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A Decade

Lydia said:
The Beginning

This Halloween marks my 10 year anniversary as a dedicated Satanist. One random day about a week before Halloween 10 years ago, someone I knew bought a copy of Anton LaVey’s Satanic Bible as a laugh, and then gave it to me for no apparent reason (I realized afterwards that it was Satan bringing me to Him). I read it, and thought it was much more logical and appealing than any crap I had previously read from other religions.

And then that Halloween, I knew I would have the house to myself all evening/night. I had been invited out to a Halloween party but declined and pretended to be sick, which made some people mad at me but whatever. I had planned to dedicate my soul to Satan, as my life sucked and I had a weird feeling that maybe dedicating would help in some way.

I then searched online for additional methods to dedicate, other than what was in the Satanic Bible. I have always enjoyed looking for additional methods to anything, for inspiration to create my own way of doing something. I googled “dedicate to Satan”, saw some awful images in the search results (typical of the enemy trying to scare people away from Satan), then saw a link from a website called joyofsatan.org. I thought the “joy” part was nice, and the (dot)org appealed to me as it made it seem official.

I read the method to dedicate, then decided to check out the rest of the website. I was blown away. While reading, I would have a thought having to do with what I just read, and then as if by magick, I would be lead to another page that answered my question. This continued for about 5 straight hours.

I then noticed the time, and realized the person I lived with was going to be home from a Halloween party soon. It was around 2am, I scrambled to get the tools needed for dedication. I happened to have 3 red candles, so I lit those and did the dedication. As soon as the paper with my signature in blood lit on fire to burn, I felt an immense weight off my shoulders. Like I had been carrying a solid ton of negativity or something, and it was all lifted. Intense peace and calmness, and a feeling of belonging.

Over the next bunch of months, I spent hours every day reading the website. I didn’t bother to look into the yahoo groups until I was around 4-6 months in. I just wanted to learn everything on the website. I also created an astral temple, a really awesome looking one. If I could, I would draw it for you all to see. I still occasionally pop in and am reminded of the time I took to make it. The day I created it, when I finished, I saw Satan in there. I could only see his head and face and only for a moment, but it was a beautiful moment and made me feel like I actually mattered to him in some way.

Finding My Guardian

I had read a method of finding one’s guardian, to simply relax and ask yourself who it might be, and then be lead to him/her.

I was visiting an elderly and sick relative, who had to go lie down for a short while during our visit, the usual routine we had. I sat on the couch by myself, went into a light trance, and asked myself who it could be. I then saw in my mind, a planet, Saturn. I walked to my astral temple, outside of it, where I had flowers along the nice pathway. I suddenly smelled flowers. I asked myself what flower it was, and the word “hyacinth” popped into my head. I had no idea what those flowers smelled like or even looked like, never even saw them in real life before.

So when I went home, I looked through the lists of Demons who matched both Saturn as their planet, and hyacinth as their plant. Lord Set was the only one. His color is red, which was my favorite as a child. I of course had doubts that he really was my guardian, as he is one of Satan’s sons and therefore high ranking and I was just a nobody. But then his name kept “coincidentally” coming up, both in my head and also in real life. I watched a TV show with a friend later that day (or maybe the next day, but no later than that), and there was a Demon named Set in that episode. It was probably in a blasphemous manner, but all the same, it was his name.

There were a few other signs, they were each once per day, but I forget the other signs (I’ll edit this if I remember). As well, Set’s name kept ringing in my head for weeks. I finally gave up doubting, and accepted that he was my Guardian.

Lord Set was my Guardian for the first 6 years of my dedication, and we had known each other in at least one of my past lives as well. On that anniversary, he told me I was going to have a new guardian, as he was going to be too busy for the next while. I also got the impression that I didn’t need one as much as I did back then. So even though he is no longer my Guardian, I have endless love, respect, and appreciation for him, always.

My First Group Ritual

Back in those days, RTR’s were not out yet. We did monthly rituals timed with the phase and sign of the Moon: a destruction ritual to destroy the enemy programs, and an awakening ritual to bring people to Satan.

After my months of reading the JoS, I finally decided to have a peek at the yahoo groups (this was before the forum existed). I noticed that there was only just over 3,000 members in the main group. There was a group ritual posted, by a HPS Zildar. It was for that day, or perhaps the next day, I can’t remember exactly. But I eagerly prepared for it, and did the ritual to the best of my ability. It was just a prayer, and vibrating a few runes 8 times each. She also included a way to clean the aura and chakras, the “table-top method”, of scanning light down the body and pushing out any negative energy, so I did that right after finishing the ritual.

The very exact moment I finished, my phone rang. It was the local pizza company, offering me a discount on my next order. I thanked them, hung up, and then realized this must have been some sort of gift from Satan, showing me that I was on the right path in participating in the group rituals. The timing was way too coincidental, them calling the exact moment I finished. Not during the ritual, or an hour later, but exactly when I finished.

Over The Years

A few things I am proud of: I have never skipped a single day of meditation. This marks an entire decade of never having gone more that 24 hours without meditating. I have meditated in public bathrooms, park benches, on a bus… whatever it takes. I have also never lost faith in Satan. I have definitely doubted myself and if I was important or insignificant to him or anything, but I never gave up believing in Him and trying to advance myself under His guidance and will. That’s actually an affirmation I used to use daily, something about continuously advancing under Satan’s guidance and will, I can’t remember it fully now though.

I would also like to take the time to publicly thank a few other Gods and Goddesses who have helped me over the years. Osiris, for encouragement with yoga, leading me to new resources and encouraging me to challenge myself to learn more advanced asanas, and to re-learn some basics but at a deeper level. Erishkegal, for helping me with a Neptune transit. I never summoned them, they each came to me on their own accord. Erishkegal came to me when I was doing laundry one day, her energy feels so grounded and solid but also a bit fiery, perfect for dealing with Neptune. Maat, Furcas, Bifrons, Barbatos, Valefor, and a few others have also been of great help, in overall advancement but also in showing me how wonderful Satanism is, and how much better things can get. Opportunities that only dedicated Satanists are privileged to. Amon Ra for fixing something in my soul, also never summoned him, he came while I was just looking at his sigil one day. Inanna, Lilith. And others.

I have seen SS here who refuse to get in touch with the Demons, wanting to do things themselves. With all due respect, this is like the typical 2 year old who wants to be independent and do things, but they either make a mess, or break something. Satan and his Demons know us better than we know ourselves: they know our past, our fate, our karma, and our future. They want to help us, they want us to advance, evolve, overcome obstacles and issues, and perfect ourselves. Don’t ignore them. With some of the things I have been helped with, I had no idea there even was a problem. Like Amon Ra who randomly came to me and attuned something in my soul. I have always remained open to guidance from Satan and his Demons.

If you feel the need for guidance, but are unsure of what exactly, or maybe you just want to feel closer to Satan and the Demons, one idea is to have a look at our SS Calendar and see whose week it is. Meditate on their sigil, read their description on the JoS. One visualization exercise I do is seeing their sigil in my mind but in their candle color, and with their plants or anything next to it, and even incorporate their element if possible. Sort of like a fancy 3D portrait, the better your visualization and imagination, the better the portrait. And do this every 5 or so days for each one, through the year. At least 10 Demons have come to me from me just doing this exercise, or they at least quickly sent me a small piece of advice.

Wondering what to do for Halloween? You can read, or re-read, the JoS. I will also go looking for a pumpkin to carve, and then hold a thanksgiving ritual. Plus do the F-RTR, obviously. What are your plans? :)

Happy Halloween!
Thanks for sharing this 10 years says a lot my story on the path is quite similar especially the meditation one I also was somehow completely led towards the jos I got into witchcraft and the powers of the mind but it just felt like I needed more than what I was getn I then so easily seemed to get into contact with Satan and stumbled upon jos this was some years ago ... Hail Satan
It is realy special for me to know that my feelings are not alone. I will dedicate myself this hollowin and i hope to find with that my place in the existence.

I only can hope that one day Father will be so proud of me as He is of you.
I will start talking to Gods only when I will be able to go to the astral, so that I can know that they exist 100%, otherwise, I just feel silly when talking to some entities that don't even exist.
Only recently I started really feel my throat chakra and pinal gland chakra after like several months of power meditation. Also, I started to have spontanous obes/rvs and sleep paralysises. I guess there is yet long road before me.
I have seen and felt signs that the goddess Hecate is trying to guide me. I didn't believe any god would waste time on me, but maybe someone is trying to reach me. Does anyone know her sigil? I have looked online and seen multiple which makes it hard to trust any. If anyone has info, that would be greatly appreciated.
Happy 10th anniversary lyndia, On 31st This Halloween, That's when I'm planning To do my dedication Ritual and immediately start The 40 days power meditation by Hp Hooded cobra. I have been studying the Jos site for more than 6 months, and I was waiting for the right time, And I think The time is now Right To get everything Into action.
All those doing their dedication rituals, Wishing You Good....
Hail Satan/Lucifer!!!
Hail Azazel!!!
Congratulations, Lydia. That's a remarkable achievement.

Happy 10th Year Dedication Anniversary.

Thank you for the wonderful read.

Hail Satanas; Hail Hell's Demons.
salute to you sister, may you have plenty more satanic years to come in your life.
Hail Satan!
Thank you everyone :)

Larissa666 said:
Nice that you are also a long-term member. And I'm certain the next 10 will be even better! :)

NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
Good to read of your strong commitment, but make sure to take time to chill and relax. The soul needs the occasional breather to adapt as it advances. Many people here have come close to burnout, myself included.

luis said:
I know, it seems like many SS think communicating with the Gods is near impossible, but with meditation it can be done. I had been meditating before finding the JoS so I was open to spirituality etc back then.

Gear said:
Plural. We did rituals monthly. There wasn't just one set ritual singular.

Sundara said:
There were definitely some time-wasters on jewbook, which is why I only had that account for a few months and then deleted it.

I'm glad your dog is well, the Gods are wonderful in helping with healing, and they understand how important our pets are to us :)

NinRick said:
Lol thank you, this made me happy to read :)

Karnonnos said:
Well done on not skipping a day with RTR's! But don't feel bad if you ever do need and take a day off. I say this as I had to take the occasional day off and felt bad, but understood that I needed it as I was burning out.

Big Dipper said:
Thanks, but being clergy is not my path. Don't worry about the Gods showing up, I knew someone who was in a bad state and sick and a God showed up anyway. They don't take it as an offence as they are coming to us, they understand how things are. We don't always have socks on, lol.

And don't let a lack of people skills hold you back, they are above that and understand better. Remember that they are highly psychic and can understand us without us having to state every word.

Ninja 666 said:
Thanks, but I'm not all that artistic with carving so it will probably look a bit of a mess, lol.

Shadowcat said:
Good to hear about your job, that is perfect timing :)

Cartman1997 said:
Congrats on a year! And the difficult challenges will make you stronger and more capable :)

Darkpagan666 said:
And your reply brought back memories for me! I remember being a complete newb with herbs, trying to learn them. I'm still no expert lol, but that's my own fault for not putting in more time.

I look forward to reading of your future post for when you reach a decade next year ;)

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thank you! And Happy Halloween to you!

Ramier108666 said:
Thank you, it is nice to hear that you are under good guidance from your Guardian, and probably have a strong bond with him :)

Artanis said:
Artanis, in that way, you are more awesome than I am. You are very inspirational with all the RTR's you do, and you always seem to have enthusiasm for doing them. I wish I had thought to keep count of how many I did, but I know it is nowhere near the amount you have done. And I am sure they have more power than you think :)

Kinnaree said:
I wish you a very happy dedication! Those dreams you had were probably psychic experiences with Satan and/or your Guardian. If you feel you have any issues from the abuse you had, look into Wunjo rune, it heals.

Aldrick said:
Thank you, and I agree, it was such a special time back then.

slyscorpion said:
I forgot to mention, I had been a pagan and trying to follow the original Gods for years before, and meditating and doing yoga so agreeing with the JoS wasn't too out of my norm.

Xon said:
Will you be posting your drawings? I'm sure we would all love to see them :)

Ghost in the Machine said:
Thank you :)

Kurat said:
Very nice to have found an ankh! I also found one when I was new, it was also very random how it came into my possession, it literally just showed up one day. Mine is small and looks home-made out of some sort of metal, there is a defect, but it is still special to me.

Wotanwarrior said:
So it will be your decade anniversary next year then! I was also attracted to Gods and Goddesses but had no idea they were from another planet, that was a bit shocking to me when I was new. I did believe that there had to be life on other planets, what with the universe being so immensely huge, but had always dismissed the thought of aliens actually coming to Earth as unlikely. How wrong I was, lol.
Specter said:
Nice to read your testimony :) It reminded me of a friend I had in school, who had dabbled in Wicca and Paganism, she made me feel comfortable in researching witchcraft online where I had some success with spells. This was before finding the JoS, I had forgotten about that until just now. Makes me wonder if she ever found the JoS, although she got into drugs after high school and I have lost contact with her.

Egon said:
Thank you, and I might look into a witchcraft themed movie as well :)

Soul19 said:
Hail Satan! :)

Invictus said:
I had forgotten to mention: before finding the JoS, I have been practicing magick, meditating, and doing yoga for some years, since I was pretty much a kid. So when I found the JoS, it just clicked, and I knew I had to dedicate right away :) And very true about it holding up to science.

NameHere said:
Thank you :) I don't do the race ritual on full moons anymore, only when scheduled. Although with the full Moon in the Moon's exalted sign of Taurus, it will be a good time to begin any meditations to do with astral senses.

Νίκος said:
To be honest, there have been times over the years when I lost determination and I only meditated out of boredom and nothing else to do. Plus, I feel like crap if I don't meditate enough, so there's that reason: simply to feel better. But it gets me through those bad times, and I get determined again.

EnkiUK3 said:
Thank you, and I hope all is well with you!

Weassel said:
Fell in love, that's how I felt too when I found the website. I also understand how difficult it can be in a small home, as for the tv, have you tried ear plugs? They are quite cheap, or have headphones with soft music playing to cancel out the tv noise. Ambient space music is good for meditation.

LenaConstantin said:
Nice to hear you will be dedicating, and you will have many wonderful experiences as you grow on your Satanic Path! :)

Cinammonroll said:
While relaxing quietly, you can focus on Satan's sigil and ask to feel his energy. A major part of the occult is using methods other than the rigid left-brained need for proof. The occult is ruled by the right side of the brain, and the word "occult" itself means "hidden"....

BrightMorningStar said:
Trust in the signs, and don't think you are a waste of time to the Gods. You are special. Btw, some SS have said Hecate is Haures aka Flauros, maybe meditate on her sigil and ask her if she is Hecate and the one who has been guiding you :) https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONV.html/

Smjay diego said:
It is indeed a great date to dedicate, and it is also a great time to begin the 40 day program :)

Norse 88 said:
Thank you :)

tyrantmage said:
Thank you, and plenty more Satanic years to you as well!
Lydia said:
If you feel the need for guidance, but are unsure of what exactly, or maybe you just want to feel closer to Satan and the Demons, one idea is to have a look at our SS Calendar and see whose week it is. Meditate on their sigil, read their description on the JoS. One visualization exercise I do is seeing their sigil in my mind but in their candle color, and with their plants or anything next to it, and even incorporate their element if possible. Sort of like a fancy 3D portrait, the better your visualization and imagination, the better the portrait. And do this every 5 or so days for each one, through the year. At least 10 Demons have come to me from me just doing this exercise, or they at least quickly sent me a small piece of advice.
Should we just use Lord Satan’s Sigil if a Demon doesn’t have an official Sigil?

Thank you for sharing your experience. For Samhain, I plan to do a Satanic ritual and tarot card readings with the Green Witch Tarot by Ann Moura. It’s a nice deck and the closest thing to an SS tarot in my opinion.
It's going to be another year and a half for my 10 year anniversary. I got to experinece the group rituals during the Yahoo days but I didn't jump in until like a year since I thought I had to wait to be stronger to do it lol. The rituals to wake up Gentiles to the truth were a lot of fun. Took me a few months to actually sign up to the groups where I made my account with the account name I have now. I wasn't sure what to call myself and just came up with this name. I probably could of came up with something better but now I don't want to change it after all this time :p

I came in a similar way of finding the site one night and spending a few hours reading it and the rest of that week spending hours reading the site and dedicated that same week iirc. The timing is a little fuzzy for me to remember. I just know once i dedicated my confidence went up pretty high maybe a bit too high that I got arrogant lol. I stopped that now though. The only reason I didn't feel that weight of the shoulders feeling once the paper with my blood signature was burning was because the fire raised really high and I was in a closet so I was a little nervous to keep my eyes clothes for more than 10 seconds LOL. besides that I am glad I did it that night. I just felt deep inside me that I really wanted to dedicate.

Probably will hang out with family on Halloween and will make sure to do the RTR as per usual. I'll either read over the Joy of Satan site again or send energy to Satan or both :)
Also Happy 10 year anniversary. Thank you for everything you've done to help our side :D
Lydia said:
Xon said:
Will you be posting your drawings? I'm sure we would all love to see them :)
If there is any that I particularly like, I will certainly publish it.
Thanks so much for the encouragement. :D
very beautiful post, thanks for sharing
Great post, thanks for sharing your experiences over the last 10 years. Keep moving forward.
Lydia said:
Thank you for posting this. Since the post by hp hc a week or a little longer ago Ive been rethinking stuff and also gained a new perspective.
Although I now also see that I tend to forget tge things I have thought, sometimes even written down.
I truly wish to be more in touch. Even though things are a little crazy and stressfull right now.

Also I wrote down the other day to look up petrified wood, just a random thought and I finally looked it up. I probably should write my random thoughts down more often and properly take the time to wind down from everything..
Thank you for sharing, that was an inspiring read. :)

I gotta spend all day prepping to move into a new apartment. I feel like Satan was really pushing me to get my own place and probably aided me in finding this place, I’ve been stuck living with my parents for a little too long. A thanksgiving ritual will probably be in order.
Finding My Guardian

I had read a method of finding one’s guardian, to simply relax and ask yourself who it might be, and then be lead to him/her.

I was visiting an elderly and sick relative, who had to go lie down for a short while during our visit, the usual routine we had. I sat on the couch by myself, went into a light trance, and asked myself who it could be. I then saw in my mind, a planet, Saturn. I walked to my astral temple, outside of it, where I had flowers along the nice pathway. I suddenly smelled flowers. I asked myself what flower it was, and the word “hyacinth” popped into my head. I had no idea what those flowers smelled like or even looked like, never even saw them in real life before.

So when I went home, I looked through the lists of Demons who matched both Saturn as their planet, and hyacinth as their plant. Lord Set was the only one. His color is red, which was my favorite as a child. I of course had doubts that he really was my guardian, as he is one of Satan’s sons and therefore high ranking and I was just a nobody. But then his name kept “coincidentally” coming up, both in my head and also in real life. I watched a TV show with a friend later that day (or maybe the next day, but no later than that), and there was a Demon named Set in that episode. It was probably in a blasphemous manner, but all the same, it was his name.

There were a few other signs, they were each once per day, but I forget the other signs (I’ll edit this if I remember). As well, Set’s name kept ringing in my head for weeks. I finally gave up doubting, and accepted that he was my Guardian.

Lord Set was my Guardian for the first 6 years of my dedication, and we had known each other in at least one of my past lives as well. On that anniversary, he told me I was going to have a new guardian, as he was going to be too busy for the next while. I also got the impression that I didn’t need one as much as I did back then. So even though he is no longer my Guardian, I have endless love, respect, and appreciation for him, always.

You made me understand who is my Guardian Demon, I'm 90% sure. Your post brings back memories of some signs and even visions of my GD that started when I dedicated my soul. I feel like a fool for not give importance to those signs.
Thank you Lydia, may the Gods bless you for another great decade of Advancement! And Happy Samhain!
Lydia said:

I tried this many times with no results whatsoever. Can it be that my astral sense responsible for energy sensing is not active? If yes then how can I activate it?

Thanks for reply.
Academic Scholar said:
Satan's sigil would probably be fine as an alternative. As for the tarot deck, that looks really nice! Mine is Revelations by Zach Wong.

hailourtruegod said:
I almost burnt the place down once too lol, and smoked up the place when I was new and didn't realize how much smoke is created by one little piece of paper :lol:

astrally flame said:
Happy 10 years annivesary Lydia..thanks for sharing this, your post have brought a big smile in face..and why you dont participate so much in the forum like writing a post or answearing our question? I miss you sister and im sorry if it non of my business.
The only reason I am not active these days, is because of how far behind on astrology orders. I am aiming to be active here again though.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
A little trick that actually works, is to focus on your thought as you have it, and tell yourself you remember it clearly.

Pisces said:
Good luck with the move! :)

Schwarze Sonne said:
I'm glad I was able to help there :) Meditate on his/her sigil, vibrate the name, and see how you feel, so that you become 666% certain ;)

Cinammonroll said:
You'll need to meditate more then, some people are more open, some are less open, it has to do with past lives, inherited family traits and so on. There are meditations listed in JoS for opening astral senses, and another one is to vibrate Astarte's names, Inanna and/or Isis. The I in both names is vibrates like "eee". And bear in mind, it can take some people years to be astrally open enough to communicate even a little bit with the Gods, just be consistent.
Lydia said:
Specter said:
Nice to read your testimony :) It reminded me of a friend I had in school, who had dabbled in Wicca and Paganism, she made me feel comfortable in researching witchcraft online where I had some success with spells. This was before finding the JoS, I had forgotten about that until just now. Makes me wonder if she ever found the JoS, although she got into drugs after high school and I have lost contact with her.

Egon said:
Thank you, and I might look into a witchcraft themed movie as well :)

Soul19 said:
Hail Satan! :)

Invictus said:
I had forgotten to mention: before finding the JoS, I have been practicing magick, meditating, and doing yoga for some years, since I was pretty much a kid. So when I found the JoS, it just clicked, and I knew I had to dedicate right away :) And very true about it holding up to science.

NameHere said:
Thank you :) I don't do the race ritual on full moons anymore, only when scheduled. Although with the full Moon in the Moon's exalted sign of Taurus, it will be a good time to begin any meditations to do with astral senses.

Νίκος said:
To be honest, there have been times over the years when I lost determination and I only meditated out of boredom and nothing else to do. Plus, I feel like crap if I don't meditate enough, so there's that reason: simply to feel better. But it gets me through those bad times, and I get determined again.

EnkiUK3 said:
Thank you, and I hope all is well with you!

Weassel said:
Fell in love, that's how I felt too when I found the website. I also understand how difficult it can be in a small home, as for the tv, have you tried ear plugs? They are quite cheap, or have headphones with soft music playing to cancel out the tv noise. Ambient space music is good for meditation.

LenaConstantin said:
Nice to hear you will be dedicating, and you will have many wonderful experiences as you grow on your Satanic Path! :)

Cinammonroll said:
While relaxing quietly, you can focus on Satan's sigil and ask to feel his energy. A major part of the occult is using methods other than the rigid left-brained need for proof. The occult is ruled by the right side of the brain, and the word "occult" itself means "hidden"....

BrightMorningStar said:
Trust in the signs, and don't think you are a waste of time to the Gods. You are special. Btw, some SS have said Hecate is Haures aka Flauros, maybe meditate on her sigil and ask her if she is Hecate and the one who has been guiding you :) https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONV.html/

Smjay diego said:
It is indeed a great date to dedicate, and it is also a great time to begin the 40 day program :)

Norse 88 said:
Thank you :)

tyrantmage said:
Thank you, and plenty more Satanic years to you as well!
I do tried to buy some but i dont know from where, of course this was only recently so i may search again dont know if they will work but worth trying, thanks.
Thank you for sharing this Lydia, I find these insights into the journeys of other successful Satanists highly inspiring. Our paths can be difficult and trying at times, but once again you've reminded us all; a Satanist is never alone in their endeavors, and there is always a way forward through the light Father Satan shines before us.

I wish you and all others on here a truly happy and glorious Samhain. Hail Satan forever!
Happy Halloween/Samhain and 10th anniversary. I haven't been on the forums for very long, but long enough to notice your excellent contributions. I have been making use of your updated Satanama method from last year so thank you for that.
Lydia said:
Academic Scholar said:
Satan's sigil would probably be fine as an alternative. As for the tarot deck, that looks really nice! Mine is Revelations by Zach Wong.

hailourtruegod said:
I almost burnt the place down once too lol, and smoked up the place when I was new and didn't realize how much smoke is created by one little piece of paper :lol:

astrally flame said:
Happy 10 years annivesary Lydia..thanks for sharing this, your post have brought a big smile in face..and why you dont participate so much in the forum like writing a post or answearing our question? I miss you sister and im sorry if it non of my business.
The only reason I am not active these days, is because of how far behind on astrology orders. I am aiming to be active here again though.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
A little trick that actually works, is to focus on your thought as you have it, and tell yourself you remember it clearly.

Pisces said:
Good luck with the move! :)

Schwarze Sonne said:
I'm glad I was able to help there :) Meditate on his/her sigil, vibrate the name, and see how you feel, so that you become 666% certain ;)

Cinammonroll said:
You'll need to meditate more then, some people are more open, some are less open, it has to do with past lives, inherited family traits and so on. There are meditations listed in JoS for opening astral senses, and another one is to vibrate Astarte's names, Inanna and/or Isis. The I in both names is vibrates like "eee". And bear in mind, it can take some people years to be astrally open enough to communicate even a little bit with the Gods, just be consistent.


I was able to become a better Satanist, your post also played a big role in that!
It is like I truly found to Satan!

Please tell me what did you vibrate to program your soul, to always want to be with Satan and to develop your soul for him?

Did you use rune?

Thanks for the beaiful post and inspiration!
I have learnt a lot in astrology from reading Lydia's old posts. I'll buy a few readings from you in the future. You're a great inspiration Lydia, I'm glad we have you.
Lydia said:
Kinnaree said:
I wish you a very happy dedication! Those dreams you had were probably psychic experiences with Satan and/or your Guardian. If you feel you have any issues from the abuse you had, look into Wunjo rune, it heals.

I could not do the dedication ritual on Halloween night. Plans changed. People I live with stayed home instead of going out. Well, no matter. Another night! And thank you for your suggestion of the rune. Have a healthy and happy harvest season :)
Last month I had planned my kid's first haircut party, but somehow I had to postpone it and I chose based on how the weather would be like, so a good date appeared to be October 31st

It rained all day and everybody was kind of upset about this, but then I realised it is actually the Halloween :D

I wanted a sunny day, because this would mean how his life would turn out to be as well (happy and serene) , but I guess a rainy Samhain day will have to do :lol:

I guess our Gods influence us more than we imagine

Happy anniversary Lydia, more decades to come under Lucifer's banner :mrgreen:
NinRick said:

I was able to become a better Satanist, your post also played a big role in that!
It is like I truly found to Satan!

Please tell me what did you vibrate to program your soul, to always want to be with Satan and to develop your soul for him?

Did you use rune?

Thanks for the beaiful post and inspiration!
Thank you :) I did that affirmation after finishing my chakra work each day. You can probably state it after SaTaNaMa as well, or whenever you feel a good energy buzz from meditations, or even after doing yoga.

Blackdragon666 said:
I have learnt a lot in astrology from reading Lydia's old posts. I'll buy a few readings from you in the future. You're a great inspiration Lydia, I'm glad we have you.
Thank you, I am quite a bit behind on orders but all orders do get done to the best of my ability.

Kinnaree said:
I could not do the dedication ritual on Halloween night. Plans changed. People I live with stayed home instead of going out. Well, no matter. Another night! And thank you for your suggestion of the rune. Have a healthy and happy harvest season :)
You can dedicate at absolutely any time, day or night. The sooner you dedicate, the sooner you have Satan's protection, and the sooner you can begin to truly advance yourself :)
Lydia said:
The Beginning

This Halloween marks my 10 year anniversary as a dedicated Satanist. One random day about a week before Halloween 10 years ago, someone I knew bought a copy of Anton LaVey’s Satanic Bible as a laugh, and then gave it to me for no apparent reason (I realized afterwards that it was Satan bringing me to Him). I read it, and thought it was much more logical and appealing than any crap I had previously read from other religions.

And then that Halloween, I knew I would have the house to myself all evening/night. I had been invited out to a Halloween party but declined and pretended to be sick, which made some people mad at me but whatever. I had planned to dedicate my soul to Satan, as my life sucked and I had a weird feeling that maybe dedicating would help in some way.

I then searched online for additional methods to dedicate, other than what was in the Satanic Bible. I have always enjoyed looking for additional methods to anything, for inspiration to create my own way of doing something. I googled “dedicate to Satan”, saw some awful images in the search results (typical of the enemy trying to scare people away from Satan), then saw a link from a website called joyofsatan.org. I thought the “joy” part was nice, and the (dot)org appealed to me as it made it seem official.

I read the method to dedicate, then decided to check out the rest of the website. I was blown away. While reading, I would have a thought having to do with what I just read, and then as if by magick, I would be lead to another page that answered my question. This continued for about 5 straight hours.

I then noticed the time, and realized the person I lived with was going to be home from a Halloween party soon. It was around 2am, I scrambled to get the tools needed for dedication. I happened to have 3 red candles, so I lit those and did the dedication. As soon as the paper with my signature in blood lit on fire to burn, I felt an immense weight off my shoulders. Like I had been carrying a solid ton of negativity or something, and it was all lifted. Intense peace and calmness, and a feeling of belonging.

Over the next bunch of months, I spent hours every day reading the website. I didn’t bother to look into the yahoo groups until I was around 4-6 months in. I just wanted to learn everything on the website. I also created an astral temple, a really awesome looking one. If I could, I would draw it for you all to see. I still occasionally pop in and am reminded of the time I took to make it. The day I created it, when I finished, I saw Satan in there. I could only see his head and face and only for a moment, but it was a beautiful moment and made me feel like I actually mattered to him in some way.

Finding My Guardian

I had read a method of finding one’s guardian, to simply relax and ask yourself who it might be, and then be lead to him/her.

I was visiting an elderly and sick relative, who had to go lie down for a short while during our visit, the usual routine we had. I sat on the couch by myself, went into a light trance, and asked myself who it could be. I then saw in my mind, a planet, Saturn. I walked to my astral temple, outside of it, where I had flowers along the nice pathway. I suddenly smelled flowers. I asked myself what flower it was, and the word “hyacinth” popped into my head. I had no idea what those flowers smelled like or even looked like, never even saw them in real life before.

So when I went home, I looked through the lists of Demons who matched both Saturn as their planet, and hyacinth as their plant. Lord Set was the only one. His color is red, which was my favorite as a child. I of course had doubts that he really was my guardian, as he is one of Satan’s sons and therefore high ranking and I was just a nobody. But then his name kept “coincidentally” coming up, both in my head and also in real life. I watched a TV show with a friend later that day (or maybe the next day, but no later than that), and there was a Demon named Set in that episode. It was probably in a blasphemous manner, but all the same, it was his name.

There were a few other signs, they were each once per day, but I forget the other signs (I’ll edit this if I remember). As well, Set’s name kept ringing in my head for weeks. I finally gave up doubting, and accepted that he was my Guardian.

Lord Set was my Guardian for the first 6 years of my dedication, and we had known each other in at least one of my past lives as well. On that anniversary, he told me I was going to have a new guardian, as he was going to be too busy for the next while. I also got the impression that I didn’t need one as much as I did back then. So even though he is no longer my Guardian, I have endless love, respect, and appreciation for him, always.

My First Group Ritual

Back in those days, RTR’s were not out yet. We did monthly rituals timed with the phase and sign of the Moon: a destruction ritual to destroy the enemy programs, and an awakening ritual to bring people to Satan.

After my months of reading the JoS, I finally decided to have a peek at the yahoo groups (this was before the forum existed). I noticed that there was only just over 3,000 members in the main group. There was a group ritual posted, by a HPS Zildar. It was for that day, or perhaps the next day, I can’t remember exactly. But I eagerly prepared for it, and did the ritual to the best of my ability. It was just a prayer, and vibrating a few runes 8 times each. She also included a way to clean the aura and chakras, the “table-top method”, of scanning light down the body and pushing out any negative energy, so I did that right after finishing the ritual.

The very exact moment I finished, my phone rang. It was the local pizza company, offering me a discount on my next order. I thanked them, hung up, and then realized this must have been some sort of gift from Satan, showing me that I was on the right path in participating in the group rituals. The timing was way too coincidental, them calling the exact moment I finished. Not during the ritual, or an hour later, but exactly when I finished.

Over The Years

A few things I am proud of: I have never skipped a single day of meditation. This marks an entire decade of never having gone more that 24 hours without meditating. I have meditated in public bathrooms, park benches, on a bus… whatever it takes. I have also never lost faith in Satan. I have definitely doubted myself and if I was important or insignificant to him or anything, but I never gave up believing in Him and trying to advance myself under His guidance and will. That’s actually an affirmation I used to use daily, something about continuously advancing under Satan’s guidance and will, I can’t remember it fully now though.

I would also like to take the time to publicly thank a few other Gods and Goddesses who have helped me over the years. Osiris, for encouragement with yoga, leading me to new resources and encouraging me to challenge myself to learn more advanced asanas, and to re-learn some basics but at a deeper level. Erishkegal, for helping me with a Neptune transit. I never summoned them, they each came to me on their own accord. Erishkegal came to me when I was doing laundry one day, her energy feels so grounded and solid but also a bit fiery, perfect for dealing with Neptune. Maat, Furcas, Bifrons, Barbatos, Valefor, and a few others have also been of great help, in overall advancement but also in showing me how wonderful Satanism is, and how much better things can get. Opportunities that only dedicated Satanists are privileged to. Amon Ra for fixing something in my soul, also never summoned him, he came while I was just looking at his sigil one day. Inanna, Lilith. And others.

I have seen SS here who refuse to get in touch with the Demons, wanting to do things themselves. With all due respect, this is like the typical 2 year old who wants to be independent and do things, but they either make a mess, or break something. Satan and his Demons know us better than we know ourselves: they know our past, our fate, our karma, and our future. They want to help us, they want us to advance, evolve, overcome obstacles and issues, and perfect ourselves. Don’t ignore them. With some of the things I have been helped with, I had no idea there even was a problem. Like Amon Ra who randomly came to me and attuned something in my soul. I have always remained open to guidance from Satan and his Demons.

If you feel the need for guidance, but are unsure of what exactly, or maybe you just want to feel closer to Satan and the Demons, one idea is to have a look at our SS Calendar and see whose week it is. Meditate on their sigil, read their description on the JoS. One visualization exercise I do is seeing their sigil in my mind but in their candle color, and with their plants or anything next to it, and even incorporate their element if possible. Sort of like a fancy 3D portrait, the better your visualization and imagination, the better the portrait. And do this every 5 or so days for each one, through the year. At least 10 Demons have come to me from me just doing this exercise, or they at least quickly sent me a small piece of advice.

Wondering what to do for Halloween? You can read, or re-read, the JoS. I will also go looking for a pumpkin to carve, and then hold a thanksgiving ritual. Plus do the F-RTR, obviously. What are your plans? :)

Happy Halloween!

You have no idea how much reading this has helped me... for a little while now I have been going through so much that I began to lose faith in myself and in any difference I can make to the point where I became very depressed and haven't done much spirituality anymore... Thank you so much... I dont know how but reading this has given me the motivation to keep going and really make the time to spirituality better myself for not only my love for Father Satan but also love for myself... I think I became so depressed and stressed I forgot about my self care and the spiritual care to help me through what's going on... from the bottom of my heart thank you my dearest sister!
Lilithvexx said:
You have no idea how much reading this has helped me... for a little while now I have been going through so much that I began to lose faith in myself and in any difference I can make to the point where I became very depressed and haven't done much spirituality anymore... Thank you so much... I dont know how but reading this has given me the motivation to keep going and really make the time to spirituality better myself for not only my love for Father Satan but also love for myself... I think I became so depressed and stressed I forgot about my self care and the spiritual care to help me through what's going on... from the bottom of my heart thank you my dearest sister!
I'm happy to have been of help. Stay strong and keep meditating, try yoga if you haven't already, it has always helped me through the tough times :)
Lydia said:
If you feel the need for guidance, but are unsure of what exactly, or maybe you just want to feel closer to Satan and the Demons, one idea is to have a look at our SS Calendar and see whose week it is. Meditate on their sigil, read their description on the JoS. One visualization exercise I do is seeing their sigil in my mind but in their candle color, and with their plants or anything next to it, and even incorporate their element if possible. Sort of like a fancy 3D portrait, the better your visualization and imagination, the better the portrait. And do this every 5 or so days for each one, through the year. At least 10 Demons have come to me from me just doing this exercise, or they at least quickly sent me a small piece of advice.

I just started this method very recently. I've always wondered why haven't I done this before?

And I want to thank YOU for this Lydia. I meditated on the sigil and this gave me an incredible experience with one of ours Gods. I don't want to say too much, but I have to say, that it was a blessing to connect with our Gods this way. It's really interesting how each sigil has a different energy. When you really focus all your intentions on them, you immediately feel it. I love it.

This idea is gold because I actually received guidance this way: I realized that some issues are holding me back in one particular area in my life. And I know which chakra it was related to.

It's true they want to guide and help us and I'm eternally grateful for this. I know as long as you're being respectful and honest with them, they will give you a helping hand. I'm so glad I did this. So thanks again for inspiring me to try this method!

Hail Satan and his Demons!
Ara666 said:
Lydia said:
If you feel the need for guidance, but are unsure of what exactly, or maybe you just want to feel closer to Satan and the Demons, one idea is to have a look at our SS Calendar and see whose week it is. Meditate on their sigil, read their description on the JoS. One visualization exercise I do is seeing their sigil in my mind but in their candle color, and with their plants or anything next to it, and even incorporate their element if possible. Sort of like a fancy 3D portrait, the better your visualization and imagination, the better the portrait. And do this every 5 or so days for each one, through the year. At least 10 Demons have come to me from me just doing this exercise, or they at least quickly sent me a small piece of advice.

I just started this method very recently. I've always wondered why haven't I done this before?

And I want to thank YOU for this Lydia. I meditated on the sigil and this gave me an incredible experience with one of ours Gods. I don't want to say too much, but I have to say, that it was a blessing to connect with our Gods this way. It's really interesting how each sigil has a different energy. When you really focus all your intentions on them, you immediately feel it. I love it.

This idea is gold because I actually received guidance this way: I realized that some issues are holding me back in one particular area in my life. And I know which chakra it was related to.

It's true they want to guide and help us and I'm eternally grateful for this. I know as long as you're being respectful and honest with them, they will give you a helping hand. I'm so glad I did this. So thanks again for inspiring me to try this method!

Hail Satan and his Demons!
Awesome, I'm glad to have been of help :)

Hail Satan!
Lydia said:
The Beginning
If you feel the need for guidance, but are unsure of what exactly, or maybe you just want to feel closer to Satan and the Demons, one idea is to have a look at our SS Calendar and see whose week it is. Meditate on their sigil, read their description on the JoS. One visualization exercise I do is seeing their sigil in my mind but in their candle color, and with their plants or anything next to it, and even incorporate their element if possible. Sort of like a fancy 3D portrait, the better your visualization and imagination, the better the portrait. And do this every 5 or so days for each one, through the year. At least 10 Demons have come to me from me just doing this exercise, or they at least quickly sent me a small piece of advice.


after re-reading this I thought of something. I've been thinking of doing that meditating on the sigil thing throughout the year only because I like to think it's like a weekly "birthday" type of thing and giving them attention on those days might be nice, I don't know if it's weird to do so since im not doing it for advice or help; i'm just giving them attention in honor of them. Would it be one of those things where there would be a chance they would come down expecting me to want something? If that were to happen I would ASStraly shit my self since I don't want to piss them off. I dont understand the whole sigil thing. I understand it's like a phone number to them, but if I so much as imagine one I feel like im ringing their land-lines and I don't to draw attention.
Big Dipper said:
after re-reading this I thought of something. I've been thinking of doing that meditating on the sigil thing throughout the year only because I like to think it's like a weekly "birthday" type of thing and giving them attention on those days might be nice, I don't know if it's weird to do so since im not doing it for advice or help; i'm just giving them attention in honor of them. Would it be one of those things where there would be a chance they would come down expecting me to want something? If that were to happen I would ASStraly shit my self since I don't want to piss them off. I dont understand the whole sigil thing. I understand it's like a phone number to them, but if I so much as imagine one I feel like im ringing their land-lines and I don't to draw attention.

I thought that as well, but then had the feeling it was fine, they know when someone is trying to get their attention. They are highly psychic. I do it in the same manner you do, giving them attention, letting them know we have not forgotten them and are simply wanting to re-connect as a whole.
Amazing testimony! We all are glad to have you on jos Lydia ... You are a very important asset for jos and to everyone of us... May father Satan shower his blessing on you....
Lydia said:
Big Dipper said:
after re-reading this I thought of something. I've been thinking of doing that meditating on the sigil thing throughout the year only because I like to think it's like a weekly "birthday" type of thing and giving them attention on those days might be nice, I don't know if it's weird to do so since im not doing it for advice or help; i'm just giving them attention in honor of them. Would it be one of those things where there would be a chance they would come down expecting me to want something? If that were to happen I would ASStraly shit my self since I don't want to piss them off. I dont understand the whole sigil thing. I understand it's like a phone number to them, but if I so much as imagine one I feel like im ringing their land-lines and I don't to draw attention.

I thought that as well, but then had the feeling it was fine, they know when someone is trying to get their attention. They are highly psychic. I do it in the same manner you do, giving them attention, letting them know we have not forgotten them and are simply wanting to re-connect as a whole.

welp, iv'e been doing 15 minute meditation sessions on the god's sigils since February and I just realized I had already fucked up totally on the first god :p. I realized that the 4th through 8th of Feb was ruled by lord HAURES NOT lord HORUS...seriously? I looked through the whole jos demons list and her other names came before "HAURES", so I couldn't find it in the H column, so I looked to the High ranking gods list and thought I found the right god...

I've been doing it kind of tediously. I would have their sigil on my ipad with my ipad standing on a tower of pillows on my couch, so the sigil is higher than me and I sit on a folded blanket and tilt my head downwards. I light whatever candle that is their candle color and when they have a specific plant that I have a candle for, like honeysuckle, I'll light that too and have 2 candles lit on both sides of the sigil, then just stare at the sigil and i've been making astral temples for the gods themed around them. For example, I'm doing lord Dantalion now and the temple I place myself in is symbolic to a head. I sit a few feet from his throne, which is a big Iron brain that has a big throne-like chair made into it with his sigil engraved on the front of the brain glowing in white-gold light. Behind his throne on the ground is lit with a red bioluminescent light and near the ceiling are purple wax, purple flame candles being held up on a sconce leading down 2 hallways. One to my right and left, both symbolic of the ears. Then, above and behind his throne is a half circle opening of which you can't see out of since he is a night demon and it's night out with a waterfall just outside the hole. Finally, lacing the trims of the ceiling are dangling honeysuckle growing from outside and creeping themselves to the corners and trim of the ceiling. The waterfall is supposed to be the penial glade (also his element is water) and the hallway behind me leads to a full circle in the wall leading to the outside which would be the 3rd eye. The only lights illumination the small room are purple and red. I also thought about adding some thin fog on the ground, but I don't know. I should probably draw the temples so I could show them to someone, or keep for my memory, but I haven't forgotten any of them yet. I would also put out something that relates to the god either beside or in between the candles, like if a god's metal is Nickel, then I put out a pile of nickels on a folded Crown Royale bag almost like an offering.
The Beginning

This Halloween marks my 10 year anniversary as a dedicated Satanist. One random day about a week before Halloween 10 years ago, someone I knew bought a copy of Anton LaVey’s Satanic Bible as a laugh, and then gave it to me for no apparent reason (I realized afterwards that it was Satan bringing me to Him). I read it, and thought it was much more logical and appealing than any crap I had previously read from other religions.

And then that Halloween, I knew I would have the house to myself all evening/night. I had been invited out to a Halloween party but declined and pretended to be sick, which made some people mad at me but whatever. I had planned to dedicate my soul to Satan, as my life sucked and I had a weird feeling that maybe dedicating would help in some way.

I then searched online for additional methods to dedicate, other than what was in the Satanic Bible. I have always enjoyed looking for additional methods to anything, for inspiration to create my own way of doing something. I googled “dedicate to Satan”, saw some awful images in the search results (typical of the enemy trying to scare people away from Satan), then saw a link from a website called joyofsatan.org. I thought the “joy” part was nice, and the (dot)org appealed to me as it made it seem official.

I read the method to dedicate, then decided to check out the rest of the website. I was blown away. While reading, I would have a thought having to do with what I just read, and then as if by magick, I would be lead to another page that answered my question. This continued for about 5 straight hours.

I then noticed the time, and realized the person I lived with was going to be home from a Halloween party soon. It was around 2am, I scrambled to get the tools needed for dedication. I happened to have 3 red candles, so I lit those and did the dedication. As soon as the paper with my signature in blood lit on fire to burn, I felt an immense weight off my shoulders. Like I had been carrying a solid ton of negativity or something, and it was all lifted. Intense peace and calmness, and a feeling of belonging.

Over the next bunch of months, I spent hours every day reading the website. I didn’t bother to look into the yahoo groups until I was around 4-6 months in. I just wanted to learn everything on the website. I also created an astral temple, a really awesome looking one. If I could, I would draw it for you all to see. I still occasionally pop in and am reminded of the time I took to make it. The day I created it, when I finished, I saw Satan in there. I could only see his head and face and only for a moment, but it was a beautiful moment and made me feel like I actually mattered to him in some way.

Finding My Guardian

I had read a method of finding one’s guardian, to simply relax and ask yourself who it might be, and then be lead to him/her.

I was visiting an elderly and sick relative, who had to go lie down for a short while during our visit, the usual routine we had. I sat on the couch by myself, went into a light trance, and asked myself who it could be. I then saw in my mind, a planet, Saturn. I walked to my astral temple, outside of it, where I had flowers along the nice pathway. I suddenly smelled flowers. I asked myself what flower it was, and the word “hyacinth” popped into my head. I had no idea what those flowers smelled like or even looked like, never even saw them in real life before.

So when I went home, I looked through the lists of Demons who matched both Saturn as their planet, and hyacinth as their plant. Lord Set was the only one. His color is red, which was my favorite as a child. I of course had doubts that he really was my guardian, as he is one of Satan’s sons and therefore high ranking and I was just a nobody. But then his name kept “coincidentally” coming up, both in my head and also in real life. I watched a TV show with a friend later that day (or maybe the next day, but no later than that), and there was a Demon named Set in that episode. It was probably in a blasphemous manner, but all the same, it was his name.

There were a few other signs, they were each once per day, but I forget the other signs (I’ll edit this if I remember). As well, Set’s name kept ringing in my head for weeks. I finally gave up doubting, and accepted that he was my Guardian.

Lord Set was my Guardian for the first 6 years of my dedication, and we had known each other in at least one of my past lives as well. On that anniversary, he told me I was going to have a new guardian, as he was going to be too busy for the next while. I also got the impression that I didn’t need one as much as I did back then. So even though he is no longer my Guardian, I have endless love, respect, and appreciation for him, always.

My First Group Ritual

Back in those days, RTR’s were not out yet. We did monthly rituals timed with the phase and sign of the Moon: a destruction ritual to destroy the enemy programs, and an awakening ritual to bring people to Satan.

After my months of reading the JoS, I finally decided to have a peek at the yahoo groups (this was before the forum existed). I noticed that there was only just over 3,000 members in the main group. There was a group ritual posted, by a HPS Zildar. It was for that day, or perhaps the next day, I can’t remember exactly. But I eagerly prepared for it, and did the ritual to the best of my ability. It was just a prayer, and vibrating a few runes 8 times each. She also included a way to clean the aura and chakras, the “table-top method”, of scanning light down the body and pushing out any negative energy, so I did that right after finishing the ritual.

The very exact moment I finished, my phone rang. It was the local pizza company, offering me a discount on my next order. I thanked them, hung up, and then realized this must have been some sort of gift from Satan, showing me that I was on the right path in participating in the group rituals. The timing was way too coincidental, them calling the exact moment I finished. Not during the ritual, or an hour later, but exactly when I finished.

Over The Years

A few things I am proud of: I have never skipped a single day of meditation. This marks an entire decade of never having gone more that 24 hours without meditating. I have meditated in public bathrooms, park benches, on a bus… whatever it takes. I have also never lost faith in Satan. I have definitely doubted myself and if I was important or insignificant to him or anything, but I never gave up believing in Him and trying to advance myself under His guidance and will. That’s actually an affirmation I used to use daily, something about continuously advancing under Satan’s guidance and will, I can’t remember it fully now though.

I would also like to take the time to publicly thank a few other Gods and Goddesses who have helped me over the years. Osiris, for encouragement with yoga, leading me to new resources and encouraging me to challenge myself to learn more advanced asanas, and to re-learn some basics but at a deeper level. Erishkegal, for helping me with a Neptune transit. I never summoned them, they each came to me on their own accord. Erishkegal came to me when I was doing laundry one day, her energy feels so grounded and solid but also a bit fiery, perfect for dealing with Neptune. Maat, Furcas, Bifrons, Barbatos, Valefor, and a few others have also been of great help, in overall advancement but also in showing me how wonderful Satanism is, and how much better things can get. Opportunities that only dedicated Satanists are privileged to. Amon Ra for fixing something in my soul, also never summoned him, he came while I was just looking at his sigil one day. Inanna, Lilith. And others.

I have seen SS here who refuse to get in touch with the Demons, wanting to do things themselves. With all due respect, this is like the typical 2 year old who wants to be independent and do things, but they either make a mess, or break something. Satan and his Demons know us better than we know ourselves: they know our past, our fate, our karma, and our future. They want to help us, they want us to advance, evolve, overcome obstacles and issues, and perfect ourselves. Don’t ignore them. With some of the things I have been helped with, I had no idea there even was a problem. Like Amon Ra who randomly came to me and attuned something in my soul. I have always remained open to guidance from Satan and his Demons.

If you feel the need for guidance, but are unsure of what exactly, or maybe you just want to feel closer to Satan and the Demons, one idea is to have a look at our SS Calendar and see whose week it is. Meditate on their sigil, read their description on the JoS. One visualization exercise I do is seeing their sigil in my mind but in their candle color, and with their plants or anything next to it, and even incorporate their element if possible. Sort of like a fancy 3D portrait, the better your visualization and imagination, the better the portrait. And do this every 5 or so days for each one, through the year. At least 10 Demons have come to me from me just doing this exercise, or they at least quickly sent me a small piece of advice.

Wondering what to do for Halloween? You can read, or re-read, the JoS. I will also go looking for a pumpkin to carve, and then hold a thanksgiving ritual. Plus do the F-RTR, obviously. What are your plans? :)

Happy Halloween!
Even when I made the dedication I remember saying: "I'm finally home". I felt an incredible energy around me and I cried a lot, a cry of joy and liberation. When my boyfriend (also a Satanist and member of jos) and I went out to celebrate, when we returned home the air was very dense with energy... you could almost cut it with a knife.

I remember understanding who my guardian was in small details that if I hadn't been open to receiving them, I wouldn't have even noticed. I have been progressing and meditating every day for two years now but I would like to be able to be more open to have a more direct relationship with our Gods and Demons. I will take as an example your technique for getting in touch with them, it seems truly magnificent to me!

I would also like to make my astral temple but I don't know where to start.

Thank you HPS Lydia for your testimony. Coming from a very bigoted and Christian family, I am increasingly happy with the choice I made. Satan and the Gods are my home...without them I would be lost!
Even when I made the dedication I remember saying: "I'm finally home". I felt an incredible energy around me and I cried a lot, a cry of joy and liberation. When my boyfriend (also a Satanist and member of jos) and I went out to celebrate, when we returned home the air was very dense with energy... you could almost cut it with a knife.

I remember understanding who my guardian was in small details that if I hadn't been open to receiving them, I wouldn't have even noticed. I have been progressing and meditating every day for two years now but I would like to be able to be more open to have a more direct relationship with our Gods and Demons. I will take as an example your technique for getting in touch with them, it seems truly magnificent to me!

I would also like to make my astral temple but I don't know where to start.

Thank you HPS Lydia for your testimony. Coming from a very bigoted and Christian family, I am increasingly happy with the choice I made. Satan and the Gods are my home...without them I would be lost!

You can find directions on how to create your very own astral temple here: https://www.satanisgod.org/Temple.html

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
