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A Guide To Internet Activism & Spreading The Message

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Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors and Family.

This will help you organize, without the non-necessary fuss of using platforms of the enemy or having to endure things that are time wasting, and are away from the purpose of doing internet activism. One goes to work there, so to say.

Avoiding the Thorns:

If you want to attain a specific purpose, the worst thing you can do is to waste your time, especially on things where a little amount of time spent can have huge impact.

For example, instead of being in a mushroom group like a few that are created, and hearing X's guy bullshit about X subject for 10 minutes, or 1 hour, this is a huge loss. 1 hour is essentially, when you get the hang of it, potentially 2-3 RTR's, or if you do proper internet warfare, possibly tens or hundreds even of people lost on this hour, simply because of nonsense. Granted that most people do not have all the time in the universe to waste (wake up, you are mortal, stop wasting your time) you can devote an specific amount of time to do the things you want to do.

In 30 minutes a day you can cram approaching 7300 people a year, by daily work to reach 20 through social media like Youtube by 20 comments per day done yearly - and one RTR every single day.

Just half an hour of time's worth here. Nothing major.

In the forums feel free to open posts as you already have and here you can go to converse your plans. If something is so severely in need of private conversation, there is an e-mail function for the forum for this, but as always, be warned of both infiltrators, and then, wasting each other's time for coming together for one thing and doing another. Some certain people *will* try to fuck you up, and create productive and good Satanists into bags of shit simply because of their personal problems, and through the abuse of Satanist's need to help or assist others.

Another thing I have noticed is people use things to associate like "Telegram", and other facebook derivatives. If one wants to take it on themselves to go into the above bio-hazardous situation, do this at least through e-mails. Others do not have to pay the price of your own impatience and stupidity. Telegram is a direct line to people who are opposed to us, in the very least. Telegram asks for your phone number.

For those who do not know, unlesss this is a burner phone number (which in most countries is impossible or illegal) the phone number can be linked to you directly, which is why some liberal banks accept just your phone number.

I will give you an example of what a jew could do to you in 'instant messengers'. You speak for 2 weeks, and there is absolutely no problem. Then they start telling you weird shit about attacking people and other illegal things. It takes a peanut of a brain to see where this leads. When it comes to e-mails, or forums, this couldn't easily happen, and you could simply not reply.

You are clearly committing no crime because of your beliefs, but the majority of countries of the world do not care if you do or don't. Compared to a haji who incapacitates by machette people in the middle of the street, you may be a greater danger, simply because you believe in the Gods of your ancestors and practice spirituality silently. This is because this is dangerous to those who actually own(-ed) the world (until times soon to come), and that control the world.

However, one must remember why they are doing what they are doing, and to put your time where it's worth it. Your time you cannot be wasting when you have a specific task to do.

Since there are many ways you can go about this, I will relate some points.

1. Time VS Impact

Our forums are on a constant basis attacked by the enemy, who tries to push their enemy teachings and dogma, sometimes advertise, so forth. The same thing can be done to their forums, as some people have stated, but the first think you must always think about, is to do something you both like, and that also, is rewarding.

In other words measure the time spent vs the impact.

In other words, going for 5 months to infiltrate a forum of brainwashed xians who hold guns and pose in front of the bible with "For Satan's Head" inscribed metal bullets, isn't really going to work. You may have all your time wasted by these wasteful individuals. Even if finally they get to open their eyes, they can be worthless and of no use or benefit to anyone, but rather a burden. You may also end up being a tutor for many of them, which will waste a lot of your personal time.

In short, consider your battle before going into it. Can you win it? Is it beneficial for you and the project to win it? Does your goal get reached?

But above all, consider, if your fight power is going to be better put elsewhere.

For example, Youtube and comments there can be far more beneficial than invading a forum, or going into Facebook. Facebook, for one aspect, not only can expose you, but also, other people are exposed. One is far less likely to admit or get on with something, and automatic filters, and shadow banning can make your job not only impossible, but also, it can be considered illegal. In many countries people using Facebook can get in trouble (if their info is up) just by posting general anti-muslim or anti-xian material.

As far as Social networks are concerned, Twitter is better for this job, and Youtube is very good too. You can find many people there where you can comment, organize around the comments, and creative ways to bypass filters. Youtube bots no longer really exist for doing this automatically. Videos and other material can be linked and used, or you can engage people in constructive argument with backup from others here.

Those of you who have more tolerance for weird stuff, you can go into just any other place, nobody prohibits you of that, like conspiracy forums, or the underbog places like 4chan [Warning, things there can be extremely upsetting for some people], but these places are really weird, and can be sometimes counter productive. But always consider where your time is spent best and more efficiently.

It goes beyond saying, stay anonymous while you are up there, unless you have made a mature choice to not be such. In facebook and many other places, it can be fatal to have information on their platform, so make fake accounts.

2. Longterm planning:

Alternatively to that, you may put forth a more longterm plan. For example, make an Instagram page that puts people to think, and plan that next year, you will start spreading more and more 'revealing' things, until gradually you show people facts almost straight away, just before the limits of getting banned.

One can also, make websites, mirrors, or blogs. You can just use Wordpress or Blogger. This has proven to be extremely effective, and multiplies of websites increase the ability of the information to be spread with geometric increase.

Everything here as you can see is a different way, has a different approach, and also you will need to see what to do depending on your own time and planning. It's better to answer 20 comments in Youtube/Twitter a day, rather than to say, that 'next year' I will do this, and if you think that you cannot achieve a goal, it's better to leave it on the side.

Because just by answering 20 comments of Youtube, which takes literally nothing of your time, everyday, over the year you will have touched 7300 people per year. This is an impressive amount of people, and it takes no serious amount of time from your behalf. No longterm planning, no extreme time consuming effort, nothing. It's a menial task you can do without much fuss. This is only one example. If you think of the time needed for this, it's nothing.

This method above of spreading info like that, as far as I am concerned, is the most effective of all methods. Minimal time, extreme impact, extreme ease of action, considerably zero risk for the person doing it. It's the fastest route to victory.

3. Avoiding Shadowbanning:

Now the mainstream internet platforms have a thing for shadowbanning. One is essentially banned from commenting, but they cannot see the fact.

How you can verify if your comments are up, is you check when logged off your account, and see if the comments are visible to everyone. If this is the case, the comments have went through.

How this happens is by algorithms which take out things such as blatant links. For example, http://www.exposingchristianity.com will not go through, by default. But if you write "Exposing Christianity, Google it and see the truth about christianity" this will go through. You will need to keep the place where you commented and go back (while logged off from your account) and see if your comment is publicly visible. If it is, it went through. If not, it was shadowbanned.

Also, if you write the same exact comments as in copy pasting them, this may or may not work, depending on the platform, so be aware that this can also cause shadowbanning.

An account likewise can become shadowbanned in it's entirety so you may need to create a few accounts every so often. This is why it's better to begin over with many accounts. For example, if you are building only one instagram account, it can be reported and taken down. If you have 4 or 5 accounts however, you cannot be easily taken down from your efforts. You can also mirror your work through many accounts, especially on Blogger or Thumblr.

4. Longterm projects:

Raising a blog or a website, may take you let's say a month or more to setup, but after this is done, all you have to do is make sure it's up, and it does it's job on it's own. So you have to measure things and see which thing suits you better.

Think of also what you like doing, for example, if you like to go over to their forums and do this kind of stuff, you might as well go for it even if you want to take the longer time solution. That's up to you.

Longterm projects involve translations, or raising a website where you array the basics of Satanism as if for a very simple minded audience, or people new to spirituality. This can be worthwhile and you can also gain personally from it, it's all related to how you go about it.

5. Talents and Creativity:

I have bought a few digital books from Amazon who do not 'promote Satanism' but when you go in some pages, you see "Joyofsatan.org" as a source every 10 pages of the book, for example. Copying work is prohibited, but citing things, and saying for example "For more on this read on the website http://www.joyofsatan.org".

The work is promoted very clearly. These clearly took a while, and are part of a more obscure way of putting the information out, and longterm planning, but they can work. One must be aware of the risk of them also, not working, so one has to be very careful here and to pull out such work can be of a longterm waste, or an actual success.

The situation is you run a risk of not touching that many people with this kind of work - but you may attract people who are extremely and seriously interested in Satanism instead, all while you can also bring some bread on the table for yourself.

The same is the situation with as advised by others Comics, art, and all sorts of other domains where you can do the promotion, obscurely, and without a lot of personal problems, for a broader "Satanic" or "Occult" audience.

You can, for example, create a website that promotes general meditation, but throwing the truths in there, and the more 'normal' is your website, the more people it will attract, but for more of this check the point 8 which is important.

6. You can be honest:

Since Satanism is true, you do not need to go into extreme extents of lying to convey your point. For example, a thing that attracts mass traffic, is conspiracy oriented websites or books. People fancy to read weird stuff like that, and there can be truths into these things.

Unlike the many people who lie about a lot of things, such as how rabbi jeboo who in his own book says he will kill most of humanity, is a 'being of love', you are past the need to lie, and therefore, to be disproven.

One doesn't need to go into extreme lengths of lying in order to prove points that are true, and the points can be effective, and quickly. For example, if you make a conspiracy oriented blog, you can link the so called "Ruling Evil Elite" that many people whine about, to the jews, rather instantly.

This is because this is simply the situation, they are jews. Think of how easy it is to expose the "Migrant Crisis" is created by jews, with jews like Barbara Spectre on video. Literally all you have to do is put the obvious pieces together, and you're done.

Truth saves a lot of time and has a lot of power by itself.

7. Higher Risk Can Provide Results, but NOT always:

Many people think that by doing edgy or risky stuff they will also get major impact. The situation is this type of work can be extremely improper and land you into serious or damning trouble.

One theoretical example here is that let's say one works as a Journalist, who reports on all sorts of weird shit. If you are working on the "Strange shit" wing of websites like Vice, then, you can pull a fast one and write a post about some strange cult called the Joy of Satan, without beating it over the wall. Depending on how you will go about it, you may get more or less scolded, or you may not at all, so you have to be careful as a surgeon when you mix work with pleasure in that regard.

If you go overboard, it will not be long until you have a jew from your work pointing the finger to protect his racial ancestry from the "Nazi Satanists" who do Hakkunah rituals. The stakes however are, that if you wrote said news articles, you could reach instantly reach hundreds of thousands or tens of thousands of people, which would take other people months, depending on your position of power. The same power however if misused can cause problems to you, or have huge impact on people for yourself.

Of course, in the above example, if properly executed, can be a death sentence of the enemy, with zero damage coming to yourself. Serious judgement should be needed here where if one is in such professions, can see this clearly for themselves anyway. Avoid this if you are uncertain or don't have a very laid out plan how to go about it.

8. Popularization:

Many people do something which is a double edged sword and that is trying to 'popularize' Satanism. Many people went over to the "Satanic Jewish Ghouls" train and as a result, the popularization here has made a situation where we are taken for freaks.

Many people to win people over they have to engage in arguments or watering down of information, and this can be a disaster. This is the situation because when something becomes 'friendly' for the mass cattle, it can indeed be destroyed by them. They profane spirituality, and this is why 'religions' like Islam and xianity are famous, because they do not have any serious adherent content in them.

They are empty husks that can be shaped into anything one sees fit. They can be watered down, or radicalized, fragmented. Jesus can become everyone's personal genie, because there is indeed no actual "Jesus" in any of this.

So in short, one must understand that Spiritual Satanism is True, and therefore, one must take a route as if promoting something Truthful, and do it with respect, rather than coercion, threats, violence, or other stupid stuff which can have the reverse effect.

You do not need to water down everything for the goyim with the jewish yoke to consume happily. If the day comes where all the weak and stupid accept 'Satanism' as a sort of universal religion, two things have happened: either we have become stupid, or they have become more intelligent, and since of the difficulty for the second, it may probably be the first.

Satan doesn't have to become "Christ Type Lucifer the God of Goyim Slaves" in order to gain followers. It's beyond any reasonable necessity to turn Satan into New Age toothfairy because people feel comfortable to put their tooth beneath their sleeping pillow and get all their wishes granted. Actually, this is against Satan's wishes and HIS agenda in entirety.

The people that will have fallen for these lies will be simply because they were in the first place mentally retarded, weak, and as thus, useless as 'followers' and then future comrades, and Satan doesn't want his people to be wimps, nor Satan is buying slave votes at threat at gunpoint, or wants people to follow him by coercion, violence, or mass deception.

To make this more understandable, a million wimps of followers who are mental xian slaves, and stupid, do not account for 1000 followers who are great people that follow things honestly because they wanted out of free will, based on their own choice, thought and analyzing the situation. We are not buying slaves here, we are setting people free, on their own accord, and violence or mass coercion cannot be used past an extent and expect it to be useful.

1000 free and willing followers who have courage and are with you by heart, aren't worth a 1,000,000 large mob followers that follow you because of fear, or being lied to. Most of the weak people will turn out on Satanism anyway, because it cannot coincide properly with their own inner weakness.

The person who has understood that this is about their OWN freedom, and a better world, will be a worthy ally. Just look at the enemy who has billions of 'followers' (slaves) and they are collapsing because none of the slaves want to really put up a fight for "Their" beliefs. This is because these beliefs were put into their head by coercion and by the sword, and internally, people hate them.

On the opposite example, look what very few of us are achieving, and you will understand my points. This is because we love Satan truly at the heart, and we aren't doing what we do because someone holds us at gunpoint to do it.

If one fishes 7300 people a year, by the minuscule time consuming example shown above, you will definitely get lots of these good and bad people, because not all people are ignorant and dumb, and some people are just seeking an answer, it's as if they are waiting for it all their life. Just statistically, you will get a deal of good and valuable people in, and this is why I call this a great method.

9. On the method:

"Hi, jews are reptilians, and you are living in prison planet, christianity is their matrix of control for the mind" will drive most people away. There is a proven foundation to this belief, but one has to see what kind of people they are trying to explain things to. If you are talking to the David Icke crowd, you may actually get the upper point through, if you support it, some people may have been suspecting it all along already. This makes them interested and they will conduct further research.

But if you are commenting on a random music video, it can be extremely weird for the people there.

So you have to adapt in regards to WHERE and HOW you are putting the message out.

You can, temporarily, show things through the eyes of the receiver, and make it friendlier for them. For example, if you see a xian obsessed about "Love", you can show them the true nature of love, and that it's not a joke as his religion preaches, and notify them to the fact that people loved the ancient Gods so much they fought to the death for them, and to maintain their religious tenets, which xians murdered them for. You can notify them to the fact, without insulting them, that they haven't experienced true love.

If you are talking to an archeologist, you can notify them to the fact of the ancient Gods, and so forth. Then you will have to selectively show information on good opportunities, until people can have a more open mind to see your points. There are not many people who can pull this out successfully, but if you are one of these people, you can influence intelligent and important people and make them see the truth.

10. Anonymity:

In all of the above you should strive for some relative anonymity. No need to put your name and address on paper there for everyone to see. It's not like if you don't you're doing anything preventing the objective itself. But there are a lot of people who are filled with hate and they will not like the jewish farm cattle being told of alternatives, so they will act to try to self-police you out of it.

There are of course non-anonymous ways. But this is something you will have to seriously think around, as the consequences can be very great, or catastrophic. Especially if you are not in the proper age, if you don't have freedom, and so forth. It's better to avoid this if you do not have the wisdom to go about it.

Lastly, Spiritual Warfare is first in priority, and then activism.

One must take care of themselves spiritually first, and then go for this.

Feel free to exchange input in the comments if you feel like other things have been missed. Many people have already related great advice, ideas and methods which can be of utility to the cause.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I want to further add the importance of online activism and using your time wisely. I have been adding "Kabbalahexposed.com to many youtube videos that revolve around Hitler, the agenda of the Jews and related. These people already hate the Jews, or atleast understand many of their crimes so it is an easier battle.

The Kabbalahexposed website is excellent for that.

Another thing that HP HC mentioned was keeping up the momentum in our spiritual battle and affairs. Please keep doing those RTRS as often as you can and DEFINITELY work empowering your soul. Remember that as we grow in spiritual power, and breaking these curses off our souls (via the RTR) we are increasing the strength of our magick and influence on this world. Its a winning situation. Do not neglect your spiritual duties.

I am already having good progress with the RTRs.

Lets keep it up! Do many RTRs, work on your chakras, keep up your AoP, direct your energies and online activism to people who are open mentally to knowing the truth first and foremost. They will join our ranks eventually.
Twitter post ideas:
Pass it on!









1. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=11506&hilit

2. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=11566


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#Technology #Genetics #NASA #Conspiracy #Economics #Illegal #Socialism #Capitalism #CIA #NewWorldOrder #Paranormal #Terrorism #Mythology #Yoga #Meditation #ExtraTerrestrial #MAGA #DeepState #Holocaust #Drugs #Addiction #AltRight #Racism #Cancer #WorldNews



Thank you high priest for the advice .I myself have a facebook page called "exposing Jews" were I post everything about the Jews and their holocaust lie but my problem is that I get suspended time to time and these page is under my real facebook accounts .I wish to ask here the wealth and material rtr are we also performing its now or only the final rtr for now until further notice.also the final rtr is doing amazing things here in south Africa .thank you guys I love you all happy new year
I have already been banned on 2 facebook accounts and two forums. On facebook they are asking for ID to reopen the account. On one forum the reason of banning was "spam" just because I said that the Federal Reserve is owned by jews. And the bad thing is, most probably after you are banned from a forum, they will delete all your comments and topics. So one should have a smart way to comment on subjects related to jews in order to keep their account. For example, even if it has nothing to do with forums and comments, the documentary "American Zeitgeist" is still on youtube even if it exposes christianity, 9/11, monetary system and the microcips. What I noticed is that you will never see the word "jew" in the entire documentary even if all those events are directly linked to them. My point is, the producers of "American Zeitgeist" had a way of exposing things without being too obviously offensive for the jewish agenda, so the documentary is still there after over 7 years.

The thing about youtube, you said that a phone number is directly linked to a person. On youtube if I remember, my phone number was automatically added in the account without my permission, maybe from the email adress. So even if you use a fake account and a VPN, you might still be "easy to find" for them? Which are the risks?
Shezi666 said:
Thank you high priest for the advice .I myself have a facebook page called "exposing Jews" were I post everything about the Jews and their holocaust lie but my problem is that I get suspended time to time and these page is under my real facebook accounts .I wish to ask here the wealth and material rtr are we also performing its now or only the final rtr for now until further notice.also the final rtr is doing amazing things here in south Africa .thank you guys I love you all happy new year
that’s not a smart move, also, if you’re white I suggest you to flee from that shit communist country
1. Maybe reselling occult books or other stuff and including the link on a side of the book (be creative).
Like stuff with the colors black white red. It wouldn´t gain such a wide range then a comment on youtube,
but it offers the link with a positive experience. (if the stuff shows up in time). with a thierd party company there are ways to be more or less anonymus.
2. I also thought of streetart.
The last few months jewish Youtube has been banning any of my videos that talk about Hitler like crazy.
I actually uploaded these videos on Vimeo and they have not been taken down (yet?).

So, for anyone searching for a second, more secure video platform, Vimeo is a good choice.
If you're going to do 20 comments a day, you have to have other people liking your comments, so that would amount to working in a group. Or you need several accounts because: If you do more than 4-5 comments a day without likes you'll get ghost banned. And eventually maybe even IP banned from YouTube.

Unless this has changed now.
The Alchemist7 said:
I have already been banned on 2 facebook accounts and two forums. On facebook they are asking for ID to reopen the account. On one forum the reason of banning was "spam" just because I said that the Federal Reserve is owned by jews. And the bad thing is, most probably after you are banned from a forum, they will delete all your comments and topics. So one should have a smart way to comment on subjects related to jews in order to keep their account. For example, even if it has nothing to do with forums and comments, the documentary "American Zeitgeist" is still on youtube even if it exposes christianity, 9/11, monetary system and the microcips. What I noticed is that you will never see the word "jew" in the entire documentary even if all those events are directly linked to them. My point is, the producers of "American Zeitgeist" had a way of exposing things without being too obviously offensive for the jewish agenda, so the documentary is still there after over 7 years.

The thing about youtube, you said that a phone number is directly linked to a person. On youtube if I remember, my phone number was automatically added in the account without my permission, maybe from the email adress. So even if you use a fake account and a VPN, you might still be "easy to find" for them? Which are the risks?

As soon as you log into things like skype, facebook, youtube with your mobile device your mobile phone number gets linked. They do that automaticly. There is no way to circumvent it, just the only way I'd suggest trying, is by using the browser. NOT the apps of them.
Also, android devices require you to link to a google account so you can use the play store.
Needless to say don't do stuff with the email you have for your mobile phone number.

Basicly you need to have the idea of two separate identities. You are two different people. Don't link anything from the one thing to another thing.
Funny that this is the first post ive read since vacation because i just leaned that 4chan has banned my home ip and my phones ip for posting relative links on /pol/. Itd be great for someone to continue on there in the meantime because it seems like a place were people are more open minded... at least when its not being shilled to hell lol
Thank you, i really wanted a post for this.
Guess i requiest you help, i want to make many more account but they ask for my phone number..... there is a method to pass this? Like i spread links with another youtube account made on the same gmail (after i learned that is better to post without dots i saw that my comments appear again).
For your own websites, it is better to make your own server, than to rely on companies to provide you server resources, because all of them follow some kind of "political correctness". They will ban your page for anything considered "hate speech".

Even the years old piece of crap computer can be a server. So, it is not expensive, to make your own server.

The biggest obstacle might be that you need technical knowledge (knowledge of HTML/CSS and one backend language, which is usually JavaScript, but can be others, like Python with Flask/Django framework).
JayBrandon1488666 said:
Twitter post ideas:
Pass it on!









1. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=11506&hilit

2. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=11566


‪#History #Politics #Economics #Communism #Globalism #Terrorism #NWO #Illuminati #Freemasonry #Zionism #AncientAliens #Spirituality #Occult #AI #God #Hindu #Pagan #Buddhism #Islam #Christianity #Jesus #Christ #UFOs #Nazis #Jews #Satanic #DNA #WW1 #WW2 #WW3‬


#Technology #Genetics #NASA #Conspiracy #Economics #Illegal #Socialism #Capitalism #CIA #NewWorldOrder #Paranormal #Terrorism #Mythology #Yoga #Meditation #ExtraTerrestrial #MAGA #DeepState #Holocaust #Drugs #Addiction #AltRight #Racism #Cancer #WorldNews



Okay this aeon legacy manifesto that you've made is fucking awesome. However there is a slight discrepancy in the document. There is a quote of Hitler that is actually not his quote.

Hitler never said,
We are Socialists, enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, with its injustice in wages, with its immoral evaluation of individuals according to wealth and money instead of responsibility and achievement, and we are determined under all circumstances to abolish this system!

This was a quote by Gregor Strasser who was against antisemitism and was a Marxist along with Rohm and the other left leaners in the party. He was later executed on Hitler's orders in 1934 on the night of the long knives.

By the early 1930s Strasser was head of the Nazi political organization and second only to Hitler in power and popularity. As leader of the party’s left wing, however, he opposed Hitler’s courting of big business as well as his anti-Semitism and instead favoured radical social reforms along socialist lines. He finally resigned his party offices in 1932. Hitler was able to avert large-scale losses in membership after Strasser’s defection, and, after Hitler’s accession to the chancellorship, Strasser lost almost all of his influence. He was murdered on Hitler’s orders during the [Ernst] Röhm purge of 1934.

Therefore you should remove that quote from the document. Hitler appropriated socialistic elements in his political campaign however they were based on race.

The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard Evans:

The ‘National Socialists’ wanted to unite the two political camps of left and right into which, they argued, the Jews had manipulated the German nation. The basis for this was to be the idea of race. This was light years removed from the class-based ideology of socialism. […]

By presenting itself as a ‘movement’, National Socialism, like the labour movement, advertised its opposition to conventional politics and its intention to subvert and ultimately overthrow the system within which it was initially forced to work.

By replacing class with race, and the dictatorship of the proletariat with the dictatorship of the leader, Nazism reversed the usual terms of socialist ideology.

Encyclopedia Britannica. “Gregor Strasser.”
Accessed 19 June 2017.

Evans, Richard, J. The Coming of the Third Reich.
Penguin, 2005.
Come on people it's time to work even more effectively for the Truth of Satan!
And don't forget your own language where you can find translated materials on JoS to spread.
The Alchemist7 said:
The thing about youtube, you said that a phone number is directly linked to a person. On youtube if I remember, my phone number was automatically added in the account without my permission, maybe from the email adress. So even if you use a fake account and a VPN, you might still be "easy to find" for them? Which are the risks?

There are some prepaid phone services which you can get a phone number and sim card at around 10-20 dollars for a 30 day service. Use that number to activate new email, facebook, twitter, google/youtube accounts and such. Then toss the sim card. And once you get a perma ban, get another sim card with a different phone number to activate another account.

Best not to use your personal/work cell phone number for any social media. Lot of people losing their jobs because of stuff they post on social media using their real identities and linked account info. Last thing you want is to show up to work on a Monday, and get told to clean out your stuff and gtfo just because of some offended kike on facebook.
As HP said, know your audience. Since you won't be likely to get much of a positive effect appearing randomly in the comments of a youtube video dropping the highest level of truthbombs about the nature of reality, you must adapt to suit your audience.
Some pointers then, from someone who's been doing a whole lot of this in recent times. I find a good way to start easing people into larger truths are some ground level concepts, even just reintroducing people to Paganism can start their path to here.

For example, a rightwing audience, appeal to their sense of tradition. One can easily note Xianity as something akin to Islam, an invading force. A religion not founded in Europe, or anywhere else, save for some shitty jew desert, among jews. A religion introduced into foreign regions through violence and torture and oppression, against native faiths. One thousand shakey shit years of Xianity versus 10,000 years of native paganism, and that's just in history known to modern man. For anyone truly traditional minded, this should appeal to them straight away. Beyond this, one can also point to the communistic aspects of Xianity, how its against the family unit and it wants men to be meek and pathetic.

A leftwing audience has their weaknesses too. Xianity can be pointed out very accurately as extremely patriarchal and right-hand path. Jewsus says it himself, much like Muhammad. Women are worth dirt. Then of course there's the Abrahamic treatment of the third sex, and oftentimes the leftwing can be appealed to when one notes the Xian hatred of science. And much like the rightwingers, even the leftwing is swayed by historical evidence of the rage of Abrahamic degeneracy against Pagan religion, something which, even in the modern sense, represents greater parity between genders, freer sexuality, and so forth.

Another effective one that works for both audiences too, is proving nothing Xianity claims happened in history. Although the author of the site is an Atheist, its still well researched and at points, very pagan sympathetic. Check out jesusneverexisted.com - of course, our very own exposingchristianity should also go without saying, once people's ears are tuning in.

My point is, to start people off, it's actually easy to start rallying people against Abrahamic shit and fostering sympathy towards Paganism, which is a fantastic first step. I've noticed that, soon after someone accepts even the notion of Gods, its very very easy to fall into mindsets that are aware of the nature of Abrahamic garbage, and how (((certain people))) were conveniently always in place to act as a source for all the damages against Paganism.

Of course this is just a start, but I do find even base level polytheism to be a prerequesite for the uninitiated crowds. You get other crowds too, like Xians who are hardcore into conspiracy theories of their own and claim to be anti-semitic. These people are seldom worth bothering with for obvious reasons, but there are ways of planting seeds even in these people. It's easy to make them aware of the fact their supposedly victimized religion holds a global majority, and it was responsible for the demise of other, actually genuinely oppressed religions, conveniently aligned with the Jew's racial outlook. You can also follow this up by noting how the "evil demons" they're so scared of were simply just jewish smearing about all things spiritually gentile. For a lot of people too, "Illuminati" is synonymous with modern era "Freemasons", and one can easily post their bullshit rituals around and prove the "Lucifer" they worship is Jewsus and Jehova themselves.

You'll also of course get crowds heavily into the occult already, there's a surprising chunk of websites out there which are Pagan and against Abrahamic things from a spiritual perspective. These sites are odd, some of them for instance have the perspective we're fighting with Zeus and the Olympian Gods against Chronos. Or with Ra, Osiris and Isis against Apep. Not exactly untrue, from a certain perspective, given the Saturnian nature of the Jew. But with enough convincing these sorts are very easily swayed to our side.

When it comes to winning public internet debates, I find these days it's always better to stay on the offensive than resort to the defensive, just as a small tip to anyone wanting to sound persuasive.

As I said, there are many people who'll just be using their time and profiles to post the relevant source material, and this is excellent. I'm mostly just giving advice to anyone who's going to apply themselves into spreading the truth long term to individuals and smaller crowds who are initially resistant, even people like family and friends who are hesitant. Every extra person doing the RTRs makes a big difference, after all.
Larissa666 said:
For your own websites, it is better to make your own server, than to rely on companies to provide you server resources, because all of them follow some kind of "political correctness". They will ban your page for anything considered "hate speech".

Even the years old piece of crap computer can be a server. So, it is not expensive, to make your own server.

The biggest obstacle might be that you need technical knowledge (knowledge of HTML/CSS and one backend language, which is usually JavaScript, but can be others, like Python with Flask/Django framework).

This is real bad advice, and should only act as a last stand resort. I am sure you do not intend it, but let me explain.

The biggest obstacle is far from technical knowledge. The majority of countries, even in the West, do not have true free speech.

If you host a home server like that in some countries, and it's inside your own house, any agency can bust in (Including jews) and assault you based on this fact, and it can be illegal or even legal to do so. It's not hard to pass it around as legal as well, if so they want, regardless of if it's Constitutional or not. If one does that, they must be extremely certain of what they are doing, and this is not a joke, and probably, they must have also studied the laws properly, and not be a fool.

This situation is the same as Internet Samizdat, basically. If you published your own books in Soviet Union, they would bust you. This here is quite similar, let alone the threat of this material to the "Free Speech" guys that run this world.

Maybe in America it would work but as of anywhere else, it would be risky as fuck.
The Alchemist7 said:
I have already been banned on 2 facebook accounts and two forums. On facebook they are asking for ID to reopen the account. On one forum the reason of banning was "spam" just because I said that the Federal Reserve is owned by jews. And the bad thing is, most probably after you are banned from a forum, they will delete all your comments and topics. So one should have a smart way to comment on subjects related to jews in order to keep their account. For example, even if it has nothing to do with forums and comments, the documentary "American Zeitgeist" is still on youtube even if it exposes christianity, 9/11, monetary system and the microcips. What I noticed is that you will never see the word "jew" in the entire documentary even if all those events are directly linked to them. My point is, the producers of "American Zeitgeist" had a way of exposing things without being too obviously offensive for the jewish agenda, so the documentary is still there after over 7 years.

The thing about youtube, you said that a phone number is directly linked to a person. On youtube if I remember, my phone number was automatically added in the account without my permission, maybe from the email address. So even if you use a fake account and a VPN, you might still be "easy to find" for them? Which are the risks?

The "Zeitgeist" is still up, regardless of some good points in it, because it attacks Hitler, in vehement ways of propaganda that aren't even real such as unrealistic quotes. If a video attacks Hitler and the evil Nazis, and doesn't mention jews as a governing power, ie, confusing the masses, it will stay up, no matter how hardcore the material.

It falls within the scope of "Allowed Free Speech" the jews have instated.

This is how people call "Those in Power" shapeshifting reptillians. This is clearly a deception, they do not "Shapeshift" physically, they don't have like huge scales and 12 toes, and quite a few people in power aren't these monsters these xian conspiracy theorists project.

It's however "Muh Shapeshifters" and "Muh Wait for The Jew Christos To Save U Goyim" so it's allowed free speech. It's essentially some truth filled with lies and lunacy.

But these videos serve good to confuse the masses, so no matter how hard hitting, and even personal to specific people accusations are, these videos will always be up.

In regards to your phone number, unless you engage in illegal activity, you should be fine, even if they have your number. This is breaching of privacy, but it doesn't make you illegal, and Google is not the Central Judiciary of the United States or elsewhere.

They are invasive jews who amass people in lists, however, so you might be into a Google-specific "Evil Goy" list, but so are all the other billions who have searched naughty things about the Chosen people. So legally you should not have a problem, at least not now and for any closeby amount of time. As such you are perfectly fine.

Given the amount of 'bad goyim' treading the planet right now, it should be useless to them however.

You aren't doing any illegal activity by having your opinion about the Chosen People, unless you threaten anyone. Let this be clear. However, the breaching of privacy of the enemy is not individual on us either, it's the same situation for everyone literally, however, those who are bad goyim, are definitely on another list from the 'normal' goyim, but this would be irrelevant for the present.

The situation is past a point the chasing of privacy is like chasing butterflies. For example, a VPN doesn't change a lot of other blueprints that can reveal who you are. So it's important to not have your name and addresses up on the accounts. Even if they can get these from unlawful breaching of privacy, this prohibits further actions. But to be honest, "total anonymity" on the internet in every way is largely an illusion at this point for the average user, and you don't need this unless you are a KGB defector or some shit.

You should strive for anonymity within reason and you should be fine.
Ninja 666 said:
If you're going to do 20 comments a day, you have to have other people liking your comments, so that would amount to working in a group. Or you need several accounts because: If you do more than 4-5 comments a day without likes you'll get ghost banned. And eventually maybe even IP banned from YouTube.

Unless this has changed now.

They frequently change and update, so I can vouch for that as well. Maybe you can explain how you do this yourself, which is going to be helpful or others, or others can just come by and participate with you, from the post you have loyally adhered to.

Also, thanks for your work. You have fought relentlessly like a true warrior.
Ninja 666 said:
If you're going to do 20 comments a day, you have to have other people liking your comments, so that would amount to working in a group. Or you need several accounts because: If you do more than 4-5 comments a day without likes you'll get ghost banned. And eventually maybe even IP banned from YouTube.

Unless this has changed now.

I’ve left that all over and haven’t got banned, I usually check my work as well.
A lot of people don’t know that when you go to YouTube videos, you have to click on “newest first” comments to see the most recent comments otherwise you’re just going to see the most liked/relevant comments first. It’s still helpful to our side because while a lot of people don’t click on that option, a lot of people do click on most recent comments at the same time. Also there are videos that aren’t as popular where your comment will show up on top when you first click the video but hey, better to leave it on as many videos as possible right.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Larissa666 said:
For your own websites, it is better to make your own server, than to rely on companies to provide you server resources, because all of them follow some kind of "political correctness". They will ban your page for anything considered "hate speech".

Even the years old piece of crap computer can be a server. So, it is not expensive, to make your own server.

The biggest obstacle might be that you need technical knowledge (knowledge of HTML/CSS and one backend language, which is usually JavaScript, but can be others, like Python with Flask/Django framework).

This is real bad advice, and should only act as a last stand resort. I am sure you do not intend it, but let me explain.

The biggest obstacle is far from technical knowledge. The majority of countries, even in the West, do not have true free speech.

If you host a home server like that in some countries, and it's inside your own house, any agency can bust in (Including jews) and assault you based on this fact, and it can be illegal or even legal to do so. It's not hard to pass it around as legal as well, if so they want, regardless of if it's Constitutional or not. If one does that, they must be extremely certain of what they are doing, and this is not a joke, and probably, they must have also studied the laws properly, and not be a fool.

This situation is the same as Internet Samizdat, basically. If you published your own books in Soviet Union, they would bust you. This here is quite similar, let alone the threat of this material to the "Free Speech" guys that run this world.

Maybe in America it would work but as of anywhere else, it would be risky as fuck.

I have totally overlooked such possibility, I apologize.

Seemed like a good idea at first...
hp Cobra, telegram is very good for recruiting people. I have opened a telegram channel myself, where I periodically place your sermons in Italian.
How about a group at yahoo and a forum here, for organizing our activism and working together.
We can upvote each other's comments and leave our own, share good places to spread the word, and generally band together to increase our presence and credibility (rather than one lonely comment, a group of people saying the same thing).
We can also share tactics and how to deal with specific things, give each other advice, share trending videos to spam, etc.
If our people are well equipped from the beginning and we work together we'll be far more effective.
Way_Seeker666 said:
How about a group at yahoo and a forum here, for organizing our activism and working together.
We can upvote each other's comments and leave our own, share good places to spread the word, and generally band together to increase our presence and credibility (rather than one lonely comment, a group of people saying the same thing).
We can also share tactics and how to deal with specific things, give each other advice, share trending videos to spam, etc.
If our people are well equipped from the beginning and we work together we'll be far more effective.

There will be such a sub-forum here, for this job. Only thing it remains for it is to open, which should be pretty soon.
FigliodiThor said:
hp Cobra, telegram is very good for recruiting people. I have opened a telegram channel myself, where I periodically place your sermons in Italian.

I do not think the way you use it reflects what I wrote about in my post, of infiltrators and others using it to troll people. There is also a use of it for groups etc. It is probably better than skype, but one should be aware, Telegram is owned by Facebook derivatives, it is what it is.

We have to of course use these means, but do this cleverly and with discretion. Since it's all legal anyway. But as far as privacy is concerned, it's far from private in anyway, shape or form.

I am aware that a couple of months ago, not only you could hack Telegram and find someone's name and number, but an array of other things. Good or not, users are being shitted that it's private.
T.A.O.L. said:
As soon as you log into things like skype, facebook, youtube with your mobile device your mobile phone number gets linked. They do that automaticly. There is no way to circumvent it, just the only way I'd suggest trying, is by using the browser. NOT the apps of them.
Also, android devices require you to link to a google account so you can use the play store.
Needless to say don't do stuff with the email you have for your mobile phone number.

Basicly you need to have the idea of two separate identities. You are two different people. Don't link anything from the one thing to another thing.
I never entered that account from the phone, just from the computer. Thank you and Lateinischer Soldat. These are very important advices for me. I think I will close the Yt account and open another one with another phone number (from my natal country) which I'm not using anymore.
There are plenty of vids on Youtube about pyramids and electricity or the pineal gland or paleo astronautics and aliens/gods and you can look at the comments, especially the recent ones and see enthusiastic comments. Reply to those in a polite and impartial manner like "Yeah my thoughts exactly. I saw the same subject detailed on the Joy of Satan site. It's a strange but interesting site, google it if you want."
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Way_Seeker666 said:
How about a group at yahoo and a forum here, for organizing our activism and working together.
We can upvote each other's comments and leave our own, share good places to spread the word, and generally band together to increase our presence and credibility (rather than one lonely comment, a group of people saying the same thing).
We can also share tactics and how to deal with specific things, give each other advice, share trending videos to spam, etc.
If our people are well equipped from the beginning and we work together we'll be far more effective.

There will be such a sub-forum here, for this job. Only thing it remains for it is to open, which should be pretty soon.

Good stuff!
Talking about activism on internet look at what this kike said:

“The Antichrist is a personality that will be at the head of the world wide web controlling the entire human race. Thus, the structure itself presents a danger,”

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ninja 666 said:
If you're going to do 20 comments a day, you have to have other people liking your comments, so that would amount to working in a group. Or you need several accounts because: If you do more than 4-5 comments a day without likes you'll get ghost banned. And eventually maybe even IP banned from YouTube.

Unless this has changed now.

They frequently change and update, so I can vouch for that as well. Maybe you can explain how you do this yourself, which is going to be helpful or others, or others can just come by and participate with you, from the post you have loyally adhered to.

Also, thanks for your work. You have fought relentlessly like a true warrior.

Sure I can. And thank you for the compliments.

We've been going on for about three and a half years. Since HP Mageson started the thread on the old forum. Some have quilted, some do it for themselves and don't post on the thread, and some are on and off.

What Today Needs!

I've written a longer starter guide as a reply with more details you can find here:

It's simple and takes about 15 - 30 min depending on the workflow. Posting about 5 comments with "edited links" daily, I usually reply to the comments on the front page of the YouTube video, and try to find the comments with the most replies to.

After commenting or replying, I right click on the time stamp next to my account name and choose "copy link location", this creates a direct link to the comment, and save it in a document on my computer. The next day, before logging into the YouTube account, I check it to see if it's been deleted or ghost banned. If it's still there, I post it in the “What Today Needs!” thread, with my YouTube username, so others can find it easily and give it a thumbs up or reply themselves.

Then I repeat.

There is more to this ---like how to create an account, ideas to what type of topics and subjects to comment on, what type of comments to reply on and ideas on how to write and create comments in the longer starter guide reply. Like this:

“.... Videos and comments you reply on should relate to the cause like: Aliens, Spiritual Satanism, Paganism, Marxism, Communism, Jews, Satan and The Gods, Meditations, Occult subjects and Spirituality, Jewish corruptions and conspiracies, National Socialism, Politics related to the cause and so forth. Topics that are discussed by the clergy in sermons are also good ways to pick up on where you can focus. As long as it relates to Satan's cause, you're most efficient and practical. You get banned if you just go on and spam randomly.

You should add some symbols every time or change up what you post so you don't get caught in the bots and banned for spam. ...”

Darksage666 said:
Ninja 666 said:

I've posted new comments before that was on the "newest first" list that have gotten up to a hundred replies and likes, and ending up on the front page towards the top of the list, but this is very rare. If you post to specific individuals, comments, or videos that doesn't has a lot of views or replies, I would try to keep tabs on the response to see if it's efficient. This in my opinion, however, is a waste of time and energy. The "newest first" list is updated so frequently, that by the time someone is checking it, your comment is so far down, that if it doesn't get enough likes or replies to end up on the front page, it's gone.

If you see the comments on the front page, some are just a few days old, sometimes just hours. These usually has a lot of replies and likes. Depending on the replies and likes, you can also comment on older ones.

It's best to use the most viewed videos and replied to comments to comment on, as this way you'll reach out to more people at the same time. Not wasting it where you might not have as large an audience. If you're going to leave it on the videos with less views, and comments with less replies or non at all, they should be handpicked people you think are easily open to our influence. In my opinion should you do the latter you should do it in combination with the former, just to increase the bulk of potential people. People are notified when someone replies to a comment they've posted or replied to themselves. So if a comment has more or less 40-80 replies to it, all the participants receive a notification.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FigliodiThor said:
hp Cobra, telegram is very good for recruiting people. I have opened a telegram channel myself, where I periodically place your sermons in Italian.

I do not think the way you use it reflects what I wrote about in my post, of infiltrators and others using it to troll people. There is also a use of it for groups etc. It is probably better than skype, but one should be aware, Telegram is owned by Facebook derivatives, it is what it is.

We have to of course use these means, but do this cleverly and with discretion. Since it's all legal anyway. But as far as privacy is concerned, it's far from private in anyway, shape or form.

I am aware that a couple of months ago, not only you could hack Telegram and find someone's name and number, but an array of other things. Good or not, users are being shitted that it's private.
This seems the telegram hack you are referring to.


Other telegram hacks I saw were basically something more of fooling people to open/execute file which happens because of the way things are in programming.

I think you mistakened Telegram for whatsapp about being owned by Kikebook. Whatsapp, skype and such are bigger problem than Telegram. Whatsapp is more widely used than Telegram and is more deadly. There have been incidences where cops in India managed to hack Whatsapp to solve criminal cases. Whatsapp shares their encryption keys with governments worldwide. Telegram doesnt. Telegram is in many ways more safe than many email services. On making use of telegram, we can make its good use as a file hosting and sharing. Things on telegram arent taken down. Even if account is deleted the receiver still has access to files the person sent. Telegram is safer than torrent too. Many Iranians agnostic and interested in Satanism use telegram as a way to communicate and speak truth.

Regarding telegram please use the official versions of telegram. There are many modified telegram with stickers and stuff on Play Store and it is completely legal to modify telegram as it is open source.

1. young people (they usually tend to be more open minded and many of them still looking for path in life)

2. users of drug related websites and forums (one can easily find bunch of topics about metaphysics, lucid dreaming, OOBE etc. so It might be easy to acquire their attention as they are already interested in experimenting with altered states of mind & trying to explain what they have had experience during being high)

3. users of ancient astronauts related websites and forums (having knowledge of the past it's not the same as being conscious of consequences it brings toward nowadays and how it's connected)

Besides above, basically anyone who's already partially interested in the subject, as such people have developed some form of curiosity towards our cause and waiting to be fed with right information.

besides the obvious

1. Sticker art
2. Book swapping (removing the obvious one and delivering printed materials)
3. Street art
4. Adding inserts to books from library (note it's really easily traceable)

And lastly, imagine what would happen if properly baited weaponized autism of 4chan and Reddit start investigating on subjects of ancient astronauts, occult, metaphysics etc.
Exposing christianity ebook link.... A lot of people are leaving religion like the Catholics. Twitter is a great place for this. I just type in Vatican,,, Pope Francis, Catholic news, Vatican news,, and work to find the most Public Comments. Then link a download
This one can work well in Jewish anti semite,, and Sanhedrin places on Twitter as well.
And daily Torah Readings on Twitter,,, as well as all of the above on Youtube. Facebook,,, not much, some.
The 666 Black Sun ebook link will work as well on these.sites.
The Kabbalah Exposed website link can be used on the above in topics like Egyptian kabbalah techniques, schools, classes, and instructors. Jewish kabbalah sites and videos as we..
Exposing the lie of Islam ebook link can be used for daily Koran readings, Isis Watch topics, Muhammad prophecy videos and sites, etc.
The Power Meditation ebook links can be posted on kundalini, kriya, trantra, meditation, witchcraft, demons, angels, and even christian conspiracy videos on youtube. And websites of the above topics as well.
Also, Shamanism, and various Voodoo topics.
Same with the Satanic Witchcraft ebook link, and the Joy of Satan PDF link.
Satan's library website link can be posted on occult topics in general on youtube including satanism and Nazi, Hitler, 3rd Reich, and 4th Reich conspiracy theories on youtube. And maybe Twitter.
These are just some examples of what I do.
And,,,,,,, I live in America, so I have a bit more freedom and safety than many other countries.
My name is posted on all of them. I rarely have any issues from others. Nothing serious yet
I have done over 10,000 posts of the above in the last 5 years. Even if 100 people make something of it ( 1 % ), that is something.
There are over 12, 000 members on this site now.
If even 100 other people that can do it safely,,,, posted as many as I have, that would be one million.
If only 10,000 people make something of themselves from it, that is something. And many of them will tell others, and some of the next group will tell others.
Cumulative effect over time.
Again,,, I can do this safely, and not everyone can.
I figure, in my case, the teachers are still alive and well, teaching these things and publishing their information. So the 'Bad Guys are not going to be worried about some ordinary person like me spreading the information.
((( I do not want to cross them somewhere, or they just might want to "Pop me off " just for the "Hell" of it. Ha ha.
But, using a fake name ( username ) is smart for many people.)
And, the people that know me, including christians, atheists, family, coworkers, etc. do NOT know what I am doing . NOTHING. PERIOD.
(Famous Last Words ).
For most people best to use fake names and such.
All of the video topics, and websites and organizations are already on the Internet, So I just use that and post the JOS information. And,,, let the appropriate Authorities,,, teachers do the teaching.
And I do so much now so people everywhere have this information when the opportunity to spread this information is taken away from us.
I've noticed a large community of pagans on Instagram. Would it be worthwhile to make a similar account and share our practices/ideology? Of course in less direct terms to be safe.
Jack said:
JayBrandon1488666 said:
Twitter post ideas:
Pass it on!









1. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=11506&hilit

2. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=11566


‪#History #Politics #Economics #Communism #Globalism #Terrorism #NWO #Illuminati #Freemasonry #Zionism #AncientAliens #Spirituality #Occult #AI #God #Hindu #Pagan #Buddhism #Islam #Christianity #Jesus #Christ #UFOs #Nazis #Jews #Satanic #DNA #WW1 #WW2 #WW3‬


#Technology #Genetics #NASA #Conspiracy #Economics #Illegal #Socialism #Capitalism #CIA #NewWorldOrder #Paranormal #Terrorism #Mythology #Yoga #Meditation #ExtraTerrestrial #MAGA #DeepState #Holocaust #Drugs #Addiction #AltRight #Racism #Cancer #WorldNews



Okay this aeon legacy manifesto that you've made is fucking awesome. However there is a slight discrepancy in the document. There is a quote of Hitler that is actually not his quote.

Hitler never said,
We are Socialists, enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, with its injustice in wages, with its immoral evaluation of individuals according to wealth and money instead of responsibility and achievement, and we are determined under all circumstances to abolish this system!

This was a quote by Gregor Strasser who was against antisemitism and was a Marxist along with Rohm and the other left leaners in the party. He was later executed on Hitler's orders in 1934 on the night of the long knives.

By the early 1930s Strasser was head of the Nazi political organization and second only to Hitler in power and popularity. As leader of the party’s left wing, however, he opposed Hitler’s courting of big business as well as his anti-Semitism and instead favoured radical social reforms along socialist lines. He finally resigned his party offices in 1932. Hitler was able to avert large-scale losses in membership after Strasser’s defection, and, after Hitler’s accession to the chancellorship, Strasser lost almost all of his influence. He was murdered on Hitler’s orders during the [Ernst] Röhm purge of 1934.

Therefore you should remove that quote from the document. Hitler appropriated socialistic elements in his political campaign however they were based on race.

The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard Evans:

The ‘National Socialists’ wanted to unite the two political camps of left and right into which, they argued, the Jews had manipulated the German nation. The basis for this was to be the idea of race. This was light years removed from the class-based ideology of socialism. […]

By presenting itself as a ‘movement’, National Socialism, like the labour movement, advertised its opposition to conventional politics and its intention to subvert and ultimately overthrow the system within which it was initially forced to work.

By replacing class with race, and the dictatorship of the proletariat with the dictatorship of the leader, Nazism reversed the usual terms of socialist ideology.

Encyclopedia Britannica. “Gregor Strasser.”
Accessed 19 June 2017.

Evans, Richard, J. The Coming of the Third Reich.
Penguin, 2005.

Thanks bro! I fixed it and added what you tild me about race and class. I also removed redundancies. I’m at Twitter.com/infinitevril
anonymous666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FigliodiThor said:
hp Cobra, telegram is very good for recruiting people. I have opened a telegram channel myself, where I periodically place your sermons in Italian.

I do not think the way you use it reflects what I wrote about in my post, of infiltrators and others using it to troll people. There is also a use of it for groups etc. It is probably better than skype, but one should be aware, Telegram is owned by Facebook derivatives, it is what it is.

We have to of course use these means, but do this cleverly and with discretion. Since it's all legal anyway. But as far as privacy is concerned, it's far from private in anyway, shape or form.

I am aware that a couple of months ago, not only you could hack Telegram and find someone's name and number, but an array of other things. Good or not, users are being shitted that it's private.
This seems the telegram hack you are referring to.


Other telegram hacks I saw were basically something more of fooling people to open/execute file which happens because of the way things are in programming.

I think you mistakened Telegram for whatsapp about being owned by Kikebook. Whatsapp, skype and such are bigger problem than Telegram. Whatsapp is more widely used than Telegram and is more deadly. There have been incidences where cops in India managed to hack Whatsapp to solve criminal cases. Whatsapp shares their encryption keys with governments worldwide. Telegram doesnt. Telegram is in many ways more safe than many email services. On making use of telegram, we can make its good use as a file hosting and sharing. Things on telegram arent taken down. Even if account is deleted the receiver still has access to files the person sent. Telegram is safer than torrent too. Many Iranians agnostic and interested in Satanism use telegram as a way to communicate and speak truth.

Regarding telegram please use the official versions of telegram. There are many modified telegram with stickers and stuff on Play Store and it is completely legal to modify telegram as it is open source.

I did not mean exactly that. By Facebook derivatives I meant from the creators of the similar facebook of Russia [VK network], not that literally the Facebook owner Zuccerborg is behind it.

You give your phone number, but it's "private", and uses "encryption".

You just post the situation that you're literally profiled on servers, but you say "muh encryption". That's kind of besides the point of my message, which was about the phone number.

Whatsapp was created by Zuccerborg and also, Viber is literally made in Israel, for the sake of conversation on these 'messengers'. They also claim 'encryption' but that is not the point of these, it's metadata that its enough to steal, as such, the linking of your phone. Your phone number is enough of a privacy breach by itself. The app data exchange can be protected in paper, but that is half the gift, if we are to presuppose this is actually real.

So yea, of course, data can be in theory encrypted. But that's kind of besides the point here of identity privacy phishing.

Thanks for the heads up in general it's interesting of a means regardless, especially due to file sharing. This in itself is great to use.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FigliodiThor said:
hp Cobra, telegram is very good for recruiting people. I have opened a telegram channel myself, where I periodically place your sermons in Italian.

I do not think the way you use it reflects what I wrote about in my post, of infiltrators and others using it to troll people. There is also a use of it for groups etc. It is probably better than skype, but one should be aware, Telegram is owned by Facebook derivatives, it is what it is.

We have to of course use these means, but do this cleverly and with discretion. Since it's all legal anyway. But as far as privacy is concerned, it's far from private in anyway, shape or form.

I am aware that a couple of months ago, not only you could hack Telegram and find someone's name and number, but an array of other things. Good or not, users are being shitted that it's private.

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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
