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The Gods #76905 incubus question

This question pertains to the Gods


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
so i asked for an incubus from Satan abt this concern, and it seems that i do have one, judging by me being unable to move due to an invisible "weight" on me. it would stop once i focus on my incubus

can i ask if this is legitimate? every time i focus on him, he would always smile and try to chat with me, even when i'm a little busy. even the Gods whom i had long contact with that are not usuall

so i asked for an incubus from Satan abt this concern, and it seems that i do have one, judging by me being unable to move due to an invisible "weight" on me. it would stop once i focus on my incubus

can i ask if this is legitimate? every time i focus on him, he would always smile and try to chat with me, even when i'm a little busy. even the Gods whom i had long contact with that are not usuall

Okay, but what is the question?
Either it is your Imagination, or it is an Enemy Astral Entity, like Lyarva. Because Incubus and Succubus do not act like this, they are Demonic Beings, Noble and Sublime. Contact with them is adjusted exclusively through Zeus/Satan. So you should do a Banishing Ritual or put your Imagination to rest.

Either way, a must-read for these Sermons special for you:
"Pardon me while I burst, into flames."
judging by me being unable to move due to an invisible "weight" on me. it would stop once i focus on my incubus

Sleep paralysis is a natural phenomenon, it doesn't involve any being. The Gods don't "weigh" you down or prevent you from moving. This is just xian middle ages superstitious belief that sleep paralysis has to do with "evil beings" (the Demons aren't evil but xians think they are). You have probably been reading xian propaganda.
Sleep paralysis is a natural phenomenon, it doesn't involve any being.
There are cases when it is not quite a natural reaction, it is worth understanding. Such reactions do not occur in a healthy Body and a Cleansed Soul.

Of course, they are neither Demons nor Gods. Still, there are such Energetic Organisms, they are just Astral crap that can be Banished. Usually they are small and easy to get rid of. But there are also Enemy Thoughtforms of this kind, they are stronger and can strongly suckle to Chakras and Aura. They can provoke some such reactions as sleep paralysis, forced confinement in nightmares, from which it is difficult to wake up. They feed on the Energy released in those moments when the ยซvictimยป experiences such effects (ยซGavvahยป Energy), torture and torment the person up to mental disorders. I have not encountered frequent such phenomena, but it has happened before.

By the way, people, who are ill-wishers for a person, can also affect their opponent in the same way in order to exhaust, weaken the Aura, bringing it to exhaustion and critical expenditure of the Soul's Energy Resources. Within the framework of Black Magic, in order to strike a blow afterwards. That is not only Astral Entities can act in such a way.

In any case, this is not an acceptable situation. Especially if it happens on a regular basis. If so, then with a very high probability we can talk about Astral Attacks and interference of External Forces, evil and hostile. Here's one of the most important reasons why everyone here must have a Strong AOP.

There is no one nothing comparable to Incubus / Succubus in Nobility and Honor. They never act like pimps or modern human pick-up apes. They are Gods and act like ones. You should ask your real Incubus to protect you from any astral filth that is not caused by sleep paralysis (which it is for 99% cases). But they also help with sleep paralysis if it is tormenting to the body.

I think it is not needed to say Gods never cause torments like sleep paralysis to human beings. They heal and protect them instead. you also can ask advice from healing Gods such as Aesculapius and try yoga before sleep.

Such reactions do not occur in a healthy Body and a Cleansed Soul.
Not everyone here has that healthy body and it is not always that easy to get one, even with cleansed soul. It may take several lifetimes for an extreme cripple to get one. And there are extreme cripples among us.
Not everyone here has that healthy body and it is not always that easy to get one, even with cleansed soul. It may take several lifetimes for an extreme cripple to get one. And there are extreme cripples among us.
Edward, it's not about disabilities as Physiological limitations, obviously. It's a different context. It's about those Vulnerabilities that allow these Astral Entities to have Influence in the way I described. And it is more often connected either with Vulnerabilities in the Body, which are reflected on the Mental and Etheric Planes, or with Vulnerabilities in the Soul and Aura of Protection, which is also reflected on the Physical Planes.

In both cases we are not talking about Bodily Diseases that are incorrigible in the current Incarnation, caused by Karmic Factors, but about the Spiritual Conjuncture, which is corrected during life and quite successfully, including by Power Meditations.

For example, when a person's Biofield is greatly weakened due to critical consumption of Energy Resources under the Influence of harmful, destructive habits, i. e. when destructive actions are or have been inflicted on the Body for a long time before Initiation, which subsequently created holes in the Aura and Polluted the Chakras, then the person became an ยซeasy targetยป for hungry Astral trash, destructive attachments can be created. Lady Maxine also mentioned this important consequence. Or, another example, when a person starts to be attracted by Zevism, has not been Initiated, but reads and Practices something without fundamental decisions to Protect himself, does Warfare Rituals and does not Cleanse the Aura after them (a common problem), then the person starts to experience very negative consequences, and it's not even just sleep paralysis per se. Enemy Beings often attack Neophytes, although people themselves build a path to such an outcome when they are not active enough in Cleansing the Soul and building a solid Protection. I think you already know about it.

Such Beings a priori suckle to Souls that do not have a reliable Protection. In the majority of Devoted Zevists, if this problem had appeared before, it was solved within not so long time. Therefore, it is not very clear what cripples and invalids we are talking about. We are talking about the Influence of Beings capable of Influencing a human being in this way.

The problem I described is quite real, even I have had it for some time, I have experienced sleep paralysis, although it was not related to any disease, and I sleep well. The problem was solved, it was really Astral bullshit, provoking fears and such aggressive reactions, which resonated in the Body.

The task of such Beings is simple: they need food in the form of Energy, they suck on a person (Aura, Biofield, Chakras), they can suck Energy out of her, for this they can even Influence Consciousness and Mind, especially in the state of sleep, when Brainwaves are slowed down and a person is susceptible to Programming, Brainwashing, Deep Emotional Experiences, so they use it and can literally cause fears and nightmares, because feelings and emotions are also Energy, which they feed on. The problem is not so difficult to solve when a person has good Aura of Protection and Astral Line of Protection of the sleeping place.

That is, it is not such a catastrophic problem, if a person is engaged in Cleanings, Aura, Chakras and the Soul as a whole. It is solved even for those who are limited in their Physiological capacity, including the disabled. In this sense, it is enough to have a healthy lifestyle so as not to exhaust the Resources of the Body and Soul, and to keep the Energies at High Levels, so that the Soul can Vibrate High and the Body can gradually Healing, if a person has some limitations. So that the Soul is not vulnerable to the Influence of malevolent External Forces. Of course, everyone has their own peculiarities and limitations. In this aspect you are right. However, the problem we are talking about is solved even in such circumstances.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
