bad dream or something. I went straight to sleep after that.

After that, the Major changes were finished; it was only smaller changes, and tiredness that followed.

It was after that, that I was told to meditate, regardless of the shit I was going through, At the time, I was at the Danger point, when Kundalini could easily drop back down the Spine, and the process would have to start over again. What I can say from both what I was told and my experiences, the Mer Ka Ba Meditation [the TRUE Mer Ka Ba meditation given to High Priestess Maxine Dietrich by Thoth-sama is the *Most Important* meditation any person who has reached the Initial Rising can do. It WILL start the True Rising, it may take months or less, but It will start the True Rising if you are at the Stage of the Initial Ascension.] (http://www.666blacksun.com/Egyptian666.html)

After this, I truly started feeling the effects of the True Rising. And still now, so much is being revealed to me by Father Satan, the Mighty Gods and my Kundalini Serpent. All my Astral senses are unbelievably sensitive, Vision and Hearing even smelling are crystal clear. Also, with the True Rising, the Astral and Physical really do become one. For instance, in the Inner Radius of my Aura and Disc I easily and quickly affect anything. Like a few weeks ago, I was listening to music on my PC and I suddenly got the urge to perform telekinesis. I put a thick large piece of paper in front of me, and within 3 minutes, I had the Paper rattling, shacking and slowly spinning. This is without trance or focus, just a quick 3 minutes with music playing. Also, when ever I go out, to the grocery store or something, everyone I walk passed always looks directly at me and stares into my eyes – It really strange.

Also no curse can reach me, as my Serpent literally devours any energy sent to me [regardless of whether it is positive or negative] and converts it to Akasha. One, strange ability, is that I can sense other Serpents and affect them by connecting myself to them, in-affect raising another Serpent. Even seeing the four pillars of each person's soul is very easy.

There are countless other abilities that I received from this, but the above is the just of it.

What I can say about the True Rising is that it is ONLY possible if one is of Father Satan and if Satan himself is guiding you and your Serpent. As I have said before, the Kundalini is the Part of Satan within us, and it is not possible to reach this level without HIS Guidance. Even Satyananda Saraswati did not fully Reach the True Rising, [Although, He was Serving Father, just by a different perception]. You really need to be strong for this, not only because it is so quick to loose your mind or your body to the Rising, but because the enemy, will immediately and –extremely- go after you.

Let me put it like this. After the True Rising, the Intensity of your Spirit and Astral Body, is so great, that on the Astral you literally appear as a Star, and you actually light a very large portion of the Astral, just with your existence. - That is the Power of the True Rising. However, A Star on the Astral is *THE* only target to the enemy. So like me, regardless of the True Rising, always build and keep a constant and strong Aura of Protection Every Single Day, Twice a Day. [Your Serpent, depending on its growth, can only "eat" so much]

[And just something to think about, at this level, A Risen Satanist can light a km radius of the Astral in the millions, much like an Actual Star. Father Satan however, lights the Entire [infinite] Astral. – The Entire Universe is light and controlled by HIS will.]

What I heard from Father, straight after the True Rising was this; "One Last Hurdle, One Last Step". So, on to the Final Rising!

[One last and very important thing. I have left out three very important events and changes that happen during the True Rising of the Kundalini Serpent, this is to stop any parasitic-jew infiltrators from copy\pasting this to the e-Groups, and claiming that "it" has actually gone through the True Rising. Some idiotic infiltrator has already tried this with my work on the Initial Rising, but failed miserably. Hail Satan! ]

So, to all the truly Dedicated Warriors of Father Satan and the Mighty Gods of Duat, Always Keep Strong in Father Satan! And may Father Satans' Divine Light Guide You Eternally!


-High Priest Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan! Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama! Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail Astaroth-sama! Hail Lilith-sama!
Hail Clistheret-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!


Joy of Satan Ministries

<td val[/IMG]HP Vovim,
This is most impressive to say the least.Of all the written experiences of people reaching the Magnum Opus (not many) this is the most detailed Ive ever read, regardless of some important things you didn't mention here for good reasons. Congratulations on your Godhead.
But theres is one area in your in your story that particularly got my attention; you mentioned seeing very vivid images of a past life of yours [no need to know what it was] and that it went on for a little while,and certain things started to make sense. Then suddenly you understood almost exactly what "Marked Souls" were, our Origin and our Purpose. I understand that was a lot of ancient knowledge rushing through you so i have but 2 questions.What exactly are Marked Souls? And lastly, What is there to know about our Origin and Purpose that we don't know already know;from our genetic creation by Enki and our purpose to reach Godhead and prosper?

--- On Mon, 9/13/10, High Priest Vovim Baghie <high_priest.vovim_baghie@... wrote:
From: High Priest Vovim Baghie <high_priest.vovim_baghie@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] A new Life in Satan: The True Rising of my Kundalini Serpent, HIS Golden Dragon
To: [email protected]
Date: Monday, September 13, 2010, 12:48 PM

A new Life in Satan: The True Rising of my Kundalini Serpent, HIS Golden Dragon


High Priest Vovim Baghie, Joy of Satan Ministries.

The True Rising of my Kundalini Serpent happened roughly six months after the Initial Ascension, and took exactly one month for the Entire process to finish.

In terms of pain, there was hardly any at all. The Extreme pain and the feeling of your spine being stretched beyond its limit were barely there. The Initial Rising was obviously just a testing ground, as to whether you can or cannot take the True Rising. Also, the physical aspect of myself went through very Drastic Changes during the Initial Ascension, but nothing like what happened with the True Rising.

Extreme heat was a constant, but after all the different Kundalini Processes that took place during the 6 months prior, it was bearable. The most significant part of myself that suffered was the Mental Aspect, and just my actual body.

What Happens with the True Ascension has been depicted in the Egyptian Hieroglyphs many times; My Serpent ate its way up my Spinal Cord, it bit into the 6th Chakra and then moved into the 3rd eye, From there The Serpent moved up along my Skull, Wrapped around the Mar Ka Ba ball inside my Gold Chakra and moved out, facing ahead. [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ptTwo.html]

The build up to the True Rising happened over 6 days. I was told by Father Satan and the Gods [as well as my Kundalini Serpent itself] to follow a very strict and specific set of Meditations. - Every night for 6 Days I meditated for roughly 4 hours. Here is the breakdown of what I did each night:

The full Mer Ka Ba Meditation at 6x times the speed of light; mixing the Blue Female Elixir and the Red Male Elixir and circulating it through the Chakra and the Soul; The Three steps of the Magnum Opus; Using External Male and Female Elixirs to Empower the Pineal Gland; Spinning\Vibrating all the aspects of my Existence at 6x the Speed of light; "Shapeshifting" to a specific Astral form that I was shown; Performing the three sets of the Twin Serpent Meditation (Up each extension set of the Chakra's); Performing the three sets of the Single Serpent Meditation (Up each extension set of the Chakra's); Creating a four element, Elemental for psychic empowerment; Empowering and Strengthening the Four Pillars of the Soul; Using Orgasm to Stimulate the Kundalini; And lastly decoded Mediations from the Necronomcion that [are very powerful and] cannot be spoken about here.

[I am still doing all these Mediations, constantly; however there are many new additions]

The True Rising started quite normally, A very large pressure and Heat started to climb up my Spinal Cord, [except this time, it felt as if it had a pulse, like a heartbeat] This took a while as my the Back-extension of my Solar Chakra still seems to have some problems. The pressure was very intense and numbed most of the pain, it was a very strange experience - it is quite indescribable.

It was at this point I saw with my ocular vision, my Kundalini Serpent, In front of Me, Wrapped around the Mer Ka Ba ball and Facing ahead. I brushed it off, as I had no idea what was truly happening. 3 Days after seeing this image with my "real" eyes, the Actual Process began to happen.

A quick build up of pressure within my spine and head, and intense build up of heat, and then, my Kundalini began to move. My Serpent moved out of my 3rd eye, and slowly began to move up my skull to the Area on top of my Crown Chakra. This was very painful and very odd, because I was waving in and out of awareness, as if I was falling asleep and waking up every couple of seconds. A more pressure built-up, my Serpent then Moved up and Began to wrap itself over and around the Mer Ka Ba ball which I had placed into my Gold Chakra, [which was all spinning at 6x the speed of light]. My Kundalini then move forewords, about 20cm from my head, it opened its mouth, and then spread out, a small pair of wings which are located just beneath its Head\Crown. As my Kundalini spread this second set of wings, and intense and unimaginable feeling came over me, I can't describe it, as all I remember was waking up 9 hours later. [I had obviously fully lost awareness and consciousness]

As I woke up, I really was out of it, but I was told immediately to perform the Mer Ka Ba Meditation, however, something was very different, as I couldn't spin at 6x the speed of light, like I was being stopped, I asked what was happening, and Immediately I was told "Spin at 9x the speed of light, your Serpent has done this for you, you simply need to keep yourself at this speed of vibration". So from then I did the Mer Ka Ba, as well as Spinning the Different Aspects, all at 9x the speed of light, everyday.

After a day, more drastic changes started to happen. My Serpent fused my Aura and my Mer Ka Ba disc together, they became one, and the Disc actually controlled my Aura. This caused some problems in the Beginning, as the Mer Ka Ba Disc naturally shoots out to over 55ft, and so when it fused with my Aura, it extended to 55ft as well. For over a 18m radius, I was picking up on so many different things, people's emotions, thoughts, and their life crises. It was quite overwhelming. Spiritually, my Aura is naturally out at about a 18m Radius, but the Problem is the physical human body, truly cannot take this, So I was told how to condense the Mer Ka Ba Disc and subsequently my aura in order to save my physical body. [It truly messed with my Physical body, being so "out" on both the Astral and the Physical, I could only manage to stay awake for tow hours at a time, and then I would feel as if I had just been through a War.]

After a few days of just sleeping for 16 hour periods and being awake for only 2, My Body started to get a bit more accustomed to the True Rising and I could "semi" function again. At this point I had actually thought it was over, but it was not.

What happened next was a severe change in my mentality and my brain. [Like the rewiring of the circuits within the Brain] It started out slowly, weird images, small changes in moods. But then one morning at about 3am after two weeks had passed of the True Rising, The Major mental change happened. It started with severe mental exhaustion, I was lying on the couch looking up, my mind was like jelly, I was so tired I couldn't move from where I was sitting.

Then, I started feeling different emotions, like in waves, very negative. After wallowing in self pity for a while, I suddenly started seeing very, *very* Vivid images, of a specific life of mine. [What was happening I will not tell] The realness of the images I was getting was enough to make me believe I was there, as if I was actually doing past life regression, even though I was lying on the couch with my eyes open. This went on for a while, and certain things just started to make sense. I suddenly understood almost exactly what Marked Souls are, Our Origin, and our Purpose.- Just multitudes of questions and answering regarding ancient knowledge was rushing through me.

Then the real "trip" started. I was getting these rushing images of random people, it was so strange, the perspective was as if I was remote viewing them [And I am very sure I was]. However, I was seeing many individual people, all in their houses\rooms all doing normal daily things, I have no idea of who these people are - I did not know them in any way. But I was seeing them, what was truly strange is that I was seeing many, many people all at once, but I was able to differentiate each image and see\understand exactly what was going on. As If time slowed so dramatically I could remote view 80 people in the matter of a second. [I even saw the room in the vatican, where a group of jesuits constantly plot against the JoS. One even felt\saw me, and got quite a fright, the little kike just ran off after that]

Afterwards, my mind just started failing on me. I then truly began to hallucinate, and it was incredibly unpleasant. Now, I can barely remember what the hallucinations were, but then, it was very intense and one of the worst moments of any Kundalini experience. I am not sure how long it lasted, but there was a specific point where it all ended. I heard a loud pop, and I felt the sensation of my ears popping, and suddenly I felt fine. Still very tired, but completely fine, like all the shit that just took place was a bad dream or something. I went straight to sleep after that.

After that, the Major changes were finished; it was only smaller changes, and tiredness that followed.

It was after that, that I was told to meditate, regardless of the shit I was going through, At the time, I was at the Danger point, when Kundalini could easily drop back down the Spine, and the process would have to start over again. What I can say from both what I was told and my experiences, the Mer Ka Ba Meditation [the TRUE Mer Ka Ba meditation given to High Priestess Maxine Dietrich by Thoth-sama is the *Most Important* meditation any person who has reached the Initial Rising can do. It WILL start the True Rising, it may take months or less, but It will start the True Rising if you are at the Stage of the Initial Ascension.] (http://www.666blacksun.com/Egyptian666.html)

After this, I truly started feeling the effects of the True Rising. And still now, so much is being revealed to me by Father Satan, the Mighty Gods and my Kundalini Serpent. All my Astral senses are unbelievably sensitive, Vision and Hearing even smelling are crystal clear. Also, with the True Rising, the Astral and Physical really do become one. For instance, in the Inner Radius of my Aura and Disc I easily and quickly affect anything. Like a few weeks ago, I was listening to music on my PC and I suddenly got the urge to perform telekinesis. I put a thick large piece of paper in front of me, and within 3 minutes, I had the Paper rattling, shacking and slowly spinning. This is without trance or focus, just a quick 3 minutes with music playing. Also, when ever I go out, to the grocery store or something, everyone I walk passed always looks directly at me and stares into my eyes – It really strange.

Also no curse can reach me, as my Serpent literally devours any energy sent to me [regardless of whether it is positive or negative] and converts it to Akasha. One, strange ability, is that I can sense other Serpents and affect them by connecting myself to them, in-affect raising another Serpent. Even seeing the four pillars of each person's soul is very easy.

There are countless other abilities that I received from this, but the above is the just of it.

What I can say about the True Rising is that it is ONLY possible if one is of Father Satan and if Satan himself is guiding you and your Serpent. As I have said before, the Kundalini is the Part of Satan within us, and it is not possible to reach this level without HIS Guidance. Even Satyananda Saraswati did not fully Reach the True Rising, [Although, He was Serving Father, just by a different perception]. You really need to be strong for this, not only because it is so quick to loose your mind or your body to the Rising, but because the enemy, will immediately and –extremely- go after you.

Let me put it like this. After the True Rising, the Intensity of your Spirit and Astral Body, is so great, that on the Astral you literally appear as a Star, and you actually light a very large portion of the Astral, just with your existence. - That is the Power of the True Rising. However, A Star on the Astral is *THE* only target to the enemy. So like me, regardless of the True Rising, always build and keep a constant and strong Aura of Protection Every Single Day, Twice a Day. [Your Serpent, depending on its growth, can only "eat" so much]

[And just something to think about, at this level, A Risen Satanist can light a km radius of the Astral in the millions, much like an Actual Star. Father Satan however, lights the Entire [infinite] Astral. – The Entire Universe is light and controlled by HIS will.]

What I heard from Father, straight after the True Rising was this; "One Last Hurdle, One Last Step". So, on to the Final Rising!

[One last and very important thing. I have left out three very important events and changes that happen during the True Rising of the Kundalini Serpent, this is to stop any parasitic-jew infiltrators from copy\pasting this to the e-Groups, and claiming that "it" has actually gone through the True Rising. Some idiotic infiltrator has already tried this with my work on the Initial Rising, but failed miserably. Hail Satan! ]

So, to all the truly Dedicated Warriors of Father Satan and the Mighty Gods of Duat, Always Keep Strong in Father Satan! And may Father Satans' Divine Light Guide You Eternally!


-High Priest Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan! Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama! Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail Astaroth-sama! Hail Lilith-sama!
Hail Clistheret-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!


Joy of Satan Ministries



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thank u so much for sharing !!

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priest Vovim Baghie" <high_priest.vovim_baghie@... wrote:

A new Life in Satan: The True Rising of my Kundalini Serpent, HIS Golden Dragon


High Priest Vovim Baghie, Joy of Satan Ministries.

The True Rising of my Kundalini Serpent happened roughly six months after the Initial Ascension, and took exactly one month for the Entire process to finish.

In terms of pain, there was hardly any at all. The Extreme pain and the feeling of your spine being stretched beyond its limit were barely there. The Initial Rising was obviously just a testing ground, as to whether you can or cannot take the True Rising. Also, the physical aspect of myself went through very Drastic Changes during the Initial Ascension, but nothing like what happened with the True Rising.

Extreme heat was a constant, but after all the different Kundalini Processes that took place during the 6 months prior, it was bearable. The most significant part of myself that suffered was the Mental Aspect, and just my actual body.

What Happens with the True Ascension has been depicted in the Egyptian Hieroglyphs many times; My Serpent ate its way up my Spinal Cord, it bit into the 6th Chakra and then moved into the 3rd eye, From there The Serpent moved up along my Skull, Wrapped around the Mar Ka Ba ball inside my Gold Chakra and moved out, facing ahead. [http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... wo.html%5d

The build up to the True Rising happened over 6 days. I was told by Father Satan and the Gods [as well as my Kundalini Serpent itself] to follow a very strict and specific set of Meditations. - Every night for 6 Days I meditated for roughly 4 hours. Here is the breakdown of what I did each night:

The full Mer Ka Ba Meditation at 6x times the speed of light; mixing the Blue Female Elixir and the Red Male Elixir and circulating it through the Chakra and the Soul; The Three steps of the Magnum Opus; Using External Male and Female Elixirs to Empower the Pineal Gland; Spinning\Vibrating all the aspects of my Existence at 6x the Speed of light; "Shapeshifting" to a specific Astral form that I was shown; Performing the three sets of the Twin Serpent Meditation (Up each extension set of the Chakra's); Performing the three sets of the Single Serpent Meditation (Up each extension set of the Chakra's); Creating a four element, Elemental for psychic empowerment; Empowering and Strengthening the Four Pillars of the Soul; Using Orgasm to Stimulate the Kundalini; And lastly decoded Mediations from the Necronomcion that [are very powerful and] cannot be spoken about here.

[I am still doing all these Mediations, constantly; however there are many new additions]

The True Rising started quite normally, A very large pressure and Heat started to climb up my Spinal Cord, [except this time, it felt as if it had a pulse, like a heartbeat] This took a while as my the Back-extension of my Solar Chakra still seems to have some problems. The pressure was very intense and numbed most of the pain, it was a very strange experience - it is quite indescribable.

It was at this point I saw with my ocular vision, my Kundalini Serpent, In front of Me, Wrapped around the Mer Ka Ba ball and Facing ahead. I brushed it off, as I had no idea what was truly happening. 3 Days after seeing this image with my "real" eyes, the Actual Process began to happen.

A quick build up of pressure within my spine and head, and intense build up of heat, and then, my Kundalini began to move. My Serpent moved out of my 3rd eye, and slowly began to move up my skull to the Area on top of my Crown Chakra. This was very painful and very odd, because I was waving in and out of awareness, as if I was falling asleep and waking up every couple of seconds. A more pressure built-up, my Serpent then Moved up and Began to wrap itself over and around the Mer Ka Ba ball which I had placed into my Gold Chakra, [which was all spinning at 6x the speed of light]. My Kundalini then move forewords, about 20cm from my head, it opened its mouth, and then spread out, a small pair of wings which are located just beneath its Head\Crown. As my Kundalini spread this second set of wings, and intense and unimaginable feeling came over me, I can't describe it, as all I remember was waking up 9 hours later. [I had obviously fully lost awareness and consciousness]

As I woke up, I really was out of it, but I was told immediately to perform the Mer Ka Ba Meditation, however, something was very different, as I couldn't spin at 6x the speed of light, like I was being stopped, I asked what was happening, and Immediately I was told "Spin at 9x the speed of light, your Serpent has done this for you, you simply need to keep yourself at this speed of vibration". So from then I did the Mer Ka Ba, as well as Spinning the Different Aspects, all at 9x the speed of light, everyday.

After a day, more drastic changes started to happen. My Serpent fused my Aura and my Mer Ka Ba disc together, they became one, and the Disc actually controlled my Aura. This caused some problems in the Beginning, as the Mer Ka Ba Disc naturally shoots out to over 55ft, and so when it fused with my Aura, it extended to 55ft as well. For over a 18m radius, I was picking up on so many different things, people's emotions, thoughts, and their life crises. It was quite overwhelming. Spiritually, my Aura is naturally out at about a 18m Radius, but the Problem is the physical human body, truly cannot take this, So I was told how to condense the Mer Ka Ba Disc and subsequently my aura in order to save my physical body. [It truly messed with my Physical body, being so "out" on both the Astral and the Physical, I could only manage to stay awake for tow hours at a time, and then I would feel as if I had just been through a War.]

After a few days of just sleeping for 16 hour periods and being awake for only 2, My Body started to get a bit more accustomed to the True Rising and I could "semi" function again. At this point I had actually thought it was over, but it was not.

What happened next was a severe change in my mentality and my brain. [Like the rewiring of the circuits within the Brain] It started out slowly, weird images, small changes in moods. But then one morning at about 3am after two weeks had passed of the True Rising, The Major mental change happened. It started with severe mental exhaustion, I was lying on the couch looking up, my mind was like jelly, I was so tired I couldn't move from where I was sitting.

Then, I started feeling different emotions, like in waves, very negative. After wallowing in self pity for a while, I suddenly started seeing very, *very* Vivid images, of a specific life of mine. [What was happening I will not tell] The realness of the images I was getting was enough to make me believe I was there, as if I was actually doing past life regression, even though I was lying on the couch with my eyes open. This went on for a while, and certain things just started to make sense. I suddenly understood almost exactly what Marked Souls are, Our Origin, and our Purpose.- Just multitudes of questions and answering regarding ancient knowledge was rushing through me.

Then the real "trip" started. I was getting these rushing images of random people, it was so strange, the perspective was as if I was remote viewing them [And I am very sure I was]. However, I was seeing many individual people, all in their houses\rooms all doing normal daily things, I have no idea of who these people are - I did not know them in any way. But I was seeing them, what was truly strange is that I was seeing many, many people all at once, but I was able to differentiate each image and see\understand exactly what was going on. As If time slowed so dramatically I could remote view 80 people in the matter of a second. [I even saw the room in the vatican, where a group of jesuits constantly plot against the JoS. One even felt\saw me, and got quite a fright, the little kike just ran off after that]

Afterwards, my mind just started failing on me. I then truly began to hallucinate, and it was incredibly unpleasant. Now, I can barely remember what the hallucinations were, but then, it was very intense and one of the worst moments of any Kundalini experience. I am not sure how long it lasted, but there was a specific point where it all ended. I heard a loud pop, and I felt the sensation of my ears popping, and suddenly I felt fine. Still very tired, but completely fine, like all the shit that just took place was a bad dream or something. I went straight to sleep after that.

After that, the Major changes were finished; it was only smaller changes, and tiredness that followed.

It was after that, that I was told to meditate, regardless of the shit I was going through, At the time, I was at the Danger point, when Kundalini could easily drop back down the Spine, and the process would have to start over again. What I can say from both what I was told and my experiences, the Mer Ka Ba Meditation [the TRUE Mer Ka Ba meditation given to High Priestess Maxine Dietrich by Thoth-sama is the *Most Important* meditation any person who has reached the Initial Rising can do. It WILL start the True Rising, it may take months or less, but It will start the True Rising if you are at the Stage of the Initial Ascension.] (http://www.666blacksun.com/Egyptian666.html)

After this, I truly started feeling the effects of the True Rising. And still now, so much is being revealed to me by Father Satan, the Mighty Gods and my Kundalini Serpent. All my Astral senses are unbelievably sensitive, Vision and Hearing even smelling are crystal clear. Also, with the True Rising, the Astral and Physical really do become one. For instance, in the Inner Radius of my Aura and Disc I easily and quickly affect anything. Like a few weeks ago, I was listening to music on my PC and I suddenly got the urge to perform telekinesis. I put a thick large piece of paper in front of me, and within 3 minutes, I had the Paper rattling, shacking and slowly spinning. This is without trance or focus, just a quick 3 minutes with music playing. Also, when ever I go out, to the grocery store or something, everyone I walk passed always looks directly at me and stares into my eyes – It really strange.

Also no curse can reach me, as my Serpent literally devours any energy sent to me [regardless of whether it is positive or negative] and converts it to Akasha. One, strange ability, is that I can sense other Serpents and affect them by connecting myself to them, in-affect raising another Serpent. Even seeing the four pillars of each person's soul is very easy.

There are countless other abilities that I received from this, but the above is the just of it.

What I can say about the True Rising is that it is ONLY possible if one is of Father Satan and if Satan himself is guiding you and your Serpent. As I have said before, the Kundalini is the Part of Satan within us, and it is not possible to reach this level without HIS Guidance. Even Satyananda Saraswati did not fully Reach the True Rising, [Although, He was Serving Father, just by a different perception]. You really need to be strong for this, not only because it is so quick to loose your mind or your body to the Rising, but because the enemy, will immediately and –extremely- go after you.

Let me put it like this. After the True Rising, the Intensity of your Spirit and Astral Body, is so great, that on the Astral you literally appear as a Star, and you actually light a very large portion of the Astral, just with your existence. - That is the Power of the True Rising. However, A Star on the Astral is *THE* only target to the enemy. So like me, regardless of the True Rising, always build and keep a constant and strong Aura of Protection Every Single Day, Twice a Day. [Your Serpent, depending on its growth, can only "eat" so much]

[And just something to think about, at this level, A Risen Satanist can light a km radius of the Astral in the millions, much like an Actual Star. Father Satan however, lights the Entire [infinite] Astral. – The Entire Universe is light and controlled by HIS will.]

What I heard from Father, straight after the True Rising was this; "One Last Hurdle, One Last Step". So, on to the Final Rising!

[One last and very important thing. I have left out three very important events and changes that happen during the True Rising of the Kundalini Serpent, this is to stop any parasitic-jew infiltrators from copy\pasting this to the e-Groups, and claiming that "it" has actually gone through the True Rising. Some idiotic infiltrator has already tried this with my work on the Initial Rising, but failed miserably. Hail Satan! ]

So, to all the truly Dedicated Warriors of Father Satan and the Mighty Gods of Duat, Always Keep Strong in Father Satan! And may Father Satans' Divine Light Guide You Eternally!


-High Priest Vovim Baghie
Samurai Of Malphas
Hail Father Satan! Hail Malphas-sama!
Hail Horus-sama! Hail Azazel-sama!
Hail Astaroth-sama! Hail Lilith-sama!
Hail Clistheret-sama!
Hail All The Mighty Gods Of Duat!


Joy of Satan Ministries


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
