First of all, my best wishes!
Note: This will be my simple opinion and I am not an expert on the subject.
My little tip:
"You want to make a good impression:
A powerful aura will often influence others to grant you favors.
Affirm: “My aura is making a very positive impression on _______.” If this is a job interview, [“the person/s interviewing me tomorrow”, whatever]. “The people hearing my presentation, the group”, etc. Always state this in the present tense. The subconscious mind does not understand the word “will” and “will” never comes"
I have never come across or known anyone who has ever come across a "perfect in every aspect" situation. It's irreslistic. Even if your first date was perfect, you wouldn't gain from it, because the next ones might not be as perfect and in general a partner should be an accomplice to work together with.
Sometimes we need someone who supports us and not just someone who tells us: "you are perfect in every way, maybe if I knew the problems that afflict you we could work on them together and share a constructive discussion to build a healthy relationship, but I prefer to have a stereotyped and idealized image of you."
Obviously this is not suitable for the first meeting. But it's to make you understand how a serious relationship should proceed. If you already lay the foundations that you must be perfect and impeccable, you are laying foundations that when you want to build something on top of them and make the situation evolve, they will not be solid and as soon as your partner sees that you are a human being and you have not come out of a movie about Disney princesses, then it may not proceed as you expect. Just be who you really are and try to make a (sincere) good impression.
You're not leaving things to chance. Trying to appear beautiful (putting on make-up, wearing perfume, dressing well or at deeper levels even behaving with dignity or even more programming your aura to make a good impression) is NOT "leaving something to chance". In the same way, carefully planning every type of artificial disguise to cover our true person is not "avoiding leaving something to chance", but would correspond more to having another person go to that meeting in your place. No, it is you with your true self who will have to meet the guy in person.
It's okay to doing your best when dating someone. For example: I care a lot about hygiene when I'm in company, I never go out without having taken a very deep shower, making sure I smell good. And for when I go out for girls' nights out (even though I'm not the type to "one night sex" night after night, but it still seems dignified to appear a certain way with girls) I have even more specific products that still wash and smell better (even though I already use very good products).
But if by chance I run out of soap and have to use another one, I won't worry about "ruined evening, I'd better stay home tonight!". And I wouldn't panic because of the anxiety that: "oh no! I wanted to use the fruity shampoo, if I don't have the fruity one I'll lose points". Live it with more serenity.
But not just because you're more likely to make a lesser impression because of anxiety than you are because of "this perfume isn't exactly from this very expensive brand... now I have to use a perfume that costs half as much, ruined evening"; do it above all because by meeting that guy it is assumed that you mainly want to have fun with him by spending quality time with this person, not face a court martial.
You know, I once dated the girl I love. She was so pleasant and the time I spent with her was of such quality that it was actually the best evening I can remember. I don't remember what kind of perfume she had, when she hugged me I wasn't able to quantify the price of that perfume, but even today after almost a year I could tell you in detail everything that happened, how good we had and what it made us feel so good and why. But no, I don't remember how many 0s the cost of the perfume she used was.