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Other #904 Why should I follow Satan?

Your question gives away your belief in the Abrahamic worldview where Satan and Jesus are both valid and part of the same Abrahamic mythology and you can "follow" either of them.

In Satanism this worldview and the entire Abrahamic mythology is rejected. Satan is an ancient Pagan god and "Jesus" isn't a real being, he never existed historically. The form of Satanism here is more like Ancient Paganism and Esotericism/Occultism than Judeo-Christian based (there are many Gods, for example) and it doesn't require any "faith" or following a being like you follow Jesus, but knowledge and practice (practices like power meditation and magick are essential here).

As about the "reasons", read the main site (http://www.joyofsatan.org) fully. If you like what you are reading or it clicks for you and you feel a connection, this is reason enough. In Satanism we do not proselytize or seeking to forcefully convert people or scare them into joining unlike Christianity.
I'm copying this from HP Hoodedcobra's pinned tweet on X as it is relevant here:

25 Reasons To Join Spiritual Satanism today:

1. We are a peaceful religion that is based on free thought & individual liberty, respect for civilization and society.

2. We promote Spirituality and Spiritual advancement for the human soul.

3. We have the most sound Ethics and Ethical rules.

4. We are re-instating the Ancient Religions focused on human enlightenment and meditation.

5. Meditation will empower yourself to overcome your life problems.

6. We believe in Free Speech, inquiry and we do not proselytize or preach "Eternal Hellfire for disbelievers", nor there is punishment or if you do not believe in our message.

7. Our Gods are the Gods of the Ancients, who have predated Christianity, Islam and Judaism since the dawn of human civilization.

8. We preach values of family, self determination accept any sexual vocation minus pedophilia, rape or non-consensual forms of sexuality.

9. We believe in biology and do not seek to invalidate Nature's Laws.

10. We are respectful of the Divine and the Gods.

11. We do not preach prophecies of death, desolation or societal violence so that we can "conquer" the world.

12. We are against armed revolutions, we only believe in civility and enlightenment via Knowledge.

13. We stand opposed to "Religious wars" or oppressive and war based methods of "conversion". We do not force people to "accept us".

14. Spiritual Satanism promotes and believes in Science and Scientific inquiry, like the Ancient Religions always done.

15. We believe in Justice and will not "Turn the other cheek", but we will not initiate attacks towards anyone else.

16. We believe in social organization and seek to elevate civilization to a higher level.

17. We do not rule by fear, but are children of knowledge.

18. We accept doubts and other belief systems, although others might not accept us on grounds of intolerance or wanting to murder us for our beliefs.

19. If you are of any other religion, we do not hate you, because you have been deceived by these - that is not a reason to fight against you. We seek only to educate.

20. We are a constantly evolving religion, always growing and expanding.

21. We will accept 99.90% of mankind as our members, except Jews and their slander because it attacked the Gods for 25+ centuries.

22. Our Ancient past is the foundation of all noble things in present day society, there to be accessed again, after the attempted wipe-out by the Abrahamic programs of slave control.

24. All the "teachings" of importance in modern Jewish sects were robbed from the religious approach we represent again in Civilization.

25. The final result of Spiritual Satanism is the deification and ennobling of human beings, no matter who they are.
What are some good reasons to follow Satan over Jesus?
Satan is a real person for one.

Satan tells you to be responsible for your life and actions.
Satan teaches you how to save yourself from real problems in life rather than “sin”.
Satan tells you that you aren’t evil for existing or for not being a robot.
Satan doesn’t threaten you with eternal torture or anything elsr if you don’t follow him.

I could go on and on.
What are some good reasons to follow Satan over Jesus?
The thing is one doesn't "follow" Satan. You don't follow your father do you? no. Satan is our spiritual Father so you don't follow him like that. he gives us teachings like any real good father does and those are what we follow and take into our hearts. Yes one can worship Father Satan if one wants to but it's not required in any form beyond the respect demand like one would respect your teacher and father. Father Satan also sees us as his true sons and daughters and treats us as such. He won't leave us weak and empty like these other empty beings. Father Satan's love is true and has proven itself time and time again. Everyone goes thru hardships that is Life plain and simple but he stays by us giving us the tools needed to make Life better. Real tools not empty words. Those of us who have been on this path for a while will tell it to you straight. Take Father Satan's hand and take his teachings into your heart. your life will be better for it.

Hail Father Satan
Because you follow the figures of your ancestors, the "Pagan" lineage of Gods, whose history has been hidden and altered over time.
Not the figures of the jews, whom you have no relation to (hopefully) and who only care about the jews (not even that, really) and want to enslave all of us.

Regardless, not even the jews follow Jesus. It is a scam that they designed for Gentiles, that 99.99% of them are too smart to fall for.

By following Jesus as the son of God incarnate, you affirm that the greatest man to ever live came from the jews. You affirm that gentiles needed a jew to teach them what divinity is.
You affirm that gentiles were evil idol worshippers until a jew came along.
And you can't help but feel bad about how much this jew suffered.
Maybe you empathize with him.
Heck, maybe you feel his pain.
Heck, maybe it makes you far more empathetic of all of them.
That's what they want you to do. He has many roles in helping the jews and hurting you.
Because Satan is real and wants people to become Gods like Him. And not just wants, but doing all the necessary things for us to become like Him. This is absolutely beautiful gift of Him. Imagine that Humanity has fallen so low, and our Gods never ever have left us despite how low we have fallen. They had faith in us, and only now we are starting to show traces of what we need to show to Them back. And jew on a stick (a.k.a. jewsus, jesus) is just a scam whose purpose is based on desire to enslave humanity, take all the energy humans still have, and then throw them away from existence worse than garbage is thrown.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
