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The Gods #803 I don't love my race, my ethnicity and my culture.

This question pertains to the Gods


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I know it will seem logical to you to tell me that I have to accept it, but I can't. I am not attracted to my mixed race. I cannot accept that I have to live for "eternity" with it, it eats at my head. I wonder if with hard work and RTRs will allow me and will make the gods find a way to help me change race. And if I no longer have children to help the process of the purity of the white race, will the gods grant me to reincarnate as white? I do not like my culture and I will not lie to myself by trying to convince myself that I love it. What is the only solution even if it is hard to accept? I am capable of no longer having children in order to ensure purity, I do not mind waiting several lives, I just want to make sure that I can CHANGE IT.
You are what you are.
Ignore these things for now, your opinion will change as you clean your soul and advance. You can do a working with Odhal and affirm that you are racially aware and satisfied with it.
This is pathetic. I’m not a big fan of most arab or middle-eastern people but i wouldn’t wish to change, because I don’t need to. Whatever race I would have ended up I’d still would been the awesome hero that I building myself to be. Nothing will change that.
If you can’t have pride in your people, at least have pride in yourself and what you are. Idolise your appearance and your character and then build on it to improve. Over time your spiritual line which cannot be broken as you’re reborn in it(not necessarily the same bloodline though) will improve.
I understand where you're coming from. For many years I desperately wanted to be a different race. My people didn't understand me, like me, and made fun of me for being different. I've always been interested in other cultures and music that were totally distinct from my people. I do not see my race as attractive or pleasant to be around most of the time. I've been dated women of various cultures and the one time I dated one of my race, it ended terribly and she still harasses me every blue moon. I am currently with a woman who is white, and it looks like we may get married soon.

I'm telling you all this because despite all the challenges, trauma, and resentment I had for my people, I would never dream of being a different race now. Separate yourself from the ignorance of people today. Do you really think being white would solve your insecurities? There are ignorant white people too. Look into the past. Find the glory that your people used to once have. Find the beauty that has been destroyed, demonized, and hidden by the Jews. You are not your people. Your people do not define you. You define who you are.

I can actually enjoy the culture of my people now. I can see the remnants of the past. I can see the corruption of the present. How can you help your race by bailing on it? Use the tools and knowledge that you possess to help your race. You probably won't make a huge impact on the world alone, but you can start by making change with the family around you. Find the beauty my friend. Its there waiting for you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
